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  • To ensure that monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices cause no harm to participants, stakeholders, or other people, several key principles and strategies should be followed:

    Informed consent: Obtain informed consent from all participants before collecting data, ensuring that they understand the purpose of the data collection, how their information will be used, and any potential risks or benefits involved.

    Privacy and confidentiality: Protect the privacy and confidentiality of participants by anonymizing data, using secure storage and transmission methods, and ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to the data.

    Respect for cultural norms and values: Respect the cultural norms, values, and beliefs of participants and stakeholders, ensuring that M&E practices are culturally sensitive and do not impose Western-centric perspectives or practices.

    Do no harm: Consider the potential risks and unintended consequences of M&E activities, taking proactive steps to mitigate any negative impacts on participants, stakeholders, or the broader community.

    Equity and inclusion: Ensure that M&E practices are inclusive and accessible to all participants, regardless of factors such as gender, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or disability. This may involve using diverse data collection methods, providing accommodations for individuals with disabilities, and actively seeking input from marginalized or underrepresented groups.

    Transparency and accountability: Be transparent about the purpose, methods, and findings of M&E activities, providing participants and stakeholders with clear and accessible information about how their data will be used and ensuring that they have opportunities to provide feedback and raise concerns.

    Continuous monitoring and learning: Regularly monitor and evaluate M&E practices to identify any potential harms or ethical concerns, and take prompt corrective action to address them. Foster a culture of learning and adaptation within the organization or project team, encouraging reflection and dialogue on ethical issues related to M&E.

    By adhering to these principles and implementing these strategies, organizations can minimize the risk of causing harm through their M&E practices and ensure that their efforts contribute to positive social impact in an ethical and responsible manner.

  • Je pense que dans le processus de récolte des données, nous devons à tout prix respecter le principe de ne pas nuire afin de protéger les personnes qui prennent part à notre enquête. Cela dans l'objectif de leur protéger contre toute représailles qui proviendrais de la divulgation de leurs informations

  • Je pense que dans le processus de récolte des données, nous devons à tout prix respecter le principe de ne pas nuire afin de protéger les personnes qui prennent part à notre enquête. Cela dans l'objectif de leur proteger contre toute represailles qui proviendrais de la divilgation de leurs informations

  • Why is it necessary to consider privacy and confidentiality when collecting data?

  • Why is it necessary to consider privacy and confidentiality when collecting data?

  • Why is it necessary to consider privacy and confidentiality when collecting data?

  • The discussion revolves around the ethical principles of data collection and use, emphasizing the importance of the "Do No Harm" principle in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices. Organizations engaged in data collection must prioritize the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals.

    The Do No Harm principle involves:

    Participant Experience: Considering the impact of data collection on participants, ensuring that the process is simple, intuitive, and not overly burdensome or stressful.
    Informed Consent: Ensuring participants fully understand the risks involved in data collection and provide informed consent. This is especially critical in medical research or when working with vulnerable populations such as children or prisoners.
    Anonymity and Confidentiality: Keeping data anonymous and confidential to protect participants from potential harm. This includes safeguarding sensitive information that could damage individuals' reputation or safety.
    Addressing Inequities: Being mindful of how data could exacerbate existing inequities. Organizations must consider how data may be used by others, including potential misuse that could harm vulnerable groups.
    Organizations should strive to follow these ethical principles to avoid causing harm to participants, stakeholders, or other affected individuals. This includes careful design and execution of M&E processes, keeping in mind the potential consequences of data misuse. Ultimately, ethical data collection and use ensure trust and integrity in the research process and outcomes.

  • The discussion revolves around the ethical principles of data collection and use, emphasizing the importance of the "Do No Harm" principle in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices. Organizations engaged in data collection must prioritize the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals.

    The Do No Harm principle involves:

    Participant Experience: Considering the impact of data collection on participants, ensuring that the process is simple, intuitive, and not overly burdensome or stressful.
    Informed Consent: Ensuring participants fully understand the risks involved in data collection and provide informed consent. This is especially critical in medical research or when working with vulnerable populations such as children or prisoners.
    Anonymity and Confidentiality: Keeping data anonymous and confidential to protect participants from potential harm. This includes safeguarding sensitive information that could damage individuals' reputation or safety.
    Addressing Inequities: Being mindful of how data could exacerbate existing inequities. Organizations must consider how data may be used by others, including potential misuse that could harm vulnerable groups.
    Organizations should strive to follow these ethical principles to avoid causing harm to participants, stakeholders, or other affected individuals. This includes careful design and execution of M&E processes, keeping in mind the potential consequences of data misuse. Ultimately, ethical data collection and use ensure trust and integrity in the research process and outcomes.

  • Do no harm: Do not intentionally or unintentionally cause physical, emotional and reputation damage all participants of your project. This is done by

    1. Consider the experience of the people who are providing data, for example if you are using an interview guide to collect your data let it not be too long to consume a lot of your participants time.
    2. Obtain an informed consent from the participants you are collecting data from, this means you should make them understand why the data is being collected, it's use and share with then the results. let them know that there are no hidden risks by explaining all the risk involved with the exercise.
    3. Ensure anonymity and confidentiality. The data should not be linked to the participants who provided it and should not be accessible to unauthorised people.
    4. Identify and avoid potential areas where your data may exacerbate existing inequalities.
  • Indeed, it is very important to ensure that the research does not inflict any harm on the participants. And in other to ensure this, several actions need to be taken by the interviewer which include

  • To adhere to the ethical principle of Do No Harm in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) practices, it's essential to prioritize participant well-being by designing data collection processes that are intuitive and non-intrusive, obtaining informed consent while adhering to legal and ethical guidelines, safeguarding participant privacy through anonymization and confidentiality measures, mitigating potential risks of harm or misuse of data, and continuously evaluating and adapting practices to minimize negative impacts and uphold the dignity of all individuals involved.

  • To adhere to the ethical principle of Do No Harm in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) practices, it's essential to prioritize participant well-being by designing data collection processes that are intuitive and non-intrusive, obtaining informed consent while adhering to legal and ethical guidelines, safeguarding participant privacy through anonymization and confidentiality measures, mitigating potential risks of harm or misuse of data, and continuously evaluating and adapting practices to minimize negative impacts and uphold the dignity of all individuals involved.

  • To ensure that monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices do no harm, it is crucial to design ethical data collection methods that minimize participant burden, ensure informed consent with clarity and transparency, and maintain strict standards for anonymity and confidentiality. By doing so, M&E activities respect participants' rights and safeguard their well-being, ensuring that data collection and analysis cause no harm while providing valuable insights.

  • According to Pierre Bourdieu, when people become the object of our study there's an asymetrical relationship to them as the interviewer mantains the control of the situation. Subjects or interviewers get to select who is fit or representative of the population being studied and they also choose which questions are relevant to achieve this knowledge. The study's objects, on the other hand, must accomodate to their requirements and hope to give the answer they are seeking for.
    Giving this asymetric relationship described, it's vital in the ethics of an investigation to make sure you respect and do no harm the objects of the social study. That's why is so important they are given all the relevant information and we are honest and clear about our intentions, leveling the field. Being discrete about the personal information given is also a major priority, as it is abstaining to the goals of your study. The privacy that our objects of study confine us must be respected and treasured at all times.

  • I have learned that one of the ethics of Monitoring and Evaluation is Do No Harm. This ethic is to ensure that the M&E does not impose any harm on the participants. In achieving this, several principles must be adopted including considering the experience of the participants, ensuring that all participants give informed consent to collect and use their data, ensuring that, when appropriate, participant data is kept anonymous and confidential, and identifying and avoiding potential areas where your data may exacerbate existing inequities.

  • From the above example, where my data suggests that some of the people belonging to this group (lower status group of individuals) have committed crimes I could not let the data I released be used by political opponents to further damage this group of people because I promised them that the data collected from them would be kept anonymous and confidential.

  • The “Do No Harm” principle encourages individuals to act in ways that promote safety, well-being, and fairness. It reminds us to consider the potential consequences of our actions and strive to minimize harm to others.

  • I'm working with the refugee and sometime after an activity some of them don't wont to share their nationality. This part of the module is very helpful

    1 Reply
  • Do no harm principle is especially critical where there are underlying issues, conflicts, or problems.

  • it is important to not harm or damage emotional, physical and reputational aspect of respondent's life

  • this is really true according to my experience working as enumerator i could feel bad on some of assessment that we used to conduct that they were causing emotional damages to the beneficiaries because they were not told the exact purpose of our surveys and they had hope of getting something at the end of the project. therefore this an important principle to follow in M&E

  • that's what i have been experiencing as well my time as a research assistant at a refugee camp because we couldn't disclose the actual purpose of some surveys.

  • When considering the principle of "Do no harm" in the context of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) on ethics, particularly about data collection and usage, there are several potential areas that need to be addressed to mitigate the risk of exacerbating existing inequalities or causing harm. Here are some key considerations:

    1. Identify potential areas where your data may exacerbate existing inequalities:

      • Examine the demographics and backgrounds of the participants from whom data is being collected.
      • Analyze whether certain groups or communities are underrepresented or overrepresented in the data.
      • Assess if the data collection methods or questions inadvertently introduce biases or discriminate against certain groups.
    2. Ensure all participants give informed consent to collect and use their data:

      • Provide clear and understandable information about the purpose, scope, and intended use of the data collection.
      • Explain the potential risks and benefits of participating in the data collection process.
      • Obtain explicit consent from participants, preferably in writing or through a verifiable digital process.
      • Ensure that participants have the option to withdraw their consent and have their data removed or deleted.
    3. Ensure that, when appropriate, participant data is kept anonymous and confidential:

      • Implement strong data anonymization and de-identification techniques to protect the privacy of participants.
      • Establish robust data security measures, such as encryption and access controls, to safeguard confidential information.
      • Define clear policies and procedures for data handling, storage, and retention, adhering to relevant data protection regulations.
      • Train personnel involved in data collection and analysis on ethical data practices and the importance of maintaining confidentiality.

    Additionally, it is crucial to establish an ethical review process or oversight committee to review the data collection and analysis methodologies, assess potential risks and biases, and provide guidance on mitigating any ethical concerns. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the data collection and usage processes should be conducted to identify and address any emerging issues promptly.

    By proactively addressing these considerations, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to ethical data practices, minimize the risk of causing harm or exacerbating existing inequalities, and foster trust among participants and stakeholders.

  • Data collection

  • L'éthique constitue une étape fondamentale et incontournable dans tout le processus de collecte et d'utilisation de données. Elle interpelle la conscience dans la manipulation des données.

  • I believe it is important to keep participants at the forefront of the mind when crafting programs and M&E processes. All too often, I believe that the mistakes made by scientists and public health practitioners could have been avoided if there was a stronger commitment to "do no harm". No harm to participants, no harm to the general populace, and no harm to the field of study.
    In my journey in the public health space I have learned that there is an objective way to ensure we are "doing no harm" and that is total transparency and humility as it relates to solutions being proffered to problems.

  • Its very important to think about other people and learn to create no harm meaning protect the data of the participants.

  • In this module , we understand the importance of keeping the information collected from individuals anonymous and confidential. Otherwise ,the people can be harmed. With this, we have to take into consideration:
    1.How to collect our data without hurting others.

    1. We can keep the information anonymous so the people who provided the information can not be be tracked because you never know how others will use your data.
      3.Keep the information confidential (only to be accessed by those who have permission).
  • Its an important module and I have learnt the no harm rule

  • Does the 'do no harm' principal relate to safeguarding in the perspective of data collection?

  • Honor the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals. Do not, intentionally or unintentionally, cause physical, emotional or reputational damage to the people affected by your work.

  • Honor the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals. Do not, intentionally or unintentionally, cause physical, emotional or reputational damage to the people affected by your work.

  • Honor the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals. Do not, intentionally or unintentionally, cause physical, emotional or reputational damage to the people affected by your work.

  • learned that Ethics have an important role in guiding standards of behaviour with our respondents, our partners and the wider society, and can help respond to the question: are we doing what is right?

  • Honor the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals. Do not, intentionally or unintentionally, cause physical, emotional or reputational damage to the people affected by your work.

  • In ensuring that monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices cause no harm, ethical principles must guide every step of data collection. First, the experience of participants should be prioritized: data collection processes should be simple, intuitive, and efficient, minimizing stress and confusion. This can be achieved by designing user-friendly interfaces and clear instructions. Second, obtaining informed consent is crucial to respect participants' autonomy and protect them from risks they might not fully understand. This is particularly vital when working with vulnerable groups or in sensitive research areas. Third, maintaining the anonymity and confidentiality of participant data safeguards against potential harms such as reputational damage or safety risks. Strong data protection measures should be implemented to honor these commitments. Lastly, identifying and mitigating potential biases and inequities in data collection and reporting is essential. This involves critically assessing how data could be misinterpreted or misused to harm certain groups and ensuring that findings are presented accurately and responsibly.

  • Honor the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals. Do not, intentionally or unintentionally, cause physical, emotional or reputational damage to the people affected by your work.

  • Ethical Data Collection Practices in Organizations: Ensuring 'Do No Harm' to Stakeholders

  • Of course! The data might be correct, however, the release of this data might not be well-taken by politicans and other mid or higher status people, as they have a prejudice against these study groups (low status). So, they might device to systematically attack the benefits and rights of all low status people by taking this data as proof of their pre-defined perceptions

  • Certainly! Let's delve into the ethical considerations raised by this scenario.

    1. Sampling Bias and Representativeness:

      • The choice of survey location outside an expensive grocery store introduces sampling bias. By targeting women leaving this specific store, the data collected may not accurately represent the broader population.
      • Economically well-off individuals are more likely to shop at expensive stores. Thus, the survey results may disproportionately reflect the views of wealthier women.
      • To address this, the partner organization should diversify the survey locations to include a broader cross-section of the community. This would improve the representativeness of the data.
    2. Ethnic Homogeneity:

      • The observation that most participants belong to a single ethnic group raises concerns about ethnic bias.
      • If the survey only captures the perspectives of one ethnic group, it may not reflect the experiences and opinions of other ethnicities.
      • To mitigate this, the partner organization should intentionally seek out diverse locations and engage with women from various ethnic backgrounds.
    3. Perceptions of Gender Equity:

      • The survey question itself—"Women have worse job opportunities than men"—may oversimplify a complex issue.
      • Job opportunities can vary significantly based on factors like education, industry, and location. A binary agree/disagree response may not capture the nuances.
      • Consider refining the question or adding follow-up questions to explore participants' reasoning and experiences in more depth.
    4. Transparency and Informed Consent:

      • Participants should be informed about the purpose of the survey, how their data will be used, and their right to decline participation.
      • Transparency ensures ethical conduct and builds trust with respondents.
      • The partner organization should clearly communicate these details to participants.
    5. Contextual Factors:

      • Consider the context in which the survey is conducted. Are women leaving the grocery store in a hurry? Are they comfortable discussing sensitive topics?
      • Sensitivity to participants' feelings and privacy is crucial. Researchers should approach potential respondents with empathy and respect.

    In summary, ethical research practices require careful consideration of sampling methods, transparency, and cultural sensitivity. By addressing these concerns, your team can ensure a more robust and meaningful exploration of gender equity attitudes.

  • True it's necessary to consider do not harm principles

  • It is very important to make sure that the data collected for a given project does not in any way harm the participants. Ensuring that the participants consent to giving the information and their information protected from unauthorized users.

  • Consider the experience of participants when designing data collection processes. Avoid making it overly time-consuming, stressful or confusing.
    Ensure all participants provide informed consent to participate and understand how their data will be used. Follow relevant laws and regulations.
    Keep participant data anonymous and confidential whenever appropriate to protect privacy and safety.
    Identify potential ways your data could be misused to exacerbate existing inequities or harm vulnerable groups, even if unintentional. Consider how others may interpret and apply your findings.

    The main ethical considerations are minimizing burden on participants, obtaining informed consent, protecting confidentiality, and anticipating unintended negative consequences from data collection and reporting. Careful planning is needed to ensure M&E practices do no harm.

  • Do No Harm - When conducting a research and gathering data it is important to be principled about it, meaning that every data being collated must be done in a way that doesn't cause harm, doesn't damage the self-worth, or cause physical harm to the individuals involved.

  • Para garantir que as práticas de Monitoramento e Avaliação (M&E) não causem danos aos participantes, partes interessadas ou outras pessoas, é fundamental adotar abordagens éticas, sensíveis e inclusivas ao longo de todo o processo. Aqui estão algumas diretrizes e considerações para alcançar isso:

    1. Consentimento Informado e Transparência
      Clareza e Compreensão: Garanta que todos os participantes entendam claramente o propósito do estudo, como os dados serão utilizados e os possíveis riscos. Use uma linguagem acessível e evite jargões técnicos.
      Documentação de Consentimento: Forneça formulários de consentimento informados que expliquem os detalhes do estudo e obtenha assinaturas dos participantes.
      Direito de Recusa: Informe os participantes de que sua participação é voluntária e que eles podem desistir a qualquer momento sem consequências.
    2. Minimização de Estresse e Confusão
      Simplificação do Processo: Desenvolva métodos de coleta de dados que sejam simples e intuitivos. Evite processos longos e complexos que possam ser estressantes.
      Feedback e Suporte: Ofereça suporte durante o processo de coleta de dados e esteja disponível para responder perguntas ou esclarecer dúvidas.
    3. Privacidade e Confidencialidade
      Anonimização: Quando possível, anonimize os dados para que não possam ser ligados de volta aos indivíduos.
      Confidencialidade: Garanta que os dados sejam armazenados e compartilhados de forma segura, acessíveis apenas a pessoas autorizadas.
      Proteção de Dados Sensíveis: Seja especialmente cuidadoso com dados altamente confidenciais, como informações de saúde ou detalhes pessoais, para evitar qualquer risco à reputação ou segurança dos participantes.
    4. Equidade e Inclusão
      Amostragem Diversificada: Inclua uma amostra representativa da população-alvo para evitar viés e garantir que diferentes grupos demográficos sejam representados.
      Inclusão de Tradutores: Quando necessário, use tradutores para incluir comunidades que falam diferentes idiomas, garantindo uma coleta de dados inclusiva.
      Ajustes para Populações Vulneráveis: Adapte os métodos de coleta de dados para atender às necessidades específicas de populações vulneráveis, como crianças ou pessoas com deficiência.
    5. Prevenção de Prejuízos e Desigualdades
      Revisão Ética: Passe por um comitê de ética para revisar os métodos de coleta de dados e identificar possíveis riscos.
      Análise de Impacto: Avalie como os dados coletados podem ser interpretados e usados por outros. Evite publicar informações que possam ser usadas para prejudicar grupos vulneráveis.
      Feedback das Partes Interessadas: Envolva as partes interessadas no planejamento e na execução do M&E para garantir que suas preocupações e perspectivas sejam consideradas.
    6. Garantia de Qualidade e Transparência na Apresentação dos Dados
      Relatórios Precisos: Apresente os dados de maneira precisa e honesta, destacando limitações e evitando a manipulação de resultados.
      Divulgação de Conflitos de Interesse: Declare qualquer conflito de interesse que possa influenciar a coleta ou a interpretação dos dados.
    7. Responsabilidade e Reflexão
      Monitoramento Contínuo: Monitore continuamente os processos de coleta de dados para identificar e corrigir problemas.
      Reflexão e Ajuste: Esteja disposto a ajustar os métodos de M&E com base no feedback dos participantes e nas descobertas iniciais.

    Garantir práticas éticas em M&E é essencial para proteger os direitos e o bem-estar dos participantes. Ao adotar medidas para minimizar o estresse, garantir a representatividade, proteger a confidencialidade e ser transparente e responsável, as organizações podem conduzir M&E de forma ética e eficaz, promovendo a confiança e a colaboração com todas as partes envolvidas.

  • To ensure that Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) practices do not cause harm to participants, stakeholders or others, it is essential to adopt ethical, sensitive and inclusive approaches throughout the entire process. Here are some guidelines and considerations for achieving this:

    1. Informed Consent and Transparency
      Clarity and Understanding: Ensure that all participants clearly understand the purpose of the study, how the data will be used, and the possible risks. Use accessible language and avoid technical jargon.
      Consent Documentation: Provide informed registration forms that explain study details and obtain signatures from participants.
      Right to Refuse: Inform participants that their participation is voluntary and that they can withdraw at any time without consequences.
    2. Minimizing Stress and Confusion
      Process Simplification: Develop data collection methods that are simple and intuitive. Avoid long and complex processes that can be stressful.
      Feedback and Support: Offer support during the data collection process and be available to answer questions or theoretical doubts.
    3. Privacy and Confidentiality
      Anonymization: When possible, anonymize data so it cannot be linked back to individuals.
      Confidentiality: Ensure that data is stored and shared securely, accessible only to authorized people.
      Protection of Sensitive Data: Be especially careful with highly harmful data, such as health information or personal details, to avoid any risk to the safety or security of participants.
    4. Equity and Inclusion
      Diverse Sampling: Includes a representative sample of the target population to avoid bias and ensure different demographic groups are represented.
      Inclusion of Translators: When necessary, use translators to include communities that speak different languages, ensuring inclusive data collection.
      Adjustments for Vulnerable Populations: Adapt data collection methods to meet the specific needs of vulnerable populations, such as children or people with disabilities.
    5. Preventing Harm and Inequalities
      Ethical Review: Go through an ethics committee to review data collection methods and identify possible risks.
      Impact Analysis: Evaluate how the data found can be interpreted and used by others. Avoid publishing information that could be used to target vulnerable groups.
      Stakeholder Feedback: Involve stakeholders in M&A planning and execution to ensure their concerns and perspectives are considered.
    6. Quality Assurance and Transparency in Data Presentation
      Accurate Reporting: Presents data accurately and honestly, highlighting limitations and avoiding manipulation of results.
      Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Declare any conflict of interest that may influence the collection or interpretation of data.
    7. Responsibility and Reflection
      Continuous Monitoring: Continuously monitor data collection processes to identify and correct problems.
      Reflection and Adjustment: Be willing to adjust M&E methods based on participant feedback and initial findings.

    Ensuring ethical practices in M&A is essential to protect the rights and well-being of participants. By taking steps to minimize stress, ensure representation, protect confidentiality and be transparent and accountable, organizations can conduct M&A ethically and effectively, promoting trust and collaboration with all parties involved.

  • It ensures that the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals are honored by

    1. Consider the experience of your participants.
    2. Ensure all participants give informed consent to collect and use their data
    3. Identify the potential areas where your data may exacerbate existing inequalities.
  • To ensure that monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices cause no harm to participants, stakeholders, or other people, consider the following guidelines:

    1. Prioritize the Participant Experience
      Simplify Data Collection: Design intuitive, straightforward, and time-efficient data collection processes.
      Minimize Stress: Avoid creating lengthy or overly complex procedures that could cause stress or confusion.
      Respect Time: Recognize the value of participants' time and avoid overly burdensome data collection.
    2. Obtain Informed Consent
      Transparency: Clearly explain the purpose of the data collection, how the data will be used, and any potential risks involved.
      Comprehension: Ensure that participants fully understand what they are consenting to. Use simple language and check for understanding, especially with vulnerable populations.
      Legal Compliance: Follow all relevant laws and regulations, particularly when working with sensitive groups like children, prisoners, or individuals with intellectual disabilities.
    3. Ensure Anonymity and Confidentiality
      Anonymize Data: When possible, remove identifiers so that the data cannot be traced back to individual participants.
      Confidentiality Protocols: Restrict access to data to authorized personnel only and implement robust data protection measures.
      Sensitive Information: Be particularly cautious with data that could harm an individual’s reputation or safety if released.
    4. Address Equity and Potential Misuse
      Equity Awareness: Be mindful of how data collection and reporting might reinforce or exacerbate existing inequities.
      Responsible Reporting: Consider how the data might be interpreted or misused by others. Avoid releasing data that could harm or stigmatize vulnerable groups.
      Contextual Sensitivity: Be aware of the political and social context in which the data will be used and reported.
    5. Continuous Improvement
      Feedback Mechanisms: Implement ways for participants to provide feedback on their experience and use this feedback to improve M&E practices.
      Training: Ensure that all team members involved in M&E are trained in ethical data collection and handling practices.
      Monitoring: Regularly review and update M&E practices to align with best practices and ethical standards.
      By following these guidelines, you can conduct ethical M&E practices that respect and protect participants and stakeholders, ensuring that your data collection processes do no harm.
  • To my understanding is essential for every organization to have a Do No harm Plicy as this will benefit the organisation in wider level of social engament with people ,community and society at large.

  • It is critical to consider the well-being and safety of participants over all other project-related considerations and seek informed consent before data collection.

  • Letting the participant talk more, helps the one collecting data understand their view much better and it helps the participant feel respected and acknowledged.
    A form motivation can help when collecting data to help the participants engage more.

  • In any collection of data may have area of few ,for example some group of low or politicians. Belong to data collection it may be very serious to release the openent ,it will be cause disrespectfully or violence

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