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  • Importance of digital logo making in the rising NGO setup

    What is logo making
    What define a quality logo
    How to use photo logo in NGO set up

    2 Replies
  • Logo making: A logo is a graphic representation that easily identifies an organization, a product, or any public or private entity. It's one of the strategies to stand a brand apart in a world overloaded with graphic elements seeking for our attention on a daily basis.
    Quality Logo: A logo is an important aspect of any company's branding because it is often the initial point of contact for potential clients. There are various factors that go into logo design, and they may vary depending on your demands and profession.

    Enthusiasm and engagement are vital to NGO's and social projects. Make a friendly logo unless you want to create an impacting logo for a social purpose or NGO.

  • Increased trust and donor acquisition result from having a recognizable logo that meaningfully reflects your nonprofit organization.

  • agreed and enjoy

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