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  • absolutely, it can help you develop your ask

  • When you receive a "no" from a donor, I find a way to convince them again. If they insist, I suggest to see them at a later time

  • When you receive a "no" from a donor, I find a way to convince them again. If they insist, I suggest to see them at a later time

  • When I receive a "NO" from a donor, I try to convince him but if he insists, I seek for a better time to see him

  • When I receive a "NO" from a donor, I try to convince him but if he insists, I seek for a better time to see him

  • When I received a No from a donor, I first appreciated the donor for her time. I asked to see her at a better time

  • Useful and important tips

  • One thing I've learned from experiencing rejection or receiving a "no" from a donor is the importance of resilience and perseverance in fundraising. While rejection can be disheartening, it's essential to view it as a learning opportunity rather than a failure. By analyzing the reasons behind the rejection, I can identify areas for improvement and refine my approach in future fundraising efforts. Additionally, rejection serves as a reminder to maintain a positive attitude and to continue reaching out to potential donors with confidence and determination. Overall, each "no" brings me one step closer to finding the right donor and achieving fundraising success.

  • One thing I've learned from experiencing rejection or receiving a "no" from a donor is the importance of resilience and perseverance in fundraising. While rejection can be disheartening, it's essential to view it as a learning opportunity rather than a failure. By analyzing the reasons behind the rejection, I can identify areas for improvement and refine my approach in future fundraising efforts. Additionally, rejection serves as a reminder to maintain a positive attitude and to continue reaching out to potential donors with confidence and determination. Overall, each "no" brings me one step closer to finding the right donor and achieving fundraising success.

    1 Reply
  • One important lesson learned from the experience of rejection or receiving a "no" from a donor is the value of resilience and perseverance. Fundraising is inherently a process that involves facing numerous rejections and setbacks before achieving success. Each rejection provides an opportunity for learning and growth.

    Instead of being discouraged by a "no," fundraisers can use it as a chance to reflect on their approach, refine their pitch, and identify areas for improvement. By embracing rejection as a natural part of the fundraising journey, fundraisers can develop resilience and determination to keep pushing forward despite obstacles.

    Moreover, experiencing rejection can also help fundraisers develop empathy and understanding towards donors' perspectives. It reminds fundraisers that donors may have their own constraints, priorities, and reasons for declining support, which may not necessarily reflect on the worthiness of the cause or the fundraiser's efforts.

    Ultimately, learning from rejection enables fundraisers to become more effective advocates for their cause, build stronger relationships with donors, and increase their chances of success in the future. It teaches them to persevere, adapt, and approach fundraising with a positive mindset, knowing that each "no" brings them one step closer to a "yes."

  • Very well said. That is right attitude to have. Every no is a learning opportunity. Persevere and you will come out on top. Never give up. The worst people can say is no.

    1 Reply
  • i have learnt to understand the dynamics of recieving a NO.....a No brings to me the reality of my possibility of success....if i can concieve it ,then it is doable.

    with this mind set i deal with disappointment easily with a view that it is a stepping stone to the dream.

    1 Reply
  • yes never give up ,i share with you in that believe shouldnt be a barrier to our dreams.

  • My name is Fernanda Mitchell, I am from Las Vegas, NV, I am passionate about mental health and education in teenagers and children, I think that mental health and education is essential for a better future in our society, unfortunately my city lacks health services mentally and our state does not receive as many benefits for education as the rest of the country does, our city needs a lot of support, despite being a world-known city.

  • I remember my first experience with fundraising in high school, although at the time I just thought "I need to ask for money. I stood outside of a supermarket asking for strangers to help me fund my educational trip to Europe and it scared me to be rejected. My first rejection was a fast no and rude comment, "Get a job!" and once I heard that comment it actually prepared me for the other no's and comments. However, once I got a yes that feeling over took the disappointed feeling and I learned that I had to be quicker with my ask because they wanted to leave or enter the supermarket. I learned a lot in that experience for my future in fundraising that for every no there is a lesson and for every no there is also a yes coming your way!

  • Hi @Dom!

    I think this is a great mindset to have! I agree with you that we can't take a no as stop everything but just as a stepping stone in the process to the overall goal. Really great advice/post!

  • I have learned that it is not often a no because of something I have failed at, but because they just aren’t ready.

    2 Replies
  • One thing I've learned from experiencing rejection or receiving a "no" from a donor is the importance of resilience and perseverance in fundraising. While it can be disheartening to face rejection, especially when you believe strongly in your cause, it's crucial not to let it deter you from continuing your efforts. Instead of dwelling on the rejection, I've learned to view it as an opportunity for growth and reflection. By analyzing the reasons behind the rejection and identifying areas for improvement, I can adapt my approach and refine my fundraising strategy for future interactions with donors. Ultimately, learning from rejection allows me to become more resilient and better equipped to navigate challenges in fundraising, ultimately increasing my chances of success.

    In response to another learner, I agree that maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on building relationships with donors are key factors in overcoming rejection. By approaching fundraising with optimism and sincerity, and by nurturing connections with donors based on mutual respect and shared values, we can cultivate a supportive network of supporters who are invested in our cause. Additionally, I appreciate the emphasis on adaptability and flexibility in fundraising strategies. Being willing to adjust our approach based on feedback and lessons learned from past experiences can help us refine our techniques and improve our effectiveness in securing support for our organization or cause.

  • No is not always no as it might sound!

  • In fundraising when you face no, remember that no is not always no

  • what I got is that even if you receive an emphatic No all hope is not lost there is a way to still go about

  • The rejection I experienced was when 2 ladies from my church agreed after my presentation to them individually that they would support me with a certain amount of money monthly, I never heard anything from them ever again even though we still go to the same church all the time.
    What I have learned from this is that just because someone is interested and sees value in what you do will they give as they promised, but this must not discourage you from making more appointments, starting new relationships and networks or even giving up.

  • Totally agree, and that both no and yes can result in a positive way for you. You leave richer or wiser every time you engage with a donor.

  • The key take away from me is keeping the potential donor engaged if they cannot donate at the moment due to their circumstances. Maintaining regular contact and offering other ways to support my organisation are paramount

  • No reinforce the ability of each action we undertake once we correct the mistake

  • Disappointment is natural, but here's the learning opportunity. The rejection highlights the need for me to better tailor my approach. I can revisit the project's presentation, emphasizing how it aligns with the company's specific areas of interest. Perhaps involving immediate family members to be part of our organizational fund-raising strategy for their family members to influence them and fund the project next time.
    Understanding a donor's priorities allows for a more targeted pitch, increasing the chance of resonating with them and securing a "yes" in the future.

    1 Reply
  • they might be ready but their priorities did not align with yours

  • I learnt to handle such moments in a meeting and to always have multiple donors in a waiting list

  • I learned there are different reasons why donors may say no. It was valuable to see these described with suggested questions to ask and strategies to keep the conversation going.

    1 Reply
  • Incorporating feedback from rejection or receiving a "no" from a donor is crucial for future success in fundraising. One thing I've learned from such experiences is the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and resilience in the face of setbacks. Instead of viewing rejection as a failure, I now see it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. By reflecting on the reasons behind the rejection, whether it's due to timing, alignment with the donor's priorities, or other factors, I can adapt my approach and tailor future fundraising efforts more effectively. Additionally, I've learned the value of perseverance and persistence in building relationships with donors. Even if one donor says no, it doesn't mean that all doors are closed. By staying persistent and continuing to engage with donors, I can nurture relationships over time and increase the likelihood of securing support for my cause.

  • Understanding the various reasons behind donor refusals is indeed invaluable. It equips us with insights into potential areas for improvement and allows us to adapt our strategies accordingly. Having suggested questions and conversation strategies provides a structured approach to navigate such situations effectively, fostering constructive dialogue and potentially turning a "no" into a future opportunity.

  • This course did a good job in showing that there is a learning opportunity with rejection. It's a good thing to help us evolve our strategies as fundraisers.

  • I learned there are different reasons why donors may say no. It was valuable to see these described with suggested questions to ask and strategies to keep the conversation going.

  • One valuable lesson learned from experiencing rejection or receiving a "no" from a donor is the importance of resilience and perseverance. Despite the disappointment of not securing the desired support, these experiences can serve as opportunities for growth and learning. They teach the importance of remaining resilient in the face of setbacks, maintaining a positive attitude, and persevering in pursuit of one's goals.

    Moreover, rejection can provide valuable feedback and insights that can inform future fundraising efforts. By reflecting on the reasons for the rejection and seeking to understand the donor's perspective, fundraisers can identify areas for improvement, refine their approaches, and tailor their fundraising strategies to better align with the interests and priorities of potential donors.

    Ultimately, understanding that rejection is a natural part of the fundraising process and viewing it as an opportunity for growth and improvement can help fundraisers cultivate resilience, adaptability, and determination, which are essential qualities for success in fundraising and achieving their organizational goals.

  • Rejection helps to understand that donors have their own motivations and prefer recipients to align with those. It also aids in firmly grasping the donor's perspective, allowing for a better understanding before seeking funding. Sometimes, it is beneficial to accept a 'No' without protest or inquiry, as this can foster positive traits. Moreover, the person who initially declined may eventually agree, perhaps even more readily and for a longer duration.

  • Along the way of fundraising we will find positive experiences with immediate responses from donors and others that will discourage us

  • From this module
    I learned that a fundraiser should not always be optimistic but should also expect disappointment

  • Hi, I am a beginner here. I have no prior experience with rejection. But I understood the importance of rejection. Thanks

  • We must be prepared to check other prospects when a donor says no

    We must listen to the donor and check if how the donor makes money conflicts with your mission

  • It’s helpful to learn why a donor said no

    We should also learn if how the donor made money conflicts with our mission

  • This is a great idea

  • One key lesson I've learned from experiencing rejection in fundraising is the importance of managing expectations and setting context upfront. By clearly outlining the purpose of my request and the potential impact of their contribution early on, I can better gauge their interest and readiness to commit. This approach not only respects their time but also increases the chances of a positive response or valuable feedback for future engagements.

  • Indeed, learning why donors say 'no' helps refine our fundraising strategies. By exploring future engagements, we build stronger relationships and seize opportunities. Maintaining a comprehensive donor list also ensures continuity and strategic planning, maximizing our chances for success.

    1 Reply
  • Donors assess the need and prioritize accordingly. Their rejection is not a permanent 'no' for future requests, but rather a signal to wait. It is not necessarily that our approach is wrong, but rather that the timing may not be right.

  • I learned to ask for feedback and potentially ask if they could introduce me to one of their connections who might be interested.

  • i agree but the course is basic

  • I learnt that it is important to recognise the type of 'no' and follow it up with the appropriate question. Sometimes it may not be the right time for the ask. Always be nice to potential donors even if they said 'no' the first time.

    1 Reply
  • Yes, having the donor list and keeping the communication open is very important to build long-term faithful donors.

  • 1: What is one thing you have learned from the experience of rejection or getting a “no” from a donor that can help you be successful in the future? I have learned to be tenacious and unrelenting. I have also learned that people respond well to integrity and honesty, especially when its not so easy.

  • I am looking forward to improving our donor list.

  • The piece of advice about not neglecting your donors' children was very interesting to me, because it was something I had never taken into consideration before.

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