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  • I like your idea because I have had that experience in Colombia with my small foundation.Thanks.

  • Unrestricted funding is very very important for organizing because you can use the money for almost anything, so it's very important to organize for fundraising events to get unrestricted fund and also you can get unrestricted fund from small business and personal giving from individuals,,

    Having this unrestricted fund can help your organization to grow because you will be able to pay for things that can't be covered by restricted fund

    1 Reply
  • Hi, My name is Nsimene Okontim James, I want to happily discuss this topic with you all. chat me up if you want us to discuss this course.

  • -calling events for individuals, friends, acquaintances and family.

    1. I would do trial and error in events. And I would be aware of the smallest details to improve my next events
  • Excellent! I agree with you

  • Great way to improve ongoing funding. Also you can think about going digital with social media outreach.

  • As the author states now a day going digital with a new breed of donors is crucial to expand the funding base. Social media and social marketing could be a great alternative to attract many small, unrestricted, ongoing gifts.

  • We should invest more time into building up the monthly donations system through a website to receive more unrestricted donations

    1 Reply
  • One way I can improve on my unrestricted find is by collecting due from members on a monthly basis.

  • Cultivating donor relationships to increase unrestricted gifts is a powerful way to enhance an organization's capacity. Unrestricted funding provides the flexibility, stability, and freedom to pursue strategic growth, respond to emerging needs, and make mission-driven decisions. This support not only strengthens the organization's financial health but also empowers it to have a more significant and sustainable impact on the communities it serves.

    1. One way to increase your organization's amount of unrestricted gifts is by cultivating relationships with individual donors who have a strong belief in your mission and are inclined to provide flexible support. This can be done through personalized stewardship and regular communication to keep them engaged and informed about the impact of their donations. Additionally, hosting fundraising events that highlight the overall needs of the organization rather than specific programs or projects can encourage unrestricted giving.

    2. Increasing the amount of unrestricted gifts can greatly benefit an organization's capacity in several ways:

    a) Flexibility in Resource Allocation: Unrestricted gifts allow organizations to have more flexibility in allocating resources according to their priorities and emerging needs. This enables them to respond more effectively to unexpected challenges or opportunities.

    b) Strengthening Core Operations: Unrestricted funding provides the necessary support for ongoing core operations, such as staffing, program development, and infrastructure. This stability allows the organization to build a strong foundation and focus on achieving its long-term goals.

    c) Sustainable Growth: Unrestricted gifts contribute to the sustainability of an organization by funding essential operations and diversifying revenue sources. This reduces reliance on restricted funding, grants, or project-based income, which may have limitations or fluctuate over time.

    d) Program Innovation and Expansion: With a solid base of unrestricted funding, organizations can invest in program innovation, research, and expansion. They can explore new initiatives, pilot projects, or adapt existing programs to meet changing needs, thereby enhancing their impact in the community.

    e) Operational Resilience: Having a healthy stream of unrestricted gifts ensures that an organization has the financial resilience to weather economic downturns or unforeseen circumstances. It provides a buffer against fluctuations in restricted funding and can help maintain stability during challenging times.

    Overall, an increased amount of unrestricted gifts can provide the necessary resources, stability, and flexibility for an organization to grow, innovate, and thrive in achieving its mission.

  • Yes indeed.
    In my previous organisation, donors of the foundation were often asked to travel to the organization’s operations centre to witness the impact of their donations, that helped build confidence and understanding which led to an increment to fundraising efforts. More of the stories from the donors who visited the sites helped the organization gather more funding.

  • It is useful and helpful

  • 1:What is one way you can think of to increase your organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts?
    2: How could this help build your organization’s capacity?
    And if you are not currently working at an organization, just imagine that you are!

    First I think I want to organize an event to raise money for the organization where I work. I should set a monetary goal, make a cost budget for the event, think of an evebto that’s fun. I would think of forming a committee.

    I like the idea of organizing a movie night for expats in English. I live in Switzerland and there are many English speaking foreigners living here, but very few english movies available, because in most cases they are dubbed.

    Raising money, will enable the foundation to finance more projects around the globe.

  • Collecting membership contributions for the organisation is very effective in fundraising for events

  • Indeed and its a good way to raise unrestricted funds for the organisation

  • I will try to follow Mrs. Chandni Kayasta idea I will hold awareness meals or dinners also events in which I was able to clearly explain my aid project I enlightened people on the real role of this organization and during these events I have set up films that trace the path of my organization and also a presentation of the very cause that we wish to defend.

  • A good way to increase unrestricted funding is by having a fundraising event.

  • To raise unrestricted funds for my organization, I would coordinate an event that would involve different international partners and donors for fundraising

  • To do the necessary : 1. I would like to Organize a Dinner for voluntary donors. I will contact all the potential donors who are my friends and friends of friends. We will hold the dinner at a convenient place and have a good charge for the same. This charge will be much more than the cost of dinner. I plan to raise Rs 10,00,000 and then during the dinner introduce my Children's Chariitable Hospital.

    1. This activity would help me broaden the news about my Hospital to the friends of friends and through networking to a larger circle. At the end of the dinner each of the attendees will be given self addressed donation envelopes
  • Membership is a good way to collect Unrestricted support.
    However please ensure that the Membership fees far exceeds the benefits that the member gets so that you are making a profit.
    If there are many members surely you have Unrestricted funds which can be used for programs, activities or needs of your organization

    1 Reply
  • One of the ways of increasing our organization unrestricted funds for my organization would by collecting membership. The funds collected from membership can be used for capacity development of the staff or any other activities deemed important by the organization

  • totally agree with you

    1. My organization would need more deferred gifts in wills or legacies.

    2. It would ensure that even after the passed of donor the organization has funds doe continuity

  • I am of the opinion that one of the ways could be creating programs or products where recognition badges or ribbons can be sold. Such funds could be used for settling relatively small operating expenses such as utilities. They could also be utilised to strengthen the staff capacities through various trainings.

    2 Replies
  • The one way you can increase the unrestricted fund is by organising fundraising events...the individual soliciting too can increase.

  • true this can increase that base but also you can increase using individual soliciting

  • Membership is a main source of unrestricted support

  • Giving for a cause should match with donor interested for investment
    unrestricted funds
    Fund generating events

  • Planning a fun event that can grow year by year and bring in more donors sounds like a productive way to increase individual donors. In my community there are many existing annual events -- galas, balls, auctions, trivia contests, dances, etc. -- so it would have to be something really different. I love the idea of a film screening or a yoga class from the Nepalese woman in the podcast. I can imagine doing something like a local food tasting or local berry jelly contest as a fundraiser.

    1 Reply
  • These sound like good ways to bring in more money. Don't forget to be careful with your membership benefits so they don't cost more than your members bring in!

  • I like this idea. You could get really creative with it and get donors very invested in it.

  • I can't tell if my earlier post registered, so I'm trying again. For the potential organization I'm imagining, I think establishing an annual fundraising event might be the best way to go. Since there are already many annual fundraising events in my community, it would have to be something unique and different: I'm thinking maybe a local foods tasting, or a local berry jam and jelly contest. I would want to start small and, if it's successful, try to grow it year by year.

  • 1.One effective way to increase an organization's amount of unrestricted gifts is to diversify fundraising strategies. Instead of relying solely on specific project-based or restricted fundraising campaigns, organizations can implement ongoing general fundraising initiatives. This can include creating a consistent and compelling case for general support that emphasizes the overall mission and impact of the organization. Additionally, engaging donors through regular communication, newsletters, and donor appreciation events can encourage them to make unrestricted gifts, as they see the broader value of supporting the organization beyond specific projects.

    2.Diversifying funding sources to include more unrestricted gifts can significantly contribute to building an organization's capacity. Unrestricted funds provide flexibility, allowing the organization to allocate resources where they are needed most. This can support core operations, invest in staff development, upgrade technology, and strengthen organizational infrastructure. Moreover, it reduces the dependency on project-specific funding, which can be volatile and limiting. By building a more stable financial base through unrestricted gifts, the organization can better plan for the long term, sustain its mission, and respond effectively to unexpected challenges or opportunities.

  • Increasing an organization's amount of unrestricted gifts can be achieved by implementing a robust donor stewardship strategy. Here's one way to do it:

    1. Donor Cultivation and Relationship Building:

    Implement a comprehensive donor cultivation plan that focuses on building strong, long-lasting relationships with donors. This involves personalized communication, regular updates on the organization's impact, and acknowledging donors' contributions.
    Host donor appreciation events or webinars to connect donors directly with the organization's leadership and beneficiaries. These events provide a platform for donors to see the organization's work firsthand and interact with those it serves.
    Create a donor recognition program that acknowledges and celebrates the commitment of donors, including personalized thank-you notes, certificates, or even small tokens of appreciation.
    How it Helps Build Capacity:

    Sustainable Funding: Unrestricted gifts provide financial stability by allowing the organization to allocate funds where they are needed most. This financial stability, in turn, enables the organization to plan and execute programs effectively.

    Resource Allocation: Unrestricted gifts give the organization flexibility in allocating resources to areas that require urgent attention or strategic investments. This adaptability is crucial for responding to unforeseen challenges or opportunities.

    Program Development: With a stable source of unrestricted funding, the organization can invest in program development, research, and innovation, leading to the expansion of services and increased impact.

    Capacity Building: Unrestricted gifts can be used to invest in staff development, infrastructure, and technology, enhancing the organization's overall capacity to deliver its mission.

    Reduced Dependency: Relying solely on restricted funds can lead to dependency on specific projects or donors. Unrestricted gifts reduce this dependency, providing financial resilience.

  • In order to increase an organization's amount of unrestricted gifts, one effective way is to establish and nurture long-term relationships with individual donors. This can be achieved through donor stewardship and cultivation efforts. By connecting with donors on a personal level, understanding their philanthropic interests and motivations, and demonstrating the impact of their gifts, an organization can build trust and credibility.

    How this can help build the organization's capacity:

    Diversification of Funding Streams: Relying solely on restricted grants or project-specific donations can limit an organization's financial flexibility. Unrestricted gifts provide the organization with a source of unrestricted revenue that can be used to cover essential operational costs, invest in infrastructure, and respond to emerging needs. This diversification reduces the vulnerability associated with over-dependence on specific funding sources.

    Sustainability: Unrestricted gifts contribute to the long-term sustainability of the organization. These funds can be used for strategic planning, staff development, and capacity-building initiatives. This, in turn, enhances the organization's ability to adapt to changing circumstances, innovate, and pursue new opportunities.

    Program Expansion and Innovation: Unrestricted gifts allow an organization to explore new programmatic areas and innovative solutions. Without the constraints of restricted funding, organizations have the freedom to experiment, pilot new initiatives, and respond swiftly to emerging challenges or opportunities.

    Financial Resilience: Having a steady stream of unrestricted gifts helps an organization weather financial challenges. It provides a financial cushion during economic downturns or unexpected disruptions, ensuring that critical services and programs can be maintained.

    Donor Retention and Growth: Building strong relationships with donors who provide unrestricted gifts can lead to increased giving over time. Satisfied and engaged donors are more likely to continue their support and potentially increase their contributions. This contributes to the organization's financial stability.

    In summary, fostering relationships with individual donors and encouraging unrestricted giving not only provides immediate financial support but also strengthens the organization's capacity for long-term sustainability, resilience, and growth.

  • To build stronger relations with our community and out reach further to their families and local families within the area. Forming these connections and allowing donors to learn about the work our organization does, I believe more people would provide donations that are unrestricted.

  • Diversified Fundraising Events: Hosting various fundraising events, such as galas, auctions, and peer-to-peer campaigns, can boost unrestricted gifts. Promote the importance of these gifts alongside specific project donations during these events.

    Matching Gift Programs: Implement matching gift programs to motivate donors by doubling the impact of unrestricted gifts, fostering a culture of flexible support.

    Donor Education: Educate donors on how unrestricted gifts sustain core operations, using newsletters and reports to illustrate their impact.

    Donor Recognition: Acknowledge unrestricted donors publicly to inspire more support and emphasize their role in organizational stability.

    How this builds capacity:

    Financial Stability: Unrestricted gifts stabilize finances, covering vital expenses like salaries and infrastructure.

    Strategic Flexibility: These funds offer flexibility to adapt to changes and seize opportunities.

    Long-Term Sustainability: Diversified support ensures resilience to economic fluctuations.

    Investing in Growth: Unrestricted funds can be invested in capacity-building initiatives.

    Increasing unrestricted gifts enhances both immediate financial stability and long-term organizational capacity.

  • I will increase my organization's unrestricted funds by going for small donations. It can ease the giving tension in people and also create space to turn donors into something more, like volunteers for the organization.

    1 Reply
  • (1) As a nonprofit, it's important to note that funds received are solely for achieving the objectives/goals of the nonprofit. Donors willingly donate because the nonprofit's objective/goal aligns with theirs ("A FIT"). I will therefore be accountable by providing full disclosure on how such funds were utilized to achieve the objectives. I will provide as much information about my nonprofit organization, the board members, and partnering nonprofits or foundations.
    I will also provide a website audited financial statement, and video evidence of the community my nonprofit is focused on. This will assure the donors of the impact their fund is making and motivate them to do more.

    (2) Increasing my nonprofit's unrestricted funds ensures its stability and that operations go on smoothly. These funds are vital because it is needed to cover indirect expenses that are necessary and with impact on the operation of the nonprofit.

    • Paying staff who manage the operations.
    • Acquiring new office equipment or refurbishing old ones
    • Training of staff
    • Miscellaneous expenses
      Being able to increase the amount of unrestricted funds therefore will not only ensure stability and smooth operation but will also ensure sustainability and growth.
  • Another way of increasing unrestricted funds is to organize more fundraising events/ nonevent (I will set a net dollar target/goal)
    I will also identify, cultivate, solicit and most importantly steward donors

  • One way I can increase my organization's unrestricted funds is by organizing fundraising events.
    It can help my organization grow in unrestrited funds.

  • Question 2:
    I will increase capacity of my organization by multiplying different income streams by categorizing.

    unrestricted fund is very crucial for sustainability because you can invest for future expansion. I can increase this fund by associate multicompany

  • Peer-to-peer fundraising seems very promising. We have seen how individuals may not be responsive to a staff of an organization but if they are asked by a friend to donate, they are happy to do so. It seems like if they trust their friend who happens to be a donor, they will follow their lead. If an organization has 100 donors and even just half of them are able to convince 1 person to make a donation, that already doubles the number of donors you will have.

  • I can raise fund by initiating monthly subscription, and unrestricted fund

  • I agree so much. If the speeches and key-sentences are well chosen before, donors are gonna feel 'special' in an excellent way because of the mentioned approach: so, if the justification for a donation is publicly and theoretically inspiring -donors are gonna feel more interested and confident. Most important element to share with you: because of their good treatment and status, they will combine volunteering but with a good work condition.

  • 1: One way to increase an organization's amount of unrestricted gifts is by implementing a comprehensive donor stewardship program. This program would focus on cultivating relationships with existing donors and demonstrating the impact of their unrestricted gifts. By regularly communicating with donors, providing updates on the organization's achievements, and expressing gratitude for their support, it can help foster a sense of trust and loyalty. Additionally, offering personalized recognition and engagement opportunities can further incentivize donors to contribute unrestricted gifts.

    2: Increasing the amount of unrestricted gifts can significantly help build an organization's capacity in several ways. Firstly, unrestricted gifts provide flexibility in allocating resources to areas of greatest need, allowing the organization to respond to emerging opportunities or address unforeseen challenges. This flexibility enhances the organization's ability to adapt and innovate in pursuit of its mission.

    Moreover, unrestricted gifts can support core operations and infrastructure, enabling the organization to invest in staff development, technology upgrades, and other essential resources. This, in turn, enhances the organization's overall efficiency and effectiveness in delivering programs and services.

    Lastly, a higher level of unrestricted funding can also enhance the organization's credibility and attractiveness to other potential funders. It demonstrates financial stability and a strong base of support, which can help attract additional funding from foundations, corporations, and individual donors who may be more inclined to invest in an organization with a solid track record of unrestricted giving.

  • we could ask for the help of corporate G&H experts, since the links between non-profits and private companies are increasing and well accepted if justified rightly
    it could be helpful in order to reach our real goal, in order to obtain more fund

    1. What is one way you can think of to increase your organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts?

    One way to increase your organization's amount of unrestricted gifts is to diversify your fundraising channels. Instead of relying solely on one or two major sources, such as government grants or large corporate donations, you can expand your efforts to include a wider range of fundraising methods. This might include individual giving campaigns, online crowdfunding, special events, and partnerships with local businesses. By reaching out to a broader donor base, you can attract smaller donations from a larger number of supporters, many of which are likely to be unrestricted, as they trust your organization's mission and approach.

    1. How could this help build your organization’s capacity?

    Diversifying your fundraising channels to secure more unrestricted gifts can significantly enhance your organization's capacity. Unrestricted funds provide the flexibility needed to respond to immediate needs, invest in infrastructure, and seize unforeseen opportunities. They can be used to improve operational efficiency, hire skilled staff, and expand programs. This, in turn, increases the organization's ability to deliver on its mission effectively. Moreover, a diverse funding base reduces the risk associated with over-reliance on a single funding source, providing financial stability and sustainability to weather economic fluctuations or changes in donor priorities. It empowers your organization to innovate, adapt, and grow in ways that restricted funds cannot. In short, increasing unrestricted gifts can be a cornerstone of organizational resilience and development.

  • One way to increase my organisations amount of unrestricted gifts is from fundraising events and it helps build the organisation's capacity through planned giving and techniques of raising money

    1. Type of support :
      Emotional support.
      Informational support.
      Tangible support.
      Support for self-esteem or assertiveness.
      Support for belonging.

    2. It will enable the organisation of seminars, practical training sessions with experts and, above all, the promotion of communication.

  • Doing events for individuals

    1. The more money my organization raises,the more capacity it will have to help people.
  • My organization can open up for membership registration, and accept dues and levies

    1 Reply
    1. possible ways of increasing donations to our organisation without restrictions. this can be achieved through the following ideas:
      a. Awareness and communication campaigns: Inform the public about the organisation's mission, successes and needs.
      b. Partnerships: Collaborate with other companies, organisations or personalities to extend your reach.
      c. Fundraising events: Organise charity events, auctions, galas or other activities to encourage donations.
      d. Recurring donation programme: Encourage people to make regular donations, even of small amounts, to ensure ongoing support.
      e. Social media engagement: Use online platforms to share inspirational stories, testimonials and encourage people to donate.
      f. Donor recognition: Publicly acknowledge and thank donors for their generosity to build loyalty and encourage others to give.

    2. There are a number of advantages to strengthening our organisation's capacity through larger donations:
      a. Increased financial resources: Larger donations provide more funds for operations, programmes, development and future initiatives.
      b. Programme expansion: With more funding, you could expand your programmes, reach a wider audience or offer new services.
      c. Financial stability: Regular and substantial donations can contribute to financial stability, allowing you to plan for the long term and reduce uncertainty.
      d. Greater visibility: Increased donations can raise the profile and reputation of your organisation, attracting more financial support and partnership opportunities.
      e. Innovation and continuous improvement: Additional financial resources can encourage innovation, investment in new technologies and improved methods of achieving your objectives.

  • Host more small-scale fundraising events in my community. It would increase our capacity by increasing our programs visibility and how we need financial support to make it possbile.

    1. Advocacy of women and children's rights is one of the main themes in the mission of my organisation. So one way to increase unrestricted gifts/funding is to hold small scale fundraising events such as gala dinners with like minded organisations, general public and government departments.

    2. Such events would enable my organisation to network with like minded organisations where they can exchange ideas and new developments on the advocacy space. New potential individual funders can also be found in such events.

  • Opening up membership funding can be a good strategy for increasing unrestricted funding/gifts. However, in most cases members would expect some benefits in order for them to maintain their membership with a certain organisation. So cost benefit analysis is critical consideration in this case.

    1. I think for our NPO that is in South Africa we have a lot more cultural issues playing a part, as the community in general is on the poor low income side, especially in a small town like ours. We make sure we have sales on our front verandah at least once a month to sell all the second had goods that get donated to us.
    2. Having someone that can help with good marketing and now that we have got a new enthusiastic board member we are hoping that his enthusiasm will rub off on the others. We have had the problem of board members want to do as little a possible, we so it has seemed to me.
    2 Replies
  • One way to increase our organization's unrestricted funds would be to implement targeted fundraising campaigns that emphasize the overall impact of unrestricted gifts.

  • I agree with your great idea.

  • Offer regular thank you notes or gifts to donors. Help build capacity by creating a culture of happiness and philanthropy

  • by organizing fundraising campaigns dedicated to general operational support, this highlights the importance of flexible funding that allows the organization to cover ongoing expenses

    1 Reply
  • The one way to increase our unrestricted fund would be to create online campaigns, Address small business organization by individual fundraising way which enable us to build our organization capacity by making the fundraising ongoing based.

  • Focus less on individual program/department fundraisers and more on generalized events/fundraising strategies. This would build capacity by expanding networks and enhancing donor reach

  • I agree completely!

  • through the events of
    fundraising, whether recreational, such as bingo, gala nights, sports activities, etc.

  • Hi all,

    I recently joined the Somerset Food Bank Network in New Jersey as a Grant Writer Coordinator. Here my contributions to the discussion:

    1. What is one way you can think of to increase your organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts?

    Diversify Funding Streams:
    One way to increase unrestricted gifts for the Somerset Food Bank is to diversify its funding streams. Instead of relying solely on grants or specific project funding, the organization can actively seek individual donations, corporate sponsorships, and other sources of general support. Encouraging regular donors to contribute to the organization's overall mission, rather than earmarking funds for specific projects, can help build a reliable base of unrestricted gifts.

    1. How could this help build your organization’s capacity?

    Increasing unrestricted gifts provides the Somerset Food Bank with financial flexibility. Unrestricted funds can be allocated where they are most needed, whether it's to cover operational costs, invest in staff development, or adapt to unforeseen challenges. This flexibility enhances the organization's ability to respond effectively and long term-planning to emerging needs without being constrained by specific donor restrictions.

    1 Reply
  • Great ideas. Definitively, increasing unrestricted gifts not only provides financial stability but also enables the organization to build its capacity to succeed and amplifies its community impact.

  • A way my organization can increase its amount of unrestricted gifts is by creating a monthly membership in exchange of free courses and events.
    This can help us to better execute our yearly christmas activities.

  • Implement a donation-earning program as a way to increase unrestricted donations and build trust in the organization

  • I think it is very efficient to participate where donors gather, without having to create a place for your organization to receive donations.

  • I will advice my organization to develop a strategy by a way of writing letters to individuals in community to seek for funds.
    This will help the organization to raise more unristricted funds that that would be used to run the organization.

    1 Reply
  • The one way I can increase my organisation's amount of unrestricted gifts is by diversifying my donors.
    This could help my organisation's capacity by having differents means for the activities, so that the organisation be highly active. Also, it could help the organisation in having visibility and popularity. Then it could help the organisation in having many adhrents.

  • I do agree with your strategy.

    1. In order to build up more unrestricted funds, I will consider a fundraising campaign with the intent of soliciting many small donations from individuals in the community. I can make it incredibly easy to donate $20 between Jan 1 and Jan 31 for 2024 programming. I can specify that the funds are intended for youth engagement activities and other worthwhile needs of the organization during the calendar year. Or, perhaps better is to have a campaign during the final quarter of the year, when people are most likely to give in Canada (great tax benefits!).
    2. Unrestricted funds are crucial to our organization in order to maintain the software we use for communications and engagement, and to have funds reserved for unanticipated program needs that arise. In the ever evolving world of youth engagement, we are constantly shifting activities, which can make it challenging to remain accountable to funders who expect their money used in very specific ways.
    1 Reply
  • I love the idea of holding a fundraising event, too! My organization has only ever held events for PR and stakeholder engagement, never for the explicit purpose of soliciting donations.

  • Plan more fundraising events in the year and positioning them, it would be a good starting point to make those small contributions somehow constant and increase cashflow.

    2 Replies
  • I like that the proposal is aware of the importante of communication, the fundraising campaign would correspondingly benefit from a communication strategy carefully thought for different audiences.

    1. I will build a small amount but consistent donor membership. In this way, the donors, even though donate small amount of money, but is ongoing and consistent and when you sum them, it becomes something huge and useful to my organization and will build my capacity
    2. Through this method, I m very sure the most of the funds I am going to be receiving is unrestricted which is going to help my foundation so much since I have other petty expenses that I do which I cannot seek for support direct from donors. Part of these monies can be used for that,
  • This is very true and I also agree to that

  • I think the team is chasing and wasting time on grants that we don't qualify for. The fundraisers need to be small community fundraisers, and they need to implement community, The mission is flawed

  • It seems like you've mentioned a podcast on the topic of "Unrestricted Versus Restricted Support" featuring Chandni Kayastha and her experiences with fundraising activities for the Hakuna Matata program at Saath. If you have any specific questions or if there's anything specific you'd like to discuss about the types of support or fundraising activities, feel free to share, and I'll do my best to provide information or insights.

  • I think unrestricted gifts can be increased in my organisation by building better and stronger relationships with funders by being more transparent about how funds are being used and communicating the impact the unrestricted gifts have on the organisation and the people we serve.

    1 Reply
  • 1: What is one way you can think of to increase your organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts?
    Including a line that leaves funding open ended.

    2: How could this help build your organization’s capacity?
    Funding can be applied to where it needs to go.

    1 Reply
  • One way to increase the organization's amount of unrestricted gifts could be to implement a targeted and engaging annual giving campaign. In this campaign, emphasize the importance of unrestricted funds to cover basic costs and support various programs and activities. Encourage donors to contribute to the organization's overall mission and give them the flexibility to allocate funds where they are needed most.

  • l think selling a particular service in fundraising department might help much. This will help assist the organization to gain some money for administration costs further.

  • Awesome responses...

  • l agree to what you are saying. This is one of the things that make up organizations grow much better and wider in the short space of time

  • Yes, planning more fundraising will help shape up our goals for the organization to play more role in the community it serves.

  • We can share stories of how unrestricted funds have been used to address urgent needs, innovate new solutions, or leverage opportunities that arise unexpectedly. We can also recognize and appreciate donors who give unrestricted gifts, such as by featuring them in newsletters, inviting them to special events, or giving them access to exclusive information.

  • I think this is a smart and strategic approach that can appeal to donors who are looking for tax benefits and recognition. I agree that the funds raised can help support future outreach events and drive awareness for additional donors and volunteers.

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