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  • Organizing standup comedy events, concerts and cultural event where tickets will be sold and funds will he raised as well.

  • One way you can to increase our organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts is by partnering with a US-based charity to increase potential donors' confidence that they are giving to a trustworthy organization and worthy cause. This could reduce our need for larger, corporate donations that are ofter restricted.

  • I like the idea of a business, as long as the cost to run it is significantly lower than the income it generates. Also, consider how a restaurant could pivot so that it's still in operation during a global health pandemic or other event (e.g., severe weather) that limits or closes operations.

  • good structural strategies to attracts donors and a focus area towards the mission

  • To undertake strategic and effective fundraising

    1. Build network through charity dinner event.
    2. Because I will get more leads
  • @hodam said in Module 2 Discussion: Types of Support:

    increasing the number of events that the organization can plan.
    increase the number of volunteers and strategy planning

    Good idea to increase more leads

  • Nice. What kind of organization you are a part of?

  • The way to increase unrestricted funds in my organisation would be through fundraising using membership criteria. This will bring more unrestrictive funds that can be used for capacity building of my staff and use it to for infrastructural development as unrestrictive funds are more flexible and agile.

  • One major way my organization can increase funding is by soliciting for support from early stage investors and also crowdfunding.

  • Unrestricted funds can be increased an organization by ensuring that every member of the organization pays membership/ registration fee and monthly, quarterly and yearly savings. The money will support in administrative operation

  • Soliciting from individuals can greatly help increase unrestricted funds.

  • Create a succinct mission statement and display it prominently

    1 Reply
  • Donor advice is very important and sponsor recommendation as well

  • Targeting end of year donations and not spending too much time seeking highly competitive grants. Pouring into donors/people vs. government entities

  • I love how creative this idea is!

    1 Reply
  • I think this is a great idea.

  • xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx

  • Fundraising from individuals i think could be a great improve to be less independent on Funds of Government and Grants you have to fit in.

  • I love your self support! Keep on going

    1 Reply
  • The one way to increase your the unrestricted funds for my organisation would by collecting membership. The funds collected from membership can be used for capacity development of the staff.

    1 Reply
  • Fundraising from individuals i think could be a great improve to be less independent on Funds of Government and Grants you have to fit in.

  • Fundraising from individuals i think could be a great improve to be less independent on Funds of Government and Grants you have to fit in.

  • Creating positivity

  • Organize more fundraising events where the revenue should be higher than the cost.,

  • Organize more fundraising events where the revenue should be higher than the cost.,

  • membership contributions are seemingly the best as per my opinion

  • The ways in which i can increase my organisation's inrestricted funds are:

    Through membership contributions
    Through laiasing with other organisation that has similar mission as that to mine
    Through solicting for funds from Individuals and/or Donors

    This will help my organisation for capacity building of staff and also to increase the staff man power.

  • This is a good idea

  • Q1. One way we can increase the Organization's amount of unrestricted gifts is by holding fundraising events. for instance, we learned how Akuna Matata Project managed to raise funds for its project through showing a movie and also implementing initiatives were people donated monetary gifts.

    Q2. Using the knowledge I have gained in this lesson, I will help build capacity of my Organization by ensuring that all aspects that make the Organization a prospect for fundraising are put in place. for instance, developing a plan for fundraising and setting up a team to support with fundraising activities'

  • I totally agree with you

    1. Organising events is an appropriate way to increase my organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts.
      2: How could this help build your organization’s capacity.
      People are free to provide different needs like space, equipment,money, services and man power.
      so my organisations workers can exchange ideas and learn from each other
  • The best way for us is to organize events at our educational institution for fundraising unrestricted donation for support our efforts and activities.

  • I totally agree with you

    1 Reply
  • Increasing the number of individual givers and ensuring they regularly donate to the organization's causes. This donation would still be unrestricted hence, provides an excellent opportunity for the organisation to utilize the fund without any limits.

    1 Reply
  • Agreed

    @hollinessgodlisten said in Module 2 Discussion: Types of Support:

    1. Organising events is an appropriate way to increase my organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts.
      2: How could this help build your organization’s capacity.
      People are free to provide different needs like space, equipment,money, services and man power.
      so my organisations workers can exchange ideas and learn from each other

    I appreciate the idea presented in this post.

  • One way to increase unrestricted funding in our organization I think contributions of small gifts and involving an influencial person to be part of our initiative will bee more effective as we are still a small organization trying to build momentum in the community.

  • This can help build our organization capacity by making it well known and to be concidered by bigger donors because of the influencial person involved

  • That's very true, and it can increase your chances of small gifts from individuals building up to something big and tangible in years to come

  • 1.I would maximiser unrestricted fundraising of my organisation by maximizing on the close people around me, engaging influencial people around my community because it will give the organization more credit.

    1. I would raise funds of my organisation by advertising on social media, and raising awareness campaigns and approaching big stakeholders for donations
  • Membership and corporate fundraising quarterly events to raise unrestricted funds

  • The most challenging part was to delimit the number of students we wanted to bring since is always easier to decide how many students to bring bases on our budget than the inverse mechanic.
    One strategy I'll use is always writing the 'punch' phrase at the very first paragraph based on what I hear from Tom that not always your proposal is fully read.

  • Increasing donor confidence in the organization through the reports of the external auditor, reports of external monitoring and evaluation, as well as the satisfaction of local communitiesز

    1. Every three months an event is held so that the students of the foundation can exhibit the audiovisual pieces that they have made in the company of their teachers, relatives, acquaintances of the students, businessmen and other people of interest can be invited for the Foundation.
    2. These events can help since more people are known, companies that can be talked to about making donations in different ways, for example, in cash, without restrictions, corporate donations.
  • 5 ways to expand your unrestricted fundraising:

    1. Create a succinct mission statement and display it prominently
    2. Increase emotional engagement with graphic assets
    3. Emulate e-commerce in your donation checkout
    4. Utilize intelligent upsells
    5. Entice visitors with an engaging call to action


  • One way of building unrestricted money to my organization is through an exclusive membership and providing some perks and incentives for our donors. Organizing concerts where attendees will buy tickets, the more exclusive the benefits the more the cost of the ticket.

  • One way I can think of to increase our organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts is by developing and implementing a fundraising strategy that focuses on building relationships with donors and increasing their engagement with the organization.

    1 Reply
  • I can increase my organization's unrestricted support by reaching out to prospective members using social media because almost everyone is comfortable responding to an internet message.

    This can help build my organization's capacity by putting into good use funds raised.

  • this is a very bright idea, building a good relationship is key to increase unrestricted support.

  • I can increase my organization's unrestricted support by reaching out to prospective members using social media, almost everyone is comfortable

  • What is one way you can think of to increase your organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts? The magic word of support for other programs, activities, and needs of the organization.” Most of the Times works magic in turning your request for restricted fund to unrestricted
    With that one additional phrase, you have changed what
    sounded as if it were a restricted gift into an unrestricted
    one and that allows you to use the money as you wish.
    2: How could this help build your organization’s capacity
    Unrestricted Funds can help build organization capacity by being able to strengthen your relationships with grantees and improve long-term outcomes for the community in the following ways.Stability of any organization is dependent on its capacity to mobilize plenty of support for their programs, organizations with strong unrestricted infrastructures could move swiftly and were in the best position to provide assistance to communities impacted by pandemics like COVID. On the flip side, When you allow a nonprofit discretion over how funds are used, the whole organization can be more nimble and resilient. Community needs are always evolving. Being able to adapt quickly in response is essential. Giving unrestricted, multi-year funding helps support longevity. A team that is worried about how they will make next month’s payroll and rent does not have the bandwidth to do long-term planning.. Unrestricted funds brings about Retention & Recruitment of spectacular talent in the organization.New upcoming challenges in the world require dynamic solutions. unless organization dependant on Donor funding are innovative . Unrestricted Funds paves way for innovation which requires taking risks. And taking risks requires stability and agility. When you give unrestricted funds, you give leaders the opportunity to try new approaches. They can invest in developing technologies and emerging efforts. Without this freedom, many organizations are limited to doing things how they have always done them. Thus limiting any efforts to make meaningful change and often leaves many organization in old, inefficient—or worse, ineffective—processes.
    Unrestricted funds Builds Trust in organization with Donors by Donors Letting organization determine how to spend the money given by donors helps build relationships rooted in trust. This trust fortifies the connection between funder and grantee. and open line of communication and creates a foundation for deeper collaboration.

  • 1 unrestricted fund could benefit our organization in many different ways because ours is nonprofit organization that has no restricted budget from government that provide restricted fund to its agencies,for this Case we can do a lot of activities More than expectations from this fund. 2.the knowledge of how to conduct these differents unrestricted fund is very helpful to My organization for that case I Will share this idea with my fellow staffs .

    1 Reply
  • hey
    how i earn my certifiacte

  • By creating fundraising campaigns and events.

  • To increase funding we could have more events or maybe some famous researchers with whom we work with could come and give special talks that we could sell tickets for. These events would help us have more unrestricted money.

  • I think using youtbue is great idea!

  • One thing that my organization does not do well is converting volunteer work hours into monetary donations. Of course some people donate time because the can not donate financially, however there are some that can do both but are not approached. we have over 300,000 unique individuals that donate their time and if we can convert just 10% into $10 donations that could be a large step for our organization.

    1 Reply
  • It wouldn't let me reply-trying again. I like diverse sources of funding too!

  • Provide impact reports: Regularly provide comprehensive impact reports that highlight how unrestricted gifts contribute to the organization's overall success. These reports should demonstrate the outcomes achieved, showcase success stories, and illustrate the broader societal impact of unrestricted giving. Transparency and accountability are key to building trust and inspiring ongoing support.

    1 Reply
  • We can organize a fund raising campaign in order to collect money for our activities.
    This money can help us train our staff to be more efficient.

  • right, impact reports can help your organization making decisions

  • By sharing compelling stories and testimonials that demonstrate the impact of unrestricted gifts. Highlight specific instances where these funds have made a significant difference in advancing the organization's mission and achieving its goals.
    Compelling stories and testimonials create an emotional connection between donors and the organization's mission. By showcasing how unrestricted gifts have made a significant difference in advancing the organization's mission and achieving its goals, donors can see the tangible impact of their contributions. This engagement helps foster a sense of ownership and investment in the organization's success, leading to increased donor loyalty, repeat giving, and long-term support.

    1 Reply
  • you are very right

  • right, impact reports can help your organization making decisions

  • The BEST way to increase the unrestricted funds for my organisation ist to build a community. We can use this funds to attract more members and improve our activities.

    1 Reply
  • While trying to get fund through membership is a good idea sometimes it can make the organization loose alot of money that it could have generated

  • The way to increase your organization to unrestricted gifts is to let him be part of non cash support and valuing with some good events.

  • If the donor is giving restricted support in my budget I can include a section for operations that amount can be used in whatever way I wish within the organization

  • 1.what is one way you can think of to increase your organization,s amount of unrestricted gift?
    I think that I,ll call to individual fundraiser,Friends,family,Groups, social net to get Unrestricted Gift.

    2.How could this help build your organization,s capacity?
    I could go organizing priorities step by step.

    1. I,ll be volunteer in some organization.
  • I like your idea because I have had that experience in Colombia with my small foundation.Thanks.

  • Unrestricted funding is very very important for organizing because you can use the money for almost anything, so it's very important to organize for fundraising events to get unrestricted fund and also you can get unrestricted fund from small business and personal giving from individuals,,

    Having this unrestricted fund can help your organization to grow because you will be able to pay for things that can't be covered by restricted fund

    1 Reply
  • Hi, My name is Nsimene Okontim James, I want to happily discuss this topic with you all. chat me up if you want us to discuss this course.

  • -calling events for individuals, friends, acquaintances and family.

    1. I would do trial and error in events. And I would be aware of the smallest details to improve my next events
  • Excellent! I agree with you

  • Great way to improve ongoing funding. Also you can think about going digital with social media outreach.

  • As the author states now a day going digital with a new breed of donors is crucial to expand the funding base. Social media and social marketing could be a great alternative to attract many small, unrestricted, ongoing gifts.

  • We should invest more time into building up the monthly donations system through a website to receive more unrestricted donations

    1 Reply
  • One way I can improve on my unrestricted find is by collecting due from members on a monthly basis.

  • Cultivating donor relationships to increase unrestricted gifts is a powerful way to enhance an organization's capacity. Unrestricted funding provides the flexibility, stability, and freedom to pursue strategic growth, respond to emerging needs, and make mission-driven decisions. This support not only strengthens the organization's financial health but also empowers it to have a more significant and sustainable impact on the communities it serves.

    1. One way to increase your organization's amount of unrestricted gifts is by cultivating relationships with individual donors who have a strong belief in your mission and are inclined to provide flexible support. This can be done through personalized stewardship and regular communication to keep them engaged and informed about the impact of their donations. Additionally, hosting fundraising events that highlight the overall needs of the organization rather than specific programs or projects can encourage unrestricted giving.

    2. Increasing the amount of unrestricted gifts can greatly benefit an organization's capacity in several ways:

    a) Flexibility in Resource Allocation: Unrestricted gifts allow organizations to have more flexibility in allocating resources according to their priorities and emerging needs. This enables them to respond more effectively to unexpected challenges or opportunities.

    b) Strengthening Core Operations: Unrestricted funding provides the necessary support for ongoing core operations, such as staffing, program development, and infrastructure. This stability allows the organization to build a strong foundation and focus on achieving its long-term goals.

    c) Sustainable Growth: Unrestricted gifts contribute to the sustainability of an organization by funding essential operations and diversifying revenue sources. This reduces reliance on restricted funding, grants, or project-based income, which may have limitations or fluctuate over time.

    d) Program Innovation and Expansion: With a solid base of unrestricted funding, organizations can invest in program innovation, research, and expansion. They can explore new initiatives, pilot projects, or adapt existing programs to meet changing needs, thereby enhancing their impact in the community.

    e) Operational Resilience: Having a healthy stream of unrestricted gifts ensures that an organization has the financial resilience to weather economic downturns or unforeseen circumstances. It provides a buffer against fluctuations in restricted funding and can help maintain stability during challenging times.

    Overall, an increased amount of unrestricted gifts can provide the necessary resources, stability, and flexibility for an organization to grow, innovate, and thrive in achieving its mission.

  • Yes indeed.
    In my previous organisation, donors of the foundation were often asked to travel to the organization’s operations centre to witness the impact of their donations, that helped build confidence and understanding which led to an increment to fundraising efforts. More of the stories from the donors who visited the sites helped the organization gather more funding.

  • It is useful and helpful

  • 1:What is one way you can think of to increase your organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts?
    2: How could this help build your organization’s capacity?
    And if you are not currently working at an organization, just imagine that you are!

    First I think I want to organize an event to raise money for the organization where I work. I should set a monetary goal, make a cost budget for the event, think of an evebto that’s fun. I would think of forming a committee.

    I like the idea of organizing a movie night for expats in English. I live in Switzerland and there are many English speaking foreigners living here, but very few english movies available, because in most cases they are dubbed.

    Raising money, will enable the foundation to finance more projects around the globe.

  • Collecting membership contributions for the organisation is very effective in fundraising for events

  • Indeed and its a good way to raise unrestricted funds for the organisation

  • I will try to follow Mrs. Chandni Kayasta idea I will hold awareness meals or dinners also events in which I was able to clearly explain my aid project I enlightened people on the real role of this organization and during these events I have set up films that trace the path of my organization and also a presentation of the very cause that we wish to defend.

  • A good way to increase unrestricted funding is by having a fundraising event.

  • To raise unrestricted funds for my organization, I would coordinate an event that would involve different international partners and donors for fundraising

  • To do the necessary : 1. I would like to Organize a Dinner for voluntary donors. I will contact all the potential donors who are my friends and friends of friends. We will hold the dinner at a convenient place and have a good charge for the same. This charge will be much more than the cost of dinner. I plan to raise Rs 10,00,000 and then during the dinner introduce my Children's Chariitable Hospital.

    1. This activity would help me broaden the news about my Hospital to the friends of friends and through networking to a larger circle. At the end of the dinner each of the attendees will be given self addressed donation envelopes
  • Membership is a good way to collect Unrestricted support.
    However please ensure that the Membership fees far exceeds the benefits that the member gets so that you are making a profit.
    If there are many members surely you have Unrestricted funds which can be used for programs, activities or needs of your organization

    1 Reply
  • One of the ways of increasing our organization unrestricted funds for my organization would by collecting membership. The funds collected from membership can be used for capacity development of the staff or any other activities deemed important by the organization

  • totally agree with you

    1. My organization would need more deferred gifts in wills or legacies.

    2. It would ensure that even after the passed of donor the organization has funds doe continuity

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