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  • One way to create tools that are simple to use is to consider the target population with regards to their educational background, age otherwise look for able individuals to collect data

    2 Replies
  • Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    I find it useful, prior to actually beginning to draft user-friendly data collection tools, to first reflect on the data-sources and who will be tasked to collect the data. Also, don't lose sight of the desired impact and how your targeted participants/communities will contribute to and legitimize the impact.

    My example arises from the project logframe that I am developing under this certificate course. The ultimate impact of the proposed safe learning centers for primary and intermediate age children (5-15 years old) during their free-time, is to keep children off the streets and to keep children from being vulnerable to and falling victim to criminality. The data sources (beyond documents and records) are not only the children, but also their parents and their teachers in public schools (the supply side); and the data collectors - in this instance the local assistants and the foreign volunteer facilitators/instructors (the demand side).

    Though my scenario is specific, the points I make may be applicable across other sectors. Prior to actually drafting and testing the data collection tool or tracking form, I suggest engaging the stakeholders (in this instance the parents and the public school teachers) to explain the data collection process and its part in the larger scope of Monitoring &Evaluation. In my example, it should be noted that the communities involved are the poorest neighborhoods with no water or electricity and a high percentage of illiteracy, and families/parents that may be unemployed and/or doing odd jobs at odd hours. Thus, it will be critical to make certain that the parents (and the public school teachers) understand and accept the proposed process and that it is not seen as intrusive, rather they understand its relevance, accept it, and are eager to participate.

    Having achieved this level of "buy-in", it is then critical that the data collectors fully understand the local context. As I am drafting these comments, I have decided that instead of training only the "local assistants" to collect the data, that I will pair the local assistants with one of the "foreign volunteer facilitators/instructors". [Note: on my proposed project, the "volunteers" are all foreigners - mostly from Western Europe.] The local assistants are often final year secondary schools students or are starting university. Often, the local assistants are from the same neighborhoods as the participant-children and they are known in the neighborhood to the parents and the public school teachers. Though this level of connection or bond into the neighborhood may facilitate receiving timely information and more honest and detailed responses or access to records; there is also a risk that the young data-collectors may not be taken seriously by parents and public school teachers.

    Interestingly, in other countries on many projects, I have found that local participants and community and local municipal leaders and beneficiaries often are more eager to meet with you when a more senior-level foreigner is conducting or coordinating or hosting a meeting or event. Thus, in my project example, I will pair the local assistant with a foreign volunteer facilitator/instructor; not only during an initial introduction of the process to parents and public school teachers, but also during the actual data collection exercise(s).

    Thus, under this explained approach, the data sources will be more eager to provide honest responses or provide timely recorded data. This "eagerness" is related to their having been engaged right-at-the-start to understand and accept the overall data-collection process and how it contributes to an evidence-base to support the broader project impact. The significance is that the stakeholders (the parents and public school teachers) are actively participating in generating data, information and ultimately in generating knowledge. This active level of open and willing participation not only contributes to meeting the project objective and impact, but also manifested impact is "owned" buy the community/stakeholders - because they understand the process and their contribution to generated data and knowledge. This level of "ownership" legitimizes the impact and the related project processes. Hugh C. Orozco (20 June 2019).

    1 Reply
  • @KOPJ said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:


    Hello "@EpitaceBigirindavyi",

    I agree with your post about use of simple language and clear instructions, and with "contextualization" of the data-collection tool to the project and subject area.

    I am also in agreement with other learners who post comments about contextualization of the data collection tool in a broader context to include "understanding the target community". I write about this level of contextualization in my own post to this exercise. I write about not only drafting simple tools, but also about understanding the "data-sources". In my posted example, I note that the data-sources are the target community and that the data collection tool and the data collector must be highly attuned to the specific circumstances/context of the target community if the data is to be reliable and relevant. Cheers, Hugh C. Orozco (20 June 2019)

  • @pradhanciwani said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create a tool that everyone can understand and fill up is to use the local language that is easily understood by the local people. For eg: If the project is being held in Kenya then the form must be created in the local language spoken by the participants so that they can easily understand and possibly fill up the form themselves so that it will be both efficient and effective for the project.

    Hello "@pradhanciwani",

    I am in agreement with you. From a broader perspective you are saying what other learners and I have posted about making the data-collection tools relevant to the local context and traditions/culture. Drafting an easy to understand and easy to use data-collection tool is an important step, but it makes sense that it can be more effective if the tool is implemented in the local language. Not only is the tool more effective in the language, the implication is that the target audience or individual will more clearly understand the question, but also will provide more honest and relevant responses. This process is perhaps also aided by the fact that use of the local language may be seen to be an expression respect for the target community and individuals.
    Cheers, Hugh C. Orozco (20 June 2019).

  • @Yonis_Dayib said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create tools that are simple to use is by using a clear and simple language to make everyone understand.
    The data collection tools should be simple and easy to understand and designed in a way which can be followed by anyone. it is better to consider the level of education of the users.

    Hello "@Yonis_Dayib",

    I agree with you. Many of our fellow learners also write about keeping forms simple and easy to understand and "designed in a way which can followed by anyone". I also agree that is important to consider the users educational level.

    My experience has included instances where educational levels are minimal. The proposed users in those instances were literate despite low educational level.

    It became especially important that the proposed user participate with in drafting the tool, or at least sit with you to review a drafted sample. This was not testing, rather it was engaging the user right-at-the start not only to understand the simple word usage and forms, but also to understand the process and its purpose.

    It empowers the selected user or users, because it potentially sparks an already expressed or observed interest in the data collection process - creating and discussing and refining the data-collection tool with the user(s) active participation is a form of staff development that builds not only empowerment through new skill generation, but also builds confidence and worth/value to the project.
    Cheers, Hugh C. Orozco (20 June 2019).

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    *Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    The most important thing to do before creating a tool is to do an audience analysis which will go a long way in designing an effective tool. In creating a simple tool, the major obstacle is getting the participants to assimilate the contents of the tools. This can be solved by ensuring that contents are of flexible nature.

    And I think the most effective tools are ones that the participants get to be the direct responders except in the case of interview and other QR methods

    1 Reply
  • to need to understand exactly how their indicator or indicators should be measured.

    1 Reply
  • @marcomathanda said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools: to need to understand exactly how their indicator or indicators should be measured.

    ...the key is to to understand exactly how the indicator or indicators should be measured.

  • One of the ways is to make sure there are clear instruction on how to use the tool, this would mean getting rid of assumptions that we all interpret and see the tool in the same way.
    Another route would be to use simple clear language that can be understood by the users and where need arises, translation that does not take away from the meaning or the data we would like to collect

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @HughOROZCO said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    I find it useful, prior to actually beginning to draft user-friendly data collection tools, to first reflect on the data-sources and who will be tasked to collect the data. Also, don't lose sight of the desired impact and how your targeted participants/communities will contribute to and legitimize the impact.

    My example arises from the project logframe that I am developing under this certificate course. The ultimate impact of the proposed safe learning centers for primary and intermediate age children (5-15 years old) during their free-time, is to keep children off the streets and to keep children from being vulnerable to and falling victim to criminality. The data sources (beyond documents and records) are not only the children, but also their parents and their teachers in public schools (the supply side); and the data collectors - in this instance the local assistants and the foreign volunteer facilitators/instructors (the demand side).

    Though my scenario is specific, the points I make may be applicable across other sectors. Prior to actually drafting and testing the data collection tool or tracking form, I suggest engaging the stakeholders (in this instance the parents and the public school teachers) to explain the data collection process and its part in the larger scope of Monitoring &Evaluation. In my example, it should be noted that the communities involved are the poorest neighborhoods with no water or electricity and a high percentage of illiteracy, and families/parents that may be unemployed and/or doing odd jobs at odd hours. Thus, it will be critical to make certain that the parents (and the public school teachers) understand and accept the proposed process and that it is not seen as intrusive, rather they understand its relevance, accept it, and are eager to participate.

    Having achieved this level of "buy-in", it is then critical that the data collectors fully understand the local context. As I am drafting these comments, I have decided that instead of training only the "local assistants" to collect the data, that I will pair the local assistants with one of the "foreign volunteer facilitators/instructors". [Note: on my proposed project, the "volunteers" are all foreigners - mostly from Western Europe.] The local assistants are often final year secondary schools students or are starting university. Often, the local assistants are from the same neighborhoods as the participant-children and they are known in the neighborhood to the parents and the public school teachers. Though this level of connection or bond into the neighborhood may facilitate receiving timely information and more honest and detailed responses or access to records; there is also a risk that the young data-collectors may not be taken seriously by parents and public school teachers.

    Interestingly, in other countries on many projects, I have found that local participants and community and local municipal leaders and beneficiaries often are more eager to meet with you when a more senior-level foreigner is conducting or coordinating or hosting a meeting or event. Thus, in my project example, I will pair the local assistant with a foreign volunteer facilitator/instructor; not only during an initial introduction of the process to parents and public school teachers, but also during the actual data collection exercise(s).

    Thus, under this explained approach, the data sources will be more eager to provide honest responses or provide timely recorded data. This "eagerness" is related to their having been engaged right-at-the-start to understand and accept the overall data-collection process and how it contributes to an evidence-base to support the broader project impact. The significance is that the stakeholders (the parents and public school teachers) are actively participating in generating data, information and ultimately in generating knowledge. This active level of open and willing participation not only contributes to meeting the project objective and impact, but also manifested impact is "owned" buy the community/stakeholders - because they understand the process and their contribution to generated data and knowledge. This level of "ownership" legitimizes the impact and the related project processes. Hugh C. Orozco (20 June 2019).

    @HughOROZCO ,Thanks for sharing your proposed project. I must commend you for such an explicit design on how you intend to engage in in your data collection by bringing everybody onboard. What type of organization do you work for and do you find this course interested ffor your work?”.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @Alim16 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @HughOROZCO said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    I find it useful, prior to actually beginning to draft user-friendly data collection tools, to first reflect on the data-sources and who will be tasked to collect the data. Also, don't lose sight of the desired impact and how your targeted participants/communities will contribute to and legitimize the impact.

    My example arises from the project logframe that I am developing under this certificate course. The ultimate impact of the proposed safe learning centers for primary and intermediate age children (5-15 years old) during their free-time, is to keep children off the streets and to keep children from being vulnerable to and falling victim to criminality. The data sources (beyond documents and records) are not only the children, but also their parents and their teachers in public schools (the supply side); and the data collectors - in this instance the local assistants and the foreign volunteer facilitators/instructors (the demand side).

    Though my scenario is specific, the points I make may be applicable across other sectors. Prior to actually drafting and testing the data collection tool or tracking form, I suggest engaging the stakeholders (in this instance the parents and the public school teachers) to explain the data collection process and its part in the larger scope of Monitoring &Evaluation. In my example, it should be noted that the communities involved are the poorest neighborhoods with no water or electricity and a high percentage of illiteracy, and families/parents that may be unemployed and/or doing odd jobs at odd hours. Thus, it will be critical to make certain that the parents (and the public school teachers) understand and accept the proposed process and that it is not seen as intrusive, rather they understand its relevance, accept it, and are eager to participate.

    Having achieved this level of "buy-in", it is then critical that the data collectors fully understand the local context. As I am drafting these comments, I have decided that instead of training only the "local assistants" to collect the data, that I will pair the local assistants with one of the "foreign volunteer facilitators/instructors". [Note: on my proposed project, the "volunteers" are all foreigners - mostly from Western Europe.] The local assistants are often final year secondary schools students or are starting university. Often, the local assistants are from the same neighborhoods as the participant-children and they are known in the neighborhood to the parents and the public school teachers. Though this level of connection or bond into the neighborhood may facilitate receiving timely information and more honest and detailed responses or access to records; there is also a risk that the young data-collectors may not be taken seriously by parents and public school teachers.

    Interestingly, in other countries on many projects, I have found that local participants and community and local municipal leaders and beneficiaries often are more eager to meet with you when a more senior-level foreigner is conducting or coordinating or hosting a meeting or event. Thus, in my project example, I will pair the local assistant with a foreign volunteer facilitator/instructor; not only during an initial introduction of the process to parents and public school teachers, but also during the actual data collection exercise(s).

    Thus, under this explained approach, the data sources will be more eager to provide honest responses or provide timely recorded data. This "eagerness" is related to their having been engaged right-at-the-start to understand and accept the overall data-collection process and how it contributes to an evidence-base to support the broader project impact. The significance is that the stakeholders (the parents and public school teachers) are actively participating in generating data, information and ultimately in generating knowledge. This active level of open and willing participation not only contributes to meeting the project objective and impact, but also manifested impact is "owned" buy the community/stakeholders - because they understand the process and their contribution to generated data and knowledge. This level of "ownership" legitimizes the impact and the related project processes. Hugh C. Orozco (20 June 2019).

    @HughOROZCO ,Thanks for sharing your proposed project. I must commend you for such an explicit design on how you intend to engage in your data collection by bringing everybody onboard. What type of organization do you work for and do you find this course interested for your work?”.

    1 Reply
  • By understanding your indicator so that your form does not collect irrelevant information.
    By using simple, understandable language and the support of an interpreter where necessary.

    1 Reply
    1. By understanding your indicators so that your form does not collect/record irrelevant information.
    2. By using simple understandable language that participants can comprehend or using an interpreter where necessary.
    1 Reply
  • @Alim16 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Alim16 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @HughOROZCO said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    I find it useful, prior to actually beginning to draft user-friendly data collection tools, to first reflect on the data-sources and who will be tasked to collect the data. Also, don't lose sight of the desired impact and how your targeted participants/communities will contribute to and legitimize the impact.

    My example arises from the project logframe that I am developing under this certificate course. The ultimate impact of the proposed safe learning centers for primary and intermediate age children (5-15 years old) during their free-time, is to keep children off the streets and to keep children from being vulnerable to and falling victim to criminality. The data sources (beyond documents and records) are not only the children, but also their parents and their teachers in public schools (the supply side); and the data collectors - in this instance the local assistants and the foreign volunteer facilitators/instructors (the demand side).

    Though my scenario is specific, the points I make may be applicable across other sectors. Prior to actually drafting and testing the data collection tool or tracking form, I suggest engaging the stakeholders (in this instance the parents and the public school teachers) to explain the data collection process and its part in the larger scope of Monitoring &Evaluation. In my example, it should be noted that the communities involved are the poorest neighborhoods with no water or electricity and a high percentage of illiteracy, and families/parents that may be unemployed and/or doing odd jobs at odd hours. Thus, it will be critical to make certain that the parents (and the public school teachers) understand and accept the proposed process and that it is not seen as intrusive, rather they understand its relevance, accept it, and are eager to participate.

    Having achieved this level of "buy-in", it is then critical that the data collectors fully understand the local context. As I am drafting these comments, I have decided that instead of training only the "local assistants" to collect the data, that I will pair the local assistants with one of the "foreign volunteer facilitators/instructors". [Note: on my proposed project, the "volunteers" are all foreigners - mostly from Western Europe.] The local assistants are often final year secondary schools students or are starting university. Often, the local assistants are from the same neighborhoods as the participant-children and they are known in the neighborhood to the parents and the public school teachers. Though this level of connection or bond into the neighborhood may facilitate receiving timely information and more honest and detailed responses or access to records; there is also a risk that the young data-collectors may not be taken seriously by parents and public school teachers.

    Interestingly, in other countries on many projects, I have found that local participants and community and local municipal leaders and beneficiaries often are more eager to meet with you when a more senior-level foreigner is conducting or coordinating or hosting a meeting or event. Thus, in my project example, I will pair the local assistant with a foreign volunteer facilitator/instructor; not only during an initial introduction of the process to parents and public school teachers, but also during the actual data collection exercise(s).

    Thus, under this explained approach, the data sources will be more eager to provide honest responses or provide timely recorded data. This "eagerness" is related to their having been engaged right-at-the-start to understand and accept the overall data-collection process and how it contributes to an evidence-base to support the broader project impact. The significance is that the stakeholders (the parents and public school teachers) are actively participating in generating data, information and ultimately in generating knowledge. This active level of open and willing participation not only contributes to meeting the project objective and impact, but also manifested impact is "owned" buy the community/stakeholders - because they understand the process and their contribution to generated data and knowledge. This level of "ownership" legitimizes the impact and the related project processes. Hugh C. Orozco (20 June 2019).

    @HughOROZCO ,Thanks for sharing your proposed project. I must commend you for such an explicit design on how you intend to engage in your data collection by bringing everybody onboard. What type of organization do you work for and do you find this course interested for your work?”.

    @HughOROZCO, thank you for sharing insights of your project. Very detailed and extremely helpful.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @Ilene said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    By understanding your indicator so that your form does not collect irrelevant information.
    By using simple, understandable language and the support of an interpreter where necessary.

    @Ilene , Thanks for posting your ideas. Do you find this course useful for your work?

  • You can simplify your tool by avoiding use of more technical terms and also by providing instructions to the users.

    1 Reply
  • @Thani said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One of the ways is to make sure there are clear instruction on how to use the tool, this would mean getting rid of assumptions that we all interpret and see the tool in the same way.
    Another route would be to use simple clear language that can be understood by the users and where need arises, translation that does not take away from the meaning or the data we would like to collect

    Quite informative. Thank you for this

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @PearlUtuk said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    Keep the diction simple and easy to understand especially when the audience who will read and interprete the tool has been identified.

    Great work, @PearlUtuk
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Nick-it said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    • Use a simple language

    • Make sure to find a common language, if not possible a version into another language could be required or maybe the help of an interpreter

    • Instruction must be clear and concise

    • Have a clear idea of the target and take advantage of staff help when possible.

    Thats a whole bunch of valuable tips there @Nick-it Great work
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    Please what type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please feel free to share more with us

  • Course Facilitator

    @LawalGodwin said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create tools that are simple to use is to consider the target population with regards to their educational background, age otherwise look for able individuals to collect data

    Great work, @LawalGodwin
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @Ilene said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    1. By understanding your indicators so that your form does not collect/record irrelevant information.
    2. By using simple understandable language that participants can comprehend or using an interpreter where necessary.

    Great work, @Ilene and thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    Please what type of organization do you work for and how well do you use these types of tools. Please feel free to share more with us

  • Course Facilitator

    @michaelndolom said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    You can simplify your tool by avoiding use of more technical terms and also by providing instructions to the users.

    Great work, @michaelndolom and thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Omotosho said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    *Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    The most important thing to do before creating a tool is to do an audience analysis which will go a long way in designing an effective tool. In creating a simple tool, the major obstacle is getting the participants to assimilate the contents of the tools. This can be solved by ensuring that contents are of flexible nature.

    And I think the most effective tools are ones that the participants get to be the direct responders except in the case of interview and other QR methods

    Great work, @Omotosho and thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    Happy learning

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is use clear words, train the staff in the tools use and test the tool firstly before implementing.

  • One way to create a data collection tool that is user friendly is to test your preliminary tool and find out if it will give the data you intend to collect and how the users are using it.

  • Learners should include detailed instructions in simple language, keep the tool simple by focusing or collecting essential information. Focusing on essential information will keep your tool getting too complicated.
    Collecting some Metadata: This metadata will help the M&E team to trace information back to its source which ensures data quality.
    Pre-test your tool by sending it to different people to try using the tool. Let them test the tool in the same environment that it will eventually be used in. Observe them using the tool and ask; is there the tool used in the way you expected it to be used? Are there common mistakes that users make? Are certain words or questions misinterpreted?
    Train staff to use the tool.

    1 Reply
  • You are right

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    You can make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily by taking note of the following;
    First of all, Identify the indicator you are measuring. Find groups of indicators that share the same data collection method, source, and frequency of collection.

    In ensuring that you create a tool that would offer users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use, you make sure that you understand what education does the user have, what experience has the user had in using data collection tools, & How comfortable are they using this type of tool by engaging practical use of the form on field with the users.

  • @LawalGodwin said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create tools that are simple to use is to consider the target population with regards to their educational background, age otherwise look for able individuals to collect data

    That is writing instruction in simple language.

  • @michaelndolom said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Thani said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One of the ways is to make sure there are clear instruction on how to use the tool, this would mean getting rid of assumptions that we all interpret and see the tool in the same way.
    Another route would be to use simple clear language that can be understood by the users and where need arises, translation that does not take away from the meaning or the data we would like to collect

    Quite informative. Thank you for this

    You also need to focus on essential information in order to avoid exposing your users especially to those not well educated to confusion in apprehending the tool.

  • One way to create tools that are simple to use is ... to create them fit for audience and purpose. For example, the form itself should be nonthreatening and carefully explained in preliminary meetings with the participants. If there is a language barrier, ensure proper translation. If there are any cultural aspects that might create discomfort, find out in advance and correct. If there is low literacy level, consider use of symbols, conversations, storytelling - use the local way of disseminating information. Finally, as MEH decided, it might be good to have external agents fill out the data collection tools. Even if this is the case, a preliminary visit to ensure this format is acceptable and respectful, along with the other tips, might ensure higher rates of success in getting the desired information while also being respectful and considerate of the participants!

  • @ClaraEmmanuel said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Learners should include detailed instructions in simple language, keep the tool simple by focusing or collecting essential information. Focusing on essential information will keep your tool getting too complicated.
    Collecting some Metadata: This metadata will help the M&E team to trace information back to its source which ensures data quality.
    Pre-test your tool by sending it to different people to try using the tool. Let them test the tool in the same environment that it will eventually be used in. Observe them using the tool and ask; is there the tool used in the way you expected it to be used? Are there common mistakes that users make? Are certain words or questions misinterpreted?
    Train staff to use the tool.

    Hello, thanks for your comments. I agree with you that the instructions should be sufficiently detailed and match the population characteristics. Simplest, but not too simple, is best (as Einstein once said) - very true. I love that you included metadata - this is really critical because these details can help to interpret and keep track of volumes of data, allowing evaluation steps to be more efficient. I find the pre-test tip to be really important too, and one I had not considered before now. Absolutely good to find out in advance if the data collection tool is adequate AND appropriate for use. Your questions to this method are very spot on. And finally, yes, training the staff to use the tool is critical if the data collection is to be respectful and successful. Nice job, I learned a great deal from you! Best wishes, Elizabeth

  • One way to create tools that are easy to use is to use a simple language that even a layman can understand.

  • First step is being clear what information/ data needs to be collected. Once this is clearly understood, it is also important that the data can be easily gotten without ambiguity, the response from participants should be strait forward. They should be able to answer or collect the data without confusion.

    Keeping it simple and quick is also important. The users of the tool should be confident and well trained to use the tool. It is best using peers, as this will make it easy for getting the right data.

    1 Reply
  • Data collection tools that are simple to use must have understandable words in both the fill instructions and the questions, if applicable in the answers for multiple-choice.

    1 Reply
  • @efaminu said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    First step is being clear what information/ data needs to be collected. Once this is clearly understood, it is also important that the data can be easily gotten without ambiguity, the response from participants should be strait forward. They should be able to answer or collect the data without confusion.

    Keeping it simple and quick is also important. The users of the tool should be confident and well trained to use the tool. It is best using peers, as this will make it easy for getting the right data.

    Very useful tips, especially if the users are trained to use the tool.

  • @Ilene said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Alim16 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Alim16 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @HughOROZCO said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    I find it useful, prior to actually beginning to draft user-friendly data collection tools, to first reflect on the data-sources and who will be tasked to collect the data. Also, don't lose sight of the desired impact and how your targeted participants/communities will contribute to and legitimize the impact.

    My example arises from the project logframe that I am developing under this certificate course. The ultimate impact of the proposed safe learning centers for primary and intermediate age children (5-15 years old) during their free-time, is to keep children off the streets and to keep children from being vulnerable to and falling victim to criminality. The data sources (beyond documents and records) are not only the children, but also their parents and their teachers in public schools (the supply side); and the data collectors - in this instance the local assistants and the foreign volunteer facilitators/instructors (the demand side).

    Though my scenario is specific, the points I make may be applicable across other sectors. Prior to actually drafting and testing the data collection tool or tracking form, I suggest engaging the stakeholders (in this instance the parents and the public school teachers) to explain the data collection process and its part in the larger scope of Monitoring &Evaluation. In my example, it should be noted that the communities involved are the poorest neighborhoods with no water or electricity and a high percentage of illiteracy, and families/parents that may be unemployed and/or doing odd jobs at odd hours. Thus, it will be critical to make certain that the parents (and the public school teachers) understand and accept the proposed process and that it is not seen as intrusive, rather they understand its relevance, accept it, and are eager to participate.

    Having achieved this level of "buy-in", it is then critical that the data collectors fully understand the local context. As I am drafting these comments, I have decided that instead of training only the "local assistants" to collect the data, that I will pair the local assistants with one of the "foreign volunteer facilitators/instructors". [Note: on my proposed project, the "volunteers" are all foreigners - mostly from Western Europe.] The local assistants are often final year secondary schools students or are starting university. Often, the local assistants are from the same neighborhoods as the participant-children and they are known in the neighborhood to the parents and the public school teachers. Though this level of connection or bond into the neighborhood may facilitate receiving timely information and more honest and detailed responses or access to records; there is also a risk that the young data-collectors may not be taken seriously by parents and public school teachers.

    Interestingly, in other countries on many projects, I have found that local participants and community and local municipal leaders and beneficiaries often are more eager to meet with you when a more senior-level foreigner is conducting or coordinating or hosting a meeting or event. Thus, in my project example, I will pair the local assistant with a foreign volunteer facilitator/instructor; not only during an initial introduction of the process to parents and public school teachers, but also during the actual data collection exercise(s).

    Thus, under this explained approach, the data sources will be more eager to provide honest responses or provide timely recorded data. This "eagerness" is related to their having been engaged right-at-the-start to understand and accept the overall data-collection process and how it contributes to an evidence-base to support the broader project impact. The significance is that the stakeholders (the parents and public school teachers) are actively participating in generating data, information and ultimately in generating knowledge. This active level of open and willing participation not only contributes to meeting the project objective and impact, but also manifested impact is "owned" buy the community/stakeholders - because they understand the process and their contribution to generated data and knowledge. This level of "ownership" legitimizes the impact and the related project processes. Hugh C. Orozco (20 June 2019).

    @HughOROZCO ,Thanks for sharing your proposed project. I must commend you for such an explicit design on how you intend to engage in your data collection by bringing everybody onboard. What type of organization do you work for and do you find this course interested for your work?”.

    @HughOROZCO, thank you for sharing insights of your project. Very detailed and extremely helpful.

    Thank you both - Alim and Ilene - for your comments.
    I normally work on USAID funded projects around the world.
    All activity managed by me in the past, has required some form of M&E (even though at times it has been an after thought - at present M&E is required and included in most all activity I encounter). Thus, I find this course extremely useful to allow me to better manage M&E activity and to even conduct some training for staff or beneficiaries...
    The activity I describe in this course is entirely based on my personal volunteer activity recently in Nicaragua. Despite the recent political violence, the activity I describe does exist; however they have never conducted any M&E. It is my hope that this course will allow me to return to Nicaragua and to convince the learning center director and its team of volunteers that M&E is necessary and that it will require very minimal costs to implement. Thanks you, Hugh C. Orozco. (21 June 2019)

  • One way to create tools that are simple to use is to consider the interest population with looking to their socio-demographic background such as , age,gender, educational background and their expreince about involving participating data collection tools.

  • the tips that i would like to offer my learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use is make sure the educational level, the workshops that have participants taken and the expreince that they have and language that they are using as well as their willing about taking taking part on that event.

  • @juanpa86 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Data collection tools that are simple to use must have understandable words in both the fill instructions and the questions, if applicable in the answers for multiple-choice.

    thank u very dear learner. your comment and tips have really helped me a lot.keep going happy learning u and other learners.

  • One way to create tool that are simples is to not use the complex words, and adequate indicators for the local situations.

    1 Reply
    1. One way to create tools that are easy for users to use is to first survey and decide on type of user (intellect and language proficiency) and design tool according to this. Clear and simple instructions should be clearly stated for ease of use of tool.
    2. A translator could be gotten for these users for ease of interpretation of instructions on how to use and fill in tool.
  • I would ensure that there are instructions below the tools in a language that suits the users. This could be a local language that suits their educational background. I would also have instructions for the field officers to follow while explaining to the users.

  • We need to test it before using it in the field

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    I believe one of the ways to ensure a good data collection tool is created is by understanding the intended users and this can be achieved through involving them during the initial stages of preparing such tools so as to have their say captured.

  • To create a simple data collection tool that is user friendly, firstly, i will suggest that we avoid adding questions that will not generate relevant data we may need.
    Secondly, we should use codes such as [Y] for Yes, [N] for No etc.

  • one way to ensure success of a tool is to use clear and simple language. Secondly, tools should not take too long to administer, they must not inconvenience the participant.

    1 Reply
  • @Azal2019 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to use the local language of the surveyed people and change the language of the form according to the language of the people. this also can be done by using local people from the same areas that the survey will be implemented in.

    IT very correct . It is good to use the language of the people.

  • @Macuacuacesar said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create tool that are simples is to not use the complex words, and adequate indicators for the local situations.

    Yes it better to use simple language for instructions or even somebody to to interpret for understanding.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to frame the questions in the simplest language possible for the users to comprehend and answer the questions with minimal difficulties. Secondly, one should provide instructions/guidelines for using the tool for the data collectors to refer to, in case they need further clarification on the technical parts. Lastly, the tool should be precise, objective and relevant to capture the information that is necessary for the exercise being undertaken.

    1 Reply
  • One way to create tools that are simple to use is to make your details specific. Use language that is clear and simple. In this way, your participants will fully understand your purpose and the tools that they are going to fill in.

  • One way to create needed data collection tools is by knowing the literacy rate of the source of the date and certain peculiarities with the project being worked on. It's also important to keep in mind the reason for collecting that particular data.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to identify that data which is essential and eliminate the rest.

  • One way to to create tools that are simple to use is identify data which is essential and eliminate the rest. Design the tool accordingly to maintain simplicity.

  • @jackiemwinzi said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to frame the questions in the simplest language possible for the users to comprehend and answer the questions with minimal difficulties. Secondly, one should provide instructions/guidelines for using the tool for the data collectors to refer to, in case they need further clarification on the technical parts. Lastly, the tool should be precise, objective and relevant to capture the information that is necessary for the exercise being undertaken.

    This covers the basis thing we should keep in mind. Though these are simple logical things but we ignore them.

  • just to use simple language so that all people can understand

    1 Reply
  • six step how to creat data collection tool.
    1,Understand your indicators.-understand exactly how the indicators should be measured.
    2,Decide which information to record.-recognize what will need to record.
    3,decide how your form will be filled in.- consider how this form will be filled.
    4,Create your form. -create form after deciding which information to be filled.
    5, Test the form. -send to user to test it.
    6,Revise your form. -use the result of their test to revise the form.

  • @Anjorin said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    making sure the words used are easy to understand and depending on the target group one can use images to make it more easy

    I strongly oppose this because the form should be simple to understand and easy to use

  • @OkoTheoCamngca said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    one way to ensure success of a tool is to use clear and simple language. Secondly, tools should not take too long to administer, they must not inconvenience the participant.

    it is correct because it is good to use the simple language people understand.

  • @ACW said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    just to use simple language so that all people can understand

    true since if you don"t use the language which people don"t understand the form will be wrongly filled hence not able to collect information required

  • Simple language;
    Telling a story, an illustration;
    Incorporating Graphics.

  • @MICHAEL3937 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    it is better to consider the level of education of the users, language they use if it is native just find someone who knows that language. And the tool has to simple to interpret.

    Well said

  • well said. thank you

  • In creating tools that are easy to use, the grammar should be simplistic and not bogus. The fields shouldn't be too many as this cold be tiring and data quality is affected.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    **Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to make use of basic language that can be easily understood and interpreted .
    In a situation when creating toops meant for people with basic education, one needs to understand the type of people who will use the tools. Once this is factored in, it will be easier to create a tool that can be used by them.

  • @sylrie said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    In creating tools that are easy to use, the grammar should be simplistic and not bogus. The fields shouldn't be too many as this cold be tiring and data quality is affected.

    I agree with you. In other words, only relevant information should be included in the tool.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    **Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to avoid strong words and use simple language

    • To be as simple, specific and clear as possible
    • Pretest the data collection tool
    • Decide on data collecting personnel as you design the tool kit prior to the exercise
  • @addf said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @KINDMAN said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @addf said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Anjorin said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    making sure the words used are easy to understand and depending on the target group one can use images to make it more easy

    I agree with you @Anjorin, focusing on essential information, with simple language could help in creating simple data collection tool that anyone could use...

    The use of image seems to me a very nice concept.

    Yes, the use of image could be helpful, but it could take much time to design it, and in that way, it would be better to include instructions on it and how to use it.

    Ok. Thanks.

  • One way to create tools that are simple to use is to use appropriate tools according to project and make sure tools will be simple and easy for people (readers) to understand.

  • Best way is to set codes to the options under the questions so that the answers can be recorded in codes. For open ended questions its better if they write down whatever the participant answers

    1 Reply
  • The data collection tool should be easy to understand and use.

    The language of use should be simple to ensure everyone understands.

    The use of codes for certain words example hometown.

  • One way to create tools that are simple to use is to keep the tool language simple and include visual symbols as well.

    1 Reply
  • @AshaNMaharaj said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    ensure that users can understand questions fully, and a moderator

    Best way to create tools for data collection is to be simple, clear, objective and direct with your questionnaires and ensure that users or moderators fully understand questions.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    It would encourage other users or i would make a tool, that would be easy and simple for other users to understand. i would recommend to that its important to put keys codes that will explain to other users to understand and such they can easily user the tool

    2 Replies
  • @Jeni said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create tools that are simple to use is to keep the tool language simple and include visual symbols as well.

    yes that true and good

  • @MahithaKasireddi said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Best way is to set codes to the options under the questions so that the answers can be recorded in codes. For open ended questions its better if they write down whatever the participant answers

    yes that is true

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create tools that are simple to use is using some marks and images.

    1 Reply
  • @Midee said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    It would encourage other users or i would make a tool, that would be easy and simple for other users to understand. i would recommend to that its important to put keys codes that will explain to other users to understand and such they can easily user the tool

    yes that is great and good

  • @Romes said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create tools that are simple to use is using some marks and images.

    correct that is good and great way

  • @Midee said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    It would encourage other users or i would make a tool, that would be easy and simple for other users to understand. i would recommend to that its important to put keys codes that will explain to other users to understand and such they can easily user the tool

    Good idea

  • To create data tools that are easy to use, it is important to pre test the tool so that bottle necks that may arise during the actual data collection are identified and corrected.

  • Use simple, clear language and be specific with your questions.
    Do not ask to many questions.
    The form should not be too lengthy.
    Provide clear instructions to the user(s).

    1 Reply
  • Make use of simply and easily understandable language in your design

  • @Natabirwa said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Use simple, clear language and be specific with your questions.
    Do not ask to many questions.
    The form should not be too lengthy.
    Provide clear instructions to the user(s).


  • @RCPparticipant said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?
    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.
    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to test the language in the tool with a non-native English speaker.

    One way to create simple tools to use is to adapt the tool to the level of knowledge and experience of the M & E staff and the degree of instruction of the beneficiaries from which information will be collected

  • Creating data collection tools one should make it user friendly, simple so that anyone can understand what need to be done. Participant age and other relevant information should be included

  • The best data collection tools that will be easy to use for anyone at least should be clear and easy to understand so that the data collected will be also easy to record..The tools should have a section for the name if the person is comfortable with giving out such information,the sex,the age this being the disaggregated data and also have contact details.This will make it easier for even the donors to be able to evaluate if need be, the information received.The person in the field should also have a clear handwriting so as to enable whoever will enter the data to have correct information and data.

  • one way to create data collection tools is to use simple language

  • for developing the form its important to know about the indicator, how we are going to define indicator , what we wanna record about the indicator , how and what is the purpose of indicator. when you will keep in mind teh answers to all these questions than obviously will be able to develope a form which is serving the purpose.

    1 Reply
  • One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to have a solid understanding of the purpose of the project you wish to evaluate.

    Tips to create Data collection tools are as follow:

    1. Identify Who Will Use This Tool
    2. Focus on Essential Information
    3. Collect Metadata e.g the title of the tool, where the tool was used etc
    4. Pre-Test the Tool
    5. Train Staff to Use the Tool and Include Instructions
    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is by criticallly examining your indicators. They'll give you a hint on how to go forward.

  • To use basic english or words that are easily understandable to the people who will use the form and also create enough room for the filling in the data collected. mostly, please make sure the form is well understood before sending to the field to be used.

  • I feel the best way to create a monitoring tool is to use simple vocabulary that everyone can understand and you can also you the native language if need arise.

  • One way of creating a simple data collection tool is to use simple English of words that are not hard to interpret. please also dont forget to put the metadata above the page .

  • Be focused: Due to excitement , most of the time people collect too many unnecessary data are collected, which cause a lost of resource and energy. So, it is important to have focused what will be collected and where it will be used to understand the impact and help in planning for strategy for next phase.

    1 Reply
  • One way to create a simple but a very objective tool is to use simple words or clear language while focusing only on essential data. The tool should not be congested with unecessary and confusing parts that can distort the essence of the tool. The tool should be clear, simple and objective.

  • @yusufedu said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Be focused: Due to excitement , most of the time people collect too many unnecessary data are collected, which cause a lost of resource and energy. So, it is important to have focused what will be collected and where it will be used to understand the impact and help in planning for strategy for next phase.

    Correct the matter is to be simple and objective

  • @NisaGhafar said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    for developing the form its important to know about the indicator, how we are going to define indicator , what we wanna record about the indicator , how and what is the purpose of indicator. when you will keep in mind teh answers to all these questions than obviously will be able to develope a form which is serving the purpose.

    Exactly the indicator must be well understood before the tool is made. A good tool must embrace the indicators.

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