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  • MEH Project Manager must create an M&E plan because it will help him to track all the information during the activities and the same would be used monitor and evaluate if the project is going well or no. if the project is going bad, he can use the same data to track the main problems e correct right away and if the project is going well, it will allow him to communicate the success of the project to donors, which allowing him to continue to get funded. So any additional or feather funding depends on the success of project, which its improvement can be achieved by implementing or applying a good M&E plan.

    1 Reply
  • A M&E plan can be likened to a map while in the middle of a thick forest. Apart from the fact that it is required by the donor to fund the project, it is also essential to know the what, why, how, when and who of the project. Monitoring and Evaluation plan helps to ensure that a project is going as planned and what to do when unforeseen circumstances shows up. A M&E plan is the backbone of any project.

  • I think you should create an M&E plan because it will assist in continuously assess the progress of the project, ensure implementation are consistent with timelines and ensure resources are properly utilized to achieve the set objectives and targets.

  • Creating a Monitoring and Evaluation plan will will give you a structured way to state and be clear on what your project goals are and have ways to evaluate and measure to see what progress is being made on achieving those goals. This will also help you to see when and where interventions are needed to steer the project back towards its outcomes and goals set.

  • I think you should create M&E plan because of the following aspects;

    • Knowing the project's pros and cons in advance and have the opportunities to realign and implement the project
    • Set up indicator and target of project and regular monitor and evaluate that the project has reach or not
    • Data collection (How, Who, When, Where) and data analysis (How, Who, When, Where)
    • Reporting of donor with evidence based result measurement
  • M & E enables you to track progress of the original plan and also provides a platform for suggesting probable interventions in case the Project is not proceeding as initially planned. This also helps to streamline relations with any possible financiers of the project.

  • @Ayanfe said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because there is great need to monitor the progress of the program and this can only be achieved if there are some standards set to which progress are to be monitored. With the help of M&E, indicators of things going wrong (against the set-out plan(s)) can be easily be discovered and an immediate solution can be proffer. Also M&E gives correct progress report that can boost the morale of the sponsors to want to go on with the program.

    I agree. Without structure associated with M&E, it is difficult to achieve sustainable funding because your objectives and milestones are not clearly communicated or proven.

  • Good morning, afternoon and evening which ever time it is at your place. My advice to MEH manager is to have monitoring and evaluation plans for his project because:
    1- Monitoring and evaluation help in understanding how the assistance and support that project provides to the beneficiaries.
    2- It allow the manager to compares the result of the project action with the strategic intents.
    3- It also guide the beneficiaries on how to progress well because they are always in touch with the Mel person.

  • You should create M&E plan because it is an important part of the project to learn the progress of your project and to know the achievement after the project. And you can also measure the pros and cons of your project implementation.

  • You will be able to measure your success, its like having a map of your program and you will be able to account for you activities.

    1 Reply
  • @oolacosmas said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    -You will be able minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assists you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with programme planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better designed
    programmes, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects

    I think you should create an M & E plan because:
    -You will be able to minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assist you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with program planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better-designed programs, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects.

  • I think you should create an M&E plane because It will help program staff decide how they are going to collect data to track indicators, how monitoring data will be analyzed, and how the results of data collection will be disseminated both to the donor and internally among staff members for program improvement.

    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator

    @STEPHANIE said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M&E plan to assist in tracking and assessing the results of the interventions throughout the life of a program. The data collected will ensure that the program is on track and to report on the results at the end of the program.

    Hope you are doing well @STEPHANIE, I agree with you that M&E plan help to track performance overtime, and help also for decision making about the intervetion, Data also reveals

  • Course Facilitator

    @RBerrios said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @FeisalIssaHajiIdriss said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    The importance of monitoring and evaluating (or, controlling) in project management is the difference between holding on to your steering wheel while driving down the expressway.. or not.

    Managing a project is like an aircraft pilot. 99.9% of the time, the aircraft is off-course, but by monitoring the appropriate instruments, the pilot brings the aircraft back on course (control), only to have it drift off-course once again.

    M&E is also key to ensure the project meets expected impact.

    Yes, for organizational learning and accountability..

  • Course Facilitator

    @aymshelia said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M&E plane because It will help program staff decide how they are going to collect data to track indicators, how monitoring data will be analyzed, and how the results of data collection will be disseminated both to the donor and internally among staff members for program improvement.

    Okay @aymshelia, hope you are fine, M&E makes you also a better decision maker, because it helps you understand how your project is doing, so that you can make the right choices...

  • Course Facilitator

    @siphokazilubambo said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    You will be able to measure your success, its like having a map of your program and you will be able to account for you activities.

    @siphokazilubambo, you know M&E reveals how much changes in outcome can be directly linked to a project's intervention, for your decision making....

  • I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to track the steps, correct the mistakes swiftly and achieve the goals and objectives.

    1 Reply
  • I think and fully believe that M&E plan is a must to make the project successful. A project has a cycle and from the very beginning, we need to know how we correct our activities which can derail us from our objectives.

    Specifically, M&E plan is an essential part of the project because it is the process of tracking our project work linking with objectives. Further, it is they process of knowing where we exactly are and what further deviation should take in our plan of actions.

    Thus, we require preparing a M&E plan, making a M&E dedicated team that works for the success of the project. Also, a systematic M&E plan will help satisfy the donor needs, and prove us to be a professional organisation that has everything in place including M&E.

  • I think MEH team should create an M & E plan because

    • First, you can get up goal with specific target in figures
    • Accordingly, you will be able to set specific outcome and activities to meet those outcomes specified in exact figures
    • Having log frame analysis, you can then monitor project's progress
    • and you can also identify how well the goal has been met;
    • lastly, you will have facts and figures to support your project in front of donors and this will provide transparency and accountability.
    1 Reply
  • M & E plan helps to measure progress of the project.

  • I think MEH should adopt M&E because they would be able to track their performance about a time frame , also assess what is working and what is not . From this it can be determine what change should be made to their project.
    M&E provides the only consolidated source of information show casting a projects progress.

  • Good day ,i will suggest the manager takes on an M&E plans because
    -M&E helps in data generation that will allow for cumulative learning
    -it will assist in the reformulation of objectives
    -risk will also be minimized
    -it will help in identifying the targets of the project

  • I think that you should create an M&E plan because it will enable you monitor how much each girl borrows, how long it takes to pay back the loans, evaluate the success or failure of the project

  • Good afternoon to us all per my country time. Mr manager, as the saying goes 'failing to plan is planning to fail'. i think you should create an M&E plan because it will lay the fundation for your success and also provide checks incase of any difficulty. This plan will guide you as to what to

    1. Collect as data and even the method to use in collecting,
    2. In decision making, either to give out loans or to start with a number of businesses.
    3. To be able to assess your progress your progress and failures
      In all presenting a report to your donars on will further pave way for their support.
  • I think MEH they should prepare M&E plan as it will help them to set targets and prepare indicators to measure those targets.

    1 Reply
  • I think that you should create an M&E plan so that you will be able to identify if the projects are contributing to reaching the organizational goals or advocacy. An M&E plan helps you measure the actual impact or influence the project have in comparison to what is desired. The results of an M&E plan will make you realize if the project is still relevant, or the necessary improvement to make achieving objectives more effective and efficient.

  • @13081985 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to track the steps, correct the mistakes swiftly and achieve the goals and objectives.

    I support this. An M&E plan will most definitely assist an organization improve the quality of projects and programs they provide, through identifying the things you already do correctly, and the things you will need to make some improvements on.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    M&E provides room for convincing funders for further fundings to the project .

    1 Reply
  • @akon71 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    Also, you can reshape your future program incorporating the most successful intervention and best practice that will allow you to get highest benefit from your next development initiatives.

    Super true

    1 Reply
  • @MichaelTomoriBPharmMScMPH said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    i agree with Darcygray, in addition to what he posted that is apart from communicating the success of your project to donors, it is also a way of ensuring accountability to funders. it will also show case the collection, collation and reporting of program reports and how your program will ensure timeliness and completeness of report to the funders

    Excellent! I completely agree with both of you. The aim of every project is to achieve result; this can be in any form as the case may be. M&E is vital as it not only show progress of a project, it also ensures that expected result(s) are achieved.

  • I think that you should create an M&E plan because it would help to measure the progress of your project,track performances over time and give efficient use of resources. and it will help to also measure how well the project have achieved the project objectives.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E :

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because plans are essential but they are not set in concrete (totally fixed). If they are not working, or if the circumstances change, then plans need to change too.

    A good Monitoring and evaluation plan are both tools which help your project or organisation know when plans are not working, and when circumstances have changed. They will give management the information it needs to make decisions about the project or organisation, about changes that are necessary in strategy or plans.

    Through this, the constants remain the pillars of the strategic framework : the problem analysis, the vision, and the values of the project or organisation. Everything else is negotiable.

    And remember getting something wrong is not a crime. Failing to learn from past mistakes because you are not monitoring and evaluating, is.

  • Course Facilitator

    @chikaifeanyi said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because it would help you identify your goals, create steps to achieving them, and help you keep track of how close or far off you are from achieving them

    @chikaifeanyi well articulated thought ..... but what type of monitoring and evaluation system does your organization currently use?”.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Tumpembosa said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think MEH they should prepare M&E plan as it will help them to set targets and prepare indicators to measure those targets.

    @Tumpembosa Yes , indicators help to measure whether a project is progressing or otherwise? Also what type of monitoring and evaluation system does your organization currently use?”.

  • Hi everyone.
    I thinlk The M&E Plan helps assess progress of the program toward achieving its goals and objectives. Thus, the M&E work plan is an important tool used by M&E officers for comprehensive planning on how to study and report on the program and its effects

  • @Charlene_90 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Zeb said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Hello Dear All Learners
    Hope you all are preparing yourself for the course, I’m Zeb as a course ambassador for “Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation”. If you need any help regarding the course or want to link the course with your previous projects, such as education, community development, emergency related projects, etc. or you are entirely new student and no familiarity with Monitoring and Evaluation. Please let me know… I will try my best to help you
    Best of luck for all of you...

    Thanks for your availability

    @Charlene_90 My pleasure to help all the learners... best of luck for your study...

    1 Reply
  • I think you should create and Monitoring and Evaluation plan because plans are essential but they are not set in concrete (totally fixed). If they are not working, or if the circumstances change, then plans need to change too.

    A good Monitoring and evaluation plan are both tools which help your project or organisation know when plans are not working, and when circumstances have changed. They will give management the information it needs to make decisions about the project or organisation, about changes that are necessary in strategy or plans.

    Through this, the constants remain the pillars of the strategic framework : the problem analysis, the vision, and the values of the project or organisation. Everything else is negotiable.

    Getting something wrong is not a crime. Failing to learn from past mistakes because you are not monitoring and evaluating, is.

    2 Replies
  • Doing a project does not mean it will have an impact in people's life, but when monitoring and evaluation is done, it helps to plan and keep an eye on the project in terms of data, also to see the effect of such a project if the aim is met or not and where improvement is needed. .

    2 Replies
  • I think you need to develop M&E plan to know the progress of activities and to know the completed activities whether is implemented correctly among indicators or not.

  • @Kamoga said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    M&E provides room for convincing funders for further fundings to the project .

    Is it only because of funding M&E should be done? What of the impact on the people?

  • @Zeb said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Charlene_90 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Zeb said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Hello Dear All Learners
    Hope you all are preparing yourself for the course, I’m Zeb as a course ambassador for “Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation”. If you need any help regarding the course or want to link the course with your previous projects, such as education, community development, emergency related projects, etc. or you are entirely new student and no familiarity with Monitoring and Evaluation. Please let me know… I will try my best to help you
    Best of luck for all of you...

    Thanks for your availability

    @Charlene_90 My pleasure to help all the learners... best of luck for your study...

    I think monitoring and evaluation should be a continuous thing, just like quality improvement cycle, where changes should be made, it should be made

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because it will help assess progress of the program toward achieving its goals and objectives which will also help inform key stakeholders as well as program implementer.

    1 Reply
  • I think you should create M&E plan because you need getting data and information about beneficiaries numbers, reviews, rate, and changes in their lives that indicates how much the project is effective , measure progress,
    Comparison of inputs and results to verify that objectives and outputs are realized.

  • @KV said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should start creating a M&E plan in order to determine whether your goals and objectives match with the goals of the girls you are trying to help. A M&E plan in important to determine the success of your project both for you as an organization and for the people you are trying to help. A M&E plan will allow you to identify misses and successes in an early stage, which allow you to adapt activities in order to meet the goals and objectives set in the first place.

    nice point of view

  • @remialag said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Doing a project does not mean it will have an impact in people's life, but when monitoring and evaluation is done, it helps to plan and keep an eye on the project in terms of data, also to see the effect of such a project if the aim is met or not and where improvement is needed. .

    I agree , but impact to society needs lot of tools and techniques to achieve

  • @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    What you just said is interesting. However, I think that they should also know that the M&E plan will also help them during the monitoring stage of the project, when they can easily take decisions to enter the necessary changes in the project activities, based on the M&E plan. It is also a good tool to measure the progress of the project.

  • @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Yonis_Dayib said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    Yoenis Mohamed Dayib

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    I find what you have said interesting to know about the M&E. However, I may also highlight the fact the M&E provides a clear understanding the project metrics before, during and after the execution of the project activities

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    I think you should creat an M&E plan because it will help your team understand what the ultimate goals to be achieved in the project.

  • Very Nice point of veiw

  • @AltagraceMicheleMaignan said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create and Monitoring and Evaluation plan because plans are essential but they are not set in concrete (totally fixed). If they are not working, or if the circumstances change, then plans need to change too.

    A good Monitoring and evaluation plan are both tools which help your project or organisation know when plans are not working, and when circumstances have changed. They will give management the information it needs to make decisions about the project or organisation, about changes that are necessary in strategy or plans.

    Through this, the constants remain the pillars of the strategic framework : the problem analysis, the vision, and the values of the project or organisation. Everything else is negotiable.

    Getting something wrong is not a crime. Failing to learn from past mistakes because you are not monitoring and evaluating, is.

    Nice point of view

  • I believe a Monitoring & Evaluation plan is necessary to ensure that project specifications and output quality are adhered to. It is essential in managing projects effectively with emphasis on quality control, cost effectiveness and time management. It would serve as a tool to measure the success of sponsored projects.It allows for judicious reporting of every detail that pertains to the project from inception to completion.

  • @remialag said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Doing a project does not mean it will have an impact in people's life, but when monitoring and evaluation is done, it helps to plan and keep an eye on the project in terms of data, also to see the effect of such a project if the aim is met or not and where improvement is needed. .

    I totally agree with your point of view.

  • Creating a M&E plan is important because it will help you collect important information on how your project has changed the lives of beneficiaries, what these beneficiaries think of your project and how your project can be improved. Having a M&E plan will make it easy for you to identify problems you might encounter during the course of implementing your project and will aid in making necessary changes needed. It will also help you to report in detail to donors exactly how impactful your project was.

    1 Reply
  • I think you should create an M&E plan because any vision that does not plan for monitoring and evaluation will eventually fail. M&E gives the necessary information to sustain a vision. It gives you precise data and information on what is workinh, what is not and what needs to be improved upon. Furthermore it gives a more professional look to investors and this will help the organization to grow, be more marketable and sellable.

    1 Reply
  • I think that you should create an M&E plan because it's very important have how projects, programmes and policies will measure their progress achievements of goals and objectives. Data collection, analysis and use for field work and determine M&E responsibilities. Periodic reports to inform key stakeholders.

  • Dear MEH Project Manager,

    I think that you should create an M&E plan for the following reasons:

    • M&E plan can help you to track the progress of activities and give you an idea whether any midcourse correction is required
    • The data generated after evaluation will help to assess the impact of the project effectively so that at the end of the year, necessary changes can be made
    • The data from M&E will help in preparing good quality reports
    • M&E data also helps to maintain accountability and transparency towards beneficiaries as well as donors
    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because it will help you to develop strategy and better approach to monitor and access the MEH project. It will also put you and your team on the right track with a more focused goal on girls loan/ investment: with this you and your team can easily get data on the progress of the project, and also easily present a more result oriented report to the project funders.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because it will help you to develop strategy and better approach to monitor and access the MEH project. It will also put you and your team on the right track with a more focused goal on girls loan/ investment: with this you and your team can easily get data on the progress of the project, monitor its effectiveness and also easily present a more result oriented report to the project funders.

  • I think that you should create an M&E plan because it will help you to monitor the progress and assess the impact of your project. The M&E plan is also a powerful tool to communicate to the donors about how MEH data will be collected, analyzed and used to evaluate the project. A good M&E plan may increase donors' interest in the project. Importantly, M&E plan will ensure that all MEH staff understand what is to me measured. With this understanding, it will be easy for the staff to identify any risks to project success and apply appropriate measures to mitigate them. Lastly, the M&E plan will help in evaluating the overall project success.

  • @aymshelia said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M&E plane because It will help program staff decide how they are going to collect data to track indicators, how monitoring data will be analyzed, and how the results of data collection will be disseminated both to the donor and internally among staff members for program improvement.

    I agree with you aymshelia. Without a M&E plan, the project staff do not know what and how to collect. As such, the project staff are not sure of what to communicate to the donor and other stakeholders.

  • @Bussiemi said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Creating a M&E plan is important because it will help you collect important information on how your project has changed the lives of beneficiaries, what these beneficiaries think of your project and how your project can be improved. Having a M&E plan will make it easy for you to identify problems you might encounter during the course of implementing your project and will aid in making necessary changes needed. It will also help you to report in detail to donors exactly how impactful your project was.

    True. A M&E plan will help MEH manager evaluate the project impact, for example, how much the project changed the beneficiaries' lives. Again, with a M&E plan, it will be easy for the staff to identify problems as they prop up during the project implementation. Lastly, as Bussiemi says, a M&E plan provides a detailed document to communicate to the donor during the project progress and close out.

  • @simtasken87 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because it helps you to create appropriate links with the creditors or donors in a comprehensive manner. Due to impressive proposal, with good budget design, donors will be lured and progressively continue funding. Donors release funds to clear and transparent budgetary reports with comprehensive statistics which are easy to monitor and evaluate. Therefore, coming up with MEL plan it helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses which similarly or adversely pronounced by your team. it also helps to identify the risks that may affect the project. it also assist the team to exercise professionalism in conducting project management. it helps the team to come up with effective project design for their management

    I agree with you and in addition, an M and E plan will guide you to know who is to do specific aspects of the project and what resources will be needed.

  • It is important for you to create an M & E plan because it will help you set up a clear project objective. You will need to also clearly define your outcomes and outputs and how you will measure these which in turn will give you a picture on how your project is performing.

  • @mkarki said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think MEH team should create an M & E plan because

    • First, you can get up goal with specific target in figures
    • Accordingly, you will be able to set specific outcome and activities to meet those outcomes specified in exact figures
    • Having log frame analysis, you can then monitor project's progress
    • and you can also identify how well the goal has been met;
    • lastly, you will have facts and figures to support your project in front of donors and this will provide transparency and accountability.

    Agreed. Having a goal with specific target in figures is good for the type of project that these MEH guys are doing. It will also help them set milestones in their log frame and see if they have achieved or fallen short of those milestones.

  • @kore1 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @RBerrios said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @FeisalIssaHajiIdriss said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    The importance of monitoring and evaluating (or, controlling) in project management is the difference between holding on to your steering wheel while driving down the expressway.. or not.

    Managing a project is like an aircraft pilot. 99.9% of the time, the aircraft is off-course, but by monitoring the appropriate instruments, the pilot brings the aircraft back on course (control), only to have it drift off-course once again.

    M&E is also key to ensure the project meets expected impact.

    Hey, but you have to remember that MEH project manager was facing with the problem of what to measure and how to measure it. I think we should help him clearly how to solve his problem, the problem he is facing is due to lack M&E plan

    It is important that they set up measurable outcomes and outputs.

  • Hello/ I think it is better to put in plac a M&E because il will help you to define Roles and Responsabilities of each one member of the project team. It will also help you to know wha data will be collected and how.

  • No M & E no project done. Without it not accountability to self and not accountability to donors.

  • @NJERI_KARIUKI said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    The MEH manager should prepare a M &E plan so as to be able to measure the progress of the project and be in a position to make informed decisions that are in line with the objectives and expected outcomes of the project

    I totally agree with the point you have said. Moreover, I like to add that M&E data can help generating data for quality reporting and can provide insights for making necessary changes. Proper M&E plan also helps maintaining of accountability and transparency towards beneficiaries and donors.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    I think you should create an M&E plan because, it will help you in defining a specific problem you want to solve and in doing so it clarifies information to collect, how to assign roles to personnel, as well as helping you to keep track of your project's progress as well as it's shortcomings.

  • @tosmartak said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because it will help assess progress of the program toward achieving its goals and objectives which will also help inform key stakeholders as well as program implementer.

    I agree with your point. However I like to add that M&E help assessing whether the project is in right track or requires any mid-course correction. Moreover, data from evaluation gives insights if any changes in future intervention is required.

  • I think that you should create an M&E plan because it will help/guide to draft Outcomes, outputs, targets and means of verification as well.

    to run and successfully achieve MEH project the above are the important tools to collect and measure your data

  • It is good to come up with an M&E plan because it is the guide for the project. It will guide on how to carry out your project, know if you are in the right direction in achieving your objectives. It will help you in detecting challenges and come up with solutions to those challenges. It helps in monitoring the progress of the project i.e. knowing what is happening at a particular time and whether you are in the right direction or not.

    1 Reply
  • I think you you should make an M & E plan because it allows you to measure progress of the project. It also allows collection of information on the appropriateness of project implementation as well as the impact of the project on beneficiaries. Through the process of M & E gaps or weaknesses on the whole project will be established and this will allow appropriate action through recommendations to be made. M & E allows for measurement of the overall success of the project for future programming.

  • @wakhuta said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    It is good to come up with an M&E plan because it is the guide for the project. It will guide on how to carry out your project, know if you are in the right direction in achieving your objectives. It will help you in detecting challenges and come up with solutions to those challenges. It helps in monitoring the progress of the project i.e. knowing what is happening at a particular time and whether you are in the right direction or not.

    I gree with your points.

    3 Replies
  • An M&e plan will help MEH track progress and effectiveness of the project. An m&e plan will also help make decisions on how the program is being carried out by identifying what works and what does not. Lastly, a plan will help with producing quality evidence-based reporting at the end of the program cycle.

  • @Kabird said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @wakhuta said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    It is good to come up with an M&E plan because it is the guide for the project. It will guide on how to carry out your project, know if you are in the right direction in achieving your objectives. It will help you in detecting challenges and come up with solutions to those challenges. It helps in monitoring the progress of the project i.e. knowing what is happening at a particular time and whether you are in the right direction or not.

    I gree with your points.

    This is a really good point, pretty much what I was thinking. However, would it really be correct to say that the M&E plan is the guide for the project? I think it is more of a "watchdog" or "security system" for the project. The M&E plan would feed into the project plan.

  • @Pallabi_Seth said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Dear MEH Project Manager,

    I think that you should create an M&E plan for the following reasons:

    • M&E plan can help you to track the progress of activities and give you an idea whether any midcourse correction is required
    • The data generated after evaluation will help to assess the impact of the project effectively so that at the end of the year, necessary changes can be made
    • The data from M&E will help in preparing good quality reports
    • M&E data also helps to maintain accountability and transparency towards beneficiaries as well as donors

    Thanks @Pallabi_Seth , I agree with you and especially the point of M&E plan working as a transparency/accountability mechanism is one I had not really thought of. Good one!

    1 Reply
  • It is good for MEHs project manager to adopt an M an E plan because day to day monitoring is very important to successful running and end result of a project. Monitoring helps early identification of deviations from the expected so that prompt corrections can be made. Monitoring helps promote effectiveness, identify wastages and ensure a successful outcome.

    Evaluation helps to measure effectiveness. How well the programme has met its objectives. This is very important for giving a feedback and essential for future planning.

  • I think You have to create a M&E Plan, because you have to give a feedback to the Donors and for that you need to define the Objective of the Project and to measure its roll. During the Planning and Implementation you need to identify the problems you are facing and how to resolve them. As example, soon You give the money to the girls you must know, if all the girls recieve it or not, if they will use it and how, so you need Indicators to measure and to define activities.
    Beside that you must think about the possible Risk that can create a barrier for Goal achievement and a plan can be done how to mitigate it. All this issues and others will be handled by M&E Plan, so that is worth to create one.

  • Its important to come up with M&E plan which is well designed and in line with our log frame matrix with clear objectives, indicator, means of verification and assumptions. This important is because M&E is not only good in keeping track of the project but important in all the phases of project life cycle ranging from identification, implementation up to the final phase

    1 Reply
  • I believe MEH's manager should create an M&E plan because the goals of the organisation needs to be defined precise. letting girls borrow small amounts of money and knowing how well they are doing because they(MEH) need to know how they will measure their progress.

  • @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    Creating an M&E plan will not only allow you communicate your project success to your donors but also help your team understand your project goal.
    Creating an M&E plan will also help you measure the progress of your project.

  • @Roses said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because it would help to measure the progress of your project,track performances over time and give efficient use of resources. and it will help to also measure how well the project have achieved the project objectives.

    Yes MEH should create an M&E plan to measure and track the performance and progress of their project .They should collect the data of the girls that has set up business with the loan and those that have not started, they should also monitor the growth of those that have started business with the loan so as to ensure their objective is achieved.

  • Stablishing a well performed M& E plan can play crucial role in progress of your project of evaluation. So,to put together all your efforts to create well designed M & E plan is very important.

  • @Kabird said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @wakhuta said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    It is good to come up with an M&E plan because it is the guide for the project. It will guide on how to carry out your project, know if you are in the right direction in achieving your objectives. It will help you in detecting challenges and come up with solutions to those challenges. It helps in monitoring the progress of the project i.e. knowing what is happening at a particular time and whether you are in the right direction or not.

    I gree with your points.

    Creating well organising M&E Plan can play substantial role with advincement in a success of your evaluation project.

  • I think you should create an M&E plan because having it will help the project to succeed. As you will be monitoring it will be easy for you to track performance by realizing which progress the project is making and if there is a problem mitigate it on time. As far as evaluation plan is concerned, the projects goals will be measured using this one so as to see if they were achieved or not.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because it will promote your team working together as a whole towards attaining the objectives but also it will promote accountability and responsibility of each one in the team

  • I think you should create an M&E plan because having it will lead to a successful implementation of the project. A monitoring plan will help to collect daily information related to the project so as to see the progress made and if there is a problem to mitigate on time. As far as evaluation plan is concerned it will help to measure if the project goals are achieved this for final evaluation or if the goals are on good track this for mid term evaluation.

  • It is true, having a project without having M&E is like starting a journey without knowing where you are heading to!

    1 Reply
  • M&E plan should be created as it ensures transparency with the donors by making it easier for them to trace the progress against each set target. This eventually builds there confidence in you and helps you build better relationship with the donors.

  • Right!
    It will also promote easy, genuine and fast writing of reports

    1 Reply
  • M $ E will help them measure the impact of their intervention, by providing the means of comparison between what was existing before the intervention and after the intervention

    2 Replies
  • @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

  • @RaphLungu said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    I think it's important to create M&E plan because it will help you to manage the project well because the plan will set the perimeters of what ought to be done and not to be done, it will help you focus on specific issues related to your project, it will help you avoid, haphazard way of doing things, it's helps with effective way of communicating and assessing. By having a plan you maintain consistency in the management of the project and measure of performance

  • @Invictus said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    M $ E will help them measure the impact of their intervention, by providing the means of comparison between what was existing before the intervention and after the intervention

    I think by creating M&E plan its true it will help you what ought to measure against in the course of the project.

  • The MEH manager shall need the M$E plan to;
    To understand the project achievements so that the project may not end up failing.
    To measure if the money its being borrowed by the rightful beneficiaries
    to measure if the money its being put into good use e.g. opening the business
    To measure if the lively hoods of the primary beneficiaries has changed

  • The Manager needs the M$E plan to measure the progress of the project implementation so that it does not end up failing
    Also she needs the plan to know if the target beneficiaries benefit from the loan.
    To find out if the borrowed money its made into good use that is economic empowering
    Also to measure the girls lively hood if it has changed

  • Course Facilitator

    @ACW said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because it makes easier to make a project plan and monitor how it's going also to measure project outcomes.

    The M&E plan, is a step by step on how to collect information about a projects to measure the project's progress, and helps also to build accountability towards your stakeholders..

  • Course Facilitator

    @Invictus said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    M $ E will help them measure the impact of their intervention, by providing the means of comparison between what was existing before the intervention and after the intervention

    Yes, here you compare the project's activities to the project's objectives to determine the success.

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