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  • @jmunemo said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I agree. Being able to communicate success of project to donors is a very important reason for an M&E Plan. In addition I think describing how relevant data will be collected and how it will be analyzed for M&E is also very important.

    I agree. Being able to communicate success of project donor is a very important reason for M&E plan. In addition, it will help measure the level of impact of your project. It also helps in improving on the solutions your project is providing,

  • M&E strategies are are essential to any project, specially to reach long term goals.

  • I agree with your advice. You captured all the important reasons for starting an M&E plan. In addition, I think another important reason for an M&E plan is to assign responsibilities for different activities. Guiding project implementation is a particularly convincing reason.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    I think you should create an M&E plan because it will help you be clear on why you are doing a project, what you plan to achieve, how you plan to achieve it and keep track of those things while the project is on going and at the end of the project, you will be able to evaluate how well you have done and where you need to improve, what went wrong and how you can guard against it in the future.

  • I think you should create an M&E plan because it will help you be clear on why you are doing a project, what you plan to achieve, how you plan to achieve it and keep track of those things while the project is on going and at the end of the project, you will be able to evaluate how well you have done and where you need to improve, what went wrong and how you can guard against it in the future.


    1 Reply
  • I Think you should create a M&E Plan because it going to guide you in the process of measuring the changes your project is making and if the your project is on track in regards to the Objectives. With the help of the M&E plan you gonna have a details explanation to Donor on the level of Outcome and or Impact on the Beneficiaries as a result of your project intervention.

  • @ChidinmaEjike said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M&E plan because it will help you be clear on why you are doing a project, what you plan to achieve, how you plan to achieve it and keep track of those things while the project is on going and at the end of the project, you will be able to evaluate how well you have done and where you need to improve, what went wrong and how you can guard against it in the future.


    I am so blessed by your Post. Your points are very clear. Just to add up, with support of the M&E Plan while the project is ongoing you can also conduct a Mid-Term evaluation that is going to inform you if you actually need to adjust your targets or not.

  • @EniolaAdebayo said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create M&E because (M&E) are important for you to assess that your project is achieving set targets. By monitoring the development of the project you will easily understand whether strategic changes need to be made and act accordingly. Second, M&E are relevant to donors who need to assess whether your organization is a reliable partner. By reviewing milestones and final outcomes of your projects, donors will decide on the accountability of your NGO, upon which further collaborations could be established. As such, to develop a strong M&E plan is of vital importance.

    Many Thanks for your Post, You have nail it right, Just few more things. with the help of the M&E Plan you will clearly define what resources are needed for your project and how they can effectively be used and one last thing I also want to point out here is that the M&E Plan give accountability for donor funds and also serves as a gate way for future projects.

  • An M and E plan will provide us with a road map towards achieving our goal. Creating an M and E plan will help us track our progress, make changes or interventions based on facts.

  • Manager l was thinking you should create an M&E plan so has to enable your team to work within the projects goals. This will in turn enable you to be able to do the following;
    • Monitor if the project is within the time-frame.
    • Enable the crafting of activity reports for funders perusal specifying the successes./
    • You will also be able to monitor and measure
    • You will be able to see when thing start going wrong and rectify the problem associated and be back on track right away.
    • You will be able to generate data for programming purposes for improvement in management.

    1 Reply
  • I think that the project should create an M&E plan for few reasons. It helps to track the progress of the project, to find gaps on time and propose relevant measures. It also helps to organize impact assessment of activities on project beneficiaries.

  • @oolacosmas said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good morning/Afternoon or Evening whatever time it is, Manager i was thinking you should create an M&E plan because;- assess the stakeholders’ understanding of the project;
    -You will be able minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assists you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with programme planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better designed
    programmes, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects

    Very comprehensive list

  • I think that you should create an M & E Plan to enable you track, keep record, strategize and re-strategize on the loans to be made available. Firstly , there is need to understand and evaluate the type of business in the environment and forecast the growth structure of the businesses which will enable MEH advise their donors on the business they should invest in and give out loans on to the girls in the community.
    The go to market strategy will aid in assessing, monitoring and evaluating both the loan amounts disbursed and the growth in the business based on the loans by adhering to the below;

    • Carry out a sample check and list the type of business in the community
    • The most desired, wanted and sold commodity of the business in the community
    • Define the age bracket where applicable
    • Averagely determine the number of girls in the community by carrying out a survey
    • Define the ROI (Return on Investment) of the business to ensure the loan repayment will not affect the girls business in any form and also not affect the returns to the donors.
    • More so the risk appetite of the business before giving out loans. This will enable MEH to be prepared if there will be funds divestment, credibility and loss.
  • @mugambipeter30 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @DrakuaDanAmooti said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @oolacosmas said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good morning/Afternoon or Evening whatever time it is, Manager i was thinking you should create an M&E plan because;- assess the stakeholders’ understanding of the project;
    -You will be able minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assists you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with programme planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better designed
    programmes, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects

    @oolacosmas said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good morning/Afternoon or Evening whatever time it is, Manager i was thinking you should create an M&E plan because;- assess the stakeholders’ understanding of the project;
    -You will be able minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assists you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with programme planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better designed
    programmes, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects

    M&E greatly minimises the risk of project failure and also enables you to decisions based on results other than individual feeling

    I think you have raised very important nuggets here that will open the managers mind to see the probable ways that M&E will assist in ensuring that they attain the stipulated progress.

    @mugambipeter30 I totally agree with you. Before one ventures into any form of business there has to be a strategy otherwise there will not be any provision for loss.

  • @keme said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @HusseinSalome said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    An M&E is important for a project success, any project without it risks to lose out on so much.
    Why would I advise MEH to have a plan?

    • To consistently track progress, catch things that are not going as planned and put corrective measure as they come.
    • Every project works within a set timeline. This determines its efficiency and effectiveness. Working without an M&E plan means that you ca easily mess the budget and time without even realizing it-therefore resulting to project failure
      *There is so much that is learnt as a project progresses, some things come up that were not intended, having an M&E plan creates clear focus on continuous learning and decision making process
      *You cannot measure the impact that your project has if you do not come up with clear indicators/metrics of success
      *An M&E plan helps the project team to stay focused on the project goals.
      *Project funders need accountability that can only be achieved through a clear M&E plan
      *It is expensive to put a corrective measures when you realize late in the project that something went wrong without knowing.

    Hello Salome, Thanks for your submission. I totally agree
    @HusseinSalome Your laid down structure is right in tune to creating and M&E Plan which aids the success and failure of any business by forecasting.

  • I think they should starts M&E plan because through that;
    It will provide the guidance to how they will implement their project by focusing on the targets they will put on the plan. And also in case of any diversion during performance they will be able to track because the M&E plan will act as road map of the project.
    Second, it will help to measure the success rate of the projects as they are on going implementation of the activities of the project.
    Third, It can show the validity of the performance of the projects during writing reports to their sponsors.
    Therefore having M&E plan to the MEH project is a vital thing for successful implementation

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    1 Reply
  • @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    Yoenis Mohamed Dayib

    1 Reply
  • @Yonis_Dayib said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    Yoenis Mohamed Dayib

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    2 Replies
  • @AnnethMwangasa said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think they should starts M&E plan because through that;
    It will provide the guidance to how they will implement their project by focusing on the targets they will put on the plan. And also in case of any diversion during performance they will be able to track because the M&E plan will act as road map of the project.
    Second, it will help to measure the success rate of the projects as they are on going implementation of the activities of the project.
    Third, It can show the validity of the performance of the projects during writing reports to their sponsors.
    Therefore having M&E plan to the MEH project is a vital thing for successful implementation

    Hi dear colleague,
    I'm very happy to share u my point of you.

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

  • @Saleeman said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because creating the plan make the project easier and faster. Doing this you will have to get an M&E officer to help you monitor i.e He/She will help to collect project information (data) regularly which will help you to measure the progress of the project and also help you evaluate how the project have achieve it goals.

    Dear colleagues, I agree you..
    In my idea
    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    Yonis Mohamed Dayib

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    I think you should create an M&E Plan because it helps :

    Evaluate and demonstrate your effectiveness in achieving your goals and/or impacts on people's lives;
    Improve internal learning and decision-making on project design, how the Group operates, and implementation i.e. on success factors, barriers, which approaches work/do not work etc;
    Empower and motivate volunteers and supporters;
    Ensure accountability of key stakeholders (e.g., your community, members/sympathizers, expanded movement, funders, supporters);
    Influencing Government policy
    Share learning with other communities and the wider movement;
    Contribute to the evidence base on the effectiveness and limitations of Community action.

  • @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Yonis_Dayib said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    Yoenis Mohamed Dayib

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    Yes, this gives a good overview of what M&E brings to a project execution and control, in addition to the fact that it will improve project performance and demonstrate accountability to all stakeholders.

    1 Reply
  • Generally M$E has numerous importance to both our daily life and in a project setting;

    1. It provides feed back whether project activities are in line with the objectives.
    2. Helps to measure performance.
    3. Its a tool for self check
    4. Realigns activities to be on track.
    5. For planning
    6. Budget reconciliation and handling.
    7. M$E also is important for data collection, analysis and hence provide projections for future programming.
    8. For measuring impact
    9. For restructuring
    10. Basis for research.
    1 Reply
  • @AndyT said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Yonis_Dayib said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    Yoenis Mohamed Dayib

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    Yes, this gives a good overview of what M&E brings to a project execution and control, in addition to the fact that it will improve project performance and demonstrate accountability to all stakeholders.

    1 Reply
  • @SimbarasheSamuelGarikai said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Manager l was thinking you should create an M&E plan so has to enable your team to work within the projects goals. This will in turn enable you to be able to do the following;
    • Monitor if the project is within the time-frame.
    • Enable the crafting of activity reports for funders perusal specifying the successes./
    • You will also be able to monitor and measure
    • You will be able to see when thing start going wrong and rectify the problem associated and be back on track right away.
    • You will be able to generate data for programming purposes for improvement in management.

    In addition, be able to demonstrate accountability and improve project performance.

    1 Reply
  • Creating an M&E plan will help me to keep the project on right way. Applying plan will provide me to collect data of the project.It will help me to show some data for the donors. The plan will also help me to measure how many loans we give out and how many business we help to get started. For these , I should create an M&E plan; I think.

  • @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    Great reponse! totally agree

    1 Reply
  • I think you should create an M&E plan because it is very useful and high effective for tracking project's achievement information (Data). after that you can your collecting Data to analyst to know how project going. So you can use the result to improve or change the project's outputs and outcomes.

  • Creating an M&E plan will help us to keep the project on right way. Applying plan will provide us to collect data of the project.It will help us to show some data for the donors. The plan will also help us to measure how many loans we give out and how many business we help to get started. For these , we should create an M&E plan; I think.

  • @ZainElmajed said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    Great reponse! totally agree

    Good job. I cannot but agree with you

  • @AndyT said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @SimbarasheSamuelGarikai said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Manager l was thinking you should create an M&E plan so has to enable your team to work within the projects goals. This will in turn enable you to be able to do the following;
    • Monitor if the project is within the time-frame.
    • Enable the crafting of activity reports for funders perusal specifying the successes./
    • You will also be able to monitor and measure
    • You will be able to see when thing start going wrong and rectify the problem associated and be back on track right away.
    • You will be able to generate data for programming purposes for improvement in management.

    In addition, be able to demonstrate accountability and improve project performance.

    And all of this will convince donors to provide further funding to your project

  • @OHMS said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @AndyT said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Yonis_Dayib said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    Yoenis Mohamed Dayib

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    Yes, this gives a good overview of what M&E brings to a project execution and control, in addition to the fact that it will improve project performance and demonstrate accountability to all stakeholders.

    yes, the plan will also solve questions rising in the project

    2 Replies
  • I think it is very important to develop a M&E plan, because M&E plan will help the organization to be able to evaluate their activities if they are meeting their objectives which they had set before implementing those programs. Also it is important to have M&E plan in place because it will help the organization to prepare a well detailed report annually as they will need to communicate the progress of the projects to the people who are funding the projects.

  • MEH Project manager should have M&E Plan because it will help them to know what information they will need to measure and how that information will be measured and what to do with the information collected.this will help MEH for four reasons, the first one is to track their indicators,secondly is to understand the impact they doing,thirdly is to be transparent to the community they serving and finally it will help them to have an opportunity to go to their donors and show them how much they have been able to achieve

  • @RBerrios said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @FeisalIssaHajiIdriss said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    The importance of monitoring and evaluating (or, controlling) in project management is the difference between holding on to your steering wheel while driving down the expressway.. or not.

    Managing a project is like an aircraft pilot. 99.9% of the time, the aircraft is off-course, but by monitoring the appropriate instruments, the pilot brings the aircraft back on course (control), only to have it drift off-course once again.

    M&E is also key to ensure the project meets expected impact.

    Hey, but you have to remember that MEH project manager was facing with the problem of what to measure and how to measure it. I think we should help him clearly how to solve his problem, the problem he is facing is due to lack M&E plan

    1 Reply
  • M&E plan is important because it helps organization to be focus oriented and have direction on the plan activities in order to make inform decision.

  • @Janetdaniel16 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because,

    1. it will help to monitor the progress of your project
    2. it will help measure how well the project meets its objective

    I can add something M&E plan also help MEH to understand the impact it is doing in community it also provide the opportunity to go to donors and present to them how much the organization has been able to achieve

    1 Reply
  • @kore1 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Janetdaniel16 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because,

    1. it will help to monitor the progress of your project
    2. it will help measure how well the project meets its objective

    I can add something M&E plan also help MEH to understand the impact it is doing in community it also provide the opportunity to go to donors and present to them how much the organization has been able to achieve
    but also you have to know that MEH was facing with the problem of not knowing what to measure etc... at this point M&E plan come as an answer to this problem. remeber the goals of M&E is to help to know whatinformation to measure, how to measure that information and what to do with information collected.

  • with an M&E Plan,
    1 You will have a sequential guide as to how to go about each routine task
    2 You will be able to track where an anomaly is coming from within the timeline of the project
    3 Every project officer knows where to go, and how to go about each assigned task

  • hello everyone,
    I think that you should create an M and E plan because is very important for every organisation or to a project it gives you focus on what to do M and E plan helps you to achieve your goals it gives you direction on what you are doing to achieve great results that will generate meaningful data that will help in the organizations decision making and for planning purposes. This will also convince donors to fund your project because they are seeing evidence that the organisation is achieving it's goal.
    thank you.

  • help program implementer to monitor and evaluate the activities in order to achieve good result

  • An M&E plan is important because it will help to track progress in terms of how data will be collected, trak indicators that are analyzed, and how results will be disseminated both internally to staff and to donors for better transparency and accountability in order to improve the project.

  • M & E plan is an important tool used for comprehensive planning on how to study and report on the program and its effects.

  • i think that you should create an M&E plan because it will help to monitor the progress of the implemented project and also come up with possible methods on how to run the project effectively

    1 Reply
  • Wow Greats points

  • @Atik said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @OHMS said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @AndyT said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Yonis_Dayib said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    Yoenis Mohamed Dayib

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    Yes, this gives a good overview of what M&E brings to a project execution and control, in addition to the fact that it will improve project performance and demonstrate accountability to all stakeholders.

    yes, the plan will also solve questions rising in the project

    Nice one

  • @OHMS said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Generally M$E has numerous importance to both our daily life and in a project setting;

    1. It provides feed back whether project activities are in line with the objectives.
    2. Helps to measure performance.
    3. Its a tool for self check
    4. Realigns activities to be on track.
    5. For planning
    6. Budget reconciliation and handling.
    7. M$E also is important for data collection, analysis and hence provide projections for future programming.
    8. For measuring impact
    9. For restructuring
    10. Basis for research.

    Great points

  • i think you should create a m&E because you will be able to determine the weaknesses of the project from an early stage and this further create room for improvement. secondly it will allow you to measure the impact of the project to the people , determine how many people have benefited from the project .

  • i think they need M& E plan because it will help them measure the progress of their project or activities and this will help them make informed decisions and measure how well the project activities have achieved the objective of the project

  • @Atik said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @OHMS said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @AndyT said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Yonis_Dayib said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    Yoenis Mohamed Dayib

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    Yes, this gives a good overview of what M&E brings to a project execution and control, in addition to the fact that it will improve project performance and demonstrate accountability to all stakeholders.

    yes, the plan will also solve questions rising in the project

    in agreement,keeps you in check like balanced scorecard

    2 Replies
  • I think we should create a M&E plan because it will clearly show us the result/impact that we are striving for. It will also show us the path to achieve the result and guide us if we are going in the right direction or not.

  • It will also show us the clear picture of what the project is expected to achieve at the end.

  • I think you should prepare M&E plan because it will have you to have a clear picture of the impact you want to see, it will help in designing key activities of the project

    1 Reply
  • I think that you should create an M&E plan because creating M&P plans enable your team to coordinate program reports in ways that will meet donors' needs that justify the impact of the program. M&E plans will enable your organisation to select standard indicators that will define clear measurement tools and obtain quality data for decision making. It will also establish both routine and long-term measures of your programpoo progress. Formulating M&E plans will enable your team to define strategy that provides an overview of key issues to consider when challenges occur.

    1 Reply
  • 'The impact you want to see' is one good reason to develop a M&E plan. Its more like a tool that gives you the overview of project

    1 Reply
  • I totally agreed with this point 'M&E makes the entire task more authentic'
    It indeed a tool that trigers motivation among team members

  • @dvhmbera said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Atik said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @OHMS said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @AndyT said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Yonis_Dayib said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @draynte said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    I hope you could create an M&E plan because,It will easily define what your project goals are and how you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    Yoenis Mohamed Dayib

    Hi dear colleagues ,

    As M& E Professional and personally we would conduct activities that require clear understanding and record. I think for an organization to successfully capture and execute a project/campaign M&E is important.

    -It provides understanding to all the managers; of the processes and implementation.
    -imporves prepare impact analysis.
    -M&E makes the entire task more authentic - with data, records, information of stakeholders, etc.
    -To access the short term and long term targets.
    -To identify the flaws and limitations in the processes.
    -M&E plan of any project act provide substantial material for further research.

    Abdirahman Omar Aynte

    Yes, this gives a good overview of what M&E brings to a project execution and control, in addition to the fact that it will improve project performance and demonstrate accountability to all stakeholders.

    yes, the plan will also solve questions rising in the project

    in agreement,keeps you in check like balanced scorecard

    I totally agreed with this point 'M&E makes the entire task more authentic'
    It indeed a tool that trigers motivation among team members

  • An M&E is necessary in order to enable tracking of expected outputs during the project implementation process. i also this a m&e plan lays out and easy steps for diagnostic purposes so that project implementors can tweak the project activities in case of deviations from expected objectives.

  • I think you need a good M&E plan to aid you in knowing the impact your project is making on your beneficiaries life. It also gives you room for accountability and transparency to both the donors and the beneficiaries

  • @Lyslore_Reine said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should develope an M & E plan First of all, because its important for you to assess that your project is achieving set targets. For instance, by monitoring the development of the project you will easily understand whether strategic changes need to be made and act accordingly.

    Second, M&E are relevant to donors who need to assess whether your organization is a reliable partner. By reviewing milestones and final outcomes of your projects, donors will decide on the accountability of your organization upon which further collaborations could be established. As such, M&E plan is of vital importance for your project.*

    There is the key word in your comment and I will like to point that out and that is the fact that a good M & E plan ought to have baseline and targets. These baselines/targets help put developments/outcomes in check. Donors will like to know if the project is meeting its own the baseline and targets before contributing their own quota towards ensuring that the projects objectives as well as theirs are met.

  • Basically i think you should create an M&E plan because not only does it help you drive your projects, since you will be following your planned activities, but it also helps you get a picture of what you want to see and achieve at the end of it all. It also acts as a stepping stone for future projects as you will be able to identify other areas needing more attention in your location.

  • I think you should create an M&E plan because in the first instance, the project is being implemented with an already identified goal/purpose in mind. You therefore need to track progress towards the achievement of the desired project targets , inputs, activities and agreed outcomes. So issues of accountability set in, methods used in implementing the project and how appropriate, efficient and effective becomes a priority. W e need to collect quality data to help in arriving at evidence based decisions to assist in improving the project during implementation. This means we are learning in the process.

    All in all, an M&E plan gives us the road-map for data collection to improve the project. We use this data to demonstrate and improve effectiveness, efficiency, outcomes and the impact of the project.

  • OHMS, in very simple terms you have summed it all. Yes, I see it as a yardstick against which to measure performance, taking corrective measures as you proceed. We must re-emphasize the issue of learning. So can we add that the M& E plan is not cast in stone and is iterative just as the M&E process itself should be?

  • I just want to add that in a project, there are several stakeholders including the beneficiaries. Therefore we ought to mention also how M&E is relevant to such stakeholders. The communities need to know how beneficial the project is to them, they need to be involved (active participation) among other things.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because there would likely seems to be a high reporting burden from your donor since you are dealing with finance. Therefore, you would need to adopt differing methods and standards of documentation and management of data.
    More so, you need to also clarify on the roles and responsibilities of personnel involved in data production and management since challenges may come on areas such as;

    • Poor and incomplete recording of data at service delivery points,
    • Lack of documented guidance on how to access well documented data from the producers
    • Lack of documented guidance on how to preserve, transmit and report data produced
      Towards addressing this challenges, this M&E Plan will;
    1. Harmonize your data management procedures to ensure efficiency and effective coordination.
    2. Enhance complete and good quality program data
    3. provide guidance on how to access data from the producers
    4. Provide guidance on how to adequately document program data produced.
      If the guidance provided above is dully followed, you would not have challenges in measuring who to give the loan or How much you will give each of the beneficiary. This is because, if the data generated from the process if factual, you will analyse the reality from the data generated to ascertain who to give and how much you will give a particular beneficiary base on her information gathered.
    1 Reply
  • I totally agree with this facts stated here.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?
    I think that you should create an M&E plan because you will be very limited in your success if you don't have clearly defined goals and well stated measures or methods to achieve your goals.
    Like others have said you won't be able to effectively measure the amount of change or good you have done, which can in turn affect the response of donors without an M&E

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?
    I think you should create an M&E plan because it will help you set realistic and well defined goals and to decide on effective strategies that will be used for implementation. That way your goals do not seem ambiguous, rather they appear more achieveable.
    Furthermore it helps you to monitor your progress, hence giving you a better reception with donors.

  • M&E is important because it gives your project a focus and helps account to doners. It also helps reduce wastage.

  • I think you should create a M&E plan. This is important to help you track progress made, you will develop indicators that when measured will help you report effectiveness on project performance to your donors.

  • Hello All, My name is Jimi. In my opinion, I would want to talk to MEH about his short term and long term goals. And from there we would draw out a logistic framework and theory of change

  • I think that you should create an M&E Plan so you will be guided with the current/ongoing status and performance of your project. This way, you will have a clear picture of where your project is at vis-a-vis targets throughout its life span. having an M&E Plan will give you just enough knowledge of your indicator performance; which ones are moving at an expected pace and those who aren't so you can make evidence-based decisions for adjustments and adaptations.

  • Course Facilitator

    I would explain to them that having a M&E plan is like building a house. You have the house architectural plans and you know what your goal is. However in order for you to build the house you need to know what steps to take in which sequence in order to reach the goal. For instance if you build the house but no foundation, your house will fall. If you did however a tool to monitor your steps, you would know that you missed a critical step.

  • Course Facilitator

    @samsmt said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because creating M&P plans enable your team to coordinate program reports in ways that will meet donors' needs that justify the impact of the program. M&E plans will enable your organisation to select standard indicators that will define clear measurement tools and obtain quality data for decision making. It will also establish both routine and long-term measures of your programpoo progress. Formulating M&E plans will enable your team to define strategy that provides an overview of key issues to consider when challenges occur.

    Nicely said! Also it gives team members a form of accountability. Secondly, team members may not have the goal or vision 100% accurate, with a M&E plan, you can guide them to the end goal.

  • Course Facilitator

    Tracking your progress is a massively important part of your M&E plan! Also allows you to know what steps to take and what is coming up so your team can be more proactive then reactive.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.
    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.
    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    I think you should prepare a M&E plan because, it will let you understand how the changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a project’s interventions. M&E will hence help you streamline your project, based on situation and dynamics from time to time, and direct it towards your project goal. Monitoring is equally important as Evaluation. Monitoring will give you very detailed capacity to track progress, and later culminate towards changes that impact people's lives holistically. Evaluation with the help of monitoring will let you know how effective your Micro-loans activities have been over period of time, has it changed the lives of these young girls?

  • @1976_Fred said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think it is important to create an M&E plan because the plan will serve as a dashboard of the project. All activities that will be implemented, will be monitored by the indicators embedded in the plan. The success of the project will lie in strict follow-up and implementation of the same plan. Should any unplanned event occur, the plan will be able to capture it when time for evaluation comes. A project that doesn't have nor refer to their M&E plan, will be implementing activities without proper direction and will be devoid to failing.

    While the project will fail without direction, it will not learn to identify mistakes, adapt to changes as a project implementation has to face various unexpected dynamics.

    1 Reply
  • @Saleeman said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because creating the plan make the project easier and faster. Doing this you will have to get an M&E officer to help you monitor i.e He/She will help to collect project information (data) regularly which will help you to measure the progress of the project and also help you evaluate how the project have achieve it goals.

    Not to mention, it will improve scope of creating an impact and act on quick improvements where the project seems to have gaps.

  • @Holuwer2bi said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @LunaMichel said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    In my opinion you should create an M&E plan because, it is a great tool you can use to have a continuous knowledge about the things you can improve or change in order to achieve the objectives and goals for your project. And it will provide the necessary information for reports you should do to the people involved in the project.

    This is basically the sum up for having an m& e plan. Good one.

    The M&E plan will actually help to impact the lives of beneficiaries in addition to just achieving objectives and goals.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @Quraish_sserwanja said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    M&E plan will help MEH to know if it is reaching its targets, using resources efficiently and identify challenges and successes and whether they are achieving what they planned

    Hello Quraish_sserwanja, hope you're doing ok, I agree with you, M&E plan will also help MEH to track performance overtime, and help for decision making.

  • I think you should create an M&E plan not only to show it to your donor. This is because an M&E plan helps you track your progress as well on how distant or close you are in attaining your desired goal.
    This plan is a map showing you and on which you can reflect on activities you need to implement to achieve your goal.

  • Course Facilitator

    @timsinapragya said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Holuwer2bi said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @LunaMichel said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    In my opinion you should create an M&E plan because, it is a great tool you can use to have a continuous knowledge about the things you can improve or change in order to achieve the objectives and goals for your project. And it will provide the necessary information for reports you should do to the people involved in the project.

    This is basically the sum up for having an m& e plan. Good one.

    The M&E plan will actually help to impact the lives of beneficiaries in addition to just achieving objectives and goals.

    First of all, M&E plan is important to assess that your project or program activities have been achieved the project's objectives. from your M&E plan you will understand what changes needed to be made and make informed decision accordingly

  • Course Facilitator

    @BLUESKY said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I just want to add that in a project, there are several stakeholders including the beneficiaries. Therefore we ought to mention also how M&E is relevant to such stakeholders. The communities need to know how beneficial the project is to them, they need to be involved (active participation) among other things.

    I agree with you @BLUESKY, M&E is helpful for building accountability towards your stakeholders and donors. It's also crucial to involve beneficiaries to validate data and to understand easily what needed for them.

  • Course Facilitator

    @samsmt said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    'The impact you want to see' is one good reason to develop a M&E plan. Its more like a tool that gives you the overview of project

    Yeah @samsmt, it really gives you an overview of your project's progress, and make informed decision about the effectiveness of your project..

    1. It will give a clear indication to the donors about the aim and objective of the project.
    2. It will help the team to chart out outcomes and success indicators.
    3. It will help in collecting data for the project.
    4. It will help in track performance of the project.
    5. It will help in making informed decisions and avoid bias.
    6. It will ensure efficient use of resources.
    7. It will help in assessing impact of the project.
    2 Replies
  • @arianna_molino said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good morning Manager,

    I think that it is a good idea to develop a M&E plan because of the following reasons:

    1. Communication: having data about the performance will help to communicate to external stakeholders the results, engage the society and so be more appealing for funding
    2. Project management: having processes for collecting data in a structural way help to have under control the programme, so detect the risks and mitigate them accordingly on time
    3. Motivation tool: designing appropriately the KPIs of the programme can also help to motivate the employees to achieve the objectives as they can see tangible/measurable results
    4. Performance tool: having a performance system will help the management team to reward employees based on performance and so push for meritocracy
    5. Continuous Improvement: monitoring the processes and the results help to detect pain points and potential improvements of the programme, so it can be a tool for fostering a bigger impact

    For the reasons above I believe it is critical to discuss together a share plan for M&E and agree on it with the team.

    In brief you have covered the vital points and also given the key headings for better assimilation. Besides other aspects, one key to success is motivation of the team, especially for projects of longer duration.

  • @haivancpo said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should have a clear M&E plan with measuring indicators on which you will know how the Project is running. It is also useful for reporting periodically or ad hoc. The M&E plan helps you to improve the Project and withdraw experienced lessons for next step/year.

    Learning from experiences should be a continuous process but constantly working to improve the project with the help of measuring indicators will be the key for success for the ongoing project.

    3 Replies
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    I think you should create an M&E plan because it will give you a road map to the success of the project. It will also help to measure its success and communicate it to donos for continuous funding.

  • @NitinPant said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    1. It will give a clear indication to the donors about the aim and objective of the project.
    2. It will help the team to chart out outcomes and success indicators.
    3. It will help in collecting data for the project.
    4. It will help in track performance of the project.
    5. It will help in making informed decisions and avoid bias.
    6. It will ensure efficient use of resources.
    7. It will help in assessing impact of the project.

    I agree with you @NitinPant must especially it defines the processes and procedures of the activities towards the success of the project for better communication to stakeholders.

  • Course Facilitator

    @LawalGodwin said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good Day Gentlemen and Ladies, I think M& E is very important in this type of project

    @LawalGodwin, hope you're fine, M&E is a tool that help you to collecting project information regularly to measure your effectiveness of your project or program, and help you to track performance overtime. That's why I agree with you that M&E is very important in that type of project as for decision making.

  • @NitinPant said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @haivancpo said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should have a clear M&E plan with measuring indicators on which you will know how the Project is running. It is also useful for reporting periodically or ad hoc. The M&E plan helps you to improve the Project and withdraw experienced lessons for next step/year.

    Learning from experiences should be a continuous process but constantly working to improve the project with the help of measuring indicators will be the key for success for the ongoing project.

    @haivancpo I agree with you because having key indicators and following due process can lead to the success of the project for better communication to the donors and other stakeholders.

    1 Reply
  • MEH
    Project Manager,
    I think you need a M&E plan because it will help to ensure the project is on the right track on a timely basis. Having a M&E would also ensure that the project is effective and resources are used efficiently. The project performance would be high with M&E due to regular checks with planned performance and actual performance, discrepancies would be addressed as they arise and all necessary adjustments effected. M&E ensures the smooth running of the project and achievement of its objectives.

    1 Reply
  • @NitinPant said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @haivancpo said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should have a clear M&E plan with measuring indicators on which you will know how the Project is running. It is also useful for reporting periodically or ad hoc. The M&E plan helps you to improve the Project and withdraw experienced lessons for next step/year.

    Learning from experiences should be a continuous process but constantly working to improve the project with the help of measuring indicators will be the key for success for the ongoing project

    thanks i have learnt a lot from your contribution

  • @Saleeman said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because creating the plan make the project easier and faster. Doing this you will have to get an M&E officer to help you monitor i.e He/She will help to collect project information (data) regularly which will help you to measure the progress of the project and also help you evaluate how the project have achieve it goals.

    In addition, It helps in measuring the impact of the project to the targeted population. Has the project affected the beneficiaries negatively or positively? If it has affected them negatively, how can the project be improved going forward.

  • I think M&E helps to figure out the following:

    • Ground realities
    • Issues while implementing the project
    • Hint to possible solutions
    • Helps to chalk out improvement plans or mitigation methods
    • Gives an over view of risks associated
  • @BitrusItatuwaMadaki said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @NitinPant said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @haivancpo said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should have a clear M&E plan with measuring indicators on which you will know how the Project is running. It is also useful for reporting periodically or ad hoc. The M&E plan helps you to improve the Project and withdraw experienced lessons for next step/year.

    Learning from experiences should be a continuous process but constantly working to improve the project with the help of measuring indicators will be the key for success for the ongoing project.

    @haivancpo I agree with you because having key indicators and following due process can lead to the success of the project for better communication to the donors and other stakeholders.


  • @NitinPant said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @haivancpo said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should have a clear M&E plan with measuring indicators on which you will know how the Project is running. It is also useful for reporting periodically or ad hoc. The M&E plan helps you to improve the Project and withdraw experienced lessons for next step/year.

    Learning from experiences should be a continuous process but constantly working to improve the project with the help of measuring indicators will be the key for success for the ongoing project.

    It helps you to analyze the risk associated and then mitigate them

  • An M and E plan should be created because it gives insight on the progress and effectiveness of a project.

    1 Reply
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