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  • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan is time specific and it is performed to judge whether a project has reached its goals and delivered what is expected according to its original plan. First of all, Monitoring and Evaluation(M&E) is important for one to assess that the project is achieving its set targets. It also helps with accountability.

    1 Reply
  • There is need for MEH to create M & E plan beacuse it help them to know how to collect and use data.They will be also be able to measure the progress of their activities over time.Here they can ascertain if the project objectives have been attained.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    Creating an M&E plan should be part of the project's proposal for funding
    It is necessary to have an M&E plan on how the project will be monitored till its completion. With the help of indicators designed to monitor most activities of the project, thereby monitoring the progress/achievements of the project, it will be easy to determine if the project is on track or away from the desired outcomes.

  • I think you should create an M&E plan because it will help you know whether you are meeting the objections of the project and also it will help you know the impact of the project. M&E plan will also guide you so that you do not lose track of the objectives. During the life of the project some interventions may be needed and you can only know when to intervene if you have an M&E plan.

    1 Reply
  • @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    Good day! I think an M&E, of course, will allow you to communicate the success of your organization; but, that is if at all the story is a success story - it could as well be a failure, in which case you are still bound to submit such. In creating an M& E plan, the plan or focus should rather be on the goals and progress of MEH, and it's effect in real-time on its beneficiaries. Only when these aspects are duly monitored and evaluated can MEH hope for a good success story.

    1 Reply
  • m&E required for planning, evaluating progress or slump, restructuring plan as per evaluated data for ensuring progress and eleminating things that dont work for the project.monitoring will ensure productivity and best use of resources.evaluation will effect better results.
    Evaluation reports serve as basis for growth and progress year after year and pertinent data for stakeholders.

  • Good day, sir/ madam.
    I think manager you need M&E plan this is because it will give a sense of direction on which way to go. The number of girls have to be known, the kind of business that can succeed in their environment have to be known, without having the data of the girls living the villages resources can be under utilize or wasted. Thank you.

  • @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    hey @darcygray kindly give me examples of the pros and cons of the different indicators that MEH team MIGHT BE debating on in your view. i just want to understand possible case scenarios thatmight be encountered.

  • @oolacosmas said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good morning/Afternoon or Evening whatever time it is, Manager i was thinking you should create an M&E plan because;- assess the stakeholders’ understanding of the project;
    -You will be able minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assists you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with programme planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better designed
    programmes, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects

    Good day @oolacosmas, I think it you have said it well. The main aim of creating an M&E is to monitor and evaluate MEH's project, using holistic tools designed by experts in the M&E profession, eliminating bias to generate credible data that both donors and beneficiaries will believe. Only thus would MEH hope for its future survival.

    1 Reply
  • @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    M&E plan should actually be part of the project's proposal write-up and plan. It should highlight how the project's goals and objectives will be monitored and measured, including the strategies or interventions that will be implemented to attain the project's goals and objectives. M&E plan is the bedrock of any project because it will detail how to determine if the project is doing well or not. Evaluation plan will help to determine if the outcomes of the project can be linked to the project's interventions and strategies. Evaluation can also help to measure how well the project's activities have achieved the project's objectives.

    2 Replies
  • It is important to have an M&E plan because it will let you know whether you are putting right efforts (inputs) in the right direction (outputs). This will help you understand why you want to implement this project, and what objectives you want to achieve.

    1 Reply
  • @Tonyful said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @oolacosmas said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good morning/Afternoon or Evening whatever time it is, Manager i was thinking you should create an M&E plan because;- assess the stakeholders’ understanding of the project;
    -You will be able minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assists you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with programme planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better designed
    programmes, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects

    Good day @oolacosmas, I think it you have said it well. The main aim of creating an M&E is to monitor and evaluate MEH's project, using holistic tools designed by experts in the M&E profession, eliminating bias to generate credible data that both donors and beneficiaries will believe. Only thus would MEH hope for its future survival.

    @oolacosmas indeed simply well put. no additions or subtractions.

    1 Reply
  • @DrTolulopeJayeoba said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    M&E plan should actually be part of the project's proposal write-up and plan. It should highlight how the project's goals and objectives will be monitored and measured, including the strategies or interventions that will be implemented to attain the project's goals and objectives. M&E plan is the bedrock of any project because it will detail how to determine if the project is doing well or not. Evaluation plan will help to determine if the outcomes of the project can be linked to the project's interventions and strategies. Evaluation can also help to measure how well the project's activities have achieved the project's objectives.

    I agree that M&E should be part of MEH's project proposal. It would show some professionalism on MEH's part. Yet, an M&E in itself should be believable, and the only way to make it worthy of consideration is when the people to monitor and evaluate the projects are experts in the field, and not persons who have learned the procedures of M&E by rote. A strong M&E and a thorough follow-up, without bias, is a 90% guarantee of generating a positive result for stakeholders.

  • I think MEH should create a M&E plan because in addition to my fellow peer's contribution it will show credibility and accountability of the project. as it stands right now MEH seems Like a dodgy project that simply got into it for the money. additionally a M&E plan will show the project's likelihood of continuity and sustenance which even though it may have does have the feasible data to support it.

    2 Replies
  • @DrTolulopeJayeoba said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    M&E plan should actually be part of the project's proposal write-up and plan. It should highlight how the project's goals and objectives will be monitored and measured, including the strategies or interventions that will be implemented to attain the project's goals and objectives. M&E plan is the bedrock of any project because it will detail how to determine if the project is doing well or not. Evaluation plan will help to determine if the outcomes of the project can be linked to the project's interventions and strategies. Evaluation can also help to measure how well the project's activities have achieved the project's objectives.

    Correctly put. The M & E plan is developed at the design stage of the project and extracted from the logframe which is included in the proposal. This guides effective implementation and produces results.

  • @Abro said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    It is important to have an M&E plan because it will let you know whether you are putting right efforts (inputs) in the right direction (outputs). This will help you understand why you want to implement this project, and what objectives you want to achieve.

    Inputs should be fully utilized to produce outputs and that will be assessed guided by the M & E plan.

  • I think you should create an M& E plan because it a "map" that show the direction we would like the project to go towards. It not only gives the path to follow(activities) but where the destination(outcomes) will be by the end of the project. The M&E plan takes into consideration the risk involved, mitigation options and measurement of intervention. It allows for tangible information that is required for purposes of donor audits, legitimization and the overall project efficiency.

  • Darcyray is right , however, not only will they be continued fund but the progress of the activity will be noted thus gaps in the project implementation will be noted. With the data collected it will be easy to create the target group , the area and the period when the activity can be achieved. This way , challenges can be noted and worked on within the time frame of the project or in the next extended period.
    Secondly, the project will easily translate data into useful information for use in upgrade of the targets and areas.

  • Good day manager, hope you are doing well so far? Do you have a M and E plan for your project? If not, you should the following importance of Monitoring and Evaluation,
    Monitoring and evaluation are separate practices dedicated to the assessment of your NGO’s overall performance. Monitoring is a systematic and long-term process that gathers information in regards to the progress made by an implemented project. Evaluation is time specific and it’s performed to judge whether a project has reached its goals and delivered what expected according to its original plan.

    First of all, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) are important for you to assess that your project is achieving set targets. For instance, by monitoring the development of the project you will easily understand whether strategic changes need to be made and act accordingly. Second, M&E are relevant to donors who need to assess whether your NGO is a reliable partner. By reviewing milestones and final outcomes of your projects, donors will decide on the accountability of your NGO, upon which further collaborations could be established. As such, to develop a strong M&E plan is of vital importance.

  • M & E will also give your funders a full assurance that you are executing the said project.

  • I think you should create an M&E plan because it will keep you grounded on your progress (both activities and results) throughout the implementation period

  • I think you should create an M&E plan because,
    It will clearly define what your project goals are and what you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.
    about 6 hours ago
    Good Day Gentlemen and Ladies, I think M& E is very important in this type of project

    about 5 hours ago
    I think

  • I think you should create an M & E plan because it will help you to measure the output and input given toward a project and it will help to know the level of attainment so far over a project.

    1 Reply
  • i really found this lecture very interesting,it even explained clearly on the concept of the m&E.

  • @oolacosmas said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good morning/Afternoon or Evening whatever time it is, Manager i was thinking you should create an M&E plan because;- assess the stakeholders’ understanding of the project;
    -You will be able minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assists you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with programme planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better designed
    programmes, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects

    1 Reply
  • I believe MEH should create an M&E plan because it will help them gather data on their initiative that can be used to scope out their weaknesses and strengths. MEH is focused on microloans while GOOD is centered on savings accounts; MEH has a higher risk than GOOD, thus, it is crucial for them to employ an M&E plan in order for them to be aware of the amount of microloans they have lent, how many have been paid, the amount of money they have left to lend, what was the microloan used for, percentages of businesses created with these microloans, amount other variants that could be evaluated. By gathering this data, MEH can learn where they can improve and thus, take action on these weaker areas. Also, they can use this data to create charts and information for shareholders, stockholders, investors, and/or interested parties. An M&E plan can structure the initiative and help lead it on the path to success.

  • @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    It will also help all the team member to be on the same page.

  • @zheenbekovb said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I believe M&E plan you can use as a management tool for determine and tracking project activities, gathering related data and be sure of project success. Developing M&E plan including Logic Model gives you a map or view of all activities and could help you to define values of the project such as pointed in outputs and outcomes and the indicators allow to structure project activities and data collecting methods. M&E plan help you to understand a value of your project and it's input.

    Hello! I think all this is very good, In addition an M&E plan will help MEH to know the progress of the project, analyzing the current situation, identifying problems and possible solutions, trends and patterns, measuring progress, making decisions through registry and reports.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    I think that you should create an M & E plan because having this plan will lead you to create a valuable project. If you have a successful M&E plan then you can have a successful project. It will also help you track your data easily.

  • @zheenbekovb said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I believe M&E plan you can use as a management tool for determine and tracking project activities, gathering related data and be sure of project success. Developing M&E plan including Logic Model gives you a map or view of all activities and could help you to define values of the project such as pointed in outputs and outcomes and the indicators allow to structure project activities and data collecting methods. M&E plan help you to understand a value of your project and it's input.

    Hello! An M & E plan allows you to know the relevance of the strategies implemented, execute timely actions that allow you to anticipate the problems, guarantee the sustainability of the projects and provide feedback to the decision-making processes within the framework of medium- and long-term planning.

    1 Reply
  • @Marizolg12 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @zheenbekovb said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I believe M&E plan you can use as a management tool for determine and tracking project activities, gathering related data and be sure of project success. Developing M&E plan including Logic Model gives you a map or view of all activities and could help you to define values of the project such as pointed in outputs and outcomes and the indicators allow to structure project activities and data collecting methods. M&E plan help you to understand a value of your project and it's input.

    Hello! I think all this is very good, In addition an M&E plan will help MEH to know the progress of the project, analyzing the current situation, identifying problems and possible solutions, trends and patterns, measuring progress, making decisions through registry and reports.

    I agree with you.there is really a need to have a better M&E plan

  • Dear Manager of MEH,

    Creating an M&E plan for your program is much more than just collecting data. I think you should create an M&E plan because this will help you with planning, execution, and reporting. Initially, an M&E plan will help you allocate your resources properly and assist in the preparation stages for your program. Knowing which factors to monitor will also help as your program moves forward, not only to gauge your success and make sure you are on track to reach your goals, but also to identify any potential issues or pitfalls that may negatively impact the success of the program. Your M&E plan will also help you clearly define and illustrate success to your stakeholders in a concrete way. This is a hugely beneficial step in the process!

  • @Eli-Jay said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will help you to measure the output and input given toward a project and it will help to know the level of attainment so far over a project.

    Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?
    I agree that the M&E plan will help measure outputs and inputs, but also, it will help MEH establish other goals, have proof for donors, investors, shareholders etc. and help make the initiative a success. By creating this plan, MEH can ensure their goals are met and correctly implemented.

  • @NJERI_KARIUKI said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    The MEH manager should prepare a M &E plan so as to be able to measure the progress of the project and be in a position to make informed decisions that are in line with the objectives and expected outcomes of the project

    Hi! I Think the (M & E) would be an essential tool for the design, planning, evaluation and measurement of the MEH objectives and how they could be evaluated or corrected, if necessary

    2 Replies
  • @Marizolg12 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Your last few posts pushed me to think in another direction... an M&E can also be a tool as a manager of staff. M&E can help you clearly define staff roles and tasks as part of the M&E process. You both make solid points in the importance of mapping out activities, strategies, and values. This will help delegate, which is also important in the project as a whole. Thanks!

    1 Reply
  • An M&E plan will provide a clear direction to project implementation in terms of achieving project goals and meeting targets. It will provide a clearly laid down on step by step implementation of the project and the right data that should be collected.

  • @Frederick said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @oolacosmas said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good morning/Afternoon or Evening whatever time it is, Manager i was thinking you should create an M&E plan because;- assess the stakeholders’ understanding of the project;
    -You will be able minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assists you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with programme planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better designed
    programmes, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects

    The part of your post that struck me the most is part of the last bullet point: "the reformulation of objectives." Oftentimes, we are so focused on our original objective and molding a project or process to achieve that initial goal that we forget it's okay if our objectives and strategies need to be tweaked a bit. This is an excellent reminder that a project is in itself a process, and an M&E plan is a necessity in helping this process along.

  • I think that you should create an M&E plan because, it helps to monitor the progress of the project, to ensure that your project remains on the intended scope, schedules and the budget allocations accordingly. The data generated in the process helps to inform whether there's need for any change in the three components above, and generating lessons learnt.

  • @KatieY said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Marizolg12 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Your last few posts pushed me to think in another direction... an M&E can also be a tool as a manager of staff. M&E can help you clearly define staff roles and tasks as part of the M&E process. You both make solid points in the importance of mapping out activities, strategies, and values. This will help delegate, which is also important in the project as a whole. Thanks!

    I agree. The M&E is a very valuable and comprehensive tool. The fact of planning, monitoring and recording the events in a project, It assures that the data is convincing and we can use them in a personalized way to make decisions

  • @Kwesi1992 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think MEH should create a M&E plan because in addition to my fellow peer's contribution it will show credibility and accountability of the project. as it stands right now MEH seems Like a dodgy project that simply got into it for the money. additionally a M&E plan will show the project's likelihood of continuity and sustenance which even though it may have does have the feasible data to support it.

    Hi! I agree that it will show credibility and contribution, the fact that MEH is focused on microloans is crucial since they are lending money unlike GOOD who takes money and puts it in a safe place for investment. The difference between the two is that one of them has the risk of potentially losing tons of money while the other doesn't. Because of this, MEH can benefit from an M&E plan since it can help them gather and evaluate their inputs and outputs. This, in turn, will help them create a better plan of action and improve their ways of execution. In reality, an M&E plan can benefit tons of areas not just Non for profits such as GOOD and MEH. It can be useful for management, research, projects, and even for classroom activities and assignments.

    1 Reply
  • I think you should have an M&E plan for your project, because setting up an M&E plan will give you, your team members and the stakeholders a clearer understanding of the project and it will make all of you to be on the same page. It will help you to monitor the progress and the regression of the project and also will make you to have timely, accurate and quality date on the project.

  • Key to this project is a working M&E plan which the organization needs in order to progress. First, the plan will help them identify on the metrics they would wan to measure and over what period of time. Further The plan will enable the organization to know the tools and methods of collecting data and the means of analyzing it. To this extent the organization can set out mitigation strategies for any notifiable problem and properly document the gain of the project for a final report.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation would be important for MEH since it will assist the team in weighing their input against the outcome from the whole project. In addition to the donor accountability, a proper M&E plan will be necessary to identify the success or impacts of the loans to the girls. You may find that not all the girls who are given the loans/funds start the businesses, or all businesses which are started by the funds given become successful. From this programme,its necessary to clearly define which indicators are valid in ascertaining the success of the project.

    An M&E plan will eventually assist the project implementors in redesigning the approach to ensure high impact into the livelihoods of the girls rather than just giving them funds for starting up businesses without follow ups.

  • I think that you should create an M&E plan, because it will guide you about what are the most relevant data you should focus on collecting, on the M&E plan you will dicide about the most important indicators that are directly linked to the project's objectives that will allow you to measure the performance of your project during and at the end of the project.

  • @jkurama said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M&E plan because,
    It will clearly define what your project goals are and what you need to be measuring exactly like, the how many girl have got loans in 6 months, the M&E plan also helps to track the progress of the project and the direction its taking which helps to catch anything not going according to plan and rectify it immediately. An M&E Plan also helps measuring success of the project.

    This is well, in addition to this, an M&E plan should be necessary to at least understand how impactful the programme is to the girls and if need be, then a better approach could be reconsidered.

  • @SRALE said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Kwesi1992 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think MEH should create a M&E plan because in addition to my fellow peer's contribution it will show credibility and accountability of the project. as it stands right now MEH seems Like a dodgy project that simply got into it for the money. additionally a M&E plan will show the project's likelihood of continuity and sustenance which even though it may have does have the feasible data to support it.

    Hi! I agree that it will show credibility and contribution, the fact that MEH is focused on microloans is crucial since they are lending money unlike GOOD who takes money and puts it in a safe place for investment. The difference between the two is that one of them has the risk of potentially losing tons of money while the other doesn't. Because of this, MEH can benefit from an M&E plan since it can help them gather and evaluate their inputs and outputs. This, in turn, will help them create a better plan of action and improve their ways of execution. In reality, an M&E plan can benefit tons of areas not just Non for profits such as GOOD and MEH. It can be useful for management, research, projects, and even for classroom activities and assignments.

    I totally agree with both of you and addition to that M&E plan will help MEH to gather baseline information about their beneficiaries which will help the project to measure it impact at the end of the project.

  • I think you should create an M & E plan for the following purposes;

    • To ensure effective and efficient use of resources and provide accountability to donors
    • To make decisions about project management and service delivery
    • To assess whether the project has achieved its objectives or not
    • To learn from program activities and provide information to design future projects
    • To assist in program improvement
    2 Replies
  • Because it help them to know how to collect and use data.They will be also be able to measure the progress of their activities over time.Here they can ascertain if the project objectives have been attained.

    1 Reply
  • Hello sir / Ma'am,
    There are so many importance of M & E plan which helps us to make our project successful in a given time interval.
    The basis for the good monitoring and evaluation is a planned program.
    First if you have the research problem then you will need to find out the magnitude of the problem, distribution of the problem and the risk factors associated with the problems.
    For this exercise you will need a M & E plan to overcome this problem.

    Thank you...!!!

  • @Lyslore_Reine said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should develope an M & E plan First of all, because its important for you to assess that your project

    I think you should develope an M & E plan First of all, because its important for you to assess how far and how well your project is doing

  • I should create a baseline M&E plan for the life cycle of the programme

  • Creating an M&E plan is very essential for an organization as it helps it to measure its performance, appropriate use of the allocated resources/funds for the project and also collate data that can show either success or failure of the given project. The bottom line of the M&E plan is also to help an organization maintain good reputation and attract more funding from donors as the performance of project is evidence-based especially when using the M&E tools.

    1 Reply
  • Importance of M&E is tat one can be able to step by step assess the progress of their project. it helps one to collect relevant Data that can be used for M&E. Without M&E one is like a blind person and cannot clearly know where they are heading to. Most projects donors would require progress reports which can easily be created uing data collected under M&E

    1 Reply
  • @Tonyful said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    Good day! I think an M&E, of course, will allow you to communicate the success of your organization; but, that is if at all the story is a success story - it could as well be a failure, in which case you are still bound to submit such. In creating an M& E plan, the plan or focus should rather be on the goals and progress of MEH, and it's effect in real-time on its beneficiaries. Only when these aspects are duly monitored and evaluated can MEH hope for a good success story.

    I think also in the event where the project is not achieving its goal or not doing well a M&E plan can quickly point at this in order ether to rectify or stop the project before more loss of funds is uncured

  • In addition to donors, the beneficiaries might also want to be convinced that indeed there are some positive changes ( Impacts) by the project, M&E can be used to sow proof under these circumstances

  • I think that you should create an M&E plan because it helps you track the number of girls receiving the loans, know the businesses they are undertaking monitor their progress in the businesses and evaluate possible hitches or problems encountered and how to intervene

  • @Theolaw said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan for the following purposes;

    • To ensure effective and efficient use of resources and provide accountability to donors
    • To make decisions about project management and service delivery
    • To assess whether the project has achieved its objectives or not
    • To learn from program activities and provide information to design future projects
    • To assist in program improvement

    I agree with you

  • I think that I can create an M & N plan because, it will help to find out way to monitor what happens ‘around the project’. For instance, we can elaborate on a strategy able to prove that not only these students are learning how to use new software, but also that by acquiring a new skill the quality of their lives is somehow improving.

    1 Reply
  • @Arithi said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Importance of M&E is tat one can be able to step by step assess the progress of their project. it helps one to collect relevant Data that can be used for M&E. Without M&E one is like a blind person and cannot clearly know where they are heading to. Most projects donors would require progress reports which can easily be created uing data collected under M&E

    In this case, this case, I guess the data of the number of girls and age bracket should be determined. this forms the basis of the data and as the donors requires report on how the money is going

  • Monitoring and evaluation are important because they can provide:

    • Evidence of how much has been or not been achieved
    • Highlight problems
    • Allow to implement corrective actions
    • Determine achievement of results

    The intention is to provide information that is credible and useful enabling incorporation of lessons learned into decision making processes.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    I think you should create an M&E plan because it will help you to measure your day to day progress in achieving your set goals, also it will help in identifying loopholes and seek correction(s) or ways to improve, it can help in progress report writing especially to the donors for continue release of fund.

  • I think it is good to create an M&E plan so that it will be a guide during project implementation and it will also assist during measurement of progress and resources allocation.

  • @Fredwari said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Creating an M&E plan is very essential for an organization as it helps it to measure its performance, appropriate use of the allocated resources/funds for the project and also collate data that can show either success or failure of the given project. The bottom line of the M&E plan is also to help an organization maintain good reputation and attract more funding from donors as the performance of project is evidence-based especially when using the M&E tools.

    Nice one, very educating

  • @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.


    • bolded text**
  • @Theolaw said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan for the following purposes;

    • To ensure effective and efficient use of resources and provide accountability to donors
    • To make decisions about project management and service delivery
    • To assess whether the project has achieved its objectives or not
    • To learn from program activities and provide information to design future projects
    • To assist in program improvement

    Good one, and I also think it can also help in sourcing fund for the project attracting more partners.

    1 Reply
  • @rozentareque said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that I can create an M & N plan because, it will help to find out way to monitor what happens ‘around the project’. For instance, we can elaborate on a strategy able to prove that not only these students are learning how to use new software, but also that by acquiring a new skill the quality of their lives is somehow improving.

    Good one, and I also think it can also help in sourcing fund for the project attracting more partners.

  • In my opinion you should create an M&E plan because, it is a great tool you can use to have a continuous knowledge about the things you can improve or change in order to achieve the objectives and goals for your project. And it will provide the necessary information for reports you should do to the people involved in the project.

    2 Replies
  • I think you should create an M&E plan because it will help the project to be mo effective and efficient, to be able to determine the achievements the project has made and to make improvements as necessary.

    1 Reply
  • @malq92 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M&E plan because it will help the project to be mo effective and efficient, to be able to determine the achievements the project has made and to make improvements as necessary.

    That's a great motive, is very important to maintain effectiveness and efficiency in the moment of developing a project!

  • @LunaMichel said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    In my opinion you should create an M&E plan because, it is a great tool you can use to have a continuous knowledge about the things you can improve or change in order to achieve the objectives and goals for your project. And it will provide the necessary information for reports you should do to the people involved in the project.

    I love the point you make about continuous knowledge of the results of my project, and the importance of reports that will help the project work more effective and able to accomplish its goal or make it better.

  • @Joseph88 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Theolaw said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan for the following purposes;

    • To ensure effective and efficient use of resources and provide accountability to donors
    • To make decisions about project management and service delivery
    • To assess whether the project has achieved its objectives or not
    • To learn from program activities and provide information to design future projects
    • To assist in program improvement

    Good one, and I also think it can also help in sourcing fund for the project attracting more partners.

    I think all of those points are great!

  • I like the fact that making and M&E will help communicate better to donors and make the work be more objective and purposely.

    1 Reply
  • I think that you should create an M&E plan because, it helps to measure the progress of the project mostly by taking proper record and collection of vital information. It will also tell you how successful the project can be and most importantly gives clue when the project is not going the right way,so you can make necessary changes and adjustments quickly and be on track of your set objectives.

  • @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    Thanks for this piece
    i have a feeling its not only for funding purposes or to show the donors that we are doing something. its also for our own decision making and planning so that we weigh archiements of the projects against the indicators listed

  • I think is important that you create an M&E plan to track the project progress. An M&E guides the implementation of the project and provide indicators for the success of the project. It helps you to identify areas of concern during the implementation of the intervention and deal with them. An M&E plan is essential for the success of the project.Most importantly, donors will fund your project because you have a plan for collecting and evaluating data.

  • Since their donors want to see some date we can create them a bank account for each member of MEH so the donors can simply measure and evaluate if the girls make progress and improve their life or not.
    and even collect their data in order to measure if it is met the projects objectives or not

  • @MichaelTomoriBPharmMScMPH said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @darcygray said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M & E plan because it will allow you to communicate the success of your project to donors, which will allow you to continue to get funded. The chances of receiving continued funding for the project would be greatly reduced if you cannot provide convincing stats in your reports and proposals. Furthermore, constructing an MEL plan will help you to weigh the pros and cons of different indicators that your team is debating.

    i agree with Darcygray, in addition to what he posted that is apart from communicating the success of your project to donors, it is also a way of ensuring accountability to funders. it will also show case the collection, collation and reporting of program reports and how your program will ensure timeliness and completeness of report to the funders

    I agree with both of you and the additional reason that M&E helps to collect data and generate programme reports for management decision making purposes. The decision made could include how well the project is progressing and correct any deviations or adapt the project to ensure success.

    I would also add that, an M&E plan allows the project staff to work together and ensures that everyone knows what their role and responsibilities are in data collection and management for feeding into the monitoring system.

  • Design M&E plan according to the project's Log frame indicators is the best and easier way to identify what works and what have to improve or have to change to meet the goal. M&E plan is necessary not only for project progress it is very important to communicate with donor and other stakeholders. If the project has well prepared M&E plan with its monitoring systems, assessments, surveys, the project team always see clear picture of the project implementation. is it on a right track or not.

    2 Replies
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    I think you should create an M&E plan because of the following :

    1. To assign roles and responsibilities of each project staff member in data collection and management.
    2. M&E plan help to produce project report during and at the end of project which tells you how well your project objectives are being achieved. If not, what needs to be done to improve project performance.
    3. An M&E plan is usually a donor requirement nowadays as it allows for accounting for project time, resources and staff employed in the project cycle.
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because you need to focus on the objective of the project which is not just to give small amounts as loans but to also see what the loan is used for and how they intend to pay back the loan.
    Having objective in mind, you can draft a check list that clearly spells out what indicators you plan to monitor and how you intend to measure them.
    Indicators can include;
    How many loans have been given, how many were paid off, how many were paid off within the due period, etc.

    2 Replies
  • @SophiePutkaradze said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Design M&E plan according to the project's Log frame indicators is the best and easier way to identify what works and what have to improve or have to change to meet the goal. M&E plan is necessary not only for project progress it is very important to communicate with donor and other stakeholders. If the project has well prepared M&E plan with its monitoring systems, assessments, surveys, the project team always see clear picture of the project implementation. is it on a right track or not.


  • @SophiePutkaradze said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Design M&E plan according to the project's Log frame indicators is the best and easier way to identify what works and what have to improve or have to change to meet the goal. M&E plan is necessary not only for project progress it is very important to communicate with donor and other stakeholders. If the project has well prepared M&E plan with its monitoring systems, assessments, surveys, the project team always see clear picture of the project implementation. is it on a right track or not.

    I like that you mention that an M&E plan should also come up with indicators. However, it is also important to come up with tools for measuring and collecting data being measured by each indicator. Each indicator should also be defined to avoid ambiguity and inconsistency. There are however standard indicators in some sectors eg the HIV sector such as the PEPFAR indicators. In such cases, it will be easier to use such industry wide indicators than to develop your own indicators.

    An M&E plan should be cost effective too. This is something that is rarely considered and a budget line should be included on the cost of the proposed M&E plan and monitoring system.

  • @Elienahed said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Monitoring and evaluation are important because they can provide:

    • Evidence of how much has been or not been achieved
    • Highlight problems
    • Allow to implement corrective actions
    • Determine achievement of results

    The intention is to provide information that is credible and useful enabling incorporation of lessons learned into decision making processes.

    Very correct!

  • I think you should create an M&E plan because you need to occasionally check how well the project is doing, how well the resources are being utilised and when the project is completed, how well the project's goals were met and what lessons were learnt.

    1 Reply
  • I think MEH should have an M&E Plan because it is important to define at the start what we want to achieve from the project. All our efforts, trainings , money and manpower is directed toward outcomes. And if that is not clear, we will be all over the place and no significant contribution would be made. It is important to have the plan to streamline the process. We will be able to detect the leakages and make changes in our intervention of we know where we are going wrong.

  • @S-Ndlazi said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Monitoring and Evaluation Plan is time specific and it is performed to judge whether a project has reached its goals and delivered what is expected according to its original plan. First of all, Monitoring and Evaluation(M&E) is important for one to assess that the project is achieving its set targets. It also helps with accountability.

    Good remark but a good M&E in general tells us how successful a project can be

  • @Chigozy said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think you should create an M&E plan because you need to occasionally check how well the project is doing, how well the resources are being utilised and when the project is completed, how well the project's goals were met and what lessons were learnt.

    Quite a comprehensive answer!

  • @Ifesinachi-2019 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because you need to focus on the objective of the project which is not just to give small amounts as loans but to also see what the loan is used for and how they intend to pay back the loan.
    Having objective in mind, you can draft a check list that clearly spells out what indicators you plan to monitor and how you intend to measure them.
    Indicators can include;
    How many loans have been given, how many were paid off, how many were paid off within the due period, etc.

    You were right in pointing out that we need indicators for a good M&E plan.

  • @Ifesinachi-2019 said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think that you should create an M&E plan because you need to focus on the objective of the project which is not just to give small amounts as loans but to also see what the loan is used for and how they intend to pay back the loan.
    Having objective in mind, you can draft a check list that clearly spells out what indicators you plan to monitor and how you intend to measure them.
    Indicators can include;
    How many loans have been given, how many were paid off, how many were paid off within the due period, etc.

    It also gives us clue when the project is not going the right way so that necessary changes can be made to go back on track quickly.

  • I think if you want to gain success you have to create M&E plan so you can save time and effort and guarantee achieved targets.

    1 Reply
  • Hello MEH manager,
    M&E plan is basically a roadmap to the successful implementation of your activities. By devising M&E Plan primarily, you will be able to link evaluation question directly with programmatic goals. Secondly, the M&E plan is a data collection tool for measuring indicators. Thirdly, indicators you need to measure in order to provide an answer to your monitoring and evaluation question. Fourthly, it will measure the progress by highlighting successes and areas of improvement. Lastly, the M&E plan will a good source for data collection and management.

    1 Reply
  • I think you should create an M & E plan because it will help you to coordinate MEH project , it will assist in the effective and efficient management of project resources for its implementation. It will equally help the organization to assess the extent to which project implementation is consistent to design. M & E plan will clearly spells out roles and responsibilities for staff with the aim of achieving project goal.

  • @AyoubAnsari said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Hello MEH manager,
    M&E plan is basically a roadmap to the successful implementation of your activities. By devising M&E Plan primarily, you will be able to link evaluation question directly with programmatic goals. Secondly, the M&E plan is a data collection tool for measuring indicators. Thirdly, indicators you need to measure in order to provide an answer to your monitoring and evaluation question. Fourthly, it will measure the progress by highlighting successes and areas of improvement. Lastly, the M&E plan will a good source for data collection and management.

    Good remarks on the M & E for the manager

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    I think you should create an M&E plan because progress needs to be measured noy forgetting the fact that data collected would go a long way to determine or process the success of the project.

  • I think you should create an M&E plan because it will help in data collection so as to determine the certain proportion of girls who would be interested in the microloan. Data collated will be subjected to close scrutiny so that the objectives of the micro loan can be achieved.

  • Hello everyone,

    I think that you should create an M&E plan;

    To determine the program's progress and results
    To improve the management and efficiency of the program
    To promote learning, identify lessons learned from the program
    To enhance participation (interest, commitment) – which is related to the idea of participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E)
    To increase the accountability of everyone and the processes in the program
    Opportune decision making

  • I think this is such a well-thought out set of reasons. I am glad you brought up learning, but often times in M&E there is the tendency to forget how to incorporate our partners or stakeholders in the process and as an organization creating avenues for participation/collaboration is crucial.

    @oolacosmas said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good morning/Afternoon or Evening whatever time it is, Manager i was thinking you should create an M&E plan because;- assess the stakeholders’ understanding of the project;
    -You will be able minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assists you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with programme planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better designed
    programmes, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects

    1 Reply
  • @zheenbekovb said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I believe M&E plan you can use as a management tool for determine and tracking project activities, gathering related data and be sure of project success. Developing M&E plan including Logic Model gives you a map or view of all activities and could help you to define values of the project such as pointed in outputs and outcomes and the indicators allow to structure project activities and data collecting methods. M&E plan help you to understand a value of your project and it's input.

    I love that you brought up the Logic Model, in practice it is so important to indicate monitoring and evaluation in all sections of the LM. I think that ties into the idea of accountability as a reason for engaging in M&E but it also makes it easy to identify what lessons are being learnt as the project is ongoing.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 1.

    Imagine that you are GOOD’s project manager. You are trying to convince MEH’s project manager to create an M&E plan. In the discussion forum, explain what you would you say to MEH’s project manager.

    Sample Post: I think that you should create an M&E plan because __________ .

    Respond to at least two of your peers’ messages. Which of the reasons for starting an M&E plan do you find the most convincing? Are there any other reasons for starting an M&E plan that your peer has missed?

    Any project without proper M&E is already heading towards failure, I mean what project are you actually working on that you can't measure or evaluate? Plus you will want to improve on future projects, the sure way to achieve that is having a M&E now.

  • @NanaYAdu said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    I think this is such a well-thought out set of reasons. I am glad you brought up learning, but often times in M&E there is the tendency to forget how to incorporate our partners or stakeholders in the process and as an organization creating avenues for participation/collaboration is crucial.

    @oolacosmas said in Module 1 Discussion: The Importance of M&E:

    Good morning/Afternoon or Evening whatever time it is, Manager i was thinking you should create an M&E plan because;- assess the stakeholders’ understanding of the project;
    -You will be able minimize the risk of project failure;
    -Promote systematic and professional management; and
    -Assess progress in implementation.
    -It will assists you to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.
    -Determine and identify the problems associated with programme planning and implementation.
    -It will generate data that allows for cumulative learning which, in turn, contributes to better designed
    programmes, improved management and a better assessment of their impact.
    -It assists in the reformulation of objectives, policies, and strategies in projects

    Those are great insight there!

    1 Reply
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