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  • Great post. Thank you.

  • Girl centered design is helping girls who are in need and we do not get resources and help they need. They mainly target girls because boys are not looked down they are are given respect while women are looked down and not given respect. Boys are given opportunities people prefer boys over girls while girls are not given equal opportunities.

  • Girls are most prone to environmetal challenges and also the cultural standards are not favourable for women. For example girls are made to get married eraly, neglected from giving educations and other climate disasters alos has a first hand hit on women.

  • It is not easy for girls to lead a successful life due to various cultural practices like early marriages and female genital mutilation; early child births for children aged between 9-18 as compared to boys. Also due to the old generation mentality that girls should not go to school because their work is to take care of the house and give birth. Therefore, the chances for a girl to even get a job opportunity is close to never.
    Girl Centered Design is a process that starts with the girls whom you're designing for to find solutions that they need in order to solve their problems. So there needs to be an intervention where a solution to a problem takes several forms. There are principles that guide the design:

    • Know your beneficiaries

    • Question assumptions

    • Maximize existing resources

    • Aim for broad social change

    • Create a culture of learning by receiving feedback from beneficiaries.
      Therefore, the Girls Centered Designed is based on four stages;

    • Find Her: Which girls should it be designed for?

    • Listen to Her: One should listen to her experience.

    • Design with Her: Find a solution with her.

    • Adapt and Learn with Her: Learn from her experience with solutions in order to inform improvements and updates.

  • There is a lot that needs to be done to help the girls in our communities. Various organizations should therefore come together to bring empowerment at many levels so that the girl child can thrive.

  • Investing in girls is the same as investing in the humanity

  • Learnt in order to really know the girl you have to go find her.

  • Why girl center design is because we need to tackled the cases at which girls are been exchange early for marriage at the early stage because of sometimes because of cultural practices where the girl child is been limited on a lot of things in the society.
    In so doing we should consider the environment, manpower and the population in order to meet the need of the girl child.

  • The girl child center design show specifically how the girls problems are being takle.First listen to her before making a step on each process.

  • I believe that this topic talks about problem that are faced by girls everywhere and must be faced by girls and they are the ones that need to come with the solutions that help fit them on their different culture and needs in a way that will suit them. with our help that would be possible we need to help empower girls at an early age so they can be able to face the world on their own. girls need to get educated and have equal opportunity as men in the economy and must not be treated as objects for men for example girls are forced to get married to elder men at a younger age with out finishing school she will have to depend on men for the rest of her life so if we empower them at a young age they can give back to the economy

  • "Girls’ education goes beyond getting girls into school. It is also about ensuring that girls learn and feel safe while in school; have the opportunity to complete all levels of education, acquiring the knowledge and skills to compete in the labor market; gain socio-emotional and life skills necessary to navigate and adapt to a changing world; make decisions about their own lives; and contribute to their communities and the world".

  • "Girls’ education goes beyond getting girls into school. It is also about ensuring that girls learn and feel safe while in school; have the opportunity to complete all levels of education, acquiring the knowledge and skills to compete in the labor market; gain socio-emotional and life skills necessary to navigate and adapt to a changing world; make decisions about their own lives; and contribute to their communities and the world".

  • Why girls. Because girls are the most un privileged gender and volume table in society
    What is girl centered design. A process used to solve a problem that impacts girls

  • Girls are more than half the world's population and there is evidence that empowering them economically will have a huge impact on the worls's economy and living standards for everyone.

  • For Asian societies especially in rural areas, the stigma against women participating in social events is still heavy. The cultural aspects play an important role in creating wider gaps between males and females. For any approaches or designs that fail to incorporate cultural practices and belief of the local people, there is higher likelihood for it to not address the disparity facing girls and women. Organizations and practitioners need to always understand this or at least consult with local girls and research experts to have full pictures from which they can develop their programs and design with relevance.

  • Adopting a girl centered design is crucial for any organization that wants to record huge success. This design provides practical tools that helped us design and improve our programs.

  • Girls are more deceptive and needs more focus than boys. In this module I learned and understood a lot

  • Girls are too often considered as a more vulnerable group, or a group who has the responsibility to take on more household chores, if not in some country contexts, to be married off and thus resources should not be given to them. There are many other possible reasons.
    As to a Girl Centered Design, it aims to address this imbalance and to promote gender equality, especially girls and women, so that they have equal opportunities and standard of living as boys/ men. This actually corrresponds to SDG 5 and other SDGs' indicators. When an organsiation adopts a Girl Centered Design, even when it does not have a gender specific policy at the beginning, they can better achieve their missions and visions.

  • Girls forms about 50% of most population and most communities or culture don't give them equal opportunities like their male counterparts. And girl center design is to design a program that is informed by the girls situation and responsive to really meet their needs.

  • I will share it

  • Very interesting

  • Happy experience

  • Invite your friends

  • Designing programs that have Girls as the center of focus ,this helps them be equal to their counterparts

  • it is design to demonstrate what girls need to be empowered. many teenage girls have significant responsibilities outside of academics and being a teenager.

  • To me this course is an opener and enriching

  • To me this course is an opener and enriching, so impacting

  • Girls are affected easily by the economic situation and forced to be out of school and marriage, so we need to find them and listen to them and start together design your project

  • Girls are the future leaders

  •    Because every target has its own uniqueness and to be effective in designing and implementing interventions, that has to be need based and owned by the targets themselves. To end up with sustainable solutions, better to go with girls centered design through finding, listening, and working with them!
  • Why girls is because they are the most vulnerable once in the society compared to boys in terms of education , job and Likely to get pregnant.
    So girl center designed is a process to solve a problem that impacts girl.

  • The reason why girls is because women are more likely to dropped out school and not pursue a secondary education. Another reason is because women are more likely to be mom teen at a young age and get infected from sexual biases. Girl centered defined focus on finding solution to help girls with their problems.

  • Hello,

    I like that you answered all the question and that you took your time to define what it means. You proved that you understood the module by answering the questions using your own words.

    Great job!

  • This is a design that is very applicable to even other target groups of any given project

  • The topic well thought of and it will be informative and helpful to the young mothers in our program.

  • Why girl is one of the question that asked by alot of community member because due to negative perception on girls since they are termed as lower in confidence and decision making but now days atleast this question is not asked in open space because there is alot of training, advocacy and lobbying about girl children’s rights that take place all over the world and through these movements help to uplift her.
    Also Girl centered design is one of crucial tool that is very helpful in intervention because the stages and principles are designed to help an expert on how to deal with girls especially when girls face a challenge.![alt text](image url)

  • Why Girls?
    Unique Challenges and Experiences:
    Girls often face distinct challenges and experiences that differ from those of boys. These challenges can include societal expectations, gender stereotypes, and limited access to resources, education, and opportunities.

    Breaking Gender Stereotypes:
    Focusing on girls is essential for breaking down ingrained gender stereotypes. By challenging these stereotypes, we contribute to creating a more equitable society where individuals are not limited by traditional roles or expectations.

    Investing in Future Leaders:
    Girls represent the future leaders, thinkers, and change-makers of society. By investing in their well-being, education, and empowerment, we ensure a more diverse and robust leadership landscape in the years to come.

    Human Rights and Equality:
    Addressing the specific needs of girls aligns with the principles of human rights and gender equality. Every individual, regardless of gender, deserves equal opportunities, rights, and access to resources.

    What is Girl-Centered Design?
    User-Centric Approach:
    Girl-Centered Design is an approach that prioritizes the needs, preferences, and experiences of girls in the design and development of products, services, and programs. It involves actively involving girls in the decision-making process.

    Empathy and Understanding:
    At its core, Girl-Centered Design requires a deep understanding of the unique challenges and aspirations of girls. This involves empathizing with their experiences and designing solutions that resonate with their perspectives.

    Inclusivity and Accessibility:
    Girl-Centered Design aims to create inclusive and accessible solutions that consider the diversity among girls, including factors like cultural background, socioeconomic status, and abilities. The goal is to ensure that solutions are relevant and beneficial for all girls.

    Promoting Empowerment:
    Beyond meeting basic needs, Girl-Centered Design seeks to empower girls by providing them with tools, resources, and opportunities for personal and societal growth. It encourages a sense of agency and self-esteem.

    Collaboration and Participation:
    Engaging girls as active participants in the design process is fundamental to Girl-Centered Design. Their insights, ideas, and feedback contribute to more effective and meaningful solutions that address their specific needs.

  • When you create a vision with girls, you are able to create a structural tension that will lead you to the desired outcome.

  • When you create a vision with girls, you are able to create a structural tension that will lead you to the desired outcome.

  • I believe that females within the community do deserve extra attention, especially but I was females in the community just to help navigate through there stages in life.

  • Within the code community as well as foreign communities as well female empowerment, as well as sexual education to prevention, care Fluidity has been a debatable topic for many years and I feel as though it’s time for certain voices to be heard and perspective.

  • Within the code community as well as foreign communities as well female empowerment, as well as sexual education to prevention, care Fluidity has been a debatable topic for many years and I feel as though it’s time for certain voices to be heard and perspective.

  • Girl-centered design is an approach to programming, product development, and service delivery that places the needs, perspectives, and experiences of girls at the forefront. It involves understanding and addressing the unique challenges and opportunities that girls face, and creating solutions that are tailored to their needs and goals.

  • irl-Centered Design focuses specifically on engaging girls to address their unique problems. It’s a process that ensures girls are involved at every stage of problem-solving, creating solutions that specifically meet their need

  • irl-Centred Design focuses specifically on engaging girls to address their unique problems. It’s a process that ensures girls are involved at every stage of problem-solving, creating solutions that specifically meet their needs1.

  • Missed Potential: Millions of girls around the world face challenges like limited education, early marriage, and violence. Investing in girls empowers them and unlocks their potential, benefiting themselves, their communities, and the world.

    Equality: A balanced world needs everyone's voice heard. Girl-centered design helps close the gender gap by ensuring girls' needs and perspectives are considered in everything we create.

    Sustainability: When girls are educated and empowered, they're more likely to improve health, reduce poverty, and build stronger communities. Girl-centered design creates solutions with lasting positive impacts.

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