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  • I was most surprised to learn that there were myths in fundraising. All the myths were new to me but I left learning what is really true about fundraising.

  • I was surprised at myth number 2 as I thought the richer the donors the larger the donations you would receive but starting off with many smaller donations can out weigh the big ones sometimes

  • With my previous fundraising campaigns, I try to explain as much as possible about my cause and organization following Myth 4. I thought it was very necessary to be transparent and to show the org's mission. I was successful in receiving cash donations but I always wondered why the donors do not return or care about the next campaigns. It always took a lot of energy trying to secure donors and explain the cause the next time around. I learned through this course that if we invest our time initially on really getting to know the donors and listen, we may form a deep personal connection leading them to care about my cause whenever we run another campaign. Plus, it won't take as much as energy like before when we try to "educate" the donors about our cause. It's boring and repetitive anyways. And instead, we can invest more energy on making the donors feel important and involved.

  • Even though fundraising is critical part of our lives, I didn't know about the basics (until I just finished the first module).

  • At first I thought I was suppose to tell the donors all things about my organization, but after this module, I know that donors do talk about what they want, all you have to do is listen to them and act accordingly

  • What I wondered most was knowing that myth 1 was not true because you can help with other resources, which gives versatility to donors.

  • I felt the same way about these myths, not completely new information. Although, I did think that you should tell donors as much info about the organization that they are being asked to support. However, it makes sense to get them talking about themselves more to move the focus to the donor vs the nonprofit.

  • That statistics and facts only matter, I have considered an emotional behaviour or decision as a motivator, but it makes sense that statistics would drive donors as they do in so many other professional fields we all operate in

  • iT CLARIFIES SO MUCH ALL ASPECTS. -better than i expected to learn

  • One person gives and the other receives always sticks out to me as it can feel that way if Donors are not properly stewarded and thanked,

  • One person gives and another received always stands out to me. This can feel true when Donors are not properly thanked and stewarded.

  • I feel Myth 3 - One person gives and another receives is very important. People that donate are getting the “the good feeling” of knowing they are helping to make a difference, but it is also important for organizations to thank and steward their donors properly.

  • I was most surprised to learn that myth 2 was not true because only rich people have money, as far as I know. One question I have about myth 2 is how to raise money when your network is not that rich.

  • I was most surprised to learn that myth 3, because you have to remember that in the nonprofit world the intangible benefit of feeling apart of something is something one receives after giving a donation to a cause they love.

  • I was surprise to know not sharing everything about an organisation is better than telling it all which could bore the donor.

  • The item that suprised me was myth number 4, as transparency seems key. But i understand now it's about listening—about them not us.

  • I was most surprised to learn that myth 4 was not true because it's often emphasized to provide donors with as much information as possible. However, upon reflection, inundating donors with excessive information might overwhelm them and detract from the core message.

    One question I have about myth 4 is whether there's a balance between providing enough information to donors and avoiding overwhelming them with too much detail.

  • I was really surprised to find out that myth #2 wasn't true. I always thought successful fundraising heavily relied on knowing wealthy people. It was eye-opening to learn that you can actually start with any network, big or small, rich or not. Everyone has something to offer. How do you encourage people who might not have a lot to give financially to still get involved and feel like they're making a difference?

  • It's a relief to see and hear that most of my assumptions about fundraising were myths. However, it seems like a lot of nonprofit organizations need a refersher on fundraising.

  • This was a great lesson for me and i taugh it was not ok for me to start with my family members because in my mind i think they do not have much to offer not knowing that their friends migh get connected to others who would definately support if they are interested in the project and it could continue in that manner as many get to know about the project we working on.

  • Before this cours I use to think that rich people are the key to eny organisations.
    But now I now beside of rich people you need to know kind people and caring ones.

  • I appreciate the basic wisdom and advice on how we can self-identify a broader range of potential collaborators to help support our efforts.

  • I was amazed to discover that myth 4 was not true because I thought to increase chances of getting you had to reveal every single detail about your organisation. One question I have about myth 1 is how do you reveal the right amount of information to the donor .

  • In agreement there are so many potential donors out there.

  • We are obsessed in securing funding only instead of also focusing on what the donor can benefit from supporting us.

  • Fundraising is not just about numbers, but more about the story and having relationships with donors.

  • Fundraising is only about getting cash.

  • Myth One got me right out confounded and perplexed with such wisdom that seems esoteric to my natural definition of "Funds " that are being "Raised". It's Myth One For me

  • The same thing definitely happened to me, I thought that the more I talked about my organization, the more opportunities I would have to raise funds; Now I know that I should focus on the donor to better understand her points of interest and connect on common points.

  • Fund raising can be done by anyone, it could be in cash or kind through volunteer services, offering food items or clothes.

  • Myth 6 has supported my efforts to persevere in my endeavors by engaging associates with entities such as beneficiaries, local leaders, and volunteers.

  • I was really impressed with the deeper explanations on each myth. As much as I was aware of most of them, myth no. 4 got my attention. I would find myself most times talking about the organization and the projects we have done. I now know better - listen to them, learn their interest then steer the conversation in that direction.

  • I had long believed that numbers really matter to the fundraising campaigns but this module enlightened me that stories are far more effective than just numbers.

  • The same thing definitely happened to me, I thought that the more I talked about my organization, the more opportunities I would have to raise funds; Now I know that I should focus on the donor to better understand her points of interest and connect on common points.

  • i learned a lot

  • I am glad to see that others were also surprised by myth number four. I believe I am an over-explainer by nature, especially when it is something I am passionate about. Myth number four has helped me realize that despite this passion and excitement to share the work we do, it is best to use focus points and relate them to the specific audience I am addressing.

  • While listening to the explanation on the seven myths of fundraising, I was very surprised by myth number four. I thought it was good practice to keep the donor updated on every single aspect of our project. At the end of this module, I understood that, while speaking with our donors, we have to listen them carefully, be prepared and lead the conversation to areas of their interest, in order to meke them feel personally connected to the activities they support.

  • I really struggle to picture myself as a fundraiser because I don't have "rich" people in my immediate network. I appreciate the view that you start with the people you know and build out through networks to reach potential donors.

  • I was shock and surprise to know that myths 1 is not true, because I was thinking a donor can also donate material things to an organization.

  • I was surprised to find out truth n.4, as I have always thought that, in order to be captivating and engage your potential donor, you should tell him as much as possible about your organisation and your projects, so that they can have a better overview.
    Happy to know it's not!

  • I was surprised with the myth number 02 that fund raising is all about knowing rich people but its is good to know that the circle of fundraising starts with your family and friends.

  • I have always believed more in numbers, but after this lesson i realized stories do the magic

  • It was interesting to know about myth #4 - You should always try to tell a donor as much about your organization or project as possible. A very practical point on listening to the donor's interests and aligning it with the organisation's offerings to boost the chances of potential funding from the donor.

  • definitely myth #4!

  • @msaleem said in Module 1 Discussion: The 7 Myths of Fundraising:

    I was surprised with the myth number 02 that fund raising is all about knowing rich people but its is good to know every one can facilitate and support to some one in his capacity.

    @msaleem said in Module 1 Discussion: The 7 Myths of Fundraising:

    I was surprised with the myth number 02 that fund raising is all about knowing rich people but its is good to know every one can facilitate and support to some one in his capacity.

    @msaleem said in Module 1 Discussion: The 7 Myths of Fundraising:

    I was surprised with the myth number 02 that fund raising is all about knowing rich people but its is good to know every one can facilitate and support to some one in his capacity.

    Similarly I have had to believe that fund raising is limited to the number of wealthy or influencial people I'm privy to but now I see better

  • It was interesting to know about myth #4 - You should always try to tell a donor as much about your organization or project as possible. A very practical point on listening to the donor's interests and aligning it with the organisation's offerings to boost the chances of potential funding from the donor.

  • The internet has completely changed how we do fundraising.

  • Before learning this, i believes that fundraising is only about money but i was surprised to hear that is just a myth, now am aware that fundraising is not only about money

  • before the course I believed myth four and five were true. That is what I did when writing proposals or talking to prospective donors. The question I have, is how do I get to know more or engage more with a prospective donor online.

  • I guess the myth that surprised me the most was number 4, because I assumed that you should let the donors know as much as possible about your organisation to make it appealing to them, but actually you can't successfully make something appealing to your donors if you don't know what they're interested in. Also myth number 3 (giving something to your donors) was something I had never really thought about before.

  • WOW!
    Reading through the 7 myths of fundraising was enlightening. It is safe to say that it is new to hear that I do not need rich people to raise funds. I am excited about this new read and I look forward to other modules. Thanks

  • I am much interested in the clarification on how raising money is not only about knowing the rich people but a broader aspect which everyone from friends to associates.

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