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  • One time I accepted a risk on a project was funding delay. I accepted it because the funds were already approved and will eventually be released.

  • the right time to accept a risk is when the risk is not that serious. for instance, in every project we have a contingency plan that help us to cover for any uncertainty, so when this uncertainty occurs its easy to move forward with the project because the contingency ensures that the project should move according to the plan.

  • One time I accepted a risk when the project resources we had were not sufficient. I did so because the allotted time for delivery was limited, and any further delay would have hampered successful completion. We proceeded with the limited resources, relying on the possibility of later finding additional support. Fortunately, the remaining resources became available to us. We were conducting feasibility study and detailed engineering design for the upgrading of a certain road in the Northern Region of Malawi: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP).

  • One time I accepted a major risk at some project. The project was to deliver agricultural materials to the framers and the project site was near war front. I have followed my instincts; I knew for sure nothing would happen to me and there is nothing to do either I hand over the materials or withdraw.

  • Some risks are least priorable, that has no impact on project basically. So we accept some risks to avoid the risks.

  • There was a time when the project's scope expanded beyond its initial boundaries, leading to increased costs, time delays, and resource constraints it was a very tough time for me

  • One time a risk i accepted was diary production improvement collaborated project and shortage of budget becouse of delay in approval. I accept it becouse it was in the middle of the startup so try to mitigate by reducing the scale.

    1 Reply
  • One time that I accepted risk was when I was creating a website for my barbers haircut booking and had to deal with codes not running through before the deadline which was June 1st. I accepted it because this was to come with complicated coding and having a one month deadline for the website to be released.

  • One time that i accepted a risk i thought i could handle it in future and it will be avoided but to no avail. At the end the risk was being monitored because it couldnt be avoided for that projects. Risks are like unforseen circumstamces that can be an obstacle if not addressed properly

  • @Esu2 said in Module 3 Discussion: Accepting Risks:

    One time a risk i accepted was diary production improvement collaborated project and shortage of budget becouse of delay in approval. I accept it becouse it was in the middle of the startup so try to mitigate by reducing the scale.

    i believe that sometimes mitigating can be a good option for risks

  • Sometimes it is too difficult in our country to identify the risks, because the risks can happen at a very brisk speed, but we need to be proactive for all these kind of risks to identify and mitigate it in a way that can decrease the likelihood of the risk.

  • The one time that I accepted a risk as a business owner and for fulling a contract. I was providing cleaning/trash out of bank owned foreclosure homes for a default management. I accepted it because it would prevent people from stealing thing out of the house, and limit the burglary/crime rate in the neighborhood, and it brought revenue into the business.

  • one time that I accepted a risk was the inaccessibility of some organizations directors for our meetings. I accepted it because it has a low impact on project objectives and is unlikely to occur and even if it occur we can have opportunity to for their higher officials and invite them.

  • One time i accepted risk was the Market Risk: i identified the risk of low patient demand for eye care services due to limited awareness or cultural beliefs. However, after conducting market research and considering the cost and effort required to increase awareness, it was to accept this risk. The team determined that the existing community outreach and education efforts, combined with word-of-mouth promotion, will gradually increase awareness and overcome initial barriers

  • I would accept the political risk of unrest during the presidential elections because it's unavoidable and can't be transferred but mitigation can be made. However the cost of the mitigation the mitigation is high compared while the probability of it occurring is low. Then mitigation can be done during the early stages of the unrest.

  • One risk I accepted during a project implementation was delay in disbursement of funds. I accepted it since the funds were already approved and will eventually be released. this in turn widen the scope of the project.

  • Accept risk but do not try to spend resources to avoid. That's the headline. This is because the we are dealing with probabilities here so when you try to use resources to avoid it, it may happen that the risk may not happen at all. But you can respond to it by mitigating at least

  • Hello Papet, my organization has also had to accept the risk of protests or nation-wide delays during an election. These events can have an impact on our ability to provide in-class trainings and data collection if schools are temporarily closed for safety reasons, or if there are certain strikes during the school year.

  • One time that I accepted a risk was when i hosted an activity and there was no participation. I accepted it because i had mobilized more people.

  • One time that we accepted a risk was during a software project where we were supposed to identified a potential delay due to a shortage of skilled and resources in a particular technology stack. Despite recognizing this risk early on, we decided to accept it rather than invest significant time and resources in training or hiring additional personnel.

  • Risks are inevitable in any project. It's best to always plan for this as they teach us how to solve unforeseen problems. Whatever mechanism put in place, we need be vigilant at the embryo of our projects. This will have us in the position to manage it where possible.

  • It is okay to accept risks when its potential outcomes have minimal insignificant impact project budget and time scheduled. I had to accept the delay of course materials for an English survey to a village by a day having known that the rains in the area normally occur at night and being an semi arid area the roads would have dried by daytime.

  • Risks that you have no control over. For example, I anticipate the risk of a change of government, though I am not assure. I just have to monitor the situation

  • I set a target for a project beneficiary, the risk I anticipate was low turnout. I was willing to accept it because the target itself was a flexible one (+/-) and the risk level also turned insignificant.

  • Accepting Risks involves acknowledging and understanding the potential negative outcomes or uncertainties associated with a particular action, decision, or situation, and consciously choosing to proceed despite those risks.
    Even when risks are accepted, it doesn't mean they're ignored. In many cases, steps are taken to mitigate the impact or likelihood of negative outcomes. This might include implementing safety measures, contingency plans, or risk management strategies.
    Once the decision is made to accept risks, it's important to continuously monitor the situation and review the decision as circumstances change. This ensures that risks remain acceptable and that appropriate actions are taken if new information or developments arise.

    As conclusion, Accepting risks is often a balancing act between the potential benefits and drawbacks of a particular course of action. It requires careful consideration, weighing the potential rewards against the potential losses or harm

  • I'm living in haiti. Projects in my country are full of risks. Some places have more in one category than others. In the capital the security risks are higher than provinces. In some provinces accessibility to difficult zones are higher. in some period of the year the metheorology is difficult. adding to that We are living in permanent political turmoil.

  • One time that I accepted a risk was when there was a chance our project's physical marketing materials would not arrive in time for the project launch (4 days time) as it was within the delivery window (2-5 days). Usually things deliver on time from this company.

  • One time that I accepted a risk was when I accepted that the Spirituality meetings could be in another day in the community and not in a specific day that the community already have an activity. I accepted it because the activity is important to the community and have it already was planned for a long time. But doing in another day could be a risk because the community could not participate frequently.

  • It is okay to accept a risk when the conditions are imposed and cannot be influenced.

    One time that I accepted a risk was when inflation rate became so high and cost of goods as much as doubled in price.
    My organization had a project of giving out foodstuff to orphanages. Funding for such projects was fixed at a particular amount so I had to adjust the budget to what the available funds could accommodate.It meant that we would supply less foodstuff at about the same cost as previous projects but the project was still carried out.

  • Spcietal events are likely to affect the workshop if they are security related.

  • Accepting a risk can be appropriate when the potential negative impact is deemed acceptable compared to the cost and effort required to mitigate it. For example, in a construction project, the risk of minor delays due to inclement weather might be accepted if the cost of implementing measures to prevent these delays outweighs the potential losses incurred from the delays themselves. Similarly, in software development, the risk of minor bugs in a non-critical feature might be accepted if the resources needed to completely eliminate those bugs would be better allocated elsewhere.

    I remember a project where we identified the risk of a key team member potentially leaving the project midway due to personal reasons. While we had contingency plans in place to minimize the impact, such as cross-training team members, recruiting backups, and documenting critical processes, we ultimately chose to accept this risk. The reasoning behind this decision was that the likelihood of the team member leaving abruptly was relatively low, and the cost of implementing additional measures to mitigate this risk further was deemed disproportionate to the potential impact of their departure. Instead, we opted to closely monitor the situation and address any issues promptly if they arose.

  • That was a very smart move to accept the risk and put in mitigating factors to deal with the risk on time. Kudos

  • One time that I accepted a risk was sub-granting a member organization who expressed the least interest in our advocacy project. I accepted it because the organization had capacity and its geographic area offered an opportunity to easily deliver on the project outcome.

  • Most of our time we identify the risk and we may not assess it. That why mostly we are jumping one of the most important step of managing the risk. when we do not Assess the risk we may not know the actual risk.

  • One time that I accepted a risk was when I decided to start my own business despite knowing the inherent financial risks involved. I accepted it because I believed in my idea, had a solid business plan, and felt confident in my ability to adapt and overcome challenges.

    Accepting risks in business is often necessary because it's impossible to mitigate every potential threat, especially in the volatile landscape of entrepreneurship. Instead of avoiding risks altogether, I focused on identifying and managing the most critical ones while being prepared to pivot if necessary.

    It's essential to weigh the potential benefits against the risks and determine if the rewards outweigh the potential consequences. In my case, the opportunity for personal and professional growth, as well as the fulfillment of pursuing my passion, made accepting the risk worthwhile.

    However, it's crucial not to be reckless in accepting risks. Conducting thorough risk assessments, having contingency plans in place, and continuously monitoring and reassessing the situation are essential practices for managing risks effectively.

    Ultimately, accepting risks is about finding the right balance between caution and ambition, and being willing to take calculated risks can often lead to significant rewards.

  • great decision!

  • I have one project at hand now, it is a new pizzeria to be opened in the next two weeks. The owners invested all they got on the furnishings according to the interior design. However, the actual fittings and furnishings appear to be very different and very sub-standard. Owners cannot afford to make any modification by this stage and I take a risk of attracting less customers compared to the original plan and accept the risk as it is. Even though I have a plan of refurbishing after two years.

  • Sometimes wee nedd to accept the risks because doesn't worth to avoid ou mitigate it. One time that I accepted a risk was about the travel team to the workshop without all the logistic needs ready. I accepted it because we would be able to handle to get some aid with the local partners for what we haven't manage to bring in.

  • Accepting risks/ risk acceptance follows identification and assessment of risk, and there after realizing its a low priority risk.
    Risk acceptance occurs when an organization acknowledges that the potential loss from the risk is not great enough to warrant spending money to avoid it [the cost outweighs the benefit].
    The organizations must be able to identify those risks that do not have the ability to be catastrophic, they must therefore find a balance between the potential costs resulting from a risk and the expenses involved in dealing with it.

  • Its an interesting topic and challenging for me. I want to know the difference between avoiding and mitigating. I feel that avoiding still need our intervention so that the risk will not affect our project. the same way, not in equal terms i think, mitigation is also intervening or plan to intervene the risk before it affects our project. I want to hear your thought. Thank you

  • Thank you, its a great idea. When to accept was a real challenge unless detailed assessment is done. some risks which we thought are easy to accept might seriously damage the whole project. there are i think many unseen risks which will pop up in the process. how do you think we should act on them please? thank you

  • One time I accepted a risk was during the execution of a social impact project that targeted government owned high school students. I accepted it because government schools in the country went on strike on the day of the execution of the project.

  • One time I decided to open a business but my plan happened vice versa because I didn't reach my goals but I accepted and move on because I believe always challenges make a room for success.

  • When we accept risk, we don't just ignore the risk. We however, monitor it to ensure that it does not have great impact on the Project.

  • According to my experience I remember I was decided to open a business but I lost it since i was transfer goods from different regions but unfortunately I got accident and all goods were damaged.

  • Accept low risks, monitor, if the risk gets higher, mitigate.

  • I like this perspective but some things if they have less impact on the project accept them

  • I was working on a project, not as a project manager and the method of risk response was purchasing insurance. I have come to realize this through this module

  • Festival holidays/ weather conditions may delay material delivery, we choose to accept this risk, plan ahead to comepensate for the delay and monitor the situation closely.

  • One time I accepted a risk on a project was funding delay. I accepted it because the funds were already approved and will eventually be released.

  • Upcoming presidential elections will interfere with workshops, its risk which is country wide and government policy

  • One time I had to accept a risk was to cut off laborers or employees on a very high demanding job. I had to accept it because the company couldn't no longer afford daily expenses on the project as the number of employees was too high. So I had to take a risk to cut off some employees and run the project with a skeleton team

  • One time I had to accept a risk was to cut off laborers or employees on a very high demanding job. I had to accept it because the company couldn't no longer afford daily expenses on the project as the number of employees was too high. So I had to take a risk to cut off some employees and run the project with a skeleton team

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