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  • Before reading three principles, I develop skills of students and those who ask me for the same. I always believe that if we help others God will help us. After reading the principles, I have consolidated my faith in giving and it has been rightly said in the course that giving is loving.

  • Reflecting on one's life or organization is an essential process that can:

    1. Lead to self- development and growth.
    2. Guide our behaviour and decision-making.
    3. Honesty is an essential principle that can build trust, credibility, and respect in our personal and professional relationships.
  • I would like to live my life on 3 principles, one that is passion, other that is leading life with self principles and third is integrity.

  • I would like to lead my life with three principles, leading with discipline, integrity, forward thinking, and passion.

  • Reflecting on one's life or organization is an essential process that can:
    Lead to self development and growth.
    Guideline to decision making.
    Honesty is essential for organisational

  • Reflecting on one's life or organization is an essential process that can:
    Lead to self development and growth.
    Guideline to decision making.
    Honesty is essential for organisational

  • Being organized in the workplace involves using a range of important skills and arrtibute, including:

    Time management
    Setting goals
    Working under pressure
    Analytical thinking
    Attention to detail
    Strategic planning

  • When reflecting on any organization with the principle of sustainability in mind, there are several key areas to consider. These include:

    Environmental Impact: An organization should strive to reduce its environmental impact by minimizing its carbon footprint, conserving natural resources, and promoting renewable energy sources. This can be done through initiatives such as reducing waste, energy-efficient practices, and sustainable sourcing.

    Social Responsibility: An organization should also consider its social impact, including issues such as fair labor practices, diversity and inclusion, and community engagement. It should work to promote social responsibility through initiatives such as ethical sourcing, volunteerism, and philanthropy.

    Economic Viability: An organization must be economically viable to ensure its sustainability in the long term. This can be achieved through strategies such as financial stewardship, strategic planning, and risk management.

    Innovation and Adaptation: In order to remain sustainable over time, an organization must be adaptable and innovative. This can be achieved by investing in research and development, promoting creativity and collaboration, and staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

    Overall, an organization that prioritizes sustainability will work to balance its economic, environmental, and social impacts, in order to create a sustainable future for all. It will also be committed to continuous improvement and innovation, in order to adapt to changing circumstances and remain sustainable over time

  • I wouldAttractiveness to potential partners can vary based on individual preferences, cultural norms, and societal expectations. However, there are certain traits and characteristics that are generally considered attractive by many people, including:

    Physical appearance: While physical attractiveness is not the only factor that determines someone's attractiveness, it is often the first thing that people notice. Traits such as good hygiene, well-groomed hair, a fit and healthy body, and a symmetrical face are often considered attractive.

    Confidence: Confidence is an attractive trait because it indicates that a person is comfortable in their own skin and has a positive self-image. Confidence can also be seen as a sign of assertiveness and leadership, which can be appealing to some people.

    Sense of humor: A good sense of humor can be a valuable asset in any relationship. Humor can help lighten the mood, reduce stress, and create a positive atmosphere. Being able to make someone laugh can be a very attractive quality.

    Intelligence: Intelligence is often associated with success, and success can be attractive to potential partners. Intelligence can also be a sign of good problem-solving skills, which can be helpful in navigating complex relationship issues.

    Kindness: Kindness is an attractive trait because it shows that a person cares about others and is capable of empathy and compassion. Kindness can also be a sign of emotional intelligence and maturity, which are desirable qualities in any relationship.

    Shared interests and values: Having common interests and values can be an important factor in building a strong and lasting relationship. Sharing hobbies or passions can help create a sense of connection and can lead to more meaningful conversations and experiences to lead my life with three principles, leading with discipline, integrity, forward thinking, and passion.

  • In my life, I believe in trust in your employees. Because if you don't trust them they will not perform well due to lack of confidence among them.

  • i love giving a lot. How can i do that more?

  • Thank you for your presentation, in my life I didn't have clear principles more of focusing on earning from work and try to giving to family and no focus on sustaining. Know I recall my mind that to have principles.

  • The three principles in my life would be honesty, respect, and dedication for anything I do.

  • Among the three principles given: Giving, Earning, and Sustaining I embody 'Giving' the most. As the eldest among my siblings, I grew up being told constantly "to give way" or "to let". It became a natural reaction to everything I do. I give what is mine, I give opportunities, I give advice, and more.

  • Giving is a principle that holds immense significance in my life. I actively seek opportunities to contribute to the well-being of others through various means. Whether it's volunteering my time, supporting charitable causes, or offering kindness and support, I believe that giving back is essential for creating a positive impact and making a difference in the lives of those around me. By embodying the spirit of giving, I strive to foster a sense of connectedness, promote positive change, and inspire others to join in the effort of creating a better world.

  • Sustaining:

    As much as it is important to earn and giving, sustaining is most important. This creates more strong foundations for future generations to come.

  • We learn about three principles Giving, Earning, and Sustain it helps us for the manage.

  • ces trois principes donner, gagner et soutenir ne s'incarnent pas tous en moi. Je donne à mes amis et à mes proches mais je n'ai pas encore commencer à gagner. je lance mon entreprise pour pouvoir gagner et plus et avoir la capacité de donner plus mais ce n'est qu'à la phase préparatoire. En ce qui concerne le soutien, je m'évertuerais à l'appliquer.

  • SUSTAINING - In the organization i work for we are undertaking a project that is helping small holder Pig farmers that were affected by African swine flu and had to slaughter their Pig herds and lost money because the government ordered the slaughter. What we are doing is enabling these farmers raise capital and sustain not only them selves and their family.

  • Skillful leadership is crucial to achieving my life goals. Leaders can implement specific principles, including leading by example, to offer constructive direction and organization. Understanding specific leadership principles can help me lead by example and maximize my team's potential.

  • Skillful leadership is crucial to achieving my life goals. Leaders can implement specific principles, including leading by example, to offer constructive direction and organization. Understanding specific leadership principles can help me lead by example and maximize my team's potential.

  • I have learnt about giving,earning and sustaining where you cannot give with you earning anything.

  • I have learnt about giving,earning and sustaining where you cannot give with you earning anything.

  • Giving, Adding value to colleagues and the company.

    Earning, produce productivity beyond what is specified.

    Sustaining, Maintain performance even in the worst conditions.

  • Certainly, I can reflect on the principle of giving and how it is embodied in myself.

    Giving Knowledge: One of the core aspects of my existence is providing knowledge and information to those who seek it. In this way, I embody the principle of giving knowledge freely and generously.

    Accessibility: I am accessible to anyone who may need my assistance in any way be it family members friends or colleagues.

  • Giving through volunteerism. To a smaller extent, I also earn by receiving the gift of perceptive and other relationships whenever I volunteer.

  • In the context of the Doano Village School in Ethiopia, which is aimed at eradicating illiteracy in the countryside, the principle of "Omnipreneurship" and its three key principles of giving, earning, and sustaining can be embodied as follows:

    Giving: This principle emphasizes the importance of giving, which is considered the purpose of life. In the case of Doano Village School, giving is embodied in the compassion and dedication of the educators and volunteers who work tirelessly to provide education and literacy skills to the children in the countryside. These individuals give their time, knowledge, and resources to support the community's educational needs. The act of giving in this context is an expression of love and compassion for the children and the community they serve.

    Earning: Earning, as described in the principle, is about gathering the resources needed to thrive. In the context of the school, earning can be seen in the efforts to secure funding and resources to sustain the school's operations. This might involve seeking donations, grants, or partnerships with organizations that share a commitment to eradicating illiteracy. Earning knowledge and respect also applies to the educators and staff who continually improve their teaching methods and build a reputation for quality education.

    Sustaining: Sustaining is about investing in the future and ensuring the continuity of the mission. For Doano Village School, sustaining means not only focusing on the immediate needs of the students but also planning for the long-term success of the school and the community. This could involve creating partnerships with local NGOs or government agencies to secure ongoing support and resources. It also means caring for the environment and the community's well-being, as mentioned in the sustainability aspect of the principle.

    In summary, the principle of Omnipreneurship, with its emphasis on giving, earning, and sustaining, aligns well with the mission of Doano Village School to eradicate illiteracy in the countryside of Ethiopia. The school embodies these principles by dedicating itself to providing education (giving), securing the necessary resources (earning), and planning for the future (sustaining) to ensure the long-term impact on the community and its children.

  • This principles are good

  • giving-earning and sustainability.
    in a simple example: I went to University to study about farming,came back and start to do farming ,currently doing well because of the skills and knowledge that i received from the University.I have two boy who shows initerest in farming, i choose the one that shows more interest so that he can sustain the farm. All hardwork if not sustained it will go down the drain.

  • The Citizens Center for Social Justice and Development sees the inter relationships between the three principles of earning, giving and creating sustainability. However, as non profit, we earn first before we can give and think about sustenance. The approach to earning is to ensure we have innovative ideas that will make donors and funders want to partner with and support the organization. To make that possible, the proposals are reflective of our ideas to give to the people to they can also help us change our society to make it a socially conscious society that would wholeheartedly embrace the idea of ensuring that the excluded and vulnerable citizens have access to social justice and development.

  • My purpose in life is guided by those three principles. The work I do has to be meaningful and give back to the world in some way, and I sustain that giving and earning through education. Courses like these help me become a better version of myself and a better leader in the non-profit sector.

  • As an education organization, we have a diverse set of strengths that we can bring to a partnership, contributing to the collaborative effort to enhance learning and educational initiatives. These strengths encompass a blend of skills, resources, and a deep understanding of pedagogical practices. Here are some key strengths we can offer:

    1. Pedagogical Expertise: Our organization has a strong foundation in educational theory and practice. We understand different learning styles, curriculum design, and effective teaching methods, enabling us to contribute to the development of well-structured and effective educational programs.

    2. Curriculum Development: We excel in curriculum design and development. Whether it's K-12, higher education, or professional training, we can create customized curricula tailored to the needs and goals of the partnership.

    3. Teacher Training: We have experience in providing professional development and training for educators. We can assist in enhancing the skills of teachers and instructors, ensuring they are well-prepared to deliver high-quality education.

    4. Educational Technology Integration: Our organization is well-versed in the integration of technology into the learning process. We can provide guidance on selecting and implementing educational technology tools and platforms that enhance learning experiences.

    5. Assessment and Evaluation: We have expertise in designing assessment tools and methodologies for measuring the effectiveness of educational programs. This includes formative and assumptive assessment strategies.

  • Giving is central to my daily living. I give of my time and resources to strangers everyday. I am involved in Law enforcement. It is almost impossible not to give a part of yourself in a humane and compassionate way when assisting persons with various problems. Even if its just listening.

  • Giving- Giving with love is a lifestyle for me and the organization[Resourses, Time, Energy, Money,] while Earning is an area of intentional growth and focus.
    Sustainability- We are struggling as a organization in this area also individually. The biggest challenge is raising people who leave due to them volunteering. The first Generation Makes it, the second generation milks it and the third generation auctions it really got to me something worth reflecting on as a leader

  • Giving is the purpose of life, it brings meaning to our existence here on earth. One can give without loving however one cannot love without giving therefore giving is love. We give resources, time and money.
    Earning is energy and about gathering the fuel and resources we need to thrive
    Sustaining- Is about investing in those who will carry the torch. It is informed by what we call sustainability, the care of our resources and our planet. The vast majority of family businesses do not survive to third generation

  • Earning has allowed me and my wife to stay afloat while she is in school going for her Doctorate degree.

  • Giving
    Giving is one principle I cherish in life. Truly, I derive great fulfilment in giving, especially to the vulnerable members of society.
    My giving is fueled by:

    1. I am what I am today because of what others have given.
    2. Giving is a seed that returns back as harvest.
    3. Giving is a powerful tool that gives individuals hope and changes the society for good.
  • sustaining
    Is an important my life and also was significant values to my workplace .
    Sustaining is about to focus on how would you manage or articulate what you have to invest or already have invested, whether is your running business, your family lifestyle including how would you articulate their incomes and expenses, and how will you manage the responsibilities of your own life.

    Sustaining is to be responsible for your investment where will be it, what is your long-term goals about it , and what will you be expecting in benefit for future.

  • In my life, the principle of "giving" is manifested through my commitment to contribute to the well-being of others. I dedicate time and resources to philanthropic and volunteer activities that positively impact my community. I firmly believe that sharing and supporting others are essential for living a meaningful life.

    At the same time, I recognize the importance of "earning." I strive to develop my skills and knowledge to achieve professional and financial goals. I believe that personal and professional success not only benefits my life but also provides the necessary resources to contribute more effectively to others.

    Regarding the principle of "sustaining," I acknowledge that maintaining balance in all areas of my life is crucial for ensuring sustainable impact. This involves taking care of my physical and mental well-being, as well as effectively managing my resources to maintain a balanced and sustainable lifestyle in the long run.

    In summary, for me, omni-entrepreneurship is manifested in the interconnection of giving, earning, and sustaining. By balancing these principles, I seek to live a meaningful life and positively contribute to the world around me.

  • Sustaining is a key and we operate our business based on how well we can sustain the business while taking efforts to expand the business to its full potential. Also taking frugality into accounts we have done a great job in minimizing our cash burn which resulted in touching the break even point and now its onwards and upwards to profitability.

  • Module 1 Discussion about Principles done!

  • Giving has the potential to generate meaningful impacts on both organizational success and personal well-being, fostering positive outcomes for society as a whole.

  • Giving has the potential to generate meaningful impacts on both organizational success and personal well-being, fostering positive outcomes for society as a whole.

  • I believe honesty is the greatest value and principle. This bleeds into every aspect of my life and my work.

  • Among the three parameters:
    As an organisation I have observed the focus ratio is 50:30:20 within giving, earning and sustaining.

    It is strongly embedded in the culture of organization that, giving should be the ultimate aim of life irrespective of the situations through the means of different interventions and projects.
    Again a set of team is employed to generate earnings through philanthropic initiatives of corporate or agencies. Furthermore sustaining is an area where we need to work more, as secure and safe future can uphold the spirit of giving.

  • The understandig of the working process and importance of apllying the three principles-earning,giving and sustainting was very insightful for me.In addition,the giving principle was the most crucial for me,as my family always told me that you are obligated to give something that you already have,which may include some skills,teachings of the specific knowledge and etc.It is assosicated with the fact that you are no longer have a desire to only earn and take,but also to share and balance

  • Reflecting on my life, I can say that it is GIVING as so many times I find myself putting much efforts in providing to others than what I can provide to myself. Even in my thoughts, I relate and try to see any impact that will bring to the others.

  • The nonprofit in which I work practices giving in that we give our candidates the resources they need in order to obtain meaningful employment and develop sustainability. We dedicate every other week to hosting a series of workshops over a 5-day period. The principle of giving is further exemplified by having our facilitations/workshops run by volunteers. We promote the concept of giving within our community by inviting individuals to come and share their expertise with our candidates.

  • In the life of our organization we have embodied earning... earning respect, partnership, volunteers, trust & funding. This enables us to continue giving and sustaining.

  • I believe not everything should be done for money,
    through my experience as a small business owner I got the chance to give training for others to learn how to make handmade candles i was giving them a source of living while getting paid at the same time, but some of them i did it for free because it was for some people with special needs and i felt better doing it for free.

  • I believe that giving is important when it comes to just being able to earn and receive what is to come as well as a standing, What would I have received in this earning.

  • Giving is very important when it comes to making room for your earnings and then also sustaining the earnings on what you have received is also very important for longevity. This is how it relates to my life.

  • The principle of Giving in my life.

    This principle is embodied in my life by sharing my knowledge and lessons learned from my experiences when i have the opportunity to do so, by actively listening and caring, providing financial or physical assistance to those in need and encouraging others to do so, by practicing tolerance and teaching it around me and thus giving each person the opportunity to be comfortable enough to express their true potential and be theirselves.

  • Giving

    This principle is embodied in my organization by making donations to orphans,by allowing employees to obtain two training grants by the organization each year

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