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  • Module 3 about Recruitment and Hiring was very interesting and insightful to complete

  • Quite an enriching module this was.

  • How do you deal with erratic bosses?

  • Obedience and inquiry

  • Obedience and inquiry

    1. I would invite the beneficiaries, other service providers and gate keepers for buy inn.
    2. I would also invite community leaders, churches and schools so that they get the same information at the sametime.
    3. I would go to the NGO partnership meeting, briefly tell them about the aim and invite them.
      Challenges that i might face facilitating these excersices might be that other organisations might just be in there for the money but not to help the community, so this might lead to retaliation.
  • nticipate the ways your organizational structure will evolve as your nonprofit scales to fulfill your social impact mission

  • In your workshop you practiced developing a Job Scorecard. Now you'll submit it below as an assignment. Below is a list of attributes we look for when hiring candidates at Acumen (we've pulled this list from this week's Reading). Using these attributes, develop a scorecard that will help Acumen assess whether candidates meet these qualifications & characteristics. You can use this template to develop a scorecard or create your own.


    Commitment to the organization’s mission
    Displaying high level of empathy in all relationships and encounters
    Possessing deep self-awareness and ability to identify own strengths and weaknesses
    Actively listening and focusing on hearing what others are saying
    Effectively collaborates with and across teams, seeks and provides constructive feedback
    Exceptional relationship and interpersonal skills
    Ability to thrive when there is ambiguity

  • Frankly speaking, I have reflected on the best practices in recruiting and hiring now am able to Identify 3 key components that nonprofits should screen for when hiring candidates and also I can map a typical recruiting process and design one that will work for my organization

  • obedience is one of the primary requirement of an employee or applicant to its employer showing some sense of responsibility

  • obedience and investigation

    Module 3 showed me how much attention needs to be paid to the process of recruiting, hiring and integrating new members into the organization/
    And it is necessary to be very careful in the need to hire a new collaborator so as not to run the risk of unnecessary expenses, spent energy and time.

    It was a very good and challenging experience.

  • This module required a lot of patience.

  • this module has taught me how to design a recruitment flow diagram

  • Approach compensation as a conversation, even when you can’t negotiate on salary money isn’t the only thing you have to offer, is my home take away

  • Obedience and inquiry go hand in hand in achieving an organization's mission. This is about understanding procedures and following them and when uncertainty arises asking for directions

  • hello everybody

  • It's interesting to learn about the job description scorecard, however this practice is quite new to me and I think it will take me more time to adapt. Sometimes, if we make our requirement too obvious, we will have difficulties to find to most matched candidate. I prefer "have 1-2 years of experience in IT recruitment" to "in charge of 20 open positions at a time, make at least 30 hires for the junior positions per month" when I recruit a junior talent acquisition specialist for my company. In this way, we can open for more potential candidates to build our talent pool.
    Anyway, each method has it pros and cons, we need to be creative and flexible.

  • It's interesting to learn about the job description scorecard, however this practice is quite new to me and I think it will take me more time to adapt. Sometimes, if we make our requirement too obvious, we will have difficulties to find to most matched candidate. I prefer "have 1-2 years of experience in IT recruitment" to "in charge of 20 open positions at a time, make at least 30 hires for the junior positions per month" when I recruit a junior talent acquisition specialist for my company. In this way, we can open for more potential candidates to build our talent pool.
    Anyway, each method has it pros and cons, we need to be creative and flexible.

  • For the SMART Goals I think it's ok for me to do, as I have experience with it before. For the plan, I would say it's really daunting, I am not a good planner, so it took me hours to sit down and think about a serious appraisal plan for my organization and each staff.

  • Obedient organization get better when they find obedient teams and enforce their system on them

  • Obedient organization get better when they find obedient teams and enforce their system on them

  • This module was super interesting. The four phases of hiring and the recruitment flow chart especially stood out to me.


  • I believe Obedience and inquiry will help employees have a robust working relationship with their employer.

  • I believe Obedience and inquiry will help employees have a robust working relationship with their employer.

  • Great module for all organizations

  • A good topic and gain amazing knowledge thanks A lot.

  • Discover leads to improvement. After receiving a new ability the next ixt is the practice

  • it requires more strategis

  • lets see whta we have in the next module am proud to be one of philanthrophy

  • our next assignment will ask you to review your peers’ submissions. After you submit your own assignment you will be prompted to review and provide feedback on your peers’ work. Following the submission deadline for your own assignment, you will have one week to submit reviews of three peers’ work.

    For each assignment that requires peer feedback, you will be given a rubric specific to the content to help guide your review of your peer’s work. However, for any peer review, there are some general guidelines to follow:

    Read First: Read through your peer’s entire submission before you start scoring them or offering feedback.

    Be Specific: Include comments that are specific. Comments like “that was great!” or “I didn’t like it” won’t be very helpful to your peer. You need to tell them specifically why it was great or what you didn’t like. Comments should be specific enough that they make sense and are easy to follow.

    Be Balanced: Include comments that highlight the strengths as well as the weaknesses of the submission. Constructive feedback should focus on what your peer can improve as well as what was successful.

    Ask Questions: Raise questions that come to your mind as you are reviewing their assignment. If something is unclear to you, ask about it in a respectful and kind way.

    Be on Time: Your peers rely on your thoughtful feedback to improve their work. Make sure that you submit your feedback to them within one week of submitting your own assignment.

    Remember that peer reviews are an opportunity to offer thoughtful, constructive feedback to your peers, but they are also a chance for you to learn from the way others approach the assignment!

  • "The first rule is that you follow the rules". That's the mantra of the obedient organization

  • Obedient organizations get better when they find more obedient team members and enforce their systems on them. And organizations based on inquiry get better when they ask better questions, and when they create a culture based on what's right, not merely what's come before

  • Doing due diligence while recruiting will help the organization hire people that share similar values. Thus, ensure the overall success of the organization.

  • Obedience and inquiry are components of culture that are critical for growth of the organization

  • Obedience and inquiry are components of culture that are critical for growth of the organization

  • Obedience refers to the act of following rules, instructions, or orders from an authority figure or a higher power. It can also mean conforming to established norms and conventions. Obedience can have both positive and negative consequences, as it can lead to discipline and stability, but also to the suppression of individuality and creativity.

    Inquiry, on the other hand, is the act of seeking information or knowledge through investigation or questioning. It is an essential aspect of critical thinking and problem-solving and encourages individuals to question assumptions, gather evidence, and reach their own conclusions. Inquiry fosters creativity, independence, and the development of new ideas and solutions.

    In some cases, obedience and inquiry may come into conflict, as obedience to authority may require individuals to accept certain beliefs or practices without questioning them, while inquiry may encourage individuals to challenge established norms and authority.

  • Interesting topic

  • Obedience is a form of social influence that involves performing an action under the orders of an authority figure. It differs from compliance (which involves changing your behavior at the request of another person) and conformity (which involves altering your behavior in order to go along with the rest of the group).

  • Halo I m apdalla how are you

  • Obedience and inquiry are two important concepts in organizational behavior. Obedience is the act of following orders or instructions, while inquiry is the act of asking questions or seeking information.

    Obedience is often seen as a necessary part of organizational life. It allows organizations to function smoothly and efficiently. However, obedience can also be problematic if it leads to people blindly following orders, even if those orders are unethical or harmful.

    Inquiry, on the other hand, is often seen as a valuable asset in organizations. It allows organizations to learn and adapt to change. Inquiry can also help to promote creativity and innovation. However, inquiry can also be disruptive if it leads to people questioning authority or challenging the status quo.

    The relationship between obedience and inquiry is complex. In some cases, obedience and inquiry can be complementary. For example, a team of engineers may need to obey the instructions of their manager in order to complete a project on time. However, the engineers may also need to ask questions and inquire about the project in order to ensure that they are following the instructions correctly.

    In other cases, obedience and inquiry can be in conflict. For example, a soldier may be ordered to follow an order that they believe is unethical. In this case, the soldier may need to decide whether to obey the order or to disobey the order and risk punishment.

    The relationship between obedience and inquiry is also influenced by the culture of the organization. In some organizations, obedience is valued more than inquiry. In other organizations, inquiry is valued more than obedience.

    The ideal balance between obedience and inquiry will vary depending on the specific organization and the situation. However, it is important for organizations to find a balance that allows them to function effectively while also promoting creativity and innovation.

    Here are some of the pros and cons of obedience and inquiry:



    Allows organizations to function smoothly and efficiently.
    Can help to build trust and loyalty between employees and managers.
    Can help to ensure that employees are following the rules and regulations.

    Can lead to people blindly following orders, even if those orders are unethical or harmful.
    Can stifle creativity and innovation.
    Can make it difficult for organizations to adapt to change.


    Allows organizations to learn and adapt to change.
    Can help to promote creativity and innovation.
    Can help to identify problems and opportunities.

    Can be disruptive.
    Can lead to people questioning authority or challenging the status quo.
    Can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
    Ultimately, the decision of whether to obey or inquire is a complex one that should be made on a case-by-case basis. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.

  • Module 3 was really useful because I could learn a lot more about the recruitment process and the importance of motivation and cultural fit when you are going to hire someone or when you are looking for a job.

  • Module 3 was really useful because I could learn a lot more about the recruitment process and the importance of motivation and cultural fit when you are going to hire someone or when you are looking for a job.

  • In Module 3, the discussion on obedience and inquiry was insightful. Exploring the dynamics between following instructions and questioning authority provided valuable insights into organizational behavior and decision-making processes. Encouraging a balance between obedience to established protocols and fostering a culture of inquiry can lead to more informed and effective outcomes within the organization. Further exploration of real-world examples or case studies illustrating the importance of both obedience and inquiry could enhance the understanding of these concepts. Overall, Module 3 facilitated a thought-provoking discussion on the interplay between obedience and inquiry in organizational settings.

  • When it comes to assessing attributes like obedience and inquiry during the recruitment process, it's important to approach them in a balanced and fair manner. Here are some considerations and potential methods for evaluating these attributes:


    It's essential to clarify what is meant by "obedience" in the context of the role and organization. Obedience can imply following instructions, adhering to policies, and complying with rules and regulations.
    Behavioral questions: Ask candidates to provide examples of situations where they demonstrated their ability to follow instructions or guidelines effectively. Inquire about their experience working in structured environments and their approach to authority.

    Inquiry refers to a candidate's curiosity, critical thinking, and willingness to ask questions to seek clarification or challenge assumptions.
    Scenario-based questions: Present candidates with hypothetical scenarios that require critical thinking and problem-solving. Assess their ability to ask thoughtful questions and explore different perspectives.
    Work samples or presentations: Request candidates to prepare a work sample or deliver a presentation related to the role. Evaluate their ability to ask insightful questions about the task or topic.
    Remember to consider the specific requirements and nature of the role when assessing obedience and inquiry. Some roles may require a higher level of obedience due to safety or regulatory considerations, while others may benefit from individuals who are more inclined to challenge the status quo.

    It's crucial to strike a balance and ensure that obedience does not overshadow independent thinking and inquiry. Encouraging a healthy level of inquiry can foster innovation, problem-solving, and growth within the organization.

    During the interview process, assess candidates' responses, probe for specific examples, and evaluate how well their attributes align with the requirements and culture of the organization. It's also important to consider other factors such as communication skills, teamwork, and adaptability when evaluating candidates holistically.

  • When it comes to assessing attributes like obedience and inquiry during the recruitment process, it's important to approach them in a balanced and fair manner. Here are some considerations and potential methods for evaluating these attributes:


    It's essential to clarify what is meant by "obedience" in the context of the role and organization. Obedience can imply following instructions, adhering to policies, and complying with rules and regulations.
    Behavioral questions: Ask candidates to provide examples of situations where they demonstrated their ability to follow instructions or guidelines effectively. Inquire about their experience working in structured environments and their approach to authority.

    Inquiry refers to a candidate's curiosity, critical thinking, and willingness to ask questions to seek clarification or challenge assumptions.
    Scenario-based questions: Present candidates with hypothetical scenarios that require critical thinking and problem-solving. Assess their ability to ask thoughtful questions and explore different perspectives.
    Work samples or presentations: Request candidates to prepare a work sample or deliver a presentation related to the role. Evaluate their ability to ask insightful questions about the task or topic.
    Remember to consider the specific requirements and nature of the role when assessing obedience and inquiry. Some roles may require a higher level of obedience due to safety or regulatory considerations, while others may benefit from individuals who are more inclined to challenge the status quo.

    It's crucial to strike a balance and ensure that obedience does not overshadow independent thinking and inquiry. Encouraging a healthy level of inquiry can foster innovation, problem-solving, and growth within the organization.

    During the interview process, assess candidates' responses, probe for specific examples, and evaluate how well their attributes align with the requirements and culture of the organization. It's also important to consider other factors such as communication skills, teamwork, and adaptability when evaluating candidates holistically.

  • Before:
    "I used to think that obedience was the key to success in any organization or society. However, participating in the global conversation has challenged that belief. I've come to realize the importance of inquiry, questioning the status quo, and seeking understanding before blindly following orders."

    "Engaging in the global conversation has reshaped my perspective on obedience and inquiry. While obedience has its place in certain contexts, inquiry is essential for growth, innovation, and progress. It's through questioning, challenging assumptions, and seeking diverse perspectives that we can truly understand complex issues and drive positive change on a global scale."

  • I learned about recruitment and onboarding and how it works in organisation. And also learned more about how to source the candidates

  • The main idea of obedience within the workplace to instruction as well to integrity is very important working with various organizations or just one organization.

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