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  • by discussion with other we will about to explore new alternative to your problems and can find new opportunities too

  • by discussion with other we will about to explore new alternative to your problems and can find new opportunities too obstcles make our efforts vulnerable that can be evaluated in order to its impact on the community

  • by discussion with other we will about to explore new alternative to your problems and can find new opportunities too obstcles make our efforts vulnerable that can be evaluated in order to its impact on the community

  • by discussion with other we will about to explore new alternative to your problems and can find new opportunities too obstcles make our efforts vulnerable that can be evaluated in order to its impact on the community
    1.Accountability 2. integrity 3, self motivation

  • I echo your difficulty, my organization has no employees currently and is entirely volunteer-based. The program they want to start will require paid staff, and significant capital development; it's hard to pitch that to donors for a totally new project.

  • I echo your difficulty, my organization has no employees currently and is entirely volunteer-based. The program they want to start will require paid staff, and significant capital development; it's hard to pitch that to donors for a totally new project.

  • We have definitely struggled with getting funding for research projects in the past because not many funders are willing to fund research even though they agree that data is important. I will say the same also goes for funding capacity building programs for employees of your organization as they struggle to see how it will impact beneficiaries.

  • We have definitely struggled with getting funding for research projects in the past because not many funders are willing to fund research even though they agree that data is important. I will say the same also goes for funding capacity building programs for employees of your organization as they struggle to see how it will impact beneficiaries.

  • Well I am unaware of the existing funders and also i may be aware of some but fail to get contacts of them.

  • Ability to develop a compelling rationale to funders has been a major setback.
    Capacity building in the area of strategy will enable us connect the dots and align our rationale to a clear and sustainable mission. By coming up with reasons why our efforts will create positive and sustainable impact in the organization, its strategy and directly to its beneficiaries, I believe the setback can be averted.

  • The main obstacle in getting funding and other resources is not knowing willing funders but lies in writing a good and sound rationale that is convincing and compelling to the donors. Exactly, the tenets to such a compelling rationale evades me at times as even getting such funding in the past has been attributed to chance or regional issues and also the need to be accomodative or included. I would really like to learn more about this and make it replicated. That should really give confidence to the process rather than a chance event.

    1 Reply
  • One of the main obstacles to getting funding to build MEL capacity and capability is that MEL is often seen as "after thought", something that is considered nice to have but not really central to the business of delivering services. The paradox is that when you have a good MEL system in place it can demonstrate results and attract funding.

  • The main challenge is putting together a good proposal to request funding for a particular activity. This makes it difficult for current funders to fund more because convincing them becomes a challenge.

  • The sole reason of failure in getting funds for capacity building is that the donor sometime does not understand the impact of capacity building for the beneficiary and donor is only willing to fund for the projects that are directly benefitting the beneficiary. Most of the individual funders specially are not even willing to give managerial cost of projects.

  • for me the the sole reason is getting in contact because most of the funders live and work outside my environments others is on convincing them to fund the project

    1 Reply
  • trying to have constant funding and not just a one time a year main event is a huge problem.

  • this does cause issues

  • my team leads interacts with ecosystem builders to attract fundings is scary to say the least.

  • Most donors believe that the capacity building activities are not necessary for the organisation where they believe qualified persons are selected and recruited.

  • In my organization Funding has been an essential tool to sustain the organization. but we have had weaknesses of getting what we exactly want from funders, we have funders and have reached them, and we need more funders, but the right sources needed is what we are getting from this course now. data through ME& L and capacity building. I am so sure that funders honestly need to help my organization and i am so sure that now i have discovered everything i need from this course.

    1 Reply
  • Yes, short timing in the implementation of getting funds and donor, can also result ineffective and inefficient.

  • Some of the challenges we face with raising funds did our projects is the fact that we constantly have so many projects running at the same time.

    Funders might find it a bit cumbersome to be informed of multiple projects going on at the same time.

  • the main obstacle is to convince the parties on the need of the resources. A lot odf bureaucracy and long timelines to get approval

  • It is actually a combination. The lack of awareness of funders willing to help the organization? Where are such groups located, and what does one do to find them? Not knowing has been a humongous headache in resolving issues that call for capacity funding.

    The struggle to get in contact with funders is real. You write an email and nothing comes back, leaving you wondering what you did wrong. Asking whether it was that they were just not convinced... or was it something else?

  • I also had the same experience

  • I also experienced this

    1 Reply
  • I had lots of problems confronting the funders

    1 Reply
  • Special case our association went through a stage where we tried to pilker its resources, since the founder no longer trusted the members of the association, which constrained the evolution of the association (which is linked to a lack of dynamism in the leadership and talent part). and during the time when the expansion phase was favorable with respect to the socio-political and economic situation of the country. but from my integration, I wanted to follow the vision, set up other action plans, set better objectives... in order to really facilitate the lives of the beneficiaries considerably while the political crisis is arising a security crisis throughout the country potential funders have moved to where the economic crisis has caused, while much more than before we are obliged to act in favor of the poorest, the unemployed and especially the less trained in order to reduce the rate of juvenile delinquency. Yet the big question is where to find the starting fund in such situations?

  • Read thé Book how i raise myself from failure to success by Franck Berthet

    The 5 seconde rule

    Comment se faire des amis (envlish version)

    Influence ans manipulation

    Way of the wolf

    After that you will bé a master from view point. Enjoy

  • About fundraising and what Aliu Mohammed wrote. I agree. Fundraising capacity is strictly connected with communication skills in sense of social media.

  • My organization usually faces two challenges ;
    Connecting with the donors
    Convincing the donors to fund upon connection.

    1 Reply
  • Main obstacle faced is majorly trying to build a stable customer base and retain them also

  • In the past we have had great success with finding funding but some of the staff have failed to complete paperwork for proof of growth for the funders to see the progress. This has caused hoops for others to jump through and loss of certain staff members. This puts a strain on the team members to cover the slacking ones.

  • Lack of talent attraction. We faced issues as the people responsible for recruiting new members had a poor eye for talent sets and ended up costing us instead of having the opposite effect.

  • I know i need money and I know who to ask I just don't know how to ask and when.

  • Some of the main obstacles we have faced during getting funding for the capacity building are:

    • Identifying the funders that intrested in capacity building for organizations
    • Convincing funders
    • Lack of funding
  • I believe its difficult tot identify funding organisations that are willing to help our organisation. Despite having received grants in the past, it is getting increasingly difficult to identify aligning organisations.

  • We have relied heavily on grants for a majority of our funding. We have also focused more on individual donors and not seeking corporate giving as much as we could. We haven't put a plan in place on how to reach corporate donors or even which corporations we should be focusing on. We need to do our research and see who would align with our mission and values. By creating a communication's plan we will better be able to define who we want to reach out to and why.

  • I have also experienced this. We get a lot of one off donors and in the past haven't really worked to developed those relationships. I recently took a webinar that stated that a one time donor is more likely to become a monthly donor within 21 days of their initial donation. Knowing this information I can put in my communication plan to reach out to first time donors within that time frame to begin building a relationship with them.

  • aware funders in my space

  • being aligned to vision is important it, without it would recommend to leave the money on the table. This could alter you growth and amplification if your volunteers and or stakeholders, team feel this takes them off track.

  • Major obstacles in fundraising (just to name a few):

    1. Lack of knowledge about the right funders
    2. No contact details of the right person
    3. If we have the contact details, there are too many proposals/options available with the funders
    4. In CSR, requirement is to spend the money (not to showcase the impact). It makes NGOs vulnerable
    5. Funders don't understand the grassroot realities, and make assumptions from their boardroom
    6. Delay in decision, it may lead to cancellation of the project
    7. Funders follow the trends not the need of the society
  • Meeting the target time,bring proof,ressources management and convicing sponsors

  • From our perspective, the challenge is convincing the donor that this area is worth pursuing and it is very crucial for nonprofit sector. The donors usually think that only emergency cases such as helping those in need with clothing, food and other necessities are the only important things.

  • Finding interested and willing funders is a major problem for my organization.

  • I have identified potential funders for my organization, but I am encountering difficulties in establishing contact with them.

  • I agree with you. Fundraising refers to the process of gathering contributions, typically in the form of money or resources, for a specific purpose or cause.

  • You are right!

  • motivational lectures

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