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  • I think the team is chasing and wasting time on grants that we don't qualify for. The fundraisers need to be small community fundraisers, and they need to implement community, The mission is flawed

  • It seems like you've mentioned a podcast on the topic of "Unrestricted Versus Restricted Support" featuring Chandni Kayastha and her experiences with fundraising activities for the Hakuna Matata program at Saath. If you have any specific questions or if there's anything specific you'd like to discuss about the types of support or fundraising activities, feel free to share, and I'll do my best to provide information or insights.

  • I think unrestricted gifts can be increased in my organisation by building better and stronger relationships with funders by being more transparent about how funds are being used and communicating the impact the unrestricted gifts have on the organisation and the people we serve.

    1 Reply
  • 1: What is one way you can think of to increase your organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts?
    Including a line that leaves funding open ended.

    2: How could this help build your organization’s capacity?
    Funding can be applied to where it needs to go.

    1 Reply
  • One way to increase the organization's amount of unrestricted gifts could be to implement a targeted and engaging annual giving campaign. In this campaign, emphasize the importance of unrestricted funds to cover basic costs and support various programs and activities. Encourage donors to contribute to the organization's overall mission and give them the flexibility to allocate funds where they are needed most.

  • l think selling a particular service in fundraising department might help much. This will help assist the organization to gain some money for administration costs further.

  • Awesome responses...

  • l agree to what you are saying. This is one of the things that make up organizations grow much better and wider in the short space of time

  • Yes, planning more fundraising will help shape up our goals for the organization to play more role in the community it serves.

  • We can share stories of how unrestricted funds have been used to address urgent needs, innovate new solutions, or leverage opportunities that arise unexpectedly. We can also recognize and appreciate donors who give unrestricted gifts, such as by featuring them in newsletters, inviting them to special events, or giving them access to exclusive information.

  • I think this is a smart and strategic approach that can appeal to donors who are looking for tax benefits and recognition. I agree that the funds raised can help support future outreach events and drive awareness for additional donors and volunteers.

    1. a way i can increase my organisations amount of unrestricted gifts is by giving many examples and then add a word like even for other programs.
      2.How could this could help via attracting more restricted funds but with a note
    1. a way i can increase my organisations amount of unrestricted gifts is by giving many examples and then add a word like even for other programs.
      2.How could this could help via attracting more restricted funds but with a note
  • Increasing the amount of unrestricted gifts for an organization can be beneficial as it provides flexibility in allocating funds to areas of greatest need. Here are a few strategies that can help increase unrestricted gifts:

    Effective Communication: Clearly communicate the importance and impact of unrestricted gifts to your organization's mission. Explain how unrestricted funds allow you to respond quickly to emerging needs, seize opportunities, and maintain vital operations. Use various communication channels, such as newsletters, website content, social media, and direct mail, to educate donors about the value of unrestricted giving.

    Donor Stewardship: Cultivate relationships with donors who have previously made unrestricted gifts. Show appreciation for their support by providing regular updates on how their contributions have made a difference. Engage with them personally through thank-you letters, phone calls, or face-to-face meetings. Building strong relationships can encourage continued unrestricted giving and potentially inspire larger gifts.

    Diversify Fundraising Strategies: Explore different fundraising avenues to attract unrestricted gifts. In addition to traditional fundraising events and campaigns, consider online fundraising platforms, peer-to-peer fundraising, and crowdfunding campaigns. These methods can reach a wider audience and tap into new donor pools.

    Create an Unrestricted Giving Program: Develop a specific program or initiative focused on unrestricted giving. Highlight the benefits and impact of unrestricted funds and encourage donors to make recurring gifts. Provide recognition and exclusive benefits for donors participating in the program to incentivize ongoing support.

    Major Gifts and Planned Giving: Cultivate relationships with major donors who have the capacity to make significant contributions. Engage in personalized cultivation and stewardship strategies tailored to major donors. Additionally, promote planned giving options, such as bequests or charitable trusts, which can provide a long-term source of unrestricted funding.

    Board Involvement: Engage your board members in fundraising efforts and emphasize the importance of unrestricted gifts. Encourage board members to make unrestricted donations themselves, and leverage their networks and connections to identify potential donors who may be interested in supporting your organization's general operations.

    Remember, building trust, demonstrating impact, and maintaining transparent financial reporting are crucial in attracting and retaining donors for unrestricted giving. Tailor your strategies to the unique characteristics and preferences of your donor base, and regularly evaluate and adjust your fundraising approach based on donor feedback and results.

  • Increasing the amount of unrestricted gifts can significantly contribute to building an organization's capacity in several ways:

    Financial Stability: Unrestricted gifts provide flexibility in allocating funds to areas of greatest need, including operational expenses, staff salaries, technology upgrades, and capacity-building initiatives. This financial stability allows the organization to focus on long-term planning, strategic growth, and program expansion.

    Program Development and Innovation: With a reliable base of unrestricted funding, organizations can invest in program development and innovation. This includes conducting research, piloting new initiatives, and implementing improvements to existing programs. Unrestricted funds enable organizations to take calculated risks, explore new approaches, and adapt to changing needs and trends.

    Staff Recruitment and Retention: Unrestricted funds can be used to attract and retain talented staff members. Competitive salaries, professional development opportunities, and a supportive work environment made possible by unrestricted gifts can enhance employee satisfaction and reduce turnover. Skilled and motivated staff members contribute to the organization's overall capacity and effectiveness.

    Infrastructure and Technology: Unrestricted funds can be allocated towards building and improving the organization's infrastructure, such as upgrading facilities, investing in technology systems, and enhancing operational efficiency. This can streamline processes, improve communication, and enable the organization to work more effectively and efficiently.

    Organizational Sustainability: By increasing unrestricted gifts, organizations can enhance their overall sustainability. The ability to cover core operational expenses ensures the long-term viability of the organization, reducing reliance on project-specific or restricted funding sources. This stability allows the organization to weather financial challenges and adapt to changes in the funding landscape.

    Leveraging Other Funding Sources: Having a strong base of unrestricted funding can also increase an organization's eligibility and competitiveness for other funding opportunities. Many grantmakers and funders prefer to support organizations with demonstrated financial stability and diversified revenue streams. Unrestricted funds can serve as match funding or contribute to organizational sustainability, making the organization more attractive to potential funders.

    Overall, the increased capacity resulting from higher levels of unrestricted funding can support an organization's strategic planning, programmatic impact, staff development, and long-term sustainability. It provides the necessary resources to respond to emerging needs, seize opportunities, and make a more significant and sustainable impact in the community.

  • Unrestricted gifts are more important for the fundraiser because it can fund different operations of the organization at the same time

  • 1: What is one way you can think of to increase your organization’s amount of unrestricted gifts?

    one way to increase my organizations amount of unrestricted gifts is by ensuring that the image of the pyramid of my organization must be supported by the bedrock of many (I want a lot of these gifts), small (I must build a pyramid foundation of small and modest size of gifts and ongoing (donors giving the organization year after another) by established committee of strong chairperson, well organized , good leadership skills and diplomatic when needs be with a team of good volunteers added for the purpose of soliciting the money.

    2: How could this help build your organization’s capacity?

    these funds can be used for things that many donors are not interested in funding, like electricity bills and other office operational costs and but these funds can help in operational purposes hence build the capacity of the organization.

  • It's true that individual funding is a source of unrestricted funding, but the learner has not clarified the methodology and process that the organization will follow in collection of funds from individuals to increase the organizations amounts of unrestricted gifts.
    The learner has also failed to justify how increased unrestricted funds will enhance the capacity of the organization. The increased amount of unrestricted gifts will help build the organization capacity by supporting its operations that donors providing restricted funds are not willing to pay for, i.e. administrations costs.

  • 1: We plan a targeted and enjoyable event to solicit individual donations. During this process, we collect information such as email addresses and addresses. Subsequently, we send letters inviting individuals to become sustaining members with detailed information about the organization's activities."

    2: Hosting charity events can increase the number of visitors to the facility, enhance the organization's visibility, and attract potential donors.

    1 Reply
  • To increase my organization’s amount of unrestricted funding, I would introduce the use of membership contribution and the public fundraising forums to the management.

  • hosting fundraisers can help build and raise awareness

  • The fundraisers need to be small community fundraisers, and they need to implement community, The mission is flawed

  • come up with charity events, and sell event tickets online, raise funds from people who attend, and make donations. But this doesn’t have to be the only way to raise money through events. i can get more creative and have a level for general admission, one for VIP admission, one for sponsors, early-bird tickets, group-discount tickets, and more.
    during the event i sell raffle tickets and other items .
    This will help raise more funds.

  • One way to increase an organization's amount of unrestricted gifts is to establish and maintain strong relationships with donors who are passionate about the overall mission and impact of the organization rather than specific programs or projects. By clearly communicating the organization's broader goals and the importance of unrestricted funding in supporting its overall operations and sustainability, donors may be more inclined to contribute unrestricted gifts.

    This approach can help build the organization's capacity by providing greater flexibility in allocating funds where they are needed most, whether it be investing in staff development, enhancing infrastructure, or addressing unforeseen challenges. Unrestricted gifts allow the organization to adapt to changing needs and opportunities more effectively, fostering long-term stability and growth. Additionally, a diversified funding base that includes unrestricted gifts can reduce dependency on restricted funding sources and provide a more sustainable financial model for the organization.

  • One way to increase an organization's amount of unrestricted gifts is to diversify fundraising strategies to attract donors who are willing to contribute without restrictions on the use of their donation. This could involve highlighting the broader impact of the organization's work and the importance of flexible funding to support ongoing operations and initiatives.

    Increasing unrestricted gifts can help build the organization's capacity by providing financial flexibility to allocate resources where they are needed most. Unrestricted funds can support core operating expenses, staff salaries, infrastructure improvements, and program development, allowing the organization to adapt to changing needs and seize new opportunities for growth. Additionally, having a reliable stream of unrestricted revenue can enhance financial stability and sustainability over the long term.

    1 Reply
  • I agree. And like Tom said, having a variety of fundraising events can drive donations, we just need to be mindful of how much it costs (including in staff/volunteer time) and what the return on the investment is.

  • I'm really focusing on diversifying our funding streams. We rely heavily on government funding, which is fine, but not always reliable because it's so competitive. A couple of areas of focus we currently have is working with our board to expand our donor pool and seeking smaller, unrestricted grants that we have a good chance of getting and renewing.

  • I'm really focusing on diversifying our funding streams. We rely heavily on government funding, which is fine, but not always reliable because it's so competitive. A couple of areas of focus we currently have is working with our board to expand our donor pool and seeking smaller, unrestricted grants that we have a good chance of getting and renewing.

  • I focus a lot on the importance of diversifying funding streams, and you bring an additional perspective of diversifying fundraising strategies. Great idea!

  • 1: Organize a fundraising event or activity where you give people a good time and in return they pay you money.
    2: This will help you raise unrestricted funds, which will help pay for expenses that donors wouldn't pay for you, such as rent, water or energy and salaries.

  • What that membership will offer? I think that is a great idea to keep founding. And the hook may be on what are you offering with the membership.

  • I engage the unrestricted on location budget

  • My organisation don't organise frequently the fundraising, whereas there are many projects to be financed. This course will help me to improve that, especialy for unrestricted funds.

  • 1- increase amount of unrestricted gifts by fundraising events 2 - allows for the use of unrestricted funds to cover all the non-project specific costs

  • Well thought out answer and it makes sense to seek individual donors and not earmark dollars for project specific items.

    1. One way to get more unrestricted gifts for our organization is to talk more with our current donors. We can tell them how their donations help us and ask if they'd like to give without any restrictions on how we use the money. We could also offer them special benefits or recognition if they choose to give without restrictions.

    2. Getting more unrestricted gifts can help our organization in many ways. It gives us more freedom to decide where to spend the money based on what's most important at the time. This flexibility lets us respond better to changes and invest in things that will help us reach our goals. Unrestricted gifts also help cover basic costs like paying our staff and improving our programs, which are really important for our organization to keep running and growing. By getting more unrestricted gifts, we can be more stable financially and keep growing and helping more people.

  • one way to increase my organization's amount of unrestricted gifts is by upgrading a little about the donors whom I already have and I think this will increase my capacity as the unrestricted gifts will increase.

  • The more unrestricted gifts you have, the more freedom you have to decide based on priorities of your organization

  • This course help me a lot

  • One effective way to increase the amount of unrestricted gifts for your organization is to educate your donors about the importance and impact of such gift by communicating value, promoting success stories, and recognise significant donations publicly

  • One way to increase my organization unrestricted support is by fundraising and membership support

  • One strategy would be to create community impact campaigns, such as improving playgrounds, schools, and homes. In addition to having an open donation program without restrictions so that the Corporation can operate the resources without limits

  • Another source of unrestricted collections is the channeling of funds through social events to present different projects to be financed.

  • finding the company's mission can sometimes take time; It is the experience itself that helps us determine the path to take in fundraising

    1 Reply
  • In fundraising events, organizations must collaborate with the beneficiaries, or by providing great opportunities for the beneficiaries to be creative about the successes they achieve in using the funds that come from fundraising.

  • It is very true that every company has a specific mission in its business operations, therefore, we must find the essence of that mission, so that it is in line with the planning proposal that we submit.

  • a) Organize a lotery for small prices, connected to the NGO you work with.
    b) more people will know what your organisation is about.

  • The organization should effectively collaborate and create a donor stewardship plan to retain and grow donorship.

  • One of the way to get quick funds is through selling shares or partnership with bigger corporate in our community of outside the country.
    This will help us have the knowledge and market as a result of new additions in our company.

  • One effective way to increase the amount of unrestricted gifts for an organization is by implementing a donor education and stewardship program focused on the importance and impact of unrestricted giving. Here's a step-by-step approach to achieve this:

    Educate Donors: Start by educating your donors about the significance of unrestricted gifts in sustaining the organization's mission and operations. Explain that unrestricted funds provide the flexibility to address immediate needs, seize new opportunities, and respond to unforeseen challenges without constraints. Use various communication channels, such as newsletters, website content, social media posts, and direct mail appeals, to convey this message consistently.

    Storytelling and Impact Reporting: Share compelling stories and real-life examples of how unrestricted gifts have made a difference in advancing the organization's mission and serving its beneficiaries. Highlight success stories, testimonials, and specific outcomes that demonstrate the value of unrestricted support in driving positive change and achieving tangible results. Incorporate visuals, such as photos, videos, infographics, and impact reports, to enhance storytelling and engage donors emotionally.

    Transparent Financial Reporting: Be transparent about your organization's financial needs, budgetary priorities, and funding gaps. Provide donors with clear and concise information about how unrestricted funds are allocated and utilized to support core programs, cover operational expenses, and invest in strategic initiatives. Use annual reports, financial statements, and donor communications to demonstrate fiscal responsibility, accountability, and stewardship of donor dollars.

    Donor Recognition and Appreciation: Recognize and appreciate donors who contribute unrestricted gifts by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their generosity publicly. Implement a donor recognition program that honors unrestricted donors through personalized thank-you letters, donor spotlights, donor appreciation events, and exclusive engagement opportunities. Show donors that their support is valued, recognized, and instrumental in advancing the organization's mission and vision.

    Create Giving Societies or Circles: Establish giving societies or circles specifically dedicated to unrestricted giving to incentivize and reward donors who make significant contributions to this critical funding stream. Offer benefits and privileges, such as exclusive updates, behind-the-scenes access, and special recognition, to members of these giving groups to enhance their donor experience and foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

    Integrated Fundraising Campaigns: Integrate appeals for unrestricted support into your organization's broader fundraising campaigns and initiatives. Emphasize the importance of unrestricted gifts as the foundation of your fundraising efforts and encourage donors to prioritize general operating support alongside targeted programmatic or capital giving. Use multi-channel marketing strategies, personalized appeals, and donor segmentation tactics to reach different audiences and inspire them to give generously and unrestrictedly.

    By implementing these strategies and emphasizing the value and impact of unrestricted giving, organizations can cultivate a culture of support where donors recognize the critical role of unrestricted funds in sustaining and advancing their mission over the long term.

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