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  • we create cash flow on a daily bases because that way we track what comes in and out daily

  • Every three months due to the change in the currency exchange rate

  • Cash flow is conducted every week in my organization. Not, completely sure.

  • Cash flow is conducted every week in my organization. Not, completely sure.

  • our organisation have to create a cash flow budget for every three months, since it doesn't have a much flow weekly

  • Cash inflow is the money going into a business which could be from sales, investments, or financing. It's the opposite of cash outflow, which is the money leaving the business

  • I think that at this point of the organization, in terms of size and budget, every three months would be a good moment to check cash-flow projections. It is not a common practice for us because we have had a healthy reserve that can make-up for most needs if necessary, but I have been in organizations that had problem paying their staff on time due to cash flow issues. Better saffe than sorry!

  • From personal experience and working with a small organization I feel we would benefit from doing our cash flow analysis weekly. As of now our only source of funds is grants and individual donations, so to keep our projects running we need to do it weekly so as to be able to forecast how long to keep things running

    1 Reply
  • I think cashflow budgets should be created quarterly.

  • In My Organisation, cash flow budgeting is done monthly. reason been that imp-rest (Cash Inflow is allocated to us on monthly basics while the expenditure i.e. Cash Outflow run down through the month. for proper accountability, it is done on monthly basics.

  • Cash flow budget should be created on a monthly basis. This is to ensure the tracking and managing of money flow in the organization.
    It helps to give a holistic picture of the spending activities of the organization that might not be reflected in the Statement of Comprehensive Income document.
    It also helps to have an improved knowledge of cash balance. A this helps to analyze whether there is an excess or a deficit of cash.

  • Cash flow is the difference between cash received and cash spent within a period of time so in my opinion cash flow budgeting should be done monthly in order to track weather the organization is doing well in terms of wether the amount of money they are getting is more than they are spending and if there is deficit they need to find ways to balance it by maybe taking temporary loan to cover up the deficit

  • Cash flow show be created monthly, so as to keep track of project expenditure.

  • I believe our organisation should be creating a cash flow budget every month because it's a new organization and monthly cash flows will help to monitor how money is coming in and flowing out so that in a long run we're able to make adjustments if need be when there is increase in inflows and outflows.

  • A cash flow budget is an estimate of all cash receipts and all cash expenditures that are expected to occur during a certain time period. So my organization should practice this cashflow every month

  • In my organization, cash flow budget is done every month in other to track cash inflow and cash outflows as regarding a project and our overall operations. With the cash flow budget done monthly, we are about to see in real time receivable and available income for use, also to capture what's to be expended, cut down or postponed to another month when there will be sufficient funds to cater for them based on priority.

  • My organization monitors cash flow monthly. We've been around long enough and our income and expenses are steady enough that this seems to be the right frequency for ensuring positive cash flow. Also we have enough reserves -- small, but enough -- that we are somewhat protected from an occasional negative cash flow month.

  • I am located in Zambia Central of southern Africa and for me in my opinion we should do a cash flow budget every 3 months because of Inflation fluctuations and the unpredictable exchange rate.

  • For Our "Sustainable Harvest Foundation," creating a monthly cash flow budget would likely be most suitable. This frequency aligns with the organization's diverse income sources, seasonal activities, and operational expenses. Monthly budgets enable timely adjustments, responsive decision-making, and accurate reporting to stakeholders. While weekly budgets might be too frequent, monthly budgets strike a balance between tracking finances and managing administrative efforts efficiently.

  • This depends on the size of the organisation. For large & medium size organisations, monthly cashflow budget is adviced, while a small size organisation can prepare cashflow budget every three months and any event is foresaw, a one month cashflow budget can be prepared for budget alignment.

  • It is should be prepared every three months to enable departments to focus and strategically make the budget.

  • Montlhy basis

  • Since my organization is new and small with slim source of revenue, i feel it should be monthly

  • The frequency at which an organization should create a cash flow budget depends on several factors, including its size, industry, and specific financial circumstances. In general, businesses often create cash flow budgets on a monthly basis

  • The Cash flow budget is being created every month in my Institution, this is because we needed to track cash in and cash out every month.

  • I believe our organization should develop a cash flow budget every three months (quarterly) and monitor it on monthly basis. This is because cash inflows and outflows may fluctuate monthly due to several occurrences which we may sometimes not have a control over, but we can be able to maintain them over a three months period. If on a certain month either a cash inflow did not happen as expected, we may find the reasons and try to solve that in the next month to maintain the quarterly target. On the other hand, if for any unexpected reason we had to spend more than the budget in a certain month, we can spend next in another month to maintain a quarterly budget.

  • The cash flow budget is being created every month in my organasation, beacause we needed to know the real situation about our cash flow disponibility

  • In our organization, it depends on the cash commitment from donors. Most of the time bridge financing is in practice to cover the outflows during the interim.

  • The frequency of creating a cash flow budget depends on the specific needs and circumstances of the organization. Typically, many organizations create a cash flow budget on a monthly basis. However, businesses with rapidly changing financial situations might opt for more frequent budgets, such as every week or every three months. It's essential to assess the organization's financial stability, industry norms, and specific requirements to determine the appropriate frequency for creating a cash flow budget.

  • Cash flow budget should be created monthly, to provide the finance office and budget holders sufficient time to review cash flow breakdown (income-expenditure) for the month and to enable the team track financial activities towards accountability of funds and having a clear picture of current status following cash flow.

  • Due to the nature of business there is a need for there is a need to review the cash flow budget every three months. It is not a funded organization as such regular review in necessary.

  • Despite frequency of cash flow projection may vary based on organization specific needs and industry, I prefer monthly options because it offers advantage of more detailed and up to date information, enabling proactive financial management, and informed decision making.

  • Its created monthly as the environment is very volatile

  • In my organisation, the cash flow budget is created every two months. It is on this base that the program managers call for funds from our headquarters

  • Preparing the cash flow budget every week will be more effective to my organization as it allows the organization to record in its cash flow statement, the income received for that week and it's expenditure made for the week and if the expense is greater, it enables the organization quickly embark on other means to make sure the cash flow budget is more effective this time around.

  • As a remote organization, our budget and spending of fixed cost is mostly for staff and online subscription such as zoom,, etc. Consider that we don't really have much operational cost to spend in an exact schedule, so I believe that the cash-flow could be created every three months. Otherwise, for project we usually use forecast budget based on planned activities, and also created every three months.

  • How often do you believe your organization should create a cash flow budget: Creating a cash flow budget is a critical financial management practice as it helps organizations plan and manage their resources effectively. The appropriate frequency for updating the cash flow budget may vary, but for my organization i believe it should be done monthly as it allows for a more detailed, regular and minimal loaded analysis of income and expenses. analyzing the budget quarterly open the organization to fraud and unauthorized expenditure that occur without being seen for at leas 3 months

  • Due to the unexpected events that pop up in my area of the non-profit business, I believe my company should create a cash flow budget every month. We frequently acquire unexpected or higher than normal costs of caring for abused, neglected or abandoned animals and we need to ensure we have the budget to help those in the most need.

  • My organization should prepare a cashflow budget every month so as to keep track of how well its cash inflow for the month servers the spending need for the month.

  • Monthly cashflow budgeting is necessary here to balance the cash Inflows & Outflows with receipts received. This allows us understand our project and tracking the system on its impact.

  • Our cash flow budget is prepared on monthly basis to help us keep track of inflows and outflows, understand how liquid we are and the remedies of looking for funds or savings excess cash in the month.

  • For effective monitoring of cash flows and to avoid unforeseen events it is preferable to develop a cash budget each month since in the functional budget there are activities planned each month

  • The frequency at which an organization should create a cash flow budget depends on several factors including the size of the organization, the industry it operates in, the volatility of its cash flows, and its specific financial management needs. However, in general, creating a cash flow budget on a monthly basis is often recommended for most organizations.

  • A cash flow should be done on a weekly basis because there are expenses that are done weekly forexample office utilities like water,internet ,printing papers etc.So if an organization doesn't tract that on a weekly basis it may be hard when waiting for the end of month

  • For sure cash flow budget be created on regular basis. The frequency of creating the cash flow budget and the cash flow analysis is indeed demanded by the type of Organisation.
    For a Non-Profit with shoe string budget, with very limited room for error or fluctuation in status. A weekly intervals would be adequate. But, the Organisation most take into account also the Projects and Programs aspect. Would such intervals induce some negative effect on the operation?!!

  • My organisation receives funds once every quarter and we create a cash flow budget to cater for all the three months. Expenses recurring every month are settled accordingly like electricity, salaries and stationery. Any excess funds that remain means that the funds to be received in the next quarter will be reduced by the amount unused.

  • My organisation receives funds once every quarter and we create a cash flow budget to cater for all the three months. Expenses recurring every month are settled accordingly like electricity, salaries and stationery. Any excess funds that remain means that the funds to be received in the next quarter will be reduced by the amount unused.

  • I would recommend creating a cash flow budget every month for an organization. Monthly budgets enable organizations to be more proactive and take corrective actions if expenses are exceeding income in a particular month. For example, expenses could be reduced or additional funding secured before major cash flow deficits occur.

  • Regarding the frequency of creating a cash flow budget, it would depend on the nature and size of your organization. For most organizations, creating a cash flow budget every month would be ideal to closely monitor and manage cash flow activities. This frequency allows for timely adjustments and forecasting to ensure financial stability and sustainability.

  • Regarding the frequency of creating a cash flow budget, it would depend on the nature and size of your organization. For most organizations, creating a cash flow budget every month would be ideal to closely monitor and manage cash flow activities. This frequency allows for timely adjustments and forecasting to ensure financial stability and sustainability.

  • Cashflow budgets should be prepared quarterly, inline with projected activity expenses

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