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  • Before coming up with an advocacy in a given set up,you need to understand the political environment. This will help in coming up with the right approach or tactic to address the problem.

  • Your statement highlights a crucial aspect of advocacy – the need to understand and address the root causes of the issues at hand. Being inclusive and directly engaging with those affected by the problem is indeed a powerful approach. It ensures that advocacy efforts are grounded in real experiences and challenges. Additionally, by delving into the political context, advocates can tailor their strategies to navigate the specific challenges they may face. This nuanced understanding ultimately strengthens the effectiveness of advocacy initiatives. Well-articulated!

  • Children with Disabilities particularly children with Cerebral Palsy have limited access to healthcare services in Nigeria, resulting in adverse socio-economic outcomes and higher rates of poverty than the general population. They also encounter attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their equal and effective contribution to society. In Nigeria, there are over 29 million people living with disabilities, and it is estimated that nine out of ten Nigerians with disabilities live in poverty. However, Children with disabilities are one of the most marginalized and excluded groups in society, and oftentimes their issues are not prioritized in governments policies and programs. Facing daily discrimination in the form of negative attitudes, lack of adequate policies and legislation, they are effectively barred from realizing their rights to healthcare, education, and even survival. Children with on-set childhood disabilities such as cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, dawn syndrome and other medical complexities arising from circumstances of birth should not be denied the right to access health care services guaranteed by law.

    Even though Nigeria signed and ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and further adopted the law prohibiting Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act, in 2018. Yet, children with disabilities and their families often face pity and stigma. Discrimination reduces access to many aspects of life including education, health and work. Many discriminatory practices against persons with disabilities are entrenched and sustained by religion and cultural beliefs. Women with disabilities may encounter more obstacles than men. Children with disabilities may also face negative perceptions and resulting unfair treatment. Disabilities are often believed to be related to curses; ancestral violations; offenses against gods of the land; breaking laws and family sins; misfortune; witches and wizards; adultery; a warning from the gods of the land; societal taboos; misdeed in a previous life; illegal or unapproved marriage; evil spirits; and many others.

    There is need to address the discrimination and harmful practices and abuse of fundamental human rights of children with disabilities. In Abuja particularly there is high cases of killing of children with cerebral palsy remain on the increase, and therefore called for drastic action by government to protect such children’s rights. Medical service and care for children with disabilities particularly cerebral palsy requires considerable resources and time. To manage and cope with a child ‘s functional limitation and possible life- long dependence presents a multifaceted challenge for parents as well as the entire family. Studies showed that parents of such children experience tension and struggle especially the mothers who has to be with this child most of the time providing care. Mothers of such children are overwhelmed with the caring responsibilities, some of them left even their formal employment to stay home with their disabled children.

    One of the major hindrances to access to primary health care for children and young people with disabilities is the slow implementation of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (prohibition) Act. After years of signing the bill into law, Nigeria is yet to fully implement the appropriate measures required to achieve the objective of protecting people with disabilities particularly children and young people. Nigerians with health insurance provided by social security is 1.4 percent for persons with disabilities (2.9 percent for females, 0 percent for males), compared to 2.4 percent for persons without disabilities (1.7 percent for females, 3.1 percent for males). few state governments provide income support for older people and persons with disabilities. In general, there social protection for people with disabilities in Nigeria is regarded as ineffective, despite multiple programmes being funded and implemented across the country by numerous donors, non-government organisations, and agencies. In general, social protection programmes are uncoordinated, fragmented and inefficient.

  • The political setting determines the kind of advocacy to be carried out.

  • The political setting determines the kind of advocacy to be carried out.

  • The political context of a country has a very vital role to

  • Very interesting and enlightening.

  • The political context in my place is semi open. where the government seems to be open to allow peoples speak but they can be trailed. sometimes the political will is absent. government attempts to control the media and limit freedom of speech, but irrespective of that actions need to be initiated/ taken.

  • The importance of the political context in designing advocacy is a must as it shapes the whole advocacy strategy and tactics.

  • In political context, Advocacy is the fundamental mechanism for citizens and organizations to voice their concerns ,seek change and participate in the democratic process.
    It can encompass a wide range of issues ,including social justice ,environmental protection ,human rights and healthcare ,education and more.

  • Understanding the political context is key, particularly when working internationally. No assumptions can be made, as noted, that what worked in one setting will be effective in an other. As important as the political context is the cultural context. In humanitarian organizations, particularly when responding to emergencies, it is not enough to understand the government. For example, when distributing emergency relief items, is it appropriate to ask the man or the woman of the household what is needed? How can you conduct a needs assessment in a community where women are not permitted out of the home? Often, before the direct services can be given, some advocacy activities are needed to gain access to the people who are most vulnerable.

  • By analyzing the root causes of a problem, one gains a comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand. Inclusivity ensures that diverse perspectives are considered, fostering a more accurate representation of the challenges faced. Direct engagement with individuals experiencing the problems provides invaluable insights, enabling advocates to tailor strategies that address the nuanced aspects of the issue and ultimately contribute to more effective solutions.

  • Designing a successful advocacy strategy involves defining clear goals, understanding the target audience, and tailoring messaging. Comprehensive research on the issue, identifying key stakeholders, and analyzing the political and social landscape is crucial. Utilizing diverse communication channels, forming strategic partnerships, and incorporating measurable indicators for success contribute to the strategy's effectiveness.

  • I clearly do agree with the whole idea of contextualization, I feel this would possibly help set boundaries as to what one can advocate for and to what extent they can go in their advocacy. There are few countries which allow NGO's to fully express themselves by giving an idea aimed at creating positive change, Many countries are actually Semi Open. A hindering factor to any form of progress.

  • Oct 22, 2020, 11:33 PM
    Political environment not only determines the operations an NGO but can sometimes land the management to get troubles with the government regimes.

  • cool, I have found this course very interesting.

  • The starting point prior to developing any advocacy strategy is defining the problem. The way to define this problem is not exact and will not be the same for every organization but rather will. e relative to the issues at the heart of the NGO and its mission. There are no fine lines to defining the problem as the mission of most organisations will intersect between different social or political issues.
    Additionally context is also important because this will largely affect the advocacy strategy which you choose to use

  • The importance of understanding the type of political environment that your organisation operates goes a long way to determine your advocacy approach.

  • Effectively addressing social issues requires contextualizing advocacy approaches, delving into root causes, and understanding perspectives. Inclusivity, involving those directly affected, enables a nuanced understanding, and facilitates targeted, sustainable solutions. This approach ensures marginalized communities' voices are heard, fostering holistic and empathetic advocacy for meaningful and lasting change.

  • Being conscious of the political environment is very important to the advocacy work. This is because it will help in shaping the governance structure of the organization. The political environment is also what allows an enabling environment for the success or otherwise of the advocacy work. Even in the event that the advocacy work is intended to change the political context, there is the need to still understand the political context.

  • I agree on understanding the problem we are trying to solve, and knowing the root cause. This will guide the advocacy structure and strategy to use. What we might consider to be a behavioral problem for example teenage pregnancies, could actually be lack of exposure, education and minimal access to basic needs leading to teenagers engaging in sex early. This understanding will guide the advocacy strategy as it will focus on the root cause.

  • Inclusitivity of the subject concerned is very vital, thus makes the team lead come out with the best solutions to the defined problems. Otherwise what one thinks is the solution might differ with what is really needed.

  • I think we have very few countries in which we have open contexts, where the opinion of stakeholders, NGOs, the constituents are actively sought by the decision-makers, ie politicians. I can only think of one, where there is an active type of direct democracy, where the voters are regularly at the polls to give their opinion on key governmental policies. In my country, the governance is not at all clear. There is a murky line of responsibility. The main taxing governmental body doesn't deliver the bulk of the programs in the areas of education and healthcare, resulting in poor accountability over the use of the public coffers for those sectors. We have to approach various levels of government, because the decision maker is not clearly one or the other level.

  • Indeed openness of those in political posts is crucial to achieve better results in Advocacy, but there's few places to find that.

  • a lot of countries in the world have facing this kind of political context. but a lot of countries especially underdevelopment countries have this kind of political context of restrictive which leds to many people not rise their voice to share what they have, in which we believe through sharing we can help getting different opinion which will leads to social change. But also think a lot of developed countries have semi open political context which help them to be where they are sometimes. According to that it gives as a hard time to reduce some social problem within the community.

  • So true as this could you and the organization to certain risk

  • This is absolutely an important factor, because if you do not put into consideration the context of your political environment while adopting advocay policies, you put your organisation and team at a risk.

  • I definitely agree with the idea because before delve into advocacy effort understanding the context is very much important to make our advocacy effort effective at the end of the day.

  • I am part of an institution in Pará Brazil Amazonia I know how difficult it is to defend rights. Here we fight to guarantee the human rights of children and adolescents who are victims of violence.

  • Restrictive delay development in most countries

  • Truly advocacy is a powerful tool for creating change, but it requires thoughtful planning. One must understand existing power dynamics and structures related to the cause and also identify who holds power and what your own level of power is. The risk involved and how to manage it is also imperative. So anticipating potential challenges and risks and developing strategies to mitigate the risks is important.

    • list item
  • I definitely agree. In my organization, we support libraries in our state. So many of the problems our libraries and library workers face are hotly politicized right now. Whether it's the burden of student loan debt for an advanced degree in an underpaid field or the freedom to practice librarianship in a way that is ethical and in line with best practices in the field. Listening to our library staff reveals not only their individual perspectives on the issue but also the nuances that only front-line workers can see. Knowing this context helps me be more effective in my work, and it helps me discern which problems take priority and which may need to be tabled.

  • Yes it is very important to analyse the political environnemental before to undertake advocacy activities, because the political context will help you to set up advocacy strategies.

  • A question that stood out for me was, "What is worth advocating for...?" - and it struck a nerve because in my country (Zimbabwe) - the context is (extremely) restrictive - and certain human rights are not valid in the law. For example, medical abortions are criminalized and regardless of the number of abandoned babies and unplanned ("unwanted") pregnancies - the law-makers refuse to acknowledge that there is a need for abortions to be legalized for the health and safety of the women and girls who find themselves in situations where they are forced to become mothers. To add to the problem, the guise of Christianity is used to reinforce the "pro-life" rhetoric, which makes the entire ordeal shameful and people who would want to have safe abortions find themselves alone, ashamed and unsupported.
    I do think it is worth advocating for abortion rights in the country however, I fear that because the religious rhetoric is so prevalent, the advocacy would be hindered by widespread personal philosophies that condemn abortions, on a religious basis.

    Another group of vulnerable people in Zimbabwe, are the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual people - they are altogether dismissed and their existence is criminalized - but even worse than that, their existence is largely perceived as disdainful. This, again is based on "culture" and religion. Unfortunately, being closeted and quiet is the only safe way for the community to exist. Being loud and proud will not only attract legal penalties but also public reproof and in some cases violent responses. So, the question of whether it is worth advocating for these rights in Zimbabwe would be no. Buuuuuut.... I would argue as well that, this is exactly the context where advocacy is most desperately needed. The context is restrictive and it would be unsafe, and many would argue that Zimbabwe has more pressing humanitarian issues to address (the unreliable water and electricity supplies, infrastructure and inhumane treatment of prisoners etc.) however, I believe that there is a need for progress and resistance - I commend GALZ and anyone else fighting for visibility in this harsh, harsh context.

  • Good work. Marijuana can be used, but it is necessary to have strong regulations to limit the abuse.

  • Yes it's important to have an understanding of the political situation and cultural concept of the country your organization is operating in

  • Good work. Marijuana can be used, but it is necessary to have strong regulations to limit the abuse.

  • The political context is essential for understanding and engaging in advocacy because it shapes the environment in which policies are formulated, decisions are made, and social change occurs. Politics refers to the distribution and exercise of power within a society, and it encompasses the interactions between various actors, such as government institutions, political parties, interest groups, and the general public.

    Here are a few reasons why the political context is crucial for advocacy:

    Policy-making: Advocacy aims to influence policies and bring about desired changes. Understanding the political landscape helps advocates identify the decision-making processes, key players, and power dynamics involved in shaping policies. It allows them to strategically target their efforts and build alliances to maximize their impact.

    Public opinion and support: The political context includes public sentiment and popular opinion, which can significantly influence policy outcomes. Advocacy efforts often rely on mobilizing public support through awareness campaigns, public education, and grassroots organizing. By understanding the prevailing political attitudes and perceptions, advocates can tailor their messages and strategies to resonate with the target audience.

    Legal and regulatory framework: Political systems establish the legal and regulatory frameworks within which advocacy operates. Familiarity with laws, regulations, and procedures relevant to the issue being advocated for is crucial for effective advocacy. It helps advocates navigate the system, identify potential barriers or opportunities, and ensure their activities comply with legal requirements.

    Power dynamics and interests: Politics involves the distribution of power and competing interests. Advocacy requires an understanding of the power dynamics at play, including the influence of different stakeholders and their agendas. This knowledge helps advocates identify potential allies, opponents, or obstacles to their goals. It also allows them to anticipate and respond to potential resistance or backlash.

    Policy implementation and enforcement: Even if advocacy efforts lead to policy changes, the political context remains important during the implementation and enforcement phases. Political will, bureaucratic capacity, and resource allocation are critical factors that affect the successful implementation of policies. Advocates need to stay engaged in the political process to ensure that policies are effectively executed and monitored.

    In summary, the political context provides the framework within which advocacy efforts take place. Understanding the political dynamics, policy-making processes, public sentiment, legal frameworks, and power structures is crucial for effective advocacy and achieving the desired outcomes.

  • The political context is essential for understanding and engaging in advocacy because it shapes the environment in which policies are formulated, decisions are made, and social change occurs. Politics refers to the distribution and exercise of power within a society, and it encompasses the interactions between various actors, such as government institutions, political parties, interest groups, and the general public.

    Here are a few reasons why the political context is crucial for advocacy:

    Policy-making: Advocacy aims to influence policies and bring about desired changes. Understanding the political landscape helps advocates identify the decision-making processes, key players, and power dynamics involved in shaping policies. It allows them to strategically target their efforts and build alliances to maximize their impact.

    Public opinion and support: The political context includes public sentiment and popular opinion, which can significantly influence policy outcomes. Advocacy efforts often rely on mobilizing public support through awareness campaigns, public education, and grassroots organizing. By understanding the prevailing political attitudes and perceptions, advocates can tailor their messages and strategies to resonate with the target audience.

    Legal and regulatory framework: Political systems establish the legal and regulatory frameworks within which advocacy operates. Familiarity with laws, regulations, and procedures relevant to the issue being advocated for is crucial for effective advocacy. It helps advocates navigate the system, identify potential barriers or opportunities, and ensure their activities comply with legal requirements.

    Power dynamics and interests: Politics involves the distribution of power and competing interests. Advocacy requires an understanding of the power dynamics at play, including the influence of different stakeholders and their agendas. This knowledge helps advocates identify potential allies, opponents, or obstacles to their goals. It also allows them to anticipate and respond to potential resistance or backlash.

    Policy implementation and enforcement: Even if advocacy efforts lead to policy changes, the political context remains important during the implementation and enforcement phases. Political will, bureaucratic capacity, and resource allocation are critical factors that affect the successful implementation of policies. Advocates need to stay engaged in the political process to ensure that policies are effectively executed and monitored.

    In summary, the political context provides the framework within which advocacy efforts take place. Understanding the political dynamics, policy-making processes, public sentiment, legal frameworks, and power structures is crucial for effective advocacy and achieving the desired outcomes.

  • This is one of the reasons I am taking this course because I have to figure out another avenue for the advocacy group. Something that will positively impact the community.

  • Am from Kenya, Political influence in Kenya is worst. Political leader are divided based on individual perception on the problem. It become more worse if the problem is embedded in cultural believes and religious practices.

    1 Reply
  • I agree with you and now we are learning tools and skills that should assist us in causing a shift in the way reasoning around us and subsequently behavior.

  • Discussing the importance of understanding the political landscape within which advocacy efforts should be conducted. This includes factors such as government structures, political ideologies, power dynamics, and the role of stakeholders.

  • This has been a very informative session and i truly agree that understanding the context first is very important in guiding an organization in the process of identifying what strategy to use for what particular problem you are here to solve.

  • I agree that the political and social climate is important; however what if these are the very things that we are advocating against ie we want them to change

  • Are there any tools that you can use to assess how open or restrictive a system is?

  • I am very excited to implement the things i learned into my own organizations advocacy strategy.

  • Absolutely agree. Advocacy without considering the voice of the people experiencing the problem is wasted resources.

  • One cannot solve the effects of a problem, without solving the problem itself. Not only the hows (mechanics) of an issue, but also the whys.

  • There's definitely a relationship between advocacy and politics! Advocacy is all about influencing change and making your voice heard, and that often requires engaging with the political process. By working with policymakers and legislators, advocates can help to create and influence laws and policies that affect their cause. In a sense, advocacy is a way to make your voice heard in the political sphere. Without advocacy, many issues would never make it onto the political agenda.

  • There's definitely a relationship between advocacy and politics! Advocacy is all about influencing change and making your voice heard, and that often requires engaging with the political process. By working with policymakers and legislators, advocates can help to create and influence laws and policies that affect their cause. In a sense, advocacy is a way to make your voice heard in the political sphere. Without advocacy, many issues would never make it onto the political agenda.

  • I think advocacy and political context are like two wings that should work together for a safe journey in our daily activities

  • Yes, I could see that the issue of understanding the political environment is key to crafting an advocacy plan.This session is quite educative.

  • o contexto político desempenha um papel fundamental na prática da advocacia, moldando o ambiente legal, influenciando decisões judiciais e criando oportunidades e desafios para advogados e seus clientes. É importante para os advogados entenderem e navegarem nesse contexto para melhor atenderem às necessidades de seus clientes e defenderem seus interesses de maneira eficaz

  • Organizations must choose the best promotional approach that best suits them.

  • It was great listening to the podcast. The biggest key take is understanding the context and formulating a strategy that can work out well. It's great to learn that individuals doing advocacy need to walk away from the assumption that advocacy can be achieved with ease and to approach it in a manner that does not endanger their safety.

  • It is pretty obvious that the political context in which you operate is a strong determinant to the success or failure of your advocacy. This simply implies that one has to really understand the context in which s/he is operating before making any decisions.

  • I agree, also one has to be diplomatic about what he or she says or does. You can't do a lot when you are in prison, so try your best to advocate wisely based on any political climate in which you find yourself.

  • I would clearly state that without politics, life would be effortless. hence a vital space to take note of in pursuing anything.

  • My advocacy organization, (ACE) Advocacy for Community Enhancement, will deal with all aspects of community perspectives which will entail many contexts and strategies and present many challenges. In a community environment politics will always be at the center.

  • My goal is to meet the right people with the right access and experience to provide a clear pipeline of paperwork and connections and funding opportunities.

  • Advocacy most times has politics as its reason for existence. One cannot have any advocacy just like that because its the laws of the land that determine a lot that happens to humanity within the country.

    A good understanding of the political terrain of the country helps in structuring an advocacy campaign to achieve success. In addition to that, adherence to existing laws is a knowledge the advocates must have.

  • advocacy is very close to politics

  • In fact,one should first analysed context be it political or environmental so as to know what would hinder you from solving the problem at hand.
    In areas of political fragility, you first have to get information on these obstacles as you plan on ways to mitigate risks.
    For instance, you could involved intervention of international organizations by coordinating and collaborating with eg ICRC whose mission is to advocate for human rights and working with them will give you access to unreachable areas.

  • Any advocacy effort will need the support of political players to ensure its sustainability.

  • It is key to consider the political environment, before any approaches to problem solving.

  • Where I operate, the political context is a semi open context and its slow down the development work because of lack of transparency and openness.

  • Advocacy within the political context involves actively promoting and supporting a particular cause or issue to influence decision-making and policy development within the government or legislative bodies.

  • Whatever the current situation is, it probably suits someone, otherwise it would already have been changed. Knowing the political situation seems crucial as one's advocacy efforts seeks to shift the current situtuation and will probably affect power balance or where money goes. More power to marginalized groups will means less power to dominate over someone. Gain for some might mean pain for others, which will likely cause resistance. It seems wise to prepare for that by knowing one's political context.

  • The importance of taking into account our political context and adapt to it is also well explained in the famous book of Srdja Popovic "How to topple a dictator".

  • Politics goes beyond governments and includes the interworking's between types of organizations and power holders.

  • This is spot on because we are always tempted, as comms and advocacy, to replicate a strategy we have see work in another context. It is not guaranteed that that will indeed work in the context where we are working. It is also useful to think about the impact your advocacy will have on your beneficiaries and the entire project itself. Some things are almost impossible to recover from and it only takes on step in the wrong direction to ruin things.

  • Identifying and understanding context is critical to strategic advocacy planning. It is just as important as identifying the problem you are attempting to solve.

  • If we don’t contextualize our advocacy approach, we will miss important issues that are contributing to the problem. When we break down the issue, we can attempt to advocate for multiple perspectives. In doing so though, we can’t forget the whole picture.

  • Every NGO should and must understand the intersection of advocacy and political influence to play rightly in making an impact. For effective impact to be possible, organizations may not seek the right environment but make the environment right for your work. This comes only when you have mastered and understood the political ecosystem in which you are working.

  • Which helps in giving a clearer goal of the advocacy being carried out

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