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  • I think Amina can gain several benefits if she is able to successfully engage with the government

    1. Access to Government Resources
    2. Policy Advocacy and Reform
    3. Increased Credibility and Recognition
    1 Reply
    • In my perspective, the benefir firstly is that her brand wil be more recognised and if she collaborates well with the government, it gives an opportunity for her organisation to get more funding .
    • Government partnership offers strategic guidance for navigating political landscape.
    • Lastly Engaging with the government can improve community awareness, reduce unplanned pregnancies and maternal deaths, and build trust with community leaders, ultimately driving down maternal deaths and unplanned pregnancies in Philippians- doing so it then makes her brand known for great work in the community
  • amina can also get funding support to supplement her limited resources to implement project activities.

  • I am of the view that she can also gain important insights from the feedback through her engagement with the government. This can in turn enable her NGO to leverage such insights to be more innovative. Additionally, she can also be networked to other individuals or local entities with same interests and hence expanding her opportunity to partner with them for even far wide and reaching impact. Lastly, the engagement is likely to enhance her NGO's legitimacy.

  • Point number 2 is even way better đź‘Ť

  • The ways Amina could benefit are:

    1. Gain traction to promote the work of her organization - it may even gain additional funding to support the work she intends to carry on.
    2. The government could adopt her approach, and partner with her to showcase the program to young adults in communities across the Philippines.
  • Some of the benefits include:

    Improved accountability
    Public trust
    Improved legitimacy

  • I think Amina's organization stands to gain the below benefits in addition to what was mentioned in the case study:

    1. The Government’s involvement will increase its level of participation, taking initiative in the growth and success through access to resource mobilization of Amina’s organization’s objective.
    2. For the sustainability and evolution of the objective, Amina’s organization will be considered as a champion leader/ of change in issues related to reproductive health in the country. They will be considered during policymaking processes.
    3. There will be increased visibility and credibility with donors which means more donor support.
    4. The Palawan community as well as other communities will have more trust for her organization.
  • I think Amina can gain several benefits such as:

    • enhancing her personal brand and popularizing the issue all over the country
    • building relationship and trust with government
    • creating more useful impact and inspiring other people to create their blue oceans
  • Amina's engagement with the government with expand her reach and increase her network. This would largely impact the growth of her NGO and acceptance in the public. In addition, she'll gain insights into different opportunities and gain ideas and strategies for improvement of the NGO.
    In addition, she is likely to get approval for certain things needed by her NGO that only the government can give.

    1. Wider Reach: Amina will gain a wider reach if she successfully engages with the government. She'll gain access to remote areas where she originally didn't have access to.
    2. Connections/Network: She will build valuable connections with people who could have direct or indirect impact on her organisation.
    3. Licenses: She could obtain the required licenses to operate or function in certain restricted areas or community.
    4. Her brand will be widely accepted with the backing of the government.
  • Some of the benefits of engaging the government that Amina could gain are:

    1. Long-term sustainability of the program
    2. Implementation of policies that can benefit her NGO in pursuit of her goal(s)
    3. Partnership that would enable wider coverage of the program thereby benefiting people outside Palawan
    4. Government support, etc
    1. Amina will build a relationship with the Government and win its trust and also of the community
    2. With support from the government, Amina's Organisation will will be able to identify new trends, ideas and resources
  • 1.Showcase the local government what will be the benefit of the purpose.

  • Collaboration and Partnership
    Public Recognition and Credibility
    Access to government Funding

  • Stakeholder engagement is relevant to any type of organisation:
    business, public or civil society. It is particularly important in the
    context of running an organisation responsibly and is integral to
    the concept of Corporate Responsibility.An organisation cannot
    be serious about Corporate Responsibility unless it is serious
    about stakeholder engagement – and vice versa.
    Stakeholder engagement is crucially different to stakeholdermanagement: stakeholder engagement implies a willingness to
    listen; to discuss issues of interest to stakeholders of the
    organisation; and, critically, the organisation has to be prepared to
    consider changing what it aims to achieve and how it operates,
    as a result of stakeholder engagement.

  • Engaging the government will have more of an impact since it might get support and buy-in from the government.

  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as

    1. building and sustaining cohesive within the communities she operates
    2. improving outcomes of the project
    3. ensuring access and community empowerment
    4. helping local governments to promote sustainable decisions
    5. it will do away with the perception of witch hunting duty-bearers
  • NGOs require government support to grow, particularly in sectors like health care and education. National funding and policy are determined by governments, which ensures scale and sustainability. Governments can also use NGOs' assistance to innovate and improve accountability.

  • I think Amina will gain much in the sense that:
    -She will be able to gain the trust of government and build a good relationship needed for the success of her organization.
    -She will gain access to the vital information she may need to better address the issue in the community.
    -She will be able to create impact on the community and government will support her wherever possible.

  • amina will gain trust from the government also an improved brand marketing .....hence this will make the organisation to be well known and popular thus improving service delivery

  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as;

    • Funding from government
    • Her NGO will look legitimate
    • Government can help her with other possible ways
  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as;

    • Help from government
    • Better exposure to her NGO
  • Building a trust is the most important thing in stakeholder management. I like the saying “show, don’t tell.”. I believe this will defiantly help.

  • Penso que os beneficios que Amina podera obter sĂŁo:

    1. Possibilidade de aplicar o projecto em áreas remotas da província;
    2. Alcançar mais beneficiários;
    3. Maior aceitação das comunidades;
  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as:
    1.) Visibility to other states which can provide opportunities for replication and scaling up of successful interventions.
    2.) Recognition and endorsement from the government.
    3.) Access to government facilities and infrastructure for service delivery.
    4.) Opportunity to be able to influence policy discussions and decision making.

  • She can effectively collaborate with relevant stakeholders to bring more awareness to her cause and ultimately achieve the goals of her NGO

    Through the feedback she gets, she understands the stake holders’ perspective, generate more ideas and increase her partners resulting in more visibility to keep creating impact

    By engaging the government, she will have access to more resources to help achieve the goals of her NGO

  • Funding for her organization and encouraging similar organizations

    1. She can build good r/s with government officials and build trust
    2. From the good relationship she will gain vital feedback that she will incorporate in her SRH programs.
    3. If she incorporates the vital feedback into her program and implement them, she will enhance building her brand.
    4. She will mitigate risk that are arise from government.
    5. If all risks are minimized, she will be creating innovative solutions and create more impacts on the community.
    1 Reply
  • How can Amina gain and expand her brand acceptability across many segments of society?

    1. Amina can conduct market research to understand the diverse segments of society she wants to target.
    2. She can tailor her messaging and outreach to resonate with each segment's specific needs and values.
    3. Collaborating with influencers, community leaders, or organizations from different segments can help in expanding her brand's reach.
    4. Developing a strong online and social media presence can also increase brand acceptability across various demographics.

    How can Amina eliminate conflicts and erode negative perceptions of her NGO?

    1. Amina should engage in open and transparent communication with stakeholders to address any conflicts or concerns.
    2. Conducting regular feedback sessions and surveys with stakeholders can help identify and resolve issues.
    3. Showcasing the NGO's achievements and the positive impact it has made in the community can help change negative perceptions.
    4. Implementing conflict resolution and management strategies within the organization can prevent conflicts from escalating.

    How can Amina create more social impacts among her beneficiaries?

    1. Amina can continually assess the needs of her beneficiaries through surveys and feedback.
    2. Implement data-driven strategies to ensure that programs and initiatives are effective in creating social impact.
    3. Collaborate with other organizations or individuals who can complement her efforts and maximize social impact.
    4. Regularly monitor and evaluate the outcomes of the NGO's activities and make adjustments as needed to enhance their effectiveness.

    How can Amina create the understanding and trust needed to encourage government participation and assistance?

    1. Amina should establish clear communication channels with government officials and agencies.
    2. She can provide data and evidence of the positive outcomes and impact of her NGO's work.
    3. Engage in advocacy efforts to demonstrate how the NGO's initiatives align with government priorities and policies.
    4. Building relationships and networking with key government stakeholders can help in gaining their understanding and trust in the NGO's mission and goals.
  • Building positive relationships with government officials is essential for anyone looking to make an impact in their community. By building trust and having an open dialogue, an individual can gain invaluable feedback that can be incorporated into their programs to enhance their brand and reduce any risks associated with government intervention.

    In order to ensure the success of her programs and initiatives, she should actively seek out feedback from government officials and ensure that it is incorporated into her plans. This feedback can be used to create innovative solutions that will help to create more positive impacts on the community. Additionally, it can help to reduce any risks that may arise from government intervention.

    By actively engaging with government officials and taking their feedback into consideration, an individual can be sure that their initiatives and programs are as successful as possible. This will help to create a more positive impact on the community and ensure that their brand is promoted in the right way.

  • I believe Amina's organisation would benefit from greater stakeholder engagement by:

    1. Engaging stakeholders more effectively, allows for diverse perspectives and insights, leading to more informed and effective decisions.

    2. Regular interaction with stakeholders builds trust and may enhance the organisation's reputation.

    3. Stakeholder engagement can identify potential risks and issues early, enabling proactive measures to mitigate them.

    4. Involving stakeholders, particularly the government, in the planning process increases their commitment to and support for projects and initiatives.

    5. Open communication channels help in addressing and resolving conflicts more effectively.

    6. Engaging with stakeholders demonstrates a commitment to corporate social responsibility, improving public opinion.

    7. Stakeholder engagement is crucial for understanding and meeting the needs of various groups, ensuring long-term organisational sustainability.

  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as:

    1. Opportunity for government funds
    2. More networking opportunities that will help with their projects or programs.
    3. Positive feedback from the government, which will help strengthen their relationship and build trust between both parties.
  • I think if Amina engaged the government, Amina's NGO and government can collaborate together to provide reproductive health care services, education, and contraceptives to the girls and women in her local community of Palawan. Also, if the engagement ran smoothly and Amina still communicated with the government, Amina can receive assistance to acquire the necessary licensing for organizing an event.

  • I think Amina can gain several benefits such as,
    Build relationship and trust with the government and the health service. This will enhance partnership for her work
    Gain vital feedback from outside her organisation which can improve her strategy
    Enhance her brand

  • By partnering with a larger NGO, Amina can benefit in several ways. Firstly, she can gain greater brand recognition and acceptance across different segments of society. This can help eliminate conflicts and erode negative perceptions of her own NGO. Secondly, by joining forces with a larger NGO, she can create more social impacts among her beneficiaries, potentially leading to greater support from the government. Thirdly, the partnership can create the understanding and trust needed to encourage government participation and assistance.

  • I think Amina will benefit the following amongst others
    Manage expectations- parents, department of health at times tend to expect more from supporting organization including issues not in the program scope.
    build trust and relationship- communication/engagement is the only way to establish and cement relations amongst all who has interest in the project.
    Working with different stakeholders such as teachers, parents, healthcare professionals, Social development and community leaders will help her to understand the challenges and opportunities related to teenage sexual and reproductive health.

  • There are many good benefits identified already. I can add - the alignment of NGO and government strategies in this regard can optimise the efforts of Amina's NGO working in communities where schools have already been trained and therefore youths and teachers and community health workers are more supportive.

    Potential mutual benefits would include harnessing media jointly, which as gov or NGO may be less impactful.

    Amina may alss recruit community health workers and teachers or event youths with their own experience of pregnancy to her cause building the reach of the organisation but also potentially the future impact.

  • some additional benefits that Amina might gain if she is able to successfully engage with the government:

    Increased legitimacy and credibility: By working with the government, Amina will be able to show that her organization is a legitimate and credible provider of reproductive health services. This will make it more likely that people will trust her organization and seek out its services.

    Access to resources: The government can provide Amina's organization with a variety of resources, such as funding, training, and equipment. This will help her organization to expand its reach and provide more services to more people.

    Improved coordination: Working with the government can help Amina's organization to coordinate its activities with other government agencies and NGOs. This will help to avoid duplication of effort and ensure that everyone is working together to achieve common goals.

    Greater sustainability: If Amina's organization is able to successfully engage with the government, it is more likely to be sustainable in the long run. This is because the government will be more likely to provide ongoing support for the organization's work.

  • I think Amina will benefit the following amongst others
    Manage expectations- parents, department of health at times tend to expect more from supporting organization including issues not in the program scope.
    build trust and relationship- communication/engagement is the only way to establish and cement relations amongst all who has interest in the project.
    Working with different stakeholders such as teachers, parents, healthcare professionals, Social development and community leaders will help her to understand the challenges and opportunities related to teenage sexual and reproductive health.

  • Engaging with the government can yield several benefits for Amina and Roots of Health:

    1. Reach more people
      The government can help Roots of Health reach a wider audience through public awareness campaigns and by providing access to government-run facilities.

    2. Get funding
      The government can provide funding for Roots of Health's clinics and programs.

    3. Overcome legal and regulatory hurdles
      The government can help Roots of Health overcome some of the legal and regulatory hurdles it faces, such as by providing technical assistance or by changing laws and regulations.

    4. Gain legitimacy and credibility
      Working with the government can give Roots of Health more legitimacy and credibility in the eyes of the public and other stakeholders.

    5. Become more sustainable
      Engaging with the government can help Roots of Health become more sustainable in the long run by providing access to resources and by building relationships with key stakeholders.

    6. Address the Catholic Church
      The government can help Roots of Health address the Catholic Church, which is a major obstacle to its work.

    7. Mandate sex education
      The national government can mandate sex education in schools and training for teachers beyond just Palawan.

    8. Employ healthcare workers
      Local government employs health care workers in remote areas that Roots of Health can't reach.

  • To me Amina can;

    1. Gain and expand her work across other communities in Philipines.
    2. Eliminate conflicts and minimize negative perception of her NGO.
    3. Create more social impacts among her beneficiaries.
    4. Promote understanding and trust to encourage government participation and assistance
    5. Build strong working relation with the government.](image url)
  • By engaging the government, Amina can gain several benefits:

    • her project will have more credibility once the government approves of it. Generally, citizens approve a project if the government is seen to accept it.
    • Amina's project will be more sustainable in the long run as government involvement brings credibility
  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as

    1. Government engagement can open doors for international collaboration and funding.
    2. Establishing a positive working relationship with the government.
    3. Collaboration with government health agencies can result in capacity-building opportunities.
    4. Successful engagement with the government can lead to the formulation and implementation of supportive policies for reproductive health.
  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as increased credibility and legitimacy for Roots of Health, access to additional resources and funding channels, collaboration opportunities with government health programs, and the potential for broader policy influence to address systemic reproductive health challenges beyond her local community.

  • successfully engaging with the government can offer Amina and Roots of Health a range of benefits beyond immediate service delivery. It can enhance legitimacy, increase sustainability, drive policy change, and foster impactful partnerships, ultimately creating a more conducive environment for improving reproductive health outcomes in the Philippines.

  • The benefits of engaging could include Amina finding new partners and funders to expand her work, more young women benefiting from her services less hostility from organisations that don't currently support her work.

  • I believe some benefits would include:
    1-Education and awareness of her brand and her work, its importance and its impact
    2-Enhance the reliability and the likelihood of access of her program: if the government is involved, individuals might see the program as "legit"
    3-New ideas and more access to resources to provide services

  • I believe some benefits would include:
    1-Education and awareness of her brand and her work, its importance and its impact
    2-Enhance the reliability and the likelihood of access of her program: if the government is involved, individuals might see the program as "legit"
    3-New ideas and more access to resources to provide services

  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as

    • The partnership could lead to enhanced scale and sustainability in the long run by integrating elements of Amina's strategy into government programs and policies thereby extending the reach and social impact.

    • Amina's NGO could gain a stronger reputation and advocacy power in this space as it gains a stronger voice in decision-making processes and public health discussions. This can lead to greater awareness and support for reproductive health issues at all levels of governance.

    • The successful engagement and subsequent partnership could enhance the credibility and legitimacy of Amina's NGO, which can in turn attract more support from other stakeholders such as donors and the community.

    • The collaboration could also provide Amina's NGO with access to a wider range of resources, including infrastructure, and expertise.

  • Amina will gain

    1. more impact for her beneficiaries as working with other stakeholders will be a source of knowledge and resources that her project cant provide on its own and also coordination
    2. she will get important feedback
    3. she will manage the risks
  • i think Amina will be able to government good will from the government health dockets i.e ministry of health
    She will also be able build a mutual undesrstanding through trust from the government
    also she will be able to gain a concensus between her and the government
    She will also be able to manage risks incase of uncertanities
    She will be able to get feedback of the intervention either positive or negative

  • Amina will earn the trust and backing of the government by ensuring their active involvement and inclusion in the decision-making process.

  • Reduce conflict with government organisations and improve legitimacy of the NGO
    Increase reach and impact the NGO can have by partnering with others and overcoming roadblocks
    Gain more insights from other professionals working in the same area that might provide other benefits for the way their organisations works and potentially new innovative solutions

    • Amina can have a stronger presence in the community.
    • Gain better trust from schools & parents who will be willing to assist with the outreach and recommend girls to go and participate in the offerings by the NGO.
    • The government and the other organizations would be more willing to assist with better/more resources including with funding towards the NGO growth which in turn would mean there could be more visibility within the community.
  • She will be able to build relationships within government to help advocate for her and the NGO at both higher levels and with the local community she is aiming to help. She will have better access to funding and development opportunities. She gains legitimacy while the government develops a better understanding of community needs

  • I think Amina would be able to benefit the following: Increased impact considering that the government usually have information of areas that also need assistance and apart from this it helps with reducing duplication of efforts and directing resources to areas that need it.
    Engaging the government will help in creating trust both from communities and government. It could help with her branding and reputation. specifically, in rural areas people are used to government services and if the government introduces Aminas organization, it would make people to accept and participate in the services Amina will bring.

  • The Government will have policies, legislation and laws that Amina and her organisation must adhere to. By developing a relationship and engaging with the Government, she will not only increase her credibility, knowledge and brand, but may be able to increase her database, grant funding options and advocacy for real change.

  • I think Amina can get several benefits which include

    She will gain and expand her brand acceptability across many segment of the society.
    Eliminate conflicts and erode negative perception of her NGO.
    Create more social impacts among her beneficiaries.
    Create the understanding and trust needed to encourage government participation and assistance.

  • Her brand could be viewed as more "legitimate" if she begins to partner with government agencies which would increase the acceptance of her NGO

  • I am sure Amina will gain more benefits after engaging the stakeholders such ensuring transparency during project cycle, increase dissemination and uptake of findings and she will more effective on management of stakeholder expectations and the last one it will help to secure stakeholders buy-in and commitment.

  • 1.She can gain and large her brand acceptability across many segment of the society.
    2.The government will better understand the vision and objectives of your NGO, participate an assist her NGO
    3.Create more social impacts among her beneficiaries.

  • • Build relationship and trust
    • Gain vital feedback
    • Enhance your brand
    • Amina and her team stand a benefit of managing risk

  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as:

    1. Access to Funding: Engaging with the government could provide opportunities for funding or grants.
    2. Policy Influence: Amina may have the chance to influence policies relevant to her work.
    3. Increased Visibility: Collaborating with the government can enhance Amina's reputation and attract more participants.
    4. Networking Opportunities: Government engagement offers valuable networking prospects.
    5. Capacity Building: Interaction with officials and participation in government initiatives can improve Amina's skills and knowledge.
  • Amina will gain by

    1. Access the vast network of government resources at local administrative level - personnel, logistics.
    2. Endorsement by government officials goes along way to mitigate on resistance.
    3. Co-creation of implementation plan for better impact
  • Currently, it seems like we are at the initial stage of engagement, where we are recognizing the importance of engaging stakeholders but may not have a structured strategy in place.

    By the end of this year, we aim to move towards the active engagement stage, where we are consistently involving stakeholders in decision-making processes, gathering their input, and fostering meaningful relationships. This shift is crucial because it enhances transparency, builds trust, and enables us to make more informed decisions that align with stakeholder needs and expectations.

    The top 2-3 benefits of creating a stakeholder engagement strategy include:

    Improved Decision Making: Engaging stakeholders allows us to gather diverse perspectives, insights, and expertise, which leads to better-informed decision-making. By involving stakeholders early and throughout the process, we can identify potential risks, opportunities, and innovative solutions that may not have been apparent otherwise.

    Enhanced Trust and Accountability: A well-defined stakeholder engagement strategy demonstrates our commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and accountability. It helps to build trust among stakeholders by ensuring that their voices are heard, valued, and considered in the decision-making process. This trust fosters stronger relationships and reduces the likelihood of conflicts or misunderstandings.

    Increased Stakeholder Satisfaction and Support: Engaging stakeholders in a meaningful way helps to align our actions and decisions with their expectations, needs, and priorities. This alignment leads to greater stakeholder satisfaction and support for our initiatives, projects, or policies. Additionally, actively involving stakeholders can generate buy-in and ownership, increasing the likelihood of successful implementation and long-term sustainability.

  • I think Amina can get several benefits which include

    She will gain and expand her brand acceptability across many segment of the society.
    Eliminate conflicts and erode negative perception of her NGO.
    Create more social impacts among her beneficiaries.
    Create the understanding and trust needed to encourage government participation and assistance.

  • Certainly! Here are additional benefits Amina may gain if she successfully engages with the government:

    Access to Funding and Resources: Government partnerships can provide financial support and access to resources for program expansion.

    Legal and Regulatory Support: Collaboration can offer assistance with permits and compliance, ensuring smooth operations.

    Policy Influence: Amina can shape policies to support reproductive health initiatives, driving systemic change.

    Credibility and Recognition: Partnering with the government enhances credibility and fosters community trust.

    Data Sharing and Research: Engagement facilitates data access for informed decision-making and research collaboration.

    Community Empowerment: Government collaboration empowers communities to advocate for their health rights effectively.

  • Amina doit s'engager a offrir un service de qualitĂ© et faire disparaitre le doute dans le cĹ“ur des populations

  • I think Amina can gain several benefits including :

    1. Getting more funders and partners that might be interested in the project with the help of engaging the government.
    2. Reaching out to the more vulnerable people out there also with the help of the government
  • Amina will have more impact and outcomes of her organization work in the community
    Engaging government will enhance organization branding and visibility.
    Engaging government will manage in reputational and operational risks during implementation and monitoring of organizational work

  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as:

    Policy Advocacy: Successful engagement with the government can lead to policy changes in reproductive health, ensuring broader impact beyond Roots of Health's immediate reach.

    Resource Mobilization: Collaboration with the government may open avenues for additional funding and resources, enhancing the NGO's capacity to expand its services and outreach.

    Community Acceptance: Government endorsement can help build trust and acceptance within the community, fostering a more supportive environment for Roots of Health's initiatives.

    Scale and Sustainability: Partnering with the government enables the integration of reproductive health services into broader healthcare systems, contributing to the sustainability and scalability of Amina's efforts.

    Educational Reach: Government involvement allows for the incorporation of comprehensive sex education in schools on a national level, positively impacting a larger audience and fostering long-term behavioral change.

    Collaborative Initiatives: Amina could explore joint initiatives with government health programs, leveraging combined efforts for more extensive community health improvements

  • By actively and proactively engaging with the government, Amina will be able to get the buy in from the government and she may also ending up getting some funding from the government. She can also use some government services or resources to do the work of her NGOs.

    1. Amina's NGO will have more visibility within and outside the community, as well as her thematic area of intervention
    2. It has build opportunities for partnership with government at the State and Local Government level, and with health workers in rural communities.
    3. she is able to gain feedback on important actions to take.
    4. More impact, as there is more partnership across boards.
  • Amina can expand her NGO all of the country and not just Palawan to grant humanitarian aid to her people.

    Her NGO will be recognized globally for her impact in palawan.

    The will gain the trust of her people and build a sustainable relationship.

  • By engaging with the government, Amina can gain benefits such as:

    • Buy in and endorsement from government about her NGO and its activities
    • Be able to influence the government at the local and remote areas about the importance on reproductive health. In the long run, influence the policy on reproductive health
  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as

    1. Brand growth the more that she involves the government.
    2. Ability to promote any of her innovations through the government.
    3. Citizens awareness of her ngo through government partnership.
  • getting government involved means there is overall buy in from all stakeholders because people trust causes that are endorsed by government, moreover, it is easier to get support (financial)social, cultural, if government government is involved.

  • I think Amina can gain several benefits such as

    1. Partner support by creating awareness of her project and activities in the communities.
    2. Engagement with women and youths will help her spread message of the impact of her activities.
    3. The partners, despite the fact that they might not provide funding, but will support in providing capacity building of key stakeholders In the health facilities.
    4. Gain acceptance to the communities where she is implementing her activities
    5. Gain timely information that would help her achieve her goals and objectives
  • I think Amina can gain several benefits such as:

    1. Wider acceptability
    2. Gain feedback
    3. The impact becomes more sustainable even after the project closes out
  • Engagement with the government as a stakeholder can bring numerous benefits to Amina's organization. Firstly, it provides a platform for communication and dialogue with policymakers, allowing the organization to have a voice in shaping regulations that affect operations. This engagement can help the organization stay informed about changes in legislation and policies, enabling it to adapt proactively and ensure compliance. Collaboration with the government can also foster partnerships for public-private initiatives, driving innovation, economic growth, and sustainable development. Moreover, being seen as a responsible corporate citizen engaged in constructive dialogue with the government can enhance a organization's reputation and credibility in the eyes of beneficiaries, donors, and other stakeholders. Overall, active engagement with the government as a stakeholder can lead to mutual understanding, trust, and positive outcomes for both parties.

  • Establish a relationship with government bodies and have a positive influence over authorities. This way this will lead to a potential positive change.

  • Some of the added benefits of engaging the government would be 1. Amina could set up sex ed training of trainers programs for local health care workers and in return apply for government funding for her program; 2. Her NGO will gain more legitimacy and trust from the local public and the Catholic Church if the government partners with her; 3. By gaining trust from the public, church, and the government, she could easily approach the local media to cover her organization's story to increase her branding

  • Sje should show resilience and never give up
    Follow up

  • Sje should show resilience and never give up
    Follow up

  • Sje should show resilience and never give up
    Follow up

  • Sje should show resilience and never give up
    Follow up

  • I think Amina can gain several benefits, such as …

    • being acknowledged as an organization working with community on health, furthering the cause of reproductive health care services,
    • being recognized as an organization with knowledge, skills, specialization on reproductive health - having intellectual resources to seek support,
    • being recognized as a supportive and complementary organization who does not have competing interests, but collaborative interests,
    • being treated as a valuable organization to partner in designing and implementing important interventions for community,

    Once the above aspects reached, it could further ...

    • gain support of the government system at field implementation level,
    • being able to do what government has not been able to do, enhance credibility and trust,
    • being invited to be part of important deliberations,
    • being part of policy planning etc.
  • The benefit that Amina will get from engaging the government, is full support in implementing the project in the community because some of the community respect and adhere to listen to the government more than any other people. As well Amina will get assistance from the government, especially from the Ministry of Health, healthcare workers, and other institutions to cement the problem in a bigger picture and larger impact.

    Hence this might go further as the government will see this as a serious matter and want to advocate via policies that are maybe available relating to or create new ones, and find a way to pass this information to other communities that may also affected in regard.

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