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  • What I will do in writing grant proposals in the future is to do clearly define the project, goals, and objectives with my team before starting to write.

  • Yes, writing the needs statement made me realize that I need to do more "market research" to be sure the need I perceive is one that is actually there. So I agree it's challenging.

    1 Reply
  • Yes, me too. Mine is an imaginary project, so I think if it was real it would be easier to define as I'd be working with others to do this in a real context.

  • Good for you for trying to prepare a budget even though it was optional! I think your plan for next time sounds wise.

  • Project proposal should be short and concise, must have clear objectives, activities and outcome with relevant proposed budget with timeframe.

    1 Reply
  • 1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    The most challenging part of writing the fundraising proposal was crafting a compelling narrative that effectively conveys the organization's mission, the significance of the project, and the impact it will have on the target beneficiaries. This challenge arises for several reasons:
    Limited Space: Fundraising proposals typically have strict word limits or page constraints, making it essential to convey a complex project succinctly.
    Balancing Details: Finding the right balance between providing sufficient details to make a convincing case and not overwhelming the reader with excessive information can be tricky.
    Emotional Appeal: Fundraising proposals often require the use of emotional appeals to engage donors, which can be challenging to execute authentically without appearing manipulative.
    Customization: Tailoring proposals to suit the preferences and priorities of different funders can be time-consuming, as each proposal may require unique elements.
    Competitive Landscape: In many cases, organizations are competing with numerous other nonprofits for limited funding, making it vital to stand out.
    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?
    One strategy I will continue to use when writing fundraising proposals in the future is the "Impact Storytelling" approach. This involves not only presenting statistics and data but also weaving compelling stories about individuals or communities directly impacted by the organization's work.
    Impact stories humanize the proposal, making it relatable and emotionally resonant for potential donors. By sharing real-life narratives of people whose lives have been positively transformed by the organization's initiatives, it helps donors connect on a personal level. These stories illustrate the tangible difference their contributions can make.
    To effectively use this strategy, I will:
    Collect Authentic Stories: Continuously gather stories from the field, ensuring they are genuine and accurately represent the organization's impact.
    Highlight Diversity: Showcase a diverse range of stories to appeal to a broader audience and demonstrate the organization's inclusivity.
    Use Compelling Language: Craft narratives with vivid descriptions, engaging language, and a clear structure to maintain the reader's interest.
    Connect to the Proposal: Ensure that each impact story aligns with the proposal's overall message and objectives, emphasizing how the project or initiative will create similar positive outcomes.
    Impact storytelling not only makes the proposal more persuasive but also creates a lasting impression, increasing the likelihood of donor engagement and support.

  • 1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    The most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal is often crafting a compelling narrative that effectively conveys the organization's mission, the significance of the project, and the impact it will have on the target beneficiaries. This challenge arises for several reasons:
    Limited Space: Fundraising proposals typically have strict word limits or page constraints, making it essential to convey a complex project succinctly.
    Balancing Details: Finding the right balance between providing sufficient details to make a convincing case and not overwhelming the reader with excessive information can be tricky.
    Emotional Appeal: Fundraising proposals often require the use of emotional appeals to engage donors, which can be challenging to execute authentically without appearing manipulative.
    Customization: Tailoring proposals to suit the preferences and priorities of different funders can be time-consuming, as each proposal may require unique elements.
    Competitive Landscape: In many cases, organizations are competing with numerous other nonprofits for limited funding, making it vital to stand out.
    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?
    One strategy I will continue to use when writing fundraising proposals in the future is the "Impact Storytelling" approach. This involves not only presenting statistics and data but also weaving compelling stories about individuals or communities directly impacted by the organization's work.
    Impact stories humanize the proposal, making it relatable and emotionally resonant for potential donors. By sharing real-life narratives of people whose lives have been positively transformed by the organization's initiatives, it helps donors connect on a personal level. These stories illustrate the tangible difference their contributions can make.
    To effectively use this strategy, I will:
    Collect Authentic Stories: Continuously gather stories from the field, ensuring they are genuine and accurately represent the organization's impact.
    Highlight Diversity: Showcase a diverse range of stories to appeal to a broader audience and demonstrate the organization's inclusivity.
    Use Compelling Language: Craft narratives with vivid descriptions, engaging language, and a clear structure to maintain the reader's interest.
    Connect to the Proposal: Ensure that each impact story aligns with the proposal's overall message and objectives, emphasizing how the project or initiative will create similar positive outcomes.
    Impact storytelling not only makes the proposal more persuasive but also creates a lasting impression, increasing the likelihood of donor engagement and support.

  • The most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal is often crafting a compelling narrative that effectively conveys the organization's mission, the significance of the project, and the impact it will have on the target beneficiaries. This challenge arises for several reasons:

    Limited Space: Fundraising proposals typically have strict word limits or page constraints, making it essential to convey a complex project succinctly.

    Balancing Details: Finding the right balance between providing sufficient details to make a convincing case and not overwhelming the reader with excessive information can be tricky.

    Emotional Appeal: Fundraising proposals often require the use of emotional appeals to engage donors, which can be challenging to execute authentically without appearing manipulative.

    Customization: Tailoring proposals to suit the preferences and priorities of different funders can be time-consuming, as each proposal may require unique elements.

    Competitive Landscape: In many cases, organizations are competing with numerous other nonprofits for limited funding, making it vital to stand out.

    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?

    One strategy I will continue to use when writing fundraising proposals in the future is the "Impact Storytelling" approach. This involves not only presenting statistics and data but also weaving compelling stories about individuals or communities directly impacted by the organization's work.

    Impact stories humanize the proposal, making it relatable and emotionally resonant for potential donors. By sharing real-life narratives of people whose lives have been positively transformed by the organization's initiatives, it helps donors connect on a personal level. These stories illustrate the tangible difference their contributions can make.

    To effectively use this strategy, I will:

    Collect Authentic Stories: Continuously gather stories from the field, ensuring they are genuine and accurately represent the organization's impact.

    Highlight Diversity: Showcase a diverse range of stories to appeal to a broader audience and demonstrate the organization's inclusivity.

    Use Compelling Language: Craft narratives with vivid descriptions, engaging language, and a clear structure to maintain the reader's interest.

    Connect to the Proposal: Ensure that each impact story aligns with the proposal's overall message and objectives, emphasizing how the project or initiative will create similar positive outcomes.

    Impact storytelling not only makes the proposal more persuasive but also creates a lasting impression, increasing the likelihood of donor engagement and support.

    2 Replies
  • The challenging aspect was the abstract ; trying to put all that is required in a brief statement

  • 1.The most challenging part was using the right words so that people decide to support and donate a project of my foundation.

    2.I will write with catchy language and use a little consumer psychology.

  • The writing and the power of words is undeniable.

  • excelent! I agree!

  • Composition was the major challenge. Not sure if I was sounding convincing enough

  • Wow, I have learned a lot

    1 Reply
  • In my academic learning, I found that adding references from 1 or 2 published/credible research studies can add value to your proposal. For example, if your proposal is about supporting food banks, you can find a study that shows the impact of food banks in the community / productivity / economic development. This way, the donor may understand how much he/she can contribute to the society by making a donation.

  • the challenging area is on budgeting...

  • great success

  • In general, the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal can vary depending on the specific context and goals of the proposal. Some common challenges include clearly articulating the project's objectives, demonstrating its potential impact, addressing potential concerns or objections, and effectively conveying the value proposition to potential donors.

    A strategy that can be effective when writing fundraising proposals is to thoroughly research and understand the target audience or potential donors. This includes identifying their interests, values, and priorities, as well as tailoring the proposal to align with their specific goals and objectives. Additionally, highlighting the unique aspects and benefits of the project, providing compelling evidence of its potential success, and clearly outlining the steps for implementation can also enhance the effectiveness of the proposal.

    Lastly generating of objectives, abstract that are in line with the organisation's view posed a challenge.

  • The hardest part was about synthesis requirements. We do want to develop, point per point, how our project would be positive for that society. But we do have some limits.
    I will remember the ways of address a fundraising proposal, while having in mind the characteristics of the people I send that to.

  • me neither, it is the hardest part I think ! but at least it develops creativity and imagination

  • it is really hard to write a fundraising proposal, because we do have to be careful with the worlds we use, with every detail mention. also, we have to be pragmatical and to exemplify clearly our explanations.

    I will always remember that I do have to follow the steps I defined beforehand

  • yes and this is the hardest part since we created that project! we do want to explain more and more our project

  • the limits of timing are so hard also

  • for my proposal writings, I would also. like to make them read again by the people I wanna help, to make sure I am useful

  • In general, the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal can vary depending on the specific context and goals of the proposal. Some common challenges include clearly articulating the project's objectives, demonstrating its potential impact, addressing potential concerns or objections, and effectively conveying the value proposition to potential donors.

    A strategy that can be effective when writing fundraising proposals is to thoroughly research and understand the target audience or potential donors. This includes identifying their interests, values, and priorities, as well as tailoring the proposal to align with their specific goals and objectives. Additionally, highlighting the unique aspects and benefits of the project, providing compelling evidence of its potential success, and clearly outlining the steps for implementation can also enhance the effectiveness of the proposal.

    Lastly generating of objectives, abstract that are in line with the organisation's view posed a challenge.

    1. The most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal is often striking the right balance between conveying the depth and importance of the project's impact while keeping the proposal concise and engaging. It can be difficult to condense a complex project into a limited space, ensuring that every key point is addressed without overwhelming the reader. The challenge lies in effectively presenting the problem, solution, and the organization's capacity in a compelling and concise manner. Additionally, understanding the specific preferences and requirements of different funders can also be challenging, as proposals often need to be tailored to each potential donor's guidelines and priorities.

    2. A strategy to use when writing fundraising proposals in the future is to focus on storytelling. By framing the proposal in the form of a compelling narrative, you can draw the reader into the project's context, emphasizing the human impact and real-life stories that demonstrate the need and the potential for positive change. Storytelling can make the proposal more relatable and emotionally engaging for the reader, helping them connect with the project's goals and impact on a personal level. This approach can help convey the essence of the project and its significance while maintaining the reader's interest and attention.

  • The objective is some what challenging it requires more than once re-reading to get the exact answer.

  • The Challenging part making it brief and precise
    The strategy that I will use when writing fundraising proposal in the future is following the steps required in designing the proposal.

    1 Reply
  • The objective is some wha challenging

  • Thats it ...Its realy challenging to write a proposal as it doesnt meet the needs of donors it will be a problem

  • Thats it ...Its realy challenging to write a proposal as it doesnt meet the needs of donors it will be a problem

    1. The biggest challenge is to use the exact words that can make my proposal interesting

    2. The best strategy is a good advertising image.

  • I identify with the answer

  • I agree with the answer

  • 1- The most difficult part of writing a fundraising proposal is often the clarity of the explanation of the project's objectives, financial needs and expected impact. You need to strike a balance between full details and a concise presentation to arouse the interest of potential donors.

    2- For future fundraising proposals, I would favour an approach that focuses on the project's compelling story, highlighting its potential impact and tangible benefits for donors. I would also emphasise transparency about the use of funds and adapt the language to the target audience to maximise engagement and emotional connection

    1. I was unsure whether or not to divulge actual proposal info from my org/employer or just make up an example. The instructions were not that clear.
    2. The best practice I will take with me from this module and its assignment is to have an Abstract at the beginning, short and concise, before the program description.
    1. I was unsure whether or not to divulge actual proposal info from my org/employer or just make up an example. The instructions were not that clear.
    2. The best practice I will take with me from this module and its assignment is to have an Abstract at the beginning, short and concise, before the program description.
  • 1- The most challenging part is the setting of the objectives as some might be set or not according to the realization of the prior
    2-Tom's model works fine

  • hello, i learned a ot about granting , i hope all this will help me with european context

  • It's true making a specific budget takes time but it's the most important part of any proposal writing.

    1. The most challenging part I identified in writing a smart proposal is to set specific goals and objectives.
    2. I researched the ongoing crisis related to my proposal objectives and also about my potential donor. I do it all as my strategy of writing a smart proposal.
    1 Reply
  • the most challenging part can be finding the right balance between emotion and professionalism in the proposal. focusing on storytelling with both emotional impact and concrete data could be helpful.

    1 Reply
  • I totally agree with you and face the same problem

  • I agree with you

  • I've learnt quite a few intriguing aspects of fundraising throughout this module. I wasn’t aware of this beforehand so a new window of opportunity & learning aspect has been opened for me.

  • I did not find it to be difficult to write a funding proposal. I think it is enjoyable to write about the things we are aiming to achieve as an organization. I will leverage impact stories for support in the future.

  • Briefly explain the objectives without jargon. Also, while the amount of the donation is not set in stone, explain the goals to be achieved, taking into consideration the reporting after the donation is received.

  • Ongoing problems can change the next day when the situation. I agree that it is hard to explain specific goals.

  • The most difficult part is to connect all the details. SOmetimes we have so many ideas that is difficult to give them the appropiate flow. And to have realistic objectives that can be reachable

    2 Replies
  • That's fantastic

  • In my point of view, the difficulty in writing a proposal is the uncertainty of how donors will understand it.
    In the future, I will consider all I have learned from PhilanthropyU courses on fundraising so that it will be clear and concise.

    2 Replies
  • 1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    The most challenging part is ensuring that all sections fit with one another to tell a cohesive and compelling story of why our work is worth funding. I wasn't previously clear on goals vs objectives, and had not previously had a lot of experience with writing a needs statement. This was a good exercise and gave me a chance to critically evaluate where our work needs more strategic thinking!
    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?
    I will follow the structure laid out in the module when writing proposals, while also complying with the specific asks of the funder.

  • I agree with this! It can be difficult to know how much the granting committee/funder knows about the specific sector we work within, so keeping things very simple and clear-cut feels like the best way forward.

    1. the most challenging aspect was the outlining of objectives because you have to enumerate how I have to enumerate how I can achieve my specific goal
    2. Next time, I read more on the objectives of such projects and come out with a more unique way to win
  • exactly my challenge as well

  • Finding grants. I will use the effective and consince written proposals

  • 1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    The most difficult part of the proposal is being specific into how you would use the funds. It is easy to generally state how it would apply but to be specific and intentional when still planning makes it harder.
    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?
    Intentional research as to how the two strategies align and applying for those proposals. This will help ensure cohesion between the desired of the funders as well as my motivation to getting the money.

  • 1.Choosing which information was important and which information was not important. A lot of things seemed important to me.
    2.I will definitely research the history of the donors giving capabilities so I know the ballpark number I will put in my budget.

    1 Reply
  • The most challenging part of writing the proposal for me, was trying to clearly point out my objectives, statting the methods and techniques of approach, as to how I would fully attain and evaluate my goal.

  • The most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal is often balancing the need to convey the urgency and significance of the project with the necessity of presenting a well-structured and compelling narrative. Striking the right tone, clearly articulating the problem or need, and demonstrating the organization's capacity to address it within the constraints of the proposal's length can be challenging. Finding the delicate balance between emotional appeal and factual information while adhering to the funder's guidelines requires careful consideration.

  • it is good learning but challenging through

    1. Well, l think the fundraising proposal was just straight to the point
    2. Next l will follow this fundraising guideline in writing our other fundraising proposals.
  • l like your number 2 point on donor research, that's excellent

  • Racio, thank you for that reflection, you are on point there. As far as we have great ideas sometimes, we tend to miss great opportunities just because of that element of not knowing how...

  • Oooh yes, you have nailed it, the issue of uncertainity is the challenge.

  • This was a great learning phase for me and I have learned quite a lot about the correct way of writing a proposal. I do how ever still find it challenging for us in South Africa as far as acquiring overseas investors.

    I will most definitely us what I have learned here from now onwards.

  • The budgeting part was a bit difficult but i am working around it to ensure , i am good at it.

  • The budgeting part was a bit difficult but i am working around it to ensure , i am good at it.

    @fuhad said in Module 3 Discussion: Proposal Writing:

    One of the most challenging moment in writing proposal is making the budget because it take a time for you take think the exact amount the funder might want you to write while making the proposal.

    i agree with you

  • The most challenging part is the abstract, the objective/Goal

  • 1: I wrote a proposal using an actual fund existing within my organization, but since I don't usually read financial statements, it was challenging to locate and comprehend them.

    2: I aim to be concise and focus on creating proposals that not only seek funding but also provide mutual benefits for both parties.

  • For me, the most challenging part during proposal writing is bringing innovative ideas/activities for different projects. This requires me to do a lot of research on similar projects implemented and add my innovations. The best strategy for me is that I ask a lot of questions, do some research and take my time to do some critical thinking.

    1 Reply
  • It was difficult to make a proposal that was both informative and digestable

    1 Reply
  • In the future I will tailor my proposal to the audience. I found a hard time thinking of who I was addressing

  • For an organization to access funds from donor need to be very conversant with proposal writing.
    Good proposal has great chance of being funded, while bad proposal reduces chances of accessing funds from donors.
    Good proposal need to clear as on its goal, objective and introduction among other things.
    Budget is another part of the proposal since it shows how much is needed and how that funds will be used.

  • I enjoyed this

  • Quite insightful

  • True and very accurate

  • It is getting the funder attention hence submitting a very brief but intense proposal.. My strategy to sort out this is the come out with an abstract, do the problem statement, write goals and their respective objectives then draw a budget in relation to my deficit.

    1 Reply
  • The most challenging part is conveying the message while being concise and compelling. One strategy that I will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future is utilizing Tom's tip of having multiple versions of our content ready for a variety of funding opportunities. That way, we are ready to move quickly when a new funding opportunity comes around.

  • I agree, getting attention while remaining concise is very challenging. Good strategy utilizing Tom's framework moving forward.

  • I agree, proposing innovative ideas can be challenging. This ties in with what Tom said, that many foundations aren't loyal after a few years, as they're looking for the next new thing to support. Staying relevant and innovative may help us retain some of these funders.

    1. The most challenging part is how to fix the problem. This is because there is technical challenge between goals of the organizational and the objective to achieve those goals.

    2. The strategy to use when writing proposal in the future is having a clear goal of the proposal.

    1 Reply
  • true. it is very hard to understand

  • quite intreresting

  • The most challengeous point mentionned when writing a proposal for me is about the part 3.

  • That is right. Fortunately when practicing along of our career it becomes more and more easy

    1. Balancing detail and conciseness while aligning with the funder's priorities was challenging.
    2. I'll research funders thoroughly and focus on clear impact articulation in future proposals.
  • the most challenging part of proposal writing is asking for the funds,

    1 Reply
  • A lot of points to note.

  • The most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal was crafting a compelling narrative that effectively communicated the impact of the project while also appealing to the interests and priorities of the potential funder.

  • Great learning !

  • I agree, that is my challenge as well. keeping it short and to the point, but having a framework like Tom provided helps a lot.

  • 1: The most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal for me was balancing bet
    ween providing enough detail to make a compelling case for support and keeping the proposal concise and focused. It's important to include all relevant information about the project, its goals, and its impact, but I found it challenging to avoid getting too bogged down in details that might overwhelm the reader or detract from the main message.

    2: One strategy I will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future is to start with a clear and compelling narrative that effectively communicates the mission and impact of the organization or project. By focusing on storytelling and highlighting real-life examples of the work being done and the people being helped, I believe I can capture the attention and interest of potential donors more effectively.

    TO Reply to another learner:
    I agree! Finding the balance between providing enough detail and keeping the proposal concise can be challenging. One strategy that has worked well for me is to use visuals like graphs, charts, or infographics to convey complex information more effectively. Visuals can help break up the text and make the proposal more engaging for the reader. What strategies have you found helpful in your fundraising proposal writing process?

  • To ensure that my response is very deliberate and reflects the guidelines for the proposal - exactly what they need, not what i think they want to hear

  • Something challenging is adjusting the budget to the real need, without being clear whether the company that could finance the program will be attracted by a low or high cost proposal.

  • Clearly determining objectives is a challenging challenge, but field experience helps us to better define them. Let's not be afraid to throw ourselves into the ring

  • Asking for funds is a latent challenge. But it is essential to show ourselves confident in what we are asking for to create trust in the financiers.

  • 1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    The most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal is the why and how.

    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?
    Evaluate and look to other mentors to help make the proposal better.

  • Understanding the thinking of the funder so that you can present something of his/her interest is most challenging.

    What I will do next time is to read funders background thoroughly to capture his/her interests.

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