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  • Congratulations everyone , Hoping everyone found the modules helpful and informative as i does . Thank you philanthropy university for this wonderful curriculum .

  • Now, am grateful to all the instructors of the course for the wealth of knowledge impacted . I will make treasure of their advice to start my advocacy activity with small scale NGO , with a familiar location and people's characteristics already known to me. I promise to guided by principle of honesty, diligence and transparency in my endeavours. Thank you for having me.

  • When thinking about advocacy, it's important to remember that there are both internal as well as external risks that could effect the effort. Keep this in mind and build relationships through the work that you are doing.

  • When thinking about advocacy, it's important to remember that there are both internal as well as external risks that could effect the effort. Keep this in mind and build relationships through the work that you are doing.

  • System tools and processes are essential components of any computer system, whether it is a personal computer, a server, or a mobile device. These tools and processes help manage and optimize the system's resources and ensure its smooth operation.

  • I am glad and happy that I completed this module 6, very interesting.

  • I look forward to what comes next and hope that others on my team take the course and we can work these lessons into our everyday activities in a meaningful way for the communities we serve.

  • I have successfully completed all the modules. It wasn't all that easy but it was fun learning

  • Congratulations everyone. This was a great learning experience although being in midst of the program and in the filed where internet connectivity was often a challenge when time permitted.

    Sangay Khandu
    Nationwide Accelerated Dog Population and Rabies Control Program (NADPM & RCP)

  • This was an amazing journey.

  • Wow it was an enlightening course.

  • Congratulations

  • Thanks for offering me such as great opportunity

  • Thank God for how far so far... Grateful Heart

  • This was indeed a very informative and though-provoking course. Thank you for all the insights and tools! It will really help lay the groundwork for the growing advocacy team in my organization.

  • This has been a very valuable learning experience, good luck everyone!

  • Excellent learning experience. I actually have practical teachings that I can utilize in our organization. Congrats to everyone who completed the course. Great teachers and guests also.

  • No entendí lo último

  • Interesante explicar

  • That's fine of you.

  • Thank you, I have learned a lot. Still confused on some things that I will be reviewing again in the near future.

  • Thank you, I have learned a lot. Still confused on some things that I will be reviewing again in the near future.

  • Evaluation holds individuals and teams accountable for their performance. Knowing that progress will be measured can motivate people to work diligently and efficiently. Through evaluation, you can identify changing circumstances or unexpected challenges. This enables you to adapt your strategies and tactics accordingly to ensure you're still on the right path. When you measure your progress, you gain insights into what's effective and what's not. This learning process enables continuous improvement and optimization.

  • I have really learned a lot during this course and I hope to use this course to help me build my advocacy skills! Thanks for letting me participate in this amazing advocacy course and I wish everybody the best in using advocacy in everyday life!

  • This session was most helpful

  • This had made me understand more about risk and how to manage it.

  • Overall this course has really helped me learn so much about advocacy, and I'm sure applying it in practice.

    Thank you Philanthropy university.

  • I'm positive about making an impact in my society, and this is just a stepping stone for me

  • I'll sure recommend this course to everyone working in a public space.

  • First, I want say a big thank you to our lecturers and to this noble institution for providing such a great avenue for us to learn, expand our horizon of knowledge and improve our skills as advocates.

    I enjoyed every module of this course and will read the course materials again.

    Congratulations to my peers and myself. It was great learning from you all too. Hope to see you again.

  • am happy to finish module 6

  • I think that this last module was useful, but a little bit too generic. I'd have liked to discuss further the risks and how to prevent them, also It would have been interesting to discuss how to react once certain risks occur.

  • congratulations!!

  • I plan to implement the knowledge and skills I gained from the course by integrating them into my daily advocacy work. Additionally, I will share the course insights with my colleagues, fostering a culture of continuous learning within my team. Finally, I aim to apply the course concepts to real-world projects to demonstrate the practical value of the course in achieving our organizational goals

  • I very happy having completed My Advocacy course

  • Really good learning experience

  • Really good learning experience

  • Congratulations on completing Module 6 with such dedication and thoroughness! It's great to hear that you successfully covered all aspects of the module, including the reading, listening, quiz, assessment, and peer assignments. Your commitment to the course is commendable.

    Keep up the excellent work, and continue applying what you've learned in your advocacy efforts. If you have any further questions or need assistance in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. Best of luck in your advocacy journey, and I look forward to hearing about your continued success!

  • I just finished too

  • I'm happy for taking the course. I have learnt a lot. Thank you.

  • My certificate please.

  • My certificate please.

  • I gained enough understanding of advocacy and my organization will benefit and be more strategic in her advocacy.

  • I gained enough understanding of advocacy and my organization will benefit and be more strategic in her advocacy.

  • I have read with diligence and comprehension. Waiting for my certificate.

  • This has been exciting

  • I appreciate a lot this module, even though there are few tools for risk measurement, the fact that has been taken into account is great. Specially for contexts such as Latin America when human rights defenders are in a high level of risk.

  • I have successfully completed the course and will immediately begin applying the skills I have studied to my advocacy work.

  • Congratulations to you all. Please keep up the good work. Thank you.









  • Advocacy, while important for promoting positive change, carries potential risks. These include:

    Misrepresentation: Advocates may unintentionally misrepresent facts or oversimplify complex issues, leading to misunderstandings.

    Polarization: Intense advocacy can contribute to polarization, hindering constructive dialogue

    Unintended Consequences: Well-intentioned advocacy may have unintended negative consequences or unforeseen outcomes.

    Ethical Dilemmas: Balancing advocacy with ethical considerations can be challenging, raising questions about honesty and transparency.

    Legal Risks: Advocacy activities might encounter legal challenges, such as defamation claims or accusations of spreading false information.

    Loss of Objectivity: Advocates may become so passionate about their cause that they lose objectivity, compromising their ability to assess alternative perspectives.

    It's essential for advocates to be aware of these risks and navigate them thoughtfully to maximize the positive impact of their efforts.

  • I am happy to inform that i have successfully done this module 6 covering Reading ,Listening ,Quiz, Assessment , and 3 PEERS'S Assignments.

    Thanks for The opportunity and looking forward .


    1 Reply
  • congratulations!

  • congratulations and well done. I found the module six very much interesting and learnt a lot.

  • Having an implementation plan is key to success in any advocacy efforts. Planning for contingencies is especially important as the last module demonstrated.

  • All modules are very interesting and useful

  • Risk analysis is a systematic process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks that an organization may face. It involves evaluating the likelihood and potential impact of risks to determine their significance and develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies. Here are the key steps involved in conducting a risk analysis:

    Identify Risks: Identify potential risks that could affect the organization's objectives, projects, or operations. This can be done through brainstorming sessions, reviewing historical data, analyzing external factors, and engaging stakeholders.

    Assess Probability: Determine the likelihood or probability of each identified risk occurring. This can be done using qualitative or quantitative methods. Qualitative methods involve subjective assessments, such as assigning likelihood ratings (e.g., low, medium, high). Quantitative methods involve using historical data or statistical models to estimate probabilities.

    Evaluate Impact: Assess the potential impact or consequences of each identified risk on the organization. Consider both the financial and non-financial impacts, such as operational disruptions, reputational damage, or legal issues. Again, qualitative or quantitative methods can be used to evaluate impact.

    Prioritize Risks: Prioritize the identified risks based on their probability and impact. This can be done using techniques like risk matrix, risk scoring, or risk categorization. Risks with high probability and high impact should be given the highest priority for mitigation.

    Mitigate Risks: Develop strategies and action plans to mitigate or reduce the identified risks. This may involve implementing preventive measures, creating contingency plans, allocating resources, or seeking external support. Ensure that each risk has a specific mitigation plan and responsible individuals or teams.

    Monitor and Review: Continuously monitor and review the effectiveness of the implemented risk mitigation strategies. Regularly reassess the identified risks and their prioritization. Update the risk analysis as new risks emerge or the organization's context changes.

    Communicate and Document: Clearly communicate the results of the risk analysis to relevant stakeholders. Document the identified risks, their assessments, prioritization, and mitigation strategies. This documentation serves as a reference and helps in tracking the progress of risk mitigation efforts.

    Remember, risk analysis is an ongoing process that requires regular review and adaptation. It should be integrated into the organization's overall risk management framework and decision-making processes to ensure proactive risk mitigation and enhance organizational resilience.

  • Here are examples of qualitative and quantitative methods for assessing probability and impact in risk analysis:

    Qualitative Methods:

    Likelihood Rating: Assigning subjective likelihood ratings to risks based on expert judgment or historical data. For example, using ratings such as low, medium, or high to indicate the probability of a risk occurring.

    Risk Categories: Categorizing risks into qualitative categories based on their likelihood. This approach provides a broad understanding of the risk landscape. For example, categorizing risks as low, medium, or high based on their likelihood.

    Risk Scenarios: Developing hypothetical risk scenarios and assessing their likelihood based on expert knowledge and experience. This method involves creating narratives or stories to describe possible risk events and their likelihood of occurrence.

    Quantitative Methods:

    Historical Data Analysis: Analyzing historical data to quantify the frequency or occurrence of past risk events. This approach uses statistical techniques to estimate probabilities based on observed frequencies. For example, analyzing past project data to determine the probability of project delays.

    Probabilistic Modeling: Using mathematical models, simulations, or Monte Carlo analysis to estimate probabilities and assess the impact of risks. This method involves assigning probability distributions to relevant variables and running simulations to generate probabilistic outcomes.

    Expert Elicitation: Seeking input from subject matter experts who provide their estimates of probabilities and impact based on their knowledge and expertise. This approach involves structured interviews, surveys, or Delphi techniques to gather expert opinions and aggregate them.

    It is important to note that qualitative and quantitative methods can be used in combination to provide a more comprehensive risk assessment. Qualitative methods are useful for a quick and subjective assessment of risks, while quantitative methods provide a more rigorous and data-driven analysis. The choice of method depends on the availability of data, time, resources, and the nature of the risk being assessed.

  • Congratulations

  • Congratulations

  • I am grateful to have gained all this Knowledge. I will use the knowledge to help in reducing poverty in Uganda and majorly with families that have young children yet stay in extreme poverty.

  • Congratulations to all for getting through all these loaded topics! I personally am looking forward to using the things i learned within my nonprofit and advocacy work.

  • I'm here too to check my assignment.

  • I feel happy after passing this course and confident to apply in my work

  • Um plano de implementação eficaz para lidar com os riscos externos identificados pode incluir as seguintes etapas:

    Estabelecimento de Relações Estratégicas:

    Identificar e estabelecer parcerias estratégicas com stakeholders-chave, incluindo representantes governamentais, organizações sem fins lucrativos, instituições acadêmicas e outras partes interessadas relevantes. Isso pode facilitar o acesso a informações privilegiadas e influenciar positivamente políticas e regulamentos que afetam a organização.
    Monitoramento Proativo:

    Implementar um sistema de monitoramento proativo para acompanhar mudanças nas políticas governamentais, tendências econômicas globais e outros fatores externos que possam impactar a organização. Isso pode envolver a designação de uma equipe responsável por manter-se atualizada sobre essas questões e relatar regularmente as descobertas à liderança.
    Advocacia e Influência:

    Desenvolver uma estratégia de advocacy robusta para influenciar políticas e regulamentos em níveis local, nacional e internacional. Isso pode incluir a participação em grupos de trabalho, coalizões e iniciativas de advocacy, bem como o uso de plataformas de mídia e redes sociais para ampliar a conscientização e mobilizar o apoio público em torno de questões-chave.
    Diversificação de Receitas:

    Explorar e diversificar fontes de financiamento e receita para reduzir a dependência de uma única fonte. Isso pode envolver a busca de novas oportunidades de financiamento, parcerias estratégicas com o setor privado e a diversificação das atividades e programas da organização para aumentar a geração de receita.
    Gestão de Risco Financeiro:

    Desenvolver e implementar estratégias de gestão de risco financeiro para proteger a organização contra volatilidade econômica e instabilidade financeira. Isso pode incluir a manutenção de reservas financeiras, a elaboração de orçamentos flexíveis e a adoção de práticas de gestão financeira prudentes.
    Planos de Contingência:

    Desenvolver planos de contingência detalhados para enfrentar cenários de risco identificados, incluindo mudanças repentinas nas políticas governamentais, crises econômicas globais e outras situações adversas. Os planos de contingência devem incluir medidas específicas de resposta, responsabilidades claras e protocolos de comunicação eficazes.

  • i am happy to have done the modules. i have gain meaningful insights on what advocay is and how to apply it

  • I like how risk management is crucial in Advocacy work. I also like how simple the template is. This will not overwhelm the advocates with all the jargon of risks.

  • Very excited, too. Really love the simplicity and practicality of the course. Looking forward to taking more courses here.

    1 Reply


  • It needs high commitment across the process.

  • Congrats and all the best to everyone who has successfully completed this course.

  • Help...........

  • Interesting tools and information here.

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