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  • To get credit for your work, follow the instructions below:

    1. Write your responses below in the box labeled "Your response."
    2. Click the button labeled "Submit your response and move to the next step."
    3. Complete the self-assessment.
    4. Please Note: You can only submit an assignment ONCE. You CANNOT re-submit an assignment once it is uploaded, so please make sure that you have selected the correct file for grading.
  • I have submitted my assignment. I enjoyed this course.

    1 Reply
  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why? Probably prepping for the ask.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work? Take more courses and training.

  • 1.The most challenging thing is to get donors.Because you make a mental goal and you don,t know if you will achieve it.

    2.Currently I am doing recreational events such as swimming pools and walks to raise Funds.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    Impressing new donors or recruiting potential donors.
    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    Time Management, asking for help, and planning in advance.

  • 1: The most challenging part of fundraising for me is less about making the ask and more about following through and managing donor contacts in an efficient way.
    2: I am currently looking for donor management software to help my team manage our pipeline and record each ask/contact with a donor to aid in relationship building.

  • I learnt 2 important things namely; when discussing with the Donor " Compliment the Donor and not your Organisation" and also when requesting for a donation request more than you expect to receive.

  • The aspect of fundraising I feel the most anxious about is the starting the conversation and asking stages.

    What I will do to overcome this anxiety is to make sure I know as much as possible about the potential donor. I will also seek expert support on how to craft my story to make it as short as possible but as catchy as possible to provoke active listening and interest.

  • The hardest part in fundraising to me has always been dealing with a No from a donar or potential donar. It has always left me frustrated thinking may be I didnt ask well or our work ain't worth. But from this class, I actually learnt that a No may mean try next time, so no giving up on donars just like that. I have to keep trying

    1 Reply
  • For us it is hard asking for help( in any form) but also meeting new people. We are so immersed into making our non profit work that we almost forgot we have a life, which makes it harder to meet potential donors.

    1 Reply
  • The most challenging part is getting donors with similar interest and willing to fund

  • totally agree with you

  • its nice one very helpful

  • The most anxious aspects are get donors to my fundraising event.
    Get the goals at the final.
    contact to all and sell all the tickest events is no so easy for me.

    1. I,d like to get volunteers to help me in my events.
      I have started with a fundraising event and only I can sell four tickets.
  • Meeting new potential donors and finally making the ask for the donation is quite challenging.

  • Well said! 👍

  • That's a great point! 👍

  • my most anxious and challenge aspect in fund raising is getting people to partner or give toward my project

  • To ask the money or the funds directly but this can be handled by asking advice and giving the donor options of supporting.Like attending the fundraising or linking with other potential donors.

    1. The most challenging aspect of fundraising, is asking for money. Main reason, because many organization asking day by day for money, then the fundraising scenario is about competition. The anxiety is the major problem because beyond the competition, you have to make the fundraising personal, in order to get the support.

    2. One way to make this aspect of fundraising easier, is for example, try to match organizations goals, with donors expectations and Sustainable development goals.

    1 Reply
  • Thanking the donor for his or her patient to give attention for listening to me

  • definitely the part when you have to ask the donors for sponsorship, especially the new ones whom you don't know personally, and who know nothing about your organization. Also, the phase where you email the request letter, and they don't seem to acknowledge and you have to anxiously wait for a reply.

    1 Reply
  • i agree planning an event is one thing, but getting people to attend the fundraising event is another experience altogether.

  • My answers to:

    1. What to me is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
      Answer: Mine is "Asking to ask"
      Because this according to me is first and most crucial hurdle to cross.
      Also, this step is what I call as "an Inertia step". What happens is that I keep wanting to do it but keep prolonging it probably because of the anxiety within.

    2. What is one way I have made this aspect of fundraising easier in my work?
      Answer: Once the Asking to ask is decided upon I mark an hour or two of my time schedule to complete this task.
      Then I write a draft and read it and edit it several times and finally come up with a draft which fulfills all the criteria required.

  • Agree with You Olivia that "Asking to ask" is probably the biggest hurdle to cross. Also about asking totally unknown person and then waiting for their response can be very challenging

  • I agree with You that: "the hardest part in fundraising to You has always been dealing with a No from a donor or potential donor, and It has always left you frustrated thinking may be You didnt ask well or your work ain't worth".

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    To me, the most anxious aspect of fundraising is Asking at the correct time, in the correct way that will increase chances of getting the donor's interest. This is because of the anxiety I would feel before making the Ask. I may feel comfortable while talking about general things while setting grounds but making the leap to make the Ask may be challenging. I think it is also important to make the ask when the potential donor has the right mood and getting the most perfect time such as when the donor is not distracted.
    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    One way I plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier for my work is to send email clearly outlining the nature of support I need before I meet the donor face to face. This makes it easier to start talking about the Ask without so much anxiety.

  • Asking money for a good cause hasn't been much of a challenge to me and appreciating them is a must. However the anxieties that comes with the process is something I have to deal with.

    1 Reply
  • I feel always have good communication while you ask or even not ask any help from anyone, the fundraising fellow must be very polite as well as influential in communication whether he / she receives anything or not because it is upto donor whether he wants to give or not.
    Good relationship is a key that opens the doors for many opportunities.
    Identify people those really going to help as well as avoid people those always constantly criticize and discourage because they are not going to spend a single penny or help anyway.

    Be always positive and hopeful, always approach multiple donors, if one denies you must have other options , and always have back up plan.
    Thanking the donor in advance as well as written thank you letter after receiving the aid from org and communities with some pics and some notes from beneficiaries. Acknowledging the efforts of donor is must.

    As far as possible using the multiple fundraising platforms would be beneficial.

  • It's the same for me here, you can also try the asking for advice bit to see if it can be easier.

  • You're not alone. It's the same here for me, especially the ask. I believe the building of warm relationships may do the trick.

    1 Reply
  • finding the right time to ask for money

  • yes i agree with you

  • Having little words to write is challenging reason the donor awaits to hear all sorts of pasuadable words to be inclusive in the letter to stimulate his/her molare of responding effectively to a certain cause.

  • This session is productive, knowing how to deal with donor gave me powerful help

  • Starting or initiciating a conversation makes me anxious but have definitely tried finding a way around it.
    Preparation ,having a positive mindset and practicing breathing techniques are proven ways.
    Be more personal at the beginning of the conversation Let the donor do more of the taklking and at the right momoents enter into the conversation.

  • Thank you for sharing such powerful knowledge.

  • yes thorough preparation

  • The most difficult part of making the ask is initiating the conversation.

  • I love talking about the charity I work for and its cause. However, once it comes to making that final ask, I get extremely nervous. In my mind, if a person wants to support your cause, they will offer to make a donation after they hear me speak about it. But that is not always the case. Some donors make a donation even before you make an ask. Some donors donate without asking or expecting anything in return. Some donors ask for things in return or would appreciate if you offer something in return - like for legacy gifts, they want to have their name or the name of a loved one on a plaque permanently displayed on a wall, for example. By offering a "what's in it for them," they tend to listen more. More factors come into play when it is a corporate donor where they also want PR around their donation and have their employees engaged in an activity with beneficiaries. So there is no one size fits all when it comes to donor engagement/management/retention.

  • I am very nervous about making the ask. It is uncomfortable to ask fo rmoney.

  • I will try to approach it like I am making a new friend.

  • This week you will create your own meeting request for a potential donor. In the area below labeled "Your Response," draft an email to a potential (or actual) donor asking to discuss a potential program s/he might be interested in funding.

    Make sure your email displays some personalization; the donor should feel like you have done your research on his/her background.

    Make sure you describe your program in an interesting and relevant way. You can make up a program, but we encourage you to use one of your actual programs from your organization!

    Make sure you have a specific ask: scheduling a meeting, or a phone call, or a request for some advice. If you are requesting a meeting or a phone call, be sure to offer specific days/times that you would like to meet.

    In the area below labeled "Your Response," draft an email to a potential (or actual) donor asking to discuss a potential program s/he might be interested in funding. Then, click "Submit" and complete your peer assessments.

    1 Reply
  • The most challenging aspect for me is being rejected. It is always disappoining. I liked Tom's recommendation to consider "no" answers as "not yet". It is far more motivating to perceive rejection as an opportunity to come to that donor and try again next time

  • Nice option. I have pretty the same challenge with presentations. thanks for the idea how to overcome it

  • Rejecting of the requesition to meet the the donor is one challenge.

    1. The most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising is Reducing Anxiety because its natural
      2.Thanking the donor is one way to make the aspect of fundraising
    1. One of the most anxious aspects of fundraising is often the uncertainty of receiving the necessary funding. This can create emotional and operational pressure, especially when resources are crucial to completing important projects.

    2. To make this part of fundraising easier, one approach is to diversify funding sources. This involves seeking partnerships with multiple organizations, diversifying fundraising campaigns (online, events, grants, etc.), and building strong relationships with potential donors to ensure a broader, robust base of support . Additionally, transparent communication about goals, progress and results achieved is crucial to maintaining donor confidence.

  • The toughest part of fundraising is not knowing if people will want to help. I make it easier by connecting with potential donors, showing them how their support can change lives, and sharing stories of how past help made a difference. Building trust and teamwork makes fundraising less stressful and more about creating a positive impact together.

  • The most challenging aspect of fundraising for me is often the uncertainty surrounding donor responses. There's an inherent anxiety in not knowing how well a campaign or appeal will resonate with potential supporters and whether the fundraising goals will be met, especially when dealing with critical causes. In this case, I would prioritize building strong relationships with donors through personalized communication and providing transparent updates on how their contributions make a difference.

  • In a discussion post below, please respond to the following questions:

    1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    Asking for a specific amount of money - because I do not have much experience with it
    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    Create templates of emails, letters, asks for donations to work from each time instead of starting from scratch with every potential donor

    1. What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?

    For myself I find the socializing aspect of the fundraising the most challenging yet rewarding. Through this course I was able to develop more confidence in my abilities and knowledge and learn what "No" means from different points of views.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?

    I plan to make the aspect of fundraising easier for myself by understanding the main goal for each proposal I will create, so I have more confidence when pitching my proposals to others.

  • I agree with this as well. It's always hard to put yourself in situations that you are unaware of but by using your knowledge you have gained in your work force you knowledge will show through in your pitch!

    1. What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
      One of the most challenging aspects of fundraising is the uncertainty and anxiety associated with rejection. The fear of hearing "no" and the need to consistently navigate potential donors' diverse motivations and constraints can create stress for fundraisers.
    2. What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
      In my work, I have focused on building strong, personalized relationships with donors. By understanding their values and interests, I aim to tailor fundraising pitches to resonate with their specific concerns, increasing the likelihood of a positive response and easing the anxiety associated with potential rejection.
    1 Reply
  • i can relate to what you say.

  • Is it possible to meet a suitable procurement partner? the other person's reaction.
    Research the details of the partner organization's activities before making inquiries.

  • The fact is that when finding new donors, rejections are common. I empathize with the importance of understanding this, researching the other person in advance, and taking measures to ensure a smooth conversation when you meet.

    1 Reply
  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?

    The most challenging aspect of fundraising for me is the uncertainty around best etiquette for interacting with donors, and making asks.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    This course! And others. I intend to spend significant time in 2024 training and skill building in this area, in order to gain confidence in my interactions.

  • My challenging part is standing in mist of people during fund raising to ask for funds

  • the most difficult part or anxious part is going to be the moment of the request for support due to a rejection fear. But it most be done so I just go for it. And Statistics work for me, that way I know that some people ( a lot) is going to say no but always striving for the yes

  • The most challenging aspect of my fundraising is when the fear of rejection kicks in, while on this journey I have learnt to shift my mindset by understanding that rejection is a natural part of the fundraising process and not every request will be met with a positive response, which is still okay. I also try to view rejection as an opportunity to learn and improve as each rejection can provide valuable insights into what might not be aligning with the donor's priorities or expectations.

  • I do agree with you. and also exploring multiple fundraising avenues is important because relying on a single source for funding can increase the fear of rejection. Therefore, it is safer to diversify one's strategy to include individual donors, grants, events, and partnerships.

    1. I think being able to bounce back after a negative response is one of the most difficult things, too many no's might affect motivation. 2) Keep believing that our mission is important, keep looking for potential strategic fits and revising constantly our communication and listening skills are in the right place, transmitting our requests effectively and kindly.
    1 Reply
  • What is challenging is to know exactly
    the time that will fit the donor.
    I have to first the freetime of the donors before finishing the date of the meeting.

    1 Reply
  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    Asking for the money. Transitioning into an ask in an organic way seems awkward and uncomfortable.
    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    Work on building genuine relationships with potential donors. Focus heavily on pre reading or research so that I can have informed conversations and build a strong relationship prior to an ask.

  • Great note on matching organizations! That is a great goal

  • One thing is sure, and I believe it's the best solution to all that came up along the process.

    just ensure that there you kickoff with building a relationship before making the asking move.

  • On a normal, I would suggest you find your own free time and present to the donor. If theirs wasn't within the time frame of yours, thus it's their responsibility to respond to you with their own time schedule.

  • Awesome 👍

    That's the power of feedbacks and follow up.

    Whatever the response may be, let there be an atom of feedback or follow up incorporated

  • Most of the donors I intend or plan reaching out to are not social media servay and getting to know more about them becomes difficult without having a discussion with them.

  • Most of the donors I intend or plan reaching out to are not social media servay and getting to know more about them becomes difficult without having a discussion with them.

    1. The most challenging aspect of fundraising for me is the ask. During giving season, I feel like my organization asks for money several times from November-February so it often feels awkward for me to ask again in March-October.
    2. I plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in my work by listening closer to the donors interest in hopes of establishing a better relationship with them. This way, the ask may be less awkward.
    2 Replies
  • For me, the most stressful part is making sure that I talk about money in a tactful way.

    I plan to remedy this situation by reviewing the advice given in this course about how to smooth over the awkward parts of asking for money.

  • I can definitely understand how it could feel awkward to ask for money so frequently. But I think you're right to just focus on making things about the donor and what they're interested in!

  • I struggle with actually asking for the money.

    I intend to work within a team, that way not everything just rests on my soldiers. Hopefuly that will reduce my anxiety about asking for money.

  • I find the ask to be the most challenging part of connecting with donors

  • To me, the hardest part of meeting donors is asking for where to meet and time to meet them, discussing my organization and transitioning into an ask.

  • the most challenging aspect of fundraising, is asking for money. Main reason, because many organization asking day by day for money, then the fundraising scenario is about competition. The anxiety is the major problem because beyond the competition, you have to make the fundraising personal, in order to get the support

    1. For me, the most anxious aspect of fundraising is the fear of rejection. It can be daunting to put yourself out there, present your cause or organization, and ask for financial support, especially knowing that not everyone will say yes. The fear of hearing "no" or facing objections can make the fundraising process feel intimidating and challenging.

    2. One way I have made this aspect of fundraising easier in my work is by focusing on building genuine relationships with potential donors. By approaching fundraising as an opportunity to connect with individuals who share our organization's values and goals, rather than just asking for money, I find it easier to navigate conversations and handle potential rejection. Building rapport and trust over time can make the fundraising process feel more natural and less daunting. Additionally, having a clear understanding of our organization's mission and impact helps me convey our story with confidence and authenticity, which can resonate more strongly with potential donors.

    1 Reply
  • One of the most anxious and challenging aspects of fundraising is the uncertainty surrounding the outcome. Fundraising often involves reaching out to potential donors or supporters with the hope of securing financial contributions or partnerships for projects or initiatives. However, there is no guarantee that these efforts will be successful.

    This uncertainty can lead to anxiety for fundraisers as they navigate conversations with potential donors, make funding requests, and await responses. Additionally, fundraisers may feel pressure to meet fundraising targets or fulfill financial obligations within specific timeframes, adding to the stress of the process.

    The way to deal with this for me, personally and to make it easier, was something my dad said that resonates with me till this day. Focus on what you can control and not what you can't control.

  • That is indeed something I think everyone struggles with. However, focus on what you can control and not what you can't control. The worst people can say is no. Then move on an learn from it.

  • Some of the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising,A reduction in individual donations, Reliance & Dependence on only Donations , Donor disconnection. This is because a reduction in individual donations means Laying off of some staff dependence on only donation put organization in anxious moments of uncertainty especially when there is Donor laxity and reduction of donation
    2: some of the ways i plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier are identify my ideal Market target specifically focus on your organization Niche , Try as much as possible to maintain the current donors, Establishing and Maintaining Durable trust with current donors, But Very important is effectively communicate your story , Reengage previous donors

  • Most Challenging Aspect is Meeting & Engaging New Donors (anxiety about approaching new people & effectively communicating my cause)
    Easing the Challenge by Planning & Prospect Research (prepare talking points and identify potential donor interests)

  • A.
    The most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, in my opinion, is the fear of rejection or failure. It can be daunting to put yourself out there, make the ask, and risk hearing a "no" from potential donors. This fear may stem from concerns about whether our cause is compelling enough, whether we're effectively conveying our message, or whether we're asking for too much or too little. Additionally, there's often pressure to meet fundraising goals, which can add to the anxiety.

    One way I have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in my work is by focusing on building genuine relationships with donors. Instead of approaching fundraising as a transactional exchange solely aimed at securing donations, I aim to connect with donors on a personal level and cultivate long-term partnerships based on shared values and interests. By fostering trust and rapport with donors, I believe it will become easier to navigate the fundraising process, including making the ask, receiving feedback, and handling rejection gracefully. Additionally, I plan to prioritize transparency and communication throughout the fundraising journey, ensuring that donors feel informed and appreciated every step of the way. This approach not only reduces anxiety for both parties but also lays the foundation for sustainable fundraising efforts in the future.

  • The challenge is aligning the donors interests. Donors interest are too dynamic, therefore putting that in consideration you must make sure that you extremely understand the best means to convince the donors.

  • 1:
    The most challenging aspect of fundraising is making the ask. you must know whether your organization activities align with the interest of the donor and again your mission and vision must be explained clearly using a story.
    I have planned to review the interest of the donor fists and confirm whether its aligns with the organizations interest.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    The most challenging aspect of fundraising is asking for money and making the transition, because it changes the relationship.
    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    Tom’s anxiety moments helped me to overcome this fear.

    1 Reply
  • 1: The most challenging aspect of fundraising for me is the fear of rejection or failure. It can be daunting to reach out to potential donors, knowing that not everyone will be receptive to our cause or willing to contribute. Additionally, there's pressure to meet fundraising goals and make a meaningful impact, which adds to the anxiety.

    2: One way I plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier is by focusing on building genuine relationships with donors. Instead of viewing fundraising as a transactional exchange, I will approach it as an opportunity to connect with individuals who share our organization's values and passion for our mission. By establishing trust and rapport with donors, I hope to alleviate some of the anxiety associated with asking for support and increase the likelihood of successful fundraising efforts.

  • This has been a great course and if anyone would like to discuss more about their journeys in fundraising, I'd be happy to connect!

  • The hard is to start a conversation with donor and transition it into ask,

  • I feel anxious asking for money and talking to people especially the ones with money.

  • The most challenging task for me is asking for money, I tend to think about more reasons why they would not want to fund instead of why they should.
    How I intend to approach this anxiety is by focusing on the fact that the person wants to do good in the first place and that even his/ her "no" can also be used positively by finding out reasons why they say no and how I can improve my skills next time.

    1 Reply
  • It is true about changing the relationship, sometimes you know that the donor shares the same interest as your organization but because you have such a close relationship you become afraid to ruin it by asking for money. But as we have learned, when the donor shares the same interest it is a good start, maybe just asking for advice can lend you that big chance you need.

  • The most anxious part for me is wanting my organisation to support more people and being unable to due to funding or a lack or personnel. The drive to achieve more and failing is anxiety inducing. The key change we have made is working on a longer term funding plan to ensure we are not reliant on yearly grants solely to keep the organisation moving forward

  • identifying a donor and Knowing the donor interest are always the masterpiece during the process

    1. Creating the ask itself - research, writing the initial letter. I want to make sure I am understanding my prospective donor correctly.
    2. Speaking to my team members to learn how they are going about this process.
  • That is a good solution.

  • Meeting new prospective donors is challenging because am uncertain about the result but with practice I always get to be strong in ha doing all results from the future

    1. Most Anxious Aspect of Fundraising:
      For me, the scariest part of fundraising is the fear of being told "no." It's tough to put yourself out there and face rejection.

    2. Making Fundraising Easier:
      To deal with this, I'm trying to see rejection as a chance to learn. Instead of taking it personally, I'm using it as feedback to improve my approach next time.

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