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  • intresting key notes on this course.

  • intresting key notes on this course.

  • Although the Representative is hard on drug, he however opens a window policy opportunity as a first step to achieve further extension of such drug tolerance to a larger group. I encourage you to coose the ideal moment to approach the representative. Good mission.

  • The framing of this issue seems more individualized than strategic to the problem discussed. Personally, I would gravitate more to the framing analysis portion of this issue to provide context and substance to the argument. This will offer a good understanding of urgency and need for review of the issue. Although the motivation portion is appropriately outlined, it might be more advantageous to review the current legislative priorities to align the identified topic with an ongoing line-item to help influence the decision-making process.
    The framing process while done adequately, could offer more buy-in through alignment and analysis support towards the need. Otherwise, it it presented with a surface level understanding.

  • Good topic. I want to apply this to the context of changing the habit of rural people in exclusive breastfeeding to their six up to six months after their childbirth. Governments also need to change their way of perceiving development only in giving a high priority in bringing heavy investment in infrastructure and turn its priority towards bringing investment into increasing human capital by taking care of small children by making policy arrangements to increase the habit of exclusive breastfeeding.

  • Thank you so much for this course, it inspired understanding of important dimensions of advocacy strategy such as timing, framing and motivation.

  • This is a difficult topic to cover as there are many things coming in to play. While your argument is legalizing marijuana at the federal level could help with veterans, there are possible negative effects that could also play a role that may potentially interfere with the positives.

  • It is important to pay cognisance to our target audience where designing an advocacy tool, as the is a factor that could influence the process as well.

  • It is very important to have all checks and balances in place. If the framing is right, I believe that change can be made.

  • Framing is a way of structuring or presenting a problem or an issue. Framing involves explaining and describing the context of the problem to gain the most support from your audience. Your audience is key to framing. The way a problem is posed, or framed, should reflect the attitudes and beliefs of your audience.

    Who is your audience? It might be anyone, including a single influential person, a person or group affected by the problem, a community group, or the media. It may also change from day to day, as you talk to different people.

    Regardless as to who your audience is, when framing an issue you should be specific about:

    What is the issue?
    Who is involved?
    What contributes to the problem?
    What contributes to the solution?
    More details on these questions are found under "How should you best frame an issue," below.

    1 Reply
  • Framing is a way of structuring or presenting a problem or an issue. Framing involves explaining and describing the context of the problem to gain the most support from your audience. Your audience is key to framing. The way a problem is posed, or framed, should reflect the attitudes and beliefs of your audience.

    Who is your audience? It might be anyone, including a single influential person, a person or group affected by the problem, a community group, or the media. It may also change from day to day, as you talk to different people.

    Regardless as to who your audience is, when framing an issue you should be specific about:

    What is the issue?
    Who is involved?
    What contributes to the problem?
    What contributes to the solution?
    More details on these questions are found under "How should you best frame an issue," below.

  • Cannabis does have medicinal properties to it. I don't use marijuana as medicine but I embrace it being used as medicine.

  • Thank you for posting this comment it was very well said. It explains framing in a much easier context.

  • Hey at least its decriminalized now :)

  • I like your response to this quite a bit.

  • I like the framing you have chosen for this problem. The merit good frame seems to suit well in this situation. It is also clear what type of behavior motivations you are tapping into, indeed Marijuana is just like any other plant. whether good or bad depends on how we use it. Used appropriately it may help against many ailments as you have already indicated.

  • What I find really interesting about the pinned comment is that the way the user has framed the issue, it touches on at least 3 of the framing methods discussed in the podcast. Because the respondent focused his message using veterans as examples of who would benefit from this law to a politician that based on his past behavior seems to value the patriotic pride that veterans represent (Patriotic Policy frame), he is more likely to be successful in gaining a further audience. But he has also appealed via a responsible public policy frame by indicating that using the profits from taxation can benefit the greater good by providing services that are needed and often underfunded. Finally, there is also merit goods frame, that by the lack of (or limited) study into the benefits of marijuana because of the current limitations, there are those who are suffering real harm – and we would all benefit from more thorough examination of marijuana as a medical treatment.

  • In terms of intermediate outcomes and impact, if the MORE Act were to pass, it could lead to reduced criminalization and stigma surrounding marijuana use, increased access to medical marijuana for those in need, and potential revenue generation for agencies that serve vulnerable populations. This could have a positive impact on individuals and communities affected by the criminalization of marijuana and its impact on mental health and substance abuse issues.

    However, it's important to note that there may be challenges and barriers to passing the MORE Act, such as opposition from lawmakers who do not support decriminalization of marijuana or concerns about how revenue generated from taxing marijuana will be allocated. It's important to continue advocating and raising awareness of the potential benefits of the MORE Act and medical marijuana for veterans and other vulnerable populations.

  • This is to frame a policy in the legal way to implement the actions and get results.

  • Framing the Issue:

    It's all about healthcare systems. My long years of work in Uganda could really tell about how we can look at the healthcare systems and its quality and standards across all sorts of clinics, private or state clinics, medical centres, drug stores.

    Many of those places are run unlicensed, even when licensed they aren't standards that are being followed and supervised.

    Many healthcare workers are licensed, however many of them too don't qualify to be licensed.

    This is something that our organization takes in a lot as this affects the patients care.

    Due to this issue, we are having lots of admission of children who were put in danger by such health care providers.

    And no-one really cares.

  • ll good communications efforts are rooted in a vision for change. What is the big, hairy, ambitious goal you have for changing the world? What’s the vision that your organization’s mission is rooted in? These core aspects of your work are vital grounding for your communications efforts, as they will inform your strategic choices and set the tone of your efforts.

    Generally, objectives can be divided into two categories: behavior change and policy change

  • excellent response, captures my thoughts.

  • Advocating for the use of alternative treatments for PTSD on US veterans involves raising awareness about the benefits of non-traditional therapies. It is important to provide evidence-based research and case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment, and to highlight the potential risks and limitations of traditional treatments such as medication and talk therapy. But also, trying to educate the population about the benefits, not only to the veterans, but the society in general, like the fund allocation to social work could also help. Trying to spread the benefit range is a good way to advocate for a cause.

  • In the context-setting of IDP camps where I work, a common challenge with advocacy is faced when attempting to collaborate with local government authorities or community leaders at the local level. Intrinsic or positive motivations can often be misconstrued as favoritism or pave the way for asking for bribes. This is why framing of the issue should be as concise as possible.

  • In the context-setting of IDP camps where I work, a common challenge with advocacy is faced when attempting to collaborate with local government authorities or community leaders at the local level. Intrinsic or positive motivations can often be misconstrued as favoritism or pave the way for asking for bribes. This is why framing of the issue should be as concise as possible.

  • I found very interesting the change that the use of marihuana for medical and entertainment purposes has suffered. According to CNN the opinion of the American people has constantly increase from a 31% of agreement to 69% in the past 22 years. This shows a context that is half open for the discussion.

    In order to define strategy I would use the Window of opportunity, specially in electoral time to frame the problem and call on the candidates to incorporate the legalization of Marihuana. Thus, is necessary to use tactics as strengthen social collectives through this electoral time and agenda setting.

    Also can be useful to compare the successful and failed strategies that other organizations had used in other states. And increase the visibility of the social improvements related to Marihuana legalization in other states.

  • It is very important to understand the frame of the issue in order to be able to communicate it clearly.
    HIV, the field of my work, has been framed for many times but a more inclusive and global framing is needed.

  • It is very important to understand the frame of the issue in order to be able to communicate it clearly.
    HIV, the field of my work, has been framed for many times but a more inclusive and globle framing is needed.

  • We've talked about timing and the crucial importance of getting the timing right for both policy and individual change.This includes framing which helps in how are you gonna make your point in a way that'll have the biggest impact.

  • This chapter has really opened my eyes to an important aspect of advocacy that will help frame my approach in my professional activities.

    1 Reply
  • I'm not sure what the public climate in Greece is on migrants and migrant workers, but whether it is negative or not, maybe spotlight some of the stories and experiences of these migrants (get the media involved). Answer questions like why they are in Greece and what their expectations were when they arrived, compared to what they have experienced so far. Many times, migrants go to another country not for the betterment of themselves but to send money home to better their family's situation back there. As far as framing the issue maybe it would fall under reasonable public policy or merit goods.

  • Since the original post was created, the US has become even less inclined to look at things from a federal level. More and more things are handed over to the individual state. Marijuana is one of those things. Focusing on treating veterans is a good in - partly bc people have a soft spot for vets and partly bc they are located all over the US and would benefit from Federal regulation changes.

  • Exactly, I've learnt more strategic ways to make I advocacy approach, motivation,timing, framing,

    1 Reply
  • I work in a mental health organization, and it's a bit hard for the government to look into mental health matters here, but I think with what I've learnt here and more to learn I'll be able to make a lil change.

  • I want to advocate for greater access to education for the children of Ecuador, who are largely subjected to working for over 8 hours a day from the ages of 3, rather than receiving an education and learning about issues that are vital for their social and cognitive development and hopes for leading a more prosperous life than that of their parents. However, although my organisation works with the government, it is very difficult to achieve significant funding and support for our initiative, which makes the process all the more complicated. There are upcoming elections next month in Ecuador, and should we make use of this policy window, while also take a framing approach that encourages the new candidates to advocate for the same goals as us, hopefully we can reach more promising achievements with our initiative.

  • First off, I think that marijuana has many medicinal uses and agree that it is difficult, if not impossible to complete studies on the populations that matter to get the results that are needed. Have you tried reaching out to other senators as well? If you are able to get others looking at the issue/bill by bringing attention to it, you might make a difference.

  • Legalizing marijuana is really not a welcome idea from my personal view point. The reason, being it works differently in our body system. It could push some people to be violent in their daily behaviour and in their relations with others.

    1 Reply
  • It's great that you're passionate about advocating for the MORE Act and its potential impact on decriminalizing marijuana and allocating revenue to support important social programs. Here's how you could approach motivating your audience, reaching out to them, advocating for the cause, and creating an action plan:

    1. Motivating Audiences:

    Emphasize Benefits: Highlight how the MORE Act can lead to criminal justice reform, reduce disparities, and redirect resources towards social programs.
    Personal Stories: Share personal stories or testimonials from individuals whose lives could be positively impacted by the Act.
    Positive Impact: Illustrate how decriminalization and revenue allocation can improve communities, reduce stigma, and offer better support to those with substance abuse needs.

    1. Reaching Out to Audiences:

    Targeted Messaging: Tailor your message to resonate with various groups such as lawmakers, voters, advocacy organizations, medical professionals, and those affected by the current legal status of marijuana.
    Online Platforms: Utilize social media, blogs, and websites to spread awareness, share information, and engage in discussions.
    Partnerships: Collaborate with existing advocacy groups, influencers, or organizations that align with your cause.

    1. Advocating:

    Educate: Provide clear and accurate information about the MORE Act, its benefits, and the potential positive outcomes for society.
    Address Concerns: Address potential concerns such as public health, safety, and regulatory frameworks associated with marijuana legalization.
    Empower Supporters: Encourage supporters to take action, whether it's signing petitions, contacting their representatives, attending rallies, or sharing information.

    1. Seeking Advice:

    Experts: Consult legal experts, policymakers, and professionals in the field to gather insights and refine your advocacy approach.
    Community Engagement: Reach out to grassroots organizations, local community leaders, and affected individuals to understand their needs and perspectives.

    1. Creating the Action Plan:

    Awareness Campaign: Develop a comprehensive awareness campaign with key messages, visuals, and statistics to inform the public about the MORE Act.
    Engagement Strategies: Plan and execute strategies such as letter-writing campaigns, phone call campaigns to legislators, virtual town halls, and informative webinars.
    Coalitions: Form coalitions with other advocacy groups, medical organizations, and community leaders to amplify your efforts and build a stronger voice.

    1. Your Desire:
      Your desire to create this action plan likely stems from recognizing the societal and individual benefits that the MORE Act could bring. By decriminalizing marijuana and reallocating revenue to social programs, you aim to address systemic issues, empower marginalized communities, and provide better support to those in need.

    Remember, consistency, passion, and collaboration are key. Continue to adapt your approach based on feedback and evolving circumstances. By effectively communicating the potential positive impact of the MORE Act, you can rally support, engage stakeholders, and contribute to positive change in your community and the country at large.

  • I understand that you have concerns about the legalization of marijuana based on its potential effects on behavior and relationships. It's important to acknowledge that viewpoints on this topic can vary widely. While some individuals may have concerns about the impact of marijuana legalization, others argue that regulation and taxation could help mitigate potential negative effects while also addressing the legal and social issues associated with its prohibition. Here are a few points to consider:

    1. Regulation and Control:
      One of the primary arguments for legalization is that it allows for regulation and control of the substance. Legalization would enable governments to establish age restrictions, quality control standards, and dosage guidelines, which could help reduce potential health risks associated with inconsistent and unregulated products.

    2. Criminal Justice Reform:
      The criminalization of marijuana has disproportionately affected certain communities, leading to unnecessary arrests and convictions. Legalization could contribute to criminal justice reform by reducing the number of non-violent offenders in the criminal justice system.

    3. Public Health and Education:
      Legalization can provide an opportunity to invest in public health and education campaigns to inform people about the potential risks and responsible use of marijuana. This could lead to more informed decisions and safer consumption practices.

    4. Economic Benefits:
      Legalizing and taxing marijuana could generate significant revenue for governments, which could be allocated to various social programs, public health initiatives, and education efforts.

    5. Research Opportunities:
      Legalization could open doors for more scientific research on the effects of marijuana, its potential medical applications, and the best ways to address any negative behavioral consequences.

    It's important to approach these discussions with an open mind and to consider the potential benefits as well as the concerns. Public policy decisions often involve complex trade-offs, and it's essential to weigh both the potential positive and negative outcomes.

    If you're interested in engaging in discussions about this topic, it could be helpful to gather a variety of perspectives, review available research, and consider the experiences of places that have already legalized marijuana to better understand the real-world impacts. Remember that respectful dialogue and understanding differing viewpoints can contribute to well-informed conversations about complex issues like drug legalization.

  • I'm glad to hear that you've gained insights into more strategic ways to approach advocacy, motivation, timing, and framing. These elements can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your efforts. Remember that successful advocacy often requires a thoughtful and well-rounded approach. Here's a brief recap:

    Advocacy Approach:

    Tailor your message to your target audience's needs, concerns, and values.
    Utilize data, personal stories, and compelling narratives to make your case.
    Engage in respectful conversations to address objections and concerns.
    Collaborate with like-minded individuals, organizations, and communities to amplify your impact.

    Identify the emotional triggers and aspirations of your audience.
    Use storytelling to create a personal connection and evoke empathy.
    Highlight the positive outcomes and benefits of your cause.

    Capitalize on current events, legislative sessions, or relevant milestones.
    Be aware of your audience's schedules and preferences for communication.
    Align your advocacy efforts with moments when your message will have the most impact.

    Choose messaging that resonates with your audience's values and concerns.
    Present facts and data in a clear, accessible, and compelling manner.
    Address potential counterarguments by offering well-reasoned responses.
    Continuously refine and adapt your approach based on feedback, insights, and the changing landscape. Advocacy is an ongoing process that requires flexibility, persistence, and a willingness to learn from both successes and challenges.

    Remember that empathy, respect for differing opinions, and a commitment to positive change are essential components of effective advocacy. By incorporating these strategic elements into your advocacy efforts, you can make a meaningful impact on the issues you care about.

  • The hygiene assistance program by Mother's Embrace Ministries aims to address the problem of inadequate access to proper hygiene and personal care essentials within the community. This problem affects individuals and families who may be facing financial difficulties or other challenges that hinder their ability to maintain basic hygiene practices. The lack of access to items like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and sanitary products can lead to health issues, low self-esteem, and reduced overall well-being.

    The hygiene assistance program seeks to provide tangible solutions by distributing hygiene kits, offering education on proper hygiene practices, and fostering a sense of dignity and care within the community. By addressing this problem, the program contributes to improved health, increased self-confidence, and a stronger sense of community support among those who benefit from its initiatives.

  • Although marijuana has a negative history that may have affected those who used it as recreational drug. In recent time, 37 states in the United States and the District of Columbia, including four U.S territories have laws permitting marijuana for medical use (Ramirez, 2022). According to Stoner (2017), marijuana is the most used drug in the United States as the perceptions of risk of adverse effects from its use among adults in the general population has declined steadily. Furthermore, the institute stated that mental health conditions figure is largely the reasons provided for medical marijuana use even though the effects of marijuana on mental health such as anxiety disorders are complex due to the distinct effects of the active ingredients, namely THC and CBD.
    You will need to use the tools of persuasion considering behavioral motivations (both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations), framing and policy windows for your advocacy approach. “Large leaps” or punctuated Equilibrium theory will be most appropriate to make a significant difference especially in the federal level since more states have legalized the use of marijuana.


    Ramirez, M. (2022). Biden Pardons federally convicted marijuana users. Here’s where marijuana laws stand in each state. USA TODAY.

    Stoner, A. S. (2017). Effects of marijuana on mental health: Anxiety disorders. ADAI Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute

  • The goal stated is clear (advocating for the decriminalization of marijuana), but the framing seems a bit confused and no adequate explanations are provided as to why this would be a good result.

  • Great, as you said, farmers are "exploited". they do the whole job, but received nothing good. they suffered and nobody worried for them. the support of your organisation will be appreciated by farmers.

  • Contextualizing framing is a crucial element in advocacy that serves as the foundation for effective communication and persuasion. Advocacy, in its essence, aims to bring about change by influencing public opinion, policy decisions, or social norms. To achieve this goal, those of us with the responsibility must carefully craft messages bearing in mind the the context we find ourselves in order to ensure that these messages resonate with our target audience. Here's why contextualizing framing is of paramount importance in advocacy

  • If it is used based on prescription, then it is alright since it has medicine benefits.

  • Well done. Your work takes into account the three dimensions of advocacy. What are timing, framing and motivations. But my concern is at the level of the framing that I have difficulty understanding you well.

  • It's nicely framed. It brings out the problem and what desired change is required.

  • Regarding marjuana use and legaisation, I think that there are a lot of advantages. The most common that is used here in Italy, for obvious reasons, is the fact that the marjuana business right now is in the hands of the mafia; by making it legal the state would gain economic advantages and at the same time cut off a Mafia's financial income.

  • Allow me to stand in the middle of either side, simply because I would want to support the motion and go against it in equal measure. Let me start by supporting the topic.

  • Allow me to stand in the middle of either side, simply because I would want to support the motion and go against it in equal measure. Let me start by supporting the topic.
    Pushing Marijuana legalization will come with handy benefits which as stated, will boost the economy of the country, will create more employment both directly and indirectly, as a medicinal herb, HEMP has many medicinal ingredients that can be used to treat different diseases eg. PTSD, cancer and many more. There are many more beneficial advantages that marijuana can bring. These merits have been seen in the Canadian economy and its sustainability in terms of health context.

    However, I understand marijuana's effects on the body vary depending on the person. This aspect leaves the country in a big dilemma to legalize marijuana as there will loopholes for abuse of this drug. Legalizing marijuana by the federal government in US might cause more uncontrollable harm than the benefits.

  • It’s true marijuana is a national crisis that needs attention. I am glad you reached out to the US representatives as a great step to effect change

  • i think making the people understand the use of marijuana would probably give them an idea why people find themselves on drugs , we real needs to create a society that will learn to accept and tolerate one another with regardless of our differences .

  • This is a good initiative
    It would be great if the policy is formulated to respond to the issuei

  • It's great that you're advocating for the MORE Act and highlighting its potential benefits for veterans suffering from PTSD. Framing the issue in terms of the potential medical benefits of marijuana for veterans is a powerful approach. This could resonate with your U.S. Representative, especially considering his favorable stance towards the veteran population.

    You've also touched on the current scheduling of marijuana as a Schedule I drug, which presents a barrier to research and participation in studies. This is an important point to emphasize, as rescheduling marijuana could open up opportunities for more comprehensive research and potentially lead to better treatment options for veterans.

    In your advocacy efforts, you may want to continue emphasizing the positive impact that the MORE Act could have on veterans' well-being, mental health, and overall quality of life. Providing concrete examples and stories of veterans who have benefited from medical marijuana could further support your case.

    Overall, you've identified a compelling frame for your advocacy work. Keep up the good work, and continue to engage with your representative on this important issue!

  • Your advocacy effort to support the MORE Act and the decriminalization of marijuana at the federal level is commendable, as it addresses a pressing issue in the United States. By seeking to redirect revenue from marijuana taxation towards agencies that can benefit both social workers and clients with substance abuse needs, you demonstrate a comprehensive approach to tackling the complex challenges associated with drug policy.

    Your outreach to your U.S. Representative, particularly in highlighting the potential benefits of medical marijuana for veterans suffering from PTSD, is a strategic move. By framing the issue in terms of medical benefits, you appeal to a humanitarian perspective and emphasize the potential positive impact on the well-being of veterans. This aligns well with your Representative's inclination towards supporting the veteran population.

    Your mention of marijuana's current Schedule I classification is a crucial point. It sheds light on the regulatory barriers that impede research and access to potential medical benefits. This demonstrates your deep understanding of the systemic challenges that need to be addressed for meaningful change to occur.

    It's also noteworthy that you've taken the time to research your Representative's stance on drug policy. This insight provides you with a valuable perspective on how best to frame your advocacy efforts to align with their existing beliefs and priorities.

    In terms of improvement, you may want to consider incorporating statistics or research findings that support the medical benefits of marijuana for veterans with PTSD. Providing empirical evidence can strengthen your argument and lend additional credibility to your advocacy efforts.

    Overall, your advocacy strategy is well-informed and strategically tailored to your audience. Keep up the excellent work, and continue to engage with your Representative and others who can support this important cause. Your dedication to this issue is making a meaningful contribution to the broader discourse on drug policy reform.

  • You're orchestrating a symphony for change! By advocating for the MORE Act, you're not just decriminalizing, but opening new doors for those in need. Your strategic approach to engage your U.S. Representative, highlighting the potential benefits for veterans, is a masterstroke. Navigating the intricacies of drug classifications shows your commitment. Keep conducting this melody of progress!

  • Goodday this seems like a good idea as i am seeing this after 3years i believe you have carried out your task

  • The problem Im trying to solve is full implementation of the National Disability Act

  • You are dpoing the advoccay effectively

  • The implementation plan of persons affected leading advocacy in partnership with other groups is most effective

  • Children with disability are neglected and discriminated against

    1 Reply
  • One major concern here is that even if marijuana is beneficial to veterans, the abuse is an aspect that may not be fully controlled. it sells the idea that taking marijuana is not so harmful by the way.

  • @PARISSE0308 said in Module 2 Discussion: Framing the Issue:

    The prohibition of “marijuana” is rooted in racism by corporate greed.
    We are nearing critical point of no return on climate change and facing economic recessions while parts of the solution to these serious problems have always been available since our ancient civilization.
    HEMP has a huge potential! Not only will it introduce more jobs but it can also make the sustainable living more accessible and increase economic viability.
    The negative stigma that still tragically clings to this holistic, herbal medicine is holding us back to reach its full potential----- from food, social mobility water and soil purification, medicinal/therapeutic medicine, to sustainable fashion and building materials. We just need strict regulation and proper methods in my opinion, so people won’t abuse and not lose the essence of this healing plant.
    Reefer syndrome has to end!

    @PARISSE0308 said in Module 2 Discussion: Framing the Issue:

    The prohibition of “marijuana” is rooted in racism by corporate greed.
    We are nearing critical point of no return on climate change and facing economic recessions while parts of the solution to these serious problems have always been available since our ancient civilization.
    HEMP has a huge potential! Not only will it introduce more jobs but it can also make the sustainable living more accessible and increase economic viability.
    The negative stigma that still tragically clings to this holistic, herbal medicine is holding us back to reach its full potential----- from food, social mobility water and soil purification, medicinal/therapeutic medicine, to sustainable fashion and building materials. We just need strict regulation and proper methods in my opinion, so people won’t abuse and not lose the essence of this healing plant.
    Reefer syndrome has to end!

    @PARISSE0308 said in Module 2 Discussion: Framing the Issue:

    The prohibition of “marijuana” is rooted in racism by corporate greed.
    We are nearing critical point of no return on climate change and facing economic recessions while parts of the solution to these serious problems have always been available since our ancient civilization.
    HEMP has a huge potential! Not only will it introduce more jobs but it can also make the sustainable living more accessible and increase economic viability.
    The negative stigma that still tragically clings to this holistic, herbal medicine is holding us back to reach its full potential----- from food, social mobility water and soil purification, medicinal/therapeutic medicine, to sustainable fashion and building materials. We just need strict regulation and proper methods in my opinion, so people won’t abuse and not lose the essence of this healing plant.
    Reefer syndrome has to end!

    @PARISSE0308 said in Module 2 Discussion: Framing the Issue:

    The prohibition of “marijuana” is rooted in racism by corporate greed.
    We are nearing critical point of no return on climate change and facing economic recessions while parts of the solution to these serious problems have always been available since our ancient civilization.
    HEMP has a huge potential! Not only will it introduce more jobs but it can also make the sustainable living more accessible and increase economic viability.
    The negative stigma that still tragically clings to this holistic, herbal medicine is holding us back to reach its full potential----- from food, social mobility water and soil purification, medicinal/therapeutic medicine, to sustainable fashion and building materials. We just need strict regulation and proper methods in my opinion, so people won’t abuse and not lose the essence of this healing plant.
    Reefer syndrome has to end!

    Marijuana is not very bad but people are being exposed to it and there are prone to abuse.

  • The non passing of the MORE Act pass to decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level and getting revenue generated from taxing marijuana allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs has medical marijuana that could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD is a big challenge.

  • The non passing of the MORE Act pass to decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level and getting revenue generated from taxing marijuana allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs has medical marijuana that could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD is a big challenge.

  • Non passage of the MORE Act pass to decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level and getting revenue generated from taxing marijuana allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs has medical marijuana that could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD is a big challenge.

  • The non passing of the MORE Act pass to decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level and getting revenue generated from taxing marijuana allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs has medical marijuana that could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD is a big challenge.The non passing of the MORE Act pass to decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level and getting revenue generated from taxing marijuana allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs has medical marijuana that could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD is a big challenge.The non passing of the MORE Act pass to decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level and getting revenue generated from taxing marijuana allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs has medical marijuana that could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD is a big challenge.

  • Girl child education should be placed as a priority.
    The idea that the girl child should not be allowed to go to school is outdated and vague.
    Funds should be pushed into ensuring every girl child is well educated.
    I love this notion.

  • Girl child education should be placed as a priority.
    The idea that the girl child should not be allowed to go to school is outdated and vague.
    Funds should be pushed into ensuring every girl child is well educated.
    I love this notion.

  • I do get where you are coming from. I feel I have a neutral opinion when it comes to legalizing of Majuana. I will say I do feel like its going to take allot to get marjuana legal in certain states not all. I feel if more and more states come around to legalizing marjuana then the rest of the states will follow.

  • I agree instead of trying to get marijuana legal we should be trying to come together to come up wit more ways and polices that are safe for kids with disabilities going to school or who may not be able to go to school. I feel with it comes to children even people adults with disabilities it very often overlooked and I wish this is something that more people will pay attention to.

  • I really like you view point on the legalization of marijuana, Although I have neutral opinion and prefer not to get involve due to personal reasons. I see how your discussion was well -written and really thought out,. I'm going to be honest If I was someone who had a say in whether or not marijuana should be legalize or not and had read this. I would of definitely took your opinion into consideration. I really enjoyed reading your post. Good Work

  • The problem I am trying to solve is to ensure persons living with disabilities access equitable and timely healthcare

    In my opinion, the merits goods framework would be the best advocacy approach. It addresses the importance of policy as a means to protect the vulnerable (persons living with disability/persons that are abled differently) and ensures resources are targeted towards this group.
    To reinforce this, we might want to factor in arguments that compare our countries to other countries either favorably or unfavorably to stimulate action. This is the patriotic policy frame approach. Further, the human rights framework advocates for the right to inclusion.

  • In general, I do not think it is fair to humankind for others to make discissions about others. I personally do not like marijuana, but Ido have PTSD, so I do understand the need for something to help. I don't think it's my place to judge others on how they choice to cope with there's. marijuana is not something I would fight for when I feel that there is so much more going on in the world.

  • i think this is framing not done correctly. because at the end of the day, framing when done rightly can solve the problem at hand

  • In the Mid-West region of the USA stats had proven that most veterans who's experienced severe trauma followed by PTSD and who are under therapy got onto a much better recovery path using medical marijuana that is recognized as an efficient healer.
    That situation motivated the authorities to put the substance's commercialization under legation so they could collect taxes and then fund the mental health management dedicated to Veterans.
    The same strategy could be set into place considering all the necessary accommodations.

  • @gsmith0901 said in Module 2 Discussion: Framing the Issue:

    The problem I am trying to solve is helping the MORE Act pass which would decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level. Revenue generated from taxing marijuana would be allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs.

    I have recently reached out to my U.S. Representative and sent an email requesting he consider how medical marijuana could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD. With marijuana listed as a Schedule I drug which is considered as substances, or chemicals with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Until this changes, the appropriate approval for studies are difficult to get approved and many veterans cannot participate due to the current schedule classification. I looked at his history, he is tough on drugs but tends to favor the veteran population.

    @gsmith0901 said in Module 2 Discussion: Framing the Issue:

    The problem I am trying to solve is helping the MORE Act pass which would decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level. Revenue generated from taxing marijuana would be allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs.

    I have recently reached out to my U.S. Representative and sent an email requesting he consider how medical marijuana could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD. With marijuana listed as a Schedule I drug which is considered as substances, or chemicals with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Until this changes, the appropriate approval for studies are difficult to get approved and many veterans cannot participate due to the current schedule classification. I looked at his history, he is tough on drugs but tends to favor the veteran population.

    @gsmith0901 said in Module 2 Discussion: Framing the Issue:

    The problem I am trying to solve is helping the MORE Act pass which would decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level. Revenue generated from taxing marijuana would be allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs.

    I have recently reached out to my U.S. Representative and sent an email requesting he consider how medical marijuana could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD. With marijuana listed as a Schedule I drug which is considered as substances, or chemicals with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Until this changes, the appropriate approval for studies are difficult to get approved and many veterans cannot participate due to the current schedule classification. I looked at his history, he is tough on drugs but tends to favor the veteran population.

    Worthy work. Given how old this post is, I'm wondering how your progress is going. The War on Drugs amounted to little more than a War on poor people - especially people of color. The desire to change one's mental state stretches back millennia and seems unlikely to change.

  • For me, Identifying moments of advocacy and policy progress in reviving Nigerian tertiary education involves recognizing key milestones, such as policy reviews, budget allocations, or major education reform discussions. Strategies for motivating key people, including policymakers and stakeholders, could include showcasing successful case studies of educational revitalization, emphasizing the economic and societal benefits of a thriving higher education system, and fostering collaborations between academia, industry, and government. Understanding the power of "framing" in advocacy work means presenting the challenges in Nigerian tertiary education not only as problems but also as opportunities for growth and national development. Framing the narrative around the potential positive outcomes of revitalizing education can be a compelling strategy to garner support and drive policy progress.

  • Advocacy effectiveness often hinges on strategic framing, timing, and motivation. Framing involves presenting an issue in a way that resonates with your audience's values. Timing is crucial; advocate when the issue is relevant and attention is high. Motivation is driven by clearly communicating the impact and urgency, inspiring action. Successful advocacy combines these elements for maximum impact.
    Very informative indeed

  • the best topic ever

  • Tremendous results! What has been the most successful part of your advocacy strategy? How did you approach people who believe that early childhood marriage is culturally appropriate and is a coping mechanism for families in poverty? Has there been any programs which support communities in identifying alternative coping mechanisms? I'd be very interested in knowing the most effective tactics you've used.

  • Wow, Thank you for your careful and well thought ideas.

  • The problem I am trying to solve is helping to pass the 2024 Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act. The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides a $30 subsidy toward internet costs for low-income households. The program currently serves over 20 million households, but is set to run out of funding early this year - potentially by April.

    I have recently been doing outreach to both our congressional representatives and our senators, as there will be bills presented in both the House and the Senate in the next week or so. I have also been reaching out to our partners in digital equity work to have them sign on to an organizational petition that will be presented to the House, Senate, and White House in support of the bills. We have included client stories regarding the success of the ACP program in allowing them to be connected to their families and communities as a way to frame the importance of the bills' passage.

  • Your initiative to promote the MORE Act, linking it to potential benefits for veterans with PTSD, is strategic. Addressing the Schedule I classification obstacle for medical marijuana research adds a crucial layer to your argument. Tailoring your message to align with your representative's history, emphasizing support for veterans, demonstrates a thoughtful approach. It's an effective way to build bridges and garner support. Keep highlighting the social and health aspects tied to marijuana decriminalization, as it strengthens the case for both policy change and the allocation of tax revenue for essential services. Well done.

  • Well through detailed & systematic analysis.
    Thanks !

  • I agree! Because of legalization on a state level, it has really confused opportunities for reliable data and inconsistencies in policies and laws from state to state have had similar impacts on data. I think this is some of the problems we have seen with the public understanding the real risks that are involved with increasing access to dangerous substances, certainly contributing to social norms and decreased perceptions of harm.

  • Accepting the use of drug may result into a problem to US Citizens since they will come to know where to get it pretending that it is for medical use.

  • For me if we are using as a drug it fine but if it has negative effect like increasing substance abuse it has damage in the nation. But we need to effectively monitor its effect.

  • The problem i want to solve is changing the mindset of ruling party supporters as they even support bad decision made by current presendent, just because they belong to the same political party. How can I do it?

  • I'm not familiar with the MORE Act and its networking, but representation within the US government would be highly beneficial, especially if you choose the right timing to propose changes, considering you already possess motivation. Perhaps utilizing "Diffusion" as a tactical approach could be effective, ensuring that people are informed about your project, its benefits, and how it will be implemented. Additionally, employing "Large Leaps" as a global approach can help develop your own opportunities as soon as the right timing/policy window opens.

  • The issue of "discrimination of marijuana" can be framed as the unequal treatment, stigmatization, or prejudice faced by individuals or communities in relation to marijuana use, possession, or involvement in the marijuana industry. This discrimination can manifest in various ways, including legal penalties, social marginalization, employment discrimination, and disparities in law enforcement practices.

    It is important to note that the perception and legal status of marijuana vary across jurisdictions, and attitudes towards marijuana have evolved over time. While some regions have legalized or decriminalized marijuana for medical or recreational use, others still consider it illegal. Consequently, the extent and nature of discrimination related to marijuana can differ depending on the legal and societal context.

    To address the issue of discrimination related to marijuana, it is essential to consider factors such as:

    Legal reforms: Advocate for changes in legislation to ensure fair and equitable treatment of individuals involved in marijuana-related activities. This may involve advocating for the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana, as well as the establishment of regulations that protect individuals' rights and prevent discriminatory practices.

    Public education and awareness: Promote education and awareness campaigns to challenge stereotypes, misconceptions, and stigmas surrounding marijuana use. These efforts can help foster informed discussions and reduce prejudice and discrimination towards individuals who use marijuana responsibly or work in the marijuana industry.

    Employment and housing protections: Advocate for policies that protect individuals from discrimination based on their marijuana use or involvement in the industry. This can involve pushing for laws that prevent employers from discriminating against job applicants or employees based solely on their marijuana use in jurisdictions where it is legal or regulated. Similarly, advocating for housing protections can help prevent individuals from facing eviction or housing discrimination due to their marijuana use or industry involvement.

    Criminal justice reform: Address disparities in law enforcement practices related to marijuana offenses. This can involve advocating for the equitable enforcement of marijuana laws and the reduction of harsh penalties for non-violent marijuana-related offenses. Additionally, promoting alternatives to incarceration, such as diversion programs or treatment-focused approaches, can help reduce the negative consequences of criminalization.

    Equity in the marijuana industry: Promote policies and initiatives that foster equity and inclusion within the marijuana industry. This can involve measures such as providing support and resources for individuals from marginalized communities to participate in the legal marijuana market, promoting social equity programs, and ensuring fair access to licensing and business opportunities.

    It is important to emphasize that the framing and approach to addressing the issue of discrimination related to marijuana may differ depending on the legal and social context. Understanding local laws, cultural factors, and the specific challenges faced by affected communities is crucial for developing effective strategies to combat discrimination and promote fairness and equality.


    Advocacy is a powerful tool for motivating and persuading policymakers and legislators. When engaging in advocacy efforts to promote the accessibility of affordable eye care services, consider the following strategies:

    Build relationships: Establishing relationships with policymakers and legislators is crucial. Take the time to understand their priorities, values, and concerns. Attend public meetings, community events, or legislative sessions to introduce yourself and express your commitment to the cause. Regularly communicate with them through emails, letters, or in-person meetings to provide updates, share information, and seek their support.

    Provide evidence-based information: Back your advocacy efforts with reliable data and evidence. Compile research studies, reports, and statistics that demonstrate the importance of eye care accessibility and its impact on public health and well-being. Present this information in a clear and concise manner, highlighting key findings and implications. This evidence will help strengthen your arguments and make a compelling case for action.

    Share personal stories and testimonials: Personal stories have a powerful impact on policymakers and legislators. Collect and share stories of individuals who have experienced the challenges of limited eye care accessibility. Highlight how timely access to affordable eye care services has positively transformed lives, improved educational outcomes, or restored productivity. Personal narratives create an emotional connection and can be influential in motivating policymakers to take action.

    Engage a diverse coalition: Collaboration with a diverse coalition of stakeholders can amplify your advocacy efforts. Seek partnerships with eye care professionals, patient advocacy groups, community organizations, and other relevant entities. A united front demonstrates broad support for the cause and increases the likelihood of policymakers taking notice. Coordinate joint advocacy campaigns, sign-on letters, or public events to showcase the collective voice advocating for improved eye care accessibility.

    Utilize media and public relations: Leverage the power of media and public relations to raise awareness and generate public support. Write op-eds or letters to the editor for local newspapers, share press releases, and engage with journalists to highlight the importance of eye care accessibility and the need for policy changes. Utilize social media platforms to disseminate information, share success stories, and engage with policymakers directly. Public pressure and attention can influence policymakers to prioritize the issue.

    Mobilize grassroots action: Mobilize your supporters and community members to actively engage in advocacy efforts. Encourage them to contact their elected officials, attend town hall meetings, or join advocacy campaigns. Provide them with resources, talking points, and templates to effectively communicate their support for improving eye care accessibility. The collective voice of constituents can be persuasive and impactful.

    Offer feasible solutions: Present policymakers with actionable and feasible solutions to improve eye care accessibility. Provide concrete policy recommendations, cost estimates, and implementation strategies. Show how these solutions align with existing initiatives or policies and demonstrate their potential effectiveness. Policymakers are more likely to support proposals that are practical, evidence-based, and align with their legislative priorities.

    Remember to adapt your advocacy strategies to the specific context and needs of your target audience. By employing these strategies, you can effectively motivate and persuade policymakers and legislators to prioritize and take action towards improving the accessibility of affordable eye care services.

  • The issue of "discrimination of marijuana" can be framed as the unequal treatment, stigmatization, or prejudice faced by individuals or communities in relation to marijuana use, possession, or involvement in the marijuana industry. This discrimination can manifest in various ways, including legal penalties, social marginalization, employment discrimination, and disparities in law enforcement practices.

    It is important to note that the perception and legal status of marijuana vary across jurisdictions, and attitudes towards marijuana have evolved over time. While some regions have legalized or decriminalized marijuana for medical or recreational use, others still consider it illegal. Consequently, the extent and nature of discrimination related to marijuana can differ depending on the legal and societal context.

    To address the issue of discrimination related to marijuana, it is essential to consider factors such as:

    Legal reforms: Advocate for changes in legislation to ensure fair and equitable treatment of individuals involved in marijuana-related activities. This may involve advocating for the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana, as well as the establishment of regulations that protect individuals' rights and prevent discriminatory practices.

    Public education and awareness: Promote education and awareness campaigns to challenge stereotypes, misconceptions, and stigmas surrounding marijuana use. These efforts can help foster informed discussions and reduce prejudice and discrimination towards individuals who use marijuana responsibly or work in the marijuana industry.

    Employment and housing protections: Advocate for policies that protect individuals from discrimination based on their marijuana use or involvement in the industry. This can involve pushing for laws that prevent employers from discriminating against job applicants or employees based solely on their marijuana use in jurisdictions where it is legal or regulated. Similarly, advocating for housing protections can help prevent individuals from facing eviction or housing discrimination due to their marijuana use or industry involvement.

    Criminal justice reform: Address disparities in law enforcement practices related to marijuana offenses. This can involve advocating for the equitable enforcement of marijuana laws and the reduction of harsh penalties for non-violent marijuana-related offenses. Additionally, promoting alternatives to incarceration, such as diversion programs or treatment-focused approaches, can help reduce the negative consequences of criminalization.

    Equity in the marijuana industry: Promote policies and initiatives that foster equity and inclusion within the marijuana industry. This can involve measures such as providing support and resources for individuals from marginalized communities to participate in the legal marijuana market, promoting social equity programs, and ensuring fair access to licensing and business opportunities.

    It is important to emphasize that the framing and approach to addressing the issue of discrimination related to marijuana may differ depending on the legal and social context. Understanding local laws, cultural factors, and the specific challenges faced by affected communities is crucial for developing effective strategies to combat discrimination and promote fairness and equality.


    Advocacy is a powerful tool for motivating and persuading policymakers and legislators. When engaging in advocacy efforts to promote the accessibility of affordable eye care services, consider the following strategies:

    Build relationships: Establishing relationships with policymakers and legislators is crucial. Take the time to understand their priorities, values, and concerns. Attend public meetings, community events, or legislative sessions to introduce yourself and express your commitment to the cause. Regularly communicate with them through emails, letters, or in-person meetings to provide updates, share information, and seek their support.

    Provide evidence-based information: Back your advocacy efforts with reliable data and evidence. Compile research studies, reports, and statistics that demonstrate the importance of eye care accessibility and its impact on public health and well-being. Present this information in a clear and concise manner, highlighting key findings and implications. This evidence will help strengthen your arguments and make a compelling case for action.

    Share personal stories and testimonials: Personal stories have a powerful impact on policymakers and legislators. Collect and share stories of individuals who have experienced the challenges of limited eye care accessibility. Highlight how timely access to affordable eye care services has positively transformed lives, improved educational outcomes, or restored productivity. Personal narratives create an emotional connection and can be influential in motivating policymakers to take action.

    Engage a diverse coalition: Collaboration with a diverse coalition of stakeholders can amplify your advocacy efforts. Seek partnerships with eye care professionals, patient advocacy groups, community organizations, and other relevant entities. A united front demonstrates broad support for the cause and increases the likelihood of policymakers taking notice. Coordinate joint advocacy campaigns, sign-on letters, or public events to showcase the collective voice advocating for improved eye care accessibility.

    Utilize media and public relations: Leverage the power of media and public relations to raise awareness and generate public support. Write op-eds or letters to the editor for local newspapers, share press releases, and engage with journalists to highlight the importance of eye care accessibility and the need for policy changes. Utilize social media platforms to disseminate information, share success stories, and engage with policymakers directly. Public pressure and attention can influence policymakers to prioritize the issue.

    Mobilize grassroots action: Mobilize your supporters and community members to actively engage in advocacy efforts. Encourage them to contact their elected officials, attend town hall meetings, or join advocacy campaigns. Provide them with resources, talking points, and templates to effectively communicate their support for improving eye care accessibility. The collective voice of constituents can be persuasive and impactful.

    Offer feasible solutions: Present policymakers with actionable and feasible solutions to improve eye care accessibility. Provide concrete policy recommendations, cost estimates, and implementation strategies. Show how these solutions align with existing initiatives or policies and demonstrate their potential effectiveness. Policymakers are more likely to support proposals that are practical, evidence-based, and align with their legislative priorities.

    Remember to adapt your advocacy strategies to the specific context and needs of your target audience. By employing these strategies, you can effectively motivate and persuade policymakers and legislators to prioritize and take action towards improving the accessibility of affordable eye care services.

  • The timing for this legislation and your advocacy for it has only gotten better since you posted. Now with more and more states (red and blue alike) legalizing marijuana, you have early adopters who can help shift the norms. However, unless you have a particular connection to your representative, you may want to look into tactics that involve partnerships and coalition building. That can help amplify your voice beyond the email.

  • The MORE Act, aimed at decriminalizing marijuana at the federal level, is a commendable initiative. To maximize its impact, it is crucial to frame the issue by emphasizing the human impact of current policies, challenging misconceptions, appealing to values like patriotism and duty, and tailoring the message to the U.S. Representative's priorities. Emphasizing the potential therapeutic benefits of medical marijuana for veterans with PTSD, and the MORE Act's potential to address substance abuse issues, can increase the likelihood of garnering support for the MORE Act and contribute to positive change in federal marijuana policies.

  • The advocacy for the MORE Act and decriminalization of marijuana at the federal level is commendable, especially for veterans with PTSD. To maximize impact, frame the issue by emphasizing the human impact of current policies, challenging misconceptions, appealing to values like patriotism, duty, and compassion, and tailoring the message to the representative's priorities. Emphasize the potential therapeutic benefits of medical marijuana for veterans with PTSD, and how the MORE Act can provide alternative treatment options while generating revenue for substance abuse prevention and treatment programs. By framing your efforts in a way that resonates with your U.S. Representative, you can increase the likelihood of garnering their support for the MORE Act and contribute to positive change in federal marijuana policy.

  • Ok, I could like to know how framing the issue can be applied in a localized problem such as 'early marriage'

  • I think there is a valid need for placing measures that come with the declassification due to the high rate of addiction among users. Is there a way that it can be done so that only doctors can prescribe and not used for recreation. It has for a long time been a gateway drug and even though it will be useful to veterans what steps will be put in place to reduce the prediliction to addiction.

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