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  • My goal was to have about 100 people apply through us for jobs. However due to lack of trust we only got 60. As such we need to work on improving our education classes to the public on what we offer.

  • Advantages could include:

    When she joins forces with the public authority and they settle on the terms for coordinated effort, she would have the option to grow her compass and further develop her image notoriety.
    Banding together with the public authority will permit her to make bigger surges of promotion the nation over with regards to her association and the significance of conceptive wellbeing.
    New ideas or thoughts could arise about extension and improving mindfulness, when she collaborates with the public authority. Residents might treat her NGO more in a serious way whenever she has fostered an essential association with the public authority.

  • The obstacles that I faced during the engagement was first the travel difficulties due to the geography. Talking to the local leaders was also a challenge and explaining them our motive. The turnout of participants was low in the beginning but slowly the people started talking. To address the issues I made a chart and and jotted down all the problems we were facing. Since we had already developed a risk chart in the beginning it was easier to tackle it.

  • My engagement is to eradicate foodless on my country, so my project is not start yet but in coming time hope to share with you, how things actually work

    thank you

  • Failed
    Perfomance: while the engagement was correct the goal was rather vague in terms of roles and responsibilities such that the whole purpose was defeated

    Very reaction with no tangible metrics set


    • whole engagement process was confrontantional
  • My engagement goal was to convince 120 communities to register on pump service agreement with our company. The engangement did not go well because there is reluctance among traditional leaders which demotivated communities from signing thr the agreements. My engagement review is that, the tradition leaders behaved so because they were not properly engaged which means the strategy we used didn't materialize. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to meet them one-on-one to find out where we didn't plan well and to modify it to meet their needs .

  • My engagement goal was to teach young females the importance of menstrual hygiene.

    I could not achieve my goal due to a lack of funds to procure more sanitary pads.

    My engagement review us that they went back to using materials since it was not accessible.
    I plan to involve more funders as well as government functionaries. If possible, work with companies producing pads to sell at discount rates to students within their school territories .

  • My goal was to recruit 10 entrepreneurs in the Avocado agroprocessing cluster. However, I failed to achieve my goal because I didn't map out early entrepreneurs for engagement. My engagement review is that I need to approach organizations that may help refer the entrepreneurs. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to approach cooperative societies that work with Avocado agroprocessors.

  • My engagement goal was to train 200 commercial fish farmers within 2 months. However I failed because the farmers were so conservative to share other information with me with the hope that I would share their ideas with their own competitive agencies in the same business.
    My engagement review is to sit down with them and we design everything again so that they understand my move.

  • Performance
    The primary obstacle I often face in engagement is that there are always a few people that have not heard about our agency. To be a relevant service provider, the community we serve, MUST know who we are and the services we offer. We try to use social media and email to reach a broader community. It has failed.
    I knew that using a variety of formats for outreach is beneficial for all generations that make up the community. I know that social media and emails are a GREAT opportunity, if done well. I decided that being a casual user does not produce my goal. My next steps require an investment of time and research.
    My engagement goal was using virtual outreach to make a broad impact. However, I failed to achieve my goal because there are MANY elements that contribute to a successful social media and email campaign. My engagement review is that my methods are subpar. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to develop new methods; researching algorithms, successful marketing strategies, and engaging different generations into the implementation process.

  • • What went well? What didn’t go so well?
    • How was your performance in running or overseeing the engagement? (For example: were you fully prepared? Were you a good facilitator?)
    • Did you make the right choices for the engagement?
    • What would you do differently next time?
    Next, gather reflections from your colleagues to see if their perspectives align with or differ from yours. Are they able to assess the engagement in areas that you might have missed, or are less experienced in? For example, they might be able to help you assess the impacts of the engagement on your organization’s relationships, reputation, or risk management. Use their perspectives to help you build a more holistic assessment of your engagement.

  • Engagement Goal
    What do you hope to achieve?
    How will you measure if you succeeded or not?
    What is your target for reaching your goal?
    What are your actual results?
    What are you next steps? Is there a gap between your target and actual metrics you need to address?

  • Ask and collect feedback from your stakeholders for your engagement, using surveys, interviews, etc:
    • Analyze stakeholder feedback
    • Compare to previous stakeholder inputs
    Start by analyzing feedback to measure satisfaction from your engagement. Did your stakeholders feel they were included and heard, and given the opportunity to provide input or voice their concerns? What would they like to see changed or improved?
    Next, compare this current feedback to any previous inputs you have. How have stakeholder behaviors, perspectives, and approaches changed from previous steps within the engagement to this one? What are they telling you about any changes or adjustments you might need to make in order to improve your future engagements?

  • The obstacle was that there is a failure on giving feedback to the stakeholders that have helped the organisation in navigating their communities to find potential targeted participants for the studies

  • The obstacles that i faced was the limit of resources, lack of commitment from the internal stake holder and other political factors.

  • In my previous engagement I failed to give my stakeholders a proper feedback about their input and and contribution of the engagement however I have just realised the importance of a retained engagement with the stakeholkders and ongoing communication and updates

  • My engagement was to educate youth on sex education in schools, I failed because my communication with stakeholders was too low.

  • My engagement is goal is to train 50 nurses to sensitize community members. I failed to achieve my goal because some nurses left at some points. My engagement review is that My plan to overcome this obstacle .my plan to overcome this problem is to train anothwe batch in of nurses

  • My engagement goal was to onboard 50 employers and learning institutions to my program. However, I failed to achieve my goal because many of them were not willing to give up their normal schedules.My engagement review is that I need to reform my engagement strategy to times when I can reach more youth conveniently. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to gather data from youths on their preferred means of engagement.

  • my engagement goal was to train 1000 youths. and it went well because i was properly prepared for the engagement.t

  • Obstacles face are that they prefer the way they're working and don't see the value in changing. Issues in office politics the Business Analyst may be unaware of. Experience of previous projects failing resulting in stakeholders not wanting to spend more effort on another project that may also fail

  • Failures are the baby steps which lead to the highest peak of the success.

  • the challenges i face during my project is:-
    the data is not organized on all parts.
    the stakeholder interest of power.

  • the gap of skilled man power

  • the lake of network

  • My engagement goal was to ensure no issues raised by residents were escalated as official complaints - by me meeting with residents to understand and wherever possible resolve issues raised. However, I failed to achieve my goal because there were a number of issues that were not drawn to my attention by construction crew members who tried but failed to resolve issues. My engagement review is I need to convince the project manager that the process for bringing issues to my attention is to be mandated by the project manager as a must-do for all construction crew members. My plan to overcome this obstacle is ensure the project manager understands that if issues become official complaints we may not win new contracts from the organization for whom we are working - so there is a financial risk to the business as the result of official complaints.”

  • The obstacles that I faces on my engagement goal is the poor attendance and turn out of the participants. My engagement review is to try to visit them an to collect information as what was the main reason.

  • My engagement goal was to link 3000 farmers to output markets. However, I failed to achieve my goal because some farmers quality of produce where not marketable due to lack of training. My engagement review is that the engagement improved our reputation among smallholder farmers and the ministry of agriculture, the trainings on crop quality were made in aggregation centers very farm from farm households. My plan to overcome this obstacle is conduct tracings using a lead farmer approach where lead farmers will later train other farmers.

  • My engagement goal was to travel to get a master's degree in quality management. However, I did not achieve my goal because my finances took a hit. My commitment assessment is as follows: I am still here, employed at an agency without a contract. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to continue working to save as much money as possible to achieve my goal.

  • My engagement goal was to improve the relationship with an employee. However, I failed to achieve my goal because didnt give them a chance to talk and it was rushed. My engagement review is that my nerves got the better of me and I failed. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to learn better stress coping strategies and become more confident in feedback giving

  • My engagement goal was to assure all the 250 Small Medium Enterprises in the village that they will be considered fairly for subcontracting opportunities. However, I failed to achieve my goal because we did not invite all of them to every tender opportunities. My engagement review is that around 240 of them expressed mistrust of our tendering process since they had not been invited to bid for these tenders. My plan to overcome this obstacle is categorise them into different trades and skills first. Then to display the database list on our notice board for their knowledge and information. I will then ensure that future work packages are published on the same notice board according to the trades. Thereafter we will request responses to be placed in a tender box with a specified closing date. On this date we will invite the responders to an official opening of the box where we will announce the names of responders and their bid price.

  • The obstacle i encountered was the less contribution that the attendants brought to the conversation. The engagement review was to send them a survey on how the engagement went and what they would like to be done to better the next conversation. To overcome this challenge is to see the feedback from the survey and take from there, to insure that no one is left behind. Creating more conducive spaces would also be a way to overcome the unconfortableness of participants.

  • My engagement goal was thwarted by poor performance. However, I did not meet my goal because the metrics and feedback indicate that this area is a success. My engagement review indicates that one of the challenges I encountered was negligence among both graduate students and high school students. My plan to overcome this obstacle is that the graduated students do not have the financial means to be there and teach them, and the GS's attitude is also lacking. Decided to give them pocket money and teach them to be disciplined.

  • My engagement goals was to trained teachers about CP at project supporting schools but one principle incorporate to organize at her school because she think it is not useful and take the extra times of teachers during schools opening season. We reviewed the plan and made new engagement with principle and explained the timeline that we got approval from DBE for the training and made time adjustment.

  • My failure from lessons is that are have a poor attendance at the workshop and the participants performance was so bad.

  • My engagement goal was to make efficient users of the la
    port digital software. However, I fell short of my goal because the majority of the users were not digitally literate. My engagement review is to review the existing digital literacy of the port officials. My plan to overcome this obstacle in the short term.

  • The primary goals I have faced is less team work and different strategies used while the project was in effect .

  • My engagement goal was to ensure 1% of the women in a stated country participate actively in politics. However, I failed to achieve my goal because the structures I erected were not favorable to my target audience instead it was cost effective for me. My engagement review is that although I didn't achieve my targeted percentage, the mindset of women towards politics is changing fast. My plan to overcome this obstacle is work with structure that are more appealing to the women.”

  • My engagement goal was TO REHABILITATE 150 CHILDREN AND ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES . However, I failed to achieve my goal because 15% OF THE NON EFFECTIVENESS OF SPECIAL EDUCATORS & PARENTS . My engagement review is that KAP IS INCREASED 85% AGAINST 60%. My plan to overcome this obstacle is TO MAKE ALL THE TEACHERS & PARENTS TO BE EFFECTIVE AS DISABILITY AFFECTS FAMILY & COMMUNITY. ”

  • The project was goal was to reduce school absenteeism among girls in public schools in Molo sub-county in Kenya. This was achieved through making and distribution of washable sanitary towels (hygiene kits) to the girls. The performance was good since the short term goal was achieved as our target of 3000 beneficiaries was met since we were able to distribute more than 5000 packages of hygiene kits. However the project was not a success because despite the fact that the beneficiaries carried the hygiene kits home, they did not use them as expected. Some used the liners as handkerchiefs, others sold them to the local women and as a result, the level of absenteeism did not reduce among school going girls.
    Through the stakeholder feedback we were able to identify the reasons why the hygiene kits did not help address the issue of absenteeism as we had hoped. The girls felt that it was very cumbersome to wash soiled kits and also carrying them to school was bulky and embarrassing. As a result our intended goal was not achieved.
    My plan to overcome this problem I to talk to the parents on the importance of the hygiene kits especially for poor communities and also educate the girls of easier way of washing the sanitary towels after use.

  • My goal was to engage 20 maternity staff in Foumbot Health Area to sensitize Pregnant and Lactating mothers about ABC Children Centre's Breastfeeding Support Service during their regular routine services in line with our organisation's vision of fostering optimal infant and young child feeding for all.
    However, i failed to achieve my goal because many of my targets who signed up did not sensitize the women. My engagement review is that the hesitant maternity staff expected motivations for the extra work. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to offer financial incentives to the staff as a function of the number of Pregnant and Lactating mothers sensitized

  • My engagement goal was to transition 50% of hyper-subsistence category to resilient category. However, only 30% of smallholder farmers were transitioned. My engagement review is to do an accelerated program implementation to cover the remaining 20% or more of farmers

  • My engagement goal was too ambitious . However, I failed to achieve my goal because I failed to note the bureaucratic process in government . My engagement review is that I should always have proper research and analysis of my stakeholders . My plan to overcome this obstacle is to have a research plan and engagement strategy to engage policy officials as each is different and all need different engagement plans

  • My engagement goal was to reduce police brutality among young Nigerians However, I failed to achieve my goal because of the low interest among the law enforcement agencies. My engagement review is that I need to review my engagement strategy. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to talk to the DPOs

  • Engagement: Implementing a recycling program in a residential community.

    The engagement failed to achieve the goal of implementing a successful recycling program in the residential community. The participation and adoption rate of residents in recycling activities were significantly lower than anticipated. The program did not effectively generate the expected behavior change and overall impact on waste reduction.

    The metrics used to measure the success of the engagement included the percentage increase in recycling rates, the quantity of recycled materials collected, and the level of resident satisfaction. However, these metrics fell short as they did not accurately capture the complexities and challenges of behavior change within the community.

    Feedback from residents indicated various obstacles and concerns that hindered their participation in the recycling program. Some residents mentioned a lack of awareness about the program, unclear guidelines on recycling practices, inadequate collection infrastructure, and limited convenience in accessing recycling bins.

  • My engagement goal was to develop climate resilience in the indigenous communities in long-term by means of school-level interventions However, I failed to achieve my goal because the stakeholder-to-stakeholder message transition was weak. My engagement review is that involvement of stakeholders did not reach its optimum number due to unexpected hindrances. My plan to overcome this obstacle is that we need to work on more interactive and more directly life-linked methods of educating and empower social environment to foster the transition.

  • My engagement goal was to get students to watch the lecture. However, I failed to achieve my goal because students have no time to watch. My engagement review is that students have many commitments. My plan to overcome this obstacle is shorten the lecture duration.

  • I organised an engagement on youth participation in community environment activities but participation was not as planned. I realised that only 45% of the participants turned up. The lessons learned in the previous engagements has provided insight to the planned engagement. Timing and location of the engagement was the major challenge. now i am planning to conduct the next engagement in holidays as opposed to the previous one organised during school time. this upcoming engagement shall also be conducted in the town hall as opposed to the previous one conducted in the village community hall.

    1 Reply
  • Lack of commitment and interest from the majority of the community members

  • The engagement goal aimed at equipping young girls and women in primary school's with menstrual health and management knowledge and skills. However, I failed to achieve my goal because I did not take into consideration the input of their parents. As such, we reached 300 girls only against our target of 550. More should have been done in identifying stakeholders who could affect delivery of our goal, especially by having forum meetings with the parents instead of using text messages. Nevertheless, the KAP amongst the few girls who participated succeeded our target of 50% by 42% . My plan to overcome this obstacle is to involve the girl's parents and keep them satisfied enough to allow their children to participate in the exercise.

  • Great points. Especially on timing since it can be such an overlooked element.

  • The obstacles that I faces on my engagement goal is the poor attendance and turn out of the participants. My engagement review is to try to visit them an to collect information as what was the main reason. And to overcome all this to is go down to their level and play from where they are to the level that we wanted

  • My engagement goal was to increase the participation of employees in our wellness program by 20%. However, I failed to achieve my goal because there was a lack of awareness and communication about the program among employees. My engagement review is that while the program itself is valuable and offers numerous benefits, its success heavily relies on effective communication and employee engagement.

  • Failure is the stepping stone for the success.

  • My engagement goal was to train 300 community volunteers to teach community members on GBV. However, I failed to achieve my goal because some could not attend my workshop for security reasons. My engagement review is that my team members confirm that my facilitation at the workshop was wonderful as we have gained recognition. The trained volunteers are enthusiastic in teaching the community members and they say it's thanks to the workshop we had. But on 120 of the community volunteers are active. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to have a meeting with the trained reluctant volunteers to know from them what could be hindering them not to go ahead with the teaching in the community.”

  • Os obstáculos que enfrento no meu objetivo de engajamento é a fraca participação do grupo alvo. Minha avaliação de engajamento é tentar visitá-los e coletar informações sobre qual é o principal motivo da fraca participação. E para superar tudo isso é descer ao nível deles e jogar de onde eles estão até o nível que queríamos

  • The obstacles I faced were lack of metrics or review

  • We also increased our communication with stakeholders, ensuring that they were aware of our efforts and that we were listening to their feedback. Finally, we worked closely with local authorities and community leaders to ensure that our assistance was well-received and met the needs of the IDPs and communities.

    1. Our engagement goal was to provide assistance to IDPs and communities affected by conflict.
    2. We failed to achieve our goal because we did not receive permission to provide our assistance.
    3. Our engagement review showed that we were unable to track and measure the impact of our activities as we were unable to visit IDP sites, and we received negative feedback from stakeholders.
    4. We overcame this obstacle by refocusing our efforts on obtaining permission to provide our assistance, seeking feedback from stakeholders, increasing communication with stakeholders, and working closely with local authorities and community leaders.
  • This is typical for rural dwellers and highly conservative audience, I experienced similar situation in my recent engagement.

  • My engagement goal was to train 80% the local Traditional Healers to conduct HIV test of their clients in their dumbas/home as most of the clients in the community start consultation at the Traditional Healers before they come to the Department of Health facilities. However, I failed to achieve my goal because Traditional Healers refused to be trained by someone who is not a trained Inyanga/Traditional Healer themselves. My engagement review is that I will select at least 2 Traditional Healer who were not opposed to the idea of being trained by an expert in the field but who is not atrained Traditional Healer, train them as a Trainer of Trainers, so that they can then cascade the training to their colleagues and address their issue of concern that a gobela can be initiated/trained by another gobela only.

  • “My engagement goal was to house 15 clients a month. However, I failed to achieve my goal because there were less opportunities in the housing market than initially anticipated. My engagement review is that if we could increase the chances of clients being housed by giving them a better profile their housing might improve. My plan to overcome this obstacle is set a more realistic goal and change the way we portray our clients to potential renters.”

  • Failure, while often viewed negatively, offers valuable lessons that can lead to personal growth and future success. Here are some key lessons we can learn from failure:

    Resilience and Perseverance: Failure teaches us resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward despite obstacles. It reminds us that setbacks are a natural part of life and that perseverance is essential for achieving our goals.

    Opportunities for Learning and Growth: Failure provides valuable learning opportunities. It forces us to reevaluate our approach, identify areas for improvement, and learn from our mistakes. Embracing failure as a learning experience can lead to personal growth and development.

    Reassessment of Goals and Strategies: Failure prompts us to reassess our goals and strategies. It encourages us to reflect on what went wrong, why it happened, and how we can improve our approach in the future. Through introspection and analysis, we can refine our goals and develop more effective strategies for success.

    Humility and Self-Awareness: Failure humbles us and fosters self-awareness. It reminds us of our limitations, vulnerabilities, and areas where we need to improve. Embracing failure with humility allows us to acknowledge our mistakes, seek feedback, and make necessary adjustments to our behavior and mindset.

    Creativity and Innovation: Failure encourages creativity and innovation. It challenges us to think outside the box, explore new possibilities, and experiment with alternative solutions. Some of the greatest innovations and breakthroughs have emerged from failure and adversity.

    Responsible Risk-Taking: Failure reminds us of the importance of responsible risk-taking. While failure is inevitable at times, calculated risks can lead to valuable insights, discoveries, and achievements. By assessing risks carefully and taking calculated chances, we can increase our chances of success while minimizing potential negative outcomes.

    Empathy and Compassion: Experiencing failure can cultivate empathy and compassion towards others who are facing similar challenges. It helps us empathize with their struggles, offer support and encouragement, and create a culture of empathy and understanding.

    Resurgence and Reinvention: Failure is not the end but rather an opportunity for resurgence and reinvention. It allows us to pivot, adapt, and explore new paths forward. By embracing failure as a catalyst for change, we can reinvent ourselves, pursue new opportunities, and achieve greater success in the future.

    By embracing failure as a natural part of the learning process, we can extract valuable lessons, cultivate resilience, and ultimately emerge stronger, wiser, and more capable of overcoming future challenges.

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  • Failure, while often viewed negatively, offers valuable lessons that can lead to personal growth and future success. Here are some key lessons we can learn from failure:

    Resilience and Perseverance: Failure teaches us resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward despite obstacles. It reminds us that setbacks are a natural part of life and that perseverance is essential for achieving our goals.

    Opportunities for Learning and Growth: Failure provides valuable learning opportunities. It forces us to reevaluate our approach, identify areas for improvement, and learn from our mistakes. Embracing failure as a learning experience can lead to personal growth and development.

    Reassessment of Goals and Strategies: Failure prompts us to reassess our goals and strategies. It encourages us to reflect on what went wrong, why it happened, and how we can improve our approach in the future. Through introspection and analysis, we can refine our goals and develop more effective strategies for success.

    Humility and Self-Awareness: Failure humbles us and fosters self-awareness. It reminds us of our limitations, vulnerabilities, and areas where we need to improve. Embracing failure with humility allows us to acknowledge our mistakes, seek feedback, and make necessary adjustments to our behavior and mindset.

    Creativity and Innovation: Failure encourages creativity and innovation. It challenges us to think outside the box, explore new possibilities, and experiment with alternative solutions. Some of the greatest innovations and breakthroughs have emerged from failure and adversity.

    Responsible Risk-Taking: Failure reminds us of the importance of responsible risk-taking. While failure is inevitable at times, calculated risks can lead to valuable insights, discoveries, and achievements. By assessing risks carefully and taking calculated chances, we can increase our chances of success while minimizing potential negative outcomes.

    Empathy and Compassion: Experiencing failure can cultivate empathy and compassion towards others who are facing similar challenges. It helps us empathize with their struggles, offer support and encouragement, and create a culture of empathy and understanding.

    Resurgence and Reinvention: Failure is not the end but rather an opportunity for resurgence and reinvention. It allows us to pivot, adapt, and explore new paths forward. By embracing failure as a catalyst for change, we can reinvent ourselves, pursue new opportunities, and achieve greater success in the future.

    By embracing failure as a natural part of the learning process, we can extract valuable lessons, cultivate resilience, and ultimately emerge stronger, wiser, and more capable of overcoming future challenges.

  • My lesson learned from failure was not setting my goals taking into consideration the 5 metric step that i needed to involve. My next plan of activity was to know how to consider my community entry level, meeting with both local and central stakeholders. After I have gained the authority, acceptance and ability, I over came my failure.

  • My engagement goal was to have 30 stakeholders attend a dissemination meeting of the research conducted. However, I failed to achieve my goal because I didn't start the engagement early enough to give participants enough time to plan for the meeting. My engagement review is that early notification and listing of participants goes a long way in ensuring having all expected participants in a meeting. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to overcome the challenge of not starting engagement early for any meeting, create a detailed timetable, identify participants in advance, send early notifications with clear information, use regular reminders through text messages, WhatsApp, mail, build relationships with stakeholders beforehand, and document lessons learned for future engagements.

  • My engagement goal was directly informed 500 Fulbe citizens about SAGES SSA project. However, I failed to achieve my goal because of poor mobilization and language barrier. My engagement review is that to go back to find out they did not attend the meetings. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to directly to the Fulbe settlement and have one to one with them.

  • My engegement goal was to train atleast 20 BMU officials from 3 different BMU's but the obstacle i faced was poor attendancve from one of the BMU's .My engagement review is to visit the BMU office to get to know the reason why.My plan on overcoming this is to conduct a separate training for them sincethey missed out alot.

  • My engagement goal was to in one month, sensitize 1000 children in material about the importance of school in professional life. However, I failed to achieve my goal because teachers did not help to raise awareness among children during classes. My engagement review is that I need to talk to the guardians to give the children time after they return from school, so that my counselors can have a conversation with the children. My plan to overcome this obstacle is recruit and train community counselors who will then do speaking work.

  • My engagement goal was somewhat successful. However, I failed to achieve my goal because there is still a lot of resistance from management to openly communicate. My engagement review is that i constantly work on highlighting the importance of good communication and the impact it has on employees. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to keep engaging, keep consulting and monitoring their communication efforts.

  • My engagement goal was to train women on GSLA methodologies, setup consititions and get members to commence savings and loan. However, I failed to achieve my goal because on 20 groups were formed and many refused to add access to loan in their constitutions. My engagement review is that custome and tradition do not allow them to accept interest on money loan out. My plan to overcome this obstacle is allow them to buy materials for members who are willing to go into business, and when the business succeed and the person makes profit, he or she can return with the association money with some money as agreed from the profit he or she made and they do not consider this as interest that was forbiden.

  • In pursuing my engagement goal, I've encountered challenges related to low participant attendance and turnout. To address this, I intend to personally visit participants to understand the underlying reasons. My strategy involves meeting them at their current level and gradually guiding them to the desired level of engagement, bridging the gap between their perspective and the goal. This approach aims to build rapport and trust, fostering increased participation and successful achievement of the engagement objective.

  • My engagement goal was to Increase the number of stakeholders reached. The obstacle was the poor attendance of the community.

  • Everything went well from the training of teachers to educating student, however there is poor report of utilization of condom from the student register. i will have to visits the school clinic to identify the gap so that I can adopt different strategies

  • My engagement goal was to train Community Health Associates reach out and serve all referral patients and households with effective messaging.

    However, I failed to achieve this goal because Community Health Associates daily household visits were not properly scheduled, not followed a routine daily / weekly tracking, partner internal team meetings were not focused. Expectations of the program was not clearly communicated to the partner team.

    My engagement review is that need to stabilize the field work methodology and process. My plan to overcome this obstacle is to develop a common understanding of all key leaders, develop a monthly plan and track progress in weekly, fortnightly, monthly team meetings.

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