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  • there are other things to consider apart from the strategy framework which may lead to the success of advocacy

  • I feel the other thing to another to consider when developing new policies is to ensure that people with lived experience have a seat the table and their voices are heard and respected; for example marginalized groups, those effected by substance abuse and domestic violence, the disabled, the unhoused, Twin Spirit, and members of the LBTGQ+ community.

  • I feel the other thing to another to consider when developing new policies is to ensure that people with lived experience have a seat the table and their voices are heard and respected; for example marginalized groups, those effected by substance abuse and domestic violence, the disabled, the unhoused, Twin Spirit, and members of the LBTGQ+ community.

    1 Reply
  • One important aspect to consider when mapping the audience intrisic and or extrinsic motivations is to try to figure out the hidden motivations, those that are not easy to identify but can have an important impact on the advocacy strategy success.

    1 Reply
  • I found the reading on Advocacy Strategy Framework - A Tool for TOCs very enlightening and complementary to the podcast. Recommend the reading.

    1 Reply
  • from what have learnt, i think media advocacy is a powerful tool for advocacy tactics. it has helped in carrying out information to the public.

  • @ChidinmaOnukogu said in Module 3 Discussion: Other Things to Consider:

    It is important to maintain integrity in developing and implementing an advocacy strategy. An advocacy organisation has to maintain independence even in its bid to provide support to government officials and organisations. This will ensure that they do not pass off to the public as government moles or two sided.

    I agree. When carrying out advocacy, being independent and open minded is important

  • I really liked the graphic presented that showed the different advocacy groups and strategies.

  • What area do you not understand?

  • I completely agree with you

  • Where can I find that again pls?

  • Exactly. Their voices hit differently. Decision makers are forced to understand the gravity of the issue face-to-face.

  • Yes. Otherwise they will not be compelled to take any action.

  • I understand dear. Try reading the transcript and viewing the slides side by side. It might help.

  • Try downloading the transcripts instead. You can read at your pace and make simplified notes. Hope that helps?

  • I agree with you. Advocacy was always so complex to me until now

  • I agree. Try learning at your pace.

  • I agree , the size and level of education of the target audience is key to formulating a good strategy .

  • I am not sure I understood this module quite well.

  • Break down the process.

  • How working with a multidisciplinary team can help to plan a complete advocacy strategie

  • Besides the key role of the Advocacy Strategy Framework , it important take into consideration other things like assumptions and belief when you deal with multiple audience for a problem or issue .

  • The implications of multiple voices working on the project.

  • This module makes sense, I hope that I can refer back to it when I need to actually practice what the class teaches, because naturally I will not remember everything right out of my head.

  • Taking the interlocutors' religious beliefs into account will be helpful.
    Thanks to DREJIOFOR for this idea.

  • Not really sure where the discussion is intended to go. However, this module really helped me understand that there are a variety of tactics to advocate especially when the issue or topic the advocate is reaching for is specifically targeted.

  • Social impact refers to the positive or negative effects that a particular action, policy, or event has on society and its members. Social impact can be measured in various ways, such as changes in social behavior, economic conditions, health outcomes, or environmental conditions. Positive social impact may include improvements in people's quality of life, increased social equity, or the reduction of negative externalities such as pollution or inequality

  • The Advocacy Strategy Framework A tool for articulating an advocacy theory of change - This article was an excellent read.

  • I liked module 3 a lot.

  • The Framework is a great tool and while I enjoyed reading it, I got my responses to the quiz wrong. It helped to be able to review my responses against the responses provided at the end. On carefully reflecting, depending on the local context, it may just be the case that responses may not necessarily be wrong as there is a subjective aspect to the decision on deploying specific tactics.

  • Since there is no prompt that I can see, I suspect that the most difficult part of the other things to consider is your own investment. Often, we can overestimate our abilities or our engagement and resources when we are trying to advocate for something we believe in passionately. I think we often also get stuck in the "I am helping" mindset that we forget to include and engage with the often marginalized groups we are advocating for in meaningful ways. For example, many studies have shown that a housing first model is the best way to fight homelessness. But there are so many homeless that are overwhelmed by the idea of housing, that they would rather not participate, even if they want to work towards the goals that precipitated their homelessness. But including this group into the planning and consideration stages might identify either a secondary policy to advocate for (supportive housing) OR how the policy might need to be modified to accommodate to provide the greatest good.

  • Collaboration is key

    1 Reply
  • Meanins the things related to Advocacy dimensions

  • it is very important to really research not only about the policy or situation you're trying to change, but too consider the country's historical background, cultures, beliefs, ensure you get your audience on your site, and Justity the change in policy with examples, researchers, and always offer solutions and example of solutions perhasps what had been already done elsewhere and how it would work within the country cultural and political settings.

  • putting together a thorough strategy that details your strategies, timetable, and resources. Determine your most important stakeholders and supporters, then think about how you might form alliances and partnerships to spread your message.
    Additionally, develop a succinct, clear message that conveys your objectives and connects with your audience. Think about how you can support your argument with statistics and narrative.

  • There are so many information in this course. They are very insightful

  • I need help to understand the key points summary on the advocacy strategy framework...thanks

  • There are so many information in this course. They are very insightful

  • Correctly tailoring your message to your audience's chief concerns can have a significant impact on making your advocacy strategy a success.

  • I am having a little bit of difficulty understanding this module properly

  • This module was helpful in adding to my understanding of proper advocacy

    1 Reply
  • Hi am really having difficulty with this module

  • This module has a lot to take in but is very helpful. Thank God it is in a PDF format so I can download and review for future reference.

  • Although this was quite a challenging module, learning about the different actions an organisation needs to take, actors they need to invole and audiences they need to cater to, as well as the various risks that they may face by various parties involved such as the government, highlights the significance of targeting specific audiences to achieve certain political objectives that benefit your policy strategy.

  • It's a very interesting though tricky course, it just needs great level of attention.

  • I am having difficulties understanding this as well.

  • I'm glad to hear that you've gained insights into more strategic ways to approach advocacy, motivation, timing, and framing. These elements can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your efforts. Remember that successful advocacy often requires a thoughtful and well-rounded approach. Here's a brief recap:

    Advocacy Approach:

    Tailor your message to your target audience's needs, concerns, and values.
    Utilize data, personal stories, and compelling narratives to make your case.
    Engage in respectful conversations to address objections and concerns.
    Collaborate with like-minded individuals, organizations, and communities to amplify your impact.

    Identify the emotional triggers and aspirations of your audience.
    Use storytelling to create a personal connection and evoke empathy.
    Highlight the positive outcomes and benefits of your cause.

    Capitalize on current events, legislative sessions, or relevant milestones.
    Be aware of your audience's schedules and preferences for communication.
    Align your advocacy efforts with moments when your message will have the most impact.

    Choose messaging that resonates with your audience's values and concerns.
    Present facts and data in a clear, accessible, and compelling manner.
    Address potential counterarguments by offering well-reasoned responses.
    Continuously refine and adapt your approach based on feedback, insights, and the changing landscape. Advocacy is an ongoing process that requires flexibility, persistence, and a willingness to learn from both successes and challenges.

    Remember that empathy, respect for differing opinions, and a commitment to positive change are essential components of effective advocacy. By incorporating these strategic elements into your advocacy efforts, you can make a meaningful impact on the issues you care about.

    1 Reply
  • Continuously refine and adapt your approach based on feedback, insights, and the changing landscape. Advocacy is an ongoing process that requires flexibility, persistence, and a willingness to learn from both successes and challenges.

  • Collaborate with like-minded individuals, organizations, and communities to amplify your impact.

  • I think one can also consider the size and possibly level of education of the target audience while choosing an advocacy strategy and voter outreach.

  • It is important to know how each audience obtain their information, and for each activity that will be carried out, the resources for carrying out the activity to completion should be determined. There should be a stipulated time frame assigned for each audience and what task they are responsible for. Data collected should be evaluated and analyzed if desired objectives are achieved.

    National Council for Social Studies. (N.d). Advocacy planning: Your 10-step plan. National Council for Social Studies.

  • I agree with you. The advocacy framework is an easy to monitor approach that tells you step by step what you need to do based on your goal. The audiences distinct audiences and changes aligns with the respective strategy which makes it even easier for leadership development and collaboration with effective followup.

  • Hi Tobimcmillan,

    What a detailed suggestion on parameters to consider. Paying attention to what other influencers bring to the table is very important as this may open other avenues of concerns that were not initially known or identified.

  • Collecting data should be systematic and strategies used to evaluate these data is also an important aspect for the presentation of appropriate interventions to influencers and policymakers.

  • It's really an important topic. Audience identification is important.

  • I like this course, the only problem I feel I have, is that it's still too academic, I'd like to dive more in the practical aspect of the topic, maybe also with some concrete example of an advocacy strategy.

  • In reading this module I now understand that it is important to understand the target audience and other factors that may affect your advocacy and keep it from being successful.

  • In the tapestry of advocacy, one must be mindful of the broader global fabric. As a cosmopolite activist, it is crucial to recognize the interconnectivity of issues across borders. While our focus may be local, the resonance of our efforts can reverberate internationally. Understanding the cultural, social, and political nuances of different regions allows us to weave a more inclusive and impactful advocacy strategy. Moreover, embracing diversity in perspectives fosters a richer dialogue, transcending geographical boundaries. Let us not only advocate for change in our immediate surroundings, but also resonate with the global symphony of progress.

    1 Reply
  • This has exposed me to more strategic advocacy. The first module exposed me to understanding the problem, the causes and the beliefs /behaviors I'm trying to change given my political context.
    In the Module two, I leant how to time, frame and motivate. While module three exposed me to partnerships and understanding what will work and not, what will create the desired, change and drive the result.

  • There are so many other things to consider. You need to consider your organizational capacity, knowledge, partnership and level of impact and influence.

  • I myself I finding this too complex, maybe readings are too plenty a read.

    1 Reply
  • Module 3 for me was more an eye opener on dealing with different organization and what tactics to implement and when to implement them.
    Love it.

  • Module 3 for me was more an eye opener on dealing with different organization and what tactics to implement and when to implement them.
    Love it.

  • I can agree but it's for the better.....I try to read them during my space time.
    It helps a lot.

  • I can agree but it's for the better.....I try to read them during my space time.
    It helps a lot.

  • There is a lot more that goes on in this section and I don't feel I had the ability to connect all the dots with the different types of advocacy and influencers.

  • reading assignment was very clear. Just daunting how much there is to do.

  • Not finding the information to respond to, just hoping to continue learning, as I find advocacy to be a very important part of this life. I hope for some human conditioning

  • Unfortunately I have tried all that has been directed to me by reaching out to help desk and still have been unsuccessful. Sorry couldn’t be of more help.

  • wow, I m learning a lot

  • Advocacy involves actively supporting a cause or idea. The approach ty

  • When discussing any topic, it's important to consider all aspects and perspectives. This includes looking at the issue from different angles, considering potential biases or limitations, and seeking out additional information or opinions. By doing so, we can gain a better understanding and make more informed decisions. It's also important to be open-minded and willing to listen to others' perspectives, even if we may not fully understand them at first. This can lead to more meaningful discussions and the exchange of ideas.

  • I completely agree with the idea of considering the wider landscape when planning an advocacy strategy. It's crucial to take into account external factors, such as timing and the willingness of partners, as they can greatly impact the success of your efforts. Additionally, as the reading mentioned, interim outcomes can serve as valuable indicators of progress and help keep you motivated in the long and often challenging journey of advocacy work. 'Little wins' may seem small, but they can make a big difference in keeping you focused and on track towards your ultimate goal.

  • As an activist, it is important to remember that our actions have the power to create ripple effects beyond our local communities. By understanding and addressing global issues, we can create a more inclusive and impactful advocacy strategy. Embracing diversity in perspectives allows for a richer dialogue and promotes progress on a global scale. Let us advocate for change both locally and globally.

  • I really found it important specially before we go for advocacy efforts we need to know timing, have clear framing and should make motivations( intrinsic out extrinsic).

  • We need to consider the social, political and economic situations as well.

  • we need to consider the political, social and economic situation.

  • difficult to understand for me

  • How do we manage learnings in Advocacy let's discuss if there is special method for that.

  • difficult to understand for me

  • yes, i also agree with your idea the tactics are very important and useful if we effectively utilize them.

  • There are many things to consider when undertaking an advocacy project, but I think the most important ones are truly understanding the problem and then identifying the audience so the strategy can be tailored to the context.

  • In discussing leadership development as a tactic for increasing political will, it's essential to consider various aspects that can influence its effectiveness and implementation.

  • In discussing leadership development as a tactic for increasing political will, it's essential to consider various aspects that can influence its effectiveness and implementation.

  • I think module 3 should be simplified unlike the way it is, it is diffficult to understand when going through the module

  • The advocacy strategy framework is very useful in identifying stakeholders and how to effectively engage them for desired results or actions.

  • Engaging with journalists and media outlets is a valuable strategy for raising awareness about the issue of eye care accessibility. Here are some effective ways to engage with journalists and media outlets:

    Develop media relationships: Build relationships with journalists who cover health, public policy, or local news. Research journalists who have previously reported on similar topics or have shown an interest in healthcare issues. Connect with them through professional networking events, social media platforms, or email introductions. Establishing a rapport with journalists can increase the likelihood of them covering your story or providing a platform for your advocacy efforts.

    Craft compelling press releases: Write concise and compelling press releases that highlight the importance of eye care accessibility and outline the key messages, data, and personal stories you want to convey. Make sure to tailor the press release to the specific interests of the media outlet or journalist you are targeting. Provide contact information for media inquiries and be responsive when journalists reach out for more information or interviews.

    Offer expert interviews and op-eds: Position yourself or other knowledgeable individuals as experts in the field of eye care accessibility. Offer interviews to journalists as a resource for background information, insights, or quotes related to the issue. Additionally, pitch op-ed pieces to present an in-depth analysis or personal perspective on the importance of improving eye care accessibility. Op-eds provide an opportunity to share your expertise and advocate for specific policy changes or solutions.

    Provide compelling visuals: Supplement your media pitches and press releases with compelling visuals such as infographics, charts, or photographs that help illustrate the issue. Visuals can enhance the storytelling aspect and grab the attention of journalists. Include high-quality images of individuals affected by limited eye care accessibility, community events, or successful interventions. Visual content is often more likely to be included in news coverage.

    Offer exclusive stories or angles: Pitch exclusive stories or unique angles to media outlets to make your advocacy efforts stand out. Identify an interesting angle or a compelling local story related to eye care accessibility that hasn't been covered extensively. By offering exclusivity, you increase the chances of media outlets covering your story and generating broader awareness.

    Engage in media monitoring and response: Keep track of media coverage related to eye care accessibility and respond promptly to any inaccuracies or missed opportunities for additional information. Monitor relevant news outlets, social media platforms, and online discussion forums to stay informed about ongoing conversations and potential opportunities for engagement. Responding to media coverage demonstrates your commitment to the issue and helps ensure accurate reporting.

    Utilize social media platforms: Leverage social media platforms to engage with journalists and media outlets. Follow journalists who cover healthcare or policy issues and engage with their content by sharing, commenting, or providing additional insights. Use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your advocacy efforts and share news articles, research studies, or personal stories related to eye care accessibility. Social media can help amplify your message and attract the attention of journalists and media outlets.

    Remember to be proactive, persistent, and professional in your interactions with journalists and media outlets. Building and maintaining relationships takes time, so it's important to invest effort into cultivating these connections. By effectively engaging with journalists and media outlets, you can raise awareness about the issue of eye care accessibility and amplify the impact of your advocacy efforts.

  • I would say the characteristics of the population

  • When we talk about media advocacy as away to reach specific audience, do we consider the accessibility of these means to our target audience.

  • Well said. The little wins are important; also staying positive and seeing the possibilities ahead. Ability to change the framework depending on the audience is important.

  • The content is very heavy and necessary. It needs me to keep refreshing my mind through regular review of past modules.

  • I found module 3 most helpful! I really appreciated the Advocacy Strategy Framework Tool and the explanation. I found it very interesting to learn that decades of research have shown that just raising public awareness of an issue or problem generally is not enough to mobilize them to act. I also really appreciated the Appendixes at the end of the reading assignment showing definitions.

  • I also think, as the reading suggested, that interim outcomes can be good sources of knowing if you are on track or off track. Much advocacy work is lengthy and feels like you are spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere.

  • So far so good. Looking ahead next to Module 3. I am happy and if I may add, I would suggest that the University upload more reading materials to the modules. Thank you.

  • Though a bit technical, this is an important aspect of advocacy. Understanding the advocacy strategy framework is important in carrying out a successful advocacy. It is also important to understand your target audience and the change you want to happen.

  • I’m sorry to hear you’re having difficulties with the work but if it’s any consolation I myself in the beginning of module one was struggling as well for it’s been many years that I’ve had to apply myself in a school setting however it does get better so hopefully you stick with it

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