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  • After completing Module 4, one question I still have about formulating and implementing a Theory of Change is who can the organization turn to when needing help to guide this discussion?

    1 Reply
  • I think activities should be detailed because carrying out the activities will lead to immediate outcomes that eventually lead to the ultimate outcomes. Having scanty details on the activity may jeopardize the ultimate outcomes

  • The answer to the following questions can help you understand the stakeholders to turn to to help define the direction of the project,

    1. What problem is the project addressing? Hence the basis for the theory of change
    2. Who is will be involved in the implementation?
  • Identifies how your organization with reach the desired outcomes through activities and output.

  • One question I still have after the theory of change and implementation is what if after the pre-mortem the organisation still cannot implement due to religious norms

    2 Replies
  • After completing Module 4, one question I still have about formulating and implementing a Theory of Change is Intermediate outcomes how can be described best possible?

  • @Immaculate-Mic I think is a very sensitive topic, and maybe try to find the best way possible that the religion can support, help or share at the same way the solution of the problem. In which way how you spiritual side can help and support to improve your quality of life?

  • @Immaculate-Mic I think is a very sensitive topic, and maybe try to find the best way possible that the religion can support, help or share at the same way the solution of the problem. In which way how you spiritual side can help and support to improve your quality of life?

  • In the flow of the logic outputs lead to the outcomes which leads to the impact. And so if they are answering then this means the outputs should be defined well

  • That is what Monitoring and evaluations address during implementation.

  • маловероятно

  • How do you handle complex situations where a cause results in multiple effects?

  • After completing Module 4, one question I still have about formulating and implementing a Theory of Change is what if we want to incorporate more activities later on. Also what if we want to adjust the Theory of change.

    1 Reply
  • it is always a learning curve. Some ideas or practices might be blurry at the initial phase but as time goes on, I believe they become clear. So you can keep modifying with time.

  • Can the I amend the theory of change in future? Maybe by adding more activity in order to have my intermediate and ultimate outcome.

    1 Reply
  • You can try another method.

  • After completing Module 4, one question I still have about formulating and implementing a Theory of Change is how detailed should all the activities be in the Implementation part ? Do we have to put down the main activity will all subsequent steps leading to the implementation of that activity ?

    1 Reply
  • Replay for better communication

  • After completing Module 4 course on Theory of change, I have come to realize that it is the best approach to summarize the reason for an organization's existence and purpose. Through it, I have been able to foresee the implementation plan for KEDDO in the next 20 years as we seek to enhance inclusion for children and persons with developmental disability.

  • The good thing about ToC is that it is never static, you can subject it to regular reviews as you learn more about human centered project design.

  • What happens if all steps, activities and inputs are disjointed and the outcomes are just as they are planned.

    1 Reply
  • Yes by all means.

  • The Premortem is an excellent tool for create solutions before problems arise. I can see how systems thinking would be extremely helpful with this process and would like to deepen my understanding with that regard.

    1 Reply
  • @WOMONDIO8 said in Module 4: Discussion:

    After completing Module 4 course on Theory of change, I have come to realize that it is the best approach to summarize the reason for an organization's existence and purpose. Through it, I have been able to foresee the implementation plan for KEDDO in the next 20 years as we seek to enhance inclusion for children and persons with developmental disability.

    @WOMONDIO8 said in Module 4: Discussion:

    After completing Module 4 course on Theory of change, I have come to realize that it is the best approach to summarize the reason for an organization's existence and purpose. Through it, I have been able to foresee the implementation plan for KEDDO in the next 20 years as we seek to enhance inclusion for children and persons with developmental disability.

    Great! I agree.

  • The difference between Intermediate outcomes and the final Intermediate outcomes

  • I wonder how this may happen. Remember an ultimate outcome is just a clear goal of your project against which you do report your progress to all your stakeholders. So I believe if other casual links have been disjointed, the ultimate goal can not be achieved therefore cannot be the same as planned.

    That's just my opinion my fellow learner

  • What if the entire scope of the project/program has to change for some reason? Can the Theory of Change be altered significantly is major problems occur?

  • I agree; I think that the premortem is an extremely useful tool.

  • I still don't understand why in Theory of Change, the goal of my organization is not so clearly indicated, as it is in the Logic Framework.

  • How detailed and wide should all our activities be in the implementation part? And how to achieve our ultimate outcomes easily.

  • Outline the activities and the steps you'll use in implementing each it

  • I need to make sure my flow is easily understandable by making sure it is clearly understood/

  • I think about of flow but one must do back round work for details to create the flow.

  • I feel the the flow of the problem and mitigation strategy is keep. In the exercise there was very limited space however when you see the main points it will give you an ideal of the flow. The bolts and nails will be exposed with a larger draft.

  • One would surely would need to re evaluate everything. A close study why are things working so right. Look at pros and cons and step back to see why things are working correctly in your eyes. View implementation and make sure steps are not missed and outcomes.

  • The theory of change of a project describes why change is needed and how it will happen. Simply put, this includes identifying how you would like to change the current situation around the identified problem, and how you think you can help that change happen through your project.

  • I feel like I understand the theory of change pretty well, I just want to play around with implementing it now!

  • Right, I have a similar question. How much detail do you go into? I think it depends on the organization, and the discussion around the model itself.

  • After completing Module 4, one question I still have about formulating and implementing a Theory of Change is that: how to create a standardized approach to implement theory of change from top down or at a program level. (for someone who manages multiple programs and projects).

  • I agree, Theory of Change should be part of organization wide practice and employees should be introduced as early as during new hire orientation.

  • After completing Module 4, one question I still have about formulating and implementing a Theory of Change is Impact

    1 Reply
  • Do I have to subdivise outcomes to three parts?

  • In my point of viesw, it is the ultimate outcome.

  • After completing the Module 4 course on the Theory of change, I have come to realize that it is the best approach to start with Intended Ultimate Outcome, the Activities then Major Intermediate Outcomes.

    1 Reply
  • Apparently, Module 4 did illustrate the ned to prioritize our Theory of Change as it's paramount to every successful program implementation.

  • Indeed, the best approach to achieve a good theory of change is by outlining their intermediate outcomes at the initial stage as it'll give a clear picture of an overall structure of the program.

  • Indeed, the best approach to achieve a good theory of change is by outlining their intermediate outcomes at the initial stage as it'll give a clear picture of an overall structure of the program. Additionally, the use of SMART is of the essence.

  • After completing Module 4, one question I still have about formulating and implementing a Theory of Change is: How can we effectively evaluate and measure the impact of our chosen strategies and activities outlined in the Theory of Change?

  • how do i balance positive changes with negative individuals

  • After completing Module 4, one question I still have about formulating and implementing a Theory of Change is the key component of theory of change

  • You are correct that in the real world, implementation does not always go smoothly as expected, and bottlenecks or challenges can arise at any point in the Theory of Change. It is important to identify and address these potential bottlenecks or challenges in the planning stage of the Theory of Change, but it is also important to recognize that unexpected obstacles may arise during implementation.

    One way to address this is to build in flexibility and adaptability into the Theory of Change. This can involve regularly monitoring and evaluating the progress of the program or organization, and making adjustments as needed to address any challenges or bottlenecks that arise. It may also involve building in contingency plans or alternative strategies in case the original plan encounters unexpected challenges.

    Overall, while it may not be possible to anticipate and address every potential bottleneck or challenge in advance, building in flexibility and adaptability can help ensure that the Theory of Change remains relevant and effective in the face of unexpected obstacles.

  • One question i have is how to effectively engage stakeholders throughout the process?

  • One aspect of developing a Theory of Change that I find challenging is dealing with assumptions. I wonder what would happen if my inputs do not produce the expected outputs, or if my outputs do not lead to the desired outcomes. How should I handle such situations? Should I revise my Theory of Change or try different strategies?

  • There are many reasons why implementations do not go smoothly as expected. According to McKinsey¹, every transformation leaks value at various stages of the implementation process: some prioritized initiatives are never done, others are implemented but don’t achieve bottom-line impact, and still others may fail to sustain their initial good results.

    One of the main reasons why ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software implementation fails is because the core team does not have enough time². The adaption can take from a few weeks up to a few years (depending on the size of your company and the complexity of the software).

    However, there are ways to set your company up for a successful ERP implementation. SAP suggests that these ERP implementation best practices can help you avoid common pitfalls and realize the benefits of your new ERP system more quickly³.

    1 Reply
  • There are many reasons why implementations do not go smoothly as expected. According to McKinsey¹, every transformation leaks value at various stages of the implementation process: some prioritized initiatives are never done, others are implemented but don’t achieve bottom-line impact, and still others may fail to sustain their initial good results.

    One of the main reasons why ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software implementation fails is because the core team does not have enough time². The adaption can take from a few weeks up to a few years (depending on the size of your company and the complexity of the software).

    However, there are ways to set your company up for a successful ERP implementation. SAP suggests that these ERP implementation best practices can help you avoid common pitfalls and realize the benefits of your new ERP system more quickly³.

  • The process involve in module five (5) is quit conbosom

  • can the ultimate outcome be more than one ? if no, why?

  • After completing Module 4, one question I still have about formulating and implementing a Theory of Change is: Have I truly considered the most effective activities to addressing the issue at hand and striving for the best possible results?

  • Targets should be timely because it is will be difficult to measure it.

  • The theory of change shows the links between the organization’s activities and its intended ultimate outcome. The theory of
    change must include all causal links necessary to achieve the outcome.
    To implement it you have to do :
    Documenting of the elements of the strategy,
    Assigning responsibilities to staff members,
    Managing the organization,
    Communicating the strategy to various ,
    stakeholders, including clients, funders, and
    Passing a successful strategy from one
    organization to others,
    Determining whether you are on course toward,
    your intended ultimate outcome and
    When things go wrong, providing a reference
    point to see where they went wrong

  • To ensure that your Theory of Change is realistic and achievable, should:

    Start with a clear understanding of the problem you are trying to solve. What are the root causes of the problem? Who are the most affected people?
    Be realistic about your resources. What resources do you have available? What resources do you need to achieve your desired outcome?
    Set achievable goals. Don't try to do too much too soon. Break down your long-term goal into smaller, more manageable goals.
    Be flexible and adaptable. Things don't always go according to plan. Be prepared to make adjustments to your Theory of Change as needed.
    Monitor and evaluate your progress regularly. This will help you to identify potential problems early on and to make adjustments as needed.
    Here are some additional tips for developing a realistic and achievable Theory of Change:

    Engage with stakeholders. Talk to the people who are most affected by the problem you are trying to solve. Ask them for their input on your Theory of Change.
    research. There are many resources available to help you develop a Theory of Change. Look for examples of Theories of Change that have been successful in addressing similar problems.
    feedback from others. Once you have a draft of your Theory of Change, share it with others and get their feedback. This will help you to identify any areas that need improvement.

  • After completing Module 4, one question I still have about formulating and implementing a Theory of Change is how to effectively measure and track the progress of intermediate outcomes, especially when they involve complex social or behavioral changes.

  • Yes, i think it would be smart to start at the outcome and adjust as needed. Do you need a different or adjusted outcome entirely or a different strategy to get the initial stated outcome. Each NGO may have a different situation that would work best for them in the case of failure.

  • It is important to assess the risks that can make it hard to rich the ultimate outcome and make a strategy to limit their impact on the project

  • Generally people say that good theories of change have a bias towards simplicity. Challenges may include funding and expertise to bring the change. Other challenges may involve stakeholders and beneficiaries having negative perceptions towards a given project.

  • No much comments

  • This module helped me a lot to understand the formulation of a theory of change

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