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  • Adolescence is a pivotal stage of life. While bringing new opportunities and risks for both girls and
    boys, it intensifies many gender inequalities that result in lifelong negative consequences for girls and
    women. Adolescence is also a time of vulnerability, as both perpetration and victimization of violence often begin or become elevated during this period. Adolescent girls suffer from the imbalances of power related with their gender and their age, thus being vulnerable to violence not only from intimate partners, but also from parents, caregivers, teachers, colleagues and older men. Therefor it is important to design a programme that able to provide a safe space for girls to learn and develop their knowledge of prevention and build up their resilience.

  • I envision a world powered with solar energy driven by rural women entrepreneurs to bring about change in their various communities.

  • Great idea. Entrepreneurship for women in this world where there are limitations is a green light for me. You empower a woman and you empower an entire generation.

    1 Reply
  • The ideal world were problems are easily solve is where people seek to live for others.

  • True, if you empower a woman you would have built a nationa

  • As the world today battles to find solutions to global Issues, to meet SDG goals globally, It is important to join hands in finding and promoting what seems to be alternatives to the key global issues.

  • All people irrespective of their age bracket need good health, not only the adolescents. I think it is more proper to use youths instead of adolescents since the age adolescent starts is different to different people

  • I envisage a world where children with developmental disability will be part of the human community and thus treated with dignity. This means a world where communities acknowledge their strengths as opposed to their inability. A community which allows them to equally participate in decision, a community that allows them the opportunity to exist independently. I envision a world without cultural and religious barriers against children with developmental disabilities that lead to stigma. A world free of misconceptions and myth that make them be treated as burden and curses. A world where policies promote inclusion rather than exclusion, I envision a world where influential members of the community and policy makers have the knowledge and capacity to appreciate developmental disabilities and their characteristics and enact policies and laws with this understanding. Through this they will ensure that policies, laws, guidelines education, and therapeutic interventions are addressed in a manner that enhances inclusion rather than segregation.

    1 Reply
  • not only America, but the world at large

  • The quality of education is low in Iraq and there are few qualified and trained professional teachers so provision of training to the teachers and giving teachers incentives will drastically improve the quality of education

    1 Reply
  • Module 2, is quite interesting with very important steps to under take towards solving the problem. The points provided are exactly what our organisation is working on addressing by providing a platform for a needs analysis from NPOs and government which will eliminate assumptions, through engaging, observing and researching.

  • You've indeed identified the needs and interests of the youths that if properly addressed, they can be more independent

  • In least developing countries a lot of children find it hard to progress to another grade level in primary schools because they don't have opportunities to go through ECDs or Nursery schools at age of 2 to 5 years before being enrolled in grade one in primary schools. I see a beautiful world if governments and concerned NGOs can work together and create an environment to allow children attend ECDs for all children before being enrolled in grade one. This will reduce failure rate as well as drop out rate of pupils before reaching grade 4. Children will be able to read, write and count at a tender age.

  • I am Abdiwahid Ahmed from Somalia. I am so happy to participate in this course with World participants. My Topic Problem Statement is - Being a hungry person makes a person weaker, famine, no exceptions.

  • Hi, TIMMYNGWA , if you empower woman, you would have built a nation. Reality its true.

  • Hi, Priscillaek, you quoted where teenagers are in the World, do you have factual assumtions?

  • Hi, Namhlam, I see that you adhered to the Module 2, have said that in your normal acceptance or tested or practiced?

  • Hi, Joyejiro, you enlightened the importance of eyesight except other body, have your projected a health project?

  • Hi, Ansaromari, you told us that Iraq's education quality is low, do you have factual assumptions?

  • I am so agreed and happy this discussion participation with my class clouge.

  • I know my problem statement is not very convincing, as most people in Peru, my country, don't even realize we have that problem. We are just a non-innovative country, and our universities are very far from being top in the world. I've spent years trying to find root causes, and I identify the lack of awareness and interest in emerging technologies as a main one.

    In my ideal world, young Peruvian students would be aware of the existence of emerging technologies, and at least participate in international interest groups, and hopefully a few be part of research and development groups.

    1 Reply
  • Ansar the low quality teachers are widespread in developing countries. I bet many parents of those children are better, or even much better qualified in general knowledge that their children's teachers. I wonder if somehow, parents can organize, to dedicate a bit of time each, using technology, so we are who teach our children, more interesting and up-to-date knowledge.

    1 Reply
  • WILLIAM I wish you can achieve progress towards your inspiring goals !!

  • An ideal world will be having foreign workers in Singapore (both domestic and in construction/shipyarding/cleaning etc.) being taken care of properly by their company's HR as well as the state, and also having normal working hours. They will also be assimilated in local spaces and communities, and also have social support and friends here.

  • I'm excited for this! Human development is very important for the community and country to progress to have better living conditions in the future. Hope you can make the change happen!

  • In an ideal world, every person would have access to healthy food, clean water, necessary medical supplies, and shelter.

  • This is definitely a real issue and it's great that you are invested in it. However, do you think you are making some assumptions?

  • Le monde idéal dans lequel le problème auquel nous nous adressons est résolu ressemblera à un monde ou les droits humain sont respectés, un monde ou les inégalités sont réduites, tous les enfants en âge scolaire scolarisés, et l'accès facile à l'alimentation.

  • If my problem was solved of young black males and females gang violence in Bermuda it would be a big sigh
    of relief to our island. This would be a great picture of peace and more serenity in our families.
    There will be less crime in our community and it will be less traumatized. This island is too small for this 23 square miles long.
    All kids will understand that their life is valuable. They will be able to understand their identity and history.
    Homes will be better provided with guidance to help kids that seemed at risk with more counseling and benefits to monitoring by the Bermuda Government and community stakeholders.

    The youth will concentrate more on progressing with all opportunities presented to them. These opportunities are using their gifts and talents in more spaces provided to them. These spaces are hubs of sports, art creatives, and activities equipped suited for their interest. There would be more places mental health will be discussed and less judgment and our children will be more open to sharing their challenges. Every kid would not be left behind when it comes to academics. Bermuda will be fully equipped to handle all learning styles in schools to keep no child behind with academics or job skills. Kids will learn about their strengths which will lead to their work experience early. It would also be an advantage that kids will be exposed to more cultures in different countries. Trips will be provided for these opportunities as well.

  • I see a world where women are able to have the same opportunities as men. I see a world where being born a women will not bring a connotation of being lesser than. I see a world where women's rights are upheld by all in society. I see a world where human trafficking does not exist, where prostitution does not exist, because people uphold human dignity and relationships. I see a world where the basic needs such as food, clean water, clothing, shelter, safety and education is accessible to all.

    1 Reply
  • For 63.6% of Nepali homes, largely in rural regions, biomass continues to be the predominant cooking fuel, accounting for 69% of the country's primary energy consumption. Similarly, 33.1% of Nepali homes utilize bottled liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as their primary source of cooking fuel. Less than 0.5% of families in Nepal cook with electricity. Nowadays, Nepal has the installed capacity to generate over 2500 MW of renewable electricity, while the average annual demand is only about 1700 MWs. The two most largest imports into Nepal are LPG and fossil fuels. Since that these energy sources are more expensive than those used to produce electricity in Nepal, this cost is ultimately passed along to the consumers. Households would have more affordable options if they switched to using electricity and other clean forms of energy for cooking. Similarly, this would reduce the country's carbon footprint as well as help the country improve its trade balance.

  • @susanaip Your vision is commendable, but quite vague, lacking a bit of clarity on what exactly you want to solve.

  • I envision my country having no new cases of girl child adversities, i.e eradicated cases of sexual exploitation, low rates of school dropout due to pregnancies and improved capacity to regain holistic functioning after early child bearing. There will be relevant interventions to empower vulnerable girls to make independent, success-driven decisions despite having their normal childhood interrupted.

  • When we generally discuss about policy, most people tell about public policy and its definition. When I ask them a question, "Why we need policy". Their answer is unclear and most of them cannot give a specific answer on why we need policy. Moreover, most under-developed countries are trying to solve the problem without knowing the root of the problem. The authoritarian regimes are just setting up arbitrary policy based on what they want to do, but not based on the real root cause of the problem. Consequently, most policy results is not relevance to the beneficiaries. Therefore, we need policy to address public issues and we must know what are the root cause of the issues before implementation the policy.

  • When we generally discuss about policy, most people tell about public policy and its definition. When I ask them a question, "Why we need policy". Their answer is unclear and most of them cannot give a specific answer on why we need policy. Moreover, most under-developed countries are trying to solve the problem without knowing the root of the problem. The authoritarian regimes are just setting up arbitrary policy based on what they want to do, but not based on the real root cause of the problem. Consequently, most policy results is not relevance to the beneficiaries. Therefore, we need policy to address public issues and we must know what are the root cause of the issues before implementation the policy.

  • When we generally discuss about policy, most people tell about public policy and its definition. When I ask them a question, "Why we need policy". Their answer is unclear and most of them cannot give a specific answer on why we need policy. Moreover, most under-developed countries are trying to solve the problem without knowing the root of the problem. The authoritarian regimes are just setting up arbitrary policy based on what they want to do, but not based on the real root cause of the problem. Consequently, most policy results is not relevance to the beneficiaries. Therefore, we need policy to address public issues and we must know what are the root cause of the issues before implementation the policy.

  • When we generally discuss about policy, most people tell about public policy and its definition. When I ask them a question, "Why we need policy". Their answer is unclear and most of them cannot give a specific answer on why we need policy. Moreover, most under-developed countries are trying to solve the problem without knowing the root of the problem. The authoritarian regimes are just setting up arbitrary policy based on what they want to do, but not based on the real root cause of the problem. Consequently, most policy results is not relevance to the beneficiaries. Therefore, we need policy to address public issues and we must know what are the root cause of the issues before implementation the policy.

  • Households in drough affacted areas, reached through potable water supply, household water treatment chemicals, and hygiene promotion. Then the result for addressing the problem will be reducing the water born deases, impriving the health and welbeing of individuals in HH.

  • It is what intended to be the result(impact-long term result of your intervantions) and i realy appriciet the way you faciened.

  • This is very clearly written, and so I know what your goal is! Then again, if it is an ideal world and we have a magic wand, maybe we just have a world where the vision problems never exist in the first place?

  • There are a couple of ways an 'ideal world' could exist for my organization (preschool). One would be where all parents had plenty of money, did not need to work, and so did not rely on the care for that reason- preschool could be a place to drop in and socialize. Or it could be needed, and available to every child who needs it. Wonderful and perfect care would be done by loving, well paid teachers, and high quality in every way imaginable.

  • It's a wonderful world. Donate vitamin A contribute in improving children's cognitive capacity.

  • We dream that all children in age to go to school are in school in our intervention region. And the children at class will be graduated and hired in entreprise or can created job to reduce unemployement in that region and in Madagascar. Those children can also develop this region which have so much potential. We dream that our intervention can contribute in reducing poverty.

  • I envision a world where proper amenities are built to tackle lower level income class in the society, where the rural community is constructed to a standard form of livelihood.

  • I an ideal world, we would solve the issues with captive breeding. Rhino numbers would increase. Ecoutourism would increase, and both rhinos and people would be better off.

  • I love your vision! I think daycare is so important because it helps everyone have healthier relationships with each other. Children will form more friendships with each other and mentors. Parents will feel closer to their kids as they won't be trying to juggle long work hours while babysitting their children. I hope this future becomes reality!

  • This is vague; I don't think you understood the assignment. How does the world become more free. What is that you want to happen that will make the world more free?

  • This is vague; I don't think you understood the assignment. How does the world become more free. What is that you want to happen that will make the world more free?

  • In Adamawa State Nigeria there is a very low level of education due to poor teachers training, leading to so many school drop out and hinged poverty rate. I envisage a world where teachers will be adequately trained to prepare the students on combating poverty

    1 Reply
  • In Adamawa State Nigeria there is a very low level of education due to poor teachers training, leading to so many school drop out and hinged poverty rate. I envisage a world where teachers will be adequately trained to prepare the students on combating poverty

    1 Reply
  • In an ideal world without children on the streets, every child would have a safe and nurturing environment where they can grow, thrive, and reach their full potential. Here's a description of what such a world would look like:

    Universal Access to Education: Every child, regardless of their background or circumstances, would have access to quality education. Schools would be inclusive, providing a supportive learning environment that caters to individual needs and promotes holistic development.

    Stable and Loving Homes: Every child would have a secure and loving home, where their basic needs are met, and they receive care, guidance, and affection from responsible caregivers. Families would have access to social support systems and resources to ensure their well-being.

    Safe Communities: Communities would be safe and free from violence, exploitation, and abuse. There would be comprehensive social protection programs and policies in place to safeguard children's rights, preventing their vulnerability and ensuring their well-being.

    Access to Healthcare: Every child would have access to quality healthcare services, including preventive care, immunizations, and timely medical interventions. Adequate healthcare facilities would be available to address their physical and mental health needs.

    Opportunities for Growth and Development: Children would have equal opportunities for personal and skill development. They would be encouraged to explore their interests, talents, and aspirations, with access to extracurricular activities, vocational training, and mentorship programs.

    Supportive and Inclusive Society: Society would be compassionate and inclusive, providing equal opportunities and eliminating discrimination. Stigmatization and marginalization would be eradicated, creating an environment where all children are valued and respected.

    Collaboration and Partnership: Governments, non-profit organizations, communities, and individuals would collaborate and work together to address the needs of children. There would be coordinated efforts to develop and implement sustainable solutions, ensuring long-term support and empowerment.

    In this ideal world, every child would have a promising future, free from the hardships and challenges associated with street life. They would grow up to become confident, empowered individuals, capable of contributing positively to their communities and society as a whole.

    1 Reply
  • I completely agree

  • i envision a world where noise pollution caused by individuals trying to generate power was non existent because the government has instructed all house owners to have renewable source of electricity like Solar as an alternative source of power

  • Interestingly, having learnt the needs required for beneficiaries of my program, it's plainly seen that these needs maximum participation and follow ups so as to achieve thee desired outcome. I'm certain these will be put in check during planning/designing stage for actualization purposes.

  • Ideally, I concur with your assertion because a good number of the Northern Nigeria are poorly developed due to their religious background beliefs which needs immediate attention.

  • Rural schools' electrification has improved the quality of education in the rural communities while increasing teachers retention and a happy community who is very supportive and benefited directly from the energy source as students enjoy learning and progress well to high schools

  • That is very true. Every child deserve a life free of labour

  • If our organization could remove barriers preventing people experiencing homelessness from accessing hygiene and sanitation resources, it would create a more compassionate society. By restoring dignity to an often-neglected community, we can begin to address the fundamental human right of access to housing.

  • In an ideal world where the problem of the pastoralist community, whose livelihood and income are disrupted by long-term drought, is solved, several significant changes can be expected:

    1. Drought-resistant livestock and crops: Through extensive research and development, the community will have access to high-yield, drought-resistant livestock breeds and crop varieties. These animals and plants will be specifically bred to withstand arid conditions and require minimal water resources, ensuring a consistent food supply for the community.

    2. Adequate water management systems: The community will have reliable and sustainable water management systems in place to mitigate the effects of drought. This may include the construction of dams, reservoirs, and water catchment systems, as well as the implementation of efficient irrigation techniques and water conservation practices.

    3. Access to alternative income sources: The community will have diversified their income sources to reduce dependence on livestock alone. They might have become involved in other economic activities such as ecotourism, handicraft production, or small-scale businesses. This way, during periods of drought, they will have alternative sources of income to sustain themselves.

    4. Insurance and risk mitigation measures: The pastoralist community will have access to comprehensive insurance and risk management schemes specifically designed for their needs. Such schemes would provide compensation during times of drought, enabling them to recover from losses and stay financially stable.

    5. Enhanced social support systems: There will be a well-established social support structure, both internally within the community and externally with governmental and non-governmental organizations. This structure will provide assistance during droughts, such as emergency relief, subsidies for fodder or water, and access to healthcare and education.

    6. Investments in education and skills development: Education and skills development will be a priority, empowering community members with knowledge and abilities to adapt to changing circumstances. They will have access to vocational training programs focused on agriculture, animal husbandry, and sustainable land management practices, allowing them to make informed decisions and implement sustainable solutions.

    7. Collaborative land and resource management policies: There will be effective policies in place that encourage collaboration and cooperation between pastoralist communities, neighboring communities, and government bodies regarding land and resource management. This collaboration would ensure fair distribution of water, grazing lands, and other natural resources to avoid conflicts and promote sustainable practices.

    Ultimately, an ideal world tackling the problem of drought for pastoralist communities would involve a comprehensive and integrated approach, combining scientific advancements, sustainable practices, social support systems, and collaborative policies to ensure the long-term well-being and resilience of the community, even in the face of prolonged drought conditions.

  • My company seeks to give nonprofit organizational leaders the tools needed to achieve their mission effectively and develop sustainable, well-funded programs. Most of the organizations we work with are part of the Main Street movement in the US and many aren't able to meet the national accrediatation requirements. My problem started as that - not being able to achieve national accreditation but then realized that's really a symptom of having a nonprofit that's not operating effectively, so I redefined the problem as: Many Main Street programs have difficulty with fundraising, volunteerism and creating a lasting, positive impact on their historic downtowns. In my ideal world, every historic district in the US has a nationally accredited Main Street program operating at maximum effectiveness: well-funded, engaged board, active committees, and intentional programming so that they can be influential in filling their downtown with vibrant small businesses, ensuring buildings are maintained and creating a sense of place that the community feels drawn to.

    2 Replies
  • Our organization seeks to provide high-quality healthcare to infants and children in Laos PDR. An ideal world would look like readily accessible, quality healthcare for Laotian infants and children. Professionally trained healthcare workers at nearby facilities, readily-available vaccines, and the needed treatments available to protect, support, and heal any infant or child in need of care. We would see a significant reduction in infant and child mortality rates.

    1 Reply
  • My vision is to solve problems related to youth employment. This will reduce radicalization, crime and hunger

  • I see a world in which people who are living in poverty and are beneficiaries of existing programs provided by nonprofits and governmental organizations are able to take full advantage of the resources and opportunities available to them, and thus move themselves out of poverty.

  • I love how you described the evolution of your problem-statement. This is such an important and unique problem. I am also starting a company to come alongside smaller nonprofits and help them improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their work (but in an international development context) so your answer stuck out to me!

  • I am envisioning a world where children's rights and wellbeing are protected, they are not targeted by armed conflict, they are not displaced by natural and man-made disasters, they have good parental care, have access to quality education

  • Great topic. Learning from everyone

  • In an ideal world the student athletes that I work with would be more self motivated to complete course work even when it isn't related to the NFL or the Olympics and they would not be so resistant to doing their course work in a timely manner.

  • the humanitarian crisis in Yemen would be solved. This would mean that all Yemenis would have access to food, water, shelter, medical care, education, and employment opportunities. It would also mean that Yemen would be at peace and that all Yemenis would be safe and secure.

    Here is a more detailed description of what an ideal world in which the humanitarian crisis in Yemen is solved would look like:

    All Yemenis would have access to food. There would be no more hunger in Yemen. All Yemenis would have enough to eat, even during times of drought or conflict.
    boy in Yemen eats a meal provided by a humanitarian organization.

    boy in Yemen eats a meal provided by a humanitarian organization.
    All Yemenis would have access to water. There would be no more water shortages in Yemen. All Yemenis would have access to clean, safe drinking water.
    woman in Yemen collects water from a well.

    woman in Yemen collects water from a well.
    All Yemenis would have access to shelter. There would be no more homelessness in Yemen. All Yemenis would have a safe and secure place to live.
    family in Yemen stands outside their new home, which was built by a humanitarian organization.

    family in Yemen stands outside their new home, which was built by a humanitarian organization.
    All Yemenis would have access to medical care. There would be no more preventable deaths in Yemen. All Yemenis would have access to the medical care they need, when they need it.
    doctor in Yemen examines a child at a medical clinic.

    doctor in Yemen examines a child at a medical clinic.
    All Yemenis would have access to education. There would be no more child illiteracy in Yemen. All Yemeni children would have the opportunity to get an education.
    group of Yemeni children attend school.

    group of Yemeni children attend school.
    All Yemenis would have access to employment opportunities. There would be no more unemployment in Yemen. All Yemenis would have the opportunity to find a job and support themselves and their families.
    man in Yemen works on a construction site.

    man in Yemen works on a construction site.
    Yemen would be at peace. There would be no more war in Yemen. All Yemenis would be able to live in peace and security.
    group of Yemeni children play together in a park.

    group of Yemeni children play together in a park.
    Achieving this ideal world will require a concerted effort from the international community. We must work together to end the conflict in Yemen, provide humanitarian assistance to those in need, and support the Yemeni people in rebuilding their country.

  • I think you have done a great job of redefining your problem statement to be more specific and to focus on the root cause of the problem.

    In your original problem statement, you were focusing on the symptom of the problem, which is not being able to achieve national accreditation. However, in your redefined problem statement, you are focusing on the root cause of the problem, which is that many Main Street programs have difficulty with fundraising, volunteerism, and creating a lasting, positive impact on their historic downtowns.

    Your redefined problem statement is also more actionable. It is clear that you are trying to help Main Street programs overcome these challenges and become more effective.

    Here are some specific things that your company can do to help Main Street programs overcome these challenges:

    Provide training and resources on fundraising, volunteer management, and program development.
    Help Main Street programs to develop strategic plans and to track their progress.
    Connect Main Street programs with other resources and support networks.
    Advocate for policies that support Main Street programs.
    I am confident that your company can make a real difference in the lives of Main Street programs and in the communities that they serve. Thank you for your work in this important area.

  • In world where Malawi has well structured markets it would be a developing country, far much better from the way it is right now, it is underdeveloped.
    It would have a positive trade balance and it would also grow economically and this economic growth would lead to sustainable development

  • Young graduates aged 18-25 have decent jobs that enable them to support themselves financially. They are able to meet their basic needs, ensure the well-being of their families and contribute to the development of their communities. They are more fulfilled and enjoy lasting social, physical, psychological and emotional well-being, enabling the society in which they live to progress more effectively.

  • The ideal world after my problem is solved is African Students working on their purpose Wholistically

  • I envision a future where every girl in rural communities is equipped with the education, skills, and confidence to lead thriving, independent lives, driving sustainable community development and contributing to a prosperous world.

    1 Reply
  • Managing screen time will improve the psychological development, It will also be beneficial to the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development of children and young adults

  • This is fantastic point of view

  • Since diving into the root cause of the issue helps us to define the actual problem, I think asking question on situation helped to reach the root of the problem. The increase in crime rate is due to youth involved in drugs abuse who were involved in theft and looting people for money to buy drugs. Asking question further on it revealed that drugs is easily available in the surrounding area of camp.

  • In an ideal world where the problem of limited access to resources and opportunities for less privileged individuals is solved, we could envision a society that looks something like this:

    Equitable access to resources: All individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances, have access to essential resources such as quality education, healthcare, housing, and nutritious food. This would help to level the playing field and provide everyone with the foundation they need to thrive.

    Strong social safety net: A robust social safety net is in place to support individuals and families who are facing economic hardship or other challenges. This could include programs such as universal healthcare, affordable childcare, and unemployment benefits.

    Prosperous communities: Communities are thriving and resilient, with strong local economies, vibrant civic life, and a sense of shared purpose. This would create a positive feedback loop, where individuals have the opportunity to contribute and give back to their communities, further strengthening them.

    Reduced inequality: Income and wealth inequality have been reduced, with greater opportunities for upward mobility and a fairer distribution of resources. This would create a more just and equitable society where everyone has a chance to succeed.

    Greater innovation and growth: With greater access to resources and opportunities, individuals are able to innovate and pursue new ideas, leading to increased growth and prosperity for everyone. This could drive advancements in fields such as technology, medicine, and sustainability.

    Sustainability and resilience: The environment and natural resources are being sustainably managed and protected, ensuring a thriving planet for future generations. This would create a more resilient and prosperous world for all.

    Overall, this ideal world would be characterized by equity, opportunity, and a shared commitment to building thriving communities and a better future for all.

  • Other factors that can affect teachers to stay include, increases in salary and allowances such as house allowance, hardship allowance and transport allowance. Good working environment can also motivate teachers to stay longer in one location.
    Health insurance availability will also be an added factor under teachers' welfare. A good working relation with the surrounding community and security, will also be an important factor.
    The other factor that can make the teachers to stay is having personal security in the station of work.

  • In a world where HAAEA's objectives flourish, we see:
    Empowered Children:
    • Rural classrooms buzzing with enthusiasm: Children actively engaging in learning, confident in their abilities to excel.
    • No child left behind: Personalized support ensures everyone receives the tools and guidance they need to succeed, regardless of background or learning pace.
    • Dreams ignited: Rural students envisioning bright futures, equipped with the skills and knowledge to pursue any career path that inspires them.
    Thriving Communities:
    • Breaking the cycle of poverty: Education becomes the key to unlocking economic opportunities for generations to come.
    • Empowered families: Improved academic prospects for children translate to stronger, more confident families with a vested interest in their communities.
    • Rural communities as engines of progress: Skilled and educated individuals contribute to local development, fostering vibrant and self-sufficient societies.
    A Transformed Nation:
    • Closing the educational gap: Rural schools on par with urban counterparts, with equitable access to quality education for all.
    • A skilled and competitive workforce: HAAEA alumni contributing their talents to drive national development and economic growth.
    • A beacon of hope: HAAEA's success inspiring similar initiatives throughout the nation, creating a future where every child has the chance to shine, regardless of their zip code.
    Beyond Numbers:
    This ideal world goes beyond statistics and metrics. It's about the intangible yet powerful ripple effect of empowering rural children. It's about unlocking potential, igniting passion, and fostering communities where dreams take flight.
    HAAEA's objectives hold the seeds for this transformation. By achieving them, we nurture not just academic excellence, but the very spirit of hope and progress that can reshape the future for generations to come.

  • You are looking at closing the inequality gap based on gender as it affect ability to thrive economically and contribute to society ad family

  • You are looking at closing the inequality gap based on gender as it affect ability to thrive economically and contribute to society ad family

  • "I strongly believe in a world where the needs of underprivileged children, women, men, youths, and communities are met, making it an ideal and better place to live. Furthermore, I am confident that we can instill in young people the belief that they can achieve greatness through legitimate business ventures and innovative ideas."

    2 Replies
  • young generation especially youths need to harness the technological opportunities available to them and seek economic empowerment out of it. digital literacy is the way to go in this century.

  • Identifying beneficiaries' needs and interests involves understanding the specific requirements, challenges, and desires of the individuals or groups who will benefit from a program, project, or intervention. This process is essential for designing targeted and effective solutions that address the root causes of a problem and meet the unique circumstances of the beneficiaries. Here's how the identification of beneficiaries' needs and interests typically occurs:

    Research and Data Analysis: Conduct research and gather data to understand the demographic characteristics, socio-economic status, and health indicators of the target population. Analyze existing data sources such as surveys, census reports, health records, and community assessments to identify prevalent issues and trends related to the problem at hand.

    Stakeholder Consultation: Engage with stakeholders who have direct knowledge or experience working with the target beneficiaries. This may include community leaders, healthcare providers, social workers, local government officials, and representatives from non-profit organizations. Consultation sessions, focus group discussions, and interviews can provide valuable insights into the needs, priorities, and preferences of the beneficiaries.

    Needs Assessment: Conduct a needs assessment to systematically identify the specific needs and challenges faced by the beneficiaries. This may involve using standardized tools such as surveys, questionnaires, or interviews to collect information on various aspects related to the problem, including access to services, knowledge gaps, barriers to behavior change, and socio-economic constraints.

  • Sustainable Resource Management: Waste would be viewed as a valuable resource rather than a burden. Recycling and waste-to-energy initiatives would be widespread, allowing us to recover valuable materials and generate clean energy while minimizing the depletion of natural resources.

  • In an ideal world, where everyone has the choice and opportunity to do what they are meant to do without compromising their basic needs.

  • Hi Oresanya! My goal is also similar to empowering the youth of economically disadvantaged communities. Happy to connect.

  • I imagine a world where every child, regardless of the challenges they face such as conflict, natural disasters, or emergencies, has the right to grow up in a secure and welcoming environment. This environment should support their development from early childhood to adolescence, allowing them to fulfill their potential equally.

  • Empowered Women, Thriving Economy:

    Equal Education: Classrooms buzz with girls and boys alike, receiving quality instruction that unlocks their full potential.
    Bridging the Gap: Women are well-represented in all professions, shattering glass ceilings and contributing their talents across every sector.
    Financial Independence: Women confidently run businesses, manage their finances, and actively participate in the formal economy.
    Affordable Childcare: Accessible and high-quality childcare facilities allow parents, especially mothers, to pursue careers without worry.
    Healthy and Nurtured Children:

    Strong Foundations: Every child enjoys a safe and secure home, free from violence, neglect, and exploitation.
    Education for All: Quality education is no longer a privilege, but a right enjoyed by all children, regardless of background.
    Nourished Future: Nutritious food is readily available, ensuring children grow up healthy and reach their full physical and mental potential.
    Holistic Wellbeing: Comprehensive healthcare safeguards children's health, with preventive care and prompt treatment for illnesses.

  • this same problem is already being solved through the implementation of the same project in other sub-Saharan countries that are supported by IFAD

  • I am enjoying the topic. I work on food repurposing and feeding those in need, but by running through this module it is becoming clear that we need to pivot to other activities to address root causes of homelessness and a lack of social housing

  • The ideal world in which my problem is solved is perhaps where there is availability and equity in resources so that whatever is needed for the success of the mission happens. Also, education and literacy on technology and financial knowledge would be a key factor.

  • i envision a world where children would be free to study without fear of wars or hindrance to their education

  • this is such a great idea. Millions of lives would be saved

  • What I have learn untill now in those thwoo modules is the aproach of problem statement and beneficiaries identification. Bigining the right way will make the project clearer and not mixing the objectives of every step

  • @Butterfly2021 i have i thought about the visionary approach, what is your take

  • This module was very interesting, I learned the importance of identifying the needs of the beneficiaries

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