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  • Выявление причин проблем до того, как приступить к их решению, очень важно для нас, потому что мы должны гарантировать, что никакие решения не будут обещаны ошибочными фактами или предположениями о причинах, а затем определить, как лучше всего удовлетворить потребности бенефициара.

  • It allows you find the best solutions to the problem

  • Well said my friend

  • understanding the causes for an issue allow us to break down the problem and approach it from various angles to better solve the problem

  • Identifying the cause of the problems before beginning to solve them is important because then you will be able to consider a variety of solutions and adopt the most effective solution(s) to the problem.

    1 Reply
  • It arms the project team with the necessary information needed to outline effective solutions targeted at these causes, thereby bring effective solutions to the problem.

  • I think is best if we identify the causes of this problem

  • Yes that's very true

  • It arms the project team with the necessary information needed to outline effective solutions targeted at these causes, also try to know what capacity you have

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because...

    if we are able to understand the problem well and identify the causes, it will help us to ensure that our solutions are the effective and impactful. We need to take time to ensure the problem is:
    a. real (for the people aka beneficiaries we are trying to solve it for),
    b. free from assumptions, but a problem based on sound scientific research to be sure this is the root problem, and the same efforts are not being done elsewhere
    c. the solutions tackle the true causes, directly, efficiently, realistically, and effectively.

  • Yes, this is exactly it. This ensures you have the best possible solutions (and don't go into the situation already assuming the solution) but find the root causes, and what beneficiaries need.

  • I would ask the organization to identify the course of the problem in order to get lasting solution.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because we may work on assumptions thinking we are solving a problem yet we are not solving it.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because we may work on assumptions thinking we are solving a problem yet we are not solving it.

    True because if we know the causes of the problem we will aim to solve it from the causes.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because we may work on assumptions thinking we are solving a problem yet we are not solving it.

    True because if we know the causes of the problem we will aim to solve it from the causes.

  • Understanding the root of the problem from the beginning before solving is important because it gives different approaches to tackle the problem bringing about a proffer solution to the problem.

    1 Reply
  • Understanding the root of the problem from the beginning before solving is important because it gives different approaches to tackle the problem bringing about a proffer solution to the problem.

  • It is good that our organization is expanding to new community. I will love to be part of the team to go to the community to take a survey to find the thoughts of the community about his problem we intent to solve.

  • That is very true. The problem is, how can you understand the root cause of the problem?

  • My thoughts: We need to think deeply through the problem to find its root-causes. This stage is very significant because it will enable the organization to appreciate its beneficiaries needs and interests. For this reason, a needs assessment carried out through observations, interviews, and desk-top research is essential at this stage to gain deeper understanding of the problem. Importantly, we need to enquire and research on the problem from other organizations addressing the same problem. Together, this will be crucial to determining our approach and other available alternatives to solving it.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it gives us a better scope from where to start looking at possible solutions. Also, the more causes you identify, the more approaches you can put on the table and discuss with the team, looking at them from an impact on beneficiaries to its practicality and cost effectiveness.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it helps in understanding and focusing attention, resources, time, energy, and expertise as the case maybe to solving the problem from it's root once and for all rather than scratching the surface and risk a reoccurrence on a later date.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it helps to find good solutions of the real problem the intended Beneficiaries are facing. It also helps the organisation to identify the real Beneficiaries whose lives you intended to improve through the solutions you eventually developed

  • I think to identify the root cause of problem help to understand correctly our beneficiaries' need that leads to an effective solution.

  • Taking action without identifying what factors contribute to the problem can result in misdirected efforts, and that wastes time and resources. Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it gives us a better scope from where to start looking at possible solutions. Also, the more causes you identify, the more approaches you can put on the table and discuss with the team, looking at them from an impact on beneficiaries to its practicality and cost effectiveness. By defining problems properly, you make them easier to solve, which means saving time, money and resources.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it helps to find the correct address of the solution.
    Wrong causes adresses to surely to a wrong solution or ar to a solution that won't solve the problem as you have expected.

  • I think to identify the root cause of problem help to understand correctly our beneficiaries' need that leads to an effective solution.

    @muyassara said in Module 3: Discussion:

  • because all our work could end up being futile and not address the real cause and nature of the problem. If we knew the precise causes, we could even prevent the issue from happening, or we could at least be sure that our efforts are well aligned.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because _________

    We need to assess the scope of the problem in our area of the world. We need statistics and other factual evidence to reflect the reality of poverty in our community specifically and then come up with SMART goals.

  • Agree with all comments. Need to identify root causes before jumping to a solution

  • it need to be shared

  • Identifying the causes of a problem before solving it is important to us because it builds a solid foundation to brainstorming all possible solution that will indeed target the problem and its impact on beneficiaries.

  • This is really the only skill that I think we can face or prevent the problems that we face.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because we need to fully understand the issue to successfully address it and create long-lasting change.

  • Dears,
    Unless causes/root causes of a problem identified it will be difficult to develop effective appoache to the solve the problem and address the need of the beneficiaries. So that inorder to identify the root cuase a simple table or problem tree developed, by asking why this problem, why 5 times we can reach to the root of the problem. After finding the root of the problem we can develop approches to solve the root causes of the problem as per the resource available.

    1 Reply
  • It turns out to be very interesting to look deeper into the problems and it is very important to find the root cause and look for convincing solutions.

    1 Reply
  • It give us clear insight of the problem that will give us the solution method

  • taking into consideration the root cause will better our understanding

    1 Reply
  • Identifying the root causes is important because, without this information, our solutions may be off base. We may risk failure, or actually even making the problem worse. For example, at one point in history they tried to solve a cholera outbreak with masking, even though it was found to be in water. The intervention failed because of bad information on the root causes.

  • This is good, but I would elaborate a bit more, just because they asked for 'a few sentences.' But well said!

  • this is because it will help bring a main out main solution of the problem. The people in the community need to be talked to and research need to be done to proper identify why the problems occurs in the first place. with these research proper solution can now be found.

  • It's very import to keep digging until the root cause of a problem is properly identified in order to implement the right solution for the right problem.

    1 Reply
  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because we can understand clearly the problems and we can find the appropriate solutions. Imagine a tree that fruits and branchs are the problems and roots are the causes of the problems.

  • That it is. Right solution for right problem. Thank you

  • It is important so we don't rashly decide the problem and then the solution. A rashly decided solution could result in us spending money on a cause that doesn't actually help our beneficiaries out. In the world of fundraising, every dollar counts.

  • This is a good point!

  • Knowing the cause of the problem is a sure way to not repeat it so it is important to know the root or past of a problem before implementing the solution in the presence that will impact the future

    1 Reply
  • True and straightforward

  • In order to get the solutions we need to identify the cause of the problem in the first place.

  • An accurate discovery of the root cause of an issue is a cardinal step in proffering the much needed solution to that problem.This will help avert waste of resources which could have been channelled into championing solutions to assumed problems which may not even be what is needed by the beneficiaries.

  • Determining the causes of problems before starting to solve them is very important for us because we can clearly understand the problems and we can find the appropriate solutions. It is the shortest and surest way to answer donor questions.

  • Identifying the Cause of the problem is very essential. this is because it will help in proper planning and also save costs.

  • Identifying the problem before solving them enables us to carry out proper action or solution without error to avoid creating bigger problems and wasting effort

  • An accurate discovery of the root cause of an issue is a cardinal step in proffering the much needed solution to that problem.This will help avert waste of resources which could have been channelled into championing solutions to assumed problems which may not even be what is needed by the beneficiaries.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it will help open us up to a range of possible solutions

  • @Chelz said in Module 3: Discussion:

    Knowing the cause of the problem is a sure way to not repeat it so it is important to know the root or past of a problem before implementing the solution in the presence that will impact the future

    very true

  • Understanding the causes of the problem is important ,as it helps us to understand the root of the problem and develop appropriate solutions. Without understanding the causes our efforts may be misguided and ineffective or even make the problem worse. It is essential that we conduct a thorough analysis and involve the community in this process to gain their insights and perspectives. Only with this understanding can we identify the most appropriate interventions and ensure that they are sustainable and successful in addressing the needs of our pastoralist community.

  • It helps you to identify the stakeholder while addressing the root cause that will be beneficial to all stakeholders, donors and the organization in the long run.

  • It is very important to identify the causes of problems before beginning to solve them because it gives us a better scope from where to start looking at possible solutions. Also, the more causes you identify, the more approaches you can put on the table and discuss with the team, looking at them from an impact on beneficiaries to its practicality and cost effectiveness.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it will set us on a path that will more directly lead to solving the issue. If we do not complete this step first, we risk following the wrong leads and wasting money and resources while potentially creating more problems along the way. We could also potentially alienate our beneficiaries and donors which could be detrimental.

  • Because it gives you the opportunity to explore and brainstorm more than one solution to the problem. If you implicitly provide factual assumption together with the problem statement, it is highly likely that you will be much more dwelling on the that particular solutions in the entire process of your journey to developing solutions to the pertinent problem in question

    1 Reply
  • Identify the root cause , and also understanding the problems involved and getting new apporaches

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it can help us see which solution can have the most impact as well as be the best fit for our organization's resources.

  • I love that you point out how assumptions can lead us to focus on the wrong goal in our solutions.

  • if not we could waste time finding solutions to causes that doesn't exist or make sense for our community. we may also miss crucial information about the problem and the people being effected.

  • When we understand the root causes of a problem, we can address them directly and prevent the problem from happening again.

    It is important to identify the causes of problems before beginning to solve them because it allows us to develop more effective and sustainable solutions.
    When we understand the root causes of a problem, we can address them directly and prevent the problem from happening again.
    To identify the causes of problems, we can use a variety of methods, such as brainstorming, cause-and-effect diagrams, and data analysis.
    Once we have identified the causes of a problem, we can assess different approaches to solving it, considering factors such as effectiveness, feasibility, sustainability, and scalability.

    1 Reply
  • it will help in finding approaches which are effective, practical and cost-effective to deal with the problems

  • It helps us to know where to start from in solving the problem.

  • It helps to have an array of solution

  • Identifying the causes of problems before starting to solve them is very important to us, because failure to identify the real causes can lead to the implementation of a bad program and in a less efficient way, causing harm to the beneficiaries.

  • It helps us get a variety of solutions to approach thecause.

  • Identifying the causes of the problem is important because it helps us to find solutions that effectively address the problem.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because once the problem is identified, one can move on to further identify the deep roots of it and a solution framework could be put up.

  • Absolutely right

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because Taking action without identifying what factors contribute to the problem can result in misdirected efforts, and that wastes time and resources

  • Taking action without identifying what factors contribute to the problem can result in misdirected efforts, and that wastes time and resources.

  • My name is LuluZoo. I am taking this course because I want to learn more about corporate partnerships.

  • Before I offer my contribution, let me observe that there is need to refer to a critical question.
    Knowing the "why" behind a problem is key to solving it effectively. By identifying the root causes, you ensure your solutions are:
    On target: Hitting the problem at its core, not just treating symptoms.
    Efficient: Saving time and resources by focusing on the right points.
    Sustainable: Preventing the problem from recurring in the future.
    Well-informed: Making decisions based on the specific context.
    Collaborative: Engaging stakeholders and creating synergy.

    This understanding of the cause empowers us to tackle problems effectively and create lasting positive change.
    We have to strive to be a root-cause remover!, instead of a symptom-fighter!

  • I agree with you, that understanding of the key or root causes put you in charge of the whole situation. How you navigate solving the problem in whatever manner is entirely deliberate as a result.
    Like it is often said, knowledge is power, you gain considerable power to be in control of the situation you and your organization is passionate about

  • I agree with you, that understanding of the key or root causes put you in charge of the whole situation. How you navigate solving the problem in whatever manner is entirely deliberate as a result.
    Like it is often said, knowledge is power, you gain considerable power to be in control of the situation you and your organisation is passionate about

  • we get to understand why our beneficiaries are behaving in a certain manner and we get to formulate solutions that are practical to them.

  • Identifying challenges before beginning to solve them is so important for planning and strategizing purposes..

  • very good and informative lesson

  • it allows us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the underlying factors contributing to the issue at hand. By identifying the root causes, we can develop more targeted and effective solutions that address the problem at its core, rather than merely addressing symptoms or superficial aspects. This approach helps ensure that our interventions are strategic, sustainable, and have a lasting impact on improving the situation. Additionally, understanding the causes allows us to allocate resources efficiently and prioritize interventions based on their potential to address the fundamental drivers of the problem. Ultimately, by taking the time to identify causes thoroughly, we can maximize the effectiveness of our efforts and work towards meaningful and lasting solutions.

  • identifying causes is important because we can provide the solutions which address the beneficiaries needs.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it allows us to develop targeted solutions that address the root issues and create lasting change. By understanding the "why" behind the "what," we can avoid wasting resources on temporary fixes and invest in strategies that have a ripple effect, promoting women's economic empowerment, child well-being, and a more equitable society for all Malawians.

  • Identifying the causes of the problems before starting to solve them is very important for us because ____s you are mistaken on the causes of a problem, your understanding of the beneficiary's needs can be incorrect and your solutions can be ineffective

  • bringing solution to problem is the same has going to the hospital. the doctor diagnose the problem prior to giving medicines

  • This was a very interesting and informative module. I found it reassuring and encouraging that my organization has already taken the steps to identify the root causes and possible solutions.

  • it enables us find the best solution to a problem and make informrd decisions

  • to identify the best solution and make informed decisions about the problem

  • i totally agree

  • Once The ultimate outcome is clear. you will find the step easier

  • I really learnt alot from the orientation of this approach before i was in the visionary

  • This module was instructive because it allowed me to understand the intervention approaches

  • When solving a problem its important to look at different perspectives of the problem, the root causes of the problem forms the basis of how we will likely solve the problem and mitigate the risks that are likely to occur when solving the problem.

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