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  • it is important to store data with a clear logic and consistency for ease of access

  • Data access is critical. Data should be available in form and format as and when required. Data for long term availability can be securely stored in archives to be retrieved later.

  • Data access is critical on time and in format, as and when required. Archiving is important to store data securely and be able to retrieve it for later use.

  • if confidential information is accessed, it can compromise the safety of the individuals described in the data.

  • Who should be able to access the data
    Should certain people be able to access only some of the data
    How will data be searched
    When should data be archived and moved into storage

  • Nowadays, in era of digitalization, it is important to have back-up of all digital information and a good security system.

  • Nice option.go digital with archiving

  • Insightful topic, to know that to the tiniest bit of how a file is named, stored and accessed is an important component of data management.

  • if you meet all the above stets you will produce a quality data that can be useful and important in the context.

  • The important question to ask your self before managing data is;
    How id data stored and accessed?
    The specific mechanisms that you might use to access or archive data will depend on the software or system that your team uses.

  • All of the above topics shows the benefits of Data organization and the important of analyzing data.
    The benefits is that, it saves the time of the user, it makes the data collection become simple, the security of information is a key element in the organization of data, competency, logic and reliability of data is the key reason for data management technology.

  • All of the above topics shows the benefits of Data organization and the important of analyzing data.
    The benefits is that, it saves the time of the user, it makes the data collection become simple, the security of information is a key element in the organization of data, competency, logic and reliability of data is the key reason for data management technology.

  • Data access needs to be controlled. have specific rules that allow for certain individuals to either just view or be able to edit. Having control on does what encourages privacy because if anyone can just edit data or have full access to data, they may be lot of discrepancies, errors and breach of information.

  • Having well-managed data is important. From knowing the right data format to use to naming files and folders is essential for any data analyst

  • Having well-managed data is important. From knowing the right data format to use to naming files and folders is essential for any data analyst

  • he specific mechanisms that you might use to access or archive data will depend on the software or system that your team uses. Not having a secure location to archive confidential data can have ethical implications. In some situations, if confidential information is accessed by or shared with the wrong individuals, it can compromise the safety of the individuals or groups described in the data.

  • Acceso y archivo de datos se refiere al proceso de almacenar, recuperar y gestionar datos en un sistema informático. El acceso se refiere a la capacidad de leer, escribir y modificar datos en una base de datos o sistema de archivos. El archivo de datos se refiere al proceso de trasladar datos antiguos o de uso menos frecuente de una ubicación de almacenamiento activa a una ubicación secundaria para su conservación a largo plazo. Esto puede ayudar a reducir la cantidad de espacio necesario para el almacenamiento de datos activos y mejorar el rendimiento del sistema al reducir la cantidad de datos que deben ser accedidos.

  • The specific mechanisms that we might use to access or archive data will depend on the software or system that our team uses. Most important is to follow the organisation philosophy about the process of storing, archiving and accessing the data, as well as the observation of the ethical recommendations.

    That`s why skilled professionals are required for this work or challenge.

    1 Reply
  • Data access refers to the ability to retrieve, read or manipulate stored data. The methods for accessing data depend on the storage format and location, such as a local hard drive, network-attached storage, or cloud-based storage. Data can be accessed through various software programs, such as a database management system, file explorer, or specific applications.

    Data archival is the process of preserving data for long-term retention, typically for legal, regulatory, or historical purposes. Archived data is stored in a secure and reliable manner, with proper backup and disaster recovery procedures in place. Access to archived data is usually limited, as it is intended to be used only in exceptional circumstances, such as when the original data is unavailable or lost. Archived data is often stored on specialized media, such as tape or optical disk, to ensure its long-term viability.

    In summary, data access and archival are two distinct but related aspects of data management. Data access focuses on the retrieval of data for immediate use, while data archival is concerned with preserving data for the long-term.

  • I would like to say that data management is very much essential tool for almost every prospective industry nowadays. Today, every business relies on data to make accurate business-related decisions and strategies. Relevant, accurate, and actionable data largely contributes to the growth of an organization. If not managed meticulously, it can prove to be useless and even detrimental to a scaling enterprise. Therefore, proper data management initiatives should be implemented to ensure the authenticity of data, increase its quality and maintain accuracy.

  • I would like to say that data management is very much essential tool for almost every prospective industry nowadays. Today, every business relies on data to make accurate business-related decisions and strategies. Relevant, accurate, and actionable data largely contributes to the growth of an organization. If not managed meticulously, it can prove to be useless and even detrimental to a scaling enterprise. Therefore, proper data management initiatives should be implemented to ensure the authenticity of data, increase its quality and maintain accuracy.

  • Data archiving is an integral part of record management the handling of organizational records throughout the lifecycle and treating them as evidence of a company’s activities. Although organizations initially started archiving to meet compliance data archiving requirements, a lot has changed in recent years. This defensive approach has been replaced by a more proactive one, where archives are used not only to prove compliance and protect companies from litigation and failed audits, but rather as repositories of vast knowledge and business int

  • Great response

  • Data access and archival simply implies how data is stored and accessed. Therefore, specific mechanisms that you might use to access or achieve data will depend on the soft ware or system that your team uses. However, no matter which system you adopt, there are a few important questions you should always ask such as;
    Who should be able to access the dat? Just the M&E team?, Just the management team?, All staff?, The public?.
    Should certain people be able to access only some the data? for example should staff on one program be able to access data from another program?, among others

  • this is indeed and eye opening module with very good guiding informative information. I have learned a lot about data access and data archival. I think this is a very important topic that opens and introduces us as students to the world of data collection and use in general. without this principles learned from these topics, data has no meaning at all.

  • The best course of Data Collection

  • very interested

  • The M&E team should clearly indicate how data is going to be accessed by the team and how it is going to be stored. having every individual who can access the data is efficient and saves time in terms of getting permission every time someone wants to use data. configuration keys and passwords are a good way of giving permission to some of your team so as to access some of the data or all.

  • Data Access and Archival is main topic on data managements
    it suggested that Some staff has permission on data and some do not.
    Data could store in certain software with more database space

  • Only authorized personnel should be able to access the database because if many people have access to the raw data, they may be manipulated or used improperly.

  • Only permissive staff should be allowed access to the database because if many people have access to the raw data, they can manipulate or use it in an inappropriate or inappropriate manner.

  • The on-demand, permitted capacity to retrieve, alter, copy, or move data from IT systems is known as data access and data archiving is the process of copying data to a different storage media for long-term retention after it has stopped being actively used.

  • The on-demand, permitted capacity to retrieve, alter, copy, or move data from IT systems is known as data access and data archiving is the process of copying data to a different storage media for long-term retention after it has stopped being actively used.

  • The on-demand, permitted capacity to retrieve, alter, copy, or move data from IT systems is known as data access and data archiving is the process of copying data to a different storage media for long-term retention after it has stopped being actively used.

  • The on-demand, permitted capacity to retrieve, alter, copy, or move data from IT systems is known as data access and data archiving is the process of copying data to a different storage media for long-term retention after it has stopped being actively used.

  • The on-demand, permitted capacity to retrieve, alter, copy, or move data from IT systems is known as data access and data archiving is the process of copying data to a different storage media for long-term retention after it has stopped being actively used.

  • it is keep them safe and get them ready for tomorrow

  • it is keep them safe and get them ready for tommorow

  • Providing widespread, timely access to data increases the benefit to society on many levels. Expedition of data cleaning, provision of technical support, and facilitated access to files increases the value of a dataset to the scientific community and enhances its impact on population research.

  • What do you mean by data Access and data Archival

    Why is a Data Archiving Important?
    A data archiving plan is an important part of your data lifecycle management policy, providing you with a way to retain information while staying within a reasonable storage budget. A data archiving implementation typically involves supporting tooling and automation, which help drive efficiency into the process. Here are key functions of a data archiving solution: Data discovery—a data archiving solution can help admins and end-users to easily find files, including spreadsheets, documents, and presentations. Data management—a data archiving solution can help you locate redundant data and remove it, or remove aging files from your files servers. Data visibility—a data archiving solution analyses, classifies and indexes data before storing it on your servers. This process ensures you can easily perform searches and gain insights. Data compliance—a data archiving solution automatically prepares responses to requests, including compliance audits, business queries, and litigation.

    What Does Data Access Mean?
    Data access refers to a user’s ability to access or retrieve data stored within a database or other repository. Users who have data access can store, retrieve, move or manipulate stored data, which can be stored on a wide range of hard drives and external devices.

  • Data access and archival system surely provide great help to organizations in retrieving data from older projects that can be used for current projects. Having an efficient system on data access and archival helps in the efficiency of the employees and the organization.

  • data access and archival is a very important topic as it relate to data science. organization need to have a very detailed and clear instruction regarding data management, access and storage, this will increase efficiency and effectiveness in operations.

  • data management is very important as to easily access upon request from right people or donor

  • Organising data for storage saves a lot of time on retrieval. It has been eating alot of my time for other important staff.

  • Accessing and archiving data are important in data management which is caused time-saving and easy to report when needed.

  • Level of access should vary among those using and accessing data depending on when and what they use it for, when that data can be edited should also matter, where those with the access of editing data might edit data that maybe have been used to generate a report

  • The specific mechanisms that you might use to access or archive data will depend on the software or system that your team uses. However, no matter which system you adopt, there are a few important questions you should always ask:

  • Data access and archival are two important aspects of database management.

    1. Data Access: Data access refers to the ability to retrieve and manipulate data stored in a database. Database technology provides several mechanisms for accessing data, including SQL (Structured Query Language), APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), and web-based interfaces. Access controls can also be implemented to restrict who can access specific data, to maintain data security and privacy.

    2. Data Archival: Data archival refers to the process of preserving data for long-term storage and retrieval. Archiving is often used for data that is no longer actively used but still needs to be retained for compliance, legal, or historical purposes. Archival data is typically stored in offsite locations or in the cloud, and can be accessed when needed.

    Both data access and archival are critical for ensuring that data is available and usable when needed, while also maintaining data security and privacy. Effective database management requires careful consideration of data access and archival requirements, as well as the implementation of appropriate technologies and policies to support these functions.

  • I was thinking I am organizing my data in clear way, but after taking this module I understand that my data are not organized and managed well.

  • Securing database is including this question are you have a backup for your data ?
    If not how and where can you made it.

  • Data management is crucial. And for digital data management, technology is the centre. Therefore, right systems and tools: softwares, databases, and specialised team will be required. Also when managing data, right choice are necessary which include data format, Naming and recording rules, data organisation and access and archival of day.
    All principles guiding these choice must be followed.

  • data management is very important as to easily access upon request from right people or donor

  • Data organisation is important. When data is disorganised, you run the risk of losing it and rendering it useless during evaluation.

  • How do I limit access at low-cost ? For example, I am using Ms Access to host a local database. How do I limit access to it for different individuals ?

  • I think having a digital filing system is very important at this day and age. If there is a partner or country where this is not realized yet, the organization focus should be building the capacity (training, provision of computers, and internet access).
    There should be central data administrator that controls access/previledge based on the level of importance (who can create, delete, update or or just view accesses)

  • Data access is the on-demand, authorized ability to retrieve, modify, copy, or move data from IT systems while Archival data refer to information that already exists in someone else's files. Originally generated for reporting or research purposes

  • Data Access and Archival is a process of storing and accessing your data. It is important for any organization to decide how the collected data will be archived. The mechanisms of archiving and accessing the stored data depends mainly on the type of the software and system each organization uses. Nevertheless, it is important to reflect on who will have full access and who will be granted a partial access to the data to ensure data security and avoid ethical implication.

  • Besides focusing on the secure ways of storing and accessing data, it also important to determine the length of time when such data will archived until it is thrown away.

  • Data Storage and management is such a simple yet so crucial part of Data collection and use

  • Yes, data is confidential. Some are more some are less, but all is just confidential. We never know who will use them improperly, when the access is widely open. So, we need to carefully set the access for the most relevant parties and give openly access for public information that already released by all required authorities.

  • This is very interesting topic

  • Data management is complicated as well as simple, both. If we follow the standard way then it is simple, otherwise complicated

  • data management can be many of types but it is important to which type we use how to use who is access to see and use how I ensure the safety of data

  • It is essential to carefully choose one's data storage tool and establish a clear data access policy for individuals who need access to this data.

  • Data is confidential. So, everyone should not have access to it, but one or a few persons have access to it. People who have access should be categorized according to job and type of access. In this way, data can be made secure.

    1 Reply
  • Qui peut voir les données sans les modifier ?
    Est ce qu'il faut permettre la suppression des données ?

  • It's always important to involve professionals

  • Because we may not know the intentions of others that's why data should be made secure.

  • Data management can help organizations to make better decisions by providing them with accurate and timely information. This information can be used to identify trends, patterns, and insights that can help organizations to make more informed decisions about their operations.

  • Data access and archival is the process of storing and retrieving data for future use. It is an important part of data management, as it ensures that data is available when it is needed and that it is protected from unauthorized access.
    There are two main types of data access:
    Active access: This is the process of accessing data that is being used on a regular basis. Active data is typically stored in a database or other system that is accessible to users.
    Inactive access: This is the process of accessing data that is not being used on a regular basis. Inactive data is typically stored in an archive, which is a repository for data that is no longer needed for active use.
    There are three main methods of data archival:
    Off-site storage: This is the practice of storing data in a remote location, such as a data center or cloud storage provider. Off-site storage can help to protect data from physical disasters, such as fires or floods.
    On-site storage: This is the practice of storing data in a secure location on-premises. On-site storage can be more expensive than off-site storage, but it can provide faster access to data.
    Hybrid storage: This is a combination of off-site and on-site storage. Hybrid storage can offer the best of both worlds, providing secure data storage with fast access.
    The choice of data access and archival method will depend on the specific needs of the organization. Factors to consider include the volume of data, the desired level of security, and the budget.
    Here are some of the benefits of good data access and archival practices:
    Improved data availability: Data is available when it is needed, which can help to improve decision-making and productivity.
    Reduced risk of data loss: Data is protected from unauthorized access, use, or destruction.
    Compliance with regulations: Data is stored and managed in accordance with applicable regulations.
    Improved data security: Data is protected from unauthorized access, use, or destruction.
    Reduced costs: Data storage and management costs are reduced.
    Here are some of the challenges of data access and archival:
    The volume of data is increasing rapidly.
    The cost of data storage is decreasing.
    Data security is a growing concern.
    Regulations governing data storage and management are becoming more stringent.
    Data access and archival is a complex and evolving field. Organizations need to carefully consider their needs and requirements when developing data access and archival policies and procedures.
    Here are some additional considerations for data access and archival:
    The type of data being stored.
    The frequency of access to the data.
    The level of security required for the data.
    The budget available for data storage and management.
    The regulatory environment.
    By carefully considering these factors, organizations can develop effective data access and archival policies and procedures that meet their specific needs.

  • How is data stored and accessed?

    Finally, let’s discuss how your data is accessed and archived (stored long-term). The specific mechanisms that you might use to access or archive data will depend on the software or system that your team uses. However, no matter which system you adopt, there are a few important questions you should always ask:

    Who should be able to access the data? Just the M&E team? Just the management team? All of the staff? The public?
    Should certain people be able to access only some of the data? For example, should staff on one program be able to access data from another program?
    Should different types of people have different types of access? For example, you might decide that certain individuals can only view data, while others have permission to edit data.
    How will I ensure that only people with permission can access my data? Data security can be as low-tech as a key and a lock on a filing cabinet or as high-tech as data encryption on a digital database.
    How will data be searched? Does my data management software have a search or query function, or do I need to export my data into another format to search it? If my data is stored in a filing cabinet, is there a list of folders that directs the user to the correct data files?
    When should data be archived and moved into storage? If you have limited room in your database, you might consider moving old or out-of-date data into a long-term database. Many donors, for example, require that data be stored and available for 3-5 years following a project.
    Ethical Consideration: Not having a secure location to archive confidential data can have ethical implications. In some situations, if confidential information is accessed by or shared with the wrong individuals, it can compromise the safety of the individuals or groups described in the data.

  • data storage is essential but how to archive and who can consult must be defined and known to all actors

  • Need to keep the data security while archiving the data, many donor want to archive the data for 3-5 years after the project.

  • Data access and Archival is very important as it hinges on how data is accessed and stored for long term. It is important to ensure that data is secured at all times by ensuring that only people with rights can access the data. These rights have different access levels as some can only view data while others can view and be able to edit the data. It is also imperative to ensure that as data is stored and accessed a query or search function so be in place for easy retrieval of data.
    It is important to consider putting in place mechanisms to secure data for long term use. Archiving data is important and there is need to ensure we safeguard data at all times even after project close, and usually most donors requires storing data for the period 3-5 years after project close and we should ensure that confidentiality ethical issue is upheld all the time.

  • The data is processed through computer; Data and set of instructions are given to the computer as input and the computer automatically processes the data according to the given set of instructions. The computer is also known as electronic data processing machine.

    Sometimes, there may be difficulty in disclosing your HIV status to your friends and loved ones. That can cause emotional stress and impact your mental health and well-being. HIV and some opportunistic infections can also affect your nervous system and can lead to changes in your behavior.

  • Data Access is KEY and critical since this has to be well elaborated to the program teams and the project stakeholders and this has to also be cleared stated in the MEL documents such as the MEL Plan and SOPs. This will make it easier for the whole to understand the different DATA Access Rights they all should have.

  • Aishah and her team are preparing to implement a new educational program across their local public school system. The educational program aims to increase the number of students who graduate from secondary school. It was previously piloted at a single school, where it seemed to increase graduation rates.

    The program has the support of local teachers and school administration. Parents have been told about the program. Many of them have expressed how excited they are to include their children in the program, and some have even stated that they might stop paying for private tutors for their children if the program is implemented.

    One of the program’s funders is also very excited. They are interested in closely studying the program to see whether it can indeed increase graduation rates. If the program is successful, it might be implemented in school systems across the country. This donor has asked Aishah to use a control group to study the effectiveness of the program.

    They would like Aishah and her team to randomly sort the students in the school system into two groups. Students in the first group will receive the services included in the educational program. Students in the second group—the control group—will receive a different set of services that have been proven to not affect graduation rates. To avoid influencing the participants, students and parents will not be told which group they are in. At the end of the two-year program, graduation rates between the two groups of students will be compared. If the graduation rate of students in the program is significantly higher than the graduation rate of students in the control group, the program will be expanded.

    Aishah and her team have never implemented this type of M&E process before. Aishah needs this donor’s money, but she is a bit uncomfortable with their plan. If she followed her donor’s instructions, would there be any ethical issues?Participant+Tracking+Form+Template.docx

  • Data has to be kept confidential at all cost yes because it is meant to be private and personal.

    Installing, updating and fixing data management tools can require specialized technical knowledge. As a result, even the most technologically-savvy organizations often rely on consultants or companies to maintain and update some parts of their IT systems.

    However, over-reliance on external consultants can be expensive. It also opens your organization up to some risks: if an element of your data management system breaks, will you be able to contact your IT consultant in time? Will they really understand what your organization needs to be able to do?

    Finally, even if you hire an IT consultant, your team still needs to generally understand how the technology works. If there is no one on your team who is able to talk about how the technology works or what it should do, it will be very difficult to make sure that your IT consultants are doing what you hope they will do.

    This is why, in addition to hiring consultants or services, you should train your staff to use, modify and fix your data management tools.Communities_Mozambique_Story.pdf

    Installing, updating and fixing data management tools can require specialized technical knowledge. As a result, even the most technologically-savvy organizations often rely on consultants or companies to maintain and update some parts of their IT systems.

    However, over-reliance on external consultants can be expensive. It also opens your organization up to some risks: if an element of your data management system breaks, will you be able to contact your IT consultant in time? Will they really understand what your organization needs to be able to do?

    Finally, even if you hire an IT consultant, your team still needs to generally understand how the technology works. If there is no one on your team who is able to talk about how the technology works or what it should do, it will be very difficult to make sure that your IT consultants are doing what you hope they will do.

    This is why, in addition to hiring consultants or services, you should train your staff to use, modify and fix your data management tools.Communities_Mozambique_Story.pdf Communities_Mozambique_Story.pdf

    Installing, updating and fixing data management tools can require specialized technical knowledge. As a result, even the most technologically-savvy organizations often rely on consultants or companies to maintain and update some parts of their IT systems.

    However, over-reliance on external consultants can be expensive. It also opens your organization up to some risks: if an element of your data management system breaks, will you be able to contact your IT consultant in time? Will they really understand what your organization needs to be able to do?

    Finally, even if you hire an IT consultant, your team still needs to generally understand how the technology works. If there is no one on your team who is able to talk about how the technology works or what it should do, it will be very difficult to make sure that your IT consultants are doing what you hope they will do.

    This is why, in addition to hiring consultants or services, you should train your staff to use, modify and fix your data management tools.Communities_Mozambique_Story.pdf

  • The data that is stored should always be protected and we need to make sure that the is limited access to the data. make sure that the people who access the data have unique credential so that the data can be protected that way we can be able to manage the data and make sure that we monitor and we comply with the POPI act as it is essential .

  • yes! i agree that in the context of data management, essential decisions revolve around data format, naming and recording rules, data organization, and data access and archival. These choices collectively shape the foundation of an effective data management system, ensuring consistency, accessibility, and long-term data integrity.

  • Data management system is important to be accessible to the right people, organized in such a ways that data loss is prevented/minimized, labelled with logic, stored in the right frequency and manner, and file type should also be taken in consideration for accessibility.

  • Monitoring: Collecting project information regularly to measure the progress of your project or activity. This helps to track performance over time and to make informed decisions about the effectiveness of projects and the efficient use of resources.

    Evaluation: Evaluation measures how well the project activities have achieved the project’s objectives and how much changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a project’s interventions

  • The issue of data ethical considerations are important in terms of data access and archival. And the respect for participants privacy is another important issue.

  • Data access and archival are crucial aspects of data management, ensuring that data is stored, organized, and retrieved efficiently while also being preserved for future use.

    1. Data Access:
      Data access involves the retrieval and manipulation of data stored in databases or other data storage systems. Efficient data access is essential for businesses and organizations to make informed decisions, analyze trends, and gain insights. There are several methods for data access, including:

    Database Management Systems (DBMS): DBMS software like MySQL, Oracle, or MongoDB allows users to access data through structured query language (SQL) or NoSQL queries.

    APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): APIs provide a standardized way for applications to interact with data, enabling seamless integration and access across different systems.

    Data Warehousing: Data warehouses consolidate data from various sources, making it accessible for analytical processing and reporting.

    Data Lakes: Data lakes store large volumes of raw data in its native format, allowing for flexible and scalable data access and analysis.

    1. Data Archival:
      Data archival involves storing data for long-term retention, regulatory compliance, or historical purposes. Archiving ensures that data is preserved securely, remains unaltered, and is accessible when needed. Here are some key points related to data archival:

    Compliance and Regulations: Many industries have regulatory requirements that mandate data retention for a specific period. Archiving helps organizations adhere to these regulations.

    Cost Efficiency: Archiving data allows organizations to move less frequently accessed data to cost-effective storage solutions, optimizing resources and reducing operational expenses.

    Data Security: Archival solutions often include encryption and other security measures to protect archived data from unauthorized access or tampering.

    Data Lifecycle Management: Effective data archival is a part of the data lifecycle management process, which includes data creation, storage, archiving, and disposal.

    In summary, data access ensures that information is readily available for day-to-day operations and analysis, while archival ensures that data is securely preserved for compliance, historical analysis, and future reference. Both are integral components of a robust data management strategy, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and maintain data integrity

  • Data access and archival are crucial aspects of data management, ensuring that data is stored, organized, and retrieved efficiently while also being preserved for future use.

    1. Data Access:
      Data access involves the retrieval and manipulation of data stored in databases or other data storage systems. Efficient data access is essential for businesses and organizations to make informed decisions, analyze trends, and gain insights. There are several methods for data access, including:

    Database Management Systems (DBMS): DBMS software like MySQL, Oracle, or MongoDB allows users to access data through structured query language (SQL) or NoSQL queries.

    APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): APIs provide a standardized way for applications to interact with data, enabling seamless integration and access across different systems.

    Data Warehousing: Data warehouses consolidate data from various sources, making it accessible for analytical processing and reporting.

    Data Lakes: Data lakes store large volumes of raw data in its native format, allowing for flexible and scalable data access and analysis.

    1. Data Archival:
      Data archival involves storing data for long-term retention, regulatory compliance, or historical purposes. Archiving ensures that data is preserved securely, remains unaltered, and is accessible when needed. Here are some key points related to data archival:

    Compliance and Regulations: Many industries have regulatory requirements that mandate data retention for a specific period. Archiving helps organizations adhere to these regulations.

    Cost Efficiency: Archiving data allows organizations to move less frequently accessed data to cost-effective storage solutions, optimizing resources and reducing operational expenses.

    Data Security: Archival solutions often include encryption and other security measures to protect archived data from unauthorized access or tampering.

    Data Lifecycle Management: Effective data archival is a part of the data lifecycle management process, which includes data creation, storage, archiving, and disposal.

    In summary, data access ensures that information is readily available for day-to-day operations and analysis, while archival ensures that data is securely preserved for compliance, historical analysis, and future reference. Both are integral components of a robust data management strategy, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and maintain data integrity

  • M & E data is not for the M & E team alone but for others such as program team and other stakeholders. Thus, these data must be ensured to be able to be accessed by the concerned people. The purpose of such access to data would be varied among them. Depending on this, the level or authority of accessibility to the data could be different. For example, project team members may need to have access to it in order to add more information and documents into the database system. They may also need to access to them for the review, learnings and decisions regarding the project activities over the course of the project implementation. The data must also be ensured that people those who are irrelevant with the concerned project/program are not able to access it since this may amount to an ethical issue - the breach of policy of data security and confidentiality. Data must also be kept for a certain period of time according to the internal policy of the organization or that of donor's policy. All data must be back-up to avoid loosing them by accident.

  • M & E data is not for the M & E team alone but for others such as program team and other stakeholders. Thus, these data must be ensured to be able to be accessed by the concerned people. The purpose of such access to data would be varied among them. Depending on this, the level or authority of accessibility to the data could be different. For example, project team members may need to have access to it in order to add more information and documents into the database system. They may also need to access to them for the review, learnings and decisions regarding the project activities over the course of the project implementation. The data must also be ensured that people those who are irrelevant with the concerned project/program are not able to access it since this may amount to an ethical issue - the breach of policy of data security and confidentiality. Data must also be kept for a certain period of time according to the internal policy of the organization or that of donor's policy. All data must be back-up to avoid loosing them by accident.

  • M & E data is not for the M & E team alone but for others such as program team and other stakeholders. Thus, these data must be ensured to be able to be accessed by the concerned people. The purpose of such access to data would be varied among them. Depending on this, the level or authority of accessibility to the data could be different. For example, project team members may need to have access to it in order to add more information and documents into the database system. They may also need to access to them for the review, learnings and decisions regarding the project activities over the course of the project implementation. The data must also be ensured that people those who are irrelevant with the concerned project/program are not able to access it since this may amount to an ethical issue - the breach of policy of data security and confidentiality. Data must also be kept for a certain period of time according to the internal policy of the organization or that of donor's policy. All data must be back-up to avoid loosing them by accident.

  • M & E data is not for the M & E team alone but for others such as program team and other stakeholders. Thus, these data must be ensured to be able to be accessed by the concerned people. The purpose of such access to data would be varied among them. Depending on this, the level or authority of accessibility to the data could be different. For example, project team members may need to have access to it in order to add more information and documents into the database system. They may also need to access to them for the review, learnings and decisions regarding the project activities over the course of the project implementation. The data must also be ensured that people those who are irrelevant with the concerned project/program are not able to access it since this may amount to an ethical issue - the breach of policy of data security and confidentiality. Data must also be kept for a certain period of time according to the internal policy of the organization or that of donor's policy. All data must be back-up to avoid loosing them by accident.

  • There are benefits of an archive of evaluation data and/or reports in the way they can be used.

    Such as:

    to provide examples of well-conducted and well-reported on evaluations
    to identify common weaknesses in evaluations which may indicate the need for specific guidance or training
    to synthesize data across different evaluations (to answer questions such AS “Do these types of interventions work?” or “For whom, in what ways and under what circumstances do they work?”)
    to share data (if appropriate) with other stakeholders such as to contribute to a larger data set on a particular theme or area of shared interest for further analysis. The data must also be made available to other stakeholders whenever they need it

    This is the process on how data is stored and retrieved.
    Data in every project is confidential in terms of who should access the data and for what uses. In regards to this only people who have the rights can be able to access the data. Also we should also know if the data can be easily accessed in terms of the system having the query tool

    This is the process on how data is stored and retrieved.
    Data in every project is confidential in terms of who should access the data and for what uses. In regards to this only people who have the rights can be able to access the data. Also we should also know if the data can be easily accessed in terms of the system having the query tool

    This is the process on how data is stored and retrieved.
    Data in every project is confidential in terms of who should access the data and for what uses. In regards to this only people who have the rights can be able to access the data. Also we should also know if the data can be easily accessed in terms of the system having the query tool

  • Wow!. I like what am learning.
    Yes confidentiality of data is very important

  • Realized my organization does not use a specific clear format of naming and so it is very difficult to locate document on the share drive online.

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