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  • Competence is ensuring the capability of M and E personel in collecting honestly data and do no harm in the processprocess, by ensuring that they have all the knowledge and technically capability to collect accurate data

  • Competency culturally and technically is beneficial, and need to be learn to avoid unethical principles

  • in country like Uganda, in some organizations competence is questionable

  • skill development is important , for the team to be competent and confident in what they do ,they must do short courses for technical skills. take time to learn different cultures especially of the community that you are working with.

  • Cool,theres always best ways or methods of approaches dealing with different people of different cultures that they will always have accept and understand importance of what we re tying to carrying survey or data.Always show respect and understand their opinions.

  • It is always a good thing to continually invest in learning. This not only improves skills and knowledge but also improves one’s confidence in carrying out M&E tasks. I am glad to be taking this course.

    1 Reply
  • Well stated. In total agreement

  • As you take this introductory M&E course, you may be introduced to new processes and tools. You may be tempted to rush out and try these exciting new ideas right away. We encourage you to pause and reflect before you do so. Does your team have the skills required to carry out this new process?

    Skills can be technical as well as cultural. Technical skills allow you to use tools and processes correctly. Examples include:

    Mapping stakeholder needs

    Storing data securely

    Designing surveys

  • Competence is one of the key factor in ensuring data collected reflects the reality, as incompetent personnel are more likely to collect biased data because they are not comfortable using the tool or technique

  • IL faut savoir que récolter les données c'est un métier purement technique qui demande beaucoup des compétences alors il est bon de savoir reconnaitre ses capacités enfin de savoir comment s'améliorer.

  • The competence principle states that you should only use the processes tools when you are sure you have the necessary skills to perform the task.

  • Competence implies that M&E personnel should have the necessary skills and cultural competencies to carry out an M&E activity.

  • do what is within your reach. what is above you should only be done after you have gathered skills to do it.

  • Competence skill should be taken seriously...

  • a competent team would enable collection of accurate data that would help yield actual assessment

    1. Improvement of skills for M&E process.
    2. Ability to learn new things
  • Data should be collected in a technically sound and culturally appropriate manner. A strategic mix of data collection tools need to be chosen to elicit data from different stakeholders.

  • I think cultural skills are the most difficult to acquire as the cultural context can vary from community to community while technical skills are pretty much standardized.

  • It is important to self-reflect before beginning a project. Be honest about what you understand, what you don't know and how you can get this information.

    I would say that it is important to first understand the cultural environment and then look at the factors of technical competence. It's possible that it's a completely new field of work or region or even country. If you don't understand the cultural environment, it will be impossible to get the correct information. Data collection must also be taken in an area of trust - this is often difficult as an outsider is sometimes not trusted, or even seen as a "spy" for the government. I have found this especially with economic development projects.
    Declining a project is especially a difficult one for those of us who are self-employed consultants. Sometimes, the client already knows what answer they what and the M & E team are pressured into "massaging" the information to meet that demand.

  • Both Technical Skill (tools) & Cultural Skill (understanding the behavior/attitude/language) are important but you should only use these tool when you are confident that you have the skills (both cultural and technical) to use them competently.

  • It won't be on the advantage of any M&E professional to collect data if:
    (i) He/she is not well-equipped or do not have much information about the culture of the community.
    (i) He/she doesn't have necessary technical skills (designing survey...)

  • Competence is the third core M&E ethical principle. Competence = Cultural skills + technical skills.

  • Decline to run M&E processes that you are not equipped to do well. Become knowledgeable to your own limits. Do not data you aren't qualified or not comfortable running.

  • Helps one to provide skillful professional services

  • The correctness of one's self-monitoring judgments is referred to as monitoring competence. If one has a high level of monitoring competence, they can accurately judge their ability or knowledge, however if they have a low level, they can't.
    Competencies for evaluators are also required. Depending on the function they play in the evaluation process, it generally refers to the skills, talents, knowledge, experience, and/or qualifications that an evaluator is expected to possess.

  • The cultural skills is a new thing to me. This looks exciting already. Well noted, Technical and cultural skills. Most of the time we don't consciously consider the cultural skills

  • In the company I work for, there is a specialized department for collecting data and archiving it using Excel and a special program

  • Building competence in your area of work or for a career change cannot be overemphasized. The latter is why I am taking this course.

  • gfhjyjhfjhhgjh gjhgjhtj

  • during the m&E you have to communications skills, cultural skills, how to mapping your project stakeholders, how to design surveys , how to collect data from the project beneficiary, and how to make data management and data analysis and interpretations.

    • M&E Plans
      Statistical and analytical skills in monitoring and evaluation
      Research Skills
      Data Collection
      Data Analysis
  • Hello
    Reviewing the principle, I remember that we planned to run annual studies for 3 years on Georeferencing and characteristics of migrantes and refugies. Unfortunately, we we not able to develop a good system due to lack of expertise and the adecuate platform. It was a good opportunity to work with public institutions and goverment, but we new to ensure first the technical resources to make if happen with quality standards.

  • Knowing your participants can help in greatly in data collection

  • M&E involves a lot of honesty, especially with technical and cultural skills
    declining to run a process can be hard especially if you are money minded

  • Provide skilled professional services.

  • Competence is key to getting highly accurate and complete information on any topic in any setting. One needs to have the capabilities to handle the word assigned and the ability to deliver it as expected and timely

  • When a team is not competent enough to use a particular data collection tool or method, its better to adopt an easier method at the start of programme or after the first evaluation attempt

  • They say "practice makes perfect" repeats exposure to a tool can help boost competence coupled with continuous learning.

  • Knowing your capacity in M&E is best limitation principle to follow. In the end, competence is ensuring that proper M&E processes are made in quality and substance. Not having the right aptitude for a particular M&E activity, is a signal to pause and reflect.

  • Provide skilled professional services shows how competent professionals are. Therefore, collecting high quality data demonstrates not only how committed and competent the professional is, but also shows how responsible he is.
    The quality of our service is a great indicator that measures our competence.

  • Competence during data collection refers to the level of proficiency and skill of individuals who are responsible for collecting data. A competent data collector is one who has the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to collect high-quality data that is accurate, complete, and relevant to the purpose of the study.

    There are several key factors that contribute to competence during data collection, including:

    1. Training: A competent data collector should receive proper training on the data collection process, the tools and techniques used, and how to handle sensitive information.

    2. Knowledge of the subject matter: The data collector should have a good understanding of the topic or subject that is being studied. This knowledge is critical for collecting relevant and accurate data.

    3. Attention to detail: Data collection requires meticulous attention to detail and a keen eye for accuracy. Competent data collectors are able to double-check their work and catch any errors or discrepancies.

    4. Ethical considerations: Competent data collectors must understand and abide by ethical principles related to data collection, such as respecting privacy, confidentiality, and informed consent.

    5. Good communication skills: Effective communication with participants is essential for successful data collection. Competent data collectors must be able to communicate effectively and build rapport with participants.

    Overall, competence during data collection is critical to the quality and reliability of the data collected, and ultimately, the validity of the study's results.

  • i need to acquire three course M#E ,leadership and project management

  • By continuing improving our technical or non technical skills plays a major role when it comes to competency as a fact and this will definitely results in betterment of the company for sure .

  • M&E representatives together with their team involved in data collection processes should be skilled enough in both perspectives, culturally and technically. Data collection team should have technical skills to allow them handle M&E tools and the proper way of managing and storing as well as they require cultural skills to help them to communicate with the targets without causing any harm or present dishonest data.

  • Interesting! Further, culturally competent M&E staff easily understands the impacts of cultural bias in data collection process. Imagine working with individuals who are culturally incompetent who might disregard some cultural aspects of the target population, these individuals are more likely to come up with inaccurate data which may give false conclusions and consequently compromise the goals of your project.

  • This simply applies to possessing the required knowledge, skills, theoretical frameworks by the monitoring and evaluation team concerning this particular field and however be able to apply them during the monitoring and evaluation processes that is to say inputs, outputs, outcomes, impact so as to provide effectiveness of the project.
    Through my skills and knowledge I possess I can change my tool so as to prevent those issues through applying the different data collection methods. This because each method exposes you to different tools which this will help researchers to get different dimensions on how to generate the required information in relation to the different data collection tools. For example as a researcher I can use observation method to study a certain culture for Bugishu culture in Uganda through use of tools such as my eyes, senses, feelings I can acquire the information I need however in relation of testing the reliability this particular information I may as well use interviews were I will apply one to mouth discussions, records among others. Hence which will help in prevention of unwanted issues during data collection.

  • The monitoring and evaluation team must posses the required competences that is to say cultural sensitivity, technical knowledge, theoretical knowledge so to provide effectives of the project by reaching the desired ends.

  • To be competence is to be skillful .The principle of competence states that you should only use tools or processes when you are confident that you have the skills (both cultural and technical) to use them competently.

  • Competence : they Can be technical skills and cultural skills.
    Technical skills will help to use the stakeholders benefits to permit to the m&e team to ensure their participation to every step of the project (mapping stakeholders needs), designing the survey ans store securely the data are part of the data management process. They Can be decided differently from thé type of data collected.
    Cultural skills are just how much You know the community where you will work. How much You know the bénéficiaires of thé project.

  • Research competence is a critical differentiator between having skills and being genuinely professional in ones attitude.

    1 Reply
  • Continually improve one’s skills is important for all members of organizations

  • I agree with you!

  • Competence implies that during M&E processes skilled professional services must be provided. Therefore, a vast array of M&E tools available for data collection, management and analysis. However, the principle of competence implies that you should only use tools or processes when you are confident that you have the skills both cultural and technical to use them competently.
    This means that you should ensure that you have the cultural and technical skills to carry out M&E processes. Therefore, you need to pause and reflect before you carryout any M&E process, hence reflect whether your team has got the required skills to carry out this new process.
    Skills can be technical as well as cultural. Technical skills allow you to use tools and processes correctly for example, mapping stakeholder needs, storing data securely, designing surveys, among others.
    Cultural skills allow you to work in safe, culturally-appropriate ways with people, for example language ability, understanding of local gender dynamics, understanding of local attitudes towards privacy, among others. Therefore, if you and your team carry out M&E processes without the required technical or cultural skills, you might unintentionally cause harm or present data that does not live up to the honesty principle.
    Declining to run M&E processes that you are not equipped to do well is yet the other way to express competence during M&E process. This implies that if you and your team do not possess the cultural or technical skills to carry out an M&E process, you should decline the process.
    However, it is important to note that it may not always be possible to decline to run M&E processes this is because your donor may require you to collect certain types of data. In situations like this, you should be very clear with all stakeholders about the limitations of your data collection processes hence in reflection to the principle of honesty.
    Continually improve your skills, for example by taking the M&E course. This implies that you can continually improve your team's confidence through investing in learning. Hence taking you and your team's professional education seriously.
    Through reflecting on what skills you will need to acquire?, What is the best way to do so?, among others.

  • The principle competence mean the any M&E staff must be well equipped with technical and cultural skill to complete the work.
    its must that only M&E staff who know how make things in correct manner must be given green light and one by himself/herself should leave any M&E work where he/she has no knowledge.

  • افضل طريقة لتحسين المهارات هي التجربة

  • competency is always key in every project. M&E teams should always ensure that their team is skilled and qualified enough for the project they are doing. having unskilled individuals doing a project presents shordy work and inaccurate results.

  • competency is always key in every project. M&E teams should always ensure that their team is skilled and qualified enough for the project they are doing. having unskilled individuals doing a project presents shordy work and inaccurate results.

  • The course is really nice. My issue is whether there are penalties for violations of ethics. Are there bodies apart from review committee?

  • Researchers and evaluators should provide professional advice for the evaluation and research to enable the drawing of a concise conclusion and recommendation to improve the social issues.

  • technical competence is essential in data collection because it ensures that data is collected efficiently, accurately, and effectively, enabling informed decision-making based on high-quality data. Technical competence also enables continuous improvement in data collection processes, ensuring that data collection is done more efficiently and effectively over time.

  • Competence in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) refers to the ability to effectively plan, design, implement, and manage M&E systems and processes to assess the performance and impact of programs, projects, and interventions. This involves a range of skills and knowledge, including:

    Data collection: The ability to identify and collect relevant data, using appropriate methods and tools, such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups.

    Data analysis: The ability to analyze and interpret data, using statistical and other methods, to identify trends, patterns, and insights.

    Evaluation design: The ability to design and implement evaluations, including developing logic models, selecting appropriate evaluation methods, and creating evaluation plans.

    Reporting and communication: The ability to effectively communicate evaluation findings and recommendations to stakeholders through clear and concise reports, presentations, and other communication channels.

    Project management: The ability to manage M&E activities, including budgeting, scheduling, and ensuring quality control.

    Knowledge of evaluation standards and frameworks: The ability to apply relevant evaluation standards and frameworks, such as the OECD-DAC criteria, to ensure that evaluations are rigorous, credible, and useful.

    Overall, competence in M&E requires a combination of technical skills, such as data analysis and evaluation design, as well as interpersonal skills, such as communication and project management.

  • Before/During the performance in the M&E field in an organization, an M&E staff should make his/her competent in term of technical work and field of performance, and robust learning and capacity building is required in different aspects of M&E.

  • competency is everything in any project , therefore being aware of your limitation is very important both in services to be delivered and self improvement.

  • As the pri.nsiple states" you should only use tools or processes when you are confident that you have the technical and cultural skills for competently use

  • As a principle it directs how accommodative one should be especially if you are from the region like where women don't interact with Men or even eating some parts of meat I mean where taboos are order of the day

  • We should not be biased or in conjunction with other principles we declare our interest (Honesty)

  • Digital data collection is more accurate and complete than data collected through paper forms. With data validation that is built into the digital forms, will not allowed to enter invalid value so that it can eliminate entry errors and the issue of data lost in transcription. The distribution process using digital data collection also become easier.

  • There is a vast array of M&E tools available for data collection, management and analysis. After you take this course, you will be ready to use a few of the most basic tools. However, the principle of competence states that you should only use tools or processes when you are confident that you have the skills (both cultural and technical) to use them competently.

  • The correctness of one's self-monitoring judgments is referred to as monitoring competence. If one has a high level of monitoring competence, they can accurately judge their ability or knowledge, however if they have a low level, they can't.
    Competencies for evaluators are also required. Depending on the function they play in the evaluation process, it generally refers to the skills, talents, knowledge, experience, and/or qualifications that an evaluator is expected to possess.

  • most at times, it is difficult to decline an M&E process. but having the necessary skils is essential to accomplishing a task well

  • What is competence?
    Competence can be described as the combination of training, skills, experience and knowledge that a person has and their ability to apply them to perform a task safely. Other factors, such as attitude and physical ability, can also affect someone's competence.

    As an employer, you should take account of the competence of relevant employees when you are conducting your risk assessments. This will help you decide what level of information, instruction, training and supervision you need to provide.

    Competence in Health and safety should be seen as an important component of workplace activities, not an add-on or afterthought.

    If you use contractors, you have a responsibility to make sure they are competent. For guidance on this, look at using contractors: A brief guide and managing contractors: A guide for employers.

    Someone's level of competence only needs to be proportionate to their job and place of work. You would not need, for example the same health and safety competence to work in an office as you would on a construction site.

  • Competence is vital component of data collection and the whole M&E process.

  • Technical and cultural skills are very important when it comes to monitoring and evaluation processes.

  • The importance of having the necessary cultural and technical skills to carry out M&E processes cannot be overstated. It's essential to ensure that you and your team have the skills needed to use tools and processes correctly, as well as to work in safe, culturally-appropriate ways with people.

    It's also important to recognize when you and your team do not possess the skills needed to carry out an M&E process responsibly. In such cases, it's better to decline to run that process rather than risking causing harm or presenting inaccurate data.

    Continuously investing in learning and professional education is another important way to improve your team's skills and confidence in carrying out M&E processes. By doing so, you can stay up-to-date with new tools and approaches and improve your ability to collect and analyze data in a responsible and effective manner.

    Overall, ensuring that you and your team have the necessary skills, declining to run processes that you are not equipped to do well, and investing in continuous learning are all crucial steps to ensuring the success of your M&E processes.

  • Cultural and ethical skills are important to predict the survey participants' behavior to avoid unintentional insults or disrespect. It will help to choose and develop evaluation tools.

  • Competence is key to collecting accurate, precise data especially when principles that govern societies where the data is collected are understood and applied in context by the M&E team

  • The pre-survey could be good before running out the project. By doing that we can be aware of the real scenario on the environment that we would like to implement our project because you can share some tips with your team about cultural environment and how to approach it according to our skills.

  • As an employee of an organization that relies on data collection to accomplish our organizational goals, I think I need to learn more technical skills about how to appropriately collect and store data. Digital data is really complicated, so i would like to be more competent and knowledgeable about the whole life cycle of data - from when it is first collected to the entirety of its retention. Taking courses like this one can help me learn best practices for data management.

  • Ethical principles are essential to the specialist because it shows the dos and don'ts of M&E.

  • M&E personnel and their team should be in a position to provide skilled professional services. This means that, one should ensure that they have cultural and technical skills to carry out M&E processes. Technical skills may include the ability to use survey tools, mapping stakeholder needs, storage of data securely and designing surveys.

  • Competence is a quality or state of having sufficient knowledge, judgment, skill, or strength (as for a particular duty or in a particular respect). So, it is all about having the ability to perform with integrity.

  • The ability to communicate in the local language also facilitates smoother data collection processes. It reduces potential barriers and misunderstandings that may arise from language differences, enabling participants to express themselves more comfortably and authentically. This, in turn, promotes a conducive environment for data gathering, enhancing the overall data quality and reliability.

  • Skills can be technical as well as cultural. Technical skills allow you to use tools and processes correctly. Examples include:

    Mapping stakeholder needs

    Storing data securely

    Designing surveys

  • Im very competent in terms of Data collection, procession, storing, analysis, presentation.

  • competence is the key

  • I believe that while many are aware that they should always ensure that they have the technical abilities required to collect data, they do not put the same emphasis on the cultural ability. This is extremely important to consider when developing M&E. Additionally, I think that some may believe that denying an M&E process might be a sign of failure, whereas it is in fact a sign of cultural or technical awareness.

  • Agree that competence is also plays an important role in performing M&E activities, especially in how we should stick in to one method that we really good at, rather than forcing ourselves to use sophisticated method that out of our competence. It really matters in ensuring the quality of our data and information.

  • Yes, it is important to have the cultural and linguistic proficiency of the target community or village before collecting data. This facilitates the approach.

  • To add on the cultural norms, it is also acceptable to also consider incorporating the cultural norms in your M&E activities. For example, in the case that community you will be collecting your data from does not allow associations of male and females, it could be good the suggest to your donors or partners that you employ and train people in the community that could be accepted to associated with a particular gender for conversations.

    Regarding the skills, now that access to learning materials is mostly available and accessible online, it is important to continuously encourage the M&E teams to keep learning and upgrading their M&E skills online. In addition, make time to download some of the learning materials to share with those that might not have access to the internet

  • It is important to have technical and cultural skills to collect the data to facilitate M&L process. I is necessary to identify the challanges that can come during data collection process

  • Competency is vast for M&E as it entails alot, but I think it is mostly knowing what to do, how to do it, when and why to do it, and who you are doing it for. Without all these, then the data we get are are from being correct.

  • with competence: this is about providing skilled professional services to the beneficiaries, the staff should be culturally and technically skilled about the project. for them to present the correct results at the end of the project.

  • It is very important to attention about the culture mainly in Africa we have many realities

  • When we go for data collection on feild it is important to know that place before collection their culture their language their life style and what is the norms of their community so every member of our team must have all knowladge first then it is possible to we gaithera right inrormantion otherwise no accurate data was collect

  • Understanding the characteristics of our audience is the determinant of designing and type of method to collect data from.

  • you should have enough skills to do monitoring and evaluation like cultural

  • Competence runs into two categories: technical skills and cultural skills. Then, each one is dividend into further sub categories.
    Technical skills includes mapping stakeholders needs, storing data and designing surveys. Cultural skills includes language ability, understanding local gender dynamics and understanding local attitude towards privacy.

  • Competence provide skilled professional services.

    Mapping stakeholder needs
    Storing data securely
    Designing surveys

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