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  • this example has given me a whole new perspective of data use.

  • Reflective measures, whereby organisations at the headquarters level and individual staff make explicit their theories and thinking about conflict, violence and peacebuilding. This allows for external actors to understand the assumptions and attitudes that they and others have that will feed into all aspects of interventions and interactions with people in operating contexts.
    Political measures, which require acknowledgement that providing aid is a political activity with political consequences; alongside the assumption of political responsibility. This is the starting point for the adoption of conflict sensitivity – the understanding that aid actors and aid interventions are not neutral; and that donors have a duty to understand the contexts in which they operate and to ensure at a minimum that their interventions do not cause harm.
    Analytic measures, which involve familiarity with research, approaches and tools to understand conflict, conflict transformation and peacebuilding and achieve conflict sensitivity. This allows for the actual operationalization of conflict sensitivity, by improving awareness of the potential or actual impacts of interventions on conflict dynamics and peacebuilding and helping to design more effective, coherent interventions.

    when team working together will provide
    Teamwork is efficient work.
    Teams self-monitor.
    Teams innovate faster.
    Teammates learn from each other.
    Teamwork can create healthy competition.
    Teamwork promotes strong working relationship

  • no it will not be used to further damage the group because, names and physical addresses of the participants will be kept in a safe place , it will not be disclosed.

  • The most important ethical principle under Do Not Harm are
    Always consider the experience of the participants
    Informed consent from the participants
    Confidentiality and anonymity of data

  • The do not harm principle is very vital in data collection especially with subjects involved in the process of data collection. Subjects should at all costs be protected because the success of the survey or project depends on their level of cooperation which is determined by how safe they feel before engaging in providing data.
    Safety to them goes to the extent of how secure the information they provide is, it is not only about the physical safety but more about the confidentiality and secureness of the process of the providing information to the storing of that information. A simple example would be to conduct interviews one on one not as a group because most people prefer giving out information privately.
    One last thing would be to fully disclose all details of the study and make the subjects aware of what they are giving consent for, there should never be any hidden details which would make the participants find themselves in a compromising position and eventually pull out of providing information which means the survey fails because remember the success of data collection depends on the response rate of the participants.

    1 Reply
  • I remember at University during my MSc study, I had to sign an Ethics form before I could proceed with my research project specifically collecting data. This was part of the University's ethical principles. It is really important not to do harm to others while collecting data.

  • I agree, using competent professionals is crucial.

  • Well written. I agree with you totally

  • I have experienced the same in a previously conducted survey. People were not willing to give out information

  • I suggest theres no way to create another problem by giving or releasing that data to the opponent.From my view ,i have to respect who those local crime group aswell as their opponent with the data i have collected .

  • Honor the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals. Do not, intentionally or unintentionally, cause physical, emotional or reputational damage to the people affected by your work.
    Unless you are careful, your M&E processes have the potential to cause enormous harm. The Do No Harm principle instructs us to actively avoid causing damage.

  • The place where the monitoring process perform where may be inappropriate and cause harm to its residents, such as immigration detention centers where they are afraid to disclose the conditions of their detention and their declaration may lead to harm to them.

  • Usually, the declaration of conflict of interest is made before the start of the monitoring process and even before the start of the project.

  • Do No Harm is one of the most important ethic point to keep in mind and to act upon, as data may be used in an unintended way and cause enormous harm to participants.

  • Donc il faut savoir s'est montré très discret avec les données en adoptant des bonnes manières de gestion enfin de sauvegarder les données récoltées enfin de garantir la protection des autres.

  • Based on the given readings in module one, word " Do No Harm" means to make sure our doing have not to affect negatively anyone either emotionally, socially or physically for both by accident or on purpose on concerned people.

  • When collecting and analyzing M&E data, M&E practitioners should not violate ethical principles or jeopardize their independence.

  • Do no harm is a is a principle to ensure that the people you engage in your data collection exercise remain the way you found them before your collection exercise. Your involving them should not put them in situations that they did not intend to find themselves in.

  • With Do No Harm principle, I find it very useful, given that I am in a position to reach out and collect data from rural communities, thus, very important principle.

  • If the data exposed the names of my data source people will not even want work with team and surely my organization will not meet it objective.

  • Don no harm: this has to do with the information acquired from a survey, it exposes us to how confidential an information can be especially the sensitive ones. Personally, I feel that every data collected should be kept confidential for future purpose.

  • However, as the length and number of these tests have grown, some people have become concerned that children now spend too much time preparing for tests and too little time participating in other worthwhile activities.However, as the length and number of these tests have grown, some people have become concerned that children now spend too much time preparing for tests and too little time participating in other worthwhile activities.

  • the individuality and the context of the subject matter must be considered while collecting data. it is important to understand their setting and is pertinent not to harm their sentiments through the questions being asked.

  • the individuality and the context of the subject matter must be considered while collecting data. it is important to understand their setting and is pertinent not to harm their sentiments through the questions being asked.

    1. Informed consent should be taken from the respondents/participants for data collection.
    2. Confidentiality should be maintained.
    3. They should not be harmed by any of the tools during data collection.
  • the individuality and the context of the subject matter must be considered while collecting data. it is important to understand their setting and is pertinent not to harm their sentiments through the questions being asked.

  • The data collection team should not cause any harm - physical, emotional or financial to the study respondents. Data collection being a time consuming exercise, obtaining prior permission from the respondents is essential. Also, any sensitive information must be captured carefully, and, maintaining anonymity and confidentiality of the responses given is paramount. The data should not exacerbate any stressful situation or inequities or vulnerability for the study participants. The ethical principles must be adhered to at all times.

  • the individuality and the context of the subject matter must be considered while collecting data. it is important to understand their setting and is pertinent not to harm their sentiments through the questions being asked.

  • At times without fully understanding it, I ended up getting angry with some senior professionals for banning the publication of some Biovidersity data in Mozambique. The database included geographic coordinates of all species and some of the species could be potential indicators of subsoil riches, therefore, the availability of geographic coordinates could be literally handing the gold to the bandit. But then I realized that there is sensitive information that can be used to harm even a nation.

  • maintain the confidentiality of the respondent

  • maintain the confidentiality of the respondent

  • maintain the confidentiality of the respondent

  • Yes, it can be harmful. It would be more appropriate to compare the crime rate in the group to other groups or the population as a whole and to examine the context of the issue to counter the prevailing narrative.

  • Yes, it can be harmful. It would be more appropriate to compare the crime rate in the group to other groups or the population as a whole and to examine the context of the issue to counter the prevailing narrative.

  • Yes, it can be harmful. It would be more appropriate to compare the crime rate in the group to other groups or the population as a whole and to examine the context of the issue to counter the prevailing narrative.

  • I have ready many case studies where data has been collected by not telling the participants of the real reason for the study. One of the worst was when a group of staff were called to meet with their manager individually - some were told they were going to be fired, others not. It was only after the process that the staff members were told that this was a study on inter-communication and that the whole scenario was fake.

  • Yes it could be used negatively against them.

  • Inorder to have a successful data collection and presentation, all the aforementioned ethical principles should be observed.

  • The first principle rule : Do No Harm says that while collecting the data it should do no harm to any individual / organization, their reputation. To take consent before collecting data / keep it anonymous & confidential. Also to see it the data collected is not misused.

  • one of the key ethical considerations are avoiding conflicts of interest, maintaining independence of judgement, maintaining fairness, transparency, full disclosure, privacy and confidentiality, respect, responsibility, accountability, empowerment and sustainability.

  • Do no harm is one of the core ethical principle of the M&E. If we are willing to collect data that can help us take a significant decision for the best of the community, we should not put aside the integrity, data privacy of the people.

  • Do No Harm; I consider this ethic principle to be of importance because in reality no man would want to pass through any experience that would cause them harm, either emotional/ physical. so in regards to data, data collected from any individual should be consented to and without consenting, collection of any information is a bad start for any project. Firstly that would not be ethically accepted. otherwise it is also encouraged to keep data private so it does not reach unintended users who may sell it, abuse it and cause harm to others.

  • This is an excellent way for unpacking this Do No Harm principle in M&E practices. Makes me think more about the highly sensitive data that need to be collected from 12-19 years old concerning their access to pregnancy prevention information and services including contraceptives.

  • It is essential that while collecting data that researchers should not open the participants to injury or harm

  • Considering that the way others use your data could cause harm. The data release shouldn't be used by the politician since the local groups have already been blamed by the politician for local problems and your data also suggests that some of the people belonging to the same local groups have committed crimes; it could possibly cause further damage to this group of people.

  • Consider the experience of your participants -think about the experience of people you are collecting data from
    Ensure that all participants give informed consent and collect date and use their data - in the past,many people have studied without knowing the risks thy can get.

  • I think the most important thing in any data collection is confidentiality of data as this could be damaging to the people, we have collected the data from, and understanding the type of data and the people where are to collect the data from is very cardinal. Data collection in its form should ask the question: why, how and who.

  • In the company I work for, there is a specialized department for collecting data and archiving it using Excel and a special program

  • Yes, the data could possibly damage the reputation of this group. Since the politicians already have negative attitudes toward the group, the data about crimes these individuals have committed would probably further the damage of the group.

  • respect others and avoid d/t characters that affect others morality

  • The need to ensure we do no harm cannot be overemphasized. During my training, "do no harm" was one of the watchwords of the profession. But the thing is, over time I have observed the ease with which one can do harm with the best of intentions when one is not really watching out, and this is why one must be actively watching out to ensure we do no harm, even when unintentional.

  • rtrtrtyytrreytye

  • Avoid exposing people to additional risks through our work/actions. Do No Harm (DNH), helps understand conflict at a project or community level.

    1 Reply
  • According to this principle ( don't harm) it is the ultimate principle for M&E because during the collecting the data you should consider this principle due to the beneficiaries constraints such as time,

    1 Reply
  • The Do Not Harm principle is crucial. I have worked for the migration crises in Venezuela. Some times we are focused on migrants and do not consider the people living in the receiving communities. Both are affected, in different stages, but we need to work with both in order to have more sustainable change. Same happens when we were working with chidren, we need to work with families and teachers. Same for gender transformative approach, we need to work with men and not only women. To extend economical opportunities for women, we need to work as well with families. To reduce exposure or confrontations. . .

  • No, you can not release the data to the political opponents because this will exacerbate the current inequities. some Data presentation, interpretation and storage has to be kept anonymous to avoid damaging image of the participants

  • Do No Harm
    Important points to consider;
    (a) Consider the experience of your participants example: Academic testing.
    (b) Ensure that all participants are given informed consent to collect and use their data.
    (c)Ensure that, when appropriate, participant data is kept anonymous and confidential.
    (d) Identify and avoid potential areas where your data may exacerbate existing inequities.

  • We need to be considerate to our participants as we conduct surveys in the community, ensuring that they are protected and cared for. We need to guard the data we collect from the people no matter how tempting it maybe for our personal use never to disclose any information. And we need ensure data is secured even to the third party.

  • When doing research, understanding the participant's culture and past experiences is necessary. I should also clearly ask for the consent of the participant and reassure them that the data provided will be kept anonymous and confidential

  • It is important with M&E to always ask these questions when creating and implementing data collection.

  • Do not harm:
    This statement means to be protect the individuals from whom you are collecting data. That protection IS to create a process permitting to them to do not have a dangerous side-effects for their participation either for themselves nor their community.

  • taking into consideration ethical factors of do not harm. M$E expert should not collect data with an aim of creating animosity. Data collected should be address equality without leaning on one side. Truth to power.

  • Ethical principles are key in any service delivery project that aims at bettering the lives of the participants.

    Its better to maximise the benefits of a project to the participants and minimising any risks to their well being

  • Confidentiality of respondent's information is very kel to earn trust from them,

    That alone offers you their willing ness to participate in subsequent studies. Because they will be aware that, non of their private life information will leak

  • Obtaining Consent from participants of any project or study is of optimal significance to getting their openness to offer the data we need to gather.

  • Religion and culture can be a very sensitive issue that can affect the readiness of people to participate in giving out sensitive data. Hence, caution must be taken to build trust before data collection

  • offcause yes since data is very expensive ,we must be confidented and care for where and who data taken from them

  • Do no Harm
    These are three basic ethical principles a data collector should note.

    1 Reply
  • While most data collection looks to achieve impact and be presented in the best way possible, it should not compromise the security and inequality of the participants. These informations are meant to find highlight solutions or find the best alternative to address a problem, it should not serve to endager other people.

  • Ethics and Responsibility are the key for success. So, the Do No Harm principle instructs us to actively avoid causing damage. Therefore, not observing Ethical principles it is like swatting a fly off someone's head, what it is worse, as John Maxwell said in the Hammer Principle, “Never use a hammer to swat a fly off someone's head”. It is extremely important to respect others, to respect Human Rights.

  • if I am collecting date for a region that have a history of conflict with the government and i was asked to take one of the security officer who works for the government, is it better to inform them before data collection mission conduction to select and avoid collecting data from conflict contributors and conflict directly affected people to avoid erecting any feelings
    and if it possible try to keep the date anonymous and confidential

  • It is worthwhile to do no harm while collecting data and also in the process of collecting it is important you ensure that the participant giving out the information is well aware and inform about what is about to be given out.
    Data gathering in this process should also be confidential and anonymous. Anonymity enables participant to be more comfortable in giving out some certain information.

  • We must not intentionally or unintentionally cause any kind of harm to the work staff or other members of the company no matter it is emotional or physical as a fact .

  • Do No Harm M&E Ethics

    At the event of data collection one need to neutral and avoid been bias from the responses of the interviewee in such a way that their experience was considered alongside affirming their consent to participate in the interview by given them assurance that whatever responses they give is confidential.

  • The data/information collected from beneficiaries should be confidential. Organization is not allowed to post publicly the information collected from beneficiaries, Because its against the rules

  • Although you might be careful, make sure that your M&E processes do not cause potential harm to participants in your project during data collection process.
    This can be avoided by

    1. Considering the participants experience _ this means reflecting around around people from whom you're collecting data and the type of work you bring to them. Think about how difficulty or simple the data collection process is to avoid stress and confusion with the participant, and the time the process demands to complete for instance an inquiry.
    2. You also need to make sure that every participant in this process provides informed consent to collect and use their data, specially when collecting more sensitive information such as medical research, when working with vulnerable population mainly children, prisoner, intellectual disabilities, and/or collecting personal information.
    3. Make sure that the participant data is kept anonymous and confidential, that's, the collected information should not be linked back to the person who provided nor should it be accessed by any individuals who have nor permission to. This helps the organizations collect data about most sensitive topic which the people may not want to discuss.
    4. And by the last, you must identify and avoid potential areas where data may exacerbate existing inequities _ this means that you should always consider and determine how other people, who have access to your data, might use your data. Otherwise, there's a risk that people may use these data to cause harm to others.
  • Do no harm notion means not to inflict harm intentionally and it also instructs us to actively avoid causing damage

  • This involves generating information which will not create negative impacts on the participants involved. It therefore applies the monitoring and evaluation team to honor the dignity, self worth and well-being of the participants. Hence ensure not to intentionally or unintentionally harm the participants.

  • It also involves ensuring that the monitoring and evaluation team minimizes or prevents any way the information generated can create harm to the participants. Therefore, the monitoring and evaluation team can achieve this through enhancing confidentiality, informed consent of participants, and identifying all the potential areas in which the data generated can be used by other parties to harm to participants

  • it is important to note that during data collection, avoid raising respondents expectations by promising things which youre not sure of. many actors came and collected data without any intervention nor feedback. this will jeopardise the chances of other actors to collect data because people felt deceied

  • As stated in the lecture, it is always advisable to seek participants' consent before data collection and to avoid the data from being mishandled by the wrong entity or party, the data collector but always maintain the confidentiality code.

  • As stated in the lecture, it is always advisable to seek participants' consent before data collection and to avoid the data from being mishandled by the wrong entity or party, the data collector but always maintain the confidentiality code.

  • As mentioned in the lecture, it is always advisable to consider participants consent and also confidentiality after data collection because it arises legal issues if not treated with utmost concern.

  • Anonymous report is very vital especially in research processes where respondents disclose information they consider to be very confidential. in other words, it informs important decisions and protect the respondents.

  • My name is Amin Abdullahi Ahmed
    I am very happy to be one of the students of the PHILANTHROPY of University which supports/ to learn how to data collection
    This do No Harm lesson is important because it teaches you how to be careful about everything and how to be involved in protecting any data you take as well as protecting the person you are taking data from.
    and also the right person kept anonymous and confidential.
    so with that let me just say a huge thank you I would love to open it up to the question

  • The concept of "beneficence" refers to upholding the welfare of human study participants by not doing them any harm. This involves emotional and psychological suffering in addition to potential physical injury brought on by experimental research studies.

  • Do no harm means your data collection don't effect peopl's emotional and morally.
    How can we ensure if our data couse no harm.
    1:consider the experience of your participation
    2:think about the people from who you are collecting
    3:ensure that all participations give informed consent to collect and use their data.
    4: ensure that when appropriate participation data is kept anonymous and confidential
    5:I dentify and avoid potential areas where your data may exacerbate existing inequality.

  • Do no harm implies honoring the dignity, well-being and self worth of individuals. Therefore, this implies that as the M&E team we should not intentionally or unintentionally cause physical, emotional, or reputational damage to the people affected by our work.
    However, to ensure that my M&E practices cause no harm to participants, stakeholders or other people can be as a result of the following considerations that can be seen as follows;
    It can be through considering the experience of my participants. This implies to thinking about the people from whom I am collecting data. Thinking about the experiences of the participants in provision of the data, thinking of whether the process is simple or confusing to the side of the participants, or is it time consuming, among others.
    Furthermore, it is through ensuring that all participants give informed consent to collect and use their data. This is through ensuring that people I am collecting data from understand exactly what they are agreeing to participate in. Therefore, depending on the type of data being collected, their maybe particular laws or regulations with which I may need to comply.
    It is important to note that rules for obtaining informed consent can be particularly complex when doing medical research or working with vulnerable populations like children, prisoners or the intellectually disabled.
    In addition to the above, ensuring when appropriate participant data is kept anonymous and confidential. This implies that data is anonymous hence can not be linked back to individuals that provided it. Data is confidential thus can only be assessed by those who have permission. Therefore, it is extremely important that we keep these promises. Releasing highly sensitive information such as health, sexual or political information can damage an individual's reputation or safety. Even information that may not seem sensitive as addresses or ages can cause harm if it is released.
    Identifying and avoiding potential areas where data may exacerbate existing inequities is yet the other M&E practice that can be ensured so as not to cause harm to participants, stakeholders or other people. This implies that you must be careful to consider how others may use your data. Hence find out or analyze how it cause harm to others.
    In conclusion, do no harm implies the dignity, well-being and self worth of individuals. Hence not intentionally or unintentionally cause physical, emotional or reputational damage to the people affected by work. Therefore, the do no harm principle instructs us to actively avoid causing damage.

  • Do no Harm is main principle in any M&E work
    Its main principle where go decision should be made after the data were collected .
    its where M&E staff could understand that they did no Harm to the participants on which they collect data from.

  • as we collect data, analyze and use it we should always ensure that the participants are not harmed emotionally, physically or mentally by the process and ensure that the use of the data still does not harm their dignity or identity.

  • Some people or researchers may "harm or heal." Well, it is essential for the evaluator/data collector to be aware of the kind of data to be collected, from whom it will be collected, and the purpose for which it will be used. Data should be collected from people who are willingly providing it (with understandable and approved consent, either verbally or in writing).

  • yes, releasing the data could prove harmful. then again, all data has the potential to me misused or misconstrued

  • yes, releasing the data could prove harmful. then again, all data has the potential to me misused or misconstrued. And in the case of the pharmaceutical, it is imperative to disclose they are a donor.

  • yes, releasing the data could prove harmful. then again, all data has the potential to me misused or misconstrued. And in the case of the pharmaceutical, it is imperative to disclose they are a donor.

    Cultural competence skills are really important. I, my team, should try to study mroe about the cultural traditiosn, dynamics in the context we are carrying out an assessment. Also, seek to have those with knowledge of the language spoken carry out the data collection

  • Ethical behavior is crucial in data collection because it ensures that data is collected in a manner that respects individuals' rights, privacy, and dignity. Ethical behavior in data collection means that data is collected in a way that is transparent, fair, and consistent with legal and ethical standards.

  • "Do No Harm" is a guiding principle in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) that emphasizes the importance of avoiding harm to individuals, communities, and the environment in the course of implementing projects or programs. The principle is derived from the field of medicine, where it is used to guide ethical decision-making and patient care. In M&E, it means that the evaluation process should not cause any harm to the people or communities being evaluated or to the environment.

    The "Do No Harm" principle has several implications for M&E. First, it means that the M&E process should be designed in a way that minimizes any negative impact on the people and communities being evaluated. This includes ensuring that the data collection methods used are sensitive to cultural and social contexts, and that the privacy and confidentiality of participants are protected.

    Second, it means that the evaluation process should not exacerbate existing power imbalances or create new ones. This requires a thoughtful approach to how the evaluation is designed and implemented, with a focus on engaging all stakeholders in the process and ensuring that their voices are heard.

    Third, the "Do No Harm" principle means that the evaluation process should take into account the potential environmental impact of the project or program being evaluated. This includes considering the impact of any interventions on natural resources and ecosystems, and taking steps to mitigate any negative impact.

    In summary, the "Do No Harm" principle is an important consideration in M&E, as it emphasizes the need to prioritize the well-being of people and the environment in the course of implementing and evaluating projects and programs. By incorporating this principle into the design and implementation of M&E processes, it is possible to ensure that evaluations are conducted ethically and responsibly, with a focus on creating positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

  • Do not harm means in the entire M&E process no one should be affected or harmed by M&E activities in any way, the activities should be carried out with the full consent of the interviewee, in addition, the confidentiality should be kept and the collected information should not share with others except the permitted one by the interviewee.

  • yes indeed, it must includes the above principles when you are conducting data collection.

  • this is a very important and sensitive subject that can not be over emphasized. Privacy, confidentiality and dignity should always be key whenever dealing with a respondent or participant as the case may be. Do No Harm.

  • So, how can you ensure that your M&E practices cause no harm to participants, stakeholders or other people?

    Consider the experience of your participants.

    Think about the people from whom you are collecting data. What is the experience of providing data like? Is it stressful and confusing or simple and intuitive? Is it time-consuming or efficient?

    Unfortunately, all too often, organizations design data collection processes that are too large, time-consuming or stressful.

    One common example of this phenomenon is academic testing. In an effort to understand whether academic programs are working, many school systems around the world have implemented standardized tests. However, as the length and number of these tests have grown, some people have become concerned that children now spend too much time preparing for tests and too little time participating in other worthwhile activities. The measurement instrument, according to some, is damaging the educational experience of the participants.

    Ensure that all participants give informed consent to collect and use their data.

    In the past, many people have participated in studies without understanding the risks involved. As a result, these people have suffered.

    This is why it is so important to ensure that the people you are collecting data from understand exactly what they are agreeing to participate in.

    Depending on the type of data that you are collecting, there may be particular laws or regulations with which you need to comply. Rules for obtaining informed consent can be particularly complex when you are doing medical research or working with vulnerable populations like children, prisoners or the intellectually disabled

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