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  • Absolutely! The process is purposeful and guides users to be mindful of each step between intervention and outcome.

  • "Often, participants are inclined to focus on what they must do or what must be done to others in the process of creating the change"
    It should be specified during the development of a pathway of Change that the goal is to depict the preconditions (results, changes, accomplishments, states) related to the long-term outcome, not to write down a list of interventions. It should be noted that it is not allowed on the pathway of change to use VERBS

  • One of the important tasks is to distinguish between the outcomes that the group can do something about , and those that are beyond the reach of the initiative.
    This is useful as I have been in many meetings and much time is wasted 'off' topic and beyond the reach of the group to effect. This is helpful from outset in my planning and opening session with a group.

    In relation to this 'excerpt' and the question of building trust, a safe place for difficult conversations... I would invite them all to think about why they joined this organisation and what they are trying to achieve in the future. This process is about learning from each other and contributing valuable insights from the group. Everyone here is important in this process. To stay on track we are going to be brought back to a future focus every time we step out. We will respect each other and invite everyone to keep the 'working components' of the workshops confidential- so people feel comfortable to share.

  • A theory of change is essentially an
    explanation of how a group of stakeholders
    expects to reach a commonly understood
    the long-term goal, this explains what a theory of change is all about

  • Develop a shared understanding with all stakeholders and avoid vague outcomes

  • Drafting the pathway of change. The concept is important because modifying or editing interventions, preconditions and outcomes are essential activities in the Theory of Change process

  • Vague outcome statements lead to fuzzy
    thinking about what needs to be done to
    reach them.
    Its important in that it alarms one to develop clear outcomes statement.

  • The sentence is "The pathway map alone cannot tell the whole story of a program theory, but we use it as a skeleton on which successive waves of detail can be added to create a compelling theory of change." This concept is very important because, I used to confuse theory of change to the pathway map alone. Now I understand that I need to pass through all 5 steps involving key stakeholders to have a complete and contextualized theory of change.

  • The sentence is "The pathway map alone cannot tell the whole story of a program theory, but we use it as a skeleton on which successive waves of detail can be added to create a compelling theory of change." This concept is very important because, I used to confuse theory of change to the pathway map alone. Now I understand that I need to pass through all 5 steps involving key stakeholders to have a complete and contextualized theory of change.

  • Develop a pathway of change

  • The theory of change process according to Community Builder`s guide creates an illustration of all the various
    moving parts that must operate in concert to bring about a desired outcome

  • To ensure a safe place for discussions , I would encourage a focus on the outcome, that will facilitate difficult discussions as they do not intend to target anyone in a negative way.

  • "Theory of change is essentially an
    explanation of how a group of stakeholders expects to reach a commonly understood
    long-term goal."

    This goes back to the fact that Theory of Change is teamwork. It can not be written by an individual.

  • Clear definition of the long term outcome , they hope to achieve through their program activities

  • The ToC process is very important

  • Vague outcome statements sabotage the ability to build a consensus about what is important in terms of programming and allocating funds. This concept is important because it would remind me not to make my outcomes vague.

  • it is a method that can be use to think critically about what is required to bring about the desired social change

  • five steps to create a Theory of Change:

    1. Determine the long-term outcome
    2. Create a pathway of change
    3. Operationalize outcomes
    4. Define interventions
    5. Articulate assumptions
  • Pathway of change is a map that illustrates the relationship between actions and outcomes and also shows how outcomes are related to each other over the lifespan of the initiative. This sentence seems to me, the central pole that is holding all the elements of theory of change process together. As the name implies, it is truly the pathway that establishes the inter-connectivity of the entire process.

    1 Reply
  • "We ask theory of change participants to predict exactly who or what is going to change, over what period, and by how much, at every single step in an often-complex process."
    The above statement is important because it summarizes well all the important elements that build and make the ToC measurable and realistic. I have been involved in ToC processes before that were not as realistic because some of the elements in the statement above were missing.

  • “An effective pathway of change reflects only the outcomes, or preconditions, that are at once necessary and, when taken together as a set, sufficient to reach the long-term goal.”
    The concept of outcome and precondition will determine whether the organization is still on truck or it needs to adopt a different approach to attaining its long-term goals.

  • Developing the pathway of change: The pathway map alone cannot tell the whole story of a program theory. I think this is a very important concept that we always need to stress upon, as we need a well integrated and detailed interconnected steps to be added to create a compelling theory of change.

  • Operationalizing outcomes: During indicator development, folks will limit their thinking by bringing ideas related to the data they have access to, and limit the power of this step.
    This concept is essential because a project/program indicators should be comprehensive and this can be achieved through creative thinking on the best approach for success measurement.

  • a third type of assumptions about
    the context/environment in which the theory
    of change is situated is important to consider
    at this point. this is important because unless and until we taken into consideration the context/reality - the TOC will fall apart due to its unrealistic approach

  • The Community Builder’s Approach to Theory of Change is a method that a community group can use to think critically about what is required to bring about a desired social change. It is important to me because it highlighted critical thinking of each person involved in the process of creating a new Theory of Change for the company.

  • The Community Builder’s Approach to Theory of Change is a method that a community group can use to think critically about what is required to bring about a desired social change. It is important to me because it highlighted critical thinking of each person involved in the process of creating a new Theory of Change for the company.

  • The Community Builder’s Approach to Theory of Change is a method that a community group can use to think critically about what is required to bring about a desired social change. It is important to me because it highlighted critical thinking of each person involved in the process of creating a new Theory of Change for the company.

  • The Community Builder’s Approach to Theory of Change is a method that a community group can use to think critically about what is required to bring about a desired social change. It is important to me because it highlighted critical thinking of each person involved in the process of creating a new Theory of Change for the company.

  • "the pathway of change is an important feature of the theory of change, but it is not the whole thing." This is so important because most people only visualize the pathway of change when every we talk of ToC. The statement strongly reminds that there is more to just the pathway

  • A theory of change is essentially an explanation of how a group of stakeholders expects to reach a commonly understood long-term goal. As I observed in reality that many organizations, or their leaders have only pretty vague ideas of how their organizations achieve their preset goals and in some occasions, they do not have an aligned and understandable goals.

  • I found particularly useful the sentence "indicators are concepts and surveys are just one way to measure a given concept." - it helped me clearly grasp the idea and start thinking of examples that I would give as a facilitator to help people understand the difference.

  • "What often happens is that participants will blend their ideas of what a particular precondition looks like with concepts that are actually precursors or requirements of achieving the precondition."

    This is important as choosing a precursor as a precondition will lead to measuring things that don't accurately track progress or success towards a particular outcome.

  • Including all stakeholders is a crucial element of the planning process

  • Theory of change is a method that society use to think critically about how to bring about social development.,
    this is very unique because without theory of change it will be difficult to think about how to bring about social development.

  • i will try as much as possible to remind them that the purpose is for the better of the organization and the proper service to beneficiaries.
    as such i would advise the team to b open and and set aside their individual belief and focus on the interest of the organizational goal and improvement.
    the facilitation will also tae into account the physiological well being of the participant.

  • "Most social change agents
    actually work to bring about a complex set of
    changes that are easier to discuss with terms
    that are multidimensional, but the lack of clarity
    that arises when multidimensional concepts
    remain unpacked makes it harder to build a
    case for getting the job done and for proving
    that it was done well."

    I have choose this sentence because it explains why to identify and write correctly the long-term outcome is crucial for the rest of the work. This first step of the process could been seen as the most easiest and fastest one to do but if not done properly then all the work that will be done after could be completely wrong and ultimately lead to failure. It is then a very important concept to keep in mind when working on those steps.

  • Even within an established program or initiative,
    folks often hold different ideas about the
    ultimate purposes of their work. Therefore, it is
    important to make sure that all participants are
    on the same page by starting with a session
    devoted to crafting a clear definition of the longterm outcome they hope to achieve through their program activities.

    I found the above statement and advice so important since we often assume people are on the same page, yet this may not be the case due to different interests, varrying levels of experience, knowledge and expectations.

    And with lack of clarity on the common vision, the rest becomes complicated to create outcomes, interventions and assumptions for a vision that is not shared or jointly owned and understood

  • A theory of change is essentially an
    explanation of how a group of stakeholders
    expects to reach a commonly understood
    long-term goal.

  • "Therefore, it is important to make sure that all participants are on the same page by starting with a session
    devoted to crafting a clear definition of the long-term outcome they hope to achieve through their program activities."

    I found this concept important because if the participants start on the wrong ground then the whole process will be directed in different dimensions rather than what they intended to do so.

  • One sentence I found to be particularly useful is "This[developing a pathway of change] is the most time-intensive step of the Community Builder’s Approach to Theory of Change, and the centerpiece of the theory development work.

  • "Most social change agents
    actually work to bring about a complex set of
    changes that are easier to discuss with terms
    that are multidimensional, but the lack of clarity
    that arises when multidimensional concepts
    remain unpacked makes it harder to build a
    case for getting the job done and for proving
    that it was done well."

    I think many organizations fall in this trap. This is the first important step to getting the TOC right and to ensure it is concrete, pragmatic and robust.

  • "Most social change agents
    actually work to bring about a complex set of
    changes that are easier to discuss with terms
    that are multidimensional, but the lack of clarity
    that arises when multidimensional concepts
    remain unpacked makes it harder to build a
    case for getting the job done and for proving
    that it was done well."

    I think many organizations fall in this trap. This is the first important step to getting the TOC right and to ensure it is concrete, pragmatic and robust.

  • "Therefore, it is important to make sure that all participants are on the same page by starting with a session devoted to crafting a clear definition of the long-term outcome they hope to achieve through their program activities. " (page 11).

    This is important because at each of the five (5) steps of the ToC process, it ensures a common understanding of the roadmap, the destination, as well as the indicators and assumptions. Without being on the same page, there could hardly be a ToC process.

  • The first step in the process is essential because the group leader needs to ensure that all participants are on the same page by starting with a session devoted to crafting a clear definition of the long-term outcomr they hope to achieve through the program activities. This is important for facilitators to enter the first
    step of the theory of change process with the
    understanding that most social interventions
    have goals with many components. So they
    should be ready to show participants how their
    thinking about how to reach goals will be greatly
    improved by unpacking large goals into smaller

  • The one key things that really stood out for me was the concept of plausibility. I have found that solutions (often from developed countries) are just not plausible as interventions where the infrastructure is often not available.

  • That while it is possible for one to come up with a theory of change within a few hours, it is important to involve the rest of the team members through an all inclusive process. This will synergize all the various view and help focus on the key objectives.

  • Planning comes with making the necessary arrangements or steps to create the right ToC which all or at least majorities of the participants will depict it rightly.
    It gives perfect spacing for defining the outcomes, preconditions, interventions, assumptions and indicators for the program on ground.
    Facilitating the whole steps of creating ToC needs an experienced person.
    Note: Always take it that the information from this facilitation isn't final, so you need to make it as draft copy because atimes the other stakeholders may want to edit, modify and do other things before approval.

    1 Reply
  • Developing a pathway of change is the second task or step while creating ToC but it's very important because it's goal is special.
    It is where you identify and sort all preconditions related to outcomes of interest.
    It also gives a perfect reflection of the skeleton, either linear or chronological.

  • theory of change is very important in the field of monitoring and evaluation especially when design m&e plan.

  • It
    is very important for folks to clearly think about
    the best indicator first (assuming whatever
    information they want to use as an indicator
    can be gathered) and then turn to the task of
    figuring out how to measure it (or work with an
    evaluator to help think this through).

    This sentence was important as it helps me to distinguish what is important to do first.

  • To bridge the intergenerational and mental health treatment gaps.

  • The sentence I have chosen that is very useful is “Finally, a theory of change would not be complete without an articulation of the assumptions that stakeholders use to explain the change process they have envisioned”. Assumptions explain both the connections between the preconditions for long-term change that occur in the early and intermediate stages of the change process, and the expectations about how and why proposed interventions will bring them about.

  • Before we discuss how to undertake a Theory of Change process, let’s review the goals of this process.
    No effective change is possible without constant attention to the goals and keeping them in mind.

  • I try to hold meetings in groups and in a way. If the differences are high. I try to assure my team about effective results

  • Our target community is experts in the field of political science, including university professors and students of this field, and of course independent researchers
    People interested in political issues or journalists in the field of political issues may also be targeted.

  • I try to speak decisively about the assumptions, but show my flexibility by welcoming different opinions.

  • This course has been very good and effective for me and I recommend it to everyone

  • Another thing to keep in mind (and to communicate to participants) is that the pathway of change is an important feature of the theory of change, but it is not the whole thing

  • Interesting sentence - A theory of change is essentially an explanation of how a group of stakeholders expects to reach a commonly understood long-term goal.

    • Under standing the long-term goal or vision is the fist step of theory of change planning than persuading team to participate in the process.
  • One sentence which i liked the most is the concept of narrowing down the overall goal statement and all the identified preconditions so that it really fits the scope and context well. It helps the project team to be pragmatic and realistic when setting the different level preconditions.

    For us, a pathway of change is a map that
    illustrates the relationship between actions
    and outcomes and also shows how outcomes
    are related to each other over the lifespan of
    the initiative.

    It states that the pathways may not be always straight and defined, but like life, the projects we undertake may take turns, may take a backward move, and not always forward. We have to take into consideration all angles, all aspects, and possible eventualities, which may not turn out as we expected.

  • The final point to drive home is that the process used to create the map is “backwards mapping.”

  • Is the planned intervention enough to achieve the goal? We have different assumption, some beyond out understanding or awareness so we don't know what we don't know in the first place. Only when we have results or partial output, then we realize our intervention have missed critical assumption and cannot realize intended results

  • In process changing theory, the time duration of any changes should be first note, that is to say, will it last in the organization, will it be as benefits to the organization In times to come?, If yes then it important it is implemented.

  • In process changing theory, the time duration of any changes should be first note, that is to say, will it last in the organization, will it be as benefits to the organization In times to come?, If yes then it important it is implemented.

  • In process changing theory, the time duration of any changes should be first note, that is to say, will it last in the organization, will it be as benefits to the organization In times to come?, If yes then it important it is implemented.

  • Indicators tell the story of how success will be recognized at each step in the pathway of change.
    This sentence is so profound as it defines application of indicators as a concept in theory of change different from other areas like M&E. So, preconditions which are mini goals inform us whether the path taken really leads to the desired impact. To better understand this preconditions, each must be attached to smart indicators.

  • Precisely. Participatory designing of ToC helps to overcome biases, reduce errors and be more realistic in setting targets. Stakeholder involvement not only makes them feel part of the delicate process of implementation but also a critical part of concept building.

  • What caught my attention most from the reading is the pathway of change, which as defined helps clarifies the cause-effect relationship between interventions and outcomes and which helps me better understand the concepts that a Theory of Change is trying to develop.

  • The approach to theory of change requires stakeholders to be precise about the type of changes they want to achieve. This concept is important because if the problem is not well defined the theory of change becomes invalid. Also this concept shows that creating theory of change is a not a work of a single person, but it is a collective work encompassing various stakeholders

  • I would encourage the planning team to focus on the goods of the beneficiaries and the organizational rather than their own interests

  • I would encourage the planning team to focus on the goods of the beneficiaries and the organizational rather than their own interests

    1 Reply
  • I would encourage the planning team to focus on the goods of the beneficiaries and the organizational rather than their own interests

  • creating a theory of change raises new
    questions for stakeholders to consider while
    developing a strategic plan or evaluation.

  • It is very important for a group to be as
    specific as possible in the definition of their
    long-term outcome. Often, participants offer
    what we call “mega-outcomes,” which are big,
    complex long-term goals, such as “improved
    family functioning” or “integrated services for
    youth.” Outcomes like these sound good in
    conversation, and they may work in strategic
    plans or proposals, but they are too vague to
    serve as a foundation for a theory of change.

  • It is very important for a group to be as specific as possible in the definition of their long-term outcome.

  • Vague outcome statements make it difficult to figure out how to develop a measurement strategy to tell when and if they have been achieved

  • It is very important for a group to be as
    specific as possible in the definition of their
    long-term outcome. Often, participants offer
    what we call “mega-outcomes,” which are big,
    complex long-term goals, such as “improved
    family functioning” or “integrated services for
    youth.” Outcomes like these sound good in
    conversation, and they may work in strategic
    plans or proposals, but they are too vague to
    serve as a foundation for a theory of change.

  • I like this sentence:
    "One of the important tasks is to distinguish between the outcomes that the group can do something about, and those that are beyond the reach of the initiative. Thus, the first step may involve a bit of expectation management as the group determines which subset of the outcomes on the map it is actually going to develop strategies around."

    Because it helps us to focus on our biggest goal and weed out other distractions.

  • I will encourage courageous conversation while maintaining psychological safety for all. Participants will need to set aside their interests and preconceptions that define their jobs. Instead, they will need to consider the good of the entire organization and the good of their beneficiaries.

    If I were faciitating, I will be honest about these expectations. Invite participants to, for the duration of the planning process, forget the interests of their individual roles and uneven power dynamics.

  • Phrase choosen: "A theory of change can be a helpful tool
    for developing solutions to complex
    social problems".

  • Phrase choosen: "A theory of change can be a helpful tool
    for developing solutions to complex
    social problems".

  • The sentence from this reading that I found to be Useful:
    It’s important to discourage the natural tendency to think that a single “mega-program” at the early stage of the pathway will cause all of the preconditions along the pathway to occur.
    The reason I found it useful:
    I have experienced program initiatives with the assumption that it will be enough to bring about all necessary changes.

  • "Often at this stage, folks will limit their thinking
    by bringing up only ideas related to the data
    they have access to, and consequently limit
    the power of this step in the theory building
    process by mismatching outcomes to

    This is so important because it approaches the subject with limitations. This is a scarcity mentality and very limiting in determining how to measure outcomes.

  • "Often at this stage, folks will limit their thinking
    by bringing up only ideas related to the data
    they have access to, and consequently limit
    the power of this step in the theory building
    process by mismatching outcomes to

    This is a scarcity mentality and limits the reach and impact of the mission. If we operate under a restricted mentality, we will get restricted impact.

  • As a group plots out their understanding of a particular change process, it will be based on the group’s shared assumptions—in other words, what group members take for granted.

  • The sentence I find very interesting, is made in relation to the first task in the ToC process; Identify the Long-Term Outcome. It says, "Even within an established program or initiative,
    folks often hold different ideas about the ultimate purposes of their work".

    I consider it important, because it critical to success that every stakeholder is on the same page on what objectives are, for efficiency and effectiveness. The same set of preconditions may be necessary for a range of similar long terms outcomes, with each outcome probably requiring slight variations in timing, or sequencing of the preconditions. It is therefore fundamental to success that stakeholders agree at the onset, which exact long term outcome is desired.

    If stakeholders remain attached to their narrow micro interests, each of which could be possible within the general framework of the initiative, there subsequently will be difficulties with; a) operationalizing outcomes and b) defining interventions. It will then be extremely difficult to successfully complete the process.

  • So what do we mean by operationalizing
    outcomes? By operationalize, we mean that for
    each precondition in the pathway of change,
    participants will need to answer the basic
    question “What evidence will we use to show
    that this has been achieved?” The answer to
    this question becomes the indicator that will be
    used to track progress and document success.

  • The sentence : "A TOC is a valuable tool for clarifying your goals, identifying the key drivers of change, and developing a roadmap for achieving your goals."
    I think this concept is so important because it helps organizations to be more strategic and intentional in their work. By taking the time to develop a TOC, organizations can better understand what they want to achieve, how they are going to achieve it, and who they need to involve along the way. This can help organizations to be more effective in their work and to make a greater impact on the world.

  • Identify the Long-Term Outcome-1
    In the Theory of Change (ToC) process, determining the long-term outcome is the first step in creating a comprehensive plan to address a complex social issue or achieve a specific goal. This step involves defining what ultimate change or impact you want to see in the long run as a result of your efforts and interventions.

  • The purpose of finding an indicator is
    to answer the question “How will we know we
    have created precondition X?” or “How will we
    document successfully reaching precondition
    X?” What often happens is that participants
    will blend their ideas of what a particular
    precondition looks like with concepts that are
    actually precursors or requirements of achieving the precondition. This concept is important because it is most like that one confuses the outcome which is going to be measured and what shows that outcome is really being reached or brought into fruition.

  • Assumptions are an important part of the ToC process. They should be based on what we hope will happen and on evidence. This is improtant to keep the process balanced. With the best assumptions made, it easier not be be caught off guard, for example, as you plan your project, you can do well to assume that an election will take place in 5 years so, all programme day to day monitoring should have been completed before the election period. We all know what happens or might happen during election periods!

  • Dear Members,

    the theory of change clearly indicates a multiplier effect that is high should the strategy being used work clearly. for Hoima District where i intend to use the epicenter strategy, the multiplier effect will come in handy.

  • A theory of change is essentially an explanation of how a group of stakeholders expects to reach a commonly understood long-term goal.

    1 Reply
  • One of the important tasks is to distinguish between the outcomes that the group can do something about, and those that are beyond
    the reach of the initiative.
    It helps you to be realistic.

  • Nice one too.

  • Why do you like this sentence?

  • How important language is and not to be vague in the vision statement so that you can have clear thinking about how you achieve this.

  • inorder to facilitate outcomes to staff or doneor make sure must realistic with outcomes reported

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