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  • The purpose of this story is to bring to our consciousness that our problems and needs differs individually, so we should learn how to treat, relate and accommodate others well. The producer told an effective story because the video is truly a true life story of which everyone could relate and it has a way of changing our mindset.

  • The purpose of this story is to bring to our consciousness that our problems and needs differs individually, so we should learn how to treat, relate and accommodate others well. The producer told an effective story because the video is truly a true life story of which everyone could relate and it has a way of changing our mindset.

  • The purpose of the story is to encourage viewers to treat people right and love them regardless.
    We would not know what other people think or feel until we work in their shoes as some people hide and smile even when they are in pains.

    The producer of the video told an effective story by choosing a clear central message.

  • This information is very useful for the beginners

  • The purpose of the story is to bring to our consciousness that we all have different challenges and problems in life. Through this story the producer have thought us to appreciate one another. Life journey is not an easy one.

  • The purpose of the story to drive people to contribute through empathy.

    Thank you.

  • the purpose of this story is that everyone deserves a world class care irrespective of who they are in the society. we can't hear everyone's story but we can be an antidote to their pain by being nice and kind for no reason because people go through a lot every day.

  • The purpose of the story is to narrate how there are so many situations that require empathy in a hospital set up. People have the solution in mind but they need someone to empower them so that they may implement their solution.
    The producer tells the story without using his words, but illustrations and subtitles. The story has a flow and has put me, (the viewer) in the shoes of the patient without asking me to do so. That was commendable.

  • This story helps the viewer to understand the diversity of life and situations individual faces at each particular time. Using visual and graphics which is very effective.

  • This was a great storytelling aspect to learn from.

  • Very true. It teaches us to approach every one with kindness and be welcoming besides our challenges .

  • Based on the documentary video, the producer is trying to communicate the fact that every on has different happenings in their life and the fact that sometimes you need to show empathy to people.

  • The purpose of the story is to encourage people to treat other with kindness,it shows how everyone is worried about something,so the awareness is to be kind and try to see,hear and feel everyone's story.
    The producer of the video is tell a story through imagery and text to display emotions and actions.

  • True with love and kindness.

  • This is true, kindness is the essence of humanity.

  • The videos show how humans are affected in their own way and everyone is looking for a solution. one already finds it, the others are looking for it and others are unfortunately desperate

  • What is the purpose of this story?
    To convey hospital related stories of various stakeholders in a hospital setup and make the viewer experience into the real situations

    How does the producer of this video tell an effective story?
    H/She is brief, to the point and uses the right choices of words. They also chose background music that matches their story. this story has a lot og pictures and short videos

  • The purpose of story is to encourage people to take medical treatments and shares a story of hospital.

  • We all have diffrent types of replying to our emotional responses.

  • I think the purpose of this story is to enable viewers see that everyone is at different point in life and empathy goes a long way.

    The producer tells an effective story by showing us everyone's details- Happy, sad, confused, scary, excitement etc

  • One of the purpose of this story? has a organization u need to known, how to construct a story for effectively communicate to audience, For this infographic walks through the steps of telling a powerful impact story
    For that simply reason, by stating the most concern, like for instead u elaborating for the reason concerns, likewise the purpose should goes with a picture for the concerns by Read the concern and seen of pictures or video that can brought donors attracting .
    That story telling can be a powerful tools to attract and motivate donors, A story can spur some one to take action because suddenly the cause is more than just.

  • One of the purpose of this story? has a organization u need to known, how to construct a story for effectively communicate to audience, For this infographic walks through the steps of telling a powerful impact story
    For that simply reason, by stating the most concern, like for instead u elaborating for the reason concerns, likewise the purpose should goes with a picture for the concerns by Read the concern and seen of pictures or video that can brought donors attracting .
    That story telling can be a powerful tools to attract and motivate donors, A story can spur some one to take action because suddenly the cause is more than just.

  • It's not clear for me the purpose of the video, it is emotional and very well designed, but, what is it's sole purpose ¿make me aware of the importance of the medical system?, ¿Attract funding? , I don't fully know. Maybe it is a memorable marketing campaign to remember the name of the clinic.
    The editing, the music and the writing is very well arranged and effective.

  • The story is engaging and well designed, but the purpose is not clear. I don't know if it wants to raise awareness, marketing the cleveland clinic for stakeholder purposes like attracting funding.

  • genial course i think the very interesting

  • Effective story telling brings the targeted audience to more visibility about the product or service

  • He tells the story using empathy. Hearing others from their own point of view and connecting with them at their level.

  • The purpose of this video, in my opinion, is how people suffer in life and what is his thinking about it or the people around it.
    The producer tells such a touching story about people and the pressures of life on them, and how we can help people with their problems and put in place a solution that can help them with their different problems.

  • Everyone is going through one thing or the other and we should try to be in the shoes of others and lend a helping hand however possible.

    The producer told an effective story by showing all the different things different people go through

  • I the video 1 learnt that we should know that people have different problems and we should learn how to live with them and there is no problem that have got no solution.

    • The purpose of this story in my opinion is to show how everyone around us has their world, thoughts, and problems. Also, it shows that we need to treat people with ease and forgiveness because you never know what a person is going through.
    • The producer is using his skills in video creation and digital storytelling to put the viewer in the right feelings and emotions.
  • The video presents cases of people who go through the most diverse situations and its main objective is to make us put ourselves in the other's shoes and work on empathy with everyone for the simple fact that we don't know what is happening in the other's life at that moment. The author knew well how to convey that feeling from the choice of the soundtrack to the total production of the video.

  • The purpose of this story is to tell the story that people have different life experiences and we should be able to put our selves in peoples situations before we judge them . The producer of the video tell the effective story by making us realize that we are not the same and our stories must be told with their own difference

  • the story makes us take an empath role and feel as the other. strive to conquer and move forward

  • The purpose of the video is that the people in this world has different stories, it tells us that human can't be permanently on one stage of life, and life gives us many chances to make it better.

  • The purpose of this story is for humans to be compassionate with each other. Everyone has something that are going through. Thus, learn to be empathetic to other people’s situations.
    To create an emotional connection to the plight of the suffering patients. The producer of this video capitalizes on the emotions of people to bring his point across.

  • The story teaches us about empathy,not sure on the quality of the story but have captured a few things

  • What is the purpose of this story? How does the producer of this video tell an effective story?

    To demonstrate the need to always be empathetic because everyone is going through something (good or bad) at any given moment or time.
    The producer tells the story effectively by showing us what the persons in the video are going through (their struggles, pains and joys).
    By showing us the thoughts of the persons in the video (which we would not have otherwise known since we cannot see people's thoughts), he causes the viewers to reflect on the fact that everyone has a thought at any given time.

    Thus it is best to always think before speaking and approaching people.

  • The purpose of this story was to show how different people are struggling with different things; thus, we should always be mindful and understanding of other people's feelings.

    The producer tells an effective story by putting the different silent battles people are facing together and passing a message about empathy.

  • i totally agree with this

  • The purpose of this story is to enable us to be more empathetic, understanding and considerate towards others.
    The producer try to portray different scenarios in different people's lives.

    1 Reply
  • The purpose of this story at Cleveland Clinic is that the patients have other problems in life other that the sickness that had brought them to the Hospital. Therefore, they should be treated gently in other for them to feel better. Again, the staff at the hospital also have their problems and their achievements. All this have to be taken into consideration.

  • Here my peer has only spoke about the patients, that is even the staff are going through their problems and achievements. That also have to be taken into consideration.

  • Ofcourse i agree with my peer. Her the needs of the patients and the staff should be taken into consideration.

  • The purpose of this story is to show that everyone walking on this earth have one issue or another to deal with; some good, and some bad; some happy, and some sad.

    The producer of the video achieves effectiveness by including people of all walks of life-male, female, young and old, black or white. Another technique employed for effectiveness was showing the specific challenge each was dealing with. Furthermore, the facial expressions of the characters corresponded with their situations. So one could tell their moods just by their outward appearances. All these made the video come alive.

  • The purpose of this story is to see through others.

    And to see through others we must hear what they hear and feel what they feel.
    By sharing their pains and worries.

  • The purpose of this story is to learn to Empathize. The author illustrate the concept of happiness and sadness at the same time with an intention to understand what the customer wants. In the same way, we the omnipreneur need to understand what our customers want from us?

  • This story awares us empathy which is considered to be the best of all virtues .if we try to understand the problems of such characters we might be able feel their pain .

  • This story awares us empathy which is considered to be the best of all virtues .if we try to understand the problems of such characters we might be able feel their pain .

  • O autor usa os recursos da empatia, solidariedade e mostrar que cada um tem a sua jornadas de conquistas, anseios e dores.

  • O autor isa de recursos como a empatia e solidariedade. O vídeo apresenta uma sucessão de pessoas que se encontram aleatoriamente em espaços partilhados, possuem dores, conquistas e anseios.
    A produção é carregada de sentimentos e reflexões profundas.

  • Every one has own problems someone might be happy or some are sad. According to this situation every person has feelings and thoughts. If we think and feel according to them we will treat them differently .

    The producer tells an effective story by sharing thoughts and feelings of patients, visitors and the people who are working there.

  • The conclusion is about how valuable time is

  • The message is the importance of empathy, the importance of being into someone's for just a moment so we could better understand the pain. It is linked with the services Cleveland Clinic provides and their level of compassion towards patients thus normalizing a world class care for every single life and important is to have empathy for people going through this process and the healing process

  • the purpose is to show how many different problems can cross one same space

  • The Cleveland Clinic the story teaches the values of relentlessly driving towards innovation

  • The Cleveland Clinic the story teaches the values of relentlessly driving towards innovation

  • The purpose of the story is to illustrate that not everyone goes through the same thing, some may be good and some may be bad so treat everyone the same because you would never know what they may be going through. The producer of this video tells an effective story by showing the people and putting words to show what may be going through their heads, what they are thinking.

  • This video shows us that no one is totally happy and most of them are in pain . We cant assume what is going to one’s life as they keep the things and worries in their mind . So we need to thank GOD if we are healthy and living normally . No one is completely satisfied and totally happy

  • The purpose of this story was to inspire the viewers and educate them on how Cleveland clinic started

  • The video talk about having empath, it shows different peoples that are suffering from the seen and unseen illness and it teach us to have this pure heart of understanding the suffering of others put ourselves in the shoes of someone who is feeling this way and give help as much as we can

  • Amin the central purpose of this video is to help people to be kind to those who are need to be available to the people who required your help and as a community we need to understand this concept that win I mean for my University it is important that is learn to be some pathetic to such people and we as a university or as a community we need to install the feelings in the young generation so that when they go out in the community they should be able to help to be kind with the people are they are need and as a society this will help them country as in general it will help the wold.

  • Amin the central purpose of this video is to help people to be kind to those who are need to be available to the people who required your help and as a community we need to understand this concept that win I mean for my University it is important that is learn to be some pathetic to such people and we as a university or as a community we need to install the feelings in the young generation so that when they go out in the community they should be able to help to be kind with the people are they are need and as a society this will help them country as in general it will help the wold.

  • This video is very attractive because it can develop feelings for helpless people with sympathy and empathy qualities define.

  • The purpose of video is that to feel empathy towards them who suffers. it is way to give the consolations and comfort to share his / her every type of sufferings to you and feel rather better. It is very important component in all walks of life or businesses.

  • To put ourselves in other person's shoes always

  • The purpose of video is that to feel empathy towards them who suffers. it is way to give the consolations and comfort to share his / her every type of sufferings to you and feel rather better. It is very important component in all walks of life or businesses.

  • The purpose of this story is understanding people by putting our self in their shows, seeing what they see, hear what they here and think what they think.

  • The purpose of this story is understanding people by putting our self in their shows, seeing what they see, hear what they here and think what they think.

  • The purpose of this video was to hear and see what the people are feeling. Some people are at the hospital because they are not feeling good or other people got into a car accident. Other people are just thinking how are they going to pay for the hospital bill. We people who don't have enough money always think how we are going to pay the expensive bill. some people don't have insurance. When there is an important event we try to make it but its not possible since we need to stay at the hospital and try to recover. Some people get really great news and they are happy. Some people are just sad/depressed.

  • the purpose of this story is to show you how you can help other people

  • The purpose of the story is to show how different each and every individual is. How one will never fully know what it is like for other people not unless they hear what they hear, feel what they feel, or see what they see. The producer told this story very effectively as there was not much happening in the video so the viewer could focus on the text and the person, the producer made it seem like the viewer was there and is just observing everyone.

  • Good Video for lesson

  • The purpose of this story is to show empathy and encourage people to acquire it in life, because it (empathy) improves the quality of own and others life.

  • Interesting story of care and hope. but i don't really understand how stories can be told without speaking it out.

  • I believe story telling is much more powerful and touchy than ordinary means of communication.

  • I really like this story


  • The purpose is to illicit an emotional and empathetic response. The producer tells an effective story by showing a broad cross section of persons with different issues.

  • By showing what the other's are going through, it puts your situation in a different light.
    If everyone wouldn't be so quick to judge, and would take time to observe and listen what is happening around them, they would probably react differently, be more understanding, more patient.

  • The purpose of this story is highlight that people are going through different challenges in lives, and if you are not in their shoes you won't understand it. This story also tells that you can have something while other person is looking for the very same thing but with no luck. e.g The woman who is working at the hospital is looking for a child of her own but she works with children in her daily live and keep reminding her about her need. And another thing is that we must always appreciate what we have and be thankful for it because many people are in hospital ,some seeking for heart, kidney and others are told that they will never walk ,talk or see in their entire lives. So, we must be always be grateful of the healthy lives that we have.

  • This video tells us that people are going through a lot in this live and we must empathize with them because tommorow is known by nobody.It aslo teaches us today you can wake up happy person and tomorrow you find yourself in hospital bed.So , we must not be judgemental when we come across situations that we are not experiencing but try walk with those that needs our assistance.

  • A picture as the saying goes is more than a thousand words. The producer of the clip creatively used the combination of images and words to tell the story of human empathy, love and connection in human relationships to tell a story of the work of the Cleveland Clinic and its impact on patients. These are patients who over the years have experienced the care and the healing hands of doctors, nurses and non medical staff of that hospital. This a highly transformative experience for the patients and the staff of the Clinic.

    The purpose of the story for me is twofold; to share for the benefits of those who do not work there and who may come across their story how an environment that should otherwise be gloomy and depressing could be a source of inspiration. The other purpose is to provide documentation of the depth of innovation that the Clinic introduced in changing medical practice and processes.

  • Books, newspapers, magazines, banners, etc. are examples of written storytelling. People read them for entertainment, education, and discovering something new, so marketers often use this form of storytelling to promote companies and products.

  • The purpose of the video is to make us reflect on life and on human beings, emphasizing that humans always need help.

  • we all have different situations and conditions around our lives

  • The purpose of the video "A Space for Empathy" is to shed light on the challenges faced by individuals undergoing cancer treatment and to emphasize the crucial role of empathy in providing care and support to these patients. The producer effectively conveys this message by using a combination of personal narratives, emotional storytelling, and expert insights to create a compelling and relatable narrative. Through the use of real-life experiences and heartfelt testimonials, the video humanizes the struggles of cancer patients and underscores the importance of empathy in healthcare. Additionally, the producer employs visual elements, such as evocative imagery and poignant music, to enhance the emotional impact of the story and engage the audience on a deeper level. Overall, the video effectively communicates its message by weaving together personal stories, expert perspectives, and visual elements to create a powerful and moving narrative that resonates with viewers.

  • This video tells everyone has their own stories, worries, and reasons. However, these stories will not be seen.

  • Indeed, the story is really touching. Everyone has their own feelings and issues that affect them, and we often cannot see these from the outside. We need to be considerate and not be quick to judge someone based on their behavior. Try to understand them and also pray for them.

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