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  • setting of appropriate outcomes is very important, your advocacy is well directed if you have the right outcomes

  • setting of appropriate outcomes is very important, your advocacy is well directed if you have the right outcomes

  • the advocacy capacity building s the key for a stronger advocacy campaign.

  • its so important to know interim outcome

  • The interim out come is necessary

  • How Tonya framed this measurement strategy is exciting! - Outcomes, instead of outputs.

    This is such a powerful framing that puts a lot of advocacy activities into a huge perspective.

    It also helped me understand the matrix better and if followed studiously, will begin about the road to a policy win!

    Thank you, Tanya, and deep appreciation to Ruth and Rakash!

  • Why is it necessary to identify interim

  • This module is very helpful in day-to-day life.
    But I'm much worried to receive my assignments grade thank for reading it.

  • Yes interim outcome is important because its specified and has a time frame on when things should be done and when it should be done

  • Yes interim outcome is important because its specified and has a time frame on when things should be done and when it should be done

  • i realise getting to know the expected outcomes is key and this will give direction

  • I think that the key point of advocacy

  • A very elaborate expose`. The evaluation of one's policy advocacy seem to require more deliberateness than even the advocacy itself.

  • It is realy important to know what kind of evaluation will work for your organisation or project

  • Thanks for the opportunity

  • The interim outcomes are very necessary to evaluate the advocacy project

  • I appreciated the fact that we have to focus on interim outcomes more that outputs

  • Frankly this module was a mind blowing where you learn the human centered design process thus Inspiration, Ideation, and Implementation.

    1 Reply
  • This is an interesting topic ,a bonus for the M&E students

    1 Reply
  • Definitely agree with you all.

  • Interim outcome is vital as it gives you an insight of what you are likely going to have at the end of the day. You can then create room for adjustment if need be.

  • Everything is great. The course is amazing.

  • Важны промежуточные результаты

  • Understanding the outcomes
    Make the change in positive way

    1 Reply
  • Identifying interim outcomes is far more helpful than measuring outputs. Interim outcomes will help an advocate identify if they need to change their strategy by evaluating if they are in any way engaging their target audience.

  • Identifying interim outcome is very necessary in any advocacy work.

  • Evaluation of any program (especially advocacy) is essential to the success of anything. It can be easily compared to taking a trip. You most likely automatically evaluate your trip without even realizing. On a trip you can measure things like time and destination. If you destination is Florida and you end up in Kansas, your trip can be evaluated as a poor outcome. This is a very elementary example but working in Higher Ed I have learned my ABCDs. ALWAYS BE COLLECTING DATA!

  • Interime outcome gives a glimpse on how the future looks there giving amuch needed confidence to stay in the fight

  • You are very right, it helps you know if you are making progress or not

  • Interim outcomes will give you an edge

  • Truly, i learnt a lot in this session, the tools and strategies

  • yes the interim out come is necessary

  • Flexibility in M&E is important because it helps one redesign the strategy in effecting change.

  • yes the interim out come is necessary

  • Advocacy geared toward policy change is a bit complex in that windows of opportunity keep opening and closing from time to time in an unpredictable fashion. In this respect, one must only take stock of their realized outcomes, however minimal or major, as a result of activities as steps towards the main victory. In this regard, you may have not attained your end goal, but you get to measure whether you are on course or out of course towards attaining your expected outcomes. To me its a question of acknowledging a glass as half full in terms of change in your target audience over a given period as a product of your tactics. Overall, the small wins you achieve are sufficient signals in the context in which you are working is critical. This is way different from direct service activities outcome evaluations where the end-goal is either achieved or not at the end of a given time period.

  • In an ever changing world, assumed outcomes might not be achievable. To have still achievable, yet realistic goals, Interim Outcomes are functional evaluation tools. They can help achieve milestones in unpredictable times and allow the opportunity to reassess advocacy strategies for success. For example, reaching interim outcomes can be stepping stones to reaching ultimate goals, like moving from public awareness to lawmaker action. The same strategy cannot be used every time and the relevant data which must be collected at each step reveals what must be done next.

  • I don't think soo

  • Personally, advocacy takes long time so it is not always easy and feasible to evaluate the outcomes. Instead, the evaluation can be taken place along the way of doing advocacy to see if there is any unexpected incidence out of the predefined plan.

  • The earliest forms of English, collectively known as Old English, evolved from a group of West Germanic (Ingvaeonic) dialects brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the 5th century and further mutated by Norse-speaking Viking settlers starting in the 8th and 9th centuries. Middle English began in the late 11th century after the Norman conquest of England, when considerable French (especially Old Norman) and Latin-derived vocabulary was incorporated into English over some three hundred years.[9][10] Early Modern English began in the late 15th century with the start of the Great Vowel Shift and the Renaissance trend of borrowing further Latin and Greek words and roots into English, concurrent with the introduction of the printing press to London. This era notably culminated in the King James Bible and plays of William Shakespeare.[11][12]

    Modern English has spread around the world since the 17th century as a consequence of the worldwide influence of the British Empire and the United States of America. Through all types of printed and electronic media of these countries, English has become the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions and professional contexts such as science, navigation and law.[3] Modern English grammar is the result of a gradual change from a typical Indo-European dependent-marking pattern, with a rich inflectional morphology and relatively free word order, to a mostly analytic pattern with little inflection, and a fairly fixed subject–verb–object word order.[13] Modern English relies more on auxiliary verbs and word order for the expression of complex tenses, aspect and mood, as well as passive constructions, interrogatives and some negation.

    English is the most spoken language in the world (if Chinese is divided into variants)[14] and the third-most spoken native language in the world, after Standard Chinese and Spanish.[15] It is the most widely learned second language and is either the official language or one of the official languages in 59 sovereign states. There are more people who have learned English as a second language than there are native speakers. As of 2005, it was estimated that there were over 2 billion speakers of English.[16] English is the majority native language in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand (see Anglosphere) and the Republic of Ireland, and is widely spoken in some areas of the Caribbean, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania.[17] It is a co-official language of the United Nations, the European Union and many other world and regional international organisations. It is the most widely spoken Germanic language, accounting for at least 70% of speakers of this Indo-European branch. There is much variability among the many accents and dialects of English used in different countries and regions in terms of phonetics and phonology, and sometimes also vocabulary, idioms, grammar, and spelling, but it does not typically prevent understanding by speakers of other dialects and accents, although mutual unintelligibility can occur at extreme ends of the dialect continuum.

  • Interim outcomes are the intermediate change of an intervention and in this case, they are increased awareness, change in attitudes and knowledge

  • It is really necessary to identify

  • i think having outcomes is a good idea because it will make the monitoring and evaluation process easier because you already know what you want to achieve and measuring it will be much more efficient

  • What is interim? My imagination is a caplet with red colour inside vitamin and mineral and some sugar. It looks like a game changing. I couldn't find it in scrubs. It might be lost somewhere my mistake

  • I have found this module very interesting, especially highlighted the difference between an output and an outcome, which well correctly evaluated can lead to the success of the advocacy campaign. Most advocacy campaigns become ineffective in a long term due to lack of follow up, the measurement tools for strategy and tactics are very important!

  • The more that I think about Interim Outcomes, (expected)- in actuality we never get the expected outcome, the win.
    Ex- Criminal Justice Reform 2020. They mobilized the general public, convinced key influencers to get on board (legislators, senators, assembly members).
    The change maker (Governor) signed the bill, massive win for the Organizations that came together and fought effortlessly and diligently at the table, framing.
    We got the win, but 90 days later mass rollbacks to the bill, we expected push back as you do on anything that you are fighting for, but to get the win and then the justice system starts making a mockery of what the actual bill Judges and law enforcement started releasing violent offenders under the guise that this is what this bill stood for. Both actions are Historical.

  • I think it's very important,it really helps to put into perspective what your organisation is mainly working towards.

  • Interim outcome is the key to reaching to impact or ultimate outcome.

  • Hello everyone, my name is Martha and I am excited to attain new knowledge in regard to fundraising and I am looking forward to practicing my learning more and improving my organisation, Thank you so much

  • I agree Interim outcomes are the milestone of any all projects and helpful in knowing what works and what doesn't work, I also believe just because something is not working for one specific goal doesn't mean it wouldn't work on another project or another area of your project.

  • Yes, identifying interim outcomes is very important because it helps Most advocates not to track outputs but real outcomes. As outputs are just what we do produce, while outcomes are changes you inspire in others
    or changes in your own power

  • Yes it is very necessary. It helps to see if you’re taking the right strategy.

  • Yes interim outcome is important because its specified and has a time frame on when things should be done and when it should be done

  • I must say that this topic has been very helpful. I have been wondering how to assess the impact of advocacy efforts. The tools recommended here are easy to understand and effective.

  • I must say that this topic has been very helpful. I have been wondering how to assess the impact of advocacy efforts. The tools recommended here are easy to understand and effective.

  • outcomes will determine to measure your outputs.

  • I believe identifying interim outcomes is always necessary because how can you know where you're headed if you haven't set any goals? If the goal is too far in the future you may become disheartened at not making progress quick enough and less likely to accomplish it.

  • I was looking forward to get to this module as how to run Advocacy evaluation was a big question I had. The differentiation on assessing outputs and outcomes stood out to me, as well as the importance of assessing interim outomes.

  • I would like to say that the interim outcome is very much important and play a major role for sure .

  • I would like to say that interim outcomes are better known as shorter-term results that must be achieved in order to reach the advocacy goal as a fact

  • Yes, I totally agree with you but it is also true that it will definitely help us in understanding in depth and to gain the complete understanding of the concept for sure

  • This module is complex, there's a lot of information in it, ones have to pay attention to understand it very well.

    1 Reply
  • Yes, indeed it is very essential and necessary for sure .

  • This is very necessary because as an advocator it will enable you to access weather you are in the right track of achieving your bigger goal. Making you know weather you are in the correct track of events or weather their are things that you need to change immediately for the realization of your bigger picture.

  • It's very necessary as it change the way decision maker change outcome.

  • Use evalution for learning as much as you can and learnt to select data as well.

  • Necessary but unaccepted sometimes

    1 Reply
  • Of a necessity, interim outcomes is essential since it acts as the major yardstick for evaluating your win, it also let's one know if what one is working on is truly effective or not.

  • I firmly believe that interim outcomes or short-term results act as a catalyst for midterm advocacy tactics and strategy formulation to achieve a "Win". A viable asset interim outcome will be helpful for future adjustments in tactics on the key audience targeted. It is conceptually recommendable for advocacy strategy.

  • Of a necessity, interim outcomes is essential since it acts as the major yardstick for evaluating your win, it also let's one know if what one is working on is truly effective or not.

  • That's so true.

  • Kindly throw more light my dear, so we can learn from your points of view.

    Thank you.

  • This module really helped put in perspective the outputs and outcomes an organization has and how it relates to advocacy. I liked that in the presentation, there were examples given for each outcome based on the audience that was targeted. As I am a visual person, this really helped to put the material into perspective.

  • This is the best module yet out of all of them in this course.

  • There is a lot of information but I think this one was presented the best.

  • Yes, interim evaluation is necessary, especially when you have a complex problem and a complex solution that is going to require a large change (or a group of changes) to implement. I like to think of this in this way: if we think back to the first module when we learned about the type of actions we can influence - behavior, policy or marginalization impact - we would not measure any of those using the same type of methodology, nor would we put the same type of time restraints/expectations on seeing that change. Allowing and building in interim evaluations allows you to keep track of all of the type of change you are trying to influence, even when (and if) they are moving at different paces - in addition to allowing you to set up verification steps to ensure that your efforts are being effective and impactful.

  • The project I am working on is targeted at controlling the free-roaming dog population and reducing associated risks to both animals and people. We started out by establishing a baseline as in the dog population in the country to measure progress against it. The process involved a survey where volunteers were sent out to record any sightings of dogs over 3 days across the country. However, as the pet registration and sterilisation campaign for free-roaming dogs progressed, it outnumbered the baseline population from the initial survey. In this way, interim outcomes by way of updated baselines allowed meaningful interpretation and action going forward. We also drew inspiration from records of dog bite cases in addition to rapid surveys that looked out for puppies which also provided an interim outcome of the success of the earlier campaign phases as the project is already over 2 years.

  • Seeking help with a clarification on an evaluation tool, specifically the policymaker rating.


    How is the level of support of policymakers recorded? Would it be correct to understand that an enumerator seeks the
    response of the decision-makers to indicate their level of support? Is it the same approach for assessing the degree of influence of decision-makers similarly?

  • Identity interim outcomes is very important. While doing this, we need to ensure not to confuse outcomes with outputs. Our outcomes have to be in line with the level of change at which we're operating and the target audience

  • Innitially its paramount to know your status before the final outcome. Conduct prelimnary study so that you can prepare for the final study. The interim will enable you to have insight to prepare ahead for the impact.

  • Sometimes. Identifying interim outcomes is highly recommended.

  • Evaluation is important as you are able to track and measure the progress. If you fail to measure, you fail to understand where you are heading.

  • The interim outcomes measured be the most meaningful, as opposed to the most easily identified, so that the most influential steps are followed and can be traced to later outcomes

  • Interim outcomes are very essential for track and monitor to project progress.

  • Interim outcomes are crucial for evaluating advocacy campaigns because they inform the advocacy startegy i.e, what can be improved on.

  • Measuring interim outcomes is very necessary because it gives an organization realistic insight about their progress, not just optimism.

  • very necessary for the record.

  • Yes, it tells you the specifics about who will change and how they will change as well as how they are linked to your tactics and timeframes to determine if you are gaining ground.

  • Regular evaluation allows you to track your progress toward your goals. Without measurement, it's difficult to know whether you're moving in the right direction or if you've made any improvements. Evaluation helps you identify what's working well and what isn't. This insight is vital for making informed decisions about what to continue, what to modify, and what to discontinue. Measuring progress provides data that can guide decision-making. This data helps you make informed choices based on evidence rather than relying solely on intuition or assumptions.

  • For me, this session is very interesting because it helps me identify some of the most important outcomes that are used for advocacy.

  • Interim analysis is good because it alleviates conflict of interest while considering cost, resources, and meaningfulness of the advocacy project (Kumar & Chakraborty, 2016). It also informs the possible elimination or appropriate modification in sample size, study design and an early explanation of the project success. It helps during measurement of the outcomes of interest in a continuum which makes the availability of summarized information and data about the measurements available on time to the various audiences based on the advocacy project (Kumar & Chakraborty, 2016).

    Kumar, A., & Chakraborty, B. S. (2016). Interim analysis: A rational approach of decision making in clinical trial. Journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research, 7(4), 118–122.

  • Interim outcomes will enhance strategies being used and will promote the availability of data timely. It will also remove any discrepancies which will lead to success of the advocacy strategy or tactic.

  • What seems very important to me is always to be flexible. Yes, it's important to know what to do, also regarding the evaluation of your work, But It's also important not to remain focused on something that's not useful or effective anymore. You ave to be able to shift, to change

  • yes it is necessary

  • Identiffying interim outcomes is necessary but not always.

  • Interim outcomes are essential to understanding the progress you are making.

  • It’s important for advocacy key players to identify interim outcomes

  • Definitely, it's not only important for the strategy, but for the people who are avocating. This is a good show of the work that has been done. Also, as political change is not under your control if the final goal doesn't het achive you have other results to highlight.

  • There is every need to identify and measure interim outcomes. This gives a deeper undersatnding of the project and the overall goal

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