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  • How can you guarantee that your monitoring and evaluation procedures do not hurt participants, stakeholders, or other people?
    Consider your participants' backgrounds.
    Consider the folks from whom you are gathering data. How was your experience supplying data? Is it stressful and perplexing, or easy and straightforward? Is it time-consuming or productive?
    Unfortunately, companies all too often create data collecting methods that are overly big, time-consuming, or unpleasant.
    Academic testing is a frequent example of this phenomena. Many educational systems throughout the world have introduced standardized assessments in order to determine if academic programs are effective. However, as the length and quantity of these assessments have increased, some individuals have expressed concern that children are now spending much too much time preparing for them. Ascertain that all participants provide informed consent for the collection and use of their data.
    Many people have previously participated in research without fully comprehending the hazards involved. As a result, these individuals have suffered.
    This is why it is critical to ensure that the people whose data you are collecting understand exactly what they are committing to engage in.
    Depending on the type of data you gather, there may be certain rules or regulations with which you must comply. When doing medical research or working with vulnerable groups such as children, inmates, or the intellectually impaired, the rules for getting informed permission might be very complicated.

  • This module has been so interesting. I have understood another dimension of ethics, which relates to the use of data not just by the owner, but also the third party involved.

  • This module has been so interesting. I have understood another dimension of ethics, which relates to the use of data not just by the owner, but also the third party involved.

  • In planning and implementing its primary data collection and fieldwork, organization should be committed to do no harm. This means that the security, safety, integrity and wellbeing of participants, enumerators, partners and researchers are paramount and that the basic human rights of individuals and groups with whom its staff, sub-contractors and representatives interact when collecting primary data or conducting fieldwork are respected and protected.

  • Honor the dignity and well-being of people. Do not intentionally or unintentionally cause physical, emotional or reputation damage to people affected by your work. This can be achieved in your M&E practice by; considering the experience of your participants, Ensuring that all participants give informed consent to collect and use data, ensuring that when appropriate, participant data is kept anonymous and confidential and avoiding potential areas where your data exacerbate existing inequities.

  • We need to make sure that our M&E processes and data will not be used to harm others

  • Observing the principle of 'Do No Harm' in the collection and use of data is sometimes challenging in circumstances where funders have a long list of indicators to measure the performance of the program or project. Program or project implementors face a dilemma in terms of deciding the right amount of data to gather to ascertain that funders' performance indicators are measured, but not subjecting project/program participants to a lengthy and tedious process of answering questions to surveys or interviews.

  • I think it is critical especially when working in a diverse group where English is not the dominant language to ensure that the participants understand the data collection process and its usage well. When educating youth on doing interviews/ data collection I often advise that "consent" is very different from "informed consent", and that the participant has to comprehend how the data collected will be used this assures that they are not put at risk latter on.

    The last example in identifying and avoiding potential areas where your data may exacerbate existing inequities example helped enhanced my understand the importance of data management.

  • This is really one of the important ethical principles which has to be considered at all time, especially in today's age of social media. There have been numerous cases where people's reputation, safely and dignity have been seriously endangered and damaged after some sensitive information that they shared with someone in confidence found its way to the social media. Much as it is not easy to be 100 percent sure the information will not be leaked, we must ensure that we do our very best to safeguard the data used in our M&E for the safety of our participants.

  • Sounds similar to some components of the Human Subjects Protection training essential for all research health care workers. It is interesting to know that M&E considers it too and I cant wait to relate the two in my organization.

  • I think when research participants are informed of the good intentions of the project and the desire to do no harm to them, they participate enthusiastically.

  • It is very crucial to observe data ethics during data collection. The data collected should not cause any harm to the beneficiaries, either physical or emotional. Before collecting data the data collection team should first consider the experience of their participants, ensure that all participants give informed consent to collect data and use their data, ensure when appropriate participant data is kept anonymous and confidential and also identify and avoid potential potential areas where your data may exacerbate existing inequities.

  • It is important to keep good communication and be open with the team so that they can have confidence in you as an M and E. if they are open and confident in your, it will not be a challenge to get their concern in collecting data.
    It is important to keep data confidential because participants trusted you with their personal information.
    Data must the clear to the receiver and ensure the way it is presented it will not course harm to participant and decides not to participate in the program going forward.

  • very interesting

  • don not harms simply means , keep peopl,s reputation and mentaly , keeen their privacy and confedtiality

  • Those that are giving out information which comes in form of information sometimes don't oblige to giving out information especially in an environment that the level of education is very low. They most times believe that if they give out information, those information can be used against them. It simply means lots of work needs serious to be done in such areas before data are collected.

  • "Do no harm" as one of the 3 principles of ethical behavior is an integral part of data collection and M&E in general. it should be well treated so that every responded can feel safe and equally treated. prejudice and discrimination should be strongly avoided.

  • Yes, it is important to do work in a form and manual that will not harm anybody that is measure in your data collection, and I have learned to do just that from this topic "Do No Harm".

  • the concept of do no harm is critical indeed. at the end of the day the researcher wants to collect data to help him/her in their research. thus it is very key to ensure we put the safety and comfort our participants at the top of our list. by creating a safe environment to conduct our M&E activities, gives room to our participants to provide the most useful information; which would also benefit the research and other stakeholders.

  • The data collection maybe done to give solutions at the end of the projects so the Do No Harm must be prioritize so that no one will be affected in a bad way at the end of the projects. And some people or resources maybe reused for other projects so it very important to keep them safe all the times. Confidential information is also important at all times

  • Consider the experience of your participants.

    Think about the people from whom you are collecting data. What is the experience of providing data like? Is it stressful and confusing or simple and intuitive? Is it time-consuming or efficient?

    Unfortunately, all too often, organizations design data collection processes that are too large, time-consuming or stressful.

  • The data collection maybe done to give solutions at the end of the projects so the Do No Harm must be prioritize so that no one will be affected in a bad way at the end of the projects. And some people or resources maybe reused for other projects so it very important to keep them safe all the times. Confidential information is also important at all times.
    Give the fact not the opinions when collecting data to give a true story. It is import that you don't write what u think is right but write only the confirmed fact from collated data. Honestly can save you from many trouble.
    I see the importance of using right people at a right project, it is important that people with professional skills are used in the right project to give a accurate result. The training should be provided if needed.

    1 Reply
  • Learning about the Do No Harm principle is so key and helpful for a M&E person who is out there collecting any form of data.

  • Yes it could be used to damage their reputation because the politicians are actually against them.

  • The data collection maybe done to give solutions at the end of the projects so the Do No Harm must be prioritize so that no one will be affected in a bad way at the end of the projects. And some people or resources maybe reused for other projects so it very important to keep them safe all the times. Confidential information is also important at all times.
    Give the fact not the opinions when collecting data to give a true story. It is import that you don't write what u think is right but write only the confirmed fact from collated data. Honestly can save you from many trouble.
    I see the importance of using right people at a right project, it is important that people with professional skills are used in the right project to give a accurate result. The training should be provided if needed.

  • how can you ensure that your M&E practices cause no harm to participants, stakeholders or other people?

    Best experience, Good format of data collection method and keep data quality

  • do no harm is one of the important principles in M&E and must be considered seriously in every phase of it.

  • D'abord ça discrédite la structure étant donné qu'elle ne sait mettre en application les notions des données anonymes et confidentielles. comment expliquer que vous travaillez avec des personnes de statut inferieurs qui sont critiqués par les politiciens et en même temps vous les exposer en disant que la plupart ont commis des crimes. et donc les opposants ne peuvent pas utiliser ces informations pour nuire davantage.

  • As you conduct a research, it is important to maximize benefits while minimizing the risks.

  • We definitely need to be careful with the Do No Harm policy/norm; specially wehen collecting data. It doesn't mean that we are going to be able to avoid every kind of conflict or harm at all costs; it means that while we can mitigate harm, we will be able to partially eliminate risks. These principle should be very well known and considered by technical teams accompanying M&E processes.

  • .......................

  • .......................

  • Cool.......................

  • Cool.......................

  • As you take this introductory M&E course, you may be introduced to new processes and tools. You may be tempted to rush out and try these exciting new ideas right away. We encourage you to pause and reflect before you do so. Does your team have the skills required to carry out this new process?

  • As you take this introductory M&E course, you may be introduced to new processes and tools. You may be tempted to rush out and try these exciting new ideas right away. We encourage you to pause and reflect before you do so. Does your team have the skills required to carry out this new process?

  • Do no harm

  • If the data being dealt with is more sensitive, it is very important to make sure that the data is secured and only accessible by the administrators or users with access rights.

  • Seeking consent, expressing confidentiality can help in avoiding a harm.

  • Yes, So far as Political opponent blamed each other.

  • Because you will need the participants to trust you, you have to be true to them and keep their information confidential. In other not to leave them worse then you met them.

  • Doing no harm in collecting data ensures safety and security for the responder and also for the reputation of the data collector. in this modern world it's hard to trust a person to even talk to let alone share our data so the data collector must make sure the responders feel safe by showing his previous research to make it a safer environment and to gain their trust. Doing no harm is keeping it safe in a certain way but if the data collector is so afraid to ask the right questions even if they are hard questions, they have to challenge the responders to get the right data.

  • Doing no harm in collecting data ensures safety and security for the responder and also for the reputation of the data collector. in this modern world it's hard to trust a person to even talk to let alone share our data so the data collector must make sure the responders feel safe by showing his previous research to make it a safer environment and to gain their trust. Doing no harm is keeping it safe in a certain way but if the data collector is so afraid to ask the right questions even if they are hard questions, they have to challenge the responders to get the right data.

  • Doing no harm in collecting data ensures safety and security for the responder and also for the reputation of the data collector. in this modern world it's hard to trust a person to even talk to let alone share our data so the data collector must make sure the responders feel safe by showing his previous research to make it a safer environment and to gain their trust. Doing no harm is keeping it safe in a certain way but if the data collector is so afraid to ask the right questions even if they are hard questions, they have to challenge the responders to get the right data.

  • its very important to the M&E staff to understand the types of data that is collecting and the rights tools to used in collecting the data, and also the understand the ethical problems and how to come about them, and also to keep secrets when collecting any information and used

  • Its is expected that ever project should address and help profer solutions not and not to add to the problem and leave the participants worse then you met them.

  • Understanding the importance of ethical value in our M&E process and practicing them will help us ensure that we do not harm our respondents.

    As professionals when we inform participants that the survey is anonymous, it's important we keep to our word else we will lose the trust of those participants making it difficult for them to respond to any other survey presented to them by your organization.

  • This is a very sensitive matter when it comes to data security. But as it has been mentioned here, the data needs to be kept anonymous or confidential. It is, of course, kept confidential from donors and other external partners. However, when it comes to collecting data, most organisation do not understand how much to collect. And after collecting, it means that most part of the data is there in the server and if proper technology is not used, the data can be misused from the server's end. The organisations will never misuse the data because its their own risk. However, as development sector professionals we must bring and utilize authentic platforms for our data collection and storing journey.

  • Do not harm meaning when we are collecting of data we did not consider illogical question and respect to responded. we also ensure we not repeated question and they question should be clear. the presentation of data is not harmful in public and responded


  • Thanks for the insight, have learned alot. This principle should be enshriine in all organizational SOP.

  • This could harm the repuatation of the group since that they are associated with doi9ng crimes which is mraly wrong and can lead to them being accused and jailed for their supposed crimes.This could also cause lack of mistrust of the group with other communities members and they can be disociated from any community developmental activities that are ongoing .This also can cause harm to their political reputation and making them more vulnerable to their political opponents ang give them a difficulty time to convince the community in lureing votes to contest for any political position in the community.

  • do not intentionally cause physical , emotional or reputational damage to the people affected by your work.

  • In the planning stage of data collection, the purpose and terms of data usage should be defined. It should be clearly stated that the analysis result of the data will be shared with whom, when and why. Data should protected strictly from access of un-authorized users. In case of leaking or stealing data a proactive strategies should be in effect to decrease level of harm.

  • Do not harm means that during and after data collection it must be gaurnteed that the data will be not used negetively to influence affected population.

  • Do not harm means that during and after data collection it must be gaurnteed that the data will be not used negetively to influence affected population.

  • Do not harm means that during and after data collection it must be gaurnteed that the data will be not used negetively to influence affected population.

  • DO no harm it is an important topics for us to take note of us Data collector,because some of us go out the and thinks because you are free with mr A whatever mr B tells you ,you go ahead to discuss it with Mr A .you might not know it could be that mr A is not in good term with mr B ,so you has a data collector has to stick to your confidentiality statement and after the Data collection don't react toward it .especially when you are from the same locality.Also races,age and gender biases shouldn't be you race at all.How can we contact data incase of time limit and between couples too,ever encounter that issue with some couples because something are for women to women talk you will tell the man to excuse you and it will be something.sometime to he will accept to leave but after that will be asking what you discuss with the wife and some becomes a fight among couples in the rural areas.
    Thank you

  • Ethical principles is truly an important matter that needs not to be overlook because it can lead to legal action especially when it comes to matter of harming someone in every aspect as regards to data collection

  • This is critical information indeed, I have experienced in some surveys that people are no longer interested in participating because in their previous experience it took too much time to be a free exercise.

    1 Reply
  • No. I will ensure that the appropriate, participant data is kept anonymous and confidential.

  • this example has given me a whole new perspective of data use.

  • Reflective measures, whereby organisations at the headquarters level and individual staff make explicit their theories and thinking about conflict, violence and peacebuilding. This allows for external actors to understand the assumptions and attitudes that they and others have that will feed into all aspects of interventions and interactions with people in operating contexts.
    Political measures, which require acknowledgement that providing aid is a political activity with political consequences; alongside the assumption of political responsibility. This is the starting point for the adoption of conflict sensitivity – the understanding that aid actors and aid interventions are not neutral; and that donors have a duty to understand the contexts in which they operate and to ensure at a minimum that their interventions do not cause harm.
    Analytic measures, which involve familiarity with research, approaches and tools to understand conflict, conflict transformation and peacebuilding and achieve conflict sensitivity. This allows for the actual operationalization of conflict sensitivity, by improving awareness of the potential or actual impacts of interventions on conflict dynamics and peacebuilding and helping to design more effective, coherent interventions.

    when team working together will provide
    Teamwork is efficient work.
    Teams self-monitor.
    Teams innovate faster.
    Teammates learn from each other.
    Teamwork can create healthy competition.
    Teamwork promotes strong working relationship

  • no it will not be used to further damage the group because, names and physical addresses of the participants will be kept in a safe place , it will not be disclosed.

  • The most important ethical principle under Do Not Harm are
    Always consider the experience of the participants
    Informed consent from the participants
    Confidentiality and anonymity of data

  • The do not harm principle is very vital in data collection especially with subjects involved in the process of data collection. Subjects should at all costs be protected because the success of the survey or project depends on their level of cooperation which is determined by how safe they feel before engaging in providing data.
    Safety to them goes to the extent of how secure the information they provide is, it is not only about the physical safety but more about the confidentiality and secureness of the process of the providing information to the storing of that information. A simple example would be to conduct interviews one on one not as a group because most people prefer giving out information privately.
    One last thing would be to fully disclose all details of the study and make the subjects aware of what they are giving consent for, there should never be any hidden details which would make the participants find themselves in a compromising position and eventually pull out of providing information which means the survey fails because remember the success of data collection depends on the response rate of the participants.

    1 Reply
  • I remember at University during my MSc study, I had to sign an Ethics form before I could proceed with my research project specifically collecting data. This was part of the University's ethical principles. It is really important not to do harm to others while collecting data.

  • I agree, using competent professionals is crucial.

  • Well written. I agree with you totally

  • I have experienced the same in a previously conducted survey. People were not willing to give out information

  • I suggest theres no way to create another problem by giving or releasing that data to the opponent.From my view ,i have to respect who those local crime group aswell as their opponent with the data i have collected .

  • Honor the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals. Do not, intentionally or unintentionally, cause physical, emotional or reputational damage to the people affected by your work.
    Unless you are careful, your M&E processes have the potential to cause enormous harm. The Do No Harm principle instructs us to actively avoid causing damage.

  • The place where the monitoring process perform where may be inappropriate and cause harm to its residents, such as immigration detention centers where they are afraid to disclose the conditions of their detention and their declaration may lead to harm to them.

  • Usually, the declaration of conflict of interest is made before the start of the monitoring process and even before the start of the project.

  • Do No Harm is one of the most important ethic point to keep in mind and to act upon, as data may be used in an unintended way and cause enormous harm to participants.

  • Donc il faut savoir s'est montré très discret avec les données en adoptant des bonnes manières de gestion enfin de sauvegarder les données récoltées enfin de garantir la protection des autres.

  • Based on the given readings in module one, word " Do No Harm" means to make sure our doing have not to affect negatively anyone either emotionally, socially or physically for both by accident or on purpose on concerned people.

  • When collecting and analyzing M&E data, M&E practitioners should not violate ethical principles or jeopardize their independence.

  • Do no harm is a is a principle to ensure that the people you engage in your data collection exercise remain the way you found them before your collection exercise. Your involving them should not put them in situations that they did not intend to find themselves in.

  • With Do No Harm principle, I find it very useful, given that I am in a position to reach out and collect data from rural communities, thus, very important principle.

  • If the data exposed the names of my data source people will not even want work with team and surely my organization will not meet it objective.

  • Don no harm: this has to do with the information acquired from a survey, it exposes us to how confidential an information can be especially the sensitive ones. Personally, I feel that every data collected should be kept confidential for future purpose.

  • However, as the length and number of these tests have grown, some people have become concerned that children now spend too much time preparing for tests and too little time participating in other worthwhile activities.However, as the length and number of these tests have grown, some people have become concerned that children now spend too much time preparing for tests and too little time participating in other worthwhile activities.

  • the individuality and the context of the subject matter must be considered while collecting data. it is important to understand their setting and is pertinent not to harm their sentiments through the questions being asked.

  • the individuality and the context of the subject matter must be considered while collecting data. it is important to understand their setting and is pertinent not to harm their sentiments through the questions being asked.

    1. Informed consent should be taken from the respondents/participants for data collection.
    2. Confidentiality should be maintained.
    3. They should not be harmed by any of the tools during data collection.
  • the individuality and the context of the subject matter must be considered while collecting data. it is important to understand their setting and is pertinent not to harm their sentiments through the questions being asked.

  • The data collection team should not cause any harm - physical, emotional or financial to the study respondents. Data collection being a time consuming exercise, obtaining prior permission from the respondents is essential. Also, any sensitive information must be captured carefully, and, maintaining anonymity and confidentiality of the responses given is paramount. The data should not exacerbate any stressful situation or inequities or vulnerability for the study participants. The ethical principles must be adhered to at all times.

  • the individuality and the context of the subject matter must be considered while collecting data. it is important to understand their setting and is pertinent not to harm their sentiments through the questions being asked.

  • At times without fully understanding it, I ended up getting angry with some senior professionals for banning the publication of some Biovidersity data in Mozambique. The database included geographic coordinates of all species and some of the species could be potential indicators of subsoil riches, therefore, the availability of geographic coordinates could be literally handing the gold to the bandit. But then I realized that there is sensitive information that can be used to harm even a nation.

  • maintain the confidentiality of the respondent

  • maintain the confidentiality of the respondent

  • maintain the confidentiality of the respondent

  • Yes, it can be harmful. It would be more appropriate to compare the crime rate in the group to other groups or the population as a whole and to examine the context of the issue to counter the prevailing narrative.

  • Yes, it can be harmful. It would be more appropriate to compare the crime rate in the group to other groups or the population as a whole and to examine the context of the issue to counter the prevailing narrative.

  • Yes, it can be harmful. It would be more appropriate to compare the crime rate in the group to other groups or the population as a whole and to examine the context of the issue to counter the prevailing narrative.

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