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  • That sensation of a donor saying no

  • I have come across a very helpful articles hope to read more

  • The most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising for me is continuously meeting new prospective donors and engaging them on the level they expect. To make this easier, I try to have a plan for new prospects for each upcoming fiscal year and a list of how to engage, make the ask, and continue to steward them.

    1 Reply
  • The hardest part for me is meeting donors in person.![alt text](image url)

  • I have appreciated that it is okay to ask for more than you actually require and that if one says no; it actually means next time so you should not give up on them.

    2 Replies
  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    The most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising is hearing the word no from a major gift donor on whom you were depending and not having many more/enough strategic major gift donors.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    I plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier is by soliciting more mid-range and/or individual donors, who already support the organization. I would maybe even ask if they would be willing to increase gift size or if they would like to become recurring monthly donors.

  • This is something that stood out to me as well.I never thought to ask for more than the amount I originally had in mind. Definitely will be trying this approach.

  • Everything is fine! The course is positive

  • The most difficult part of fundraising is writing a personlised letter to donors.

  • Making the ask is a difficult part of Fundraising (at least for me). I have been practicing and I am starting to see great results. I guess my problem was self confidence.

  • The most anxious part of fundraising for me is always asking people for the money. It's not setting up meetings or talking to people because I love to do that. It's something about the topic of money, and in my head maybe I see it as taking someone else's resource away where it makes me feel bad/guilty for asking the question.

    However, I'm working on getting past this and not feeling guilty for doing my job. If they can't, they'll say no, and if they say yes, great! I know they wouldn't give it to me unless they were able to. Plus like this module said, "No," really might just mean "Maybe later."

    1. the most challenging aspect is asking for money. All the time I feel like I`m going to ask this money just for myself and feel a bit anxious what people think about me at that momemnt.
    2. I think I just need to be confident. Nobody is going to blame me in something, they just can say no.
  • For me the most anxious or challenge is asking money to donors, to overcome this challenge , before asking money, first we must get and establish contacts with donors. We should know their interest and be ensured that it matches with our programme.

    1. Understanding donor requirements and warming up to them are most challenging to me. Given the dynamic global context, donor priorities are shifting. Again, it is often difficult to match donor’s requirements with available features of the organisation.
    2. Stakeholder relationship management using dynamic tools like Salesforce.
  • wanting to make money the centre of the talk and preoccupied with a YES answer than merely asking for opportunities and money coming out from such conversations in due course. I think as part of asking, stating with calls or appointnments and learning more of their profile and advise on tapping funds while talking less of myself is a great lesson.

  • For me, approaching larger, existing donors would be difficult as their expectations will be high for the level of treatment they expect; however, now I know some tips of how to relate to donors and tap into their "moral objectives" to encourage a donation.

    1 Reply
  • In my personal opinion it boils down to whether the donor you approach suits the purpose you're seeking funds for I think that is vital. Once that's established the rest falls in place I have no problem making the ask

  • This right here. It's like the higher the donor's profile is the more complicated it gets. I also approached a high profile donor and while he was willing to give support he had a raft of conditions that I felt would be difficult for my organization to fulfill I unfortunately had to cease engagement with him. It can be hard!

  • The hardest part for me is to turn the conversation from what we are planning to do into the actual ask. To help with this anxiety I plan to make a short script to help with this transition.

    1 Reply
  • this module really helped eased my anxiety and i am positive that i will effect the knowledge i got

  • i think the most difficult part will be transitioning from the general discussions to asking proper

  • the most challenging aspect of fundraising is it seems daunting to ask people, and the nervousness

  • The most challenging part for me is making the ask.
    In my organisation all I do is write proposal but now I have a better knowledge on how to fund raise properly.

  • Very true im encourage too

  • @Allissa said in Module 2 Discussion: Making the Ask, Thanking the Donor, Reducing Anxiety:

    The hardest part for me is to turn the conversation from what we are planning to do into the actual ask. To help with this anxiety I plan to make a short script to help with this transition.

    That's the same challenge I faced but the training has enlightened me.

    1. The most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising is waiting for their response hoping that it will be positive and writting your response in detail. The reason is because you need to streach your brain in other to write what will really convince your donor
      2.the easiest way on how to make it work is to see donor one on one
  • I agree with your approach for individual donors. Having the time and the interest in making a personal relationship is the hardest part for me when it is someone I don't know at all. I am a shy person, but I believe deeply in my cause.

    1 Reply
  • Having the time and the interest in making a personal relationship is the hardest part for me when it is someone I don't know at all. I am a shy person, but I believe deeply in my cause which motivates me. Learning helps to reduce my anxiety.

  • Asking for money is the most stressful part, as this even from personal experience, someone coming up and asking for monetary aid, sounds different alarms in your system.

  • 5 anxiety topic were really opned the eyes of the introverts like me

  • 1] What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising ,and why?
    The first contact and waiting their response .I don"t like no"s but understand that you will get a lot of no"s before a yes.
    2] What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work.
    To make it easier for myself i did a lot of reading how to except rejection and how to turn it into a positive .Firstly a no doesn't mend never it just mend just not now.I also realize it is a numbers game. The more people you contact the quicker you will get to your yeses.


    1. The most challenging aspect of fundraising is my client rejecting me
  • I agree with your aproach .The discusion help me to think out of the box

  • The most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising is the first contact with the donors. To manage that, it is very important to be well prepared (informations about the donors, ngo materials prepared, communication skills...)

  • The most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising is the first contact with the donors. To manage that, it is very important to be well prepared (informations about the donors, ngo materials prepared, communication skills...)

  • The most challenging part in fundraising for me was on transitioning to asking for support e.g. money because I feared rejection. However, with time I have mastered some confidence to deal with fear. in this course, I have also learned that a 'no' answer means to come back next time and that I need to know the donor's interest and merge it with my organization's goals.

  • master some courage and persue fundraising objectively. experience also is the best teacher. make a step

    1 Reply
    1. The most challenging aspect of fundraising for me is asking for a donation. The reason is that one can never really know how the potential donor will react ahead of time; he/she may donate or may refuse to donate.

    2. One way through which I plan to make this challenge easier is by winning over the potential donor through active listening

    1 Reply
  • Asking for money.
    I think I will need to build a relationship and let the donor build interest in our organisation.

  • That's a perfect approach

  • That's a perfect approach

  • The idea of scheduling for a meeting with prospective donors. What to discuss and paying attention to their interest will be a bit challenging. Also the fear of being town down with my request will very challenging as I will feel very disappointed.

  • That's truth, experience will also equip one to be able to move forward. Am looking forward to having this experience in my organisation as resources Mobilization Officer.

  • am very interested

  • am very interested

  • The most anxious is when i got some question about my organization's program. I'm afraid if i say something that will change their mind from "okay, i want to be part of their program" to "ugh, no. we are in a different path". I tried to make sure that the partner that i meet has a same view as us

  • I have learned to be more confident when asking my donors and how to thank them

  • The biggest problem facing was to listen to the donors

  • Yes it was challenging and it was also a great achievement.

  • Yes it was challenging and it was also a great achievement.

  • the topic was very interesting and covered the core of donor fundraising.

  • For me transitioning to making the ask is a moment of anxiety for me. But with what I have learned I can pitch in a question pertaining to subject concerning my organisation like, do u know about our recent initiatives for our beneficiaries?
    How do you think we can improve on them Then? Then I can make the ask.

  • My understanding here is that, one need to outline the issues behind your fundraising

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?

    It's convincing the prospect to make the payment on the spot.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?

    To make sure I have good practice in handling objections when the prospects voices out a concern on donating immediately.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    The part where we will need to ask them for the card details and convince them that we are real and calling from the organization itself whenever we call them.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?

    Send them a verification email with the info that i am not a scams and answering all their question accordingly in a good tone to make sure they are comfortable.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?

    It's convincing the prospect to make the payment on the spot.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?

    To make sure I have good practice in handling objections when the prospects voices out a concern on donating immediately.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    Answer: The donor's response to my email would be the most anxious aspect of fundraising. The reason being due to rejection and how can I turnover that without being pushy.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    Answer: To not overthink. Handle it with calm mindset and definitely, be direct and give clear explanation of the initiative I am doing so the donor have the clear view.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    Answer: Approaching donor and getting their attention for me to share more.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    Answer: Build rapport with donor in understanding their interest on charities involvement. With that it will facilitate my end to approach them on their interest.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    Getting the donors to be a donor. Converting the no to a yes.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    To be strong in my objection handling. Giving them the certainty that this is a worth while cause to engaged in.
    Having my facts in at my finger tips.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    To get member to get connected and focused when I read the script.
    because sometimes, i feel that it takes up the time of the donor.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?

    I will try to make the member to interact and get connected in the subject.
    I will be able to know that they are in connection with me.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    The most anxious is definitely the ask and the most challenging is handling donors who do not give an outright 'no' but say they want to think about it without agreeing to a call back.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    I meet this challenge by following up with an email brochure with a link to the campaign site and proactively letting them know that I will check in on a scheduled time to clarify doubts.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?

    • The ask and to retain an existing Donor is very challenging. As Members might have various reasons to stop at the moment or for not to come onboard - we have to learn to handle different responses accordingly.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?

    • Depending on the reasons given from the above mentioned situation, we learn to empathize and to have a view from the member's point of view as well. And we will compile all suggestions to help resolve their reasons.
  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    a) I believe that object handling is the most challenging part of the fundraising.

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    B) I believe we need to have a good rapport with members to make fundraising easier. If donors response it means they are engaged.

  • Asking for the appointment, and transitioning into an ask have been the two most challenging parts.

  • new prospect is new adventure, need to understand is interest and know how he react it is an anxious period

  • meeting new donor is a new challenge with incertitude and axiety

  • meeting new donor is a new challenge with incertitude and axiety

  • The challenging aspect of fundraising is being brave to talk to people to ask for money. Because you always think that you will receive a negative answer. And talk money is not so easy.

    I am doing personal e-mails and letters and sending them. This is nice when the person already knows your project. And it is easier to compare a call or meeting.

  • Getting in front of a lot of potential donors in meetings. This is mostly a matter of not making enough time to do serious appointment setting, which I will address by scheduling 3 hours every day first thing in the morning solely for raising funds.

  • Setting up enough meetings is an opprtunity for us. I will decicate three hours a day to fundraising to address this issue.

  • To me the most challenging aspect is nonprofit employers that hire you to rescue them, and have unrealistic expectations. They want you to make it rain in 3 months, often not understanding how long it takes to develop those relationships.

  • The most challenging aspect of fundraising for me has to be getting a prospective donor to commit for the long run.
    I plan to develop strategies to cultivate ongoing relationships with donors to keep them engaged as the organization adapts and grows.

  • I am an ambivert; but mostly an introvert. But I want to make a difference in the world. I am especially anxious about asking specifically for money; it's just antithetical to how I was raised.

    But I know that the issues are important, so I will make every effort to practice and get better.

    I'm also great with thank you notes! I could use my skill there to be useful!

    1 Reply
    1. Personally the most anxious moment is transitioning into asking the donor for money. I can connect well with people but feel people switch off as soon as they hear you want money from them. I am afraid of being rejected or upsetting the donor.
    2. The podcast gave a lot of use full tips on overcoming this anxiety. I plan to let the conversation flow but also understand how important it is to make the ask. Sending a meeting request letter with your intentions before the meeting helps relieve some of that anxiety. I am confident that once I connect with the donor and smoothly transition into the ask, the ask will be easier.
  • Hi there, I also struggle with asking for money as I was not raised that way. Sending a meeting request before the time telling them you want to discuss funding will really help me feel more at ease, I hope this can help you too.

  • The most difficult part for me is requesting a specific financial amount. I hope that as I become more and more comfortable in my role and meeting with donors the anxiety will lessen.

  • Indeed meeting new prospective donors sounds like a nightmare, you are not sure of any prejudices or unconcious biasness that exists. How to develop agood rapport that will sustaain the discussion, at what point exactly do you want to hit on your need and put up your request. Also the fear of getting rejected.

  • The most challenging part is the part of asking the specific amount of money direct from the donor but feel checking several samples of experts will do

  • Initial contact, to establish the purpose of the meeting before hand.

  • Speaking loudly

  • Answered very well

  • Great reminder! And as Dr. Wolf said, "no" means not at this time, but come back later.

  • The most anxious or challenging aspects of fundraising is knowing how much to ask for from a potential donor. During a vestry meeting, the priest shared the story of a parishioner who gave his current church about half as much as he gave his former church. When asked why, the parishioner said "the other priest asked for more". I'll have to get comfortable with what feels like overasking, and then letting the donor tell me how much is too much.

  • For me the most challenges aspect of fundraising is initiating the discussion, The course has taught be an ice breaker which is discussing the interests of the donor before introducing my own needs.

  • For me the most challenges aspect of fundraising is initiating the discussion, The course has taught be an ice breaker which is discussing the interests of the donor before introducing my own needs.

  • My experience has taught me that I need to let the donor warm up to me first and that I need to engage certain donors in specific ways in order to improve their receptivity to requests.

  • Be confident! The worse is that they say no (not at all) and offer no help whatsoever. In that case, you still have exactly the same amount of funds after the ask as before.

  • Coming up with impacting story to move the donor emotionally could be a hard task for the fundraiser; He/she should learn how develop a compelling story for fundraising

  • this is true especially knowing that you may get a no from the asking, but with practice and experience its something interesting and so much enjoyable if you land your first donation

  • it requires guts to ask for an appointment let alone asking for a donation. but with time and experience its doable

  • The most challenging to me in fundraising process is rejection, it is hard to cope and get used to with it, however, I see that sometimes the rejections comes as result of poor presentation fo cos some times a no is a no no matter how good you have been in that presentation.but now we We have new skills on improvement

  • Changes needed to the strategy include those as noted above, generating more profit through additional productional activities and increasing marketing activities to spread the word outside of the original Catholic community, and adding to order taking/customer service capabilities.

  • I have learnt we should first tell the donor the story and make the loyal and part your organization and then ask for support or money.

  • I think the most anxiety inducing part is asking for the initial meeting. I have found that casual conversation and connecting with donors is the best way.

  • I would probably be a bit nervous but with these course tips I think I could manage my nerves. After taking this course, I have learned that getting to know the donor and making them feel comfortable could be the key to not being so nervous when applying for funds.

  • making the ask

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    The aspect of asking for money. It is simply because most organisations are particular about what organisations or individuals want to do with their money. There is this phobia about if funds would be used judiciously or not. There is always a case of mistrust, suspicion etc

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    First and foremost is by building trust with the help of sharing a true life story or scenario of what my organisation is currently doing and how their funds can also complement the ongoing process or project my organisation is embarking on.

    Secondly is to render accounts of stewardship of past donors and projects with prospective donors to show a sense of credibility, accountability and transparency.

  • 1: What to you is the most anxious or challenging aspect of fundraising, and why?
    The aspect of asking for money. It is simply because most organisations are particular about what organisations or individuals want to do with their money. There is this phobia about if funds would be used judiciously or not. There is always a case of mistrust, suspicion etc

    2: What is one way you have made or plan to make this aspect of fundraising easier in your work?
    First and foremost is by building trust with the help of sharing a true life story or scenario of what my organisation is currently doing and how their funds can also complement the ongoing process or project my organisation is embarking on.

    Secondly is to render accounts of stewardship of past donors and projects with prospective donors to show a sense of credibility, accountability and transparency.

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