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  • True. I was thinking the same. i'am really gratefull for this Module

  • I always thought I needed some rich people in a camp to organize a fundraising but for now, I don't think so. Every one is a potential person and matters

  • While I believe that facts and statistics are not everything, and that stories are important, I am wondering what a good or compelling story should look like! Any ideas on characteristics of these kinds of stories?

  • I think numbers are important but the question here was how to get those numbers. From the donor network map, it looks relatively simpler that these donors start from your family, friends, coworkers and acquaintances, then their friends, coworkers and acquaintances besides those in any other groups you or others may be affiliated to. I personally thought you needed to contact the super human beings that are always loaded but may not even have relationship to you as long as they have the cash. From the map, there seems to be this connection even when it's distant connection you can find

  • Exactly, Myth number 5 came as a shocker because I had always thought that you have to sell yourself and your organization to the donor, but the reverse is the case. lesson learnt

  • Exactly, Myth number 5 came as a shocker because I had always thought that you have to sell yourself and your organization to the donor, but the reverse is the case. lesson learnt

    @JuniorObonyo said in Module 1 Discussion: The 7 Myths of Fundraising:

    I was most surprised to learn that myth 5 was not true because I have always thought that statistics and facts are the only things that donors look for in proposal. One question I have about myth 4 is how is that telling less of your organization better ? .

  • I was most surprised about myth 4, which I was not thinking of in this way. It is important to be conscious of a potential donors interests and sensitivites and not lead discussions always by providing information about ones own organization but finding out about them.

    1 Reply
  • I was most surprised about myth 2 cause I definitely thought of was a fact.

  • Yeah same here

  • I must confess that took me off-guard too,

  • interesting I use to think that more explanations about our work with numbers to donors with new ideas lure them was a sure way for fundraising campaigns but this module enlightened me that stories are far more effective than just repeating our and numbers

    1 Reply
  • I had the same thought too

  • Having had experience in fundraising, I was already familiar with the seven myths.

    Over the years, I have heard and witnessed myth one and myth two debunked several times. However, my question is; why is it that many EDs and development teams appear to know that "fundraising isn't only about getting cash(myth one)" and "raising money isn't all about rich people(myth two)", yet their strategies revert to only increasing cash donations from "rich people"(ie major gift donors)?

  • Actually all he said didn't just enlighten me but also opened my eyes to the wealth I have around me as family members, friends, acquaintances etc.

  • I have always thought that the rich never have time for stories but this course just got me to realize that the stories I ignore sometimes could be my cash cow with the donors.

  • It is very important to break these myths because I thought that all of them where true, Specially the one that for fundraising you had to have rich friends or to know rich people.

  • Reflecting on the first myth I think we should also notice that money cannot do it all. Money even if available cannot be used in some settings. For example, in field operations you need to have cars, houses available for renting to rent. these items can be good in-kind donations.
    About the second myth raising money is not only about knowing rich people but having this network can easily make the difference.

  • Same here! I now realize the importance of being able to craft compelling stories to appeal to your donors and as a result, I'll be sure to ask my colleagues to document as many interesting case stories with photograph as possible.

  • I to was surprised to learn these Myths. I did believe the myths to some degree. I am glad to learn that my thinking was off and now I am interested in what the truth of fundraising.

  • I had always thought that saying all about my organization is vital to a winning proposal. But seems I was wrong.

    Through applying the learnings from this course, I believe my success rate would improve.

  • I had always thought that saying all about my organization is vital to a winning proposal. But seems I was wrong.

    Through applying the learnings from this course, I believe my success rate would improve.

  • Myth number 4 was also the one that surprised me the most, I got it wrong in the diagnostic quiz at the beginning! It was definitely helpful hearing it explained in the way that it was, because I now understand that it's more about being careful not to overwhelm a potential donor with information and statistics but rather to personalize your pitch to them and their interests.

  • Myth number 4 was also the one that surprised me the most, I got it wrong in the diagnostic quiz at the beginning! It was definitely helpful hearing it explained in the way that it was, because I now understand that it's more about being careful not to overwhelm a potential donor with information and statistics but rather to personalize your pitch to them and their interests.

    @MissionaryAkoroMawina-esso said in Module 1 Discussion: The 7 Myths of Fundraising:

    i really appreciate all the insghtfull ideas shared in this module, in fact i learned a lot because i was having so much difficulties about how to raise funds for start up organization ,But now i know how to start. The myth that surprise me is te number four; as a beginner, i thought i should let the donor know more about my organization rather

  • Myth number 4 was also the one that surprised me the most, I got it wrong in the diagnostic quiz at the beginning! It was definitely helpful hearing it explained in the way that it was, because I now understand that it's more about being careful not to overwhelm a potential donor with information and statistics but rather to personalize your pitch to them and their interests.

    @MissionaryAkoroMawina-esso said in Module 1 Discussion: The 7 Myths of Fundraising:

    i really appreciate all the insghtfull ideas shared in this module, in fact i learned a lot because i was having so much difficulties about how to raise funds for start up organization ,But now i know how to start. The myth that surprise me is te number four; as a beginner, i thought i should let the donor know more about my organization rather

  • Myth 4 actually got me, because in my opinion i thought the more someone knows about your organization it motivates him or her to donate.

  • I learnt a lot!

  • I agree with these comments. The most enlightening and new aspect for me about fundraising.

  • Totally agree with these 7 myths. Prior to learning about them, I was totally unaware about the reality points. Most amazing were "not only cash" and "rich people"

  • I was really surprised about myth number 4, I always thought that to get a donor's funding you should tell them all about the project, but I have now learned the importance of listening and hearing their story too

  • I was surprised that Myth number 4 is not true because I always felt I had to tell prospective donor lots about my project. Now I am learning that I should listen more to see what they are interested in and how this matches with my project.
    I am also surprised about Myth 6 and to see how many aspects need to be taken care of in fundraising. It surely takes a team to work at it. Thanks

  • Bonsoir / bonjour.. Je suis ravi de partager ce cours avec vous et c'est avec plaisir que j'aimerais échanger avec des personnes qui, passionner de gestion de projet Agiles et Scrum et qui ont des projets de collecte de fonds.

  • I was surprised that myth #4 is not true. We always tend to talk more about our organizations forgetting to listen to the interests of the donors!

  • I always believed that one has to know rich people in order to be a successful fundraiser. Most of the non profit sector hirings for Fundraisers are based upon the network of rich people or HNIs they know.

  • Myth 4 was the most surprising . I have always thought that giving the potential donor as much information about my organization was very important to help donors make informed decisions about whether to fund or not. What do I do if the donor continues to ask for more information about my organization?

  • I was most surprised to learn that myth 2 was not true because we always thought a great fundraiser is one who knows or have connections with the rich people not knowing that everyone around us and in our lives plays a vital role either in cash donations or inkind donations.

  • Myth 3: One person gives and the other receives, caught me by surprise. I never thought about how we are also giving them something, so it's not a one-sided situation. For example if my organization is selling merchandise, we collect money/donations from that, and each side gets something in return.

  • In the several literatures I have read, I have known some of these myths but there are different opinions, especially on myth 5, where what I know is not only statistics and facts that can be informed and given to our donors, but examples of building trust with donors also important

  • I was surprised to the myths number 5, it is not just about statistics, and facts are the only things that matter, but what matter most is how we tell the the stories behind our vision and mission. This will be the powerful too in fundraising.

  • Myth 4: You should always try to tell a donor as much about your organization or project as possible, was my greatest surprise. I have always thought that I need to tell donors all there's about my work. I'm glad to hear that this isn't necessary. I have to now work on my organization pitch and always read the room and be able to to tell the group what is important in 2 minutes.

  • I was very suprise about the myths 2. Raising money is all about knowing rich people. I didn't know that the starting point should be our family members, friends and acquitaintance. In addition the myth 3. In fundraising, one person gives and another receives. I used to think that fundraising is only about receiving money and we don't have anything to give, this is wrong of course.

  • Couldn't agree more, perfectly said you!

  • The 7 myths was very new to me, didn't deep drive before but these myths opened a window to map donors of course more effectively in future!

  • I've been obsessed with facts and figures too. I can now decode why I wouldn't make much out of Fundraising if I continue that way

  • After this module, i have learnt that Success stories are more impactful to donors than statistics and numbers. Thank you Tom

  • I am surprised by the myth #5, dealing with the advocacy based on statistics and facts. For me it was the starting point.

  • Myth number 1; which is ''Fundraising is only about getting cash'' has surprised me much. This is because I have already linked the term fund with countable money. However, thanks to this course now I understand fundraising can include in kind donations like materials, and even man power.

  • Each of the myths were well-explained, but the myth about allowing the potential donor to talk and then relating it to your work as a way to engage was a helpful tip to always keep in mind for fundraising.

  • About myth 1 I already knew that Fundraising it isn't just about money, but I was surprised to know that in-kind gifts are only valuable if you can use it. One question I have about this is how we say no to a donor when he or she wants to give something we don't need, in order to avoid underestimate the donation?

    2 Replies
  • The myths are interesting and provoked more thougths. I think that the myths depend a bit on what is your target in fundraising. If you aim for a big monetary support, it it good to have contacts also to the rich people / organisations or it is at least a bit easier that way. If you are doing fundraising with the general public and aiming for small individual support but on a vast scale, the target is different.

    1 Reply
  • in Fundraising, one one person give and others receive, I thought as much until I listened carefully as Tom Wolf explained.

  • myth 1 is not true because some of the projects need more donations in kind and not necessarily cash.

    all along i have been wrong with my thoughts on fundraising but this module have open my mind to the truths relating to fundraising, and i must say this the highlight of this module for me

  • Good afternoon everyone . My name is Olaide from Nigeria. One of the myths that shocked me was number 4 which says you don't have to say so much about your organization to a potential donor but research about them,get to know them and ask questions about them and let your conversations with them lead you to your "Ask". This is because most of the tim e, I find myself talking about what my foundation does and how a potential donor can help. This course has really shaped my thinking about this. Thank you

    My question is how do I create genuine and effective conversations that will lead to my Ask at the end of the day?

  • I love your's true so how do we respond. Let me give you a practical example. Part of what my foundation does is to cater to the Educational needs of the vulnerable children and we normally celebrate them during our Children's day event. This means we will have people bring in kind donations. What you do as a foundation is to receive what is been given first and then when you get to the sorting out can now sort out things that are not in good condition or can't be used or given out of the good ones. This is because if you refused to collect from the person might not be good for your organization. You don't know if that is the last thing the person has that he or she just gave you, or may be it's a test or the person might not even check when he or she is giving but just wanted to do something. I hope this helps...thank you

  • Am quite surprised by myth number 4 but then I realized how I hate, people talking about themselves each time, it irks my body. I have learned a lot from this experience.

  • i thought like every other thing, the internet will change everything about fundraising. that it will change they way we approach donors, etc.

  • My question is related to myth 6. I now understand that the group effort is important but do you still need everyone in the group to be a "superstar"? Does each individual need t have a high output to be successful?

  • I was surprised with myth 1. Fundraising is all about getting cash. And I learned that's it's not about getting cash and objects needed to suit your concern. This i appreciate our mentor.

  • Before I read the module, I thought when funding we needed to tell the donor everything about the organization but myth 4 was helped explain why it's not a good idea. Another aspect of the module was learning about myth 3 is not a hand out but a transaction between parties and interests of the donation must be stipulated and met.

  • I got to know about these myths here. This will help me in my proposals really getting to know a donor better to understand what it is I am transacting with them.

    Thanks again.

  • I agree. This myth proved true to the age old adage that people like to talk more about themselves. by allowing people to talk about themselves and discovering what interests a potential donor or donors, and connect your organisation to those interest - really reminded me of the principal of personalisation in Digital Marketing. This really surprised, and delighted me.

    1 Reply
  • I have always believed Myth 2, that Fund raising is all about knowing rich people, and also you have to say as much as possible to potential donors to get support

  • It was quite refreshing to go through the myths and to understand that not only rich people can be donors, but anyone else can. And that donation is not only about cash and food but time can be considered as one too.

  • I learned that fundraising starts local, and it has been impressed upon me the importance of being able to tell the stories of those who benefit from our organization's work.

  • Responsibility of the recipient organisation
    Most donors require that the recipient organisation shall ensure that its immediate
    partners and further organisations down the line of collaboration abide to the
    requirements which the donor demands of the recipient organisation. The same group of
    donors also holds the recipient organisation responsible for ensuring that sufficient
    systems for management and control exist throughout the line. These are strong
    statements which are not always consistently followed through by all donors as we look
    into specific conditions further on in this survey, e.g. auditing. The two donors with
    very flexible approaches (UK and the Netherlands) are concerned about existence of
    control systems only at the time of approving the recipient organisation. However, most
    donors are having a common approach for demanding accountability by placing the
    demands on the recipient organisation. It seems possible to agree on that it is the
    responsibility of the recipient organisation to ensure accountability in the system.

  • I will admit the ONE myth that caught me off guard a little was myth 2. I appreciate how it was clarified.

  • Sometimes it is okay to talk less and listen more to our donors

  • I was most surprised to learn that myth was not true because fund raising needs team work since it requires more attention and hard work for it to succeed.

  • The myth that surprises me the most is the one that tells that donation is a two way benefit, I always thought it was, as much as the satisfaction of help will count

  • I learned that support and contribution must not always be in form of cash but also in kinds. it is evident in the explanation of Myth 1

  • I definitely find myself sometimes tied up in myth # 4. I just have so many great things to say that I don't want potential new donors to miss out on engaging with the mission or spreading the word to someone in need. I often need to remind myself to talk less and listen more to better tailor my response to their needs.

  • I will admit the ONE myth that caught me off guard a little was myth 2. I appreciate how it was clarified.

  • I was also surprised by myth 4. I never thought to see fundraising in the same generalization of capturing the audience attention as capturing their interests. It does make sense to allow donors to voice what they are interested in investing their time, energy, and resources in so that everyone can receive something beneficial in the end.

  • I was surprised about myth 4 ( You should always try to tell a donor as much about your organization or project as possible) because I felt your donor is supposed to know about your organization and see what you are capable of doing with the money that will be given to your organization eventually

  • I like the idea of a donation not being one sided. I can give them back something in return for their contribution

  • I was most surprised to learn that Myth 3 was not true because, i have always thought that fundraising was all about the fundraiser receiving from the giver. Never knew, the both parties are at the giving end.

  • I had a thought before that. in fundraising one gives and receives. this course made me realize its never a case. and in-kind donation is something new i have understand today.

  • Myth 4 surprised me the most. Initially, I assumed that you have to tell the donor every single bit of information about your organization. I now understand that it is better to provide a forum where I get to listen to the donor so that I can tell my story from their perspective on things that matter to them.

    1 Reply
  • Myth number 3 surprised me the most as it was a shocking revelation that fundraising is a transaction in which both sides receive something.

  • Myth number 3 surprised me the most as it was a shocking revelation that fundraising is a transaction in which both sides receive something.

    1 Reply
  • Learning that in fundraising both sides are receiving change my perspective about fundraising alot.Thanks to the tutor

  • Yes I also support this and learn the more

  • I's most surprised of truthy of myth 1 because i've thunk that is true. Thanks Tom Loup for most knowledge.

  • It's a good experience for me. I've learned many things

  • I had an understanding that fundraising is not only about getting cash, but I did not expect to hear some of the things that fundraisers could get back to the donors, for instance attention, stories, opportunity to make part of the project.

  • I was surprised to learn that fundraising is not all about one superstar.

  • In fund raising one person gives and the other receives is one of the myth that surprised me most until the seven myths are busted, however, I'm glad to know that in fundraising both ends gives.

  • I realized and strongly agree that we need to let the donor talk and tell them stories, we need to listened. But, i have a question about how to convinced our donor to donate to our beneficiaries without expose their vulnerability?

  • Hello, I was mostly surprised to lear that fund-raising is not only about money. This is because I shout the word 'fund' is about money

  • @Mpoki said in Module 1 Discussion: The 7 Myths of Fundraising:

    Hello, I was mostly surprised to learn that fund-raising is not only about money. This is because I thought that the word 'fund' is about money

  • I was most surprised to learn that myth 7 was not true because the fact that internet has facilitated lots of tasks, it still, to my mind, does not replace human endeavor and on-site tasks. One question I have about myth 7 is how will fundraisers trust the fund seekers' credibility without meeting them in person?

  • I was pretty much aware of the myths listed but one myth that surprised me to some extent was myth number two. I see from the responses that it is this myth which surprised many. Though by experience I know that the poor can at times give more as they give from the heart, the myth that the rich give more pops up in my mind quite often. Thank you for the clearly explained module which took away this myth.

  • I equally thought the same. This is really an eye opener.

  • Myth 3 and 4 really got me thinking. My organization hosts an annual partnership event to solicit for support. Over the years we have centered our activities on giving visibility to our projects and programs at the neglect of knowing our partners better.

  • True "people like to talk more about themselves". This myth has led me to reengineer our annual partnership event. Thank you for sharing

    1 Reply
  • I knew stories were essential, but I didn't imagine they were more than statistics. And it was incredible the step-by-step things to do to fundraise.

    Ans, it's good to remember that fundraising is not just about money.

    2 Replies
  • This module was a fair correction of my understanding for the basics of fundraising.

    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator
  • Course Facilitator

    That was exactly how it felt when we came to the realization that stories are highly essential as compared to statistics @MariFischer.

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