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  • We are here to put our heads together to finalise a Theory of Change for our organisation. First of all, there is a good possibility of criticism, disagreements and conflicting views arising. These shall remain within the confines of this hall and will not be discussed or spoken about outside this hall. This is no place for egos and hierarchy. What matters is clarity of thought, cogent expression and objective view. Please express your thoughts and views in a frank, free, forthright way without any fear. We have to place the success and future of our organisation foremost in our minds. In this exercise, there will be no loosers, and only the organisation will be the winner.

  • We are here to put our heads together to finalise a Theory of Change for our organisation. First of all, there is a good possibility of criticism, disagreements and conflicting views arising. These shall remain within the confines of this hall and will not be discussed or spoken about outside this hall. This is no place for egos and hierarchy. What matters is clarity of thought, cogent expression and objective view. Please express your thoughts and views in a frank, free, forthright way without any fear. We have to place the success and future of our organisation foremost in our minds. In this exercise, there will be no loosers, and only the organisation will be the winner.

  • If the participants do not know each other well, I would start with a round of introductions. Then I would explain the ToC approach using examples. I would tell the participants that there are no hierarchies within the group, no matter what professional position they normally hold. I would make sure that everyone gets a chance to speak and that participants always let each other finish speaking. I would try to create a friendly atmosphere and provide coffee, tea, snacks and fruits.

  • please every on feel free to air out your views because if you don't, then everything agreed upon here will affect your performance in one way or the other. i kindly request for full participation and cooperation within this meeting as we wish to come out with the best ToC at the end

  • First I welcome each and everyone.
    Brief them on issues we want to iron out or clarify
    Encourage them to feel free to participate and push for full member participation as the topic would affect everyone's performance at some point
    Introduce sticky note to encourage easy flow of ideas
    Push fair ideas to the parking lot
    Encourage secret voting on the best ideas

  • First I welcome each and everyone.
    Brief them on issues we want to iron out or clarify
    Encourage them to feel free to participate and push for full member participation as the topic would affect everyone's performance at some point
    Introduce sticky note to encourage easy flow of ideas
    Push fair ideas to the parking lot
    Encourage secret voting on the best ideas

  • First I welcome each and everyone.
    Brief them on issues we want to iron out or clarify
    Encourage them to feel free to participate and push for full member participation as the topic would affect everyone's performance at some point
    Introduce sticky note to encourage easy flow of ideas
    Push fair ideas to the parking lot
    Encourage secret voting on the best ideas

  • First I welcome each and everyone.
    Brief them on issues we want to iron out or clarify
    Encourage them to feel free to participate and push for full member participation as the topic would affect everyone's performance at some point
    Get a large spread sheet and a trained secretary to write down important points in the meeting
    Introduce sticky note to encourage easy flow of ideas
    Push fair ideas to the parking lot
    Encourage secret voting on the best ideas

  • As a skilled facilitator, I would tell them that the process of theory of change is not to spite anyone but to take the organisation into a higher level. Let us set aside our individual difference and focus on properly defining the organisation's outcomes and the roles we would have to play as a body.

    Let us enjoy the process, learn from it, bring our contributions to the table and make good use of our time.

  • teamwork and responsiveness

  • Setting the Tone
    As a facilitator of a Theory of Change, I would create a safe space among the planning team thus:
    I would begin by assuring every member of the team that we have a common goal which is to develop a working document that would ultimately guarantee greater benefits for the entire team, irrespective of what position they occupy. I would emphasize the importance of since, courageous contributions from every member of the team notwithstanding their position in the organisation., hence the need for them to be receptive to suggestions and feedback from any member of the planning team. Aiming to enthrone psychological safety and encourage courageous contributions, I would obtain assurances from every team member, especially the leaders, that they would be receptive to feedback from all planning team and regard them are sincere efforts to promoting the programs of the organisation

  • It is important for team members to know that the process is for the good of the organisation and beneficiaries. Therefore, all biases and sentiments must be set aside.

    Also, team members would be encouraged to respect the view of others.

  • I will make all team to be aware of the challenges of this exercise and I would you create a safe space for difficult conversations by putting in place my strong psychological skills. ;)

  • don't get the point

  • provide a conducive environment to the participants by telling them to participate actively through asking questions where they do not understand and given their full attention.

    Could ask the participant to either write their questions down or ask verbally. The answer would be given there and then or through or parking them for the right time after consultations.

  • Target population: Young girls
    Service population: women
    People am not sure about: men

    Funds, Hire of deep water drilling services, water specialist to test water if safe for consumption, equipment for the water source

    1 Reply
  • I would tell the planning group to thoroughly and tactfully think about the assumptions inline with precondition that will enable the program to reach it long term outcome.

  • I would let them know that what we are doing here is for everyone ones goal not to align or malign any body in the process.
    I would ensure the environment is safe and conducive for all before we begin the process

  • I would make it clear that for a well thought ToC, a holistic discussion across all department is important to ensure that the ToC accommodates the diverse opinions from each department. I would be good for planners to understand that a ToC development is not about a person's assessment but an organizations reflection of what her objectives should be towards achieving a felt need.

  • Team we're here from different department and services of our organization. We're now invited to build a theory of change that will help us to have a common understanding of the impact we want to achieve. You'll thus surely realize disagreement during the discussions. I would however invite every one of us to have a forward-looking of our organization and forget our own interests but consider the good for the netire organization, as well as our beneficiaries.

  • A skilled facilitator will prepare participants for a difficult but honest conversation. If you were facilitating a Theory of Change process, what would you say to your planning team? How would you create a safe space for difficult conversations?

    I would like to say to my planning team to think freely and to respect other perspectives. I would create a safe space for difficult conversations by setting ground rules before the meeting starts and encourage them to think out of the box.

  • I would go about it like this:
    Hi everyone! today we will begin a decisive turning point in the improvement of our organization by implementing our theory of change. Obviously it will be very difficult but the result will be worth it. let us put aside our individual interests if we are to reach a mutual agreement.

  • I will tell participants that on the day we are going to collectively define our future engagement in the organization and that it's the contribution of every single one of us that will make the definition of the future possible. I will stress that each has something unique to bring to the table and we will not atop the process until everyone feels well represented in the output of the process.

  • Advanced preparation.
    Clear communication.
    Active listening.
    Asking questions.
    Establishing a psychologically safe environment for sharing.
    Creating focus amongst the group.
    Unbiased objectivity.

  • yes i would create safe and honest working environment

  • Outline the planning goals
    Explain roles (emphasize that the task is not assessed as part of a staff member's individual work)
    Set common ground rules
    Prepare fun icebreakers
    Ensure there are snacks, water, include breaks for everybody to get up and move around
    Involve other members of the team in facilitating these tasks

  • reassure everyone that it is a safe space hence to feel free. there is no right or wrong answer

  • As the facilitator, I will conduct a quick overview of the problem on which the theory of change is centered on, and invite team members to critical thinking for possible solutions. To ensure that each member's voice is heard, I will charge the team that there was no right or wrong opinion. That each opinion is critical to arrive at the necessary steps needed to be taken for the intended change to occur. Hence, nobody should be shouted down, or no one should cut in when someone else was making a point, and that anybody who wishes to make a point must indicate by raising up their hand.

  • My target population is secondary school teenagers. My service population is the teachers. The population I'm unsure about are teenagers who are not enrolled in secondary school

  • building safe space and open communication as well as the criticisms always needed in the TOC dynamic. the changing need those things, even the conflict behind the application of TOC. If I have to be the facilitator, the delegation and problem solver roles should be activates. I will be delegate the ideas between two or disagree actors and find the best communication model to be the bridge in between. Then, for the problem solver as the crucial needs if the conflict cant be solved by the delegation.

  • Let´s have a discussion where we respect everyone´s opinions and listen to what everyone has to say. We will try to look at this challenge, to achieve our goal, together with fresh eyes. This will not be easy and as a facilitator I might sometimes ask challenging, maybe provoking questions. Remember it´s a group effort of figuring this out, and not a competition. Not about winning the arguments.

  • Let´s have a discussion where we respect everyone´s opinions and listen to what everyone has to say. We will try to look at this challenge, to achieve our goal, together with fresh eyes. This will not be easy and as a facilitator I might sometimes ask challenging, maybe provoking questions. Remember it´s a group effort of figuring this out, and not a competition. Not about winning the arguments.

  • Let´s have a discussion where we respect everyone´s opinions and listen to what everyone has to say. We will try to look at this challenge, to achieve our goal, together with fresh eyes. This will not be easy and as a facilitator I might sometimes ask challenging, maybe provoking questions. Remember it´s a group effort of figuring this out, and not a competition. Not about winning the arguments.

  • First thing, I would say is “In this space, there are no managers, no coordinators, no anlysts,… in these conversations, all of us are free and safe to think and talk about the organization we want to build, all the role labels are left behind the door you just crossed through”
    Second thing, I would set up the tone so that every participant on the planning team could feel safe to communicate her/his/their thoughts.

  • I would probably have to just reassure everyone that good times and tough times might happen during the duration of the project, and that any issues will be dealt with professionally and will be heard and understood. Get down on their level to create a safe and productive space.

  • These are:
    State views and ask genuine questions.
    Share all relevant information.
    Use specific examples and agree on what important words mean.
    Explain your reasoning.
    Focus on interests, not positions.
    Test assumptions and inferences.
    Jointly design the next steps.
    Discuss undiscussable issues.

  • I would advise them that the Shamanic Healing process had a multitude of uses. A recent estimate was that 90% of the population was mentally ill. Priority would be to get the program into the hands of educators and health care practitioners and then delivered to students, patients and residents.
    Focusing on first principles made it easier to have difficult conversations because we are all essentially similar.

  • i will give them the good environment so they would feel in the safe space for conversations.

  • If I were facilitating, I would start the meeting by asking for everyone's full attention and investment into the meeting that was about to take place. I'd encourage respectful, honest dialog, ask that we make every attempt to hear one another out without interruption and always respond respectfully, even and especially when we are not in agreement. Use "I" statements, critique ideas not people. Do not offer opinions without evidence and take responsibility for both the intended and unintended impact of our words. Establish that the meeting is a psychologically safe space. What we say here, stays here. Only what is written in our plan goes beyond the doors. I would encourage everyone to be themselves and to see one another as fellow humans and colleagues.

  • If I were faciliting a Theory of Change, to keep a safe space for difficult conversations :

    • I would invite each participant, first, to well think and well define what outcomes would be preferable to achieve the long-term outcomes,
    • I would convince each suggestion/idea/intervention from them would be great if they reach agreement about how it would be an effective action to achieve the goals
    • I would write the goals down which should be prominently displayed
    • I would precise them to only consider the best for the organization and for the beneficiaries
  • make sure my team show the highest level of competence for a successful theory of change

  • make sure my team show the highest level of competence for a successful theory of change

  • I will request honest feedback and criticism from everyone and forget personnel interest and focus on the objectives of TOC

    As a way of creating safe space, I will allow everyone to speak and no condemnation rule in the room.

  • If it happen that I am the facilatator of the activity, I will open/collect an honest ideas and suggest to them to share inputs that is/are beneficial to everybody and to the organization base on the subject matter or focus of the activity.

  • If it happen that I am the facilatator of the activity, I will open/collect an honest ideas and suggest to them to share inputs that is/are beneficial to everybody and to the organization base on the subject matter or focus of the activity.

  • Identification of outcomes
    develop a pathway to change.

  • Identification of outcomes
    develop a pathway to change.
    Target Population: Children and young girls
    Service Population: Parents, Local bodies, Teachers

  • Identification of outcomes
    develop a pathway to change.
    Target Population: Children and young girls
    Service Population: Parents, Local bodies, Teachers

  • Identification of outcomes
    develop a pathway to change.
    Target Population: Children and young girls
    Service Population: Parents, Local bodies, Teachers

    Identification of clean water and Sanitation
    Assumption for hygiene
    Set a pathway to change

    I will suggest the challenges and shortcomings of organization to make assurance for theory of change

  • Before starting the process, I would explain that the Theory of Change development is a critical process which needs to be honest to ourselves to come up with effective outcomes. It might involve not agreeing totally on various aspects, but each voice counts. Participants need to forget about their roles in the organizations and share their opinion on what they think could be done to improve organization performance.

  • For difficult conversations, I would encourage the participants to not take what is being discussed personal rather to see how different ideas could contribute to the goal we want to achieve. It is also important to encourage participants to avoid bringing very sensitive ideas which could hurt other participants. Finally, I would encourage making grousp with common interest, common responsibilities to gather together

  • Encouraging a tone of result based discussions

  • I would tell them to be flexible enough to contribute, however, since this exercise is vital, points raised will be thoroughly scrutinized thus no offence should be taken.

  • Target population: Mothers and children.
    Service population: Adolescent Girls and Young Women.
    Unsure about: None.

  • Preparation to a achieve change is too much capital

  • Firstly i will let them know to be honest and not take thing personal because everything discussed or any decision make is for the benefit of the programme

  • I would tell them what outcomes we are trying to achieve and why achieving our goal would be in the best interest of the company. I would also encourage them to not look at it as I am invading their space but only here to assist them in reaching their goals.

  • I would welcome each and everyone of them then tell them of the outcomes we are trying to achieve and the reason why achieving these goals would be beneficial to the organization. I would encourage them to feel free to discuss anything, come up with new ideas as to how we can achieve these goals and also encourage them to not look at it as though I am invading their space but only here to assist them in achieving all athier outcomes.

  • Identification of long-term goal is a really important step to further steps

  • If I am to facilitate a theory of change process, my approach will implant optimism and positive energy into the planning team, irrespective of the difficult conversations. Being positive will eventually bring out the best of every member of the team, that needed to get the intervention kicked start.. I will create a safe space for difficult conversation, by creating positive environment that will get everyone excited about it.

  • I would assure them that everyones opinions will be respected and there will be no victimization.

    1. I will try to bring discussion with the fact
    2. Respecting each other opinion and give equal opportunity to deliver the thought
    3. Giving disclaimer it will be difficult yet important conversation to have
  • I will not lie to you or tell you that what we are about to discuss will be easy. It’s crucial that you understand that we may have a clash of ideas or disagreements during the TOC process. But, at the end of it all we’ll emerge with a process that works for us and the organization as a whole.
    As a manager, you might hear things or opinions that are discouraging. As a staff member, you may also feel out of place. These are normal feelings, I would encourage all of you to set aside your individual roles in the organizations, and focus on the outcomes the organizations intends to achieve.

  • I would focus on stressing that they will need to consider the good of the entire organization and the good of their beneficiaries.
    I will encourage courageous conversation while maintaining psychological safety for all.

  • I would prepare them beforehand for the difficult conversations that we must have ahead, but remind them the need to keep true to the fact that the overall process outcomes ought to favor the organization and its beneficiaries.
    In this respect, I would encourage them to courageously articulate their concerns, respectfully object where they perceive gaps and shortcomings in the outcome definitions as well as outcome operationalization, and deficiencies in resource allocation, among others. In this regard, I would encourage bold, honest, but respectful conversations.

  • I think you need to re-visit introduction to module 3 to get the right response. It was about setting the right tone for ToC conversations.

  • I would have to first define the objectives of conversation. After introducing the objectives, along with the participants, we're going to make some rules to guide the smoothness of the conversation. For example rules that allow everyone to be listened to till they finish speaking, only one person speaking at a time and other related rules. Next, I'll inform all the participants that no idea is a foolish idea. This will put all of them in their thinking hats and permit them to actively contribute to the conversation.

  • Hi. I am here to facilitate and help you all draw your TOC today. Let me start by saying that this is a safe space where you can be fully honest and still be non-confrontational. we will be focusing on how we can come together and make this work but for that we need to keep aside all our personal grievances that we may have and focus on the task- which is to come to a consensus on what are the outcomes your organisation is looking to achieve and how each of you and the departments you work in can contribute to the same.

    2 Replies
  • Hi. I am here to facilitate and help you all draw your TOC today. Let me start by saying that this is a safe space where you can be fully honest and still be non-confrontational. we will be focusing on how we can come together and make this work but for that we need to keep aside all our personal grievances that we may have and focus on the task- which is to come to a consensus on what are the outcomes your organisation is looking to achieve and how each of you and the departments you work in can contribute to the same.

  • I would let the planning team know that their contributions are an essential part of the process, and that we are all here for the unified purpose of providing the best possible outcomes for those that we serve and the staff who deliver those outcomes.

    To create a safe space, I would encourage people to leave their preconceptions at the door and to listen attentively to others without judgement, while reiterating that this is a safe space for all to share their thoughts and ideas regardless of their position,

  • Setting ground rules and laying out what we wish to achieve is a very good approach.

  • Encouraging everyone's particpation with no wrong answers is a good approach.

  • Hi. I am here to facilitate and help you all draw your TOC today. Let me start by saying that this is a safe space where you can be fully honest and still be non-confrontational. we will be focusing on how we can come together and make this work but for that we need to keep aside all our personal grievances that we may have and focus on the task- which is to come to a consensus on what are the outcomes your organisation is looking to achieve and how each of you and the departments you work in can contribute to the same.

  • Before to get in topic, I will make settlement condition, that every body has equal and can learn from each other.
    I will start with give them general question about the topic, to make point that I empathize with their views, and opposite member of discussion will have basic knowledge for other opinion. To make them aware that they are on one side but still have different understandings, I will bridging all opinions with factual information, which can be in the form of quantitative or qualitative research findings in the field. I am will make highlight that our have collective purpose that need everybody to share there point in honest.

  • I would say to my Team that lets first assume we are all at the same rank and working on a common and very important task hence need to drop self interests and biases. Sharing practical experiences of success examples and those that fell into given pitfalls will help bring team members to the realization and acceptance of need to be on the same page.

    One practical skill of creating a safe space for difficult conversations is to encourage team members to adopt an informal environment of not using People's titles but rather their first names, have the sessions outside work premises where possible, and use practical examples with lessons learned elsewhere

  • Dear collogues,

    Since our main objective in the humanitarian sector is to create a safe space for every person.
    let's take this discussion as a safe space to talk about our work and how our collaboration will help us to reach our long terms outcomes regardless of our posts and power.

  • Dear Planning team,
    Welcome to the TOC planning process.

    You all are aware of the fact that this process is for the betterment of the organization. This is a collective and team process. We are going to involve in a difficult and complex discussion process. It is very common that there will be agreement, disagreement, complements, complaints and hard conversations. But, we all should kept in mind that these conversations are not of personal in any sorts and we have to open to all types of difficult conversations.

    Therefore, I will request all of you have to keep patience and calm throughout the process. Please respect others view and allow room for constructive discussion.

    1 Reply
  • My team already knows that I am maybe even a little too candid. I would let them know we can not achieve this vision we all see without complete honesty and transparency, I would reward them for their honestly and would encourage it regardless of whether I agreed with it or not.

  • We joind here today as equals. I invite you to come with a open and inuisitive mindset. if you do not agree with something said, respond with a question rather than a statement.

  • We joind here today as equals. I invite you to come with a open and inuisitive mindset. if you do not agree with something said, respond with a question rather than a statement.

  • Main goal: They envision providing clean, safe, and drinkable water to all of the residents in their region.

    1a : Water needs to be available
    1b: This water should be clean and drinkable.
    2: People should have structural access to this water
    3: People should know how to access it and the protocols for acccessing it
    4: Accessing this water should be save (eg in a safe location)

  • Incorrect or incomplete assumptions is a threat to the project's success and therefore needs to be explored openly.

  • I would ensure to tell them that the process is lengthy and extensive

  • I would ensure to tell them that the process is lengthy and extensive

  • If i were facilitating a Theory of Change proces,
    I will remind the entire planning team of the purposes for which we are gathered and that I am the facilitator of this working session.
    So everyone should expect everything. This means that there will frequently be disagreements on many points but people must have their minds focused on what brings us together. Whether you're a manager, whether you're a member of the administration, or a member of staff, people will hear things they don't want to hear. People will have to be open and that all criticisms are constructive and can be made with respect for others in order to achieve the expected objectives.
    All must put aside our interests and preconceived ideas and consider the good of the whole organization and the good of ours beneficiaries.
    In a second time,
    I will prove to them that I have no bias and that I am impartial. Finally, I will ask them to focus on the following objectives:

    • Define exactly what results your organization wants to achieve
    • Come to an agreement on how each part of the organization contributes to the whole
    • Consider the good of the entire organization and the good of their beneficiaries.
  • Setting the tone is something very hard and difficult, not everyone can do it.
    And to facilitate, having all the key stakeholders together is even more challenging but the keynotes to always take include;
    1-Goals we are setting up are for the good of our organization
    2- No one should take any point from here so personal or at department level .
    3- Engage everyone to be part of the discussion

  • Safety comes with conducive working environment.
    Then, all the participants should be briefed of the importance of this facilitation and what associated pitfalls that normally comes in, give case study and make them to react to them before you start the actual facilitation with them.

  • A Theory of Change (ToC) of a project describes why change is needed and how it will happen. In simple terms, this involves identifying how you would like the current situation related to an identified problem to change, and how you think you can help that change to come about through your project.

  • I would firstly state the agenda of the meeting. Thus outlining the theory of change development process. secondly i would tell the planning team to be prepared and anticipate a difficult but honest conversation/debate. finally i would encourage every member of the planning tam to participate through out the process.

  • Planning team will perform various duties and responsibilities for an organization. These include planning and monitoring a project or department's budget, production schedule, and inventory, creating reports of new plans, programs, and regulations, and ensuring development proposals comply with requirements and regulations.

    Additionally, planning teams are expected to serve as an intermediary between developers, government entities, businesses, and communities. They also oversee site plans, rezoning, and special-use permits, set schedules for the project, and supervise other personnel such as developers and consultants.

  • I would encourage all the TOC development team member to participate openly, give their opinion freely and disagree if you had different idea. Understand the context and scope and accordingly give your input on the different parts of the TOC.

  • We are here to create a theory of change that will guide our organization for the next x years. We have to forget much about our roles and titles in the organization. Our contribution is equal. We have to be open and honest on all the ideas we generate in the discussion. There should be no limitation to your ideas and there is no right or wrong answer in the discussion. The outcomes of the discussion will be a contribution and responsibility of everyone to support the process and the TOC process itself.

  • If I were facilitating a Theory of Change process, what I would say to planning team are , first I will tell them about the importance of The Theory of Change. And then I will let them to understand the core program activities and the vision of the organization what we want to achieve. Then I will let them to forward their perspectives and suggestions what They knew before regarding to the theory of change.

  • my goal as a facilitator would be to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their perspectives, even if they may be challenging or difficult to hear. By establishing ground rules, actively listening, and encouraging open dialogue, I would work to ensure that the Theory of Change process is productive, respectful, and ultimately successful in achieving our goals.

  • icebreaker sessions

  • I will encourage courageous conversation while maintaining psychological safety for all. My participants will need to set aside their interests and preconceptions that define their jobs. Instead, they will need to consider the good of the entire organisation and the good of their beneficiaries.

    If I were facilitating, I would be honest about these expectations. Invite participants to, for the duration of the planning process, forget the interests of their individual roles and uneven power dynamics.

  • I will encourage courageous conversation while maintaining psychological safety for all. Participants will need to set aside their interests and preconceptions that define their jobs. Instead, they will need to consider the good of the entire organization and the good of their beneficiaries.

  • I will encourage courageous conversation while maintaining psychological safety for all. Participants will need to set aside their interests and preconceptions that define their jobs. Instead, they will need to consider the good of the entire organization and the good of their beneficiaries.

  • I will honestly say some conversation might be difficult but they are important. It will encourage courageous conversation while maintaining psychological safety for all.

  • I will encourage honest conversation while maintaining psychological safety for all. Participants will need to set aside their interests and preconceptions that define their jobs. Instead, they will need to consider the good of the entire organization and the good of their beneficiaries.

    I will also be honest about the expectations. Invite participants to, for the duration of the planning process, forget the interests of their individual roles and uneven power dynamics. Instead, I will ask them to focus on the following objectives:

    -Defining exactly what outcomes your organization would like to achieve
    -Reaching agreement about how each part of the organization contributes to the whole

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