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  • For an individual that is paid by an organizing before collecting his/her data do we to ensure that, when appropriate, participant data is kept anonymous and confidential ?

  • To ensure that the ethical principle of ' Do no harm ' is adhered to one has to ensure that:
    1.participants give consent.
    2.The data is kept confidential.
    3.Identify and avoid biases.
    4.The staff to be well trained.

  • The Consent seeking is very Important also brings the buy-in for the participant, with proper time allocation and ensuring there is a minimal or no Opportunity cost attached by the participant, You need also to having your timing right in regards to other Community events or activities to ensure data ownership

    1 Reply
  • Do not harm is about bringing respect, happiness and personal self-esteem. Voluntarily or involuntarily, it does not cause damage to the property, emotional or reputation of people affected by their work. Unless you do not care, your M & E process may have significant damage. Safe principles are transmitted only to actively avoid causing damage.
    So, how do you want your M & E practices to avoid the prejudice of participants, interested parties and other people? Concerning this, you should;
    1).Consider the participants' experience-Think about the people from whom you are collecting data.
    2).Make sure all participants respect and use their data and use them-it is so important to ensure that the people you are collecting data from understand exactly what they are agreeing to participate in.
    3).If necessary, the participating data are enabled anonymously-Data is anonymous if it cannot be linked back to the individual who provided it. Data is confidential if it is accessed by those who have permission only.
    4).Identify and avoid potential areas that data can degrade existing inequalities-there is no guarantee that the people who read about your data will be so careful as you yourself you may be.

  • "Do not harm" is one of the principles of the ethical behaviour in an organization which tries to collect data and later presents it before the ones outside as adhered by the accepted given measures or protocols which has to lower and stop actions with problems and massive causes at the end.

  • Harm can be found or not found in the M&E projects or programs related to whatever done during the such considered event at a given time even in data collection.

  • I agree that despite the efforts to ensure that data collected will be appropriately used, there might be factors beyond the researchers' control on its usage outside its purpose especially for publicly published studies. However, inclusion of the clear results contexts would help limit this danger.

    With the data privacy act being implemented in all countries, confidentiality of respondents' profile is one of the utmost concerns in researches. This is one example of the "do no harm" application too.

    1 Reply
  • Considering the experience of your participants ensures that your M&E practices cause no harm to participants.

  • True to that..

  • A very good question. Most enumerators they rush to finish the questionnaire so that they have more benefits.. This really affects the data

  • Good insight :)

  • يخاف الكثير من الناس من المنظمات او الجهات التي تقوم بجمع بياناتهم لذلك تجدهم يتسائلون قبل الاجابه على اي اسئله عن الجهة التي تجمع بياناتهم والسبب وراء ذلك ويمكن تعدي هذا الامر بطمائنتهم وتقديم الاجابات السريعه والغير معقده لهم وكسب ثقتهم في التعامل معهم بكل احترام وسلاسه

  • This section attempts to outline the ethical principles necessary to ensure that the collection of data and the rest of the data management process is done with respect for the people involved in the data collection. These principles promote human rights and protect the freedom of individuals.

  • De ce module je comprends que l'éthique est l'un des piliers essentiel au bon déroulement de la collecte de données

  • As my experience in the past, confidentiality and respect for others is very crucial during data collection.
    The damage caused by not respecting do no harm is really serious and it reduces the trust and credibility of the data and we have also seen that anonymity is an important part except people agree to mention his name following his consent

  • Do-no-harm as ethical principle ensures that the respondent's welfare is protected and the best interest of the society is preserved. This ethical principle if properly executed could result to the attainment of a highly inclusive community where all sentiments are accommodated and the general welfare is prioritized.

  • Where does one draw the line between advocating for change and "doing harm (reputation harm)" to defaulting leaders?

  • Do No harm principle helps the group or the organisation to become more effective and accountable and icreases the confidentialty of the data collected.
    This is encourages the group or the organisation to tailor their data more accurate to the specific context in which they are implemented

  • genial course

  • genial course

  • Yes off course. first off all the data we gather or collect from the community should be representative, the discussion point says "some" which implies the community are not well represented.
    the second issue is that the sensitivity of the problem, the finding reflect the negative implication and may damage the community at large.
    the third is that the data is biased.

  • Interesting topic to explore in the M&E setting as I had not really thought about the implications.

  • As there are not topics for these discussion exercises, it is not very clear what I am suppose to write about.

  • Data can be used in all sorts of ways, even in ways we didnt expect or anticipate!
    so i think that people who provided data can be harmed by other political parties.
    So to prevent this from happening; we should insure that our data is kept anonymous and confidential. And we need to make sure that our data management is proof from leaking or accessing from unauthorized parties.

    1. All types of participants should be represented in a study from all walks of life. Say for an example the organization is doing TB treatment, thorough zoning of the area where TB is prevalent should be marked thereafter those particular areas should be targeted as priority.
    1. Participants should be told fully as to why are they participating on a particular program. Participants should not be misused and be tricked into undertaking a part in a program. For an example if an organization has a mandate or a task to give loans to people they must be told all the implications that goes with getting a loan. Participants should understand that a loan is not a grant but borrowed money, meaning that after the project they should return it.

    2. The organization should keep the data of the people confidential. For example if the organization if testing HIV and diagnosing people on HIV, patients might be discriminated against if their statuses are known at work or at home. Keeping the data concealed and protected is critical since some people hold high profile positions and would want to protect their reputation at all times.

    4.The data collected should not target a specific group of people and put them in jeopardy of being prejudiced. E.g. conducting a study within the South African Army about HIV and AIDS. Releasing such data to the news media could dent the image of the soldiers and the country as a whole.

  • The "Do No Harm" principle in M&E is extremely important because it instructs those who collect data to completely understand the population they are collecting data from, stresses participant's consent, ensures those people's data aren't being used to harm them, and should guarantee participant's anonymity and confidentiality. It was extremely pertinent for me to read how people like politicians can cherry pick data and skew it to blame historically marginalized people; while I know this can happen, it has not been stressed to me when learning about M&E through experience and not in a classroom setting. So that was important to highlight and really stuck with me.

  • "Do not harm" is about making sure to not cause prejudices to people by avoiding troubling their daily activities (time consumed and stress), by asking for consent, keeping the information collected anonymous and confidential, by avoiding any kind of bias,

  • I learnt that our M&E practices can cause harm to participants and stakeholders while we collect data. Considering experience of our participants, ensuring that we have consent to collect and use data from our participants and ensuring that data collected is kept safe and promises are kept in terms of confidentiality and anonymity.

  • Data Security is essential in M & E. As related to the last question asked, these kind of data can't easily be used or released because it might cause serious harm farm for the participants. However, if it is to be released, it should be released anonymously with the specific agreement.

  • Data Security is essential in M & E. As related to the last question asked, these kind of data can't easily be used or released because it might cause serious harm farm for the participants. However, if it is to be released, it should be released anonymously with the participants in full agreement.

  • Yes the data release to the political opponent about a particular group could be used against them

  • I'm certain the initial goal of academic testing was to and still is to access students understanding of a course. its not without doubt that some staffs abuse the priviledge of administering academic testing. One of which is posing questions to students to help gather facts for your personal dissertation, a cae common to the West Africa region i must say.

  • The data release to some person might further cause damage to some group of person . before data should be released proper agreement should be made to ensure safety from d people d data was collected from .

  • when it comes to the principle one: Do no Harm, it is good to prevent any effect that are intentional or unintentional to the people we are collecting data. it may affect physically, emotional and their prestige they have in the society they live in. besides, in order to have or ensure the quality of data we must have reliable and accurate data that have not cause any damage.

  • The topic of do no harm has been dealt with majorly topics I dint have knowledge on . It has covered some topics I already knew and much more of I what I didn't. It is clear that one needs to be cognizant of the the outcome of a data collection exercise to avoid doing more harm to participants or likely affected group by the data collected.

  • Ethics are principles that guide morally good behavior
    Do no harm as an ethical principle instructs us to avoid causing harm to those whom we collect data from.
    It instructs us to honor the dignity and self worth of individuals.
    It also instructs us to ensure that data collected should not be linked back to the individual who provided it and be accessed by only those who have permission.
    You should only collect and use data from your participants,if they give you an informed consent to do so

  • Informed consent is an integral part of data collection, participants should know what it is that they are agreeing upon. And language used must be precise and it must be the language they understand if needs be there must always be an interpreter.

  • It's vital to be ethical when collecting, analyzing and managing data.

  • My main observation lays in data confidentiality and data anonymous. I strongly agree with our course instructor that confidentiality is a very important aspect especially if instance you're collecting health data such as ART confidentiality is very critical and and it will you you community health workers to collect accurate data.

  • The main principle is "do not harm". We are not allowed to give the data to the political opponents to further damage this group of people. We signed that letter on consent that we had promised that we keep their data confidentiality.

  • No , I am not happy to use my data into political and related issues, because it damages the reputation of the agency

  • No , I am not happy to use my data into policical and related issues, because it damages the reputation of the agency

  • No , I am not happy to use my data into policical and related issues, because it damages the reputation of the agency

  • For example, imagine that your organization is working with a low-status group of individuals. People belonging to this group are often blamed by politicians for local problems. Your data suggests that some of the people belonging to this group have committed crimes. Could the data that you release be used by political opponents to further damage this group of people?
    My answer is "No".

  • For example, imagine that your organization is working with a low-status group of individuals. People belonging to this group are often blamed by politicians for local problems. Your data suggests that some of the people belonging to this group have committed crimes. Could the data that you release be used by political opponents to further damage this group of people?
    My answer is "No".

  • when you want to collect data from people do not cheat them ( make clear your purpose )...

    stop lying because lie make them harm and although is not good for your honor

  • Do No Harm (DNH) is now used widely by many aid organizations, including governments and multilateral organizations. World Vision is one of the most active organizations globally using the "Do No Harm" tool. DNH field assessments help understand conflict at a project or community level. When local leaders understand which activities divide or connect people, World Vision partners with them to design projects or programs to minimize harm and support local capacities to build peace. To see an example of Local Capacities for Peace, watch these young leaders in the Philippines explain how they lead other children in assessing local capacities for peace.

  • this module; do not harm teaches us to be careful while presenting our findings from any data collection exercise taking into account the aspect confidentiality of the beneficiaries information in order to avoid conflicts of interests from other users of the information

    1 Reply
  • Do no harm can really be a challenge. Even when we mean the best to other people we somehow end up hurting them and can be a challenge to assure them otherwise. That said, It is always best to look out for the well eing of other people as it keeps you i good graces one way or the other.

    A clean concious leave you able to be of better service and able to learn from whatever shorcoming may have happened. Do no harm is indeed the way to go.

  • Seeking consent is also a signal of respect as it allows the other party to retain control and not feel manipulated. People are more comfortable and likely to share better quality responses if they do not feel coerced or cornered.

  • Tha is interesting indeed, I had no idea there is a DNH tool! Am going to look it up and interact with it. Thanks for sharing that insight.

    And by the way FUADFARAH99, you do not share how we can access the example you mention of the "of Local Capacities for Peace... young leaders in the Philippines." Care to share that at some point?

    I believe the Do No Harm works it way back to the collection of data, seeking consent, ensuring informed decision making, being sensitive with the questions asked, etc. Basically, from the designing all the way through to the reporting.

  • No, this data should not be used so as to avoid causing more harm to that group of people.

  • In M$E, do no harm is one of the most important principles to be considered. It's through this principle where participants also feel confident about the information they must give

  • From the experience of the participants, those who would collect data will also know exactly how they must treat them.

  • Do not harm is an ethical principle which instructs the user to avoid causing damage to people he/she is collecting data from. Its important to consider the experience of providing data for participants to avoid causing stress. There is also a need to given informed consent before data collection so that the participants can understand the risk involved in the data collection process. Confidentially and keeping data anonymous is a key aspect in ensuring that information doesn't leak.

  • Do not harm is an ethical principle which instructs the user to avoid causing damage to people he/she is collecting data from. Its important to consider the experience of providing data for participants to avoid causing stress. There is also a need to given informed consent before data collection so that the participants can understand the risk involved in the data collection process. Confidentially and keeping data anonymous is a key aspect in ensuring that information doesn't leak.

  • Do no harm is to avoid exposing people to additional risks through an action. It further means taking a step back from an intervention to look at the broader context and mitigate potential negative effects on the social fabric, the economy and the environment.
    For an organization or party to ensure the M&E practices do not cause harm to people, they shouild esnure the following;Consider the experience of the yputh participants,ensure b that all participants give informed consent to collect and use their data,ensure that apprppariate data is kept anonymous and confidential and lastly be able to identify and avoid potential areas where their data may exacerbate existing inequities.

  • No, because after carefully ensuring my data adhered to the four (4) Do no harm ethical principle. Political opponents wouldn't have requisite data or information to further damage or blame the group of people my organisation is working with.

  • in this principle we actually consider that all participants give informed consent to collect and use their data.
    secondly you ensure that the participants data is kept confidential and anonymous whereby you don't link it to the information provider.
    in this principle, as your collecting data ensure that you consider the experience of your participants.

  • Do no harm
    This is a very important topic in data collection, honoring the dignity, selfworth and wellbeing of people you're collecting data from is very important. It is exttemely important to make sure that there are processes in place for data collected to be kept in a safe and lockable place where it can be accessed by relavant people for data analysis and decision making, otherwise if the data is not kept safe it can harm the very people you're trying to help. The information collected must have intergrity at all times and be used to benefit the communities to be better from what they were before collecting data for program use.

  • Do no harm
    This is a very important topic in data collection, honoring the dignity, selfworth and wellbeing of people you're collecting data from is very important. It is exttemely important to make sure that there are processes in place for data collected to be kept in a safe and lockable place where it can be accessed by relavant people for data analysis and decision making, otherwise if the data is not kept safe it can harm the very people you're trying to help. The information collected must have intergrity at all times and be used to benefit the communities to be better from what they were before collecting data for program use.

    Honesty is key in data collection and data use, it is very important not to create unrealistic expectations from your donor, limitations must be presented to the funders at all times for new ideas to arise and for the benefit of your participants

  • Do no harm
    This is a very important topic in data collection, honoring the dignity, selfworth and wellbeing of people you're collecting data from is very important. It is exttemely important to make sure that there are processes in place for data collected to be kept in a safe and lockable place where it can be accessed by relavant people for data analysis and decision making, otherwise if the data is not kept safe it can harm the very people you're trying to help. The information collected must have intergrity at all times and be used to benefit the communities to be better from what they were before collecting data for program use.

    Honesty is key in data collection and data use, it is very important not to create unrealistic expectations from your donor, limitations must be presented to the funders at all times for new ideas to arise and for the benefit of your participants. Data collected must be used to improve the lives 9f beneficiaries

    It is very important to have both technical and cultural skills in data collection. Learn about the cultural and social dynamics of your beneficiaries. Sometimes youwill have to decline M&E processes that you are not equipped well to do

  • Questions:

    1. If we find ourselves in an ethical dilemma while trying to collect data and perform our M&E, what do we do?
    2. If our data, despite our carefulness in collecting and accurately presenting them, can be used by some people to cause harm, are we to end the M&E/project ?
    1 Reply
  • do not harm means respect the dignity of participants , not to disclose their personal information that my cause any damge to them.

  • As a trained data analyst I have become aware of how crafting survey questions can be bias, skewed and leading questions. Even the analysis of a dataset should be done with an equity lens and historical facts

  • It is very important topic needed to understand.

  • That is right.

  • The Do No Harm principle instructs us to actively avoid causing damage.

  • This is extremely important as it aims at improving living condition or at worse living the society at their level without making them suffer more as a result of the intervention

  • The principle of ensuring no harm to the participants can be effected through elaborate explanation of the benefits and harm the study will have. This is important during the consenting process that information about the study be provided to the participant including the extent of use of the available information that will be collected from the participants.
    By giving an assurance to the participants on confidentiality of information that is collected is key.
    The data collection process should ensure that biased data is avoided at all costs so as to generate data that is a true reflection of the situation being analyzed. This is important in ensuring the process of implementation of programs are beneficial to the issue at hand.

  • Ne fais pas mal
    Je pense que personne ne veut qu'on lui fasse du mal.
    Donc si on se met à la place des autres, sa nous permettra d'éviter de faire du mal à quelqu'un

  • This data will not by any means cause damage to the group of people because the data will not be released, since it is supposed to be kept anonymous and confidential. The reputation of the people has to be safeguarded by the one's collecting the data and the data should be used for it's intended purpose. If the politicians need data regarding the group of people, they have to collect their own data for their purpose as well.

  • its interesting to learn how to work with data without causing harm to the participants i think this is paramount

  • As a trained data analyst I have become aware of how crafting survey questions can be bias, skewed and leading questions. Even the analysis of a dataset should be done with an equity lens and historical facts

  • In this part of the module I have learned that the way in which data collection is conducted may be harmful to the participants the data collection is done from.

    There are therefore some important things to consider during data collection in order to avoid any harm that the process may cause.

    According to the reading in this section, it is very important to consider the experience of the participant, provide information about reason to why you are collecting the data and make sure that the participants have consented to the provision of the data. In addition, we have got to make sure that the collected data remains confidential and anonymous so that the participants are protected.

    Where there are existing imbalances between the participants the data collection process should make sure that situations, which may escalate them are avoided.

  • Yes, I absolutely agree that as much as we quest to change the lives of the people for better, M&E specialists should be mindful of ethics that really the results of the action yield the results that we anticipated and do no harm to the participants

  • We can share the information regarding the group if we have the right to share it, or sharing the information is not against the law

  • Do no harm as M&E you need to respect and seek for the beneficiary consent before any question need to be asked like wise make your team know how to effectively collect data in Do no harm approach.
    honesty being truthful and accurate in all you do as M&E.

  • Do No Harm. I have worked in the field of humaniaries world for over six years, implemented emergency responses to internally displaced persons, vulnerable host communities, returnees as well as refugee support. In all circumstance any activities or intervention involve should not expose the right holders and stakeholders some time called beneficaries at risk and it should not give additional problems to the target group. It should not provide negative effect to the communities. The message should not provide segregated messages to other sector of communities. Materials for distribution should not affect communities environment. the cannal or pit latrine should not provide a breeding ground to harmful insects; mosquitoes and houseflies.

  • What are the limitations of do not harm principle during a project?

    1 Reply
  • Most of the politicians uses data collection information to build their speech. Their using it either in worst way or good way. That is why, as an M&E person, we will be careful about not harming the participants of a given data collection.

  • “Do No Harm” means that be it treatment or intervention, the implementer will not, intentionally or otherwise, harm the subject. In “Ethics in HIV- Related Research ,” the types of harm are identified as emotional or psychological, social, physical, financial, legal or moral harm.

  • As low status groups already have pre-perceived notions about them, the unfortunate thing is that the political opponents might target the interrelated identities and capitalize on that. In addition, voting behaviors/ trends are also attributed to this.

    For example, here in Kenya, it is believed that tribes will always vote for their political leader/ tribesmen despite having the information about his/ her non- ambitions/ performance while in power. With this, there is always a bias when it comes to the people's choice while voting.

    The political opponents will then campaign in vernacular language thereby barring those from other tribes who might be interested in that particular leader. In addition, campaign mostly in their strongholds- where their language is spoken. When the political opponents know this, they act on a divide and rule tactic. Case in point, Kenya will be having it's election in August 2022. The environment is rife with political campaigns where the voters group has been sub-divided against the "hustlers" and the haves. In this case, due to the poverty and unemployment percentage being on the rise, the former has the highest number of people and the political opponents are using this to gain traction in their campaigns. Kenya's election has been marred with tribes and social status where the low status people vote along these divided lines.

    The data collected on the unemployment rates is meant to assess how to create employment and sustainable solutions of income generation for the youth- men and women alike. However, this is not the case. The data, however, is being used to leverage on the political campaigns currently happening in Kenya.

  • While collecting data we must be careful about personal privacy. A person is at the center of data so if he/or she does not open to share his opinion, thought and feedback.

  • Engaging our human minds must correspond to helping the existence of fellow humans. Following the 'Golden rule' of do unto other what you....' M& E gives us room through the learning of ethical principles despite the variation of its nature in the uniqueness of every organization.

    I would like to summarize it in a manner that; 1) Life without cautiousness in rendering support, can backfire. 2) As data collection, we must ensure we do our very best (using the tools and processes recommended by the M&E principles) to reduce the danger of harming one another, unconditionally, unconsciously or unintentionally. And Last not least, putting in place any if not all, possible measures of ensuring confidentiality is realized, rational to the context or uniqueness of the organization and the available resources; tools and skills. Thus making effort to do no harm to others as an M&E person.

    Thank you.

  • The greatest gift in life are not purchased but acquired through hard work and determination.
    I believed that working with you will develop me spiritually

  • It is important to ensure confidentiality of data picked from participants to build trust but as well as set precedency for future projects involved in Data collection.

    1 Reply
  • information collected from our participants or beneficiaries should not be disclosed, as this information could be harmful to them

  • Having gone through module one on DO NO HARM; my key take away points are on the importance of obtaining consent as well as ensuring confidentiality for the safety and protection of those we work with. it is important that the communities we work with are protected at all times and ensure that our data collection processes do not bring any harm even after we present the information.

    1 Reply
  • We must keep participants data anonymouse and confidential. And before releasing their data make sure to recieve their consent and if the participants are children must receive their family members consent. Also, check their data for accuracy and correcttness. Share the information that you will be releasing to ensure for any bias, inacuracy and incinsistancies. We must introduce the activity to the participants well to undertand the concept of the program and to receive their agreement to participate and gain the requiered and useful data.

  • Do no harm principle is very crucial to ensure openness and willingness to respond to your questions by your boosts the confidence of your target population to participatae in your survey.

  • No this could not be used to harm those people by any politicien.

  • This is something important to consider and the data collection procedures need to be clear enough so no ambiguity is left. The informed consent form is also a great addition.

  • When you’re collecting data make sure you look at the principles of ethical behavior

  • My principle for understanding the ethical issues potentially embedded in my work is to work in a team and to have an ethical issue presentation to the organization. As I work in a team, I will be able to draw in the diverse experience of my team members and their perspectives on the surveyed questions, group discussions allow for more considerations and angles from which the data can be viewed. They further help me to cross check on my own bias. As the survey design is drafted, I will present in a session to the organization about the potential risks, ranking of the risks and seek for further advice to address any high ethical risks.

  • How to ensure M&E cause no harm

    Ensure you don't have a lengthy questioniare that are too large, time-consuming or stressful.

    The consent of the participants, (to collect and use the data collected)

    Ensuring that the data are kept anonymous or confidential

    You should also be careful when you have collected the data, you need to consider the people that will use the data

  • Do No Harm is a principle of ethical behavior in monitoring and evaluation that protects the dignity and lives of the population while carrying out the monitoring and evaluation processes. for example M&E processes like data collection should not cause physical, emotional or reputation damage among the respondents.

    the population can be protected from through the following;
    keeping their data confidential
    considering their experience while designing data collection tools
    consider their consent to data exercise by making them understand the reason as to why you want data from them

  • My principle for understanding the ethical issues potentially embedded in my work is to work in a team and to have an ethical issue presentation to the organization. As I work in a team, I will be able to draw in the diverse experience of my team members and their perspectives on the surveyed questions, group discussions allow for more considerations and angles from which the data can be viewed. They further help me to cross check on my own bias. As the survey design is drafted, I will present in a session to the organization about the potential risks, ranking of the risks and seek for further advice to address any high ethical risks.

  • The objectives or participants in a data are crucial component and maintaining their privacy and doing no harm to them is more crucial. It is better where relevant to avoid including personal identical information of the participants/objects in the dataset. For instance, where names and phone numbers serve no purpose especially for monitoring and evaluation activities, there is no need recording such information of the objects. Even where such information are obtained, it is better to keep them in hiding from the main dataset and recall them only when needed.

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