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  • Understanding and differentiating between what capacity statement meant in relation to obejectives and goals been a new intiative was a little challenging.
    State explicitly with confidence my capacity statement will be a strategy i will employ.

  • thank you for this informative contribution will also be more detailed putting into more consideration all points taught in the course

  • keep it up you get there

  • What event planning proposal is complete without and eye-catching cover? Your clients won't be able to ignore this impressive introduction to your pitch.

  • What event planning proposal is complete without and eye-catching cover? Your clients won't be able to ignore this impressive introduction to your pitch.

  • Whatever sets you apart, this section of our sample event proposal is where you describe your unique differentiator, what you understand of your clients needs, and how you're uniquely positioned to address them.

  • A donor will want to know if you have other donors, grants or funding resources. Not only does this alleviate some of the risk the one donor will take on, it shows that others are interested and have committed to the project, so include this information.

  • A donor will want to know if you have other donors, grants or funding resources. Not only does this alleviate some of the risk the one donor will take on, it shows that others are interested and have committed to the project, so include this information.

  • The most challenging part is explaining the abstract or introduction. After the introduction is written, I found it very challenging adding an explanation of short paragraph.
    In the future I will research thoroughly to identify the problem to be solved, so as to align with the focus of the funding agency.

    1 Reply
  • If you really know how many people you are targeting, where they are and the effect the program will have on them. The objective shouldn't be challenging.

    1. The most challenging part of this was finding a foundation that gave unrestricted funds, start up finds, or capital funds, since my organization is at the beginning stages of development. Since I could not find those resources I wrote my grant proposal as if we were farther along in our organization's development and based the grant we applied for on needs I know we will have in our future. I would still really like to know for to get the capital and start up funding we need.
    2. I will definitely be using the format we learned for this class in the future. In breaks down whats needed for a grant proposal in a way that makes a lot of sense and was very helpful. Thank you.
  • @godsonhiamey I agree it was a challenge to figure out how much detail should be added to expand on the abstract, and how much is too much. I wrote mine yesterday and then went back and edited it today for clarity and brevity. I think it's going to be one of those things that gets better with practice.

  • This module greatly helps me have an overall picture of what I should lay out in the proposal, it also a hint for preparation work to our committee as well.

  • The challenging part of writing fundraising proposal is writing capability statement ,that comes when the organization is new or do not have experience in the field you are asking the fund for.

    1 Reply
  • writing a grant proposal is not necessarily difficult as i feel it is time consuming. I think its really about verbiage, approach, and how your message is presented in the proposal itself. I think if you are passionate about what you do then your proposal is going to be just as important to you as receiving those funds.

  • 1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?

    • Keeping it short-- especially when a funder allows for a longer narrative (but encourages you to, still, keep it on the short side).

    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?

    • Adding a "success/evaluation" portion to the end of the proposal. I add that when a funder specifically requests it, but I can see how it makes the entire proposal stronger, so I will add it for every proposal moving forward.
  • The most challenging part of a writing a fundraising proposal was making sure that from the abstract right down to the goals and objectives, everything links and flows. I found myself adding so many other things to the main problem I wanted funding from. The problem you want to addressed is often affected by so many other


    One strategy I will be using when it comes to writing fundraising proposals in the future is the document style/format I learned through this course. It's easy too understand and follow through with.

  • Evaluation section is the only part that's likely to give me headache. Otherwise I am very much ok with the rest of the sections. It's a growth area for me and i have prioritized this as the next course i will pursue right after I am done with this fundraising course. The strategy i will use is this; The proposal will not exceed one page unless otherwise stated by the donor. I might also try to rework my staffing costs by fixing a cost into the program section under the title technical assistance program. Those two areas are the major reasons most of my proposals are never funded.

  • @Katekula i agree with you. However, as Tom Wolf puts it, you need to invest some funds for piloting in a small way. This should be more or less a demonstration version of the program. Then evaluate this and go back to the donor with statitistics to prove that the area/ activity deserves to be funded

  • @Houyee To begin with, let us understand what a Goal and an Objective means
    Goal: It is a broad statement that defines what you plan to do in a project. It gives an idea to the reader of what problem your organization intends to address.
    Objective: These are detailed statements describing the ways through which you intend to achieve the goal.
    Framing objectives
    Objectives should address the 5 Ws: While framing the objectives ensure that they provide answers to the 5Ws:
     Why: are you proposing a particular thing?
     What: approach will you adopt to reach the desired goal?
     When: will you conduct a particular project?
     Where: will you implement the project?
    Who: will be the primary stakeholders/beneficiaries or who will be doing a particular thing in a project?
    Objectives should support the goal: it is very important that each of your objectives contributes and supports in achieving the goal.
    Frame SMART objectives:
    Use action verbs while drafting objectives: whenever you frame objectives use active verbs like create, identify, promote, enhance, increase, and develop etc.
    Keep 3-4 objectives: Most experts recommend keeping three to four objectives in a proposal
    Goal; Improve the livelihood of tribal population of 5 villages in XYZ District using local resource-based approach.
     To enhance the income of the trained population by 30% through the establishment of sustainable market linkages for the sale of the NTFP collected, by the end of the second year.
     To build capacities of 500 tribal families through 10 training sessions on the collection, grading and primary processing of identified products in the first year.
     To promote local community-based institutions by the formation of 5 Primary Collectors Group to empower the tribal communities, in XYZ District by the end of the first quarter.

  • The challenge to write project proposal is all about highlighting to problem statement to be solved and find out how to address it in full in line with the funder's goal, objectives and mission.
    For future project proposal the issue is to follow the critical steps inherent to set up a good project proposal that any funder would like to support.

  • Constructing the abstract was a bit tricky because I needed to build the components of the proposal in order to get the summary. One strategy I will apply in writing next proposal is to write elaborately convincing description of the proposal

  • Fantastic Programme

  • Awesome, I have learnt a lot.

  • Your goal and objectives must stand out clearly, the rest will just be logistics.

    1 Reply
  • I have learned so many new things throughout this training. Thanks very much for your team.

  • It is really challenging to have a balanced budget and determining a reasonable amount to ask from a donor.

  • One of the things I find hard is keeping proposals only to the essential info, no jargon and less descriptive (I have a backgound in English studies) One thing I will focus on in the future is keeping to the core information and using Tom's framework to bullet point only what is essential!

  • @ThaoTran said in Module 3 Discussion: Proposal Writing:

    In Module 3, your assignment was to write a fundraising proposal.

    In a discussion post below, please respond to the following questions:

    1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?

    After responding, please reply to at least one other learner and respond to their ideas.

    @ThaoTran said in Module 3 Discussion: Proposal Writing:

    In Module 3, your assignment was to write a fundraising proposal.

    In a discussion post below, please respond to the following questions:

    1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?

    After responding, please reply to at least one other learner and respond to their ideas.

    @ThaoTran said in Module 3 Discussion: Proposal Writing:

    In Module 3, your assignment was to write a fundraising proposal.

    In a discussion post below, please respond to the following questions:

    1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?

    After responding, please reply to at least one other learner and respond to their ideas.

    writing the abstract was challenging

    @ThaoTran said in Module 3 Discussion: Proposal Writing:

    In Module 3, your assignment was to write a fundraising proposal.

    In a discussion post below, please respond to the following questions:

    1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?

    After responding, please reply to at least one other learner and respond to their ideas.

  • Writing a theoretical proposal to a theoretical donor was the most challenging part.

    In the future I will definitely implement the tips given.
    A great learning experience.

  • The most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal is the introduction and abstract. This is because it is quite difficult to be concise and brief about your ideas. Also it is hard to start with this section becase you need to summarize everything you hope to write in the later parts of the proposal.
    When writing fundraising proposals in the future I will use the following question after I have written the introduction and abstract: “If this was the only thing I read, would it tell me the basics of what I need to know?” If the answer is yes, you have made a good start.

  • Yes I completely agree, it is so hard to put all the information on a simple page, even more when you have the pressure to prioritize the most important information, which seems like its almost everything to us, those writing the proposal!

  • Writing a proposal is time consuming.
    I have learnt to really take time when putting together a proposal and make it as brief and specific as possible

  • this session identifies the core issues and highlights the essences of proposal writing

  • Keeping everything short. One naturally wants to elaborate on everything.

    1 Reply
  • for me in the past I had such a big problem in differentiating goals and objectives but this course has just removed so many equivocations in my head especially when it comes to showing what problem we are account to resolve

  • The most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal was related to the goal and objectives
    One strategy I will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future is to keep in mind the coherence between the activities listed and the goal and objectives of the project.

  • May be because you did not have clear project you were working on?

  • These days the funders no longer interested in bigger proposals but precise information.

  • Trying to fit the project to the restrictions of the grant instructions.

  • I found that using concise rather than persuasive writing was the most difficult aspect. I find that I want to try and persuade the reader, but have to let the facts speak for themselves when preparing the proposal.

    1 Reply
  • the objectives part is somewhat challenging

  • the objectives part is somewhat challenging

    2 Replies
  • The most challenging part was to summarize and be specific about the abstract and the problem to be solved. One strategy I will us e in the future is to be specific about the grant I am asking for, what problem it will solve and how this is in line with the donor's interests. Also be specific and concise about the goal and the objectives.

  • Yes, I had the same thought. I had to create some on the spot. But it was very constructive.

  • Yes, I had the same thought. I had to create some on the spot. But it was very constructive.

  • Location and cost because the most importantز
    Social service for autistic children win people's affection

  • Not having an actual organization to voucher for.

  • ‎1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?‎
    Most NGOs seem to hate deadlines. However, deadlines are essential for successful fundraising! It is ‎quite common for NGOs to view fundraising and proposal writing as something to do ‘when there is ‎time.’ Of course, NGOs are usually busy with projects and meetings so there is rarely free time ‎available. Having deadlines forces NGOs to plan ahead and stop putting things off for later.‎
    What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?‎
    ‎-‎ Planning
    ‎-‎ Deadlines
    ‎-‎ Ideas to words
    ‎-‎ Fear of rejection
    ‎-‎ Hire experts in this field
    ‎-‎ The donor must see his donated money built on the ground, not just words on paper
    ‎-‎ Make the donor happy and proud to see the result of his donation in reality
    ‎-‎ The project should be of material, moral, social and most importantly emotional value

    1 Reply
  • Hi, hope someone can peer review my submissions so I can complete the course.

  • the proposal is easy to write ,
    the one thing to focus on is the main objective and the deliverables

  • The proposal writing was easy, as long as you focus on the objective and deliverables.

  • je comprends et j'applique

  • Ce cours à une importance capital dans le developpement pour la collecte des fonds au près des donneurs

  • was nice having getting more details on how to build a good proposal like this

  • The main challenges of writing a proposal, the objectives and goals of the project and how it aligns with the donor strategy and the needs of the target groups.

  • How to make the objectives and goals of the project and key activities clear and concise.

  • Conduct a rapid assessment or data collection from target beneficiaries to find out more about their issues.

  • We should share the draft application/proposal with donors to get their inputs if they are allowed to do so.

  • It has been a very productive moment to learn how to write a Grant Proposal for fund raising.When writing a grant proposal its important to start with identifying a problem.This can be done through a simple desk review,then set the goals and objectives and follow the next steps.To me when I was doing this assignment the challenging parts were the capability statement section as my organization is young;and the Evaluation Plan section.However,through diligent learning I wish I will be able to master these sections shortly.

  • It has been a very productive moment to learn how to write a Grant Proposal for fund raising.When writing a grant proposal its important to start with identifying a problem.This can be done through a simple desk review,then set the goals and objectives and follow the next steps.To me when I was doing this assignment the challenging parts were the capability statement section as my organization is young;and the Evaluation Plan section.However,through diligent learning I wish I will be able to master these sections shortly.

  • It has been a very productive moment to learn how to write a Grant Proposal for fund raising.When writing a grant proposal its important to start with identifying a problem.This can be done through a simple desk review,then set the goals and objectives and follow the next steps.To me when I was doing this assignment the challenging parts were the capability statement section as my organization is young;and the Evaluation Plan section.However,through diligent learning I wish I will be able to master these sections shortly.

  • That's true because it is more detailed

  • Could I see what your budget looks like, please? The most challenging part for me was finding the statistic to support the problem I was stating. Sometimes, it can seem obvious to you that there is a problem. but if you can find credible data to support your claims, you may loose points

  • Finding data to support your claims in the problem statement can be challenging. My technique to cover that is to search in research papers or academic surveys

    2 Replies
  • The most challenging part was not actually being in a position that I will be writing grant proposals, so understanding the value of a good grant proposal was something I found very challenging. Tom made some really great points in being clear and concise and found myself very interested in my peers work compared to mine.

    2 Replies
  • The challenging part is the objectives and of list activities part, as it requires keen thinking.
    The strategies that would is firstly being committed to reading other people's proposals you pick some ideas, the secondly when drafting your own, you need to draft them then go through them over and over making sure you have applied the SMART acronym very well.

  • I gree with you. Tom really opened my mind too.

  • That is also true. I think to be a good proposal writer you need to be a very good research too.

  • I think we should go deeper in terms of Budget required

  • I think it would be important to understand in case you and your team don't have much experience in the area that you are willing to work, how do you do?

    1 Reply
  • Do we have an example of a "perfect" example of a good grant proposal?

  • 1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    R/ The most difficult thing is to be very concise and forceful, because sometimes we believe that writing more is better.
    2: What is one strategy you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?
    R/ Go directly to what I am asking for, but taking into account clearly describe what I require the funds for, what I am going to use them for, describing the scope and objective of the project.
    After responding, respond to at least one other student and respond to their ideas.

  • It's true it's hard when you haven't written a proposal and really challenging to be forceful.

    1 Reply
  • Problem statement is the challenge to develop because need to be supported with evidence

  • My most challenging was the ability to read the transcripts while listening to the videos

  • 1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    Even though it is not necessary to send a Budget, getting the numbers to know how much to ask is a delicate an important job. It is not difficult, but it is the most importan part, I think.
    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?
    To aks and research as much as possible about the organization giving the grant.

    1 Reply
  • I

    @omondi24 said in Module 3 Discussion: Proposal Writing:

    the objectives part is somewhat challenging

    I agree Omondi. It is quite hard to clearly state the objectives of the proposal.

    1 Reply
  • The objective part could also be a challenging part in proposal writing

  • The objective part could also be a challenging part in proposal writing

  • Everything is fine! The course is positive

  • 1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    The most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal is having to research facts, stats and incorporating those into the explanation, while keeping everything concise.

    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?
    One strategy that I will use in the future is to break the writing into parts(like in the mock grant proposals worksheet), instead of writing a full draft straight through.

  • I totally agree. Finding research and data to support claims is difficult while trying to sound coherent.

  • The most difficult part of writing a fundraising proposal is putting one's thoughts together

  • It was relatively easy, overall. I feel my mission statement explains everything in detail. The goals simply followed.
    Perhaps I should include more data in the future.

    1 Reply
  • I think I will use the worksheet in the future and research the donor prior to writing a generic one.

  • The most challenging aspect of writing a fundraising proposal is the abstract and the reason is that its somehow difficult to write a convincing abstract that will make the donor select my organization.
    One strategy I will use when writing proposals is that I would have written different problem statements that my organization is trying to solve along with the objectives to make it handy when it is needed.

  • The feel that objectives aspect may not be all that difficult if you work it round the existing problems. Also , with your team members you can highlight the objectives

  • Where you do not have the experience , still start from somewhere. Collaborate with your team plus the skills you have gained ,things will work out. Rome was not built in a day. With constant you will get there.

  • Most important thing is to keep on improving on every aspect of the proposal writing

  • 1: What was the most challenging part of writing a fundraising proposal and why?
    The most challenging part of writing a proposal is sticking to what you know would interest the donor. You have to be specific to each donor instead of writing a general proposal.

    2: What is one strategy that you will use when writing fundraising proposals in the future?
    I will be concise and straight to the point. I will make sure to include enough detail to paint a better picture for the donor but not too much that they lose interest.

    2 Replies
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