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  • Beneficiaries must be included in the ToC process. I would ask them what are their issues related to the problem that my NGO wanna work on. It is important this step, because we don't have to forget that we are doing the project for our beneficiaries. Of course our project shouldn't just work on the specific issues put in place by our beneficiaries.

  • After funders view my Theory of Change they should understand that we engage homeless and slum children and youth in football games and use football as an interventional tool to make them realise the importance of formal education in improving their standard of living and charting out a bright future. The same way we would equip them with basic cognitive life skills, improve their awareness levels of civic issues that impact them in their daily lives and educate them on their rights and duties to become a productive member of the mainstream society.

  • This is not releveant to the task at hand.

  • needs to be elaborated

  • The answer is too cryptic. It needs to be elaborated.

  • We would like to speak to our beneficiaries and would like to ask them whether our envisaged outcomes are proving useful and effective. They may also like to suggest alternate outcomes for inclusion which they feel will benefit them more or additionally. Whe may also seek their views on sufficiency of preconditions.

  • That is quite a practical perspective as measuring of outcomes is key to evaluating the success of the program.

  • After our partners from other departments view the Theory of Change, they should understand the causal pathway of change in order to achieve the long-term outcome. They also should understand what actions (interventions) need to be taken at each intermediate outcome as they will be our partners leading some of these steps. They will need to work out how to make the indicators measurable. For this, they will also need to understand the contextual factors and the underlying assumptions.

  • After our partners from other departments view the Theory of Change, they should understand the causal pathway of change in order to achieve the long-term outcome. They also should understand what actions (interventions) need to be taken at each intermediate outcome as they will be our partners leading some of these steps. They will need to work out how to make the indicators measurable. For this, they will also need to understand the contextual factors and the underlying assumptions.

  • After our partners from other departments view the Theory of Change, they should understand the causal pathway of change in order to achieve the long-term outcome. They also should understand what actions (interventions) need to be taken at each intermediate outcome as they will be our partners leading some of these steps. They will need to work out how to make the indicators measurable. For this, they will also need to understand the contextual factors and the underlying assumptions.

  • Background information: Our team at the Department of Sports Medicine at a university in Germany would like to develop a prevention programme to promote physical activity in primary schools.

    • Teachers & headmastesr of school: It is important to involve this group, as they are the ones who will later implement the prevention programme. It will be their responsibility to share their experiences so that the project developed can actually be implemented in daily practice. I would ask them if we have identified all the intermediate goals. What challenges will we face in implementing the programme in daily practice?
    • The pupils (target group): I think it is especially important to ask the pupils. They are the target group. Children often have a clear idea of what they like and what they do not like. I would like to ask them what exercises they particularly like and at what time they would like to perform them.
  • After beneficiaries view my theory of change, they should understand, that should they comply to my strategies and my assumptions taken write, the life expectancy of people living with HIV should be with in a range of 5years of the normal life expectancy, and there will be no new case of HIV within 10years

  • After funders view my Theory of Change, they should understand what kind of problems am addressing and what impact is it likely to bring in the community.

  • The group that would be most important as we refine our theory of change are the BENEFICIARIES. One of the question we would ask them is how well does the intervention meet their present needs. This would help put our assumptions to check and do possible adjustments.

  • My audience would be the funders. After viewing my Theory of Change, they should understand the interventions that would lead to outcomes and outcomes that would lead to the impact/goal.

  • My audience would be the funders. After viewing my Theory of Change, they should understand the interventions that would lead to outcomes and outcomes that would lead to the impact/goal.

  • I would like to speak to the funders and beneficiaries.

    I would ask the funders whether our outcomes are meetings their expectations or they have any suggestions for the Organisation.

    I would ask the beneficiaries whether their situations have changed for the better since they got involved in the programme.

  • After my beneficiaries view my Theory of Change, they should understand the significance the outcomes will play in their lives and trading experience.

  • I compared the TOC in Japan and the Hunger Project.

    The Hunger TOC was easier to understand it showed a diagram with flow chart arrows clearly drawn and the main stages of interventions, pre-conditions and outcomes could be traced.

    However, for the TOC in Japan the diagrams were not easy to interpret.

  • To refine my theory of change Ill like to speak with the beneficiaries to establish whether or not they are receiving any gains.

    Questions would be about what their gains are and what they'll like to be included in assisting them achieve their set goals.

  • After donors view my Theory of Change, they should understand why investing money in my interventions will lead to ending the domestic violence.

  • donors and beneficiairies

  • After board members viewing the Theory of Change, they should understand that a project needs path of change, indicators, interventions and assumptions well organized to achieve a long term goal

    1. Donors
    2. Beneficiaries
      Question 1: Are the contents of the theory of change align with the donors objective
      Question 2: Are the path way of change meeting your expectations as a beneficiary
  • After funders view the ToC, they should be able to get information on the project goal and the strategies intended to achieve the goal and thus be more convinced that their funding may cause impact.

  • To review a theory of change you may talk to:

    Funders-to understand their shift in funding
    Beneficiaries: to understand if the current activities are impacting
    Researchers: to incorporate contemporary evidence

  • If we put so much effort to the TOC planning, it should be something like reflecting mirror of project. people can easily understand what we are trying to do how and when

  • The stakeholders.
    Is our main goals representing your problems?
    is there any assumptions you want to make?

  • To refine my theory of change Ill like to speak with the beneficiaries to establish whether or not they are receiving any gains.

  • partners to understand whether and how you share common goals, strategies and tactics

  • Beneficiaries: These are the people who will have impact in my organization. They will contribute to the outcome of my organization by participating in all the activities.

  • After my straff members view my Theory of Change, they should understand why we aim to end poverty in the communities we work with.

  • The most group of people that I will be most speaking to are the team of Managers. The questions I will likely be asking are:

    • What do you think about the ToC we created?
    • Are we progressing towards achieving the outcomes?
    • Is there any refining it?
  • After the donors have read my theory of change they will understand why we need so much background to guarantee the success of our activities and also the link between the activities that will be carried out and how these will allow us to achieve the results. discount.

  • After Board Members' view our theory of change (ToC), they should know that (a) the long term goal of the initiative under discussion is tied to the mission of our organization, (b) the plausibility of the interventions and intermediate outcomes, (c) the feasibility of measuring the outcomes, (d) the resource implications of the initiative, (e)the logic (assumptions) behind the selections of the interventions and intermediate outcomes, and (f) the interrelationships between the various intermediate outcomes as well as between the intermediate outcomes and long term outcome.

  • Offer a range of volunteering opportunities.
    Target specific segments of your supporter base.
    Create “job descriptions” for opportunities.
    Tap into existing networks of passionate volunteers.
    Optimize your social media strategies.
    Connect with corporate and community partners.

  • Weiss popularized the term “Theory of Change” as a way to describe the set of assumptions that explain both the mini-steps that lead to the long-term goal and the connections between program activities and outcomes that occur at each step of the way.

  • The beneficiaries would be the most important stakeholder group to involve in revisiting the ToC. One of the main reasons for emphasizing the beneficiaries is that they are the target the change that the project is working on or they are the ones expected to benefit from the success of the project in question. Questions that need to be asked of them for effective revisiting of the ToC should include: is the expected change in the life of the beneficiaries happening? Are the project interventions being implemented in a way that they will deliver the preconditions/outcomes? Do beneficiaries find the intervention meaningful and promising to deliver the preconditions? Are the outcomes still relevant for them?

  • Executives should know the change proposed and actions needed

  • field officers as they know detailed work

  • After funders view my TOC, they should understand our core business, our target population and how we expect to work to improve their lives. The what, who and how are important questions for funders to determine whether their funding windows align with our value proposition.

  • After meeting my audience to view my Theory of Change, they should understand activities they need to do to towards the outcome

  • young mothers stakeholder.
    id inquire what they need and not want for change strategy in the area

  • After donors view my theory of change,they understand what the organization aims to achieve and how we wish to achieve them

  • Stakeholders, donors team mates
    To know what they are thinking about the new theory of change

  • After the ministry of education view my theory of change, they should understand my long-term goals, the pathway and the interventions needed to achieve this goal

  • after donors and the beneficiaries view my TOC, they should understand that waste management not only just for unprofitable but environmentally beneficial, but also profitable as material base income for target population and other stakeholders.

    After team, board member, and partners view my TOC, they should understand that waste management not only as our core of vision, but also brings up our legitimate and professionally expertise to our organization and ourselves as who work here.

    after volunteers see my TOC, they should understand that waste management is long process of work but brings extraordinary impact to our socio-ecological improvement.

  • Stakeholders, Audiences, Donors, Partners, Target and Service Population.

    what are they assumption toward the TOC process? what are they feel about this progress? How it could be if this TOC progress comes to near the long-term outcome?

  • After active members view my Theory of Change, they should understand that the time and work they put in the organisation will help to produce results and also which results.

  • After active members view my Theory of Change, they should understand that the time and work they put in the organisation will help to produce results and also which results.

  • After active members view my Theory of Change, they should understand that the time and work they put in the organisation will help to produce results and also which results.

  • It would be important to speak to the members in the organisation who have not taken part in the planning process. They will have a view that´s unaffected of planning and could give useful feedback to the credibility and properties of the model. Are they empowered and inspired by it?

  • Once the theory of change is presented to our staff members, they should understand what our organization future will be, how we are planning to achieve it, and how we will work together to achieve it

  • I think that there are two group of people with whom we sould refine our TOC: The funders and the beneficiaries.
    As the lecture mentioned, the beneficiaries may give some insight on things that we have not considered or assumptions that are incorrect.
    And the Funders, because without them any intervention that we try to implement will not be made if they don´t understand, or they think that it would not be important for the long term outcome

  • Who is your hero?
    If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
    What is your biggest fear?
    What is your favorite family vacation?
    What would you change about yourself if you could?
    What really makes you angry?

  • After all of my friends view my Theory of Change, they should understand the meaning of theory of change.

  • all of the group is important to speak theory of change.

  • After the funders view my Theory of Change, they should understand how the malaria program will impact lives over two years and value for money clearly on the program visualized through the pathway of change

  • After the funders view my Theory of Change, they should understand how the malaria program will impact lives over two years and value for money clearly on the program visualized through the pathway of change

  • After the funders view my Theory of Change, they should understand how the malaria program will impact lives over two years and value for money clearly on the program visualized through the pathway of change

  • After the funders view my Theory of Change, they should understand how the malaria program will impact lives over two years and value for money clearly on the program visualized through the pathway of change

  • After the funders view my Theory of Change, they should understand how the malaria program will impact lives over two years and value for money clearly on the program visualized through the pathway of change

  • After the funders view my Theory of Change, they should understand how the malaria program will impact lives over two years and value for money clearly on the program visualized through the pathway of change

  • Beneficiaries, they would want to see how they will benefit from the project and how the benefit will be sustained

  • M&E team, how they will achieve the preconditions and the way they will measure them

  • After partners view my theory of change, they should understand their role and value add in the realization of the overall outcome.

  • After the donors view my theory of change, they should understand our ultimate goal and outcomes of what we are intending to achieve and they should assess if our goal fits in their priorities to decide whether they can fund our interventions.

  • The group of people I will be most important to speak to as I refine the theory of change will be the beneficiaries. Some questions that I will ask include how do they find new interventions going, how is their livelihoods evolving, what are the most important achievements they have been able to attain, what challenges are they meeting, how can we improve the services we are providing to them, what are do they think need improvement, what success stories can they share

  • After the executive staff view my Theory of Change, they should understand the intention for a meaningful social change and our organisation`s strategy to achieve it

  • The executive staff. I will want to enquire if they are willing to steer the theory of change process to the end while providing what the program staff need.

  • They should know about the strategy and outcome of our organization.

  • Focus Group Discussion

  • Focus Group Discussion

  • By identifying specific person or group of people, our theory of Change receive good planification

  • After the directors view my theory of change they should understand the steps going forward for the organization

  • youth in need

  • After the Donors view my Theory of Change, they should understand that investing in this project is very important and profitable, because they would be changing the lives of the young people of the community and making a difference in their lives, they are not just investing finance but also investing in the lives of the youths.

  • My donors would be most important to speak to as I refine your Theory of Change?
    Some questions that I would like to ask this group of people are:
    What do you think about this new model of my organization? Can you share your thoughts on the organization draft Theory of Change?

  • Working with our beneficiaries is the most important thing to improve our Theory of Change.

  • After donor view my Theory of Change, they should understand why they need to know how important our contribution to make a better democratisation process in Indonesia

  • Which group of people will be most important to speak to as you refine your Theory of Change? Beneficiaries.
    What are some questions that you would like to ask this group of people? I would like to ask about impact and expectation in the future

  • Partners knowledge of a program of change is very key as they will be to understand areas of synergies and collaboration during the implementation process.

  • I would appreciate having discussions with three main groups of people: Donors-to evaluate if they are content with the pathway of change to the situation the program is trying to address, the program staff-to get their advise if the pathway of change is feasible, and lastly the beneficiaries-to affirm that the pathway of change will actually address their problem.

  • After funders view my Theory of Change, they should understand that my organization has the best approach for addressing the societal problem we have highlighted. hence, they will fund the program to ensure its success.

  • After the executive staff view my Theory of Change, they should understand in detail and clear, how the theory of change process is going to be achieved or implemented. The executive staff should know clearly, what their role is, on the implementation, what the organization stand to achieve and by extension, what the staff should be looking forward to benefit.

  • The group of people that will be most important to speak to as I refine my Theory of Change, are the stakeholders like, the donors, partners, and beneficiaries. Some of the questions I would like to ask this group of people especially the beneficially, are:

    • What do you think about the new model inn my organization as relates to your people and the community?
    • Is there anything you see that could be done to improve on the theory of change?
    • Are there somethings you are seeing and you think the organization should pay more attention?
    • What do you have to say about the interventions, preconditions, and outcomes?
    • What is your view generally about the new change?
    • How do you think people will or are responding?
  • The most important group to speak to as i refine my theory of change would be the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries are crucial because the change or services we'll introduce are intended to make their lives better.

    Some of the questions i would like to ask the beneficiaries include

    1. Do you feel that the services or the change we intend to introduce will benefit you? and if yes, How will your life improve, and if no what can we include that you feel will add value to your lives?
  • After the beneficiaries ( children) view my Theory of Change, they should understand what change will happen to thier life as a result from my work.

  • Beneficiaries are the most important stakeholder.

  • After Team (Staff) Members view my theory of change, they should understand how their daily work in the implementation of activities contribute to the overall goal and thus act as a reference point should there be doubt, need for self affirmation, and commitment to the organization.

  • Funders:
    Having explained the ToC to them and how it aligns with their overall funding goals, they are better placed to gauge whether the organization's program outcomes align with their funding strategic objectives. To this extent, they are able to point out model shortcomings and where possible reviews for the same are required to meet their objectives for funding a program.

    1 Reply
  • In reference to the above here are questions I would ask

    1. Whether our outcomes meet their funding goals,
    2. Aspects of our assumptions that hinder or propel funding objectives achievements,
    3. Whether our model requires change to be aligned to their strategic goals.
  • The donor should be able to understand that after reading my Theory of Change, he should be able to know that he is not throwing away his money but contributing it to a worthy cause that will bring about positive outcomes i.e. impacting the lives of youths from low-income backgrounds

  • The most important people to speak to are firstly the donors, followed by implementation partners and beneficiaries
    We would like to ask the donors to give in their suggestions on areas of improvement or what they appreciate most on the new theory of change
    To partner organizations, we would ask them questions related to the outcomes if they're are similar to anything they have worked on or are planning to work on in order not to duplicate efforts.
    To the beneficiaries, we would ask them if they find value in the long term vision so as to make sure that the assumptions are not far from reality

  • After Governmet funders view my Theory of Change, they should understand the direction we are going in as an organization, why we are heading that direction, and the ways in which we intend to achieve our outcomes and goals.

  • after donor read our organization theory of change they will understand that investing their resource in SNFI intervention in Rubkona will help resettlement of the flood displace population using the plastic sheet for new shelter in order to improve their protection concern

  • donors are the first to review my theory of change for review
    beneficiaries for getting to know their point of view concerning the services and for proper development of indicators.

  • After the Program Team view my Theory of Change, they should understand

    a) what is the overall objective of the change- what are we trying to achieve
    b) how are we trying to achieve- what are the preconditions, assumptions, interventions and outcomes that we are looking at
    c) what is their role in the program implementation
    d) what are their goals every quarter of the program - what are they expected to do
    e) how is their responsibilities aligned with the overall goal

  • Beneficiaries

    What is your take on the planned interventions and how important do you envisage them improving your wellbeing in the short, medium and long term?

    What else do you think we should have considered and seems to be missing?

  • the beneficiaries and the program implementer so that they can give feedback into what is working what needs to change for better outcome etc

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