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  • I am Kuteesa Andrew Ssenyonga from Uganda, Africa, a prospective Philanthropist, I am eager to learn about The Theory of change and how in contribute to changing the world.

    Greetings to all members of this community.

  • My name is Margaret Chambeshi from Zambia.

  • I am Morie Mustapha a Sierraleonean presently working for Christian Health Association Sierra Leone as Monitoring and Evaluation Officer.

  • Thanks a million for granting me the opportunity of becoming a part of this great undertaking.
    I am Amos N. Johnson, I walk as M&E Assistant with RTI's Read Liberia Activity, In Liberia.

  • Hello my name is Janine. I'm working in a European project that aims to evaluate policy measures to promote a healthy diet and physical activity of the population in terms of their content, implementation and effectiveness. Using the TOC approach, I would like to find out, together with stakeholders, how and why policy implementation works.

  • Hello everyone, I'm Vicente Albornoz. Currently I work at a venezuelan based human rights organization as project manager.

  • am happy to be part of this course and hopping to achieve the through your cooperation and teamwork.
    ROLAND is my name

  • Hi I am Rev. Willie Chakane. the Pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa. I have been in the ministry for 24 years in Ministry. Currently serving both St. Thomas and Johannesburg Parishes.

  • The goal of theory of change is to clearly state path ways in which a project intend to solve a particular problem through an intervention and arrive at its long term outcomes.

  • Hi,
    My name is Saif, I'm from Saudi Arabia

  • Hi, This is Rajendra Bdr. Sunar from Nepal. I hope this course helpful to enhance my knowledge on Theory of Change (ToC)

  • After funders view my Theory of change, they should understand the project path ways. They should get a clear picture of the goal of the project and how it aligns with our vision. From the long term outcomes, to the preconditions, to various indicators and assumptions.

  • Am Elvis Jackson from Malawi,a member of Mother Teresa Children Centre team.
    I have finished creating theory of change course and i have received my certificate.thanks to Philanthropy university team.

  • I am John and new to the course. I would like to know what 'Creating a Theory of Change' is all about.

  • Hello, this is Shuvo, working at CAID Bangladesh as MEAL Support Officer.

  • My name is Imadeldin
    I am MEAL Assistant

  • Hello All,

    This is Nikhil Raj, a development sector professional from India. I have 10+ years of experience in Project Management, M&E, Research, Data Analysis etc.

  • I'm glad to here in this course. I hope to learn a lot from the best and to everyone.

    I'm Rammell Martinez, presently employed in the government sector. I'm planning to use this during multisectoral planning and conceptualizing leadership strategy for my organization.

  • Dear All,
    I'm Myat Zaw Win, can call me Co Myat. I'm living in Myanmar / Burma. Currently crisis country. I'm work to Data Analysis and Research (M&E) focal in Humanitarian Assistance Org. I have good experiences in Data management and Analysis and also Logical frame work, M&E Plan... However I don't know about Theory of Change strategy and System. Therefore I'm very interested to join to this training course.

    Thank You

  • I am Michael Peculiar, i look forward to learning and networking with social impacts makers on this platform

  • I am Michael Peculiar, i look forward to learning and networking with social impacts makers on this platform

  • Hello Everybody there.
    I am Aung Kyaw Oo from Myanmar.
    On here, the site was found interesting and intended outcomes
    will be reaped throughout the various phases of learning.

    Keep in touch.

  • Dear fellow learners, I am called Albert Dukuzumuremyi, I am working as MEL manager at Gardens for Health International, the international organization based in Rwanda which strive to eradicate the malnutrition in through the Agriculture and education. I want to learn this course as I want to grow in the field of M&E , but also we are in process of revising our ToC, therefore, to learn this course will allow me to maximise my contribution through the process.

  • Hi everyone, my name is Christet Mugerwa and I am from Namibia. I am happy to be here to enhance my understanding of Theory of change.

  • My name is Francis Essuman and just enrolled on Creating a Theory of Change

  • Hello everyone. This is Bodrul Alam, working as monitoring and evaluation officer in the context of humanitarian services for the Forcibly Displaced Mayanmar Nationals living in Bangladesh. I also feel proud to share that I was a student of Anthropology Discipline which basically triggered my passion to work with human in first place. I am taking this course as i think as a M & E professional I should acquire clear understanding of theory of change to contribute in monitoring and evaluation in a meaningful way. I hope this community will help me to enrich my knowledge through sharing practical work experiences, challenges and way forwards!

  • Hi everyone. I'm Kwakhe Maramnco from Grahamstown in the Eastern Province of South Africa. I am currently unemployed. I used to work for an organisation called the East Cape Agricultural Research Project, a NGO in the EasternCape.

    I recently registered an NGO and I would like to learn as much as I can in order to broaden my skills, knowledge to make meaningful contributions and change to the world.

    Theory of Change is important nowadays. In recent times I have noticed that the concept appears in job adverts both in the NGO, private and public sectors. I would like to learn as much as possible about Theory of Change and apply the theory practically in my organisstion. Thanks Philanthropy University for the opportunity to study this course free of charge. Good luck to everyone taking the course. Thanks.

  • My name is Victor, I am joining you all from Tanzanian

  • Hytham , from Yemen , MEAL Manager

  • Hi TEAM
    My name is Winsome Grant. I am from Montego Bay City, Jamaica. A Public Administrator and an active youth and community volunteer. I have keen interest in understanding the concept "creating a Theory of Change, Thus , I am willing to learn and grow and very exited to joint the course. My pleasure meeting you all.

  • My name is Sanatbek. I am from Uzbekistan. I am the founder of the Young Volunteers Academy in Uzbekistan, a non-governmental educational institution, and the Golden Wing volunteer organization. I am a volunteer. I am very happy to have found this course that was most interesting and rewarding for me.

  • I am Bea (based in the UK) , heading a new social enterprise in Sri Lanka. I think that a theory of change is a description which shows the pathways - including and linking activities that will reach outcomes designed to reach the organisational mission of change
    Pitfalls for my organization would be:

    1. Regulatory approvals
    2. Variability n biological and environmental factors
    3. Theft
    4. Market forces not responding as assumed
  • My Name is Eng. Epaphras ndikumana from Burundi country. I am Agronomist by profession and working in a coffee company and as a social and environmental Impact Manager. I've been taking time learning different courses with Phylanthropy University, things I enjoyed too much. Now when I am greatful to be part of the learners of this course. I do not really know much things about it by I hope to be a master in creationg a theory oc change after I have completed it.
    All the Best.

    1 Reply
  • That is where i would like to get me too

  • Hi. Am Motorito from Botswana. I am a Monitoring and Evaluation officer with 6 years experience . Looking forward to learn the theory of change concepts .

  • change itself tells the complete story and the result based on change

  • oh we just help in making fine products used during the most pleasurable time of mankind. and here we're contributing to change by making products as ecofriendly as possible and use of natural facilities rather than modern energy sources

  • My name is Abdulateef. I am a Health Program Officer in Nigeria. I'll be very glad to learn a lot about humanitarian interventions. Thanks.

  • hello everybody

  • My name is Cressida, I live in Salvador, NE Brazil and work to empower at-risk young people to make healthy choices and develop self-esteem and agency over their lives.

  • Hello, m'y name's Kouadio Konan Mickaël

  • Please, can someone explain to me how this module works? In terms of progress, I realize that my points do not change.

  • Hello my name is Jenean Featherson and I am from the Chicago, Illinois area. I am taking this course because I am part of a team that is working on a project which will utilize the Theory of Change method. By taking this course I hope to gain a better understanding of the Theory of Change so I can make meaningful contributions to the project.

  • Hello everyone, I am Sangay Dorji from Bhutan and glad to see you all here.

  • Hi everyone,

    My name is Betshy. I am also doing the advocacy course where I was introduced to theory of change, and now I wish to delve deeper into it. I am here for my own personal development as an individual. I am looking forward to learning more.

  • Course Facilitator

    Hi everyone, am Carolyne from Kenya, am the president of Icare Sustainably International and learning the theory of change to enable me create one for my organization. looking forward to working with everyone.

    1 Reply
  • Hi, My name is Faith from Tanzania, I am working in a project that uses Theory of Change instead of logic frame work approach. I am super excited to learn more about Theory of Change...

  • Hi, My name is Faith from Tanzania, I am working in a project that uses Theory of Change instead of logic frame work approach. I am super excited to learn more about Theory of Change...

  • Hi, My name is Faith from Tanzania, I am working in a project that uses Theory of Change instead of logic frame work approach. I am super excited to learn more about Theory of Change...

  • Hello, everyone.
    I'm Dr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Obasi, a Public Health Physician. I live in Abuja, Nigeria.
    I'm delighted to be here and I hope to to apply the skill that I expect to acquire here in supporting my organisation to improve the quality of health care delivery in Nigeria.
    Thank you all.

    1 Reply
  • I am Clive Malenga. My areas of expertise are:
    -Environmental Health Sciences
    -Development Studies, and
    -Public Administration

  • Welcome on board

  • Welcome on board Carolyne

  • okay thank you

  • I am Rogers Kanee, from Nigeria. I work with CHAI Nigeria and out mission is to save lives through public Health interventions.

    I see theory of change as a systematic tool and holistic approach to problem solving. Through a clearly defined and articulated pathway, that links interventions, immediate gains, intermediate and long-term gains of the interventions evaluated with defined indicators.

  • Very insightful and precise explanation.

  • I'm Rogers Kanee.

    I worry that my organization might fail to avoid the pitfall of context. Because of it poor spread or coverage across her area of intervention.

    To avoid this, I advise we leverage on organizations that has wide coverage to understand the context of the areas of intervention.

  • I am Abdirahman Hassan from SOS Children's Village in Somaliland. I am a program manager and want to learn the theory of change development and all the processes.


  • Hello Team, I'm Griffin from Uganda. I'm new to this course
    I ask for your guidance. thanks

  • I am Ademola Ogunniran, a statistician as well as a data analyst. I have a passion to implement positive changes in my organization in the overall realization of our goals. And I believe taking this course will help in equipping me with the necessary skills that I need to achieve it.

  • Hello, my name is Engineer Santo Wal, am an M&E officer for Hope Restoration South Sudan.

  • Hello, my name is Engineer Santo Wal, am an M&E officer for Hope Restoration South Sudan.

  • For me, the goal of the Theory of Change is to come up with new and better outcome from the actions initiated to improve and increase the income and performance of the company or organization. This will happen once an organization or company wishes to initiate a new action thru better planning that are different from the previously implemented to acquire change. Such change must results a better outcome.

  • Hi! This is Maria. I work for a non-profit in Mexico.

  • My name is Didier NKUBITO, I work with development organization committed to make a long lasting and sustainable impact in the most vulnerable communities. I am passionate about sustainable livelihoods.

  • Hello, My name is Enedy, I work for the United Nations. My job involves capacity building and Innovation. I look forward to the skills I will gain from this course

  • Hello everybody.... my name is iniyani from Indonesia, West Kalimantan. I'm really curious for this topic. I hope with joining this course, I can improve my facilitating skill.
    I hope in future will discuss and learning from you.
    Nice to joining this community.

  • A Theory of Change is a very important tool in your Monitoring and Evaluating Unit. This will help your to identify your input, output, outcome which would lead to your impact.

  • Hi I am from the Caribbean I’m very excited to do this course

  • A Theory of Change is a very important tool in your Monitoring and Evaluating Unit. This will help your to identify your input, output, outcome which would lead to your impact.

  • A Theory of Change is a very important tool in your Monitoring and Evaluating Unit. This will help your to identify your input, output, outcome which would lead to your impact.

  • Hi my name is Denisa from Indonesia

  • Ejire OLuwaseun Folakunmi

  • Hello my name is Adewunmi Musa from Nigeria

  • Hi I'm Jahnavi, the communcation associate of Milaan Foundation, a social - impact organisation that works closely with adolescent girls in marginalised coummunites of India with an aim to reduce gender inequalites and a gender just world. I'm eager to take up this course in order to develop an in-depth knowledge about theory of change

  • Am Suwilanji Simfukwe have been part of this community 2019 and have done 19 courses this one is now my 20th course. Have had a great time here am very grateful for this great opportunity.

  • I am passionate about good education, entrepreneurship and technology

  • Hi Everyone! I'm a marketing professional with a background in grassroots organizing and campaigning. I'm here to refresh my skills on TOC, as I seek to transfer out of the private sector and back to public sector, non-profit, social impact work. Nice to meet you all. I'm from Belfast, N. Ireland. Living in Berlin.

  • The goal of a Theory of Change methodology is to define a set of early and intermediate preconditions that effect sufficient change that they open a pathway to achieving a long-term change outcome.

  • My name is Adrienne Harris and I specialise in International Development Aid in Sub-Saharan Africa. I have always been a practitioner (expert or project manager) so understand some elements of M & E, but have never formally studied the topic.

  • It sounds like you have a fascinating job. Agronomy is so important in the world today. I have been following the proceedings at COP 27, and if we are going to save our planet (especially in the developing world), breakthroughs in agronomy will be so important.

  • Hey, I am Sanam. I am very interested to learn more about Theory of Change

  • I am curious to learn more on ToC.

  • I am Okon Guy Michel, Consultant in project management and Statistic. I would follow the course of Creating Theory of change to improve my knowledge in this topic. For me, it is important to have tool to measure impact of development action.

  • Very well designed

  • Hi am Nimo Jamaal From Kenya , interested to learn Theory of change . Developing the TOC is very crucial in every organization, for you to know how the programme is performing .

  • I am Ms Carol Rotich, a project manager for Enhancing Women Resilience and Empowerment (EWRET) Project
    The project reinforced the importance of SNN-BLEC’s strategy to put women’s rights at the center of its Kenya program. The EWRET project focused on four outcomes and achieved concrete results related to:

    1. Increased women’s capacities and skills, their expanded roles, and income generation opportunities.
    2. Improved management of traditional livelihood assets.
    3. Increased local government and community engagement to support livelihood resilience.
    4. Increased access to water for human consumption and community horticulture.

    The 9-month pilot project reached 240 women and supported more than 240 small businesses. These vibrant businesses enable women to better manage risk and mitigate the impacts from reoccurring drought. Thus Phase 2 of the project is ongoing.Enhancing Women Resilience and Empowerment (EWRET) Project The project reinforced the importance of SNN-BLEC’s strategy to put women’s rights at the center of its Kenya program. The EWRET project focused on four outcomes and achieved concrete results related to: 1. Increased women’s capacities and skills, their expanded roles, and income generation opportunities. 2. Improved management of traditional livelihood assets. 3. Increased local government and community engagement to support livelihood resilience. 4. Increased access to water for human consumption and community horticulture. The 9-month pilot project reached 240 women and supported more than 240 small businesses. These vibrant businesses enable women to better manage risk and mitigate the impacts from reoccurring drought. Thus Phase 2 of the project is ongoing.
    Skills: Progress Monitoring · Program Evaluation · Key Performance Indicators · Theory of change · Project Management

  • I am a independent social science researcher and development professional engaged with rural development for more than ten years

  • Good morning this is Dulcie Rivera and currently connected with the Department of Agrarian Reform, a national government agency in the Philippines. Hope we can have meaningful discussions on the Theory of Change.

  • Hi, I am Ronald and I reside in Pretoria, South Africa.
    I look forward to this course

    1 Reply
  • I am Aregawi, from Ethiopia . I eager to learn how to create Theory of Change.

  • My Name is Andrew Brima Kamara

  • Hi,
    Am Patience Mumbi from Zambia. I am the Founder and Board Chair for Youth Projects Development Platform (YPDP), a grassroot organization with the aim of championing the economic independence of young people and bringing about a more developed Zambia.
    Am more than interested in studying and completing this course as it will allow me reflect on key focus areas the organization seeks to work on. And to anyone taking this course, congratulations in advance and good luck. Hope I get to interact with you.

  • Hello. Hope we get to interact as we proceed or you are already done?

  • Yahya is a committed and professional team member who has led project communication, monitoring, and evaluation assignments using
    innovation, skills, and qualifications across various processes for different industries. Yahya has extensive experience in communication,
    strategy, innovation management, business development, creativity, design, user experience, data collection, management, data use,
    and data analysis techniques to identify the potential impacts and outcomes of different strategies. In addition, Yahya is credited with
    making an impact on youth associations and start-ups, assisting them in developing innovative projects with strong creative mechanisms.

  • My name is Ahsan Kamal from India. I work with an organization named Slum Soccer since last 5 years.

  • Hi everyone my name's Mantshie Doumbia from Mali, i work for a local non governmental organization, i'm excited about learning theory of change in order to help bring about change in my organization and my community at large, happy learning to everyone!

  • My name is Yahya Bulle. I'm a Kenyan by birth and currently live in the Kenya capital city, Nairobi. However,I hail from the Wajir County,the North Eastern region of the country and in particular, the far, Wajir North Sub-County, which is the flags,along the border of Ethiopia Government. Though needless to 8,i have several professional background.
    I'm the founder and CEO of a community based organisation by the name, Pastoralist resources management and educational development (PARAMEDO) that is working on the environmental conservation and natural resources management for the benefit of the pastoralists community living in the remote regions of North Eastern, Kenyan.
    Regards to the entire family of the course.

  • Hi everyone! I'm Regina.

    I am a Program Officer for the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives of the St. Luke's Medical Center. I'm excited to learn so much from this course!

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