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  • Course Facilitator

    @indrastata ,thanks for the nice try.

  • He happily slumps on the sofa after a hard days work.
    He grabs the remote and turns on the TV
    Sports Channel – Black screen
    News Channel – Black screen
    Internet TV – Black screen
    His heart starts to race, he breaks into a sweat
    As he slowly comes to the realization that every channel is blank
    What good is a screen without your favourite show?
    Where did you think all those shows came from?
    Invest in film
    Create meaningful jobs & livelihoods for thousands of unemployed young people.
    #jobsinfilm #investinfilm

    2 Replies
  • He happily slumps on the sofa after a hard days work.
    He grabs the remote and turns on the TV
    Sports Channel – Black screen
    News Channel – Black screen
    Internet TV – Black screen
    His heart starts to race, he breaks into a sweat
    As he slowly comes to the realization that every channel is blank
    What good is a screen without your favourite show?
    Where did you think all those shows came from?
    Invest in film
    Create meaningful jobs & livelihoods for thousands of unemployed young people.
    #jobsinfilm #investinfilm

    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator

    @AlisonNgibuini ,your writing is on point.I just love how you've written this.Thanks for the nice try.

  • loving others even caring for others is very easy to do, but do we already love ourselves? let's love yourself first before you want to love other people #SelfLove #WeBeBetter

    1 Reply
  • @AlisonNgibuini said in Module 5: Post your Super Short Stories:

    He happily slumps on the sofa after a hard days work.
    He grabs the remote and turns on the TV
    Sports Channel – Black screen
    News Channel – Black screen
    Internet TV – Black screen
    His heart starts to race, he breaks into a sweat
    As he slowly comes to the realization that every channel is blank
    What good is a screen without your favourite show?
    Where did you think all those shows came from?
    Invest in film
    Create meaningful jobs & livelihoods for thousands of unemployed young people.
    #jobsinfilm #investinfilm

    thats good story

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @ranca_pangestu ,you've written this really well.Well done.

  • all she can hear is her heartbeat, thumping like crazy.
    within just one day, she cant hear her heartbeat anymore

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @sitepumafazi ,your writing is on point.Well done!!!

  • ABDUL wake up in the heat of the night, nobody atr left nobody at right. His heart is beating fastly when someone coming ...toc toc... it is a volunteer af the organization against child labor. it's time to take his breakfast and go to school. what a chance for him.


    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator

    @pascal79,I appreciate your nice try.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Pascal79 ,you're very welcome.

  • Lorraine happiness was enormous this morning: she finally got the job! She was so excited!
    But wait? Why is she crying now? Lorraine lost her opportunity at the very last minute because she is not tech-savvy, and she couldn’t attend the Online Training before starting her first shift.
    She sadly withdrew her job application. #LearnSupport

  • Lorraine happiness was enormous this morning: she finally got the job! She was so excited!
    But wait? Why is she crying now? Lorraine lost her opportunity at the very last minute because she is not tech-savvy, and she couldn’t attend the Online Training before starting her first shift.
    She sadly withdrew her job application. #LearnSupport

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator
  • @alUG Sorry for the duplication. I had an internet issue on my end. :)

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @Beatriz_Gonzaga2021 ,it's alright.You committed no sin.Unstable broadband,WiFi or mobile internet leads to duplicated posts.

  • Jose, Marcus and Daniel are very smart and good students and want to change their life they live in a orphanage, Jose, Marcus and Daniel have no bed to sleep in, they are sleeping on the floor. The house manager Alex came with them to enroll them in our school to learn woodworking and CAD. Due to Covid 19 we put them on the waiting list. Upon speaking with Alex, and learning of their situation our board of directors. quickly made the decision to let the three boys come into the school and quietly close the doors and have Jose, Marcus and Daniel make their 3 level bunkbed. During the process of the boys making the 3 level bunkbed our president said what good is a 3 level bunkbed without, sheets, pillows and mattresses etc. The woodworking volunteers raised the donation to buy three of everything needed. 3 set of sheets, 3 mattresses, 3 mattress covers, 3 pillow, and 3 pillow cases. The 3 level bunkbed was completed and delivered on Christmas eve. Jose, Marcus and Daniel will never forget as long as they live.

    1 Reply
  • Jose, Marcus and Daniel are very smart and good students and want to change their life they live in a orphanage, Jose, Marcus and Daniel have no bed to sleep in, they are sleeping on the floor. The house manager Alex came with them to enroll them in our school to learn woodworking and CAD. Due to Covid 19 we put them on the waiting list. Upon speaking with Alex, and learning of their situation our board of directors. quickly made the decision to let the three boys come into the school and quietly close the doors and have Jose, Marcus and Daniel make their 3 level bunkbed. During the process of the boys making the 3 level bunkbed our president said what good is a 3 level bunkbed without, sheets, pillows and mattresses etc. The woodworking volunteers raised the donation to buy three of everything needed. 3 set of sheets, 3 mattresses, 3 mattress covers, 3 pillow, and 3 pillow cases. The 3 level bunkbed was completed and delivered on Christmas eve. Jose, Marcus and Daniel will never forget as long as they live.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @HHWTschool ,thank you for sharing your answer with us.

  • Oh, death, why have you covered me with your merciless arm, that my morning is filled with the flood of darkness from your wide throat? So, I will never become a medical doctor again? Samuel Ulaka, 17 years old, and SS3 boy lamented as his only source and hope of education was laid to rest.
    Wow! It is a heavy downpour; the flood is overwhelming!
    Flickers of Hope Foundation offered Samuel University study scholarship to study Medicine in Nigeria.

  • Oh, death, why have you covered me with your merciless arm, that my morning is filled with the flood of darkness from your wide throat? So, I will never become a medical doctor again? Samuel Ulaka, 17 years old, and SS3 boy lamented as his only source and hope of education was laid to rest.
    Wow! It is a heavy downpour; the flood is overwhelming!
    Flickers of Hope Foundation offered Samuel University study scholarship to study Medicine in Nigeria.

    1 Reply
  • @Aiman001 said in Module 5: Post your Super Short Stories:

    Today is bright, and it is as bright as my heart that wants to greet it with the warmth of the people around. what power I can only feel, but cannot see it. #Glassoftheworld

    This is powerful

  • Travel is fun but ticketing process is so boring,
    If you feel so visit and get your bus tickets within your workplace.

  • Wise man once said save time rather money so i travel through airways,
    Be smart book the bus tickets through sajilo yatra and save both time & money.

  • this is good, well done

  • Mimi, a single mother of three struggling to feed her kids.
    COVID-19 hits and lost her job.
    With a help from SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia, she now owns a small business, happy and full of hope.

    1 Reply
  • @Aiman001 said in Module 5: Post your Super Short Stories:

    Today is bright, and it is as bright as my heart that wants to greet it with the warmth of the people around. what power I can only feel, but cannot see it. #Glassoftheworld

    This is powerful

  • Beautiful storyline

  • So captivating

  • Wow. Thank you flicker of hope.

  • "That amount is too small" screamed his wife so he added more.

    As he clicked the send button she smiled widely.

    Upon the transaction successful notification they have just fed 10 kids through the week at KidsCorner.


  • a Lady said "it will be easier"
    and the olympic started
    she make it

  • As stated in the video harmony between religions worldwide. Religion should be a channel for peace among all religions and should not be used by a person whether living or dead as a way to advance their own advantage to commit acts of dangerous acts and violence.

  • As stated in the video harmony between religions worldwide. Religion should be a channel for peace among all religions and should not be used by a person whether living or dead as a way to advance their own advantage to commit acts of dangerous acts and violence.

  • She licked her lips
    "This smells great", she whispered.
    Picked a cookie with a trembling hand.
    "Drop it!" thundered the mistress.
    Shaken, she hurried back to doing the dishes.

    1 Reply
  • She licked her lips
    "This smells great", she whispered.
    Picked a cookie with a trembling hand.
    "Drop it!" thundered the mistress.
    Shaken, she hurried back to doing the dishes.

    1 Reply
  • Great, I think your story is amazing

  • Great, I think your story is amazing

  • This is a great hook- I can almost sense her pride and then defeat.

  • They might die without ever hearing about His love for them.
    We are commanded to go and tell them and teach them how to reach others as well.
    the harvest is ripe, we can go into the pit, if you will hold the rope tightly

  • You don't need to go to the ends of the earth to raise the issue of female foeticide and infanticide in India, but these twins did just that -- climbing the highest peaks on all seven continents and going to the north and south poles to highlight the issue in their homeland. #FemaleInfanticide

    1 Reply
  • They are bright children with a passion to be educated. A hope for a bright future drives their dedication to every task assigned to them at our learning center. However, poverty keeps their future bleak. #FundThierEducation

  • nice meeting you all

  • A sorrow of a day that darkens more as it goes.
    A ray of light accidentally crosses by,
    A soul in pain and tears of scares from the monster saved from stigma and shame from the blood stains.

  • Wow! this is awesome

  • "Take that thing off my side you rag!!!"

    Annie dragged her body off the cold floor with her tattered and stained skirt tagging along.

    The heavy bang on the door made Dan to open up intending to punch whoever is at the door.

    There he was arrested for beating and raping Annie.


  • amazing responses!

  • Happy to study this course enrich my skills and knowledge with Philanthropy University. I appreciate

  • Elsie hungrily sat under the mango tree.
    Hopeless, where will she get food?
    Join us for football training" shouted Joe.
    Relieved, she got up : Food is given at the training park.

  • Alice got the job she had always wanted. She was so excited! A few hours later she started crying because they told her they had made a mistake hiring her. She then went in depression for weeks.

  • Jenny es una joven emprendedora social que ha dedicado su carrera a mejorar la vida de las mujeres rurales en su país. Después de graduarse de la universidad con una licenciatura en economía, Jenny se dio cuenta de que la falta de acceso a finanzas y capacitación limitaba el potencial de las mujeres para abrir y administrar sus propios negocios.

    Con la ayuda de una organización sin fines de lucro local, Jenny inició un programa de microcréditos para mujeres, proporcionándoles los fondos y la capacitación necesarios para emprender con éxito. A través de este programa, Jenny ha ayudado a más de 500 mujeres a crear y fortalecer sus propios negocios, lo que a su vez ha mejorado sus vidas y la de sus comunidades.

    A pesar de los desafíos que enfrenta en su camino, Jenny está comprometida a seguir trabajando hacia su misión de empoderar a las mujeres y mejorar sus vidas a través de la economía. Su próximo objetivo es expandir su programa a nivel nacional y continuar ayudando a las mujeres a alcanzar su máximo potencial.

  • La lucha de gemelas indias contra el infanticidio femenino

    Sakshi y Priya, dos hermanas gemelas indias, decidieron hacer una expedición épica a los 7 picos más altos de los 7 continentes para concienciar sobre el feticidio y el infanticidio femenino en su país. Con cada ascenso, las hermanas llevaron consigo una bandera rosa y compartieron sus historias y mensajes a través de las redes sociales, llamando la atención sobre la importancia de la igualdad de género y la protección de las niñas.

    Su campaña tuvo un impacto enorme, con miles de personas uniéndose a su causa y luchando por los derechos de las niñas en la India. Gracias a su arduo trabajo y dedicación, el infanticidio femenino ha disminuido en un 20% en los últimos años.

    Las hermanas ahora están enfocadas en expandir su mensaje a nivel mundial y continúan luchando por la igualdad de género y la protección de las niñas en todo el mundo. Su siguiente meta es escalar el Monte Everest y seguir difundiendo su mensaje de empoderamiento y lucha contra la discriminación de género.

  • La historia cuenta con un inicio claro y un giro sorprendente con un final abierto que invita a la reflexión. En general, puedo decir que la historia es efectiva en su presentación y puede atraer la atención del lector hacia su mensaje.

  • Hay varias cosas que se pueden hacer para aumentar el impacto de la historia escrita anterior:

    Añadir detalles concretos: para hacer que la historia sea más impactante, se pueden incluir detalles concretos sobre los niños que están recibiendo una educación gracias a la organización, como sus nombres, edades, historias personales, etc.

    Utilizar imágenes: una imagen vale más que mil palabras, y esto es especialmente cierto en historias de impacto social. Incluir imágenes de los niños en la escuela, o imágenes de la construcción de la escuela, puede hacer que la historia sea mucho más impactante.

    Conectar con las emociones: la gente se motiva a tomar acción cuando se conecta emocionalmente con una historia. Se pueden incluir detalles sobre cómo la educación está cambiando las vidas de los niños, y cómo ese cambio les está dando un futuro mejor.

    Hacer un llamado a la acción: al final de la historia, se puede incluir un llamado a la acción claro y conciso, que anime a la gente a hacer una donación.

    En resumen, para hacer que la historia sea más impactante, es importante incluir detalles concretos, utilizar imágenes, conectarse con las emociones de la gente y hacer un llamado a la acción claro y conciso.

  • Aoudou is a young Central African refugee who is old enough to take care of himself. However, he has not been able to finish his studies due to the crisis in his country and therefore has no professional training that would allow him to have a job. Carship training is a programme that gives him the opportunity to train in driving so that he can get a license and easily find a job. Donors, please help Aoudou and thousands of other refugees by donating money or a manual to Carship Training. It could have been you or a loved one in this situation, so let's put a smile on their face today

  • I can sense it, I can feel it, I can hear it, but I can't see it. Feels like stranded in a beutifull Island full of sound.

    1 Reply

  • Good short stories. I am still working on mine, lol

  • Life is said to be a journey or phase tha must be encountered no matter the personality involved. ' Cecilia woke up to a reality of an unbearable & demeaning situation as a young talented girl but struggled with Life and death barely without family relatives assistance '
    However, years later after persistence became a successful entrepreneur.


    1 Reply
  • Amidst Ukraine's war-torn Vuhledar, Nadia, known as 'Hope' found solace in a basement. Fresh bread, a symbol of hope from LHI, bridged despair in this war-ravaged town. Join us in our mission of healing and resilience. Will you be the light in Ukraine's darkest times? 🇺🇦❤️ #HopeForHumanity #SupportUkraine

  • It is important to know about different mediums to share our story so that based on our time and requirements we can share it and show our impact on our beneficiaries live.

  • The street that night was really quiet. I almost died so a hit-and-run victim, if only the old man didn't show up to help me, taking me to the house of the village nurse at the end of this road. before morning approached, the old man left, walked through a white wall, the wall of a hero tomb. #hero

  • She heard a loud bang and a piercing pain in her back as she ran away from her husband who was assaulting her. As she screamed for help in terror, she felt warm blood trickle down her back. Her legs gave way and she fell down slowly losing consciousness, unknown to her at that time she had been shot in the back.

    Luckily for her, a good Samaritan had heard her pleas and came to her aid. she woke up in the hospital having survived . The doctors told her she was a very lucky girls as the bullet had passed through and through and had not hit any major artery/vein. Tears of happiness swell up in her eyes , she cant believe that she is alive. She vows never to go back to an abusive marriage.
    #end genderbasedviolence

  • Ram was practicing batting for school tournament.
    while taking ball from bush a black cobra bites him
    Villagers took them to serphant.
    He died. #healthawareness

  • I love the suspense. Excellent

  • Great. Welldone

  • I like this inspiring story

  • People with disabilities have disappeared
    Not from their homes
    From the 2023 budget

    Lets see what 2024 budget will hold

  • Great. I like this

  • Not again! Is this really it?

    She gasped for breath
    Her application for the grant got rejected yet again
    Her business is at the brink of collapsing

    #Enroll in Business school

  • Awesome and creative

  • Taking a moment to listen to someone in their moment of crisis can prevent a catastrophe.
    We are here to listen to you.

  • Anxious, shaking, too scared to really read the piece of paper.
    The one that will define my future.

    “Candidate qualifies for National Senior Certificate.”
    #engagedparentsandteachers #vocationaltraining #involvedparents

  • From Written Word to Moving Image: Adapting Boniface's Story for Video

    The video will follow a chronological structure, mirroring the written story's flow:

    Hook (0:00 - 0:45): Open with visuals showcasing the beauty of Malawi and the sounds of traditional Malawian music. Introduce Boniface through a voiceover (VO) describing his love for music despite his blindness. Show a montage of Boniface singing at home, a beacon of joy amidst the simplicity of his life.
    Challenge (0:45 - 1:30): The music fades, replaced by sounds of bustling crowds and hushed whispers. The VO shifts to describe the challenges Boniface faces: discrimination, limited education, and failed farming attempts. Show visuals of Boniface struggling to navigate the market, people looking away, and his failed crops.
    Solution & How-To (1:30 - 2:30): Introduce World Relief Malawi with a title card and uplifting music. Use animation or short interview snippets from World Relief personnel to explain the concept of disability inclusion training. Show the training sessions in progress, with a focus on the shift in attitudes amongst community members.
    Impact (2:30 - 3:30): Upbeat music returns. Show the transformed community. People with disabilities are actively participating in daily life. Highlight Boniface's newfound confidence as he joins the church choir. Capture the joy on his face as his voice soars in song, blending with others.
    Next Steps & Call to Action (3:30 - 4:00): The VO returns, emphasizing the importance of awareness and inclusion. Show a montage of different people advocating for disability rights in their communities. Include a call to action with text overlays and a website address for World Relief Malawi or disability inclusion resources.
    Dialogue & Voiceover:

    The VO will be a narrator guiding the audience through Boniface's story.
    Short interview snippets can be included with World Relief personnel and potentially community members who participated in the training.
    Boniface himself can be interviewed, offering a first-person perspective on his struggles and triumphs.

    A mix of live-action footage, animation, and potentially historical photos can be used.
    Focus on capturing the beauty of Malawi, the struggles of disability, and the joy of inclusion.
    Ensure visuals are culturally sensitive and representative of Malawian life.
    Music & Sound:

    Uplifting traditional Malawian music will be used during Boniface's happy moments and community scenes.
    More subdued and somber music will accompany the challenge section.
    The sounds of the environment (market noises, singing voices) will also be used for immersion.
    By adapting the written story into a video with these elements, we can create a more engaging and emotionally impactful experience for the audience, raising awareness about disability inclusion and inspiring action

  • Open: Sarah, a volunteer, enters a shelter filled with abandoned pets.
    Twist: Among them, she spots an old dog, eyes full of hope.
    Close: With a gentle touch, Sarah whispers, "You're not alone anymore."

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