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  • A story I found really powerful was the story of Forest Gump. It made me feel thankful for what I have right now .

  • amazing plot and storyline about refugee

  • A story I found really powerful was amazing and touching heart. It made me feel grateful about my own life today

  • A story I found really powerful was the story of Jesus Christ : A man of No sin who came from glory to earth to give his life in exchange for mine that is sinful. This makes me emotional reading the entire story line and account.

  • A story I found really powerful was the story of my writing coach who went from being diagnosed with an immune related ailment but did accept the diagnosis of not being able to use her hands and wrote a book that launched her into an award winning writer and thought leader.

    It helped me understand that beyond whatever happens or is happening, I can launch into greatness for every obstacle is an opportunity to unlock potentials.

  • I think this is wonderful, thanks for sharing!

  • One of the stories that I really like was that of a small girl, who had a simple just like us kind of a life, but then she lost her parents and ended up getting trafficked. She was put in a shelter home and had a completely different future. This made me feel that this was something which could happen to any one, what fault did she have of losing her parents and not having anyone to take care of her? Had she not lost them, she could probably still be in a school, go to a good college, have a good job and sustain a wonderful family.

    This story touched me so much that I ended up volunteering for this NGO and raising funds for them for a year.

  • I was invited to my high school classmate's wedding launch. We were not very good friends and life had taken us on different paths with no interaction or correspondence at all. I struggled to remember him that he was almost a stranger to me at this point in time. It was a surprised to be given an invite. The prospects of reuniting with my old school mates were so luring that I decided to attend.
    The groom to be gave us such a warm welcome and went ahead to narrate how he had met the his wife to be. The narrative was so nice giving time lines that got us involved with memories of what we were doing at that moment in time. She had been his childhood sweet heart and we had shared in his and her life at that point in high school. Now he called onto us to share this step in his life by contributing to make it happen. It took us down memory lane and made his current struggles our own with the need to make his wedding celebration personally our challenge to solve.
    I was moved emotionally despite the time gone that had almost made us strangers, and I pledged more than I had intended to.

  • I am hungry and thirsty. I need food

  • There was this female pediatrician working in a foreign country[U. S]. Divorced, single mother of two girls. She always had a vision of opening her own hospital and many branches. Finances were a block of course so she sought for a loan and was turned down by all banks even after availing all details needed[simply because she was a foreigner]. One day an Indian-U.S based bank gave her a loan of 350,000 dollars at a very crazy rate but she decided to take the risk. Seven years of serious working and she has completely repaid the loan with several clinics and earning herself a 7figure salary, remarried and enjoying her smart and dedicated work with her family. This story encouraged me not to give up, life is full of risks. It is just how you tackle them and the choices you make. I can really say that, DREAMS ARE VALID.

    1 Reply
  • I recently came across a story online that made me feel humbled. A man was walking through the park with his dog, as he did every morning. It was the mundane morning dog walk, the same route, same time every morning. As he was walking through the park he noticed an elderly man sweeping leaves by a memorial statue. The man had seen this man before and casually smiled or lifted his head, nothing much had ever come out of their encounters. But today, the man decided to stop and ask the elderly man why he was sweeping leaves. The elderly man replied that he had been tending to this memorial site for 77 years, ever since a US airplane crashed into a hill, narrowly missing children playing in the field next to the hill. This elderly man was one of those children and recalled to the dog walker how he owes his life to those US war Heroes and so for everyday since, he had been watching over this small memorial site in the field, which is now a city park, to remember. The story moved me to tears, I felt thankful that there are so many kind people like this elderly man in the World. It also moved many others as the dog walker is a BBC news presenter and shared the story on the Breakfast show that morning - it enabled viewers from around the World to share thanks and joy for this elderly man.

  • A story I found really powerful was a message in the effort to fight against HIV. It made me feel important and responsible and should be careful with my decisions especially about my life. The story compelled me to stay safe, reasonable and take care of my health and life no matter what.

    1 Reply
  • A story I found impactful was the story of Fatima Ahmed, a graduate of chemistry who was not certain if she would get a job after graduation. She enrolled for a tech related training program to be upskilled. Today, she is a support Engineer in one of the largest technology service organization. The story is very emotionally because she had to leave Ilorin (North Central of Nigeria) to Lagos (South West of Nigeria) to attend the training with no guarantee of being placed in a job.

    1 Reply
  • This is very insightful.

  • Learnt a lot from the above shared stories, but I think artist too have their a way making strong impact on their audience with a piece in gallery or music store. All the same, thank for sharing.

    1 Reply
  • A story I found really powerful was the story of a disabled boy who was trained how to play chess by a man who saw the talent in him and later emerged the winner of a big chess competition at Makoko slum. It made me feel the need to help lots of children out there

  • Absolutely! Art is one way to communicate effectively.

  • Thanks for sharing, Nana

  • A story I really found impactful for me is the story of pandora's box. It has became an impactful one for me because it teaches values in the story. It affects me emotionally especially relating to the human history. Ever since I heard the story of the pandora's box, one thing that came to my mind is never go against the uncertain especially when I am told to do so by someone valuable for me so that I cannot feel regret in the end. This moved me emotionally.

  • “A story I found really powerful was the story of a classmate. It made me feel emotional and touchy as I felt her childhood was more painful than mine ."

  • A story I found powerful was a guy that started making prosthetics for blacks (Nigerians) because when his leg got amputated, they had difficulties getting him the right prosthetics for his skin colour. His brand started from that story.

    1 Reply
  • About two months ago, I was at a youth conference fund raising function. We were being encouraged to contribute/support the youth conference which was to be held in less than three weeks.
    Quite typical of youths, we felt we didn't have enough or had more pressing issues that required our financial attention.

    Our pastor, sensing this, told us a story of how, he once, while in school used the money he was supposed to use to get textbooks, to donate to the school chapel, in support of a harvest program. This he did believing that giving to God is more important and that God will provide alternative funds for the textbooks.
    He eventually got a surprise credit alert from a relative, which could cover the cost of his textbooks and still remain.

    This is a memorable story because my pastor was actually involved in it, it wasn't about some random unseen fellow.
    I felt inspired to give and ended up supporting the youth conference and concluded in my heart that I would not miss giving my tithe, anytime I'm paid.

  • A story I found so much interesting was that of a community where they had no good drinking water, a man came, built a borehole and started selling water to them. Another family moved into their newly built house with a borehole in the community and started giving the people water for free. The people in the community became happy, better and lived healthier.

    This story tells about the power of having and giving freely which could bring about transformation in the lives of others.

  • Beautiful. This is learning from your experience and helping others do better.

  • ASPCA has heart wrenching stories of dogs that were lost/abandoned during the various natural disasters and efforts to save them. When they show an abandoned or lost scared dog getting rescued, groomed and examined, it pulls at my heartstrings that the animal had to go through all that pain and fear. The ask for support is easier to respond to.

    2 Replies
  • Isn’t it amazing how prosthetics have advanced, especially the opportunities with 3D printing. However, I really appreciate your take away from your story. Anything is possible. Thank you for the uplifting take away.

  • A simple story from a simple person can bring much impact if shared with others

  • The story I found powerful was a story of my supervisor when she was preparing for a promotion interview. She remembered her bad experiences in stating her salary expectations in her previous interviews. In a number of occasions, she was stuck in between maintaining a good image of somebody who is not greedy and not selling her self below her market value.
    Knowing this, the night before her promotion interview, she took a short online course on how to bargain for salary. According to her, during the interview, she was able to state a reasonable salary expectation that considered the status of the organization and her market value. The boss was really impressed with her intelligence in that and adopted her first salary expectation statement without adding or reducing on anything.
    When she was telling me this story, she was emphasizing to me the power of finding solution in seeking for information and more understanding by unveiling perspectives outside your own jurisdiction. She encouraged me to be a seeker of information towards building my capacity to deliver better results in whatever I set out to do.
    Since then, this has staying with me and I have found a lot of impact to myself in putting it to use.

    1 Reply
  • A story I found really powerful was the Charity Water Story by Scott Harrison. It made me feel like donating to his cause. It also reinforced my belief that we only start living when we begin to live for others.

  • Oh wow. That would definitely move me too.

  • A story I found really powerful was the story of "The Small Mouse - Mario", made of felt, written by author Meghan O'Rourke. It made me feel that Mario brings good luck, and so its worth having at homes.

  • A story I found really powerful was the story of " The Small Mouse - Mario, made of felt, written by author Meghan O'Rourke. It made me feel that Mario brings good luck and so its worth having in every home.

  • I hear stories often about clients at work, but they're generally small snippets from case files and volunteer requests. A recent memorable story was of a client, a homebound older adult, who was looking for companionship through our Friendly Visitor or Telephone Reassurance programs. The case manager had written that the client was growing depressed and was desperately lonely.

    Like any human, I felt very sad for the client to be so alone in their daily life, with no local family or friends around to support them. I felt compelled to increase my efforts as development professional--to support our agency financially as best as I can so that more clients can receive the support they need to live fulfilling lives.

  • When the story was told to me i could see in my minds eye and visualize the story line, it was very powerful

  • A story I found really powerful was when lays the history between before he met his husband and after he heard about the death. It made me feel sad as chances are there already but he decided to let her go and pass years without expressing his true love to the woman. he had all the chances but decided to let go and found the better life of the woman is not on his hand

  • A story I found really powerful was one I wrote a few years ago on a personal blog. The purpose of the blog post was to review a book I'd recently read -- a slave narrative. To arrive at my thoughts on the book, I decided to explore how stories like the one recounted in the book had impacted me throughout my life. I shared my first memories of learning about the history of slavery and how that was tied to my earliest memories of my grandmother. This blog post was the first time I had voluntarily shared anything that personal in a public way. It made me feel vulnerable but also liberated. I felt compelled to continue exploring my past and understanding how it shapes my perception of the present.

  • sounds like a great story about resilience. Thanks for sharing.

  • A story about sacrifice and giving was told and that story moved so much that I gave mine new phone because I had nothing on me.

  • A year back, I read the story about Nitharshan - a young boy who recounted his days in primary-grade where he used to receive free meals in school from the World Food Programme. He spoke about feeling light-headed and weak in the mornings and how he used to wait eagerly for his mid-morning meals. He said that without these meals, he wouldn't have had the energy to study in school. I still remember Nitharshan talking about his dream to become an Accountant. He wanted to earn and take care of his family. His story of hope touched my heart and made me committed to sourcing more of these heart-warming stories which I could share with donors so they would be more inclined to support our work.

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  • There is something very compelling in photos of lost or scared dogs that only need a caption to trigger action and support from people.

  • A story i found really powerful is that of a single mom and her 3 daughters who lives in the slummy area of Lagos, Nigeria. it was so bad that i cried countless time while listening to the story. I felt really grateful after listening and compelled to make a donation.

  • I work for a nonprofit organization in my country and part of my job is to write stories about people in the communities we offer assistance to. Many of the stories had a powerful impact on me. One particular story about a 50-year-old woman we have supported who overcame the loss of her family and displacement due to the ongoing conflict in her village moved me deeply. Her strength and resilience gave me hope and motivated me to continue supporting my organization to reach the most vulnerable communities with the right assistance and for their voices and stories to be heard.

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  • A story I found really powerful was a story of an ex convict who after leaving the prison decided to work with young people in his community to find other to avoid crime and fulfil their development through sports and arts. It made me feel happy and I got involved helping them in their activities.

  • We sat down at a table during our holiday in the South of France, and we had something to drink. I little boy came walking towards our table and put down a note on it. The note said that he and his mam were homeless and poor and asked for some money for food that day. I was flabbergasted by the note of this boy, and the fact that he did this every day. It happened in 1992 and I can remember it as if it was yesterday.

  • The story of Rose the starving Girl child and her single parent who was a subsistence farmer who was later chased away from where she used to grow food to carter for her daughter and I felt touched

  • After my dad died when I was 13 years old, I stopped talking freely and made friends ever since. Cats and dogs are my friends, my soul mates. I believe any pet can be a companion to a person and fill up one's void. Whenever I see an organization that saves stray cats, dogs, and animal in general; foster them; give them a new home and give it to someone in need. I feel very heart-warming and motivated to improve myself to the stage that I can be one of them, the one who saves animals.

    2 Replies
  • One great inspiring story is the one of Jane Goodall, English primatologist and anthropologist and of her inseparable bond with wild chimpanzees in Africa, of her unprecedented studies, and who fought to be recognized as female scientist in a strongly man-lead academic world. As I read her book, I went through a roller-coaster of emotions, from anger to joy, from disillution to hope. Most of her time I resonated with her struggles, and whenever she won a battle, my heart warmed up, as I joined her in person. I now follow her stories online, and support her conservation and community institute.

  • Just this short summary moved me. I strongly believe in the resilience of people, and they can be powerful sources of inspiration to others! It's such an honor to meet strong, positive people.

  • A story I found really powerful and so emotional was the story of how an orphan died because her uncle could not fund her medical bills, the most painful part of the story was that she died hungry just before help arrived for her.

    1 Reply
  • This is an emotional story that I relate with.

  • This story touched my heart. It stirred up emotions of sadness and eagerness to help, but also anger and frustration at the bigger picture of hungry children in our country and the immense waste we create. This story encourages action against children being in poverty and children being hungry with no idea when their next meal will come. Thank you for sharing.

  • A story I found really powerful was the story of Jobe. Jobe is a donkey who was physically abused by his original owner. He was beaten, hit closed fisted by a grown man who was supposed to teach Jobe love, trust and kindness. Jobe was starved. Donkeys are known for their strength and ability to work and serve a purpose. Jobe was emaciated and weak.

    Jobe was rescued by my nonprofit. From day one with us, he shown love. He was offered compassion. Eventually, and against all logic, Jobe learned to trust in humans. So much so that he became a loyal pack donkey, carrying equipment into Death Valley and guarding the encampment from threats at night while our founder was trapping wild burros under the threat of destruction by the US government.

    Jobe is now retired at over 40 years of age. His longevity is proof that love and kindness towards animals can prolong their life, and giving them purpose boosts their confidence and character much it does humans.

    This story made me feel a range of emotions. I felt anger and disbelief at the hatrful actions people take toward animals. I felt inspired and grateful that Jobe was given a second lease of life. I feel proud and humbled to personally know this loyal, loving donkey. I feel honored to care for him and continue to teach him what love is in his finals years.

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  • A story i found really powerful was about a girl who suffered low self esteem, had a stammer and thought her life would amount to nothing. Sge reluctantly joined a small Group at university of people who were interested in learning about leadership. Through one on one conversations, she overcame her stammer. Through constant encouragement, she started to take on small leadership positions and her esteem sky rocketed. She has never turned back. It made me feel like i wanted to tell everybody who felt like she did at first to join a small group. I wanted to find that group and thank them personally for having welcomed and supported her

  • To love people is hard but makes sense, to love animals is Godly. They can't pay you back or communicate their gratitude as well as human can. It is selfless and commendable work by your organisation

  • A story I found really powerful was Nelson Mandela's prison life during Apartheid in South Africa. It made feel sad and angry at the hostility of man to fellow man. What makes Mandela's story memorable for me is how he lived his life for others, a rare attribute in humans. He was an epitome of love, kindness, sacrifice and simplicity despite what life dealt at him. His way of life taught me to be human and compassionate and live for a cause greater than myself.

  • That's very saddening.

  • This is inspiring

  • Our children deserve so much better

  • I am often moved by the personal journeys and stories of founders of non profit organizations. Their drive, passion, grit and perseverance are inspiring, and often a motivator for funding their organizations.

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  • A story I found very captivating is a story about a community with potable water challenge, the women travel long distance to fetch water on their heads for their family use. The problem was easily identified, it will solve their problem if a borehole was constructed close to their homes. and so, a motorized borehole was constructed.
    A follow up on the project revealed that the women abandoned the borehole and continued to fetch water from the long distance stream.

    What made this story memorable for me was their reason for abandoning the borehole. The women hardly have time to socialize and do their socialization, their long walk to the stream is the only time they have for that.

    This story got me so connected to the rationalization behind what one would generally consider irrational behavior, and it effectively delivered the message it was intended to deliver in a very very memorable way - Never assume the needs of a people, always conduct a need assessment before embarking on any social project.

    Because of this story, I hardly embark on any social project without first carrying out a need assessment.

    1 Reply
  • A very touching story of how a child was left by the parents while young and is now a marine lady was very emotional to me and in the process I felt the need to empower this lady with nice encouraging comments on her Instagram page.

  • We work to tell the story of our school district on a daily basis. Student achievements are the most impactful; athletic, artistic, musical- we try to tell the story of how we work with students and how these impact the greater community.

  • Here too Sanaa,
    It is not easy to work for a nonprofit organization- long hours, low wages and often difficult conditions. The ability to stay true to the vision and mission when faced with these issues is inspiring.

  • A story I found really powerful was The Good Girl's Bad Boys by RubixCube89201.. It's a book about bullying and it captures how awful high school can be to a socially awkward person. It's extremely relatable, and every chapter has its funny moments. The comedy, the premise, the adventure, and the character's past will make you feel things. It's extremely witty and it will make you laugh. This book made me feel more for the victims of bullying because every character experienced these difficult paths.

  • aww bless your heart. I totally agree with you. Cats are lovely companions.

  • A story I found really powerful was of a secondary school girl, who rose above her adversities to remain in school. The covid-19 pandemic has ruined a lot of plans, especially of those in school. This girl was in a public school in Malawi. When schools closed due to the pandemic, he had no other way to access school materials like some students from private school. And so she waited for the governments to open schools again. During this wait, she fell pregnant, an unplanned pregnancy. This also meant it would be difficult for her to go back to school. she experienced ridicule and bullying from her friends and community. She began to feel like she could not go back to school, although this was her dream. However, with the right counselling and support, she decided she would go back to school no matter what. This story made me feel inspired, this school girl faced many things that would have made me give up, but she reminded herself why going to school was important to her. It made me realize that life does not always, usually not, go according to plan, and that we always have choices to make every situation a better experience.

  • this is touching

  • A story I found really powerful was the story of a family with blind children.The family could not afford to take children to the school of disabled due to the high school fees.God intervened and a certain organization came and rescued the family.They managed took the children to the school of disabled.They paid school fees and supplied all necessary school needs. Some managed to complete their schooling and passed with flying colors.They were now empowered.They managed to source donors and places for the other siblings.If it was not for this organization these children could not have accessed their right to education as they were marginalized in the community.

    1 Reply
  • A powerful story I head was that of Marcus Garvey, Jamaican born Black nationalist who ended up shaking the foundations of the global racial hegemony by leading a Pan African movement that sought to unify all Africans & people of African descent, worldwide. Having seen the state of the black populace globally & not having much hope insight for major change, Marcus's story gave me hope as I realised that the vision for Africans to self rely & self determine, is possible. it inspired me to bandy with a group of like minded friends and start "Awakened Minds" as an NGO. His story was more than just a feel good story that you read and continue with your life. it is truly inspiring & has brought me thus far.

    1 Reply
  • @cleodudu said in Module 1 Discussion: The Power of Stories:

    A story I found really powerful was the story of a family with blind children.The family could not afford to take children to the school of disabled due to the high school fees.God intervened and a certain organization came and rescued the family.They managed took the children to the school of disabled.They paid school fees and supplied all necessary school needs. Some managed to complete their schooling and passed with flying colors.They were now empowered.They managed to source donors and places for the other siblings.If it was not for this organization these children could not have accessed their right to education as they were marginalized in the community.

    This is a powerful story, access to education especially for the visually impaired is also a huge problem this side of the World in South Africa and there are not much organizations in the space funding & supporting this sector. that story is truly powerful. thank you for sharing.

  • A story I found really powerful was of my own mum, she lost her husband at an early age with eight children. she had to take care of us all without a job while she was struggling with her in-laws over property. Mum worked so hard with her two hands and put all her trust in the Lord. I felt remorseful for her of all thing she went through and my love for her will never end.

  • A story I found really powerful was the story of a child born with an open stomach that was discovered during ultrasound and whose mother decided to give birth despite the advice of doctors. It made me feel really sad.

  • A story I found really powerful was about a teenage street hawker that had a natural talent for music but had no support from anyone to pursue her dream of becoming a musician.
    The made me feel like supporting her to achieve her dream.

  • A story I found really powerful was the story of Les Brown on his journey to achieve success.  It made me feel I was a hero who needed to fight more in live. It is an inspiring story.

  • The story I found really powerful was a story of a 7 years old girl, living in a community in Africa where they practice Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) she tells the story in the present and I could literally feel my blood rushing, wanted to go rescue her.

  • “A story I found really powerful was the story of my mom's favorit doll when she was a child. It made me feel really sad because those days it was really expensive to buy toys and when she lost her doll she couldn't sleep for one week and cried ." That doll was really valuable for her as it was presented by her dad.

  • A story I found really powerful was a story of 7 children who were left by their mother to seek work in a neighboring country, the mother never came back and it had been 3 years. The kids lived with their very old grandmother who struggled to make ends meet. The story made me sad.

    • The kids who were so poor they had no clothes
      -I was shattered, i cried and couldn't sleep for months after seeing them.
      -this story compelled me to write an article about that family for our newspaper. i even went as far as organizing people and organizations to donate to the family.
  • I’ve been volunteering for the High Atlas Foundation for about 2 months now. During my first days in Morocco we visited the Akrich cemetery, a jewish cemetery that built in cooperation with the HAF a tree nursery. Now, Akrich is a place where the jewish community works with rural muslim farmers. Furthermore, the in third generation care-taker Aberrakim Baddah makes a livable wage due to HAF.
    It made me feel proud to support such an organisation and happy to be at a place of interfaith dialogue.
    This story made me want to listen to Morocco's diverse history and the stories of individuals that want to work together towards a prosperous future, regardless of their background, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

  • The story i found powerful was the story of saint Patrick who was kidnapped from his hometown to Ireland, who later escaped from his kidnappers and went back to his home, but God later told him to go back and tell them about his kidnappers about the love of Christ, which he did. the story moved me to be more obedient to the ways of God no matter how others might have wronged me and also to be generous to missionaries as they obey God and take the gospel to places whether it's favorable for them or not.

  • A story that really moved me, was actually the real life narration of someone's situation.
    In an indigenous area, where people have been living since times immemorial, I met a family. The father, helplessly and almost breaking down, narrated how they are being uprooted from their lands of their forefathers for a "development" project. A project, that will not even benefit them.
    A migrant myself, I am still working with the community due to the bond we created due to the story that the man shared with me.

  • Beautiful story and an insight into how we often get into problem solving mode without understanding the nuances of the situation.

  • It's amazing what stories can do. I recently read Abraham Lincoln's Biography... The man, a superb storyteller, accompanied almost all of his political arguments with a story.

  • I'm in a slightly different category because I was a journalist for 40 years and part of my job was to NOT get emotionally involved in what I was writing about.
    Of course some things get to you no matter what. One was a court case of a woman who had just started university in London and got drunk at a party, wandered off and was raped by a taxi driver. The same day there was another rape case at the same court which was waaaaay more horrific in every sense, but the first one resonated with me far more because I could imagine lots of my female friends finding themselves in exactly that awful scenario.
    I struggle to respond positively to the mouse story because it seems like it's one of the stories invented as part of the storytelling experiment. (I suspect that's the case, and the penny next to the photo as in many of the others suggests it is part of that series, although it's possible it is actually legit.) I responded with $1 as the value because even if real, the story doesn't add any intrinsic value to the mouse to anyone other than members of that family. If it's a made-up story to prove the power of storytelling, it makes me feel like I'm reading the work of unethical journalists who make stuff up because they know they can get away with it.

    1 Reply
  • A story I found really powerful was of a little boy by the ocean who collected one fish by one that were off shore and returned them in water. When a stranger asked why he did so, he said that he was saving nature. It made me feel the need to be nature friendly despite of age ,place or quantity.

  • A story I found really powerful was that of a close friend of mine. She missed something I would call a lifetime opportunity due to her carelessness and she wouldn't heed to corrections. Although I don't know her plans or her fate, but it made me feel so sad, and angry at the same time.

  • A story I found really powerful was actually a fable about the Ant and the Cricket.
    it got me thinking about the values of hard work and how much they are important.

  • A story I found really powerfully was a story of a man who gave up searching for gold while he was almost there. I felt pity for this this man, even though the story was fiction. But it comes to play, when I want to give up on a task cause I don't want to make a similar mistake, as this man did; To give up while almost at the finishing line.

    1 Reply
  • I've always been a fan of stories and brands that use storytelling as a part of their marketing strategy. One story that I found really powerful was this story about how housemaids/babysitters know and connect with the kids they take care for more than the parents themselves. It made me feel mixed emotions because I never realized how the absence of parents takes a huge toll on their children's lives and relationships.

  • Ooo I know this story! And I like it too because it motivates me to do better in life.

  • One story I find most memorable is one told by a man who went to school in a neighboring country in the mid 1950's and had to take a train at the start of the school term. His father though well off did not understand the value of education. At the beginning of the journey he would give his son 5 cents for pocket money which he was expected to bring some change. The son therefore devised a way to raise more money by picking sugarcane that grew on the sides of the railway line and selling to other passengers on the train. This way he was able to raise enough pocket money to survive the term and always brought change to the father.

    The story is memorable because it provides encouragement to me that one can always find a solution if pushed hard enough or has no alternative.

    The story encourages me to always find solutions to any challenges that I encounter at a personal level or at work

  • It is a great story with lessons to be learnt.

  • The story i found really powerful was a story told by a woman who advocates for the rights of sex workers. It made me feel empathetic towards her. She narrated a story about a gang of men who tricked her colleague, hired her off their usual spot drugged her and took her to a forest. The men then gang-raped her and tore her tissue with their aggressiveness. They then tied her to a tree with her legs wide apart and her hand also tied over her head and left her to spend the night there.

    she screamed her voice hoarse but there was no help because it was already getting dark and yet the forest was quite a distance away from the nearby residence. The blood the flowed from her bleeding private parts then attracted ants that moved straight up to her sex organs. They feasted on her the whole night as she wailed helplessly in pain throughout the night.
    She was only rescued by some little children who had come to the forest to collect firewood. when they saw her they called for help. The local authorities came to her rescue immediately and tried to look for her identity. She only survived for a day in the hospital and died.
    It was later established that she had been gang-rapped because the men felt that she took to sex work because she was not getting sexual satisfaction from her partner yet in actual sense she was in sex work to earn a living.

  • A story I found really powerful was with regard to a young woman who came to our organization for assistance. She was a disabled, young widow who never had children. She found herself in a position of being asked by the local county children's services to assist in the care of not one, but two children who had been abandoned by their mother. One of the children was this woman's biological family member, who she was willing to take to assist her family member in getting custody of the child. However, this child had a half-sibling, who she did not want to abandon and asked my client if she would take her sister, too. My client agreed to take both children, and it made me feel so much compassion for this dear woman, who had been through so much herself, to take on the care of both of these children. I assisted her in many ways with all she needed to bring these children into her home and with the necessities to care for them. Watching the care and love she provided to these children still warms my heart today.

  • Thanks for sharing this story!

  • I heard the story of a man who decided to attend a church service after much persuasion from his friend. His initial initial hesitation was due to the fact that he detested being the practice of preachers asking gullible congregants for monetary contributions at the end of the service. To make sure this did not happen, he resolved to carry in his pocket just a few cents, intentionally.
    So he accompanied his friend to the church service, just to verify his commendations.
    Alas! by the time the storied preacher was done, our good man not only gave what he had but borrowed for offering a few hundreds for which he promised to reimburse later that evening.

    1. What made the story memorable was the man's change of mind
    2. I felt exited to now the content of the preacher message
    3. It compelled me to want to find out what was preached about
  • A story I really found powerful was about Joel Osteen, the lead pastor of Lakewood church and how he was able implement amazing strategies to see the church grow in numbers from when he took over the church from his dad. He was able to buy the current auditorium of the church which can carry over 16000 people in attendance, and the church has millions of followers listening to their messages online and from different parts of the world.

    This story was one of grit, resilience and passion. Joel never expected to be the lead pastor of the Lakewood church because he was working on the background with his dad, for years and when his father died, the church appointed him to take over. He has over hundreds of messages on YouTube, preaching about hope, salvation and converting people to Christ.

    I hope I didn't forget to add that he is a New York best-selling author. His books has changed my life and I got to know an indepth of this story from this book titled Becoming a better you.

    This story left a huge impact in my life, I was inspired to become better and live a life that would touch the lives of others positively.

  • A story I really found powerful was about Joel Osteen, the lead pastor of Lakewood church and how he was able implement amazing strategies to see the church grow in numbers from when he took over the church from his dad. He was able to buy the current auditorium of the church which can carry over 16000 people in attendance, and the church has millions of followers listening to their messages online and from different parts of the world.

    This story was one of grit, resilience and passion. Joel never expected to be the lead pastor of the Lakewood church because he was working on the background with his dad, for years and when his father died, the church appointed him to take over. He has over hundreds of messages on YouTube, preaching about hope, salvation and converting people to Christ.

    I hope I didn't forget to add that he is a New York best-selling author. His books has changed my life and I got to know an indepth of this story from this book titled Becoming a better you.

    This story left a huge impact in my life, I was inspired to become better and live a life that would touch the lives of others positively.

    2 Replies
  • A story I found really powerful is the story of my handcrafted jewelry business. The story make me feel defeated with a renewed determination to energize Africa with renewable energy using my handcrafted business as one of the means.

  • A story I found really powerful was Blake Lively talking about the Child Rescue Foundation - I felt sad, disgusted and hopeful about the work the foundation does. It made me connect with the charity online to see how I could support

  • Wow, inspiring

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