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  • In order to produce reasonable and achieve objectives funds are needed, therefore capacity building is an entity that qualifies any steps in reaching our goals.

    2 Replies
  • Our capacity building effort with our "Strategy" will help our overall mission by setting organizational goals to strive for, through our Strategic Plan. Being transparent with our donors about our challenges so we can involve them in the challenges, plan to improve, growth and including them to choose to assist in solving those challenges will be Key to our success! "We are all in this together."

    2 Replies
  • Slightly Convinced

  • It si not easy to entirely easy to open up to your funders as you are afraid that they may consider your project not worth funding.

    1 Reply
  • By being strategic in where my organization places its partnerships in schools and creating a long term partnership, data can be continually collected and monitored. With the data, we can prove our impact and use for future funding.

    1 Reply
  • That is true. But I think with having a relationship where trust is involved, they can see that you're being real about the struggle and wanting to do better.

  • Definitely convinced

  • To build capacity on leadership and talent in my organization would help us maximize the potentials and contributions of eachmember of our team that would help us have greater impact on our beneficiaries.
    It would also help us share ideas together as a team. There would be more objectivity since we would explore the services of experts within and outside the organization.

    3 Replies
  • Raising funds through fundraising and fundraising resources will help the organization in the realization of some of the programs its currently engaged in. A good example is the scholarship program for merited students from poor backgrounds.
    Training our staff on the skills to fundraising will equip them to understand how to raise funds for the success of this program.

  • capacity building effort will help achieve my organization’s overall mission for effective productivity,quality service render and good customer relationship.

  • @achidati said in Module 3: Developing a Rationale:

    In order to produce reasonable and achieve objectives funds are needed, therefore capacity building is an entity that qualifies any steps in reaching our goals.

    Definitely convince

  • Defining good and effective strategies is very influential for growth of an NGO.

  • Building capacity in Finance, Accounting and Compliance will help in ensuring that the organization has real-time information on our financial records. This can come in handy during the monitoring, evaluation and Learning, which will help in communicating the organizations true state to the funders, and ultimately getting necessary support.

  • that sounds practical

  • slightly convinced

  • How my capacity building effort will help in achieving the organization's overall mission.

    1. Refining the mission and vision will help create proper focus for our activities.
    2. Strengthening the strategy would help organize the programmes of the organisation.
    3. Running relevant programmes would impact the beneficiaries better and such impact can be better measured
  • Upon completion of this course, I am sure I would be able to get a formidable staff team to run the organization in a direction that will reflective of our mission and vision. Also with skills gained and how to approach funders I will be able to get more funding from donors as I will have the correct pitch on what to say to them that will make them donate towards my course.

  • Upon completion of this course, I am sure I would be able to get a formidable staff team to run the organization in a direction that will reflective of our mission and vision. Also with skills gained and how to approach funders I will be able to get more funding from donors as I will have the correct pitch on what to say to them that will make them donate towards my course.

  • By collection of data
    Comfortably sharing the process and problems of my organization to funders

  • Our mission is to transform the lives of women in a dignified way. By building capacity in the area of communication we will be able to raise awareness about the challenges faced by women; challenges that are specific to women backed up by the data we have been able to gather. The plan is also to showcase the impact we have made as an organization so far.

  • Definitely convinced

  • Iam convinced and motivated

  • Iam convinced and motivated

  • Building capacity in Leadership and talents is crucial because our current volunteers aren't reaching targets and getting results of the time they spend.

    1 Reply
  • Focusing on monitoring & evaluation will provide us with a more detailed picture of our impact on the community - whether we are actually seeing most people who receive our services improve their situation and leave poverty, or not. This will help us make adjustments to our programs to accomplish our desired impact, and provide us with data to make appeals for grants and donors. It shows we are self-aware and responsible, capable of measuring and evaluating our initiatives, and that makes us a more appealing candidate for funding and volunteers.

    2 Replies
  • Our mission is to foster wealth creation by promoting business and entrepreneurial development among Nigerians. By improving our capacity in Communication, we would be better positioned to attract funding and talent to drive the work we do to empower small and growing businesses in Nigeria.

  • Definitely convinced!

  • Fundraising isn't really applicable to my organisation since we are a government agency. However, it is still good knowledge to have.

  • Through capacity building, my organisation will not only be able to achieve its mission but will thrive. We will be able to solve our pain points and come up with solutions that would positively affect our organisation as well as the entrepreneurs in our ecosystem

  • All staff, leaders and well wishers will get on board and work towards achieving the organisations mission or goal

  • Capacity building efforts in the area of strategy will enable us develop a compelling rationale that clearly articulates how these efforts benefit our organization, its strategy and beneficiaries. A clear, concise and sustainable vison and mission statement is vital is taking relevant steps inclusion gathering funds to build and strengthen capacity to achieving that unique mission.

  • Capacity building will assist me in knowing the different steps to follow so that my organization can grow

    1 Reply
  • Building Monitoring Evaluation and Learning systems and processes in the organisation will help in ensuring that we are putting our resources in the right direction and when we are aware of the effectiveness and efficiency of deliverables, it will help us re-prioritize our focus areas of interventions to achieve our mission.

  • Absolutely. Being transparent with donors will not only help them understand the gaps and support you in the right direction, it will also help in building long term meaningful relationship with them as an outcome.

  • The four critical elements to be focused on while developing the rationale are: How did you come to a solution, how is it connecting with your org strategy, how is it helping the beneficiaries and how is it supporting other parts of the organisation.

  • Identifying your strategy and showing that your strategy has been effective in obtaining results is key.

  • We currently don't have a M&E officer in our org

    • we need a M&E officer to set data management, collection and interpretation to help use data to do an evaluation on the progress and successfulness of the program
  • Our mission is to promote development through good governance, capacity building and improving livelihood of the underserved and unreached in the society. Without the understanding of capacity building we will not be able to achieve our mission statement

  • Hiring a talented professional in finance and accounting will enable our organization undertake basic audits and file annual returns in time. By achieving compliance, we should be able to attract further funding from donors that require compliance as prerequisite for providing funding and this will enhance our mission to provide good infrastructure to support quality educational training of our children in school

  • This is not convincing enough as the area where you want to build capacity is not mentioned. If stated, it should make the realisable impacts more vivid and clear

  • This is abit ambiguous. What area do you want to build capacity? How does it connect to the overall goal and how will it impact your mission? I think we should be answering some of this here.

  • I am slightly convinced but it would be better to specify which area of leadership and Talent you would like to focus on in building capacity, and specifying how this is connected to your overall strategy and how it will eventually impact the organization and its beneficiaries

  • building MEL capacity and capability will highlight where initiatives and services align and support our organisation's strategy and where they do not. it will better enable choices in planning and design of initiatives and service so that they do support the organisation's strategic objectives and it will show us how close our progress is towards achieving those objectives.

    2 Replies
  • definitely convinced by the intentions of this statement but it also depends on having the necessary structures, processes and resources in place to support the trainees in being able to use their new training in their organisation.

  • To secure buy in with the people at my organization I will host a meeting to explain my plan which is to introduce a communications specialist to the organization who will come and identify gaps that are causing barriers to proper communication within the organization. Having identified this gaps will help address them and make the staff happy which will then make them serve the clients well. Good communication within the organization will lead to good communication with beneficiaries hence excellent program impact. This strategy I believe will be what I will continue using going forth.

  • We are planning to work on Finance. Accounts and Compliance, building this capacity will help us to
    Gain credibility of the organization which will help us in getting more funds out of the confidence the funder will have in us
    By improving this segment we will be able to manage our cash flow well, forecast our future financial ability before launching a new projects
    We can secure funds by improving compliance which will result in minimizing the leakages and under utilisation of funds.

  • by finding more regular funders to allow more income for the organization. Also by changing the board members or adding new ones who have more aligned goals to help us grow.

  • slightly convinced

  • Its all depends to that person, is she/he able to make decision?

  • not convinced

  • It will help the organization empower the employees

  • By sourcing more fund we will be able to reach more beneficiaries and we will be a step closer to curbing period poverty in my country.

  • I definitely convinced that capacity building effort will help the organisation's overall mission. As a fund management team, development of capacity in monitoring and data collection will help my organisation overall objective, to understand the effective and efficient utilisation of fund.

  • Capacity-building in my organization is a specific effort to strengthen and help my organization achieve its over all mission by:
    1- It develops my Organizational infrastructure which includes things like facilities such as workplaces and service locations, equipment such as computers and other technology, office supplies, equipment essential to services and as well workplace operations such as payroll and accounting.

    1. Management and governance where all organization board members, executive staff and program.

    2. Staff capacity where all staff are educated on strategic improvements and professional values and objectives of the organization.

  • Honesty is the key in any organization, for a funder to entrusted his resources into a organization.
    Transparency is a situation whereby every information collect inform of data are accurate.
    Data collection should be done by skillful expert in the fieldwork.

  • Improving our communication as part of capacity building will help us to communicate a focused strategy and message, therefore raising awareness and our organization's credibility and acceptance.

  • Qur capacity building efforts will help achieve my organization mission in several ways one of which is when we have a team that can effectively and efficiently execute the foundation's projects it will give us room to scale up which will in turn moving us closer to achieve our ultimate goals. Another way is that it will give us more funding opportunities and this is very crucial in terms of implementation and sustainability.

  • I am definitely convinced that my capacity building effort will help my organization reach it goals, in monetary and resources terms

  • Definitely convinced

  • I think that my capacity building effort will help my organization to be a modern, pioneering organization on many levels with highly skilled and motivated staff.

  • Leadership and talent: would help staff members with providing optimized service delivery to beneficiaries

  • not convinced

  • Having a second tier management will assist my organization be more impactful in boy child empowerment since decision making will be less biased ,better monitoring , evaluation and learning and also more openness to and from staff.

  • I am convinced that this is a great step to achieving your organization's mission .

  • Making Good use of Human Resources
    Keep Customers/Consumers in mind
    Work on quality service/products

  • The area of capacity that I would like to focus on is communications. We are in the initiate stage of growth. I believe with growth in this capacity, the mission of the company will become more clear to an outsider. I also feel more people will be able to be reached. With these two things happening, I feel the company's overall target goals will be better reached and our target audience will be better served.

  • @nancibonfield said in Module 3: Developing a Rationale:

    Our capacity building effort with our "Strategy" will help our overall mission by setting organizational goals to strive for, through our Strategic Plan. Being transparent with our donors about our challenges so we can involve them in the challenges, plan to improve, growth and including them to choose to assist in solving those challenges will be Key to our success! "We are all in this together."

    @nancibonfield said in Module 3: Developing a Rationale:

    Our capacity building effort with our "Strategy" will help our overall mission by setting organizational goals to strive for, through our Strategic Plan. Being transparent with our donors about our challenges so we can involve them in the challenges, plan to improve, growth and including them to choose to assist in solving those challenges will be Key to our success! "We are all in this together."
    I agree. This will be a good approach for achieving your goals.

  • Our mission is generally to deliver A+ results to clients. The capacity building effort involves weeding out the bad seeds and replacing them talented, ethical and determined leaders that will not only fulfil, but propel that mission.

  • By building the capacity of Leadership and Talent, I think this will lead to empower and develop the staff to be more ablicable to achieve the mission. Also, will help to hire some employees that have good experince to mange and operate the services.

  • Once we conduct assessment of what the problem really is, we will be able to identify areas of need that will shape our thoughts to finding solutions.

  • We will be able to create and maintain strong foundations for projects, measure internal effectiveness and external impact, and plan and cultivate strategic relationships.

  • The capacity building needed is to have better tracking systems. Through better tracking systems we will be better able to engage with volunteers and recruit them for new opportunities. This will also give us data about volunteers' impact such as how many hours they contribute, what projects have the most volunteer engagement, and how many volunteers reengage after their original volunteer opportunity has ended.

    1 Reply
  • Rational not only help funders but the orgainzation to be clear about strategy and how it aligns to mission

  • My organization assists the community by picking up the missing pieces the community is missing to ensure those in need have what they need for success. By utilizing my capacity building effort, we can eliminate some, not all, high-stress moments and work together cohesively to accomplish last-minute tasks to ensure those in need throughout the community can continue utilizing the resources available to them.

  • I am definitely convinced by your statement because you specifically list out the ways this capacity building method will help your organization succeed - by using better tracking systems, your organization can use the collected data to enhance volunteer retention.

  • We have been reaching out to more than 10000 students each year through our unique awareness campaigns. However, to achieve this number, we have to speand more time than anticipated. We need support to design our execution strategy that will help us to reduce the time to reach out to each students, and we will be able to impact more than 15000 students each year.

  • Capability building helps identify and nurture potential leaders and successors within the organization.
    Capacity building is an intervention that strengthens an organization's ability to fulfill its mission (it is a process that enables teams to develop and strengthen skills and abilities) which helps the team achieve their objectives, manage challenges in the workplace, establish good governance, and contribute to organizational growth more effectively.

  • Capability building helps identify and nurture potential leaders and successors within the organization.
    Capacity building is an intervention that strengthens an organization's ability to fulfill its mission (it is a process that enables teams to develop and strengthen skills and abilities) which helps the team achieve their objectives, manage challenges in the workplace, establish good governance, and contribute to organizational growth more effectively.

  • I'm building a professional dashboard that will help identify project gaps and suggest how to fix them. I will start by implementing in my organization first, then scale it and apply at different nonprofit organizations to improve overall work efficiency.

  • Through honesty and transparency about the problems your organization is facing. To convince funders to support capacity building initiatives, which do not have immediate payoffs because funders need to be able to trust nonprofits. In order for this to happen, my organization will be more forthcoming about our organizations’ struggles, needs, and solutions since funders appreciate hearing about an organization's needs and weaknesses.

  • Through honesty and transparency about the problems your organization is facing. To convince funders to support capacity building initiatives, which do not have immediate payoffs because funders need to be able to trust nonprofits. In order for this to happen, my organization will be more forthcoming about our organizations’ struggles, needs, and solutions since funders appreciate hearing about an organization's needs and weaknesses.

  • We need to hire more counselors so we can expand the number of agencies we can partner with which will lead to accessible mental health counseling services.

  • Building capacity will help us develop goals for funding sources that will allow us to be sustainable so we can expand. We can also collect and manage the data and how we are impacting mental health in our community. This data will set the stage of reevaluation of moving forward.

  • Through capacity building, we seek to empower our team with enhanced skills and knowledge, fostering operational efficiency, innovation, and improved service delivery. This will enable us to better address stakeholder needs, fulfill organizational objectives, and ultimately contribute more effectively to our mission of making a positive impact in our community.

  • Monitoring and evaluation capacity building enhances an organization's ability to track progress, measure outcomes, and learn from experiences. By improving these skills across the organization, it ensures that activities are aligned with the mission, enables evidence-based decision-making, and facilitates continuous improvement, ultimately leading to greater effectiveness and impact in achieving the organization's overall goals.

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