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  • Decisions must be data-driven... i think...

  • cut writing skills continue with technology because there is job creation in technology

  • Dora, Primeiro precisa analisar os dados de cada programa parara ver qual deles teve sucesso....

  • Dora should not make said decision based on person intuition, she much rather based her decision on facts coming from research done about the three programs.

  • What Dora needs to do is to consult with the rest of the stakeholders on what to do since funding for this for this year will be low. Every decision at this stage should back by valid information made available by either her M&E team or a hired film or individual (s). With this, Dora and her staff will make decision back by evidence. Thanks!

  • Given the technology evolutions happening worldwide, it may be best to consider adopting the technology class because of its long term benefits for the women.

  • The decision to choose which program should be stopped should be based on data and not personal experience or desire. Data should define the efficiency of programs to accomplish the target of helping women from low-income communities get jobs. Then less efficiency programs should be stopped.

  • Dora should look into past data, and use it to make a decision on the project that will be cut. The project that has the least impact on these women should be the one that should be cut.

    1 Reply
  • Dora should keep both the writing and technology skills classes and incorporate mentorship classes between the two. This way she gets to keeping everything important to her.

  • Dora should research for data that provides evidence that a mentor-ship program will be more effective in securing employment than either technology and writing skills classes

  • Dora should research for data that provides evidence that a mentor-ship program will be more effective in securing employment than either technology and writing skills classes

  • Dora should adopt and practice evidence based decision making rather than relying on feelings and thoughts to make decisions.

    1 Reply
  • Dora should adopt and practice evidence based decision making rather than relying on feelings and thoughts to make decisions.

  • Dora's will decide base on the available data collected store and manage ti be guided properly

  • Since the NGOs goal is to help women from low-income communities get jobs, she should consider keeping the mentorship program as this connects the women to successful female entrepreneurs. These successful women can in turn help to sponsor some of the programs by personal mentorship of these low-income women. Teaching them to write or give them technological skills will not give them direct access to jobs to better themselves.

    1 Reply
  • This information should be gathered from evidence of any data collected that can support this theory. If there is no data indicating this then her making such a decision based on her past or feelings will not help.

  • Dora should cut out writing skills and focus on Technology

  • Technology class will be ab,e to teach Dora some basic writing skills

  • Do a quick survey and interview with the girls and their trainers with a goal to assess the impact of the three programs to the girls and their sustainability. This should inform the best alternative to take as they are all important aspects of the overall program.

  • Keeping the mentorship program is a good decision made. Dora should cut off the writing classes and keep the technology. It helps to now the current world flow,job adverts ,self employment opportunities .not even all the women will be eligible for writing in the writing classes

  • Dora should cut of the class that teaches professional writing skills

  • Dora should cut of the class that teaches professional writing skills

  • If Dora decides to keep her mentorship program it might be a good idea to remove the technology class because it will be pointless to keep a technology class when the women do not have professional writing skills.

  • i think Dora should check her data to see which of the programs is essential that impacts more on her trainees of which makes them easily employed and act according to that.

  • Dora is supposed to find out the trends in data on the following;

    1. What is the percentage of young women who get jobs after receiving Mentorship, Writing skills or Technology skills.
      the comparisons of this information against their success in their new found jobs may help Dora make a data driven decision.
  • I would advise her to cut the professional writing bit and concentrate on mentorship and technological bit.
    This is because the remaining two options can be very useful to the women in many aspects.In the meantime she could source for donor's to bring back the professional writing as time goes by.

  • Dora believes the mentorship is most efficient especially because she was part of it and might have sentimental attachment to the program. That is bias. There is need to collate data on each of the program in order to make data driven decision

  • Dora should reduce the number of women in the program and make sure she keeps the two programs: Writing Skills and the class that teaches technology. I believe this could be the best option for Dora instead of cutting one of the programs. Dora could then later on bring the other women onboard when funding is made available.

  • Dora needs to reduce the number of the beneficiaries on her program, and when funds are available in the future, she can then enroll other women into the program

  • To make a just decision, Dora needs to review both project documents and study the conditions or situations that have changed during implementation. The project whose condition has changed from the original purpose is the one to be cut off, in my opinion.

  • As I think Dora should do that stop professional writing and continues mentor ship and technology class because of the following reason :-

    1. Since currently no budget and among the service they obtain one should stop(writing skill) because in order to get job low-income women practical mentoring with technology lass preferable .
    2. mentorship program that connects women to successful female entrepreneurs the best method that women easily link to business
  • @LukmanAbdurraheem said in Module 5: Dora's Decision:


    I suggest Rual to refer to her prvious project information, because the information will make her to decide based on valid data rather than her own assumption which is not supporting by information. She should find out what the data are saying to her, based on finding she could make proper decising which might lead to good result.

  • First of all she find data on all the programmes which shows how each of the respective programme has been performing in the past. she look at how each of the programmes has impacted the lives of the women. the data can be either or both qualitative and quantitative. it from this data that decisions can be made.

  • she should cut technology and continue with mentor ship

  • Using data for decision making. This is where the analyzed data is put to actual use.

  • Dora should consider mentoring women and also providing technology skills by utilizing the available resources well. This will help the women in the low income community to continues with their service despite being unable to have professional writing skills.

  • We need data to interpret to be able to answer this question.

  • She needs to analyze her data before making decisions.

  • Dora's opinion towards what program should be cut is right. Mentorship is an essential tool because having connections for those women is essential towards getting the job. She should choose among the other two options remaining.

  • Dora's opinion towards what program should be cut is right. Mentorship is an essential tool because having connections for those women is essential towards getting the job. She should choose among the other two options remaining.

  • Dora's opinion towards what program should be cut is right. Mentorship is an essential tool because having connections for those women is essential towards getting the job. She should choose among the other two options remaining.

  • Dora may not need to cut programs, but she can, reduce some activities that are not very relevant, reduce acquisitions, travel expenses, room rental, vehicles to see if she can contain expenses.

  • Dora may not need to cut programs, but she can, reduce some activities that are not very relevant, reduce acquisitions, travel expenses, room rental, vehicles to see if she can contain expenses.

  • Dora should consider cutting off the class that teaches technological skills, since the project involves uplifting women from low income areas who may not have access to most of the modern techolohical gadgets, writing skills class teaches basic concepts and is more relevant to their situation.

  • Dora should consider cutting off the mentorship programme since from the data it shows that its the most in-effective programme since it had the lowest number of participants hired to new jobs which is the main of the project she is undertaking.
    The program is also the most expensive between the three yet its outcome is not as expected compared to the fee charges

  • Dora should consider cutting off the mentorship programme since from the data it shows that its the most in-effective programme since it had the lowest number of participants hired to new jobs which is the main of the project she is undertaking.
    The program is also the most expensive between the three yet its outcome is not as expected compared to the fee charges

  • as the fund will be reduced and she want to continue linking those women to job , it is better to focus on private or public engagement , she can do whatever to train those women in order to be able to market themselves , or linkages to entrepreneurs who are interested in employing people and do advocacy for them

  • i can use that

  • i can use that

  • Her our experience tends to provide something she could do.

  • Dora was right.

  • she can follow the steps discussed in this course

  • exactly. she can follow this approach

  • Decision making process requires from us to be regularly feeded with accurate, valid, relevant and unbiased data in order to solve definitely issues. As stated, initial pieces of knowledge, our personal experiences and others point of view will be not enough to address by themselves projects and programs management comoon critical problems. And when we could get access to data, getting capable to use them correctly is most of the time challenges.

    1 Reply
  • She should think of analysing her data well, she can't cut off programs just from personnal thought without proper analysis.

  • The best option for Dora in having objective decision on which part of the program to cut off, she should conduct needs assessment among prospect beneficiaries on which of the items is less valued and also inquire from previous beneficiaries from her program, the best aspect of the program that is less necessary. With the data that will be obtained, Dora will be able to make a sound and objective decision.

  • The best option for Dora in having objective decision on which part of the program to cut off, she should conduct needs assessment among prospect beneficiaries on which of the items is less valued and also inquire from previous beneficiaries from her program, the best aspect of the program that is less necessary. With the data that will be obtained, Dora will be able to make a sound and objective decision.

  • Especially to identify the aspect of the program that has shows to be less significance in the success story of her entire program.

  • I think dora should keep officers both from the mentorship program and writing& class that teaches technology skill both are vital in community setting ,perhaps cut down the officers which are employed to few officers .

    1 Reply
  • dora should collect information on the beneficiaries satisfaction on the programms

  • At this time, Dora is obligated to seek mentors for these women or either herself can become a mentor for these women in the community. She has to keep the technological skills course, because in this course women will have the ability to create something regarding trades, these women will create trades to go through this course and after creating this will allow them to seek mentoring for the advancement of their trades or their business.

    What Dora will do will be to seek all these courses or teach in good conditions for good understanding in order to allow these women to develop there by creating a remunerated activity.

  • Exactly, what I have just said, in making this decision, Dora will ensure that these women will be able to find themselves knowing how to do or create something either a remunerative activity or either know any trade which will allow these women to women to come out like him, or either hook them up to whatever mentor he knows or be their mentor himself

  • It is also a good idea, for these women to know something, they force them to know how to write and read. In professional writing it helps them how to work for someone else or how to apply for a job while in the tech skills course they can sort out those who are strong at it and less strong to send them into the writing skill. professional and the others will leave in the job application.

  • First, Dora should think of which of the program (s) is the funder more interested in, why is the donor interested on it.
    What are the possible impact of all the projects on individuals, haven implemented them for sometime? This will help Dora make decisions

  • First, Dora should think of which of the program (s) is the funder more interested in, why is the donor interested on it.
    What are the possible impact of all the projects on individuals, haven implemented them for sometime? This will help Dora make decisions

  • Following her intuition will result in not taking a data-driven decision, which may affect the overall outcome.
    Data must access the available data from all the program and analyze them to see which of the program is producing the desired outcomes, based on the feedback of the participants and the program which producing the least result. Her decision should be based on the result of the analyzed data.

    1 Reply
  • Dora should access the data available for all the 3 programs, analyse them and make decisons based on the result of the data.

  • Dora should refer to the data analysis of the implementation of the programs to verify the impact of each program and the viability.

  • i think Dora should evaluate which program has yielded the best results and also if she can intertwine the programs and also consult members of her team which programs they would prefer and know what to do with the other

  • Dora should cut down the writing skills. Technology has a lot to play in an emerging community and can possibly go without writing skills.

  • I would recommend to Dora to take the decision based on a evidence not her assumption or her history, because the people are difference. So, suggest to Dora do an assessment with project target beneficiaries and decide the program to cut down based on the findings from the assessment

  • Professional education services improves the skills and performance of the staff. Technology on the other hand is key in data presentation and skills on how to use the software and hardware. I think it would be wise if Dora would drop the writing skills due to less funding

  • I agree that Dora should follow all the steps we have learned

  • Dora should use the past performance in every skill she provides to come up with the best decision making

  • Dora should choose the best skills relevant for women of low income to get Jobs. due to the present age/generation technology skills is needed most.

  • Dora should look at the data of all the programs, especially the writing skills and technology programs to guide her on which program will affect the organization less if it is cut. How does these two programs rate in terms of meeting the objectives of the program, how will it affect the operations? This will make it easier for Dora to decide which program to cut

  • Dora should look at the data of all the programs, especially the writing skills and technology programs to guide her on which program will affect the organization less if it is cut. How does these two programs rate in terms of meeting the objectives of the program, how will it affect the operations? This will make it easier for Dora to decide which program to cut

  • Dora should look at the data of all the programs, especially the writing skills and technology programs to guide her on which program will affect the organization less if it is cut. How does these two programs rate in terms of meeting the objectives of the program, how will it affect the operations? This will make it easier for Dora to decide which program to cut

  • Dora should reflect on the data from All 3 programs to help her make a better decision. If she zooms into the data from each program and reviews which one is the most effective and useful to the youth, then she can be able to make an infirmed decision on which one to keep.

  • Dora should review the program data from each of the 3 programs, then she will be able to tell using the data which one is more effective and useful to the youth. Only then, she can make an infrmed decision on which one to keep. Akternatively, she cpould conduct a survey with the beneficiaries to help her decide which one to keep and which one to let go. The client always knows best.

  • Dora cannot rely on her own decision to make this very important decision as it is in the past and may not be applicable today or even still will use only her information to generalize for the entire program.
    Dora will have to go through her data and reports to establish which program has been most effective in helping the program graduates get jobs and the remove the least effective.

  • First and foremost, I must commend Dora's involvement in helping women with low income get a job.

    It is sad to know there will be less funding and that a professional educational program has to be cut.

    Deciding between technology and writing class is a pretty tough one knowing how important each class has helped to build the capacity of these women. However, one has to choose the most beneficial of the two classes.

    For me, I will go with the technology class while I drop the writing class for two main reasons.
    First reason is because the importance of technology to the world today cannot be over emphasised. Everything virtually will be dead now if technology is removed. This therefore makes it the global needed tool for now and the future.
    My second reason is because Technology is an embedded class that comes with benefits of learning other courses including writing. There are a number of predictive tools that has been developed to help improve learning most especially writing.

    This therefore means that if technology class is chosen over writing, the benefits the women will be having will be more and all. I said more and all because with technology, you can have and do all other important development classes as well as the writing class.

    Thank you everyone.

  • I think that the mentorship program should be cut. this is because with the professional writing and technology skills, her beneficiary could still get their desired jobs using these skills.

  • Dora decided to use a relative importance pattern to solve her p4oblem

  • Dora decided to use a relative importance pattern to solve her problem

  • Dora's decision is to listen to her intuition, be the mentor for other vulnerable people

  • Dora's decision is to listen to her intuition, be the mentor for other vulnerable people

  • What Dora should do
    firstly , Using data for decision marking, monitoring data lets team members make smart decision about schedules
    Secondly , Evaluation data lets managers and funder decide which programs to implement or fund. Nearly any decision -marking process can be improved with access to the right information

  • She has to study her from past experience to make this decision

  • In my opinion Dora should focus on teaching the women writing and othe technology skills because this is sustainable. Just connecting these women to successful entrepreneurs is not sustainable because at times layoffs do occur due to other financial problems in cases like these lender women vulnerable.

  • Dora should cut the writing class.

  • Dora should conduct a survey and ask women participants to make a choice in between them and relate the reasons for choosing them as well. This should give Dora a better understanding of what program is more effective than the others.

  • As seeing is always believing, at the outset, Mrs. Dora,s decision to retain the program that connects poor women to entrepreneurs should be retained while technology class may be removed. On the other hand, Dora might also take a decision based on the past data or impact evaluation of different activities which ever provided better results in achieving the objective of the organisation may be retained.

  • Dora's decision to maintained mentorship may be bias since she did not fully analyzed all the project using data analysis therefore she should first analyze all the project data and draw her conclusion on which project to close and the one to leave using the following steps below;

    1. Start with findings. Findings are facts that you pull from the data.
    2. Draw conclusions. Interpret the findings. For this step, you might rely on the analysis skills
    3. Make recommendations. Based on your conclusions, what should your organization do? This is where the decision actually gets made.
    4. Schedule actions. Once you have made a recommendation, implement that decision by proposing actions.
  • Based on this scenario, the class that teaches professional writing skills should be cut.
    Because as Dora's reflect from her own experience "When she was a young woman, she was lucky enough to find a mentor who really supported her efforts to grow. Dora credits a lot of her success to this mentorship."
    Because as she is a beneficiary of mentorship program, she believe keeping the mentorship program will help the low income women in the community more than the professional writing skills and the technology, because as they said experience is the best teacher.

  • That is very correct

  • In my opinion, in the current context of reduced funding for vocational training services, Dora's NGO is forced to cut some of these activities this year in order to maintain its mentoring programme. In the face of this situation I would advise Dora to retain the Technology courses. In my opinion, in the current context of the COVID 19 pandemic, many companies are working online with their staff without the need for them to travel. This requires a good knowledge and mastery of technology and all things digital. It is true that professional writing skills are also an asset for a job applicant, but this gap can be filled by practice and experience in the workplace.

  • Na primeira abordagem, antes dela tomar uma decisão primeiramente devera: analisar o rendimento todos os programas, qual deles tem um rendimento muito baixo.
    ela deve devera usar os seus dados para tomar as suas decisões, essa e melhor decisão que se deve tomar quando temos um problema, pós os dados nos conduzem para uma melhor decisões.

  • First, for Dora to make a coherent decision, she must analyze the data from each program to see how productive her programs are. The data will allow you to make a clear decision as to which program you can suspend to give priority to another, as they will tell you which program produces the least.

  • After Data Management (Storing/archiving, Organizing and Accessing/retrieval) the next step is data Analysis and then Data use. The Analyzed data is used to make informed decisions on project execution.

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