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  • it is so important because a detailed assessment of the core reasons will help all of us determine the best way forward. As it is my first day, I don't understand all of the issues and ideas behind the determined plan forward. If my colleagues have been here for a while they may have preconceived notions for the best way forward, however restating why and discussing those ideas with me would be helpful for all. There may be other ways forward that have been overlooked by folks who are used to the same model. My insight and questions may uncover different areas for improvement and different root causes that were previously overlooked.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important so ensure we look at a range of options, ensure we have looked at solutions that provide the greatest impact for our beneficiaries.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it allows specific solutions to be found to address the root causes of the problem, without making assumptions.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it help us to design the approach and interventions which are in line with the root genesis of the problem. It also aid in consideration of the alternative appoaches to applied in order to achieve the desired socuial change.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because we would be addressing felt needs of the beneficiaries and making our solutions or interventions have an impact to the community.

  • The the question to ask in this case is "what are the causes of the problems we have identified and intend to solve?". Then I will go further to explain the essence of identifying the causes of the identified problem. Am sure at the end of the meeting, there will be a rethink in the originally imagined strategy!

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it ensures we are focused on the most critical problems to address and that we consider a range of approaches as our chosen response. We may then make our greatest impact and highest possible contribution.

  • Agreed, focusing on the cause keeps us on track and helps to ensure real impact!

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because then the solutions are more likely to solve the causes and it will mean good ideas are put to the side so the important solutions are able to emerge.

  • I agree because often there are lots of great ideas out there but not all of them will solve the causes of the problem and address the needs of the beneficiaries.

  • Yes, I support your statements, because, we have focus more on problem, its root causes, and scope rather than to jump for solution, the more we search, find and understand the problems the more we will be in better position for solution, thank your

  • Yes, I support your statements, because, we have focus more on problem, its root causes, and scope rather than to jump for solution, the more we search, find and understand the problems the more we will be in better position for solution, thank you

  • I agree because often there are lots of great ideas out there but not all of them will solve the causes of the problem and address the needs of the beneficiaries.

  • otherwise we run the risk of putting together programs that don't actually help people.

  • You will then come up with solutions which have a higher chance of resolving the problem. Otherwise, it will never be resolved despite the interventions put in place

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it helps to determine the best possible approaches to solving the problem and meeting the needs of the beneficiary.

  • I agree. It helps with the ultimate goal of meeting the need of the beneficiaries.

  • It is so important to us because it'll give us an insight into what we are truly dealing with so that we might be able to come up with the best approach to facilitating long-lasting solutions.

    1 Reply
  • Yes
    It gives us a better view of where to start from

  • the organization has to know the problem and what is causing it so it can address the issues causing the problem. Once the issues causing the problem are addressed and action is taken, the organization should see a decrease in the problem addressed. No one solution will fix a problem, so many issues will need to be addressed.

  • I agree. Knowing what resources are available is as important as knowing the root causes.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because we start to think about the reasons to why there are these problems. We are also able to severe there challenges from the root which gives lasting solutions. In identifying the cause also helps us to realize the complexity of the problem and thus build a number of approaches. This way we are able to weigh between a list of approaches to determine the most appropriate as well as doable ones.

  • agreed, but also identifying the root gives us the wide scope of the number of approaches to choose from.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it allows specific solutions to be found to address the root causes of the problem, without making assumptions.

  • ..because it ensures you really do understand the nature of "the problem" and its impact. You will have explored other possibilities for solutions which may or may not be feasible due to cost, staffing, etc. Better positioned to provide justification for your approach. Moreover, it may open the door to collectively collaborating with organisations that are invested in the other approaches. This may become a synergistic relationship, ultimately fully benefitting the community at large.

    1 Reply
  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because we do not want to put time and money into solving issues that may not be what we should be prioritizing. We want to solve problems that are most pressing and most relevant to our clients.

    1 Reply
  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because we do not want to waste time and energy missing the opportunity to derail the root of the problem needing to be solved.

  • I agree. Many times our hearts are in the right place however we never see or discover the real problem. We must listen to our clients travel with them as they take us through their whys and walk in their shoes if only for a moment.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it's easy to get caught up in addressing a symptom, rather than really working to address the root cause. And it is only through addressing the root cause that the ultimate problem can be addressed and/or hopefully eradicated.

    1 Reply
  • I very much agree. Getting to the root cause, may identify a range of symptoms/problems, not previously considered and thus opens up a dialogue for an organisation on where it can best serve the population it seeks to serve.

  • Identifying the cause of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because
    i) Once the cause is identified, the problem is half solved
    ii) Easy to draw up the right solutions
    iii) Simple to draw up mechanisms how to solve it
    iv) can be solved on time
    v) Required resources can be organized to solve it
    vi) Feasible to take the right decision or measures at the right time

    1 Reply
  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it is very the very first step to begin journey. If the the first step is in right direction then one can reach to the destination (achieving the main goal).

    1 Reply
  • These are detailed steps to define brief outline for any problem. Great

  • Identifying the root cause of the problem enables us to identify the approach to solving them.We are in a better position to understand the root cause of the problem.

  • I do agree.We are in a better position to address the root cause.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it will help us create a better model that puts needs of our community at the centre of our solution. And by engaging the beneficiaries about the challenges they are facing , they become important partners of this cause and give them a sense of ownership in solving the problem affecting them.

    2 Replies
  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because understanding the cause of problems helps us better understand the needs of the beneficiaries and how to solve the problems effectively.

  • @Mwape92 said in Module 3: Discussion:

    Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it will help us create a better model that puts needs of our community at the centre of our solution. And by engaging the beneficiaries about the challenges they are facing , they become important partners of this cause and give them a sense of ownership in solving the problem affecting them.

    1 Reply
  • It is good first to know the causes of the problem to be solved as that will help to come up with effective approaches that can highly contribute to the accomplishment of the impact needed. Knowing the causes of the problems will also help to come up with different alternatives of interventions to be done in order for the problem to be solved. The causes of the problem will help to manage all the stakeholders well as approaches to be implemented will be that which satisfy the stakeholders needs and make them happy.

  • Exactly. We can not rule out the fact that we are solving a problem which beneficiaries know it better than project implementors, so involving the beneficiaries in identifying the root cause of the problem to be solved is the best strategy of coming up with approaches that beneficiaries wants to be done to solve their problem.

  • Identifying causes of the problem an organization is trying to solve is very important as cutting the problem from the root will eliminate it. But this is usually expensive and sometimes impractical.

  • i am unable to upload my worksheet pdf

  • i am unable to upload my worksheet pdf

  • i am unable to upload my worksheet pdf

  • i am unable to upload my worksheet pdf

    1 Reply
  • Because if we are mistaken about the causes of a problem, our understanding the beneficiary's needs maybe incorrect, and our solution will be ineffective

    2 Replies
  • its great that we have a problem identified yet and ready to solve, but before we look at how and what measures to put in place to solve the problem we need to carry out a community outreach where the people are being affected the most, engage them to have their views about the problem, interview them and this will help us trace the root causes of the problem and be able to come up with an effective lasting solution to the problem.

  • absolutely, and to understand the causes you need to reach out and engage the beneficiaries.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it provides us an opportunity for a deeper understanding of the needs of the beneficiaries.

    1 Reply
  • very good points to highlight. We all want a strategy that is effective.

  • also it should be noted to encourage the "devils advocate" in the room, to help identify initially unforeseen pitfalls and strategize to overcome them.

    1 Reply
  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because without identifying the problem before solving the problem, we will never come out to the best solution or worse we can never solve the problem.

  • Firstly, I found a couple of studies that found that improvements in well-being, satisfaction and happiness can come from making progress towards your personal goals.

    The caveat here is that your goals need to be in line with your inner needs and motives. If you’re committed to a goal for external reasons such as pleasing your boss or your parents, you won’t see the same emotional improvements when you make progress.

    I think we can take this as general guidance when it comes to setting goals: even if we don’t set goals specifically to achieve those emotional improvements, we can still try to focus on the goals that we’re motivated to achieve intrinsically, rather than what we think others expect of us.

    I also found evidence that when a goal is more autonomous — that is, it comes from our own motivations rather than being set for us by someone else — we’re more likely to achieve that goal.

    A last point in the research on personal goals that I found interesting was the difference between growth goals (those that look forward to achieving something) and avoidance goals (those that are based on maintaining a current state or avoiding a negative change).

    Studies have found that setting growth goals is more common in children and younger adults, and has a positive effect on well-being in these age groups, whereas avoidance goals have been found to have a negative emotional impact. Older adults, however, are more prone to setting maintenance and avoidance goals, and interestingly they don’t suffer emotionally—these type of goals seem well suited to the changes we go through as we age.

    Age isn’t the only factor, though. Societal factors can play a big role, as found in a study of personal goals in the US, South Korea and Russia. This study found that in the US, which the researchers labelled an individualistic country, avoidance goals had negative effects on well-being over time, whereas this wasn’t the case in South Korea and Russia, both of which were labelled as being collectivistic countries.

    Of course, each of these studies asked participants to measure and report progress made towards their goals. Measuring your progress is important if you want to get those positive emotional effects.

  • It helps to ensure that you develop an effective solution to the problem

    1 Reply
  • Without identifying the root cause of a problem proffering the right solutions may be difficult.

    1 Reply
  • Exactly my thoughts.

  • Identifying the root causes of problems before beginning to solve them is important for us because we are able to come up with the correct and effective solutions.

    1 Reply
  • in our country we are currently going through an educational pandemic crisis, most of the government schools are not opened yet because of teachers were not get paid for a long period of time.

  • That's true and I always find it interesting whenever spending sometime learning how to solve a problem, I get good results and there are always good achievements.

  • Identifying the cause of the problem is an insight to the solution.

  • C'est un module très instructif. On peut facilement trouver un schéma directeur pour la conduite de nos futurs projets

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because with the known causes, we are able to narrow our approaches taking them into considerations.

    2 Replies
  • Can scroll under the space for the text in there, to upload such document.

  • Yeah this actually the very base for identifying the needs of the beneficiaries.

  • what do you mean devils advocate?

  • YOu're right here.

  • Identifying the cause of problem is very important because it lays down the base for solution. If we are unsure of what is the cause of the problem any steps woul go down in vain no matter how hard we try.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before we start to solve them is very important for us because if we are wrong about the causes of problems, our understanding of the needs of the beneficiaries may be wrong and therefore the solutions we provide will be ineffective.

  • It is because it is the key to coming up with effective solutions and approaches to address the problem. To ensure that the resources are used rightly and are used to really solve the intended problem

  • Identifying the cause of the problem before beginning to solve them is important for effective and efficient result.

  • ....., It enables identify the different causes and see which one is viable and attainable with the available funding.
    E.g. the best solution to malaria is eradicating the virus/bacteria that causes it.., however distributing mosquito nets is a viable and attainable goal.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it will help in coming with the appropriate action to solve the root cause if possible, develop strategies to mitigate the effects where solving the root causes is impossible and alleviate the effects

  • Identifying the causes of a problem is very important because it enables an organisation to understand what the causes and what exactly would be the needs and interests of beneficiaries. It also provides you with ideas on how to address the problems and proffer suitable solutions to them

    1 Reply
  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it helps us search for solutions that are appropriate, effective and have the desired impact on our beneficiaries

  • In first place, identifying the cause of the problem is the best way to approach to the solution of the problem as well as reason for selecting that approach.

  • Greetings.

    I am unable to complete my assignment as the third peer to be reviewed has no PDF to be displayed.

    Would appreciate if that is looked into.


  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because the solutions are often clearly thought about and the possible cost of action can be assumed. Causality usually reflects cost analysis.

  • Very true. Infact, as you get more causes analysed, the idea of collaboration and the costs to be incurred quickly start to pop up.

  • Indeed, the beneficiaries have to be brought in continously to ensure one does not fall off track of what they are ttying to achieve.

  • Exactly. And as we narrow our approaches, we build towards cost reflective solutions with emphasis on what can be achieved with collaboration and what we can do on our own.

  • It's very tragic to connect the links between the theory of change.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it helps us in finding effective and relevant solutions to the problem. It also helps in knowing whether the causes can be dealt with singlehandedly or need support from others. It also helps to know if the solving the causes is possible or other solutions need to be identified that indirectly solve the problem. Identifying causes to the problem helps in saving resources, time and energy on misplaced solutions

    1 Reply
  • Very true and good response

  • This Module three (3) was covers problem causes and solutions on how to address them. It provide indeepth knowledges and analysis to clearly investigate the root causes of a problem. And also allow us to review and question our solutions. To whether it address the beneficiaries needs .

  • Thanks correct and wayforwad to address what causes the problem

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it enables us to find the correct solution to solve the real problems at hand making efficient use of resources

    2 Replies
  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us...because if you are unaware of the causes of the problem your understanding of the reasons may be incorrect; this will also lead to incorrect alternatives. Identifying the causes of problems is also important for us to be able to effectively identify the needs of our beneficiaries and implement a solution to their needs that is a fit for this non-profit organization.

  • A well worded response. After reading yours it helped me to realize that I should have added something in reference to the efficient use of resources and cost effectiveness. Thank you for reminding me of the importance of those as well.

  • This exercise is very crucial to the development of new programs. By exploring all the possible root causes of the problem, a more holistic approach can be established. A broader understanding of your community and its dynamics can help to shape your program to be more comprehensive and purposeful, and offering not "band-aid" solutions.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because until we can establish the base issues, we wont be able to develop a solution that reaches the root cause. Giving a hungry person a sandwich may solve the immediate issue, but doesn't get to the root cause as to why he hasn't got food.

  • Chimangatari - very good point; identifying the cause of the issue before trying to figure out answers, will definitely allow for more efficient use of resources!

  • that will help us to base solution on factual facts and determine beneficiries' needs

  • Identifying the causes of problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because if there's no clarity around the root cause you can't possibly begin to understand or plan how to solve. There must be a clear knowledge of the issues in order to contemplate resolution.

  • Identifying the causes of the problems before beginning to solve them is so important for us because it will act as a starting point to help guide us to know where to focus our energy and intentions on. Through that can save time, effort, and money into finding the possible solutions.

  • Identifying the causes of problems before we start solving them is very important to us because it allows us to identify and solve them effectively/efficiently

    1 Reply
  • Identified the causes of a problem gives the opportunity to go deep and figurate out clearly possibles solutions that can really helps us. If we can't be focus in which are the really causes of our problem, we will invest energy, resources and time in maybe something is totally doesn't gives us the directions. In my personal experience this module help me a lot to understand "Through where" need to go my project.

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