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  • In the module 1. I am surprised with the values and mission like EMPATHY, SHOWING GRATITUDE, Socially

  • This module was very interesting by learning about the important of human capital in an organization and how the organization can achieve it success by designing it culture and value.

  • This module was very interesting by learning about the important of human capital in an organization and how the organization can achieve it success by designing it culture and value.

  • that values could have tension amongst them

  • that values could have tension amongst them

  • Culture and environment should be very grateful for the organisation to grow in the future.

  • Culture and environment should be very grateful for the organisation to grow in the future.

  • that values could have tension amongst them

  • that values could have tension amongst them


    1 Reply

    1 Reply
  • I learnt that your habits become your values and these values actually become your destiny

  • It is really true to say that every organization should have concrete missions to fulfill it's organizational goals. There is set of works which are followed by the management.

    Values: To achieve organizational goals, principles or bunch of principal works are called values.

    Mission: Mission is targeted work that an organization always tries to achieve for the well-being of the company.

    Values List: 01. Environment-friendly environment.
    02. Workers- friendly environment
    03. Legitimate salary structure- oriented environment.
    04. Logical profit based working environment.
    05. Trustful working environment.
    06. Training based skilled working environment.
    07. Motivated working environment.
    08. Target-oriented working environment.
    09. Cooperative relation-based working environment.
    10. Good-will creation- friendly working environment.

    Identifying Behavior: To fill the mission completed, you need values on which you will act accordingly. In that case, your behavioral pattern should be set up that will be based on your organizational values.

  • I faced some problems regarding submitting assignments, specially it is about peer response. Culture and values of any organization should be precise and reading topics are not very clear.

  • I've checked my progress but couldn't observe any points achieved. Can you please tell me how to achieve right points regarding assignments-01?

  • I have joined a team, consisting of two members. How to fill out whole team completed?

  • Need to discuss about the course.

  • linking your values to the organizational goal

  • Hello everyone, if you are reading this, I am new to the course and I need peer buddy to work along with specifically with regards to the workshop for module 1.

    Anyone interested should be hit me up.

    Thank you in advance.

  • building up the values and embodying them

  • visualization of Organizational Values, i Really Noted This section Because its Very important when managing Human Being

  • It is really true to say that every organization should have concrete missions to fulfill it's organizational goals. There is set of works which are followed by the management.

    Values: To achieve organizational goals, principles or bunch of principal works are called values.

    Mission: Mission is targeted work that an organization always tries to achieve for the well-being of the company.

    Values List: 01. Environment-friendly environment.

    1. Workers- friendly environment
    2. Legitimate salary structure- oriented environment.
    3. Logical profit based working environment.
    4. Trustful working environment.
    5. Training based skilled working environment.
    6. Motivated working environment.
    7. Target-oriented working environment.
    8. Cooperative relation-based working environment.
    9. Good-will creation- friendly working environment.

    Identifying Behavior: To fill the mission completed, you need values on which you will act accordingly. In that case, your behavioral pattern should be set up that will be based on your organizational values.

  • As they say- culture eats strategy for breakfast. Really interesting to explore organisational values. I have enjoyed running workshops on this exploring the behaviours associated with values and how people can “live” these values so they aren’t just aspirational.

  • I have learn on what are the core values that an Org can have and how to set values on organization.

  • On top of creating our own culture and values in the organisation, the tips given in Human Capital Strategy workshop was useful.

  • The most surprising thing I learned in Module 1 is how important values are to a company and that it is a vital part in establishing and growing a business. Also the fact, that core values will for the most part will remain consistent as culture evolves.

  • A human capital strategy is a strategy that outlines the human resources and skills needed to allow an organization to achieve its goals. It is based on workforce planning and is supported by talent management systems.

  • Learning to link values to behavior and then the mission was new to me.I know of many organizations which try to relate mission to values and behavior is always the missing link. Thank you.

  • The importance of values and mission was highlighted immensely and how important it is for any organization to have clear justified values, vision and mission. This not only personifies the company but also, emulates how the company wants to be seen as in the market.

  • The importance of values and mission was highlighted immensely and how important it is for any organization to have clear justified values, vision and mission. This not only personifies the company but also, emulates how the company wants to be seen as in the market.

  • The importance of values and mission was highlighted immensely and how important it is for any organization to have clear justified values, vision and mission. This not only personifies the company but also, emulates how the company wants to be seen as in the market.

  • The importance of values and mission was highlighted immensely and how important it is for any organization to have clear justified values, vision and mission. This not only personifies the company but also, emulates how the company wants to be seen as in the market.

  • Organizational values are very important in organizational success

  • I learned how powerful the visual presentation is when demonstrating the relationships between value and mission.

  • The link between a company's mission and its values

  • the link between values and organisation missions

  • Implement a clear recruitment process, This is very effective and every organization should use it to improve their employee skills.

  • The most surprising thing I learnt in this module was the ways that nonprofit leaders and social entrepreneurs developed their human capital strategies in different ways I never seen, and it gives me inspiration to design my own company vision and how to address to the people who will be part of it. ...

  • For a small start, I was able to get a lot deeper into values. I was surprised.

  • An explanation of my understanding of the mission to value chain.

    Three main aspects need to be considered:

    • What does your company do?
    • How does the company do it?
    • Why does the company do it?

    Once these three are answered, then you are all good. Establish what the company does, detail the values followed in doing what they do, guided by the competencies at play, and establish the purpose of the company.

    For instance, if your company grows vegetables (what it does) using organic, sustainable farming methods (how it does it), to give people safe and healthy food choices (the reason for its operation), then that is as good as its mission statement.

    Three things need to be made clear here: mission, vision and core values. A company's mission is the main target or reason for operation of the said company - it is a set of guiding principles, including your values, that describe why and how the company is in operation; its vision describes what the company, and the community in which it exists, will look like in the future; core values are the standards that guide the real decisions made especially by employees and employers on the job daily.

    A company's mission describes the overall purpose of the organization. Conversely, the vision statement pertains to where the company or organization hopes they will be going in the future if they can fulfill their mission.

    A Mission Statement defines the company's business, its objectives and its approach to reach those objectives. A Vision Statement describes the desired future position of the company. Elements of Mission and Vision Statements are often combined to provide a statement of the company's purposes, goals and values.

    And so, the mission to values chart in this case would be:

    To grow vegetables using organic, sustainable farming methods, to give people safe and healthy food choices.

    Quality vegetables for a healthy community.

    - Do the right thing, when in doubt shout it out.
    I will always do the right thing, regardless of individual or company gain at the
    expense of others. If I question what the right thing is, I will seek advice from others. I will always maintain my integrity, honor and fairness.

    - Do what you say you are going to do.
    I recognize that my customers and teammates expect me to do what I say I am going to do. Should circumstances prevent me from fulfilling my commitment, I will communicate in advance and make an alternate agreed upon arrangement.

    - Respect others and their time.
    I will always treat every teammate and customer with care. I will respect their time by asking permission before interrupting, being on time, concise and prepared. I will build strong relationships and create customers for life. I will treat others how I want to be treated.

    - Own it and do it right.
    I will always do things correctly the first time recognizing a second time may not be an option. Whenever I receive a complaint I will own it and resolve it to the customer’s satisfaction recognizing that I am empowered to do what it takes.

    - Never assume, verify.
    I will communicate effectively and not make assumptions. I will always deal in fact. When a question arises, I will determine the facts and make the best decisions for our customers and the company.

    - Take initiative, keep learning.
    I will continuously seek opportunities to innovate and improve. I recognize that it is my responsibility to better myself and those around me. I will be involved in the planning of the work that affects me. I will know how my work affects others. I recognize my part in bettering myself, our customers, the company and our industry.

    - Have a positive and encouraging attitude, keep smiling.
    I will have the right perspective and enjoy my job. I will encourage others, be optimistic and enjoyable to be around. I will make it fun. I will make it better. I will make it happen.

    - Be open to new ideas, regardless of their source.
    I will create a heroic environment. I will be receptive to the ideas of others, and raise concerns without fear. I believe in “Together, Everyone Achieves More.” I am confident in our company’s future, my teammates’ insights and believe there is no room for arrogance.

  • Hello,
    Anyone here?

  • The most surprising thing I learnt in Module 1 was the central place organizational values play in the growth of company culture and brands. I reflected and learnt that it was a key aspect I, like other entrepreneurs, need to take into consideration, if my establishment is to ever have a lasting blueprint.

  • It is insightful to note how much values and culture ultimately leads to development of H.C and bring about efficiency in an organisation

  • It is insightful to note how much values and culture ultimately leads to development of H.C and bring about efficiency in an organisation

  • Reafirmei o aprendizado de que 'o Capital Humano' é a coisa mais importante de qualquer organização. Por isso deve ser tratado e incentivado ao crescimento tanto quanto a própria instituiçã.

  • It is insightful to note how much values and culture ultimately leads to development of H.C and bring about efficiency in an organisation

  • Hi! I am Eventus. I've started the course- Human Capital Strategy.

  • Hi! I am Eventus. I've started the course- Human Capital Strategy.

    1 Reply
  • Culture, from the HCI Read, is the company's core values that plays out in the form of the behaviors & actions of team members as they pursue the company's mission every day.

    What is your take on this?

  • Developing strategies to attract, retain, and develop employees can give an organization a significant competitive advantage. This course will lead you through the basics of developing a human capital strategy. You will learn how to intentionally design your organization’s values and culture, recruit and hire the right people, adapt your organizational structure as you scale, and build effective teams.

    You will also learn how to structure compensation, manage employee performance, and offer relevant professional development. This course is ideal for leaders thinking about how to build and grow their teams.

    1 Reply
  • The most interesting thing for me about module 1 was the linking up the organizations values and mission with actual day to day tasks that exhibit this in the organization .

  • Same here I had always thought most things need money . But the values almost need to be a way of being .

  • Yep and I think we as people that work in civil society or in the civil sector we need to definitely start compensating our employees more competitively , because that's how we can retain them.

    1 Reply
  • Hi Eventus , where are you from?

    1 Reply
  • I learnt that things do not happen to us but things happen FOR us. A company is basically an idea/dream/vision before it gets started. It is safe to say that this vision is somewhere out there and also somewhere deep within. So, a vision needs a mission.

    To arrive at your GOAL, everybody in the organization will have to have that shared values and that is why CULTURE is extremely important. In other words, we need the vision to be like the guiding path or a well lit road.

    No Culture then no Values.

    But the driving path should be a safe one with no rocks and builders.

    As you reach every mile marker on that road, you have accomplished the goals.

    When you can measure them, that'll be your objective.

    If you want the journey not to be boring, the activities that you do in your car such as listening to music are important else the driver sleeps.

    For culture to be a strong one you need good values such as responsibility, respect etc.

    Good practices for a driver to look at the rear view mirror.... Good behaviors such as staying on your lane.....

  • Hi! 😊 to have ✅ Module 1 of this study. Experience and lessons learned were fantastically massive. Hope you're working towards getting done with yours?

  • Yeah TANGIH! I couldn't agree less that Effective Human Capital Strategy is not a factor of numbers, but directly proportional to Focus, determination, consistency & a product of time. Bringing it all together ensures collective win.

  • Hi UZAMOKUHLE! Anyways, I'm a Nigerian from Nigeria..... Hope you're getting along well with your choiced course?

  • I couldn't agree less to that UZAMOKUHLE. This aspect is what most HR organizations & Department are failing on, especially when diagnosed with the notion that labour is cheap...

  • The most surprising thing I learnt in Module 1 is articulating the mission to values chart of an organization.

  • From this module I learnt the way I need to think of my organizations Mission and value statement in order to take ownership for achieving them and various ways to think creativity which will build the culture and motivation within and outside the organization with employees and partners/Stakeholders and drive all forces towards achievement of our mission.

    Looking forward for more insighful modules and session.

  • The clear linkages between Values, Behavior and their respective connections to Missions which personally was not very conversant with.

  • The clear linkages between Values, Behavior, Talents and their respective connections to Missions which personally I was not very conversant with.


  • I have learned from module 1 more pivotal things those will enhance my understanding of human strategy. The most important one is the importance of the human capital.

  • The surprising thing i learnt from module 1 is how to set up a mission for an organization. What will be their core values. How to present a graphical representation etc. But most surprising think i learnt that form a mission is more important than vision because mission is short term process which help the organization to survive.

  • the surprising thing i learned in this module is how social cultural norms and culture diversity play a big role in building a strong human capital in an organization

  • hello i am new here too can we proceed?

  • every organization base on its culture and values to achieve it targeted mission

  • The most surprising thing is the possibility of reorganizing a working structure in spite of traditional ways (hierarchy and so on), giving more importance to people and results

  • The most surprising thing I learnt in this module is that Culture and Values are the foundation of our organization’s human capital strategy and this go a long way in helping to build an effective human capital strategy of an organization

  • Creating a visual representation of the organizational
    values and showing a relationship between those values.

  • I have learned how core values should be linked to behavioral patterns of members of the organization and its reflection on the mission statement.

  • I found the reflection questions in the Orientation Module very thought provoking. I'm not longer at the non-profit I have worked for the past 3 years. Due to COVID, my position was eliminated. I was thinking of that organization when answering the questions and I believe that asking those questions to any senior leadership team would be insightful.

  • It was a surprise to learnt that culture within an organisation is something that need to be carefully handled if not can even lead to the collapse of the organisation. Think of an organisation where gossiping is the order of the day, who and who are not in talking terms. That alone means that productivity will be affected. The time we spend at our working places is more than the time we spend with our own families, imagine spending 8 hours per day with a person you are not talking this alone means that your heart is not at ease hence you will not be able to produce as per the expectations. Let alone the interactions with the clients one will not be able to give customer services as per the mission since he/she is already not happy due to the internal conflicts.

  • The most surprising thing I learnt was about culture and how over time it can transform into a force of its own but is still very malleable in the beginning, thus one has to be very intentional in the beginning about the culture they want to create.

  • Great learning experience

  • the most surprising thing I learned in module 1 is that an organization does not need a lot of money to develop a human capital strategy.

  • The most surprising and interesting thing I was able to do was get the understanding that organizational values need to be carefully and intentionally crafted to align with organization mission. This is a rigorous exercise worth its salt. I had previously thought you just needed any values appealing to you as an individual.

  • The visual presentation of values is an interesting way of enhancing grasping which has a great effect in implementation.

  • Culture and values are very fundamental to propelling the organization forward and sticking it together to achieve the organization's mission.

  • I was able to realize that human as a resource is paramount in any given company and should be treated with care and respect. Every organization is identified and defined by its own culture.

  • That not only funds are important when establishing an enterprise but human capital is as crucial. for non-profits or social enterprises, the founder or top managers find a way to reinforce the values that they come up with because the individual members of their enterprise make up the culture of the enterprise since culture and brand are different side of the same coin. #culture=brand

  • i get to learn how mission statement and company values correspond to each other.

  • It is very interesting the role that a company's culture and values play when formulating Human Capital Strategies to be implemented in that organization. It takes like 50% of the HCS overall.

  • Culture and values are ideally like the drives for an organization to stay true to its purpose mission and vision. IT DEFINES THE COMPANY

  • he most amazing thing i learned in module 1 is the table of values

  • The interconnection between organisation mission,core values and behaviours

  • I really enjoyed the time my team and I worked together to build the core values chart, we didn't have core values before, and it was quite confusing to choose which words best represent us. After all, we learned a lot about ourselves, which I consider my biggest lesson so far.

  • In Module 1, I learned that :

    • Culture and values are the foundation of an organisation's human capital strategy
    • Human capital is just as important as financial capital in achieving the organisation's goals
    • In our hiring process we need to recruit people who can carry or embody our organisational values
  • I learned a lot of this module because knowing how to improve my organization through the organizational chain , employees , customers and management relation for the success of the organization. Also knowing that being a rich person we have to help the needy ones in our community through creating wealth in the society .

  • Employees need motivation to give them morale to keep on working well

    1 Reply
  • I can't agree less. I am currently face with such situation at my workplace.

  • What struck me in this module was how important culture and values are to an organization.

  • I enjoyed all the videos, especially the NGO to help the homeless, thinking of starting something similar in future. I enjoyed learning about organizational values and it's importance. I learnt the importance of connecting values with organizational mission. The need to improve your strategy as the organization grows.

  • I think this is key to set the stage for the company. Establishing cultural ideas and values allows you to establish future goals and hire employees who share similar values.

  • At least i learnt to plan and have a vision for my organization

  • At least i learnt to plan and have a vision for my organization

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