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  • A budgeting system would definitely same time and human resources as all budgets could be seen as part of a whole as opposed to each one of them being approached individually, on its own terms.

  • Proper Budgeting helps in forecasting expenses and channeling resources adequately. It gives direction to organizational spending.

  • proper budgeting enables the project to be successful .

  • Having a clear and harmonised budget will reduce the time spent in looking into scattered budgets for the same organisation. It will also ensure that all projects / programmes and organisations expenses are well budgeted for and resourced. Budgeting also ensured sustainability of our organisations.

    1 Reply
  • It is important to have all the budgets in a single system, this will allow to have a greater control over the different types of expenses in all the projects, you will be able to know which budget lines have been over-spent and which ones have not. It will also help to the needs.

  • Budgeting is critical as it clearly shows what the finance is required to achieve the organization's goals for the period. It sets the tone for fund raising, financial discipline through efficient use of resources and transparency to donors.

  • Having a standardize budget gives a lot of benefits to the organization as well as the stakeholders. In short, it is useful to know expenses incurred against planned activity, to evaluate the result against expenses incurred, to forecast the future financial requirements, to make cost analysis in order to figure out its benefits and loss, etc.

  • The Benefits of Budgeting includes help to Organize Your Spending and helps performance evaluations.

  • Budget in a way, helps an organization to know the output, or actual financial performance against the budget earmarked for a function. If a standardized budget system is in place organization would be able to measure how much has been spent and where necessary relevant actions can be taken, e.g
    A budget to spend 1 million for a function and actual is 1.2 million, management can decide to accept the 1.2 million as a budget subsequently, or cut down on some things to achieve the 1 million earmarked. it gives a kind of control on expenses and output.
    My Organization would gain more:

    1. Expenses that are uncalled for and can be avoided will not be incurred.
    2. It will encourage savings attitude in order to execute some projects without Head Quarters involvement.
    3. Discipline when incurring expenses.
    4. Monitoring of some head and sub-head expenses
  • Having a well defined process for bugdeting at an organisation can help the organisation to budget well and also plan for future plans. The organisation can also cater for the needs of needs of people in the organisation which could some time not be taken care of for example Dr. Fourth mentions the people at head office or vendors that contribute to several projects.

    Who will need to use my budget and the information they will need to know.
    The funder of the organisation will need to know what the plans of the year of the organisation are and in this case it will help them to be motivated after knowing that the plans made are of a great result at the end of the year.

    How often the organisation should creat a cash flow bugdet.
    ****The organisation should create a cash flow bugdet every month, this is because the organisation can plan well when to pay their workers at the company and also other organisations expenses which could be needed to be paid monthly. The monthly cash flow bugdet can also help the organisation to know how much cash inflows and cash outflow so as to plan well.

  • Having a well defined process for bugdeting at an organisation can help the organisation to budget well and also plan for future plans. The organisation can also cater for the needs of needs of people in the organisation which could some time not be taken care of for example Dr. Fourth mentions the people at head office or vendors that contribute to several projects.

    Who will need to use my budget and the information they will need to know.
    The funder of the organisation will need to know what the plans of the year of the organisation are and in this case it will help them to be motivated after knowing that the plans made are of a great result at the end of the year.

    How often the organisation should creat a cash flow bugdet.
    ****The organisation should create a cash flow bugdet every month, this is because the organisation can plan well when to pay their workers at the company and also other organisations expenses which could be needed to be paid monthly. The monthly cash flow bugdet can also help the organisation to know how much cash inflows and cash outflow so as to plan well.

  • A good budgeting system will help a company reach its strategic goals by allowing management to plan and to control major categories of activity, such as revenue, expenses, and financing options. Also, a standard system for creating budgets would help an organization to save time during budget and also ensure that the right steps and key considerations with respect to the activity carried out are taken. This would keep the organization on course and enable it to meet its objectives in a cost effective manner.

  • I agree with you. Having a well structured budgeting system is advantageous in saving time which can be used to follow up other aspects of the project.

  • Having a well structured budgeting system would help an organization; manage money effectively, allocate appropriate resources to projects, monitor performance, meet objectives, improve decision-making, identify problems before they occur - such as the need to raise finance or cash flow difficulties, plan for the future as well as increase staff motivation. So having a well structured budgeting system is very important for the welfare of an organisation.

  • Having a standardized system of budgting will make the organization function as one, despite having several projects.

    It will make separate projects within the organization easily align with common financial goals,if any.

    It will also make the organization to reliably assess/compare each project performance with each other.

  • Budget helps to be on track as as organization of our financial programmes. it however also make us make a better planning decision of our expenditure of how and when to spend in a [articular programme. Budgeting is all about setting an amount aside to run all activities of an organization within a particular time frame and so, budget keeps us from feeling financially overwhelm and prepare for emergency situation.

    One of the most important function of budget is that its keep us from financial debts and make us stay focused on our long term financial goals and its make us avoid over spending.

  • Budgeting is very important and need to be plan very carefully. A centralized and standardized system need to be in place to see each project and department resources utilization and cost effectiveness.

  • The main purpose of budgeting is to create working process in Finance management. Budgeting helps to organization to plan expenditure and income.

  • It can always be viewed from the professional opinion of Dr. Gourh. In my case the most important thing is about reducing psychological stress and get more clarity to pivot. I also noticed a benefit of transforming some expenses to a total new project or a specialized entreprise within the main brand ecosystem and with that we can foresee more opportunity and keep improving.

  • The main purpose of budgeting is to create working process in Finance management .

  • Budgeting is very crucial to the growth of an organization and also helps to disburse or allocate funds to key potential projects for sustainability and growth.

  • A cash flow budget is an estimate of all cash receipts and all cash expenditures that are expected to occur during a certain time period. Estimates can be made monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly, and can include nonfarm income and expenditures as well as farm items. Cash flow budgeting looks only at money movement, though, not at net income or profitability.

    A cash flow budget is a useful management tool because it:

    forces you to think through your farming plans for the year
    tests your farming plans, such as if you will produce enough income to meet all your cash needs
    projects how much operating credit you will need and when projects when loans can be repaid
    provides a guide against which you can compare your actual cash flows

  • We are implementing a project on SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, our donor begins their funding form November 1st, we normal present the draft for approval.

  • Budget is the wallet of the organization/country, and empty wallet is bad thing. We don’t have necessary to take utmost care and organization of our personal wallet, but budget is the other thing. Good and standardized budget is important if we want our top managment to achieve good results, for what we need harmonius communication between sectors on the long term plan. After all the activities for gathering and using resources are done we can evaluate our results.

  • Budget is the wallet of the organization/country, and empty wallet is bad thing. We don’t have necessary to take utmost care and organization of our personal wallet, but budget is the other thing. Good and standardized budget is important if we want our top managment to achieve good results, for what we need harmonius communication between sectors on the long term plan. After all the activities for gathering and using resources are done we can evaluate our results.

  • A proper and a standardized budget system will allow you to determine whether there is enough fund for the project. A standardize budget system also help in prioritize the spending and focus only on the things that require agent attention. Proper budgeting system will enable the organization to identify available capital, provides an estimate of expenses and also anticipates income to be generated. It can also be used to measure the performance of the project and control of finances of the organization. The budgeting is also important for motivation.

  • Having an organized budgeting procedure minimizes risks to management of under performance of projects due to poor forecasts. Poorly planned and developed budgets make implementation difficult to achieve and hence long term losses to companies in terms of funding and clients.

  • It is valuable to have a standardized system for creating a budget because it helps organizations to be more prepared when calls come. When an NGO knows the traditional expenses for a project, it can answer more efficiently to a call. NGO will have to adjust some expenses, but it will have a form to adjust. A standardized system for creating a budget is a financial planning tool, and it will help organizations to follow the expenses in a month, year and get feasible financial information.

  • In our personal lives, most of us understand the importance of planning our expenses. After all, it would be impossible to plan a vacation, rent a home, or even buy a meal without a small amount of financial planning. Each of us spends a part of each day consciously or unconsciously thinking about ways we would like to spend money and considering how much money is available to us.

    Yet, the same people who confidently sign a purchase agreement for a home are often uncomfortable creating thorough budgets for their organizations. This is understandable but unfortunate. Indeed, while the basic task of budgeting—planning expenses and income—is always the same, creating a budget for your organization is much more complex than creating a budget for your household.

    For one thing, the numbers are usually larger. An organization with several programs and many employees will most likely have significant income and many expenses. Depending on where your organization operates, there may be complex legal requirements. And, your budget will be viewed by many different types of people, each with different expectations

  • Budgeting gives proper direction of the organisation in its activities. controls expense and helps track and improve the finances

  • am taking this course because i want to lean more in budgeting but with the explanation the case study above by Dr Gourh my organization is going to gain insight in the three expenses which is the shared, the program and overhead expenses; and it important to have a well-defined process for budgeting.

    the Purpose of Budgeting in my organization is to have a well design plan for the future for my organization not to run into financial loss.

  • The purpose of budgeting is to understand the plan and program and the financial implication of the organisation human resources, and financials and administrative.

  • @esalazar said in Module 1: The Purpose of Budgeting:

    Having a standardized system creates more organization for the budget. In addition, having all components of the budget within one system also allows you to see the project components, where they overlap and where possible gaps are within your programming. The organization would gain a more streamlined project view from the budget and a cohesive budget to see where possible budget "leaks" are.

    Having a standardized system helps an organization to reach its strategic goals by allowing management to plan and control major categories of activities, such as revenue, expenses and financing options. The organization will know more about budgeting correctly to avoid over budgeting or under budgeting.

  • Since budgeting allows you to create a spending plan for your money, it ensures that you will always have enough money for the things you need and the things that are important to you. Following a budget or spending plan will also keep you out of debt or help you work your way out of debt if you are currently in debt.

  • HHWT used a simple method for budgeting , i need to grow and find out more about budgeting

  • Budgeting is a planing tool. Where this plan is not made then the project could fail

  • It is important to have a well-defined process for budgeting in order to help keep the organisation from deviating from it's goals. Having a standardised budget in an organisation will enable her easily ascertain project expenses, ease reporting and help track and prevent unneccesary cos

  • Budgeting is the most important tool for project planning cause it evaluate either my project will successes or not ..also it provide clear picture for investor and funders bout it.

  • Having a standardised system of creating budget helps strengthens the internal control system and gives uniformity in budgeting for programs. It also helps in tracking budget variance and analysing the variances.

  • Budget been a financial plan is carried out to enhance proper costing processes with regards to the project in question that will enhance smooth implementation. It serve as a guide for effective, efficient and economic utilization of available funds to a project.

  • Constructing a budget provides opportunity for improved efficiency of funds, transparency, and accountability. A clear and concise plan provides boundaries necessary to ensure good financial health of an organization. Maintaining financial activities within a standardized plan enables the administrative teams to more accurately define areas of greater need (i.e. programs or project serviced by the organization).

  • A standardized budget system helps to create visibility and transparency for all projects in the organization. All the costs in the should be accounted for to ensure nothing is missed. This gives the opportunity to identify gaps in the system and then you can make the necessary adjustments.

  • We need to have a standardized system in creating the budget to help us have a correct estimate of the project budget.
    Based on Dr Gourh's theories, our organization will benefit from employees capable of building budgets without gaps.
    The advantage that I notice is that the best way to build the budget is to put all the program budgets together into one centralized budget.

  • We need to have a standardized system in creating the budget to help us have a correct estimate of the project budget.
    Based on Dr Gourh's theories, our organization will benefit from employees capable of building budgets without gaps.
    The advantage that I notice is that the best way to build the budget is to put all the program budgets together into one centralized budget.

  • A standardized budget help to get all the budget preparers to follow the guidelines and to ensure all activities be it program, shared costs or overheads fall in either group and to ensure uniformity and no activity is left out

  • It would be valuable to have a standardized system for creating budgets, because budgeting will allow you to create a spending plan for your money which ensures that you will always have enough money for the things you need and things that are important to you. Budget helps you figure out your long – term goals and work towards them. It forces the management to study about the problems relating to the timely implementation and generates a sense of caution and care among the line managers. An organization with a good budgeting system will help a company reach its strategic goals by allowing management to plan and to control major categories of activity such as revenue and other financing options. Budgeting provides a means of controlling income and expenditure of an organization.

  • the purpose of budgeting is to plan for generating and using resource effectively and efficient as well as guide to day to day operational in an organization

  • Having a standardized system for organization's budgeting puts the organization into a more coordinated perspective, enabling the smooth flow of programs and duties and also avoid duplication of financial activities.

  • In addition to what has been mentioned, I think that a budget, as a tool that plans the spending of funds, is important to guide it. It can help pinpoint over/underspending, and hence, incompliance with donors' regulations. It, as a result, improve efficiency and effectiveness.

  • It is very interesting to have a standardized system for creating budgets because we have exactly the amount needed for each activity.
    What the organization gains is that their projects don't waste money.
    When the organization had an organizational budgeting system, the advantage was that it was easy to differentiate program costs from other operating costs.

  • The importance of budgeting lies in the ability to well defined process which can prevent unnecessary costs with transparency and credibility that helps in the implementation of budgeted activities.

  • The purpose of budgeting is to plan a financial path for organizations income and expenditure. There must be clear and concise heads against main expenditures. It will help you in track all the expenses, and can be easily evaluate all the expenses against the defined activities on monthly, semesters, and annually.

  • It is essential for a well reputable Organization to have a standardized system of Budgeting. A good Budget earns more fund, uplift Organization's goals, creates more opportunity and has high chances of maintaining active Donors. It's like the backboned of the Institution.

  • Having a well developed budget helps an organization to properly use resources especially in projects implementation.

  • project budgeting provided the basis for project cost control. it measures the actual project cost against the proved budget and shows if the project is progressing as planned or corrective measures needs to be undertaken by the project manager.

  • Budgeting ensures that money is allocated to those things that support the strategic objectives of the project. A well communicated budget helps everyone understand the priorities of the project

  • Having a budget for my organization in the long run will help us save money and cut waste.

    1 Reply
  • A standardized budget is created in the belief that it will help in the implementation of cost effectiveness and avoid the misuse of the money allocated to each program and also the efficiency of the personnel. If the budget created is not well organized, there will be confusion and chaos within the organization programs.

  • Having a budget for my organization in the long run will help us save money and cut waste.

  • Budgeting allows the organisation to standardise their processes. This enables the organisations to track their objectives against the logical framework and helps in tracking outputs, impact and also to be able to measure and deliver value for money on donor funds received.

    Budgets are also tools that enables the organisation to track their costs against targets in order to establish variances, be able to investigate the variances and establish corrective actions points.

  • Having a standardized system will help us to identify all the costs more in details as we have more then 5 projects and are presently scaling our programs.. Especially the share cost and overheads cost. We want a more transparent way to work and we think that standardising our system will help us to grow in a more effective way!

  • Having a budget is essential to an organization more especially when it comes to controlling of expenditure, by working with the available resources. A budget helps an organization to know their goals and work towards achieving them. In my organization this will help me categorize expenses and prioritize on the crucial ones to help control expenditure.

  • Budgeting for a project helps with , ensuring that the project is runnig under the current estimates and that there will be no cost overrun and this can be avoided by estimation and proper appropriation of the budget

  • A budget process helps align my programming costs with the expectations of our donors and the individuals we serve.

  • The budgeting is important tool of financing. with a operation budget you can keep tracking of expenses, and it clear for your organization how much budget you need at the begging of year and what's your goal to fulfill. the vital part you have an option in the middle of year to revised your budget it gives you hand to keep looking to the activities and update your budget

  • It would be valuable to have a standardized system for creating budgets because it helps you avoid unplanned expenditures; it helps you to be in good ways to succeed starting better your projects.
    As there a lot of expenditures the organization has to pay, by having a standardized system for creating budgets, will enable you even think of other projects.

  • having well structured budgets, allows the organization to make better plans and good expenses and trace well the finances of the company.

  • Having a valuable system for creating budgets, helps in easy allocation of funds, enhances good planning and implementation of projects. This benefits cannot be over emphasized. One of the key elements needed in the smooth running and implementation of any prroject is budgetting.

  • It is valuable to have a standardized system for creating budgets because it helps you avoid unplanned expenditures,
    It helps the organization to be able to know how many projects it can start.

  • The issue of budget can not overlook in every organizations because it creates opportunity for accountability, transparency, and smooth running of every projects, programs, and even the functioning of the organization.
    At Phyta Educational Foundation which is a small organization we do not have an actual annual budget but rather a programs driving budget each program has it own budget. We never thought of having an annual budget. With what I am learning now..... I sure we will have one this year.

  • In my opinion, the main purpose of a budget is to catch any spending issues early that may arise due to slippage or overspending. An overall budget will help the administration keep track of and make sure that all program financial needs are addressed.

  • A standardized system for budgeting is vital to keeping the organization on the right track aligned with the goals of the program. In addition, it is beneficial to the program to make sure each cost in the initial budget does not fall in the red or negative category. Creating a spreadsheet and/or a system of accountability, the non-profit organization is beneficial to keeping with the beginning budget and all costs associated within that budget.

  • A standardized budget allows the staff in the whole organization to be conversant with the budget process

  • Budgeting as a whole helps organisations know their overall expenses and puts them in a better place to submit proposals that are productive. Having a standardised budget on a whole helps you gather all the costs for effective functioning of an organisation. This means capturing all expenses in terms of project implementation, administrative and overheads among others. This will further increase the organisation's ability to develop standard budgets from time to time for specific funding activities and ensure that the right costs are charged to the correct finance lines.
    Thus, budgeting in an organisation makes it efficient in knowing its costs, allocate fairly the right sums of money to specific projects, and at the end present a better financial report to donors.

  • This is a good way to improve the efficiency of a company. In order to having this result, I think the zero based budgeting to be used first for getting a good method to be implemented. Then, can use bottom up budgeting in order to get the best way to use to compliant the method and people for getting the best efficiency.

  • it gives a sense of clarity and empowers your fundraising stratey

  • The Budget helps to control the finances of the organization and also helps to provide an estimate of the expenditure and anticipates the income revenue of the organization.

  • Having a standardized system creates room for future reference and consistency.
    It makes it easy for progress to be measured.
    Creating a standardized budget system for my organisation will enhance focus on the organisation's set goals.
    It will minimise wastage of resources and results will be easily achieved

  • The importance of budgeting is to allocated the right resources in the right place for maximum efficiency and avoid extra cost or burning your money. Every organization need money to survey but if you do not handle this in the right ay could increase the cost of your operation and end in a company closure.

  • Budgeting is very important in any organization whether in profit seeking or non profit seeking for example the budget has a benefit in the following areas:
    1.The organization will now what actual revenues and expense will be

    1. The organization can reduce its costs and increase its revenues if it made correct budget for he organization
      3.Every department in the could prepare its budget, and will participate in budget preparation process.
    2. budget preparation will made the organization realistically aware off the market.
    3. budgets can be a base for comparing with actuals .
  • Budge is very important for:

    1. planning for short and long-term goals of the organization
      The can organization could be able make efficient plan for its revenues and expenses for reaching for both its short term and long term goals.
    2. Controlling: the organization could be able to control its expenses and revenues according to the budget lines.
    3. Decision making: when compared actuals with budgets each organization can make corrective actions for the future.
      To have standardized decisions, the organizational objectives-whether long term and short-term- can be facilitated, actuals can controlling with budgets and finally proper decisions could be made.
      I n may organization, the budgets are prepared, and it served the benefits mentioned above.
  • Having a Standardized system for creating budgets would allow better management and control over the use and distribution of resources (optimization). This would also allow a reduction in time when analyzing them.
    Having a transparent budget gives clarity about the scope that a project may have, the limitations and allows to focus economic efforts more effectively. It allows making assertive decisions about the objectives and/or the goals to be achieved in a realistic way.

  • A standardized system ensures predictability and also reduces the likelihood that we are missing something big — this, in turn, will improve our ability to forecast, ask for what we need, and keep all stakeholders informed about the current and projected state of our organization's finances. In sum, this will create confidence and reduce stress in the face of uncertainty.

  • Budgeting should have clear guidelines and have people specialized and working with it on regular bases. If the budgeting process is the same for all the projects, it facilitates the follow up of the numbers.

    1 Reply
  • Having an adequate budgeting system organization helps in securing proper funding for the functioning of the body. It helps you to know exactly what is needed, and how much it will take to acquire it. Additionally, it helps the organization to better track what is spent on a week by week/ month by month basis, which gives the organization a uniformed credibility as it relates to seeking funds from donors.

  • Creating a standardized system for budgeting is necessary to secure the budget required for projects. As budget by itself is a scarce, then creating a standardized system of budgeting is valuable for effective utilization of it. Additionally, it is also valuable to convince the donors by providing well articulated budget systems as it creates transparency of resource utilization.

  • Dear Laura Ruiz Zorrilla,
    Yes budget should have clear guidelines. But is that possible to make the budgeting process the same for all the projects, and if so, would we be effective in that way?

  • Dear Laura Ruiz Zorrilla,
    Yes budget should have clear guidelines. But is that possible to make the budgeting process the same for all the projects, and if so, would we be effective in that way?

  • Budgeting is very important in organization because it helps the organization to know the profits and losses made in the organization
    It helps to allocate the right resources in the right place for maximum efficiency avoid expenditure
    It helps to ensure you that you don,t spend you don,t have
    It helps to leave a happier retirement you spend your money responsibly

  • Normally, To create a budget it is essential to understand well that one wants, thus allocating such a budget to such a project. a standardized system helps better in creating an overall budget, so you don't risk omitting or separating an item that should be part of the project. In fact, when the headings are totally defined in relation to the determined project, it is easier to allocate the resources to their respective uses and thus to respect the optimal budget line. In my organization, I am in finance and we organize the budget from specific headings including product accounts and expense accounts as well as for the entire organization but also we have a sub-budget for each program that is not detached from the global budget.

  • Having a clear budget in a company helps to get rid of unnecessary cost and wastage of money, also it influences transparency and credibility.
    Most institutions generate a budget when in need of funding because clearly it cannot be given money without it giving a prove of what it wants to take that funds to or to use for what purpose.

  • Organizing and categorizing budget helps prevent leaks and project failure in terms of achievement

  • Improved coordination of expenses in organization with many programs being implemented simultaneously

  • While following a standardised budgeting, a company can improve its productivity, efficiency and profitability. In my organisation, we are preparing quarterly budget which helps us to improve a lot in our business. Through a proper budget plan, employees are more focused on the budget requirements and don't fall in any other shortcuts. Therefore we get a qualitative products and feedback.

  • Having a standardized budgeting system helps to control all costs of the organization, the organization will get the clear picture of their financial activity, the organization can reduce unwanted costs and the organization can use their income perfectly

  • A budget helps the organiation to know how much money is needed and how to spend it. this way will help the organization to spend money wisely and stay on track by avoiding unnecessary expenses. through this module we have learnt how to incorporate different part of a budget so that one can convince funders and have their project funded

  • As many contributers said, budgeting is the key to have a clear path for your organization. A path that defines the areas were you can grow and the areas where you need help to grow.
    The three tipes of expenses are very useful to wee the organization budget as a whole.

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