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  • Hi, my name is Annabeth and I am from the United States. I am serving with Americorps at a Habitat for Humanity affiliate. I have always liked the work of non-profits and got particularly involved with Habitat in college. I am taking this course to help tell Habitat's story in our local community and hopefully get more people involved with our mission.

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  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @AB719 ,welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • I grew up in a family of storytellers. I used to think that I had so many stories inside me that it would take me several lifetimes to tell them all. The story of my great-grandma's misadventures with her rogue husband. The story of my grandmother leaving her infant child to go work in another country, quitting the job and turning down another lucrative opportunity to go back to him, then pining after him when he migrated to North America thirty-four years later. He was always her favourite of her six children, we tell her. She looks at us cross-eyed and sucks her teeth. Nonsense, she says, I love all my children the same. She now lives with him. We laugh about it and tease her, but in reality it was not of her choosing. Her country was devastated by monster hurricane Maria and moving was her best option. But that's another story.
    There are other stories too, of mothers and fathers, sisters and aunts, cousins and uncles, that I have always felt compelled to tell. And, until fairly recently, I never thought of the actual impact of these stories beyond touching a bemused or empathetic reader here and there.
    After years of working as an educator, I became a filmmaker. This is when I discovered the power of storytelling and how story could drive change in my community and possibly beyond. Suddenly impact made sense. I could no longer fathom just bringing stories to the screen because I knew that they were meant to do more.
    Since then I have worked on honing my storytelling skills so that I can tell stories that will move people to feel and to act.
    My name is Zephrine and this is why I am at Philanthropy University.

  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @ZiKR ,your writing is on point and your intro is amazing.Welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • Hello, my name is Holly. I'm from Michigan, United States. I work for a retirement organization and we are focusing on telling the stories of our retirees to advocate for our organization.

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  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @hjmayes ,welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • "I was ambitious, though I didn't know exactly what I was shooting for. Now I think it's one of the most useless questions an adult can ask a child-What do you want to be when you grow up? As if growing up is finite. As if at some point you become something and that's the end."
    Michelle Obama, Becoming

    If I were to write the story of my life, I would begin it with these lines from the book Becoming by Michelle Obama.
    Ambitious yet afraid to be in the light, I have grown up as a quiet girl in the now cleanest city of India. Being good in academics in a middle-class family means fulfilling the ambitions of everyone else around.

    In this quest of moving ahead in life by fulfilling the expectations of others, I never learned to dream for myself. It was in the late teens that a realization struck me - who I am and where I wish to be at the moment.
    The answer was not satisfying.

    Finding a purpose to give a direction to my life, I landed in depression, struggling with the idea of living in a world where no one around me bothered to talk about Mental Health.
    Since my struggle, I was sure of the way I wanted to move in life - to work in the area of Mental Health.

    Exploring the idea, I realized one of the reasons people do not talk about it is the fact that no one talked about it to them. It is a lack of awareness.
    This is where my journey as a Founder began. I started taking workshops on Mental Health as an intervention in the education sector.

    The idea is to make children the torchbearers of change and the ones initiating the conversation on the dinner table about Mental Health. Being able to make the younger ones help the elders erase the stigma around Mental Health would be a once-in-a-lifetime achievement. Maybe then we would be able to justify that 'change begins from home'.

    The Impact Storytelling Course is a learning platform for me to begin my journey of impact and narrate my vision in a way that I can share it with the world from then on.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @PriyanshiT ,I am love with your writing as it's clear,concise and engaging.I warmly welcome you to this course.Happy Learning!!!

  • Hi there,
    I'm Ning Luo from southwest China.I worked for Teach Up! program in 2008 after the great earthquake as a program manager.
    During the program,we share pictures and stories to our colleagues every week, spread the exciting changes to different people in our country through network, let them "see" what's happening and how teachers and students changed by the program.
    Compare with the fact, I really felt storytelling is a good way to grab people's attention, but how to create an emotional story frustrated me at that time.
    I think I found the right way here.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @NingLuo ,thanks for sharing your impressive profile with us.Welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • Hi all, I am a journalist by trade having first completed a Bachelor of Journalism degree before working in newspapers and magazines in both South Africa and Australia (where I now live and work). After completing my degree, I then did a PR Diploma which led me into the world of corporate communications. Trying to create content that is compelling is at the heart of everything I do - be it for internal communications or external communications. I believe you never stop learning - and that's why I am doing this course

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @JayKayJay ,thanks for sharing your impressive profile with us.Welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • Thank you for the warm welcome :)

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @JayKayJay ,its a pleasure to have you onboard.

  • Hi Everyone, I am Meenu from India, I have completed masters in Development studies, I am working in Development landscape and I feel every initiative has its own different story and if one knows how to weave that story and connect with likeminded people, it has a larger impact and reach, hence would like to enhance my knowledge on this subject and enrolled here at the platform. :)

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @meenu_amity ,welcome to the course & Happy Learning!!!

  • Hi, my name is Jesslyn, almost people call me Jess. I got this course from recommendation from my college, I'm animation student on Bina Nusantara University. Also, this is my first time join courses that is world wide known by. I'm very excited to learn more about storytelling, because there's so many people not like story that I made. So I hope this courses can accive my goals to make story better and people like it and can make my animation project more entertaining and more loved by a lot of people.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @Alt_jesslyn ,welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • I have been taught that people are divided into two main categories: 1) those that undertake a straight path to success (meaning reaching your goal, whatever that might be) and 2) those that take a longer, wiggly route to achieve it. In my case, I am definitely part of the second category. In fact, I have managed to change my mind about what I wanted to do in life more times than I was able to think about it. Every time I learnt a new subject, that was what I wanted to do. First was a comedian, as I love to make people laugh. Seeing someone smile and being the reason for it has always given me some sort of euphoria - I promise not in a weird way. Then it was biology, followed by veterinary due to my love for animals. This didn't last long when I realised I loved animals so much that I couldn't even bring myself to administer the infamous "sharp scratch" (as described by the nurses in the UK) of the syringe on the skin. So, there was psychology, apparently, though, not for rich people - whatever that meant. But before I could even set on one of these (amongst many more), I graduated from high school and was faced with two options. One, to enter the working life (but what job, since I was still debating?), and the other to go to university (with the same question!). Yes, as you imagined, I did both. I worked for one year in catering as a big chunk of all the newly graduate students to then decide that I had to make a decision of what to study. This way, the night before the deadline to apply to university, I wrote my personal statement highlighting my motivations to join the Development and Peace Studies department. These being: my passion for travelling and making people happy. Six years on, I live a life that I couldn't imagine better.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @sofiallegro ,your story is very relatable.Thank you for sharing it with us.Sometimes,it takes a while for someone to find their purpose in life.I am glad that you eventually found yours and you're finding fulfillment with it.Welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • My name is Nnenna Kehinde and I am a social media manager. I recently started managing an NGO's social media account and I want to learn how to use Storytelling to promote what we do while making an impact, I am glad for this opportunity.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @nneukamaka ,welcome to the course & Happy Learning!!!

  • I am Idowu Ijeli. From Nigeria. I work with the children department in my church. I also teach adults in the church. I know that I can pass my message across through story telling. I want to be able to target my audience by telling stories.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @idijeli ,welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • Thanks so much.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @idijeli ,you're very welcome.

  • Hi everyone, My name is Gertrude Rollart and I am joining from Papua New Guinea. My country is in the Pacific, it is north of Australia and also a Melanesian Country. I come from a country that has a multi diverse culture and speaks more than 800 different languages.
    I was recommended by a colleague whom we joined Toastmasters together and have separately took our own ways to become entrepreneurs. With the flow of what she was doing, I thought she had a lot of skills to have so much passion in what she did. But then, just a few weeks ago, I told her that i had just registered my program and that means I can now be able to be my own boss. She graciously offered that I should look into Philanthropy University to help me with some of the skills I will need in the future. And Lo and behold! I have not regretted the decision to start immediately . This is a gold mine and too it is light bulb moments for me.. .I can now resonate with the saying.. "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." I have taken up Planning for Monitoring and completed it within 2 weeks , started on Online Training during Pandemic and also completed it and started on Ten Rules for Leadership and as its underway ,I am now doing Story Telling for Impact. I am not going to miss anything for the world doing all these courses. As i have a mission to be committed in delivering my program I must also be able to empower them to be better versions of themselves.
    I want to achieve my goals of imparting skills to all walks of life given the time that I am able to learn and breathe.

    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator

    @rollartgertrude199 ,I am glad that you've chosen to enroll for this course.I warmly welcome you.Happy Learning!!!

  • My name is Tenagne and I am from Ethiopia. I worked with child focused organization supported through sponsors for a long time. My work has been telling the story of the children before and after joining the organization. It has been such a wonderful experience. Now I am not with that organization but supporting and volunteering with like minded organization and churches. I was engaged in other course with the University and when I finished the I browsed through the courses and I was happy to see the story telling course. I believe it will help me refresh and enhance my story telling for the future engagement.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @Tenu ,welcome to the course & Happy Learning.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Tenu ,may you enjoy your time here.

  • Hi, I am Ana, from Mexico.
    I started in the field of fundraising by my father. I didnΒ΄t study anything related in fundraising, I studied advertaisment, but little by little my dad introduced me to this world, now I love my job. I guide a non-profit, created by my dad and I want to learn more about the topic and become a good fundraiser.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @AnaLau ,welcome to the course & Happy Learning!!!

  • Hello, My name is Benedicta Apeh. I live in Abuja, Nigeria. I am currently the Program Officer for a foundation whose goal is education for children. I love storytelling. I write a lot and I have written several fiction stories of my own. So, I am really looking forward to so much I can learn from this course, increasing my creativity, story crafting and learning about a different side of storytelling; especially in the non- profit space. This will in turn aid my organization scale its impact in telling our impact story effectively and getting more people on board to partner with us.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @benedictaN ,welcome to the course & Happy Learning!!!

  • Hello everybody! I am very happy to participate in this course. My name is Isabel Polo (49) and I am a researcher on cultural issues. Many years ago I have been a volunteer for various institutions while I was studying Journalism and Literature. I have worked for almost two decades in the culture industry and I have noticed that it is not entirely democratic, since it excludes those who have the least. And the Covid-19 pandemic shows this reality with no clouds. And this has to change! My purpose is to make inexpensive books for free distribution to schoolchildren from the poorest sectors, who cannot go to their schools due to confinement. Many of them cannot continue their remote classes because they do not have electricity or internet to study and grow culturally. For me, learning how to tell impact stories can help me to get the support I need to make this dream come true. The book has the power to change lives, and all I want is to change lives!

    2 Replies
  • Hi everyone,
    My name Taliroyiahn Chermaine Rollart, I am from Papua New Guinea the smallest country anyone could find on the map. I joined storytelling because i want to improve how i say or tell everyone especially the children the stories i am telling. I was motivated by how stories are told in different vocal varieties, stories told in movies form and also told to the audience. in the end of this project i wan to be able to tell a story properly that would have an impact on the audience.

    1 Reply
  • Hi. My name is Edmore Munedzimwe, I am Zimbabwean. Most of my professional life has been Software Engineering but I also do career guidance and training. The impact I'm trying to have is on driving African education to be more skills focused and I believe story telling is the way to motivate for that change.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @isabelispg ,thanks for sharing a bit of your story with us.Welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @muneddmore ,welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @taliroyiahnrollart78 ,welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

    1 Reply
  • Thank you so much

    1 Reply
  • Hi, Im Ivy from malaysia. I am currently an university student majoring in geoscience subject. I found story-telling to be very interesting as it affects not only the way I narrate, but also bring impact on people surrounding me. I take up this course is to improve myself in communication and augment the message I want to deliver through my stories. I have always found communicating a difficult task as I am an inert who like to be alone. But recently, I found the significance communicating the ideas with groups of people to hone thinking skills and general knowledge. I learnt that by storytelling, I can attract people attention and ease the process of delivering message. Hence, I hope by the end of this course, I will be able to reach this goal. Thank you and take care!

    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @missnoovdle ,we are delighted to have you here.Happy Learning!!!

  • the first Thing that came to mind when I started this course was, finally i found the solution to help friends and families who need such knowledge. But in order to help them i have to get it myself, practice and then i am able to tell others how sure i am to these knowledge.
    I find these module very interesting and challenging because of how far you should think in order find certain answers generally. It makes me feel like a whole new person. Thank you so much for these knowledge. I am so grateful.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @taliroyiahnrollart78 ,you're surely in the right place.I warmly welcome you to this course.Happy Learning!!!

  • My name is Jinane. I am from Lebanon. I work in a humanitarian organization that has interventions in many sectors and offers services to refugees in particular. I work in communications, and storytelling for me is very important because I believe that stories are a very powerful tool to bring out the voice of vulnerable communities and to shed light on their lives.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Hello @JinaneMneimneh ,welcome to the course and Happy Learning!!!

  • I am Jane Nakasagga a mother to a loving boy, Ugandan nationality working with whispers magical childrens' hospital and maternity, I joined whispers because of my love for children and helping the less previledged children and mothers in Eastern region and Uganda at large. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of mothers and Children in Uganda and around the globe through Love and Happiness because I believe with love, everything is possible.

  • Music, dance, laughter, photos all this tells who peris saleh is. I was born and raised at Mukuru one of the largest slum in Nairobi Kenya. My life is a story, growing in a slum seeing different kind of issues both negative or positive happening around gave me an interest in writing the story of my life and also my community.

  • Hello every body!
    Nice connecting with you here, My name is Gale from South Sudan, I am 28 years old, I am a journalist and i work for Kendita Initiative as Communication coordinator. Am passionate about telling stories and I always seek out methodologies on how to improve my expertise in story telling. Am confident that by pursuing this course, I will have more skills and expertise in digital story telling.

  • Hi everyone, my name is Adedayo and i'm excited to be here!
    A young adult with so many ambitions to birth yet stucked with none coming to reality, i realised the need to do something really fast before time becomes totally lost. With my search button activated , an opportunity knocked on my door and with my ten God gifted fingers i opened it wide opened . Little did i know the little of my thousand miles had just began with a step starting as a Program Officer for a Non-profit organisation that provides support for TVET institutions and public schools. Several times i stumbled and ask myself genuine questions like 'What exactly am i doing here'? but i knew something has been birthed inside of me that was far beyond being a Program Officer for an indigenous NGO but a call to make a global social impact. To get there, i need every knowledge i can get hence, the reason for being here. Thank You.

  • My name is Tia and I'm here for learning more about storytelling, bringing one or maybe more impact to the society through my books about fantasy adventure that in progress right now and my animation in the future. Right now, I'm enjoying my self-reflection time to explore more about every knowledge and possibilities that I can achieve while out of writer's block and pandemic. Thank you.

  • hello my name is Chimwemwe, I am from Malawi. I am happy to join you all. I look forward to interacting with you all and building networks.

  • I am Andrew Ahiaku, Head of Banking Sector for Aceli Africa, a market-based agricultural finance initiative in East Africa aimed at supporting financial institutions to increase lending to Agri-SMEs using financial incentives and technical assistance.

    As a Corporate Banker, I enjoyed interacting with my agribusiness clients especially when I went on field visits. I became the Head of Agribusiness Finance in my bank and partnered with development agencies like USAID, DFID, Giz etc. The more I attended their seminars the more I enjoyed development work. I loved and looked forward to the impact stories. Mainstream banking didnt trill me me as before. I began to lookout for a role in the mainline NGO space. The role at Aceli where I interface with bank looked exciting. Its been 17 months and Ive not regretted. I had to make sacrifices to join Aceli, but the joy of making a difference in the lives of agri-SMEs compensates for it.

    With this course, I hope to be better at telling stories of impact. the ones that make a difference and turn donors towards a good course.

  • Greetings! My name is Mindy and have an expanded role at my faith-based university. There are so many stories to tell and I want to make sure to maximize my talents and increase my skills. Happy learning, everyone!

  • Hi, my name is Mohammad and I'm from Afghanistan. Currently I'm working with an Organization which works for refugees and returnees.

  • Hello! I’m Bastien Fabrice, student in communication, I’m a social media manager and content manager too…I’m 23 years old
    This course was recommended by a friend who learned Branding on this platform…
    I wanna learn storytelling for impact because i want to increase more skills for my business…
    Thanks to add me in your contact…
    Happy to be here!

  • Desirous to hone a forte in storytelling with data as a budding M&E expert, I find this course a good starting point for this journey. Ensuring healthy lives for all, no matter their status, social class or location, is a vision I bought into from my organization's. Hence, learning to tell impactful stories with data from our interventions will come in handy to share the good we're doing in ensuring every Nigerian has access to quality, affordable and prompt healthcare service. I am Victoria and it's good to be here!

    1 Reply
  • Hello! My name Is Maria and I live in Russia now and work at the non-profit organisation. I always have an interest in helping others. When I was a 8-years old kid I tryied to open a shelter for stray cats. I did not succed much back then but I have kept a keen interest in philanthropy. I hope this course will help me to continue my path at the non-profit sector. I am excited to meet people from around the world and to know what they do.

  • Hello, Isabel. Nica to meet you. I hope this course will help you to achieve your goal. I am impressed with your idea. Good luck in your journey.


  • Hello, Victoria
    Nice to meet you. Good luck in your journey!

  • Hi this is Ganesha Sharma from India. I am a of a global referral organization. We work on lot of numbers to see how our members are succeeding and I keep motivating/ inspiring my team member to do better so that it helps their business. In fact Story telling is a very part of our organization culture but when I checked my conversation I was able to make out that I was not sharing stories to get my point to my member and hence it was not making a impact.
    I understand that story telling is a skill and we need to learn. My search on the net to listen to Business story telling led me to Storywhallas video and their I fount the Philanthropy University and I jumped into this course.

    I wish to learn this skill and impact more people whom I come across which will benefit them immensely to take action.

    Thank you very much

  • Hi this is Ganesha Sharma from India. I am a of a global referral organization. We work on lot of numbers to see how our members are succeeding and I keep motivating/ inspiring my team member to do better so that it helps their business. In fact Story telling is a very part of our organization culture but when I checked my conversation I was able to make out that I was not sharing stories to get my point to my member and hence it was not making a impact.
    I understand that story telling is a skill and we need to learn. My search on the net to listen to Business story telling led me to Storywhallas video and their I fount the Philanthropy University and I jumped into this course.

    I wish to learn this skill and impact more people whom I come across which will benefit them immensely to take action.

    Thank you very much

  • I fell in love with speaking and wanted to do more with my voice.

    I began asking questions and I found worthy answers which lead me to writing and podcasting but now storytelling for podcasts.

    I am Balqees Hamzat, 23 from Nigeria hoping to learn the tools and skill that would help me the the world the great good being done by certain humans.

  • Wow. Welcome.

  • Wow. Welcome.

  • My name is Andjas Aribowo I am Indonesian and I'm 21 years old.
    I belong to some organizations. As a student, I belong to Binus University. when i was on senior high school, i went to nature lovers organization or something's like environmental organization. we did a campaign plastic, wildlife and some community services.

  • Hi, I am Daniel aged 36 yrs from Uganda. I am a scientist with a masters in Business majoring in health service management. As scientist, we pride in getting to point as soon as possible during communication. But as a manager I have realized that the mode of relaying the message might make a bigger impact than how quickly you make the point. I am a civil servant looking forward to learning a thing or two from story telling for an impact

  • Hi everyone,

    My name is Prachi and I am 25 years old. I come from India, the land of garlic and onion, spices and sweets as I call it. I find myself frustrated with certain ways of thinking and narratives that drive the world, I stumbled upon this course and think that maybe learning how to tell a better story for impact can help me contribute to pivoting some of these narratives!

  • Yemi Orimolade is my name as work as the Philanthropies Lead for Microsoft in Nigeria. Its my pleasure being here.

  • Hello. I am Kawthar, a law student from Nigeria. My passion for providing quality education to children in undeserved community, and ensuring that more attention is giving towards cause is my reason for taking the course.

    I want to be able to, through the power of storytelling give justice to these children journey, those to come and most importantly, effect a positive change

    1 Reply
  • Hi! I'm Nikki. I'm from the Philippines. I worked at an Non-Profit Organization centered on youth. It's been two years since I work as an executive staff. I was thinking to enroll in this course so that I can enhance my story telling ideas that might be beneficial to help my organization grow and develop.

    1 Reply
  • Hello, My name is Chiagoziem. I am the founder of an NGO here in Nigeria whose aim is to contribute to the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal 4 - quality education in Nigeria. The idea is to introduce and entrench values and character-based education to the existing educational curriculum and system, using fun and exciting teaching methods.
    I know that learning the art of story telling would equip us to tell our story and evoke the appropriate/ intended response. Therefore, I am looking forward to being able to tell the ETCIO story with confidence and clarity.

    1 Reply
  • Wow, this is so good to know.
    I am literally encouraged to start the course by just reading your story.
    Thanks for sharing.
    All the best.

  • Hello Nikki,

    Way to go!

    All the best in your endeavor to contribute to the development of your organization.

  • Hi my name is Ijeoma Daniella Ojisilike from Nigeria,Africa. Am a graduate of Evangel University Akaeze and I studied Business Management. I joined an organisation called ETCIO (educating the citizens of international organisation)we promote and encourage values. I decided to go for this course to beable to encourage and teach people to stand up for their selves

  • Hello,
    My name is Funmi Adeyemi. I recently started working for a nonprofit and was made the Team Lead for Impact Stories. I am passionate about telling stories because I believe it is a tool for turning the ordinary into extraordinary. I registered for this course so I could learn a lot more than I know.

  • After a lifetime of searching for a career path that was fulfilling and emotionally sustainable, I have landed as a development professional at a small social service nonprofit just outside of Chicago. Our mission is to provide housing solutions, support services and counseling for older adults, persons with disabilities and others in need, enabling them to live with dignity and independence. I am thankful every day that I get to serve my community in a meaningful way.

    1 Reply
  • Hi, my name is Tanya and I am from Sri Lanka - a tiny, tear-drop shaped island to the south of India. I joined the World Food Programme last year and am now part of team with a vision for a world with zero hunger. I have a background in Marketing and Communications from the many years I worked in the Private Sector. My role at the UN (in Communications) is vastly different to what I'm used to which is why I signed up for this course. I want to learn the art of storytelling, not so I generate a sale, but so I create impact.

  • You echo my thoughts when you say you found a job that is emotionally sustainable. Working to help others gives purpose and meaning to our lives, helping us find peace of mind.

  • Course Facilitator

    Hello! We hope you will enjoy this course. We are learning together in this course and we hope you can share your experience in learning this course. Thank you.

  • My name is Adeola and I am from Kwara State in Nigeria. I joined my organisation because of the passion I have to help the less privilege in my community. I want to start an NGO that will support and help the less privilege to access quality health care service.

  • Greetings from Sunny South Africa, After Serving as a missionary in Mozambique for 27 years we are now based in Johannesburg South Africa, Running a Ministry into correctional services (prisons) doing one on one with inmates as well as classroom , where we help them fins out why they landed up in this place, how to find freedom and what are the next steps.

  • Hello everyone,
    my name is Grace and I am from Malawi. I have just recently joined a non-profit organization, that works in remote, high-poverty communities in order to implement high-impact projects that are identified by the local people of the community. These people have stories to share and I would like to be part of that process. This course will help me deliver my story and theirs as one story. I am looking forward to learning and working with different people. :)

  • Hello,
    My name is Scott Bloom and I am a Curriculum Director in Ohio. I am in this course to help prepare my work with a local Philanthropic Agency. I am very excited to learn more about telling our story!

  • Today I browsed on my email inbox, sorted it to oldest unread messages, and found a Philanthropy U invitation. It intrigued me and after browsing the site, I decided to register. I am Cristela, 20 years old, badly needing to sort out my emails. It turns out to be good 'cause I discover new things like this one. I am working on an epistolary book on Wattpad. I also started a Telegram channel for tarot reading. I would love to gain story telling skills to earn more readers and subscribers.

  • I am CΓ©lestin and I live in Cameroon of which I am a citizen. I am very involved in the G90 which is the alumni's Association of my high school where I stayed from 1992 to 1999. Our ambition is to carry out at least one community interest project each year. I think this course will be very important for my future, firstly because I am a marketing specialist and also because I will increase my investment in associations.

  • Hello everyone,

    My name is Tosin Adewuyi-Kotti, from Nigeria, West Africa. In 2019, I founded TosaadecWorld Foundation, an NGO that is working to achieve SDG 4, EDUCATION FOR ALL CHILDREN. To effectively achieve this goal, I enrolled in this course to get resources and knowledge needed.


  • Hello Everyone, my name is Boakai B. Koilor. I'm taking this course because I want to develop my storytelling skill.


  • Am chinwendu stella, a licensed medical practitioner; another license in pursuit, entrepreneur and a storyteller, I love perfection, I always want to be the best! So I reminded my self that knowledge is power and then I picked my phone in search of the knowledge, I found myself here,, I want to be a professional storyteller for brands and every other sector in which my services will be needed.

  • Hi My name is Julianto Trywijaya. I am Indonesian and I'm 21 years old.
    I'm a Binus University student. I'm here to learn and got my certificate as a condition from my university.

  • Hello everyone! My name is Shito and I am from Haiti.
    I am here because I just got my S&M certificate on this platform. After getting it, I wanted to be done with this platform πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ and find other sites to learn other things, however something crossed my mindπŸ‘Œ, was to search this site to see if I could find any other interesting things, I just clicked on course, after a few seconds I read a title that said <Storytelling for Impact"πŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’« I thought "Eureka! Say no more!"😁😁😁", I found what I was looking for. To say well the term Storytelling has a great importance for me since I'm a Data Analyst and on top of that I like to tell stories, let's say I'm a writer.😊😊😊.
    Ben, I am glad to be back here to learn new things.😎😎😎
    " Shito3" β›© πŸŒͺ

  • Hello,
    My name is Abimbola Iyiola. I am 30years. I joined this community because I have failed a couple of times, failed and quit so much I started to doubt my ability to succeed. I wonder if I can actually start something and end it successfully without quitting.
    So glad I did it with the course branding 101, now am hooked, I want to do it over and over again I want to make success and winning an habit.
    Joined this particular course because I want to be able to tell my story proudly and adequately.

  • Hello,
    I am Ify from Nigeria, Africa. My experience as a Librarian has exposed me to the reading needs of children in public primary schools in my country. This motivated to start an initiative with the mission to make reading activities and materials accessible under privileged children in public schools, especially in rural communities. My search for the best tools that will portray my intentions clearly to my audience led me to Philanthropy University. Storytelling, I believe will be a strong and interesting tool to work in order to accomplish my goals. Hence, my reason for studying this course.

  • I am Simon Mungai i work with Goblis foundation I was motivated to join the organization because it focuses on empowering the vulnerable un employed youths and climate change something that am passionate about. i want to master the art of story telling and with the know how i can impact the society that i train each an every day

  • Hi there, nice to meet you! My name is Rinaldo Lesmana. I'm currently studying Tourism major at BINUS University, Indonesia. As a future tourism worker, I do think communication skill is something crucial to have in this industry. Communication skill could elevate the value of a tourist destination in an unimaginable way. Communication is allowing us to create stories, memories, as well as experiences to the attraction images. Therefore, to become someone impactful, i need to enrich and nourish myself with more experiences to spread the beauty of local tourism especially through words. I really hope that through this course, I’ll have a chance to be more creative and put more attention to the meaning of the story.

  • Hi there my name is Samir, first of all I'm from west Africa Burkina Faso. I'm so glad to be in this course learning new skills and thanks to @philanthropyU for the brilliant work they do. I'm studying civil engineering and I a intend to also learn about Storytelling thank you so much see you in the course

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